14 letter words that end with G

14 letter words that end with G

14 letter G word


Words With Friends®


absquatulating 36 32 ABSQUATULATE, to dec...
adminiculating 30 27 ADMINICULATE, to sup...
administrating 26 22 ADMINISTRATE, to adm...
adverbialising 30 26 ADVERBIALISE, to giv...
adverbializing 33 35 ADVERBIALIZE, to giv...
aestheticising 30 22 AESTHETICISE, to mak...
aestheticizing 33 31 AESTHETICIZE, to mak...
anaesthetising 25 20 ANAESTHETISE, to sub...
anaesthetizing 28 29 ANAESTHETIZE, to sub...
anathematising 26 23 ANATHEMATISE, to sub...
anathematizing 29 32 ANATHEMATIZE, to sub...
apostrophising 31 25 APOSTROPHISE, to add...
apostrophizing 34 34 APOSTROPHIZE, to add...
approximeeting 35 33 the practice of a gr...
attitudinising 26 20 ATTITUDINISE, to ass...
attitudinizing 29 29 ATTITUDINIZE, to ass...
authenticating 29 24 AUTHENTICATE, to pro...
autocatalysing 34 24 AUTOCATALYSE, to eff...
autocatalyzing 37 33 AUTOCATALYZE, to sub...
autosuggesting 27 23 AUTOSUGGEST, to infl...
backscattering 34 30 the act of backscatt...
backscratching 40 35 BACKSCRATCH, to scra...
bioengineering 25 24 the engineering of l...
bioprospecting 34 29 the exploitation of...
bremsstrahlung 32 27 (German) electromagn...
bulletproofing 33 29 BULLETPROOF, to make...
centuplicating 34 29 CENTUPLICATE, to cen...
characterising 33 25 CHARACTERISE, to giv...
characterizing 36 34 CHARACTERIZE, to des...
choreographing 34 29 CHOREOGRAPH, to comp...
chronologising 31 26 CHRONOLOGISE, to arr...
chronologizing 34 35 CHRONOLOGIZE, to arr...
circumflecting 40 34 CIRCUMFLECT, to bend...
circumgyrating 41 31 CIRCUMGYRATE, to whi...
circumlocuting 38 32 CIRCUMLOCUTE, to use...
circumnutating 33 29 CIRCUMNUTATE, to pro...
circumscribing 40 33 CIRCUMSCRIBE, to dra...
circumstancing 36 31 CIRCUMSTANCE, to pla...
clapperclawing 40 34 CLAPPERCLAW, (archai...
collectivising 36 29 COLLECTIVISE, to giv...
collectivizing 39 38 COLLECTIVIZE, to giv...
colourbreeding 30 26 COLOURBREED, to bree...
compartmenting 31 30 COMPARTMENT, to put...
concelebrating 32 28 CONCELEBRATE, to joi...
concorporating 31 27 CONCORPORATE, (archa...
conditionating 26 23 CONDITIONATE, (obsol...
conglobulating 32 29 CONGLOBULATE, to for...
conglomerating 29 27 CONGLOMERATE, to gat...
conglutinating 29 26 CONGLUTINATE, to glu...
congratulating 29 25 CONGRATULATE, to exp...
conscientising 30 25 CONSCIENTISE, to mak...
conscientizing 33 34 CONSCIENTIZE, to mak...
conservatising 29 25 CONSERVATISE, to gro...
conservatizing 32 34 CONSERVATIZE, to gro...
containerising 26 22 CONTAINERISE, to shi...
containerizing 29 31 CONTAINERIZE, to shi...
contemporising 30 27 CONTEMPORISE, to mak...
contemporizing 33 36 CONTEMPORIZE, to mak...
contriturating 28 22 CONTRITURATE, to pul...
copolymerising 38 29 COPOLYMERISE, to mak...
copolymerizing 41 38 COPOLYMERIZE, to mak...
corporealising 30 24 CORPOREALISE, to mak...
corporealizing 33 33 CORPOREALIZE, to mak...
cotransporting 29 24 COTRANSPORT, to tran...
counterarguing 28 25 COUNTERARGUE, to arg...
counterbracing 32 28 COUNTERBRACE, to bra...
counterbuffing 34 32 COUNTERBUFF, to rebu...
counterdrawing 30 26 COUNTERDRAW, to trac...
counterfeiting 29 25 the act of making a...
countermanding 27 27 COUNTERMAND, to revo...
counterpeising 29 25 COUNTERPEISE, (obsol...
counterplaying 36 28 COUNTERPLAY, to make...
counterpoising 29 25 COUNTERPOISE, to poi...
counterraiding 27 23 COUNTERRAID, to make...
countersealing 27 23 COUNTERSEAL, (Shakes...
countershading 29 25 cryptic coloration o...
countersigning 28 25 COUNTERSIGN, to sign...
countersinking 28 27 COUNTERSINK, to make...
counterstating 27 22 COUNTERSTATE, to sta...
countertrading 27 23 COUNTERTRADE, to tra...
countervailing 30 27 COUNTERVAIL, to coun...
counterworking 31 29 COUNTERWORK, to work...
credentialling 29 24 the act of providing...
cryopreserving 38 29 CRYOPRESERVE, to pre...
cybersquatting 45 35 the practice of regi...
dearticulating 29 23 DEARTICULATE, to dis...
decaffeinating 30 28 DECAFFEINATE, to rem...
decapitalising 31 25 DECAPITALISE, to rem...
decapitalizing 34 34 DECAPITALIZE, to rem...
decentralising 28 23 DECENTRALISE, to wit...
decentralizing 31 32 DECENTRALIZE, to wit...
dechlorinating 30 25 DECHLORINATE, to rem...
decitizenising 31 31 DECITIZENISE, to dep...
decitizenizing 34 40 DECITIZENIZE, to dep...
decompensating 29 28 DECOMPENSATE, to fai...
deconditioning 26 24 DECONDITION, to caus...
deconsecrating 29 25 DECONSECRATE, to rem...
deconstructing 31 26 DECONSTRUCT, to exam...
defenestrating 25 22 DEFENESTRATE, to thr...
defibrillating 32 26 DEFIBRILLATE, to app...
deflocculating 35 30 DEFLOCCULATE, to dep...
degringolading 27 25 DEGRINGOLADE, (Frenc...
degringolering 27 24 DEGRINGOLER, to desc...
delegitimising 29 24 DELEGITIMISE, to dep...
delegitimizing 32 33 DELEGITIMIZE, to dep...
demilitarising 28 22 DEMILITARISE, to dep...
demilitarizing 31 31 DEMILITARIZE, to dep...
demineralising 26 23 DEMINERALISE, to rem...
demineralizing 29 32 DEMINERALIZE, to rem...
demonetarising 24 22 DEMONETARISE, to aba...
demonetarizing 27 31 DEMONETARIZE, to aba...
denaturalising 25 21 DENATURALISE, to mak...
denaturalizing 28 30 DENATURALIZE, to mak...
denuclearising 28 24 DENUCLEARISE, to mak...
denuclearizing 31 33 DENUCLEARIZE, to mak...
depoliticising 32 25 DEPOLITICISE, to rem...
depoliticizing 35 34 DEPOLITICIZE, to rem...
depolymerising 35 27 DEPOLYMERISE, to bre...
depolymerizing 38 36 DEPOLYMERIZE, to bre...
depressurising 28 22 DEPRESSURISE, to red...
depressurizing 31 31 DEPRESSURIZE, to red...
desulphurating 31 26 DESULPHURATE, to rem...
desulphurising 32 26 DESULPHURISE, to rem...
desulphurizing 35 35 DESULPHURIZE, to rem...
diphthongising 33 28 DIPHTHONGISE, to mak...
diphthongizing 36 37 DIPHTHONGIZE, to mak...
disaccrediting 32 25 DISACCREDIT, to remo...
disaccustoming 33 28 DISACCUSTOM, to free...
disadvantaging 27 26 DISADVANTAGE, to pla...
disaffiliating 31 25 DISAFFILIATE, to end...
disafforesting 29 24 DISAFFOREST, to clea...
disaggregating 28 24 DISAGGREGATE, to sep...
disambiguating 30 27 DISAMBIGUATE, to est...
disapparelling 31 26 DISAPPAREL, to disro...
disassociating 28 21 DISASSOCIATE, to sep...
disauthorising 28 21 DISAUTHORISE, to dep...
disauthorizing 31 30 DISAUTHORIZE, to dep...
discorporating 30 24 DISCORPORATE, to dep...
discounselling 30 25 DISCOUNSEL, (Spenser...
discriminating 30 25 DISCRIMINATE, to mar...
disembittering 29 24 DISEMBITTER, to free...
disembowelling 33 29 DISEMBOWEL, to take...
disembrangling 30 28 DISEMBRANGLE, (obsol...
disemburdening 28 27 DISEMBURDEN, to disb...
disemvowelling 33 30 DISEMVOWEL, to remov...
disencumbering 31 29 DISENCUMBER, to free...
disenshrouding 27 23 DISENSHROUD, to dive...
disenthralling 29 23 DISENTHRALL, to rele...
disfranchising 33 27 DISFRANCHISE, to dep...
disgarrisoning 26 21 DISGARRISON, to depr...
disharmonising 28 24 DISHARMONISE, to put...
disharmonizing 31 33 DISHARMONIZE, to put...
disillusioning 28 22 DISILLUSION, to free...
disimprisoning 29 25 DISIMPRISON, to free...
disintegrating 26 21 DISINTEGRATE, to bre...
disinteresting 25 19 (obsolete) uninteres...
disinthralling 30 23 the act of releasing...
disintricating 29 22 DISINTRICATE, to fre...
disorientating 24 19 DISORIENTATE, to cau...
dispauperising 30 25 DISPAUPERISE, to fre...
dispauperizing 33 34 DISPAUPERIZE, to fre...
displeasanting 27 23 DISPLEASANT, to rend...
disprivileging 33 28 DISPRIVILEGE, to dep...
dispropertying 36 26 DISPROPERTY, (Shakes...
dispropriating 30 24 DISPROPRIATE, (obsol...
disquantitying 40 31 DISQUANTITY, (Shakes...
disremembering 29 27 DISREMEMBER, to forg...
dissocialising 30 22 DISSOCIALISE, to mak...
dissocializing 33 31 DISSOCIALIZE, to mak...
distinguishing 30 24 DISTINGUISH, to perc...
disworshipping 36 29 DISWORSHIP, (Milton)...
disyllabifying 45 30 DISYLLABIFY, to make...
dumbfoundering 30 31 DUMBFOUNDER, to stri...
editorialising 26 19 EDITORIALISE, to int...
editorializing 29 28 EDITORIALIZE, to int...
electioneering 26 22 the act of canvassin...
electrofishing 33 26 fishing by stunning...
electroforming 31 27 ELECTROFORM, to form...
electrogilding 31 25 electroplating with...
electroplating 31 25 the act of electropl...
electrowinning 30 26 the recovery of a me...
embourgeoising 28 26 EMBOURGEOISE, to cau...
emotionalising 25 22 EMOTIONALISE, to mak...
emotionalizing 28 31 EMOTIONALIZE, to mak...
enterchaunging 29 27 ENTERCHAUNGE, (obsol...
entomologising 26 24 ENTOMOLOGISE, to pra...
entomologizing 29 33 ENTOMOLOGIZE, to pra...
essentialising 25 19 ESSENTIALISE, to exp...
essentializing 28 28 ESSENTIALIZE, to exp...
excursionising 34 29 EXCURSIONISE, to go...
excursionizing 37 38 EXCURSIONIZE, to go...
exsanguinating 30 29 EXSANGUINATE, to dra...
factionalising 30 25 FACTIONALISE, to spl...
factionalizing 33 34 FACTIONALIZE, to spl...
fantasticating 29 24 FANTASTICATE, to fan...
fashionmonging 29 29 (Shakespeare) behavi...
featherbedding 30 27 protecting (an indus...
fellowshipping 39 33 FELLOWSHIP, to join...
fictionalising 31 25 FICTIONALISE, to mak...
fictionalizing 34 34 FICTIONALIZE, to mak...
fieldstripping 34 28 FIELDSTRIP, to take...
fingerprinting 30 27 the act of taking fi...
flabbergasting 33 29 FLABBERGAST, to over...
foreshortening 27 23 a shortening by prop...
foresignifying 36 28 FORESIGNIFY, (archai...
frontispiecing 32 27 FRONTISPIECE, to pro...
geoengineering 23 23 the application of s...
gerrymandering 32 26 the process of redis...
gillravitching 37 30 GILLRAVITCH, (Scots)...
grammaticising 32 28 GRAMMATICISE, to mak...
grammaticizing 35 37 GRAMMATICIZE, to mak...
grandfathering 29 26 GRANDFATHER, to exem...
groundbreaking 28 29 the breaking of grou...
halterbreaking 30 27 HALTERBREAK, to brea...
haussmannising 27 25 HAUSSMANNISE, to ope...
haussmannizing 30 34 HAUSSMANNIZE, to ope...
headquartering 34 30 HEADQUARTER, to make...
hispaniolising 30 24 HISPANIOLISE, to mak...
hispaniolizing 33 33 HISPANIOLIZE, to mak...
huckleberrying 41 33 HUCKLEBERRY [v]
hyperextending 40 33 HYPEREXTEND, to exte...
hypertrophying 46 31 HYPERTROPHY, to grow...
illegitimating 30 24 ILLEGITIMATE, to pro...
illiberalising 31 23 ILLIBERALISE, to ren...
illiberalizing 34 32 ILLIBERALIZE, to ren...
immunoblotting 30 29 the act of making im...
imposthumating 32 29 IMPOSTHUMATE, to for...
incapacitating 32 27 INCAPACITATE, to mak...
indoctrinating 27 23 INDOCTRINATE, to ins...
insolubilising 30 24 INSOLUBILISE, to mak...
insolubilizing 33 33 INSOLUBILIZE, to mak...
intercommuning 29 29 INTERCOMMUNE, to com...
intercomparing 30 27 INTERCOMPARE, to mak...
interdepending 25 24 INTERDEPEND, to depe...
interdiffusing 30 26 INTERDIFFUSE, to dif...
interfoliating 27 22 INTERFOLIATE, to int...
interinvolving 29 28 INTERINVOLVE, to inv...
interlineating 24 20 INTERLINEATE, to wri...
intermediating 25 22 INTERMEDIATE, to med...
interpellating 28 23 INTERPELLATE, to que...
interpretating 26 21 INTERPRETATE, (archa...
interwreathing 29 23 INTERWREATHE, to twi...
jerrymandering 33 33 JERRYMANDER, to rear...
legitimatising 29 23 LEGITIMATISE, to mak...
legitimatizing 32 32 LEGITIMATIZE, to mak...
lithotritising 30 20 LITHOTRITISE, to per...
lithotritizing 33 29 LITHOTRITIZE, to per...
machinegunning 30 31 MACHINEGUN, to shoot...
macromarketing 30 30 marketing concerning...
malfunctioning 31 30 an instance of funct...
mercurialising 31 25 MERCURIALISE, to tre...
mercurializing 34 34 MERCURIALIZE, to tre...
metamorphosing 30 28 METAMORPHOSE, to cha...
microcomputing 36 33 computing with a mic...
microinjecting 34 36 MICROINJECT, to inje...
micromarketing 31 30 very small-scale mar...
mineralogising 27 24 MINERALOGISE, to col...
mineralogizing 30 33 MINERALOGIZE, to col...
misattributing 30 24 MISATTRIBUTE, to att...
miscalculating 35 29 MISCALCULATE, to cal...
mischannelling 32 29 MISCHANNEL, to chann...
misclassifying 40 29 MISCLASSIFY, to clas...
miscounselling 31 27 the act of giving ba...
misemphasising 32 28 MISEMPHASIS [v]
misemphasizing 35 37 MISEMPHASIZE, to emp...
misfunctioning 31 29 MISFUNCTION, to func...
misidentifying 35 27 MISIDENTIFY, to iden...
misinstructing 31 25 MISINSTRUCT, to inst...
mispositioning 28 24 MISPOSITION, to posi...
misprogramming 32 31 MISPROGRAM, to progr...
mispronouncing 30 29 MISPRONOUNCE, to pro...
mispunctuating 32 29 MISPUNCTUATE, to pun...
misreferencing 30 27 MISREFERENCE, to ref...
misregistering 28 22 MISREGISTER, to regi...
misremembering 30 29 MISREMEMBER, to reme...
missionarising 26 21 MISSIONARISE, to do...
missionarizing 29 30 MISSIONARIZE, to do...
mistranslating 27 22 MISTRANSLATE, to tra...
misworshipping 37 31 MISWORSHIP, to worsh...
mithridatising 30 23 MITHRIDATISE, to acq...
mithridatizing 33 32 MITHRIDATIZE, to acq...
mountaineering 23 23 the sport or techniq...
multithreading 30 25 a programming system...
municipalising 33 29 MUNICIPALISE, to bri...
municipalizing 36 38 MUNICIPALIZE, to bri...
nanopublishing 31 29 online, low-cost pub...
neurocomputing 30 29 computing using neur...
neuromarketing 25 26 a field of marketing...
noncirculating 31 27 not circulating [adj...
nonconflicting 32 30 not conflicting [adj...
noncontrolling 27 25 not controlling [adj...
nonengineering 21 23 not related to engin...
nonfunctioning 27 28 not functioning [n]
noninteracting 25 23 not interacting [adj...
nonoverlapping 29 30 not overlapping [adj...
nonterminating 23 23 not terminating or e...
nonthreatening 23 22 not constituting a t...
obstreperating 28 23 OBSTREPERATE, (Stern...
outgeneralling 26 23 OUTGENERAL, to surpa...
outmaneuvering 26 27 OUTMANEUVER, to surp...
outmanoeuvring 26 27 OUTMANOEUVRE, to sur...
outpoliticking 33 29 OUTPOLITICK, to surp...
outreproducing 30 26 OUTREPRODUCE, to sur...
overburthening 30 28 OVERBURTHEN, (archai...
overcommitting 32 30 OVERCOMMIT, to commi...
overconcerning 30 29 OVERCONCERN, to conc...
overcorrecting 32 27 OVERCORRECT, to corr...
overdecorating 28 25 OVERDECORATE, to dec...
overdeveloping 30 30 OVERDEVELOP, to deve...
overestimating 27 24 OVERESTIMATE, to est...
overexercising 35 31 OVEREXERCISE, to exe...
overexplaining 34 33 OVEREXPLAIN, to expl...
overexploiting 35 32 OVEREXPLOIT, to expl...
overfreighting 32 28 OVERFREIGHT, to over...
overfulfilling 35 31 OVERFULFILL, to fulf...
overharvesting 30 27 OVERHARVEST, to harv...
overidealising 27 23 OVERIDEALISE, to ide...
overidealizing 30 32 OVERIDEALIZE, to ide...
overimpressing 30 27 OVERIMPRESS, to impr...
overmedicating 30 28 OVERMEDICATE, to med...
overnourishing 28 25 OVERNOURISH, to nour...
overorganising 26 24 OVERORGANISE, to org...
overorganizing 29 33 OVERORGANIZE, to org...
overpersuading 28 26 OVERPERSUADE, to per...
overpopulating 31 29 OVERPOPULATE, to pop...
overprocessing 31 27 OVERPROCESS, to proc...
overprograming 30 29 OVERPROGRAM, to prog...
overprotecting 31 27 OVERPROTECT, to prot...
overregulating 28 25 OVERREGULATE, to reg...
overresponding 27 26 OVERRESPOND, to resp...
oversaturating 26 22 OVERSATURATE, to sat...
overstretching 32 26 OVERSTRETCH, to stre...
oversweetening 27 25 OVERSWEETEN, to swee...
overtightening 29 26 OVERTIGHTEN, to tigh...
overweathering 30 26 OVERWEATHER, (Shakes...
pamphleteering 32 29 PAMPHLETEER, to writ...
parameterising 27 23 PARAMETERISE, to set...
parameterizing 30 32 PARAMETERIZE, to set...
parchmentising 33 29 PARCHMENTISE, to mak...
parchmentizing 36 38 PARCHMENTIZE, to mak...
parenthesising 28 23 PARENTHESIS [v]
parenthesizing 31 32 PARENTHESIZE, to put...
parochialising 33 26 PAROCHIALISE, to mak...
parochializing 36 35 PAROCHIALIZE, to mak...
philosophising 35 28 the act of engaging...
philosophizing 38 37 PHILOSOPHIZE, to rea...
phlebotomising 33 29 PHLEBOTOMISE, to per...
phlebotomizing 36 38 PHLEBOTOMIZE, to per...
phosphorescing 36 30 PHOSPHORESCE, to exh...
photocomposing 34 31 PHOTOCOMPOSE, to set...
photoengraving 30 29 any process of engra...
photofinishing 33 28 the development and...
photooxidising 35 30 PHOTOOXIDISE, to und...
photooxidizing 38 39 PHOTOOXIDIZE, to und...
phrenologising 30 26 PHRENOLOGISE, to exa...
phrenologizing 33 35 PHRENOLOGIZE, to exa...
pictorialising 32 24 PICTORIALISE, to rep...
pictorializing 35 33 PICTORIALIZE, to rep...
politicalising 33 25 POLITICALISE, to mak...
politicalizing 36 34 POLITICALIZE, to mak...
porcelainising 30 25 PORCELAINISE, to bak...
porcelainizing 33 34 PORCELAINIZE, to bak...
porcellanising 31 26 PORCELLANISE, to bak...
porcellanizing 34 35 PORCELLANIZE, to bak...
posttensioning 25 22 POSTTENSION, to appl...
preacquainting 37 34 PREACQUAINT, to acqu...
preadmonishing 29 27 PREADMONISH, to admo...
precontracting 32 27 PRECONTRACT, to cont...
predesignating 27 24 PREDESIGNATE, to spe...
predestinating 26 22 PREDESTINATE, to det...
predetermining 27 25 PREDETERMINE, to for...
prefabricating 34 29 PREFABRICATE, to mak...
preformulating 31 28 PREFORMULATE, to for...
prenegotiating 26 23 PRENEGOTIATE, to neg...
preponderating 27 25 PREPONDERATE, to sur...
preprogramming 32 31 the act of programmi...
preregistering 28 22 PREREGISTER, to regi...
presanctifying 38 29 PRESANCTIFY, to sanc...
presterilising 29 21 PRESTERILISE, to ste...
presterilizing 32 30 PRESTERILIZE, to ste...
prestructuring 32 25 PRESTRUCTURE, to str...
propagandising 29 27 PROPAGANDISE, to sub...
propagandizing 32 36 PROPAGANDIZE, to sub...
propositioning 28 24 PROPOSITION, to make...
psychologising 41 30 PSYCHOLOGISE, to spe...
psychologizing 44 39 PSYCHOLOGIZE, to spe...
quarterbacking 39 37 wisdom after the eve...
quicksilvering 42 39 the mercury on the b...
radiolabelling 29 24 RADIOLABEL, to label...
reaccelerating 30 24 REACCELERATE, to acc...
reapportioning 27 24 REAPPORTION, to appo...
rearticulating 29 22 REARTICULATE, to art...
rebroadcasting 29 24 REBROADCAST, to broa...
recalcitrating 32 24 RECALCITRATE, to sho...
recapitalising 31 24 RECAPITALISE, to sup...
recapitalizing 34 33 RECAPITALIZE, to cha...
recapitulating 31 25 RECAPITULATE, to res...
recentrifuging 31 27 RECENTRIFUGE, to put...
reconditioning 26 23 RECONDITION, to rest...
reconnoitering 25 22 RECONNOITER, (US) to...
reconsecrating 29 24 RECONSECRATE, to con...
reconstituting 28 22 RECONSTITUTE, to con...
reconstructing 31 25 RECONSTRUCT, to cons...
reconvalescing 32 29 RECONVALESCE, to con...
redintegrating 25 21 REDINTEGRATE, to mak...
redistributing 29 22 REDISTRIBUTE, to alt...
reembroidering 27 24 REEMBROIDER, to outl...
reencountering 25 23 REENCOUNTER, to enco...
reestablishing 30 23 REESTABLISH, to esta...
reexperiencing 34 31 REEXPERIENCE, to exp...
reflectorising 31 24 REFLECTORISE, to mak...
reflectorizing 34 33 REFLECTORIZE, to mak...
rehabilitating 30 23 REHABILITATE, to res...
reinterpreting 26 21 REINTERPRET, to inte...
reinterviewing 29 25 REINTERVIEW, to inte...
reinvigorating 27 24 REINVIGORATE, to inv...
remilitarising 28 21 REMILITARISE, to mil...
remilitarizing 31 30 REMILITARIZE, to mil...
remineralising 26 22 REMINERALISE, to rep...
remineralizing 29 31 REMINERALIZE, to rep...
repartitioning 26 21 REPARTITION, to part...
repopularising 30 25 REPOPULARISE, to pop...
repopularizing 33 34 REPOPULARIZE, to pop...
repressurising 28 21 REPRESSURISE, to pre...
repressurizing 31 30 REPRESSURIZE, to pre...
repristinating 27 21 REPRISTINATE, to rev...
reprovisioning 28 25 REPROVISION, to prov...
requisitioning 33 28 REQUISITION, to make...
resynthesising 33 22 RESYNTHESIS [v]
resynthesizing 36 31 RESYNTHESIZE, to syn...
retransferring 26 21 RETRANSFER, to trans...
retransforming 27 24 RETRANSFORM, to tran...
retransmitting 26 21 RETRANSMIT, to trans...
reupholstering 30 24 REUPHOLSTER, to upho...
rhodomontading 26 25 RHODOMONTADE, to boa...
rumormongering 27 27 the spreading of rum...
scaremongering 28 26 raising false alarms...
schoolteaching 35 28 teaching as a profes...
scrimshandying 38 29 SCRIMSHANDY, to orna...
sectarianising 27 21 SECTARIANISE, to mak...
sectarianizing 30 30 SECTARIANIZE, to mak...
sectionalising 28 22 SECTIONALISE, to div...
sectionalizing 31 31 SECTIONALIZE, to div...
semiconducting 32 29 of, relating to, or...
seroconverting 28 25 SEROCONVERT, to prod...
serpentinising 26 22 SERPENTINISE, to win...
serpentinizing 29 31 SERPENTINIZE, to win...
sextuplicating 38 32 SEXTUPLICATE, to cop...
showerproofing 33 28 the act of making pr...
shuttlecocking 36 31 SHUTTLECOCK, to send...
silversmithing 33 27 the craft of the sil...
snickersneeing 27 26 SNICKERSNEE, to figh...
somnambulating 29 29 SOMNAMBULATE, to wal...
somniloquising 35 32 SOMNILOQUISE, to tal...
somniloquizing 38 41 SOMNILOQUIZE, to tal...
sophisticating 33 25 SOPHISTICATE, to mak...
spaghettifying 39 29 SPAGHETTIFY, to make...
spiritualising 30 22 SPIRITUALISE, to mak...
spiritualizing 33 31 SPIRITUALIZE, to mak...
steamrollering 27 22 STEAMROLLER, to over...
steeplechasing 32 26 the sport of riding...
stereochroming 30 25 STEREOCHROME, to pai...
stereographing 29 24 STEREOGRAPH, to make...
strikebreaking 29 28 action designed to b...
subclassifying 41 30 SUBCLASSIFY, to grou...
subcontracting 33 28 the act of subcontra...
subinfeudating 29 27 SUBINFEUDATE, to gra...
subintroducing 31 27 SUBINTRODUCE, to bri...
subjectivising 36 37 SUBJECTIVISE, to mak...
subjectivizing 39 46 SUBJECTIVIZE, to mak...
subministering 29 25 SUBMINISTER, to supp...
substantiating 27 22 SUBSTANTIATE, to giv...
summersaulting 29 26 SUMMERSAULT [v]
superabounding 28 27 SUPERABOUND, to be s...
superannuating 25 24 SUPERANNUATE, to ren...
supercomputing 34 31 computing using a su...
superelevating 29 26 SUPERELEVATE, to rai...
supererogating 27 23 SUPEREROGATE, (obsol...
superhardening 28 25 SUPERHARDEN, to hard...
superinfecting 32 28 SUPERINFECT, to infe...
superintending 26 24 SUPERINTEND, to have...
superovulating 30 27 SUPEROVULATE, to pro...
superstructing 32 25 SUPERSTRUCT, to buil...
sycophantising 38 28 SYCOPHANTISE, to be...
sycophantizing 41 37 SYCOPHANTIZE, to be...
symptomatising 36 28 SYMPTOMATISE, to be...
symptomatizing 39 37 SYMPTOMATIZE, to be...
taratantaraing 22 18 TARATANTARA, to make...
technicalising 34 27 TECHNICALISE, to giv...
technicalizing 37 36 TECHNICALIZE, to giv...
technologising 31 26 TECHNOLOGISE, to aff...
technologizing 34 35 TECHNOLOGIZE, to aff...
teleprocessing 30 24 remote-controlled co...
tergiversating 28 23 TERGIVERSATE, to tur...
thermostatting 28 22 THERMOSTAT, to provi...
thimblerigging 35 30 the act of thimbleri...
thymectomising 39 30 THYMECTOMISE, to per...
thymectomizing 42 39 THYMECTOMIZE, to per...
tranquillising 36 30 TRANQUILLISE, to mak...
tranquillizing 39 39 TRANQUILLIZE, to mak...
transmigrating 27 23 TRANSMIGRATE, to pas...
transvaluating 27 24 TRANSVALUATE, to ree...
trichotomising 32 25 TRICHOTOMISE, to div...
trichotomizing 35 34 TRICHOTOMIZE, to div...
trothplighting 35 27 TROTHPLIGHT, to betr...
ultrafiltering 30 23 ULTRAFILTER, to pass...
unblindfolding 31 30 UNBLINDFOLD, to remo...
unchristianing 30 25 UNCHRISTIAN, to make...
uncompromising 32 31 not making or accept...
unconsecrating 29 26 UNCONSECRATE, to und...
underachieving 31 29 UNDERACHIEVE, to ach...
underbudgeting 28 27 UNDERBUDGET, to allo...
underinvesting 26 25 UNDERINVEST, to inve...
underproducing 30 28 UNDERPRODUCE, to pro...
underreporting 26 23 UNDERREPORT, to repo...
understrapping 29 26 subordinate [adj]
undersupplying 37 30 UNDERSUPPLY, to supp...
underthrusting 28 23 UNDERTHRUST, to inse...
underutilising 27 22 UNDERUTILISE, to uti...
underutilizing 30 31 UNDERUTILIZE, to uti...
unenlightening 27 26 not enlightening [ad...
unenterprising 26 23 not enterprising [ad...
unentertaining 22 21 not entertaining [ad...
unilluminating 28 26 not illuminating [ad...
uningratiating 25 22 not ingratiating [ad...
unintermitting 26 23 not intermitting [ad...
unintoxicating 33 30 not intoxicating [ad...
universalising 28 24 UNIVERSALISE, to mak...
universalizing 31 33 UNIVERSALIZE, to mak...
unnaturalising 25 22 UNNATURALISE, to und...
unnaturalizing 28 31 UNNATURALIZE, to und...
unsensualising 25 22 UNSENSUALISE, to fre...
unsensualizing 28 31 UNSENSUALIZE, to fre...
unsympathising 37 29 not sympathising, al...
unsympathizing 40 38 not sympathizing, al...
vitilitigating 31 24 VITILITIGATE, to be...
wappenschawing 39 35 (Scots) a periodical...
weathercocking 36 32 WEATHERCOCK, to serv...
weltanschauung 33 29 (German) a comprehen...
wheelbarrowing 35 29 WHEELBARROW, to tran...
whistleblowing 38 30 the practice of info...