9 letter words that starts with n

9 letter words that start with N

9 letter N word


Word With Friends


naartjies 16 19 NAARTJIE, (Afrikaans...
nabobisms 20 19 NABOBISM, great weal...
nachtmaal 21 19 (Afrikaans) a Dutch...
naebodies 15 14 NAEBODY, (Scots) nob...
naethings 17 15 NAETHING, (Scots) no...
naggingly 25 20 NAGGING [adv]
nailbiter 18 14 someone who bites hi...
nailbrush 21 17 a brush for cleaning...
naileries 15 11 NAILERY, a place whe...
nailfiles 19 15 NAILFILE, a small fi...
nailfolds 19 16 NAILFOLD, a fold of...
nailheads 17 14 NAILHEAD, the top of...
nainsells 16 13 NAINSELL, (Scots) on...
nainsooks 14 15 NAINSOOK, (Hindi) a...
naissance 16 14 (French) birth [n -S...
naiveness 15 15 the state of being n...
naiveties 16 14 NAIVETY, the quality...
nakedness 14 16 the state of being n...
nalidixic 26 22 as in nalidixic acid...
naloxones 19 19 NALOXONE, a potent d...
namaskars 16 17 NAMASKAR, (Sanskrit)...
namaycush 27 21 (Native American) a...
namecheck 24 25 a mention of someone...
nameplate 17 17 an attached plate be...
namesakes 15 17 NAMESAKE, one who is...
nametapes 16 16 NAMETAPE, a small bi...
nancified 19 18 like a nancy, effemi...
nannygais 20 16 NANNYGAI, (Native Au...
nannyings 20 17 NANNYING, the act of...
nanograms 15 16 NANOGRAM, a billiont...
nanograss 14 13 a synthetic surface...
nanometer 13 14 a billionth of a met...
nanometre 13 14 a billionth of a met...
nanopores 14 14 NANOPORE, a microsco...
nanoscale 16 15 on a very small scal...
nanotechs 18 16 NANOTECH, the art of...
nanotesla 13 12 a billionth of a tes...
nanotubes 15 15 NANOTUBE, a cylindri...
nanowatts 16 14 NANOWATT, a unit of...
nanowires 16 14 NANOWIRE, a wire of...
nanoworld 17 16 the world of the ver...
napalming 19 20 NAPALM, to assault w...
naphthene 19 18 a peculiar hydrocarb...
naphthols 22 18 NAPHTHOL, any one of...
naphthous 21 18 containing naphtha [...
naphthyls 29 20 NAPHTHYL, a radical...
napoleons 15 15 NAPOLEON, (French) a...
nappiness 18 17 abundance of nap, as...
naproxens 21 21 NAPROXEN, an anti-in...
narceines 16 14 NARCEINE, a narcotic...
narcissus 19 14 any of numerous bulb...
narcistic 22 16 excessively admiring...
narcomata 17 16 NARCOMA, a coma caus...
narcotics 21 16 NARCOTIC, a drug tha...
narcotine 16 14 an alkaloid found in...
narcotise 17 13 to subject to the in...
narcotism 19 16 narcosis; the state...
narcotist 18 13 one who takes narcot...
narcotize 20 22 to subject to the in...
narghiles 19 15 NARGHILE, a hookah,...
narghilly 27 18 (Persian) a hookah,...
nargilehs 19 15 NARGILEH, (Persian)...
nargilies 17 13 NARGILY, (Persian) a...
narguileh 19 16 (Persian) a hookah,...
naricorns 17 14 NARICORN, the horny...
narraters 14 10 NARRATER, one that n...
narrating 15 13 NARRATE, to tell a s...
narration 13 11 the act of narrating...
narrative 16 14 relating to story [a...
narrators 14 10 NARRATOR, one that n...
narratory 20 12 like narrative, cons...
narrowest 17 13 NARROW, of little wi...
narrowing 18 16 the act of making na...
narrowish 20 15 somewhat narrow [adj...
narthexes 22 19 NARTHEX, a small ent...
narwhales 20 16 NARWHALE, a kind of...
nasalised 15 12 NASALISE, to produce...
nasalises 15 11 NASALISE, to produce...
nasalisms 17 14 NASALISM, making nas...
nasalized 18 21 NASALIZE, to produce...
nasalizes 18 20 NASALIZE, to produce...
nascences 19 17 NASCENCE, birth or o...
naseberry 22 15 an edible fruit, aka...
nastaliks 17 15 NASTALIK, (Arabic) a...
nastiness 14 11 the state of being n...
natations 13 11 NATATION, the act of...
natatoria 13 10 NATATORIUM, (Latin)...
natheless 17 13 (archaic) neverthele...
nathemore 16 15 (Spenser) nevermore,...
nationals 14 12 NATIONAL, a citizen...
nativisms 19 17 NATIVISM, the policy...
nativists 18 14 NATIVIST, an advocat...
natrolite 15 11 a common fibrous zeo...
natterers 14 10 NATTERER, someone wh...
nattering 15 13 NATTER, to chatter [...
nattiness 14 11 the state of being n...
naturally 23 15 NATURAL, according t...
naturisms 17 14 NATURISM, communal n...
naturists 16 11 NATURIST, a practiti...
naugahyde 23 18 a type of vinyl-coat...
naughtier 18 15 NAUGHTY, badly-behav...
naughties 18 15 NAUGHTY, an act of s...
naughtily 26 18 NAUGHTY, badly-behav...
naumachia 20 19 (Latin) a mock sea b...
nauplioid 18 16 shaped like a naupli...
nauseants 13 12 NAUSEANT, an agent t...
nauseated 13 12 NAUSEATE, to affect...
nauseates 13 11 NAUSEATE, to affect...
nautiloid 16 13 a mollusc of the sub...
navalisms 19 18 NAVALISM, the cult o...
navelwort 20 18 a perennial succulen...
navicerts 20 17 NAVICERT, a document...
navicular 21 19 pertaining to or lik...
naviculas 21 19 NAVICULA, (Latin) an...
navigable 20 20 that can be navigate...
navigably 27 22 NAVIGABLE, that can...
navigated 17 17 NAVIGATE, to conduct...
navigates 17 16 NAVIGATE, to conduct...
navigator 17 16 a person who navigat...
naysayers 26 14 NAYSAYER, one that d...
naysaying 27 17 the act of saying no...
nazifying 27 27 NAZIFY, to become li...
nearliest 15 11 NEARLY, almost [adv]
nearshore 15 12 (in business) to sou...
nearsides 14 11 NEARSIDE, the passen...
neatening 13 14 NEATEN, to make neat...
neatherds 16 13 NEATHERD, a herdsman...
nebbisher 21 18 (Yiddish) a colourle...
nebbishes 21 18 NEBBISH, (Yiddish) a...
nebenkern 15 19 (German) a two-stran...
nebulised 18 16 NEBULISE, to reduce...
nebuliser 18 15 a spraying apparatus...
nebulises 18 15 NEBULISE, to reduce...
nebuliums 20 19 NEBULIUM, an element...
nebulized 21 25 NEBULIZE, to reduce...
nebulizer 21 24 a spraying apparatus...
nebulizes 21 24 NEBULIZE, to reduce...
necessary 23 15 needed [adj NECESSAR...
necessity 24 15 a state of being nec...
neckatees 17 17 NECKATEE, (obsolete)...
neckbands 20 22 NECKBAND, a band wor...
neckbeefs 22 23 NECKBEEF, the coarse...
neckcloth 25 23 a cloth worn round t...
neckgears 19 19 NECKGEAR, apparel fo...
necklaced 22 22 NECKLACE, to punish...
necklaces 22 21 NECKLACE, to punish...
necklines 19 19 NECKLINE, the shape...
neckpiece 23 23 a piece of cloth for...
neckshots 21 19 NECKSHOT, a shot in...
neckverse 20 21 the test of ability...
neckwears 21 20 NECKWEAR, something...
neckweeds 21 21 NECKWEED, an America...
necrology 25 18 an obituary list [n...
necrophil 23 19 someone who is morbi...
necropoli 20 17 NECROPOLIS, (Greek)...
necrosing 18 16 NECROSE, to affect w...
necrotise 17 13 to affect with or un...
necrotize 20 22 to affect with or un...
necrotomy 24 18 the dissection of de...
nectareal 17 14 of or like nectar, a...
nectarean 15 14 of or like nectar, a...
nectarial 18 14 of or pertaining to...
nectaried 17 14 having a nectary [ad...
nectaries 17 13 NECTARY, a gland in...
nectarine 16 14 a fruit resembling a...
nectarous 17 14 of or like nectar, a...
needfires 16 14 NEEDFIRE, fire produ...
needfully 25 19 NEEDFUL, necessary [...
neediness 13 12 the state of being n...
needleful 18 17 as much thread as is...
needliest 15 12 NEEDLY, like needles...
needlings 16 15 NEEDLING, the act of...
needments 14 15 NEEDMENT, something...
neesberry 22 15 an edible fruit, aka...
nefandous 15 16 unspeakable, unmenti...
nefarious 16 14 evil, wicked [adj NE...
negations 14 13 NEGATION, the act of...
negatived 17 17 NEGATIVE, to disprov...
negatives 17 16 NEGATIVE, to disprov...
negatrons 14 13 NEGATRON, a hypothet...
neglected 19 17 NEGLECT, to treat ca...
neglecter 19 16 one who neglects, al...
neglector 19 16 one who neglects, al...
negligees 17 15 NEGLIGEE, (French) a...
negligent 17 16 careless [adj NEGLIG...
negociant 17 16 (French) a merchant...
negotiant 14 13 a person, organizati...
negotiate 14 12 to confer for the pu...
negresses 15 12 NEGRESS, a female ne...
negritude 16 14 (French) the essenti...
negrohead 16 15 tobacco soaked in mo...
negroidal 16 14 typical of black or...
negroisms 17 15 NEGROISM, devotion t...
negrophil 21 18 a person who has sym...
neighbors 20 17 NEIGHBOR, to live cl...
neighbour 20 18 to live close by, bo...
neighings 19 17 NEIGHING, the sound...
nelumbium 21 22 (Tamil) a plant of t...
nematodes 14 14 NEMATODE, a parasiti...
nemertean 13 14 any of a phylum of w...
nemertian 14 14 any of a phylum of w...
nemertine 14 14 any of a phylum of w...
nemophila 20 19 a plant of a North A...
nennigais 14 14 NENNIGAI, (Native Au...
nenuphars 18 17 NENUPHAR, a waterlil...
neoblasts 17 14 NEOBLAST, a cell imp...
neocortex 22 20 the back of the cort...
neodymium 23 20 a rare metallic chem...
neogothic 20 17 a style of architect...
neolithic 21 16 of or relating to th...
neologian 14 14 one who introduces n...
neologies 15 13 NEOLOGY, a new word,...
neologise 15 13 to introduce or use...
neologism 17 16 a new word, phrase o...
neologist 16 13 one who introduces n...
neologize 18 22 to introduce or use...
neomorphs 19 18 NEOMORPH, a structur...
neomycins 24 19 NEOMYCIN, an antibio...
neonomian 12 15 one who advocates ad...
neopagans 15 16 NEOPAGAN, a modern b...
neophiles 19 16 NEOPHILE, one who lo...
neophilia 19 16 an obsessive love of...
neophobes 19 18 NEOPHOBE, one who ha...
neophobia 19 18 fear of novelty [n -...
neophobic 23 21 hating novelty [adj]
neophytes 24 17 NEOPHYTE, a beginner...
neophytic 28 20 of or like a neophyt...
neopilina 16 15 a mollusc of the gen...
neoplasia 16 14 the formation or pre...
neoplasms 18 17 NEOPLASM, a new form...
neoplasty 23 16 the surgical formati...
neoprenes 14 14 NEOPRENE, (tradename...
neoteinia 12 11 prolonged retention...
neotenies 12 11 NEOTENY, attainment...
neotenous 12 12 exhibiting neoteny,...
neoterics 17 13 NEOTERIC, a modern w...
neoterise 13 10 to innovate; to coin...
neoterism 15 13 the introduction of...
neoterist 14 10 one who introduces n...
neoterize 16 19 to innovate; to coin...
neotoxins 19 18 NEOTOXIN, any harmfu...
neotropic 19 16 of tropical America...
nepenthes 17 16 NEPENTHE, (Greek) a...
nephalism 21 19 total abstinence fro...
nephalist 20 16 one who advocates or...
nepheline 18 17 a rock-forming miner...
nephelite 19 16 a rock-forming miner...
nephogram 20 20 a photograph of clou...
nephology 26 20 the study of clouds...
nephralgy 27 20 pain in the kidneys,...
nephridia 19 16 NEPHRIDIUM, in inver...
nephrisms 21 18 NEPHRISM, ill health...
nephrites 19 15 NEPHRITE, a kind of...
nephritic 23 18 relating to the kidn...
nephritis 20 15 an inflammation of t...
nephroses 18 15 NEPHROSIS, degenerat...
nephrosis 19 15 degenerative lesions...
nephrotic 22 18 of or like nephrosis...
nepotisms 18 16 NEPOTISM, favouritis...
nepotists 17 13 NEPOTIST, one who in...
neptunium 18 19 a radioactive metall...
nerdiness 14 12 the state of being n...
nervation 15 15 the arrangement of n...
nervature 16 15 the arrangement of n...
nerveless 17 15 without nerves [adj...
nervelets 17 15 NERVELET, a little n...
nerviness 16 15 the state of being n...
nervosity 23 16 nervousness [n NERVO...
nervously 24 18 NERVOUS, easily exci...
nescience 19 17 lack of knowledge or...
nescients 17 14 NESCIENT, one who is...
nestlings 17 14 NESTLING, a young bi...
nestmates 15 13 NESTMATE, a bird sha...
netballer 18 15 one who plays netbal...
netheless 17 13 (Spenser) neverthele...
netminder 15 15 a goalkeeper [n -S]
netspeaks 17 17 NETSPEAK, the jargon...
netsurfed 17 15 NETSURF, to browse t...
netsurfer 17 14 one who engages in t...
nettliest 16 11 NETTLY, like a nettl...
networked 18 18 NETWORK, to form a s...
networker 18 17 one who networks, es...
neuralgia 16 14 intense burning or s...
neuralgic 20 17 of or pertaining to,...
neuration 13 12 the arrangement of n...
neuraxons 19 19 NEURAXON, a part of...
neurility 23 14 the essential charac...
neuritics 19 14 NEURITIC, one affect...
neurochip 22 19 a microchip used in...
neurocoel 17 15 a cavity in the brai...
neuroglia 16 14 the supporting tissu...
neurogram 16 16 a modification in ne...
neurology 22 16 the branch of scienc...
neuromast 15 14 a sensory cell in fi...
neuromata 14 14 NEUROMA, a tumor dev...
neuropath 18 16 one who believes in...
neuropils 18 15 NEUROPIL, a network...
neurotics 18 14 NEUROTIC, someone gi...
neurotomy 21 16 the dissection, or a...
neustonic 17 15 of or like neuston,...
neutering 15 14 NEUTER, to castrate...
neutrally 23 15 NEUTRAL, taking no p...
neutretto 14 11 a name suggested for...
neutrinos 14 12 NEUTRINO, an uncharg...
neutronic 17 15 of or like a neutron...
nevelling 19 19 NEVEL, (Scots) to po...
nevermind 17 19 (US) a matter of imp...
nevermore 16 17 never again, also NA...
newcomers 21 19 NEWCOMER, one who ha...
newfangle 20 20 an excessively or os...
newlyweds 28 20 NEWLYWED, a person r...
newmarket 19 20 a long, closely fitt...
newnesses 16 14 NEWNESS, the state o...
newsagent 17 16 one who sells newspa...
newsbeats 19 16 NEWSBEAT, a news sou...
newsbreak 20 20 a newsworthy event [...
newscasts 21 16 NEWSCAST, a news bro...
newsclips 25 20 NEWSCLIP, a brief ex...
newsdesks 19 18 NEWSDESK, the depart...
newsfeeds 19 17 NEWSFEED, a service...
newsflash 23 19 a brief preliminary...
newsgirls 21 16 NEWSGIRL, a girl who...
newsgroup 21 19 a group on the Inter...
newshawks 24 22 NEWSHAWK, a newspape...
newshound 19 18 (colloquial) a repor...
newsiness 17 14 the quality of being...
newsmaker 19 20 a person whose activ...
newspaper 21 19 to work on a newspap...
newspeaks 20 20 NEWSPEAK, deliberate...
newsprint 20 17 inexpensive paper fo...
newsreels 18 14 NEWSREEL, a short mo...
newsrooms 18 16 NEWSROOM, a room whe...
newssheet 19 15 a simple form of doc...
newsstand 17 15 a stand from which n...
newstrade 17 14 the business of news...
newswires 21 16 NEWSWIRE, a teleprin...
newswoman 20 20 a female newsman [n...
newswomen 20 20 NEWSWOMAN, a female...
newwavers 22 20 NEWWAVER, a member o...
ngultrums 20 18 NGULTRUM, a monetary...
niaiserie 14 10 (French) simplicity;...
nialamide 16 15 a synthetic antidepr...
nibblings 22 20 NIBBLING, the act of...
niccolite 22 17 an arsenide of nicke...
nichering 21 18 NICHER, (Scots) to n...
nichromes 21 18 NICHROME, (tradename...
nickeline 19 19 (obsolete) an alloy...
nickeling 21 21 NICKEL, to plate wit...
nickelise 20 18 to plate with nickel...
nickelize 23 27 to plate with nickel...
nickelled 21 20 NICKEL, to plate wit...
nickelous 20 19 of bivalent nickel [...
nickering 20 20 NICKER, (Scots) to n...
nicknacks 23 25 NICKNACK, a small or...
nicknamed 19 22 NICKNAME, to give a...
nicknamer 19 21 one who gives nickna...
nicknames 19 21 NICKNAME, to give a...
nickpoint 21 21 a break of slope in...
nickstick 25 24 (archaic) a tally [n...
nicompoop 22 22 a fool; a silly or s...
nicotiana 16 14 any plant of the tob...
nicotians 17 14 NICOTIAN, a tobacco...
nicotined 17 15 containing nicotine...
nicotines 17 14 NICOTINE, a poisonou...
nicotinic 21 17 pertaining to, or de...
nictating 19 16 NICTATE, to wink [v]
nictation 17 14 the act of winking,...
nictitant 18 14 blinking [adj]
nictitate 18 13 to wink or blink [v...
nidamenta 14 15 NIDAMENTUM, an egg-c...
nidations 14 12 NIDATION, the proces...
niddering 16 15 (Old English) an inf...
niderings 16 14 NIDERING, an infamou...
niderling 17 15 (Old English) an inf...
nidgeting 17 16 NIDGET, to assist a...
nidifying 25 19 NIDIFY, to nest [v]
niellated 16 13 inlaid in niello [ad...
niellists 18 12 NIELLIST, one who pr...
nielloing 17 15 NIELLO, to decorate...
nievefuls 20 19 NIEVEFUL, a closed h...
niffering 20 19 NIFFER, (Scots) to b...
niffnaffs 23 23 NIFFNAFF, to trifle...
niftiness 17 14 the state of being n...
niggarded 17 16 NIGGARD, to act in a...
niggardly 25 18 like a niggard, stin...
niggerdom 18 18 (offensive) black pe...
niggering 18 17 NIGGER, to exhaust b...
niggerish 20 16 (offensive) like a n...
niggerism 19 17 (offensive) an expre...
niggliest 19 15 NIGGLY, trifling [ad...
nigglings 20 18 NIGGLING, petty or m...
nightbird 22 18 a bird that flies or...
nightcaps 24 20 NIGHTCAP, a cap worn...
nightclub 26 22 a club for drinking...
nightfall 23 19 the onset or beginni...
nightfire 21 17 a fire burning at ni...
nightgear 19 16 clothes worn at nigh...
nightglow 24 20 an airglow seen duri...
nightgown 22 20 a gown worn for bed...
nighthawk 25 23 the American nightja...
nightjars 21 23 NIGHTJAR, a nocturna...
nightless 20 15 having no night [adj...
nightlife 22 18 life that goes on at...
nightlike 21 19 like the night [adj]
nightlong 20 18 lasting all night [a...
nightmare 19 17 a bad dream [n -S]
nightmary 26 19 like a nightmare, al...
nightside 19 15 the dark, mysterious...
nightspot 21 17 a nightclub [n -S]
nighttide 19 15 the time during whic...
nighttime 20 17 the time during whic...
nightward 22 18 approaching night [a...
nightwear 21 17 clothes worn at nigh...
nigricant 19 16 of a blackish colour...
nigrified 19 16 NIGRIFY, to blacken...
nigrifies 19 15 NIGRIFY, to blacken...
nigritude 17 14 the essential qualit...
nigrosine 15 13 a blackish coal-tar...
nigrosins 16 13 NIGROSIN, a blackish...
nihilisms 21 16 NIHILISM, a doctrine...
nihilists 20 13 NIHILIST, as adheren...
nilpotent 17 15 a quantity which equ...
nimblesse 19 17 (Spenser) quickness...
nimblewit 23 20 an alert and clever...
nimbyisms 27 21 NIMBYISM, an attitud...
nimbyness 24 19 adherence to the doc...
nimieties 16 13 NIMIETY, excess [n]
ninebarks 17 18 NINEBARK, a flowerin...
nineholes 16 14 a game in which nine...
ninepence 17 18 nine pennies [n -S]
ninepenny 20 18 a coin worth nine pe...
ninescore 16 14 nine times twenty [n...
nineteens 12 12 NINETEEN, a number,...
ninetieth 16 13 the ordinal of ninet...
ninhydrin 23 17 a poisonous crystall...
ninjitsus 18 21 NINJITSU, (Japanese)...
ninjutsus 18 22 NINJUTSU, (Japanese)...
nipcheese 21 18 (slang) a ship's pur...
nippering 20 19 NIPPER, to seize two...
nipperkin 20 21 (archaic) a small me...
nippiness 19 17 the state of being n...
nippingly 28 22 NIPPING [adv]
niramiais 16 13 NIRAMIAI, a sumo wre...
nithering 18 15 NITHER, (dialect) to...
nitpicked 22 21 NITPICK, to fuss ove...
nitpicker 22 20 one who makes petty...
nitramine 15 14 a yellow crystalline...
nitratine 14 11 a mineral occurring...
nitrating 16 13 NITRATE, to treat wi...
nitration 14 11 conversion into a ni...
nitrators 15 10 NITRATOR, one that n...
nitriding 17 14 conversion into a ni...
nitrified 18 14 NITRIFY, to combine...
nitrifier 18 13 an agent employed in...
nitrifies 18 13 NITRIFY, to combine...
nitrogens 15 13 NITROGEN, a gaseous...
nitrosyls 23 13 NITROSYL, the radica...
nitroxyls 29 20 NITROXYL, the group...
nitwitted 19 14 stupid [adj]
nivations 16 15 NIVATION, weathering...
nizamates 18 22 NIZAMATE, the territ...
nobbiness 18 17 the state of being n...
nobeliums 19 18 NOBELIUM, a name giv...
nobilesse 17 14 (Spenser) nobility,...
nobiliary 24 16 of or relating to no...
nobleness 16 15 the state of being n...
noblesses 17 14 NOBLESSE, (French) n...
nocheling 21 19 NOCHEL, to repudiate...
nochelled 21 18 NOCHEL, to repudiate...
noctilios 19 14 NOCTILIO, any member...
noctiluca 22 18 (Latin) a roughly sp...
noctuoids 18 15 NOCTUOID, one of a f...
nocturias 18 14 NOCTURIA, excessive...
nocturnal 18 16 relating to night [a...
nocturnes 17 15 NOCTURNE, (French) a...
nocuously 25 18 NOCUOUS, hurtful, no...
nodalised 15 13 NODALISE, to form no...
nodalises 15 12 NODALISE, to form no...
nodalized 18 22 NODALIZE, to form no...
nodalizes 18 21 NODALIZE, to form no...
nodations 13 12 NODATION, the act of...
noddingly 23 18 NODDING, inclining,...
nodulated 15 14 having or characteri...
noiseless 15 11 without noise [adj N...
noiseniks 15 15 NOISENIK, a rock mus...
noisettes 14 10 NOISETTE, (French) a...
noisiness 14 11 the state of being n...
noisomely 22 16 NOISOME, noxious, un...
nolitions 15 12 NOLITION, unwillingn...
nomadised 15 15 NOMADISE, to lead a...
nomadises 15 14 NOMADISE, to lead a...
nomadisms 17 17 NOMADISM, the mode o...
nomadized 18 24 NOMADIZE, to lead a...
nomadizes 18 23 NOMADIZE, to lead a...
nominable 17 18 that can be nominate...
nominally 23 18 NOMINAL, in name onl...
nominated 14 15 NOMINATE, to name as...
nominates 14 14 NOMINATE, to name as...
nominator 14 14 one who nominates [n...
nomocracy 27 21 the rule of law; gov...
nomograms 17 18 NOMOGRAM, a chart or...
nomograph 20 20 a chart or diagram o...
nomologic 20 19 relating to nomology...
nomothete 16 15 a lawgiver [n -S]
nonacidic 20 18 not acidic [adj]
nonacting 17 17 acting that is of po...
nonaction 15 15 not action [n -S]
nonactive 18 18 not active [adj]
nonactors 16 14 NONACTOR, a person w...
nonaddict 17 16 one who is not an ad...
nonadults 15 14 NONADULT, a person w...
nonagonal 13 15 with nine angles [ad...
nonanimal 14 16 not animal [adj]
nonanswer 15 15 to answer in an unsa...
nonarable 15 15 not arable [adj]
nonartist 14 11 one who is not an ar...
nonatomic 17 17 not atomic [adj]
nonauthor 15 14 one who is not an au...
nonbeings 16 17 NONBEING, lack of be...
nonbelief 18 18 absence of belief [n...
nonbinary 21 17 not binary [adj]
nonbiting 17 17 not biting [adj]
nonblacks 21 22 NONBLACK, one that i...
nonbodies 15 15 NONBODY, a person's...
nonbonded 14 17 not bonded [adj]
nonbuying 23 20 not buying [adj]
noncaking 18 21 not caking [adj]
noncampus 20 21 not on campus [adj]
noncareer 15 14 not related to a car...
noncasual 17 16 not casual [adj]
noncausal 17 16 not causal [adj]
noncereal 16 15 not cereal [adj]
nonchurch 25 22 to take away a churc...
noncoding 17 18 of DNA, not contribu...
noncoital 17 15 not related to coiti...
noncoking 18 21 not coking [adj]
noncolors 17 15 NONCOLOR, an achroma...
noncolour 17 16 an achromatic colour...
noncombat 19 20 not engaged in comba...
nonconcur 19 19 to dissent or refuse...
noncounty 22 18 not part of the coun...
noncredit 17 15 not involving credit...
noncrimes 18 17 NONCRIME, something...
noncrises 17 14 NONCRISIS, something...
noncrisis 18 14 something that is no...
noncyclic 31 23 not cyclic, also NON...
nondancer 15 16 someone who does not...
nondances 15 16 NONDANCE, an unrhyth...
nondegree 13 14 of a course of study...
nondemand 13 17 something that is no...
nondesert 13 12 not related to or li...
nondoctor 16 15 someone who is not a...
nondollar 15 14 of a currency, not u...
nondriver 16 16 one who does not dri...
nondrying 21 17 that does not dry [a...
nonedible 16 16 not edible [adj] / s...
nonending 13 16 not ending [adj]
nonenergy 19 16 relating to the abse...
nonentity 19 14 a person or thing of...
nonequals 22 22 NONEQUAL, one that i...
nonerotic 16 14 not erotic [adj]
nonethnic 18 17 not ethnic [adj] / s...
nonevents 14 16 NONEVENT, an expecte...
nonexempt 22 24 not exempt [adj] / o...
nonexotic 22 21 not exotic [adj]
nonexpert 21 21 not expert [adj] / o...
nonextant 18 19 not extant [adj]
nonfactor 18 17 something that is no...
nonfading 16 18 not fading [adj]
nonfamily 24 20 something that is no...
nonfarmer 16 17 someone who is not a...
nonfeudal 16 17 not feudal [adj]
nonfilial 18 16 not filial [adj]
nonfinite 15 15 not finite [adj]
nonfiscal 20 18 not fiscal [adj]
nonfluids 18 17 NONFLUID, a substanc...
nonflying 24 20 not flying [adj]
nonformal 17 18 not formal [adj]
nonfossil 17 15 not fossil [adj]
nonfrozen 17 24 not frozen [adj]
nonfunded 15 18 not funded [adj]
nonghetto 16 15 not related to a ghe...
nonglares 15 14 NONGLARE, a material...
nonglazed 18 24 not glazed [adj]
nonglossy 22 16 not glossy [adj]
nongolfer 17 17 someone who is not a...
nongraded 14 15 not graded [adj]
nongreasy 20 15 not greasy [adj]
nongrowth 20 18 the failure to grow...
nonguests 15 14 NONGUEST, someone wh...
nonguilts 17 15 NONGUILT, the absenc...
nonheroes 14 13 NONHERO, one who is...
nonheroic 18 16 not heroic [adj]
nonhumans 16 18 NONHUMAN, a creature...
nonhunter 15 15 one who does not hun...
nonillion 15 14 the 10th power of a...
nonimages 15 16 NONIMAGE, a person w...
nonimmune 15 19 not immune [adj]
nonimpact 20 20 a lack of impact [n...
noninjury 22 24 relating to somethin...
noninsect 16 15 a creature that is n...
nonissues 14 12 NONISSUE, a topic th...
nonjoiner 14 21 one who does not joi...
nonjuries 16 21 NONJURY, a trial wit...
nonjuring 17 24 not swearing allegia...
nonjurors 16 21 NONJUROR, one of tho...
nonkosher 16 17 not kosher [adj] / f...
nonlabour 16 16 not relating to or c...
nonlawyer 23 17 one who is not a law...
nonleaded 13 14 not leaded [adj]
nonleague 14 15 of a sporting club,...
nonlegume 16 18 a plant that is not...
nonlethal 17 15 not lethal [adj]
nonliable 17 16 not liable [adj]
nonlineal 14 14 not lineal [adj]
nonlinear 13 13 not linear [adj]
nonliquid 24 23 something that is no...
nonliving 18 19 not living [adj] / s...
nonlocals 18 16 NONLOCAL, one that i...
nonloving 17 19 not loving [adj]
nonmajors 16 23 NONMAJOR, a student...
nonmanual 14 17 not manual [adj]
nonmarket 15 18 not part of the mark...
nonmature 14 15 not mature [adj]
nonmember 17 20 one who is not a mem...
nonmental 14 16 not mental [adj]
nonmetals 15 15 NONMETAL, an element...
nonmetric 18 17 not metric [adj]
nonmobile 17 18 not mobile [adj]
nonmodern 13 16 not modern [adj] / o...
nonmortal 15 15 not mortal [adj] / o...
nonmotile 15 15 not motile [adj]
nonmoving 17 21 not moving [adj]
nonmusics 19 18 NONMUSIC, inferior m...
nonmutant 14 16 one who is not a mut...
nonmutual 16 17 not mutual [adj]
nonnative 14 16 one who is not a nat...
nonneural 13 14 not neural [adj]
nonnormal 14 16 not normal [adj]
nonnovels 15 17 NONNOVEL, a literary...
nonorally 21 15 NONORAL, not oral [a...
nonowners 15 15 NONOWNER, one who is...
nonpagans 15 17 NONPAGAN, one who is...
nonpapist 18 17 one who is not a pap...
nonpareil 16 15 (French) of unparall...
nonparent 14 15 one who is not a par...
nonparity 22 16 the state of not bei...
nonparous 15 15 having not given bir...
nonpaying 22 19 not paying [adj]
nonperson 14 15 someone without the...
nonplanar 15 16 not planar [adj]
nonplayer 22 17 one who is not a pla...
nonpliant 16 16 not pliant [adj]
nonplused 17 17 NONPLUS, to take aba...
nonpluses 17 16 NONPLUS, to take aba...
nonpoetic 18 17 not poetic [adj]
nonpolice 19 18 not police [adj]
nonporous 15 15 not porous [adj]
nonpostal 16 15 not postal [adj]
nonprofit 18 17 not making a profit...
nonproven 16 19 not proven [adj]
nonpublic 23 22 not public [adj]
nonracial 17 15 not racial [adj NONR...
nonrandom 13 16 not random [adj]
nonreader 12 12 one who is not a rea...
nonreturn 13 13 denoting a mechanism...
nonrhotic 19 16 denoting or speaking...
nonrioter 13 11 one who is not a rio...
nonrivals 17 16 NONRIVAL, one who is...
nonroyals 20 14 NONROYAL, one who is...
nonrubber 18 18 not made of rubber [...
nonruling 16 16 not ruling [adj]
nonrunner 12 14 one who is not a run...
nonsacred 16 15 not sacred [adj]
nonsaline 13 13 not saline [adj]
nonschool 19 17 not related to schoo...
nonsecret 16 14 not secret [adj] / s...
nonsecure 16 15 not secure [adj]
nonselves 16 16 NONSELF, something t...
nonsenses 12 12 NONSENSE, anything w...
nonserial 14 12 something that is no...
nonsexist 20 18 not sexist [adj]
nonsexual 20 20 having no distinctio...
nonshrink 17 18 of a fabric, resista...
nonsigner 14 14 one who does not sig...
nonskater 14 15 one who is not a ska...
nonskiers 15 15 NONSKIER, one who do...
nonsmoker 15 18 one who is not a smo...
nonsocial 17 15 not social [adj]
nonsolids 15 13 NONSOLID, a substanc...
nonspeech 20 19 absence of speech [n...
nonstaple 16 15 not staple [adj] / a...
nonstatic 17 14 not static [adj]
nonsteady 19 14 not steady [adj]
nonsticky 25 20 not sticky [adj]
nonstyles 21 14 NONSTYLE, a style wh...
nonsuches 19 17 NONSUCH, a person or...
nonsugars 15 14 NONSUGAR, a substanc...
nonsuited 14 13 NONSUIT, to dismiss...
nonsystem 21 16 something that is no...
nontalker 15 16 someone who does not...
nontarget 14 13 describing something...
nontariff 18 17 not involving a tari...
nontheist 16 13 one who is not a the...
nontragic 18 16 not tragic [adj]
nontribal 17 15 not tribal [adj]
nontruths 17 14 NONTRUTH, something...
nonunions 12 14 NONUNION, failure of...
nonunique 21 23 not unique [adj]
nonuplets 17 16 NONUPLET, a group of...
nonurgent 14 15 not urgent [adj]
nonusable 16 16 not usable [adj]
nonvacant 17 19 not vacant [adj]
nonvector 18 18 something that is no...
nonvenous 14 17 not venous [adj]
nonverbal 18 19 not verbal [adj NONV...
nonvested 15 16 not vested [adj]
nonviable 18 19 not viable [adj]
nonviewer 18 18 someone who is not a...
nonvirgin 17 18 someone who is not a...
nonvirile 17 16 not virile [adj]
nonvisual 17 17 not visual [adj]
nonvocals 19 19 NONVOCAL, a music tr...
nonvoters 15 15 NONVOTER, one who do...
nonvoting 16 18 not voting [adj]
nonwhites 19 16 NONWHITE, a person w...
nonwinged 17 18 not winged [adj]
nonworker 17 18 someone who is not a...
nonwovens 17 19 NONWOVEN, a fabric n...
nonwriter 17 14 someone who is not a...
noodledom 15 16 the state of being a...
noodlings 16 15 NOODLING, playing id...
noologies 15 13 NOOLOGY, the science...
noontides 13 12 NOONTIDE, noon [n]
noontimes 14 14 NOONTIME, the time o...
noosphere 17 15 the sum of human kno...
nootropic 19 16 acting on the mind [...
nopalitos 17 14 NOPALITO, a vegetabl...
normalise 16 14 to make normal; to b...
normality 23 16 the state of being n...
normalize 19 23 to make normal; to b...
normandes 14 15 NORMANDE, (French) a...
normative 17 17 of or relating to a...
norovirus 17 15 any of a group of vi...
norselled 16 13 NORSEL, (obsolete) t...
norseller 16 12 (obsolete) one who f...
northeast 16 12 the direction betwee...
northered 16 13 NORTHER, to veer nor...
northerly 24 15 situated in the nort...
northerns 16 13 NORTHERN, a person l...
northings 18 15 NORTHING, distance n...
northland 17 15 the northern part of...
northmost 18 15 most northerly, also...
northward 20 16 towards the north, a...
northwest 20 15 between west and nor...
nosebands 15 15 NOSEBAND, a strap pa...
nosebleed 16 15 bleeding from the no...
nosedived 16 16 NOSEDIVE, to plunge...
nosedives 16 15 NOSEDIVE, to plunge...
noseguard 15 14 a protection for the...
noselites 15 11 NOSELITE, a cubic mi...
nosepiece 18 16 a nozzle; the end of...
nosewheel 19 16 the single wheel at...
nosheries 16 12 NOSHERY, (colloquial...
nosologic 19 16 relating to nosology...
nostalgia 16 13 homesickness; the de...
nostalgic 20 16 missing the past [ad...
nostology 22 15 the study of senilit...
notabilia 17 14 (Latin) notable sayi...
notaphily 26 18 the collecting of ba...
notarised 14 11 NOTARISE, to attest...
notarises 14 10 NOTARISE, to attest...
notarized 17 20 NOTARIZE, to attest...
notarizes 17 19 NOTARIZE, to attest...
notations 13 11 NOTATION, a system o...
notchback 26 25 a car whose roof doe...
notcheled 20 17 NOTCHEL, to repudiat...
notchiest 20 15 NOTCHY, having notch...
notchings 21 18 NOTCHING, a method o...
notebooks 16 17 NOTEBOOK, a book in...
notecards 17 14 NOTECARD, a card use...
notecases 16 13 NOTECASE, a case for...
notedness 13 12 the state of being n...
notepaper 17 16 writing paper intend...
notifiers 17 13 NOTIFIER, one who no...
notifying 24 18 NOTIFY, to inform [v...
notionist 14 11 one whose opinions a...
notochord 19 16 a backbone-like seri...
notoriety 20 12 the state of being n...
notorious 14 11 infamous [adj NOTORI...
nougatine 14 14 nougat covered with...
noughties 18 15 the decade from 2000...
nourished 17 14 NOURISH, to sustain...
nourisher 17 13 one who nourishes [n...
nourishes 17 13 NOURISH, to sustain...
nouriture 15 12 nourishment, nurture...
noursling 17 15 NOURSLE, to foster,...
nouselled 16 14 NOUSELL, to foster,...
nouvelles 18 17 NOUVELLE, (French) a...
novations 15 15 NOVATION, the substi...
noveldoms 18 19 NOVELDOM, the world...
noveleses 16 15 NOVELESE, the trite...
novelette 16 15 a short novel [n -S]
novelised 17 16 NOVELISE, to put int...
noveliser 17 15 one who makes a nove...
novelises 17 15 NOVELISE, to put int...
novelisms 19 18 NOVELISM, innovation...
novelists 18 15 NOVELIST, one who wr...
novelized 20 25 NOVELIZE, to put int...
novelizer 20 24 one who makes a nove...
novelizes 20 24 NOVELIZE, to put int...
novelties 17 15 NOVELTY, something u...
novembers 19 20 NOVEMBER, (in intern...
novennial 15 17 recurring every nint...
noverints 16 15 NOVERINT, (Latin) a...
noviciate 19 17 the state of being a...
novitiate 16 14 the state of being a...
novocaine 17 18 (tradename) a propri...
novodamus 17 19 in Scots law, a char...
nowhither 22 17 (archaic) in no dire...
nownesses 16 14 NOWNESS, the state o...
noxiously 28 21 NOXIOUS, harmful to...
nubbiness 19 18 the state of being n...
nubbliest 21 18 NUBBLY, having small...
nubeculae 20 19 NUBECULA, a cloudy f...
nucleases 18 15 NUCLEASE, any of a n...
nucleated 18 16 NUCLEATE, to form in...
nucleates 18 15 NUCLEATE, to form in...
nucleator 18 15 a device for nucleat...
nucleides 19 16 NUCLEIDE, an atom of...
nucleinic 22 19 relating to nuclein,...
nucleoids 19 16 NUCLEOID, the DNA-co...
nucleolar 19 16 of or pertaining to...
nucleoles 19 16 NUCLEOLE, a minute r...
nucleolus 20 17 a minute rounded bod...
nucleonic 21 19 pertaining to nuclea...
nucleuses 19 16 NUCLEUS, an essentia...
nudations 14 13 NUDATION, the act of...
nuggeting 18 18 NUGGET, to polish sh...
nuggetted 17 16 NUGGET, to polish sh...
nuisancer 17 15 one who makes or cau...
nuisances 17 15 NUISANCE, a source o...
nullified 20 17 NULLIFY, to make use...
nullifier 20 16 one who nullifies or...
nullifies 20 16 NULLIFY, to make use...
nullipara 19 16 (Latin) a woman with...
nullipore 19 16 (Latin) any of vario...
nullities 18 13 NULLITY, nothingness...
numberers 18 17 NUMBERER, one who nu...
numbering 19 20 the act of numbering...
numbheads 20 20 NUMBHEAD, a stupid p...
numbingly 27 23 NUMBING [adv]
numbskull 23 24 a stupid person, als...
numchucks 27 27 NUMCHUCK, (Japanese)...
numerable 18 18 that can be numbered...
numerably 25 20 NUMERABLE, that can...
numeraire 15 14 (French) a standard...
numerally 24 18 NUMERAL, according t...
numerated 15 15 NUMERATE, to compute...
numerates 15 14 NUMERATE, to compute...
numerator 15 14 one who numbers [n -...
numerical 20 18 relating to number,...
nummulary 25 21 relating to coins or...
nummuline 18 20 esp. of limestone, c...
nummulite 19 19 a fossil of the genu...
numskulls 21 21 NUMSKULL, a stupid p...
nunataker 14 16 NUNATAK, (Inuit) a p...
nunchakus 21 22 NUNCHAKU, (Japanese)...
nuncheons 18 18 NUNCHEON, a light me...
nunchucks 25 25 (Japanese) a martial...
nuncupate 19 19 to utter as a vow [v...
nunnation 12 14 the addition of a fi...
nunneries 13 13 NUNNERY, a religious...
nuptially 26 18 NUPTIAL, relating to...
nurselike 17 16 like a nurse [adj]
nurseling 17 15 an infant that is be...
nursemaid 16 15 a woman employed to...
nurseries 15 11 NURSERY, a room for...
nurslings 18 15 NURSLING, an infant...
nurturant 15 13 tending to nurture [...
nurturers 16 12 NURTURER, one who nu...
nurturing 17 15 NURTURE, to nourish...
nutarians 14 12 NUTARIAN, an advocat...
nutations 14 12 NUTATION, a nodding...
nutbutter 18 15 a butter substitute...
nuthouses 17 14 NUTHOUSE, (colloquia...
nutjobber 21 26 the nuthatch [n -S]
nutloaves 17 16 NUTLOAF, a savoury l...
nutmegged 18 19 NUTMEG, in football,...
nutpecker 21 21 the nuthatch [n -S]
nutrients 15 12 NUTRIENT, a nourishi...
nutriment 16 15 anything which nouri...
nutrition 15 12 the act of nourishin...
nutritive 18 15 relating to nutritio...
nutsedges 16 14 NUTSEDGE, any of var...
nutshells 20 15 NUTSHELL, the shell...
nutteries 15 11 NUTTERY, an area of...
nuttiness 15 12 the quality of being...
nyctalope 26 19 a person or animal a...
nyctalops 27 19 (Greek) one afflicte...
nymphaeas 25 20 NYMPHAEA, any plant...
nymphaeum 27 24 a temple for nymphs...
nymphalid 28 22 any butterfly of the...
nymphetic 30 23 of or like a nymphet...
nymphette 26 20 a sexually desirable...
nymphical 31 24 of or pertaining to...
nymphlike 29 25 like a nymph [adj]
nystagmic 27 20 relating to nystagmu...
nystagmus 24 18 an involuntary later...
nystatins 21 13 NYSTATIN, an antifun...