9 letter words that starts with j

9 letter words that start with J

9 letter J word


Word With Friends


jabberers 21 24 JABBERER, one who ja...
jabbering 22 27 talking rapidly [adj...
jabbingly 30 30 JABBING [adv]
jaborandi 18 23 (Tupi) the native na...
jacaranda 18 23 (Tupi) a tropical Am...
jacchuses 26 27 JACCHUS, a South Ame...
jacinthes 22 24 JACINTHE, an orange...
jackalled 23 28 JACKAL, to play the...
jackaroos 20 25 JACKAROO, a newcomer...
jackasses 21 25 JACKASS, a male ass...
jackboots 23 28 JACKBOOT, a kind of...
jackeroos 20 25 JACKEROO, a newcomer...
jacketing 22 28 JACKET, to provide w...
jackfruit 25 29 an East Indian tree...
jackknife 24 33 a large clasp knife...
jacklight 27 30 a kind of fishing lu...
jacklings 24 29 JACKLING, the winnin...
jackplane 23 30 a large woodworking...
jackrolls 24 27 JACKROLL, to roll a...
jackscrew 28 31 a jack in which a sc...
jackshaft 26 30 an intermediate shaf...
jacksmelt 24 29 a large fish of the...
jacksmith 26 30 a smith who makes ja...
jacksnipe 23 29 a kind of snipe [n -...
jackstays 28 27 JACKSTAY, an iron or...
jackstone 20 26 a piece used in the...
jackstraw 25 28 an effigy stuffed wi...
jacobuses 22 25 JACOBUS, (historical...
jacquards 29 32 JACQUARD, an apparat...
jacquerie 28 31 (French) a peasant's...
jactation 19 22 restless tossing in...
jaculated 21 24 JACULATE, to throw o...
jaculates 21 23 JACULATE, to throw o...
jaculator 21 23 one who throws or ca...
jadedness 16 21 the state of being j...
jaggaries 19 22 JAGGARY, a coarse, d...
jaggedest 19 23 JAGGED, rough-edged...
jaggeries 19 22 JAGGERY, a coarse, d...
jaghirdar 21 23 (Hindi) the holder o...
jailbaits 21 22 JAILBAIT, a sexual a...
jailbirds 22 23 JAILBIRD, an inveter...
jailbreak 21 26 to free from jail, a...
jailbroke 21 26 JAILBREAK, to free f...
jaileress 18 19 a female jailer, als...
jailhouse 20 22 a prison [n -S]
jailoress 18 19 a female jailor, als...
jakfruits 22 26 JAKFRUIT, an East In...
jalapenos 18 23 JALAPENO, (Spanish)...
jalfrezis 24 31 JALFREZI, a hot-flav...
jaloppies 22 25 JALOPPY, a decrepit...
jalousied 18 21 fitted with jalousie...
jalousies 18 20 JALOUSIE, an outside...
jalousing 19 23 JALOUSE, to suspect,...
jambalaya 26 27 (Provencal) a Creole...
jambiyahs 29 28 JAMBIYAH, a Middle E...
jambokked 22 33 JAMBOK, (Afrikaans)...
jambolana 19 26 (Sanskrit) the rose-...
jambolans 20 26 JAMBOLAN, (Sanskrit)...
jamborees 19 24 JAMBOREE, a noisy ce...
jampacked 24 32 packed to the full [...
jampanees 18 25 JAMPANEE, a bearer o...
jangliest 19 22 JANGLY, making a jan...
janglings 20 25 JANGLING, a jangling...
janissary 23 21 (Turkish) a soldier...
janitress 17 19 a female janitor, al...
janneying 22 25 JANNEY, to act as a...
jannyings 23 25 JANNYING [n]
japanised 18 23 JAPANISE, to make Ja...
japanises 18 22 JAPANISE, to make Ja...
japanized 21 32 JAPANIZE, to make Ja...
japanizes 21 31 JAPANIZE, to make Ja...
japanners 17 23 JAPANNER, one who va...
japanning 18 26 JAPAN, to coat with...
japonicas 21 25 JAPONICA, any of sev...
jararacas 19 21 JARARACA, a South Am...
jararakas 17 22 JARARAKA, a South Am...
jargoneer 16 21 a person who uses ja...
jargonels 18 22 JARGONEL, an early v...
jargoning 18 24 JARGON, to use words...
jargonise 17 21 to express in jargon...
jargonish 20 23 of or like jargon [a...
jargonist 18 21 a person who uses ja...
jargonize 20 30 to express in jargon...
jarlsberg 22 24 (tradename) a Norweg...
jarosites 17 18 JAROSITE, a sulphate...
jarovised 19 23 JAROVISE, to hasten...
jarovises 19 22 JAROVISE, to hasten...
jarovized 22 32 JAROVIZE, to hasten...
jarovizes 22 31 JAROVIZE, to hasten...
jarringly 26 24 JARRING, harshly dis...
jasmonate 16 22 any of several organ...
jasperise 19 21 to turn into, or cau...
jasperize 22 30 to turn into, or cau...
jasperous 19 22 of or like jasper, a...
jaspidean 18 23 consisting of jasper...
jaspilite 21 22 a rock like jasper [...
jatrophas 21 23 JATROPHA, any plant...
jaundiced 20 25 JAUNDICE, to prejudi...
jaundices 20 24 JAUNDICE, to prejudi...
jauntiest 17 20 JAUNTY, briskly self...
javelinas 19 24 JAVELINA, (Spanish)...
javelined 19 25 JAVELIN, to pierce w...
jawbation 21 25 a long, tedious rebu...
jawboners 21 25 JAWBONER, one who en...
jawboning 22 28 governmental urging...
jayhawker 29 29 a name given to a fr...
jaywalked 28 29 JAYWALK, to cross a...
jaywalker 28 28 one who walks in the...
jazerants 19 28 JAZERANT, (historica...
jazziness 23 37 the state of being j...
jealoused 17 21 JEALOUSE, (Scots) to...
jealouses 17 20 JEALOUSE, (Scots) to...
jealously 25 23 JEALOUS, envious of...
jeanettes 15 19 JEANETTE, a light or...
jeelieing 18 22 JEELIE, to make into...
jeeringly 25 24 JEERING, mocking [ad...
jehadisms 21 24 JEHADISM, promotion...
jehadists 20 21 JEHADIST, one who ta...
jellabahs 23 25 JELLABAH, an Arab cl...
jellified 22 24 JELLIFY, to turn to...
jellifies 22 23 JELLIFY, to turn to...
jellybean 26 26 a bean-shaped sweet...
jellyfish 31 27 a marine coelenterat...
jellylike 28 27 like a jelly [adj]
jellyroll 28 24 a type of cake [n -S...
jelutongs 19 23 JELUTONG, a naturall...
jemminess 19 25 spruceness [n -ES]
jenneting 16 23 an early type of app...
jeoparded 18 23 JEOPARD, to put in j...
jeoparder 18 22 one who puts in jeop...
jequerity 32 30 the tropical shrub I...
jequirity 33 30 the tropical shrub I...
jeremiads 18 22 JEREMIAD, a literary...
jerepigos 20 23 JEREPIGO, a sweet fo...
jerfalcon 22 26 a heavy, powerful fa...
jerkiness 18 23 the state of being j...
jerkingly 27 28 JERKING, jerky [adv]
jerkwater 21 25 not on a branch line...
jeroboams 19 24 JEROBOAM, an oversiz...
jerquings 27 31 JERQUING, a search f...
jerricans 20 22 JERRICAN, a fuel con...
jerrycans 26 24 JERRYCAN, a fuel con...
jessamies 18 21 JESSAMY, (obsolete)...
jessamine 17 22 a genus of oleaceous...
jesserant 16 19 (historical) a coat...
jestbooks 20 25 JESTBOOK, a collecti...
jestingly 26 24 JESTING [adv]
jesuitism 20 22 subtle argument, als...
jetliners 18 20 JETLINER, a plane po...
jetstream 18 21 a narrow belt of hig...
jettatura 17 19 (Italian) the evil e...
jettiness 17 19 the state of being j...
jettisons 17 19 JETTISON, to throw o...
jewelfish 26 27 a brightly-coloured...
jewellers 22 23 JEWELLER, a trader o...
jewellery 28 25 jewels in general, a...
jewellike 23 27 like a jewel [adj]
jewelling 23 26 JEWEL, to adorn with...
jewelries 21 22 JEWELRY, jewels in g...
jewelweed 23 26 a plant of the touch...
jewfishes 25 26 JEWFISH, a large mar...
jibbering 23 27 JIBBER, to utter sen...
jickajogs 25 36 JICKAJOG, to copulat...
jigamaree 18 23 a whatsit [n -S]
jiggering 21 25 JIGGER, to jerk up a...
jiggliest 22 23 JIGGLY, given to jig...
jiggumbob 26 32 a thingamabob; a gew...
jigjigged 24 34 JIGJIG, to copulate,...
jigsawing 23 26 JIGSAW, to cut with...
jihadisms 22 24 JIHADISM, an Islamic...
jihadists 21 21 JIHADIST, one who ta...
jillaroos 19 20 JILLAROO, a female j...
jillflirt 25 24 (archaic) a wanton g...
jillionth 22 23 the ordinal of jilli...
jimcracks 27 31 JIMCRACK, something...
jingbangs 21 27 JINGBANG, (colloquia...
jingliest 20 22 JINGLY, jingling [ad...
jingoisms 20 24 JINGOISM, the policy...
jingoists 19 21 JINGOIST, a zealous...
jinkering 19 26 JINKER, to transport...
jinriksha 21 25 (Japanese) a small,...
jipijapas 24 33 JIPIJAPA, a palmlike...
jirkinets 19 23 JIRKINET, (Scots) a...
jitterbug 22 24 to dance a jazz danc...
jitterier 18 18 JITTERY, extremely n...
jittering 19 21 JITTER, to fidget [v...
jiujitsus 22 29 JIUJITSU, a Japanese...
jiujutsus 22 30 JIUJUTSU, a Japanese...
jiveasses 19 22 JIVEASS, (colloquial...
joanneses 14 20 JOANNES, a Portugues...
jobations 18 22 JOBATION, a long, te...
jobberies 21 24 JOBBERY, the conduct...
jobcentre 21 25 a centre for employm...
jobernowl 22 26 a stupid person [n -...
jobholder 22 25 one who has a job [n...
jobseeker 19 25 one engaged in seeki...
jobshares 21 23 JOBSHARE, the practi...
jobsworth 25 26 a minor official, es...
jockettes 21 25 JOCKETTE, (facetious...
jockeying 28 30 JOCKEY, to maneuver...
jockeyish 30 29 like a jockey [adj]
jockeyism 29 30 the practice of jock...
jockstrap 24 28 a genital support wo...
jockteleg 23 28 (Scots) a large clas...
jocularly 29 26 JOCULAR, given to jo...
joculator 21 23 a professional jeste...
jocundity 27 26 joyfulness [n JOCUND...
jodelling 20 24 JODEL, to sing with...
johnboats 20 24 JOHNBOAT, a narrow s...
joineries 16 19 JOINERY, the trade o...
jointedly 24 23 JOINTED [adv]
jointings 18 22 JOINTING, the act of...
jointless 18 20 without joints [adj]
jointness 16 20 the state of being j...
jointress 17 19 a woman who has a jo...
jointured 17 21 JOINTURE, to settle...
jointures 17 20 JOINTURE, to settle...
jointweed 19 23 an American wild pla...
jointworm 21 25 the larva of a small...
jokesmith 22 27 (archaic) a composer...
jokesters 18 22 JOKESTER, a practica...
joliotium 20 23 a former name for th...
jolleyers 25 22 JOLLEYER, one who us...
jolleying 26 25 using a jolley, a gu...
jollified 22 24 JOLLIFY, to make jol...
jollifies 22 23 JOLLIFY, to make jol...
jolliment 20 24 (Spenser) jollity [n...
jolliness 19 21 the state of being j...
jollities 20 20 JOLLITY, mirth [n]
jollyboat 27 25 a small boat kept ho...
jollyhead 27 25 (Spenser) jollity [n...
jollyings 27 25 JOLLYING, the act of...
joltheads 20 22 JOLTHEAD, (archaic)...
joltingly 27 25 JOLTING [adv]
joncanoes 17 23 JONCANOE, a boistero...
jongleurs 19 23 JONGLEUR, (French) a...
jonnycake 25 29 a kind of bread made...
jookeries 17 22 JOOKERY, (Scots) tri...
jordeloos 17 20 JORDELOO, (Scots) a...
joshingly 28 26 JOSHING [adv]
jostlings 20 22 JOSTLING, the act of...
jouisance 19 23 (Spenser) joyousness...
joukeries 18 23 JOUKERY, trickery, a...
jounciest 20 23 JOUNCY, jolting [adj...
journaled 17 22 JOURNAL, to record i...
journeyed 22 23 JOURNEY, to travel [...
journeyer 22 22 one who journeys [n...
joustings 19 22 JOUSTING, the act of...
joviality 27 25 the state of being j...
jowliness 21 23 the state of being j...
joyfuller 28 26 JOYFUL, full of joy...
joylessly 32 24 JOYLESS, without joy...
joypopped 29 30 JOYPOP, to use habit...
joypopper 29 29 one who joypops, use...
joyridden 23 23 JOYRIDE, to take a r...
joyriders 24 21 JOYRIDER, one who jo...
joyriding 25 24 JOYRIDE, to take a r...
joysticks 29 27 JOYSTICK, the contro...
jubilance 23 27 jubilation, also JUB...
jubilancy 30 29 jubilation, also JUB...
jubilated 21 24 JUBILATE, to rejoice...
jubilates 21 23 JUBILATE, to rejoice...
juddering 19 24 JUDDER, to vibrate,...
judgeable 21 26 able to be judged [a...
judgeless 20 23 without a judge [adj...
judgelike 21 27 like a judge [adj]
judgement 19 26 an act of judging, a...
judgeship 24 27 the office of a judg...
judgingly 28 28 JUDGING [adv]
judgmatic 24 28 given to judgment, a...
judgments 20 26 JUDGMENT, an opinion...
judicable 24 27 capable of being jud...
judicares 21 23 JUDICARE, government...
judicator 21 23 a person who judges...
judiciary 28 25 the judicial authori...
judicious 22 24 showing judgment [ad...
jugginses 20 24 JUGGINS, a simpleton...
jugglings 23 27 JUGGLING, the act of...
jugulated 20 24 JUGULATE, to cut the...
jugulates 20 23 JUGULATE, to cut the...
juicehead 22 25 (slang) an alcoholic...
juiceless 22 23 without juice [adj]
juiciness 21 23 the state of being j...
jukeboxes 26 33 JUKEBOX, a coin-oper...
julienned 17 23 JULIENNE, to shred o...
juliennes 17 22 JULIENNE, to shred o...
jumarring 20 25 JUMAR, to climb usin...
jumbliest 23 26 JUMBLY, in a jumble...
jumboised 21 26 JUMBOISE, to enlarge...
jumboises 21 25 JUMBOISE, to enlarge...
jumboized 24 35 JUMBOIZE, to enlarge...
jumboizes 24 34 JUMBOIZE, to enlarge...
jumpiness 21 26 the state of being j...
jumpingly 30 31 JUMPING [adv]
jumpropes 23 28 JUMPROPE, a rope use...
jumpshots 24 27 JUMPSHOT, a type of...
jumpsuits 23 26 JUMPSUIT, a one-piec...
junctions 20 24 JUNCTION, an interse...
junctural 22 25 relating to juncture...
junctures 21 24 JUNCTURE, the act of...
juneating 17 23 an erroneous form of...
junglegym 28 30 (tradename) a climbi...
jungliest 20 23 JUNGLY, of or relati...
junglists 21 23 JUNGLIST, an adheren...
juniorate 16 20 a course of high sch...
junioring 18 23 JUNIOR, (of a lawyer...
juniority 24 22 the state of being j...
junkanoos 16 25 JUNKANOO, a boistero...
junketeer 17 24 one who junkets, fea...
junketers 18 24 JUNKETER, one that j...
junketing 19 27 going on a pleasure...
junketted 18 25 JUNKET, to go on suc...
junketter 18 24 one who junkets, fea...
junkiness 18 25 the quality of being...
junkyards 25 27 JUNKYARD, a yard whe...
juridical 23 24 relating to the admi...
jurymasts 26 24 JURYMAST, a temporar...
jurywoman 27 28 a woman who serves o...
jurywomen 27 28 JURYWOMAN, a woman w...
justicers 22 22 JUSTICER, (obsolete)...
justiciar 22 22 (historical) an admi...
justified 21 23 JUSTIFY, to vindicat...
justifier 21 22 one who justifies [n...
justifies 21 22 JUSTIFY, to vindicat...
juttingly 27 25 JUTTING [adv]
juveniles 20 25 JUVENILE, a young pe...
juvenilia 20 25 (Latin) works of one...
juxtapose 25 29 to place side by sid...