9 letter words that starts with a

9 letter words that start with A

9 letter A word


Word With Friends


aardvarks 18 18 AARDVARK, (Afrikaans...
aasvogels 18 16 AASVOGEL, (Afrikaans...
abactinal 20 17 remote from the acti...
abamperes 19 18 ABAMPERE, a unit of...
abandoned 14 16 ABANDON, to leave or...
abandonee 13 15 one to whom anything...
abandoner 14 15 one who abandons [n...
abasement 16 16 the state of being a...
abashedly 26 18 ABASHED [adv]
abashless 20 15 (obsolete) unabashed...
abashment 19 18 the state of being a...
abatement 16 16 a diminution; a mark...
abattises 17 12 ABATTIS, a barrier m...
abattoirs 17 12 ABATTOIR, a public s...
abbotcies 22 18 ABBOTCY, the office...
abbotship 24 20 the office of an abb...
abcoulomb 24 23 the unit of electric...
abdicable 23 20 capable of being abd...
abdicated 20 17 ABDICATE, to renounc...
abdicates 20 16 ABDICATE, to renounc...
abdicator 20 16 one who abdicates [n...
abdominal 18 18 relating to the abdo...
abductees 20 17 ABDUCTEE, one who is...
abducting 22 20 ABDUCT, to carry som...
abduction 20 18 the act of abducing...
abductors 21 17 ABDUCTOR, a person w...
abelmosks 20 20 ABELMOSK, an evergre...
abernethy 24 17 a crisp unleavened b...
aberrance 18 16 the state of being a...
aberrancy 25 18 the state of being a...
aberrants 16 13 ABERRANT, one who co...
aberrated 16 13 ABERRATE, to go astr...
aberrates 16 12 ABERRATE, to go astr...
abessives 19 16 ABESSIVE, a grammati...
abetments 17 16 ABETMENT, the act of...
abeyances 24 18 ABEYANCE, a state of...
abhenries 18 15 ABHENRY, a unit of i...
abhorrent 18 15 loathsome [adj]
abhorrers 19 14 ABHORRER, one who ab...
abhorring 20 17 an object of abhorre...
abidances 19 17 ABIDANCE, the act of...
abidingly 26 19 ABIDING, continual [...
abilities 19 13 ABILITY, a special s...
abiogenic 20 18 relating to abiogene...
abjecting 23 27 ABJECT, to throw out...
abjection 21 25 the act of bringing...
abjointed 18 23 ABJOINT, to cut off...
ablations 17 14 ABLATION, surgical r...
ablatival 21 18 relating to the abla...
ablatives 20 17 ABLATIVE, a grammati...
ablegates 18 15 ABLEGATE, a papal en...
ablutions 18 15 ABLUTION, the act of...
abnegated 16 16 ABNEGATE, to renounc...
abnegates 16 15 ABNEGATE, to renounc...
abnegator 16 15 one who abnegates, r...
abnormals 18 17 ABNORMAL, a mentally...
abnormity 24 18 a deviation from the...
abnormous 17 17 deviating from the n...
abodement 16 17 (obsolete) a forebod...
aboideaus 16 14 ABOIDEAU, (French) a...
aboideaux 22 21 ABOIDEAU, (French) a...
aboiteaus 16 13 ABOITEAU, (French) a...
aboiteaux 22 20 ABOITEAU, (French) a...
abolished 20 16 ABOLISH, to put an e...
abolisher 20 15 one who abolishes [n...
abolishes 20 15 ABOLISH, to put an e...
abolition 17 14 the act of doing awa...
abominate 16 16 to loathe [v ABOMINA...
abondance 17 18 a call in whist to m...
aborigens 17 15 ABORIGEN, an origina...
aborigine 17 15 a member of the orig...
aborigins 18 15 ABORIGIN, an origina...
abortions 16 13 ABORTION, the induce...
abortuary 23 15 an anti-abortion ter...
abortuses 17 13 ABORTUS, an aborted...
abounding 17 18 ABOUND, to exist in...
abrachias 22 17 ABRACHIA, a congenit...
abradable 19 17 capable of being abr...
abradants 16 14 ABRADANT, a material...
abraiding 18 16 ABRAID, (Spenser) to...
abrasaxes 22 19 ABRASAX, a mystic wo...
abrasions 16 13 ABRASION, a graze on...
abrasives 19 16 ABRASIVE, an abrasiv...
abraxases 22 19 ABRAXAS, a gem engra...
abreacted 19 16 ABREACT, to resolve...
abricocks 25 22 ABRICOCK, (obsolete)...
abridgers 19 15 ABRIDGER, one who ab...
abridging 20 18 ABRIDGE, to shorten...
abrogable 20 18 that can be abrogate...
abrogated 17 15 ABROGATE, to repeal...
abrogates 17 14 ABROGATE, to repeal...
abrogator 17 14 one who abrogates, a...
abrooking 18 19 ABROOKE, an erroneou...
abruptest 20 16 ABRUPT, sudden [adj]
abruption 19 17 a sudden, violent se...
abscessed 20 16 ABSCESS, to form an...
abscesses 20 15 ABSCESS, to form an...
abscinded 20 18 ABSCIND, to cut off...
abscising 22 18 ABSCISE, to cut off,...
abscisins 21 16 ABSCISIN, abscisic a...
abscissae 20 15 ABSCISSA, the distan...
abscissas 21 15 ABSCISSA, the distan...
abscisses 21 15 ABSCISS, the distanc...
abscissin 21 16 abscisic acid, a pla...
absconded 19 18 ABSCOND, to depart s...
absconder 19 17 one who absconds [n...
abseilers 18 13 ABSEILER, one that a...
abseiling 19 16 the act or sport of...
absentees 15 13 ABSENTEE, one who is...
absenters 16 13 ABSENTER, one who ke...
absenting 17 16 ABSENT, to take or k...
absinthes 19 15 ABSINTHE, (French) t...
absoluter 18 14 ABSOLUTE, unconditio...
absolutes 18 14 ABSOLUTE, something...
absolvent 19 18 something that absol...
absolvers 20 17 ABSOLVER, one who ab...
absolving 21 20 ABSOLVE, to free fro...
absorbant 18 16 able to absorb [adj]...
absorbate 18 15 an absorbed substanc...
absorbent 18 16 able to absorb [adj]...
absorbers 19 15 ABSORBER, something...
absorbing 20 18 ABSORB, to take up o...
abstained 16 14 ABSTAIN, to refrain...
abstainer 16 13 one who abstains [n...
absterged 18 15 ABSTERGE, to cleanse...
absterges 18 14 ABSTERGE, to cleanse...
abstinent 16 14 tending to abstain,...
abstracts 21 15 ABSTRACT, to draw aw...
abstricts 22 15 ABSTRICT, to set fre...
abstruser 18 13 ABSTRUSE, difficult...
absurdest 18 14 ABSURD, ridiculous [...
absurdism 20 17 the doctrine that we...
absurdist 19 14 a person holding the...
absurdity 25 16 the quality of being...
abuilding 20 18 in the process of be...
abundance 18 19 the state of being a...
abundancy 25 21 the state of being a...
abusively 27 20 ABUSIVE, in the mann...
abutilons 18 15 ABUTILON, (Arabic) a...
abutments 18 17 ABUTMENT, a buttress...
abysmally 33 21 ABYSMAL, immeasurabl...
academias 18 16 ACADEMIA, (Latin) th...
academics 22 19 ACADEMIC, a college...
academies 18 16 ACADEMY, a secondary...
academism 20 19 the doctrines of the...
academist 19 16 a person belonging t...
acalculia 23 18 an inability to do s...
acalephae 21 18 all cnidarians (jell...
acalephan 21 19 any cnidarian (a jel...
acalephes 22 18 ACALEPHE, any cnidar...
acanthine 18 16 of, pertaining to, o...
acanthins 19 16 ACANTHIN, a deposit...
acanthoid 19 16 spine-shaped [adj]
acanthous 19 16 spiny, prickly [adj]
acarboses 19 15 ACARBOSE, a drug for...
acariases 17 12 ACARIASIS, an irrita...
acariasis 18 12 an irritating itchin...
acaricide 21 16 a substance that kil...
acaridans 17 14 ACARIDAN, a mite or...
acaridean 16 14 relating to the Acar...
acaridian 17 14 relating to the Acar...
acarology 25 17 the study of mites [...
acathisia 20 14 a psychological cond...
accedence 22 20 the act of acceding...
accending 21 20 ACCEND, (obsolete) t...
accension 19 17 the act of kindling...
accenting 21 19 ACCENT, to pronounce...
accentors 20 16 ACCENTOR, a song bir...
accentual 21 18 of or pertaining to...
acceptant 22 19 one who accepts [n -...
acceptees 22 18 ACCEPTEE, one who is...
accepters 23 18 ACCEPTER, a person w...
accepting 24 21 ACCEPT, to receive w...
acceptive 25 22 ready to receive [ad...
acceptors 23 18 ACCEPTOR, someone wh...
accessary 27 17 accompanying, as a s...
accessing 22 18 ACCESS, to have entr...
accession 20 16 the act of acceding...
accessory 27 17 accompanying, as a s...
accidence 23 20 the science of infle...
accidents 21 17 ACCIDENT, a mishap [...
accinging 23 21 ACCINGE, to gird up...
accipiter 24 18 (Latin) a bird belon...
acclaimed 23 20 ACCLAIM, to shout ap...
acclaimer 23 19 one who acclaims [n...
acclimate 23 19 (US) to habituate to...
acclivity 32 22 an upward slope [n A...
acclivous 25 21 sloping upwards, als...
accloying 29 21 ACCLOY, (Spenser) to...
accoasted 20 16 ACCOAST, to lie or s...
accoladed 21 18 ACCOLADE, to give an...
accolades 21 17 ACCOLADE, to give an...
accompany 29 24 to escort [v ACCOMPA...
accompted 24 22 ACCOMPT, to explain...
accoraged 21 18 ACCORAGE, (Spenser)...
accorages 21 17 ACCORAGE, (Spenser)...
accordant 20 17 agreeing; consonant...
accorders 21 16 ACCORDER, one who ac...
according 22 19 ACCORD, to bring int...
accordion 20 17 a musical instrument...
accosting 22 18 ACCOST, to approach...
accounted 20 18 ACCOUNT, to explain...
accourage 21 18 (Spenser) to encoura...
accourted 21 17 ACCOURT, to entertai...
accouters 21 16 ACCOUTER, (US) to dr...
accoutred 21 17 ACCOUTRE, to dress o...
accoutres 21 16 ACCOUTRE, to dress o...
accredits 22 16 ACCREDIT, to accept...
accreting 22 18 ACCRETE, to grow tog...
accretion 20 16 accumulation; the ad...
accretive 23 19 relating to accretio...
accrewing 25 21 ACCREW, (Spenser) to...
accroides 21 16 a red alcohol-solubl...
accruable 24 20 capable of being acc...
accumbent 24 23 of plants, lying aga...
accursing 23 19 ACCURSE, to make cur...
accusable 24 20 liable to be accused...
accusably 31 22 ACCUSABLE, liable to...
accusants 21 17 ACCUSANT, an accuser...
accustoms 23 19 ACCUSTOM, to make fa...
aceldamas 19 17 ACELDAMA, (Aramaic)...
acellular 21 16 not containing or ma...
acentrics 21 16 ACENTRIC, an acentri...
acephalic 26 21 headless [adj]
acerbated 19 16 ACERBATE, to embitte...
acerbates 19 15 ACERBATE, to embitte...
acervulus 22 19 (Latin) the spore-pr...
acescence 22 19 the act of turning s...
acescency 29 21 the act of turning s...
acescents 20 16 ACESCENT, something...
acetabula 20 17 ACETABULUM, (Latin)...
acetamide 18 16 a white crystalline...
acetamids 19 16 ACETAMID, an amide o...
acetified 20 16 ACETIFY, to convert...
acetifier 20 15 an agent that acetif...
acetifies 20 15 ACETIFY, to convert...
acetoxyls 31 22 ACETOXYL, a univalen...
acetylate 24 15 to introduce the ace...
acetylene 23 16 a colourless toxic i...
acetylide 25 16 any of a class of ca...
achaenium 20 19 a small one-seeded f...
achalasia 20 15 (Greek) failure of t...
acheniums 21 19 ACHENIUM, a small on...
achievers 22 18 ACHIEVER, one who ac...
achieving 23 21 ACHIEVE, to carry ou...
achilleas 22 16 ACHILLEA, a plant of...
achimenes 20 18 (Latin) a genus of h...
achromats 21 17 ACHROMAT, a light tr...
achromous 21 18 colourless, also ACH...
aciclovir 25 20 a drug used in the t...
aciculate 22 17 marked as if with ne...
aciculums 25 21 ACICULUM, a bristlel...
acidemias 19 16 ACIDEMIA, a conditio...
acidheads 20 16 ACIDHEAD, a person w...
acidified 21 17 ACIDIFY, to render a...
acidifier 21 16 an agent that acidif...
acidifies 21 16 ACIDIFY, to render a...
acidities 19 13 ACIDITY, sourness [n...
acidophil 24 19 a substance, tissue...
acidulate 19 15 to make acidulous [v...
acidulent 19 16 having an acid quali...
acidulous 20 16 having an acid quali...
acidurias 19 14 ACIDURIA, excessive...
acierages 18 14 ACIERAGE, the coveri...
acierated 17 13 ACIERATE, to turn in...
acierates 17 12 ACIERATE, to turn in...
aciniform 21 19 shaped like cluster...
acknowing 22 23 ACKNOW, (obsolete) t...
acoluthic 25 19 pertaining to an aft...
aconitine 16 14 a poisonous alkaloid...
aconitums 19 17 ACONITUM, (Latin) th...
acosmisms 21 18 ACOSMISM, a doctrine...
acosmists 20 15 ACOSMIST, one who de...
acouchies 23 18 ACOUCHY, a burrowing...
acoustics 22 16 ACOUSTIC, a sense of...
acquaints 26 23 ACQUAINT, to cause t...
acquiesce 29 25 to agree, accept [v...
acquights 31 26 ACQUIGHT, (obsolete)...
acquirals 28 23 ACQUIRAL, getting or...
acquirees 26 22 ACQUIREE, one that i...
acquirers 27 22 ACQUIRER, one who ac...
acquiring 28 25 ACQUIRE, to come int...
acquiting 28 25 ACQUITE, (obsolete)...
acquittal 28 23 the act of acquittin...
acquitted 27 23 ACQUIT, to free from...
acquitter 27 22 one who acquits [n -...
acridines 18 14 ACRIDINE, a chemical...
acridness 18 14 the quality of being...
acritarch 24 17 any of a group of fo...
acritical 23 16 not critical [adj]
acrobatic 23 18 like an acrobat, agi...
acrodonts 17 14 ACRODONT, an acrodon...
acrodrome 18 16 of the veins in a le...
acrogenic 21 18 like or relating to...
acrolects 22 16 ACROLECT, a variety...
acroleins 18 14 ACROLEIN, a flammabl...
acroliths 22 15 ACROLITH, (Greek) a...
acronical 21 17 occurring at nightfa...
acronycal 27 19 occurring at nightfa...
acronymic 28 21 relating to an acron...
acropetal 20 16 in the direction of...
acrophobe 23 20 someone with an abno...
acrophony 27 20 the use of a word st...
acropolis 21 16 (Greek) a citadel, e...
acrosomal 19 16 relating to an acros...
acrosomes 18 15 ACROSOME, a thin sac...
acrospire 20 15 the first real shoot...
acrostics 22 15 ACROSTIC, a poem in...
acroteria 17 12 ACROTERIUM, a pedest...
acrotisms 20 15 ACROTISM, absence of...
acrylates 25 15 ACRYLATE, a compound...
actinally 26 17 ACTINAL, pertaining...
actinians 17 14 ACTINIAN, a sea-anem...
actinides 18 14 ACTINIDE, any elemen...
actinisms 20 16 ACTINISM, the proper...
actiniums 20 17 ACTINIUM, a radioact...
actinoids 18 14 ACTINOID, any elemen...
actinopod 19 17 any protozoan of the...
actioners 17 13 ACTIONER, a film wit...
actioning 18 16 ACTION, to carry out...
actionist 18 13 a shareholder in a j...
activated 20 17 ACTIVATE, to set in...
activates 20 16 ACTIVATE, to set in...
activator 20 16 one who activates [n...
activised 21 17 ACTIVISE, to activat...
activises 21 16 ACTIVISE, to activat...
activisms 23 19 ACTIVISM, a policy o...
activists 22 16 ACTIVIST, an advocat...
activized 24 26 ACTIVIZE, to activat...
activizes 24 25 ACTIVIZE, to activat...
actresses 18 12 ACTRESS, a female ac...
actualise 19 14 to make actual, real...
actualist 20 14 a person who deals w...
actualite 19 14 (French) the real st...
actuality 26 16 the state of being a...
actualize 22 23 to make actual, real...
actuarial 19 14 of or pertaining to...
actuaries 18 13 ACTUARY, a person wh...
actuating 19 16 ACTUATE, to put into...
actuation 17 14 a bringing into acti...
actuators 18 13 ACTUATOR, one who ac...
aculeated 18 15 prickly; pointed; st...
aculeates 18 14 ACULEATE, a stinging...
acuminate 18 17 to sharpen [v ACUMIN...
acuminous 19 18 characterized by acu...
acupoints 20 17 ACUPOINT, an acupunc...
acutances 20 17 ACUTANCE, a measure...
acuteness 17 14 the state of being a...
acyclovir 31 22 a drug used in the t...
acylating 26 18 ACYLATE, to introduc...
acylation 24 16 the act of forming a...
adamances 17 17 ADAMANCE, unyielding...
adamantly 22 17 ADAMANT, very firm [...
adamsites 16 13 ADAMSITE, a lung-irr...
adaptable 19 17 that can be adapted...
adaptions 16 14 ADAPTION, the act of...
adaptogen 16 16 any of various natur...
addeeming 16 17 ADDEEM, (obsolete) t...
addendums 16 17 ADDENDUM, something...
adderbead 16 15 a prehistoric orname...
adderwort 18 14 the common bistort,...
addicting 20 17 ADDICT, to make depe...
addiction 18 15 the state of being a...
addictive 21 18 causing addiction [a...
additions 15 12 ADDITION, something...
additives 18 15 ADDITIVE, a substanc...
addlement 16 16 the state of being a...
addooming 16 17 ADDOOM, (Spenser) to...
addressed 15 12 ADDRESS, to speak to...
addressee 14 11 one who is addressed...
addresser 15 11 one who addresses, a...
addresses 15 11 ADDRESS, to speak to...
addressor 15 11 one who addresses, a...
adducible 22 19 capable of being add...
adducting 20 18 ADDUCT, to draw inwa...
adduction 18 16 the act of adducing...
adductive 21 19 adducing, bringing t...
adductors 19 15 ADDUCTOR, an adducen...
ademption 17 17 the revoking by test...
adenoidal 14 13 relating to or like...
adenomata 13 14 ADENOMA, a tumor of...
adenosine 12 12 a nucleotide made up...
adeptness 16 14 the state of being a...
adessives 17 14 ADESSIVE, a grammati...
adherable 19 16 capable of adhering...
adherence 18 16 the state of adherin...
adherends 16 14 ADHEREND, the surfac...
adherents 16 13 ADHERENT, a supporte...
adhesions 16 13 ADHESION, the act of...
adhesives 19 16 ADHESIVE, a substanc...
adhibited 20 16 ADHIBIT, to attach;...
adhocracy 29 20 management that resp...
adiabatic 20 16 without transference...
adiaphora 18 15 ADIAPHORON, a tenet...
adipocere 19 16 (Latin) a fatty subs...
adipocyte 26 18 a fat cell [n -S]
adiposity 24 15 the state of being f...
adjacence 21 26 the state of being a...
adjacency 28 28 the state of being a...
adjacents 19 23 ADJACENT, in a right...
adjective 22 26 added, dependent [ad...
adjoining 17 23 ADJOIN, to lie next...
adjourned 16 22 ADJOURN, to suspend...
adjudging 20 26 ADJUDGE, to decide;...
adjunctly 28 27 ADJUNCT, attached [a...
adjusters 18 20 ADJUSTER, one who ad...
adjusting 19 23 ADJUST, to bring to...
adjustive 20 24 tending to adjust [a...
adjustors 18 20 ADJUSTOR, one who ad...
adjutages 18 22 ADJUTAGE, (French) a...
adjutancy 26 26 the office of an adj...
adjutants 17 21 ADJUTANT, an officer...
adjuvancy 28 30 the state of being a...
adjuvants 19 25 ADJUVANT, a substanc...
admeasure 15 14 to measure [v ADMEAS...
adminicle 20 18 that which supports...
admirable 19 17 worthy of being admi...
admirably 26 19 ADMIRABLE, worthy of...
admiralty 24 16 the office of admira...
admirance 18 17 (Spenser) admiration...
admission 16 14 the act of admitting...
admissive 19 17 relating to admissio...
admittees 16 13 ADMITTEE, one that i...
admitters 17 13 ADMITTER, one who ad...
admitting 18 16 ADMIT, to allow to e...
admixture 23 21 the action of mixing...
admonitor 15 14 an admonisher; a mon...
adnascent 16 15 growing on some othe...
adnations 13 12 ADNATION, the state...
adnominal 15 16 pertaining to an adn...
adobelike 18 18 like adobe [adj]
adonising 15 14 ADONISE, to adorn (o...
adonizing 18 23 ADONIZE, to adorn (o...
adoptable 19 17 capable of being ado...
adoptions 16 14 ADOPTION, the act of...
adoptious 17 14 (Shakespeare) adopte...
adoration 13 11 the act of adoring [...
adoringly 23 16 ADORING [adv]
adorkable 18 18 (slang) socially ine...
adornment 14 15 the act of adorning...
adpressed 17 14 ADPRESS, to press to...
adpresses 17 13 ADPRESS, to press to...
adreading 15 14 ADREAD, (obsolete) t...
adrenalin 14 13 a hormone secreted b...
adrenally 22 15 ADRENAL, relating to...
adroitest 15 10 ADROIT, skilful [adj...
adscripts 22 16 ADSCRIPT, (historica...
adsorbate 16 13 a substance or molec...
adsorbent 16 14 a substance that ads...
adsorbers 17 13 ADSORBER, something...
adsorbing 18 16 ADSORB, to gather an...
adularias 16 12 ADULARIA, a transpar...
adulating 17 15 ADULATE, to fawn upo...
adulation 15 13 the act of adulating...
adulators 16 12 ADULATOR, one who ad...
adulatory 22 14 showing adulation [a...
adulterer 16 12 one who commits adul...
adulthood 18 15 the state of being a...
adultlike 19 17 like an adult [adj]
adultness 16 13 the state of being a...
adultress 17 12 a female adulterer,...
adumbrate 18 17 to foreshadow vaguel...
aduncated 17 16 hooked, also ADUNC,...
advancers 19 18 ADVANCER, one who ad...
advancing 20 21 ADVANCE, to put forw...
advantage 16 17 to confer an advanta...
advecting 21 20 ADVECT, to transport...
advection 19 18 the horizontal movem...
advective 22 21 relating to advectio...
adventive 18 19 a thing or person co...
adventure 16 16 to risk, to dare, al...
adverbial 20 18 relating to an adver...
adversary 23 16 an opponent [n ADVER...
adversely 24 17 ADVERSE, acting agai...
adversest 17 14 ADVERSE, acting agai...
adversity 24 16 a state, condition,...
advertent 16 15 attentive, heedful [...
adverting 18 17 ADVERT, to refer to...
advertise 17 14 to draw attention to...
advertize 20 23 to draw attention to...
adviceful 24 22 full of advice [adj]
advisable 20 18 sensible, to be reco...
advisably 27 20 ADVISABLE, sensible,...
advisedly 25 18 ADVISED [adv]
advisings 19 17 ADVISING, (Sahkespea...
advocaats 19 17 ADVOCAAT, (Dutch) a...
advocated 19 18 ADVOCATE, to plead i...
advocates 19 17 ADVOCATE, to plead i...
advocator 19 17 one who advocates [n...
advoutrer 17 15 (obsolete) an adulte...
advowsons 19 18 ADVOWSON, the right...
adwarding 19 17 ADWARD, (Spenser) to...
adynamias 21 16 ADYNAMIA, lack of ph...
aedicules 19 15 AEDICULE, a door or...
aegirines 15 12 AEGIRINE, a green mi...
aegirites 16 11 AEGIRITE, a green mi...
aeglogues 17 15 AEGLOGUE, (archaic)...
aegrotats 15 11 AEGROTAT, (archaic)...
aeolipile 18 14 the first steam engi...
aeolipyle 24 16 the first steam engi...
aepyornis 22 15 (Greek) a large foss...
aequorins 22 20 AEQUORIN, a protein...
aerations 13 10 AERATION, exposure t...
aerialist 16 10 one who performs on...
aeriality 22 12 the state of being a...
aerifying 24 17 AERIFY, to infuse ai...
aerobatic 19 15 relating to the art...
aerobiont 15 13 an aerobe, an organi...
aerobombs 19 18 AEROBOMB, a bomb for...
aerobrake 16 16 to use a planet's at...
aerobuses 16 13 AEROBUS, a type of m...
aerodarts 14 10 AERODART, an arrow-h...
aerodrome 14 13 a place for aircraft...
aeroducts 18 14 AERODUCT, a type of...
aerodynes 19 13 AERODYNE, a heavier-...
aerofoils 17 13 AEROFOIL, a structur...
aerograms 16 14 AEROGRAM, an airmail...
aerograph 19 16 an airborne meteorol...
aerolites 15 10 AEROLITE, a meteorit...
aeroliths 18 12 AEROLITH, a meteorit...
aerolitic 19 13 of or pertaining to...
aerologic 19 15 relating to aerology...
aeromancy 23 18 divination by means...
aerometer 14 12 an instrument for me...
aerometry 21 14 the measurement of t...
aeromotor 14 12 an engine for aircra...
aeronauts 13 11 AERONAUT, a travelle...
aeronomer 13 13 one who studies the...
aeronomic 17 16 relating to aeronomy...
aeropause 15 13 the region of the ea...
aerophagy 25 18 spasmodic swallowing...
aerophobe 19 17 a person with a fear...
aerophone 16 15 any wind instrument...
aerophore 17 14 a device for playing...
aerophyte 24 16 a plant obtaining al...
aeroplane 15 14 a flying machine [n...
aeropulse 17 14 a type of jet engine...
aeroscope 18 15 a device for observi...
aeroshell 18 13 a form of parachute...
aerospace 18 15 the Earth's atmosphe...
aerospike 17 16 a rocket engine with...
aerostats 14 9 AEROSTAT, any lighte...
aerotaxes 19 16 AEROTAXIS, movement...
aerotaxis 20 16 movement towards or...
aerotones 12 10 AEROTONE, a deep bat...
aerotrain 13 10 a train driven by an...
aesculins 19 15 AESCULIN, a glucosid...
aestheses 16 11 AESTHESIS, the abili...
aesthesia 16 11 the ability to recei...
aesthesis 17 11 the ability to recei...
aesthetes 16 11 AESTHETE, a person w...
aesthetic 20 14 keenly appreciative...
aestivate 16 13 to pass the summer i...
aethereal 16 12 like a spirit, also...
aetiology 22 14 the science of cause...
affearing 19 18 AFFEARE, (Spenser) t...
affecters 22 18 AFFECTER, one who af...
affecting 23 21 AFFECT, to act upon...
affection 21 19 a fond feeling [n] /...
affective 24 22 of, arising from or...
affeering 19 18 AFFEER, (archaic) to...
afferents 18 16 AFFERENT, something...
affianced 21 20 AFFIANCE, to betroth...
affiances 21 19 AFFIANCE, to betroth...
affidavit 22 20 (Latin) a written st...
affiliate 20 16 to adopt or attach a...
affirmant 20 19 one who affirms or a...
affirmers 21 18 AFFIRMER, one who af...
affirming 22 21 AFFIRM, to state pos...
affixable 28 26 able to be affixed [...
affixment 26 26 something affixed, a...
affixture 26 23 something affixed, a...
afflation 19 17 the act of breathing...
afflicted 24 20 AFFLICT, to distress...
afflicter 24 19 one who afflicts [n...
affluence 22 21 the state of being a...
affluency 29 23 the state of being a...
affluents 20 18 AFFLUENT, a stream t...
affluenza 22 27 a malaise said to af...
affluxion 26 25 a flowing towards or...
affogatos 19 17 AFFOGATO, (Italian)...
affoorded 18 17 AFFOORD, (Spenser) t...
afforcing 23 21 AFFORCE, to strength...
affording 20 19 AFFORD, to have suff...
afforests 19 15 AFFOREST, to cover w...
affrapped 23 22 AFFRAP, (Spenser) to...
affrayers 25 17 AFFRAYER, a disturbe...
affraying 26 20 AFFRAY, to disturb o...
affrended 18 18 (Spenser) reconciled...
affricate 22 18 a consonant that beg...
affrights 24 19 AFFRIGHT, to frighte...
affronted 18 17 AFFRONT, to insult t...
affrontee 17 16 (French) face to fac...
affusions 19 17 AFFUSION, the act of...
aflatoxin 23 21 a toxin produced in...
aforehand 17 16 beforehand [adv]
aforesaid 16 13 mentioned previously...
aforetime 17 15 in time past; former...
afterbody 25 18 any discarded part t...
aftercare 19 15 care subsequent to a...
afterclap 23 19 an unexpected damagi...
afterdamp 20 19 poisonous gas formed...
afterdeck 21 20 a deck behind a ship...
aftereyed 22 15 AFTEREYE, (Shakespea...
aftereyes 22 14 AFTEREYE, (Shakespea...
aftergame 18 17 a rematch; a means e...
afterglow 22 18 a glow remaining aft...
afterheat 18 14 the heat from fissio...
afterings 18 15 the last milk drawn...
afterlife 20 16 life after death [n...
aftermath 20 17 a second mowing of g...
aftermost 18 15 hindmost, as opposed...
afternoon 14 14 the time between mor...
afterpain 18 16 pain that comes afte...
afterpeak 19 19 space behind the aft...
aftershow 22 17 a party held after a...
aftersuns 17 14 AFTERSUN, moisturing...
aftertime 18 15 the time after the p...
afterward 20 16 at a later time, als...
afterword 20 16 an epilogue [n -S]
agaceries 18 14 AGACERIE, (French) a...
agalactia 19 15 the failure or inabi...
agallochs 23 18 AGALLOCH, the fragra...
agalwoods 19 16 AGALWOOD, the wood o...
agamogony 22 19 asexual reproduction...
agarwoods 18 15 AGARWOOD, a soft, re...
agateware 17 14 a form of ceramic ma...
agatising 17 14 AGATISE, to cause to...
agatizing 20 23 AGATIZE, to cause to...
agelastic 20 15 never laughing [adj]
agelessly 24 15 AGELESS, never growi...
agenesias 14 12 AGENESIA, absence or...
agenising 16 15 AGENISE, to treat fl...
agenizing 19 24 AGENIZE, to treat fl...
agentings 16 15 AGENTING, the busine...
agentival 18 17 of the performer of...
agentives 17 16 AGENTIVE, a grammati...
agentries 15 12 AGENTRY, the office...
ageratums 17 15 AGERATUM, a flowerin...
agflation 18 16 an economic situatio...
aggracing 21 19 AGGRACE, (Spenser) t...
aggrading 18 17 AGGRADE, to raise th...
aggrating 18 16 AGGRATE, (Spenser) t...
aggravate 18 17 to make worse [v AGG...
aggregate 17 15 formed of parts that...
aggressed 17 14 AGGRESS, to attack f...
aggresses 17 13 AGGRESS, to attack f...
aggressor 17 13 one who aggresses [n...
aggrieved 19 18 AGGRIEVE, to distres...
aggrieves 19 17 AGGRIEVE, to distres...
agileness 16 13 the state of being a...
agilities 18 12 AGILITY, nimbleness...
agiotages 16 13 AGIOTAGE, speculativ...
agistment 17 15 a land tax assessed...
agitating 17 14 AGITATE, to stir vio...
agitation 15 12 the act of agitating...
agitative 18 15 tending to agitate [...
agitators 16 11 AGITATOR, one that a...
agitprops 21 17 AGITPROP, pro-Commun...
aglossate 16 12 relating to aglossia...
aglossias 17 12 AGLOSSIA, the congen...
aglycones 25 18 AGLYCONE, an organic...
agnathans 16 15 AGNATHAN, any of a f...
agnathous 17 15 lacking jaws, esp. o...
agnatical 19 16 pertaining to descen...
agnations 14 13 AGNATION, the relati...
agnolotti 16 13 a dish of small past...
agnominal 16 17 relating to an agnom...
agnostics 19 15 AGNOSTIC, one who be...
agonising 16 15 AGONISE, to suffer a...
agonistes 15 12 (Greek) one who is i...
agonistic 19 15 relating to or being...
agonizing 19 24 AGONIZE, to suffer a...
agraphias 20 16 AGRAPHIA, the inabil...
agrarians 15 12 AGRARIAN, one who fa...
agreeable 17 15 pleasant [adj]
agreeably 24 17 AGREEABLE, pleasant...
agreement 15 15 concord, conformity...
agrements 16 15 AGREMENT, (French) t...
agrestial 17 12 growing wild in cult...
agriology 24 16 the comparative stud...
agrodolce 19 16 an Italian sweet-and...
agrologic 21 17 relating to agrology...
agronomic 19 18 relating to agronomy...
agrypnias 24 17 AGRYPNIA, wakefulnes...
agterskot 17 15 (Afrikaans) the fina...
aguacates 18 15 AGUACATE, the avocad...
agueweeds 18 16 AGUEWEED, a North Am...
ahistoric 21 14 not historical, also...
ahungered 17 16 (archaic) oppressed...
ahuruhuru 21 17 (Maori) a small pink...
aigrettes 16 11 AIGRETTE, a tuft of...
aiguilles 19 14 AIGUILLE, a needleli...
ailanthic 21 16 of or like the ailan...
ailanthus 18 14 (Amboina) an orienta...
aimlessly 25 16 AIMLESS, without aim...
airboards 17 13 AIRBOARD, an inflata...
airbricks 23 19 AIRBRICK, a brick wi...
airbursts 19 13 AIRBURST, to explode...
airbusses 18 13 AIRBUS, (tradename)...
airchecks 25 21 AIRCHECK, a recordin...
airdromes 16 13 AIRDROME, an aerodro...
airfields 19 14 AIRFIELD, an area wh...
airframes 18 15 AIRFRAME, the body o...
airgraphs 21 16 AIRGRAPH, a letter p...
airheaded 16 13 like an airhead [adj...
airlifted 19 14 AIRLIFT, to transpor...
airliners 16 11 AIRLINER, a large pa...
airmailed 17 14 AIRMAIL, to send mai...
airmobile 19 16 relating to a milita...
airplanes 17 14 AIRPLANE, a winged a...
airpowers 20 15 AIRPOWER, military a...
airproofs 19 15 AIRPROOF, to make im...
airproxes 23 19 AIRPROX, a near coll...
airscapes 20 15 AIRSCAPE, a view of...
airscrews 22 15 AIRSCREW, an airplan...
airshafts 20 14 AIRSHAFT, a passage...
airspaces 20 15 AIRSPACE, the portio...
airspeeds 17 13 AIRSPEED, the speed...
airstream 16 12 a flow of air [n -S]
airstrike 17 13 an attack by militar...
airstrips 19 12 AIRSTRIP, a runway [...
airworthy 27 16 suitable for flying...
aisleless 17 11 without an aisle [ad...
aisleways 25 15 AISLEWAY, a passage...
aitchbone 21 18 the rump bone of cat...
akaryotes 21 15 AKARYOTE, a cell wit...
akaryotic 25 18 of or like an akaryo...
akathisia 18 15 a psychological cond...
akinesias 15 14 AKINESIA, loss of vo...
akoluthos 19 17 (historical) the hea...
alabamine 17 17 an alternative name...
alabaster 17 13 a soft, semitranspar...
alachlors 22 16 ALACHLOR, a type of...
alackaday 25 20 an expression of reg...
alaiments 16 14 ALAIMENT, an allayme...
alalagmoi 18 16 ALALAGMOS, (Greek) a...
alalagmos 18 16 (Greek) a war-cry of...
alarmable 19 17 that can be alarmed...
alarmedly 24 17 ALARMED [adv]
alarmisms 19 16 ALARMISM, the practi...
alarmists 18 13 ALARMIST, one who al...
alaruming 18 17 ALARUM, (archaic) to...
alastrims 18 13 ALASTRIM, a mild for...
albacores 20 16 ALBACORE, a large tu...
albarelli 20 15 ALBARELLO, (Italian)...
albarello 19 15 (Italian) a cylindri...
albatross 18 13 a large, long-winged...
albertite 18 13 a bituminous mineral...
albescent 20 17 becoming white [adj]
albespine 19 17 (archaic) hawthorn,...
albespyne 25 19 (archaic) hawthorn,...
albicores 21 16 ALBICORE, a large tu...
albinisms 20 17 ALBINISM, the condit...
albinoism 19 17 the state or conditi...
albinotic 21 17 affected with albini...
albitical 23 17 pertaining to albite...
albitised 19 14 ALBITISE, to turn in...
albitises 19 13 ALBITISE, to turn in...
albitized 22 23 ALBITIZE, to turn in...
albitizes 22 22 ALBITIZE, to turn in...
albizzias 25 31 ALBIZZIA, any of a g...
albricias 22 16 (Spanish) an express...
albumoses 19 17 ALBUMOSE, a water-so...
alburnous 18 16 of or pertaining to...
alburnums 20 19 ALBURNUM, the soft w...
albuterol 19 15 a drug used to treat...
alcahests 21 15 ALCAHEST, the hypoth...
alcarraza 21 22 (Arabic) a vessel of...
alchemies 22 18 ALCHEMY, the infant...
alchemise 22 18 to change by alchemy...
alchemist 23 18 a practitioner of al...
alchemize 25 27 to change by alchemy...
alchymies 29 20 ALCHYMY, the infant...
alcoholic 25 19 related to alcohol [...
alcolocks 24 21 ALCOLOCK, a breath-a...
aldehydes 24 16 ALDEHYDE, a volatile...
aldehydic 28 19 of or pertaining to...
aldicarbs 22 17 ALDICARB, a kind of...
aldolases 16 12 ALDOLASE, an enzyme...
aldoximes 23 21 ALDOXIME, an oxime f...
aleatoric 18 13 dependent on chance,...
alecithal 22 16 of an ovum, having l...
alectryon 24 16 a sapindaceous tree...
alehouses 17 13 ALEHOUSE, a tavern w...
alembroth 21 18 an alchemists' word...
alertness 15 11 the state of being a...
aleurones 14 12 ALEURONE, a protein...
aleuronic 18 15 of or like aleuron,...
alewashed 20 16 (Shakespeare) affect...
alexander 20 19 a kind of cocktail,...
alfaquins 26 24 ALFAQUIN, a teacher...
alfereces 20 16 ALFEREZ, (Arabic) a...
alfilaria 19 14 (Spanish) a Californ...
alfileria 19 14 (Spanish) a Californ...
algaecide 19 16 a substance for kill...
algarobas 18 15 ALGAROBA, (Arabic) t...
algarroba 18 15 (Arabic) the carob,...
algarrobo 18 15 (Arabic) the carob,...
algebraic 22 18 relating to algebra,...
algerines 16 13 ALGERINE, a kind of...
algicidal 22 17 having the property...
algicides 21 16 ALGICIDE, a substanc...
algidness 17 14 the state of being a...
alginates 16 13 ALGINATE, a salt of...
algometer 17 15 an instrument for me...
algometry 24 17 the measurement of s...
algorisms 19 15 ALGORISM, the Arabic...
algorithm 21 17 a step-by-step proce...
alguacils 22 17 ALGUACIL, a Spanish...
alguazils 22 23 ALGUAZIL, a Spanish...
aliasings 17 13 ALIASING, image impe...
alicyclic 34 22 denoting organic com...
alienable 17 15 capable of being ali...
alienages 15 13 ALIENAGE, the state...
alienated 14 12 ALIENATE, to make in...
alienates 14 11 ALIENATE, to make in...
alienator 14 11 one who alienates [n...
alienisms 17 14 ALIENISM, the state...
alienists 16 11 ALIENIST, a psychiat...
alienness 14 12 the state of being a...
aligartas 17 12 ALIGARTA, (obsolete)...
alighting 21 17 ALIGHT, to dismount...
alignment 17 17 the action of aligni...
alikeness 16 15 the state of being a...
alimental 17 15 affording food [adj]
alimented 16 15 ALIMENT, to feed, no...
alimonied 16 15 provided with an ali...
alimonies 16 14 ALIMONY, an allowanc...
alinement 15 15 the action of alinin...
aliphatic 24 18 pertaining to fat or...
aliteracy 25 15 the state of being n...
aliterate 15 10 not literate [adj] /...
aliveness 17 15 the state of being a...
alizarine 18 20 a coloring principle...
alizarins 19 20 ALIZARIN, a coloring...
alkahests 19 16 ALKAHEST, the hypoth...
alkalised 18 16 ALKALISE, to convert...
alkaliser 18 15 an agent that alkali...
alkalises 18 15 ALKALISE, to convert...
alkalized 21 25 ALKALIZE, to convert...
alkalizer 21 24 an agent that alkali...
alkalizes 21 24 ALKALIZE, to convert...
alkaloids 18 16 ALKALOID, any of a c...
alkaloses 17 15 ALKALOSIS, an illnes...
alkalosis 18 15 an illness in which...
alkalotic 21 18 affected by alkalosi...
alkannins 15 17 ALKANNIN, a wild flo...
alkoxides 23 22 ALKOXIDE, a basic sa...
alkylated 24 18 ALKYLATE, to combine...
alkylates 24 17 ALKYLATE, to combine...
allanites 16 12 ALLANITE, a silicate...
allantoic 19 15 pertaining to the al...
allantoid 16 13 a saclike fetal memb...
allantoin 15 13 a crystalline base f...
allantois 16 12 a saclike fetal memb...
allatives 19 15 ALLATIVE, a grammati...
allayings 24 16 ALLAYING, tempering...
allayment 23 17 an allaying, a mitig...
allcomers 21 17 anyone who comes [n]
alledging 19 17 ALLEDGE, to allay, a...
allegedly 25 17 ALLEGED [adv]
allegging 20 18 ALLEGGE, (Spenser) t...
allegiant 17 14 (Shakespeare) loyal...
allegoric 21 16 having the propertie...
allelisms 20 15 ALLELISM, the state...
alleluiah 20 15 (Hebrew) a song of p...
alleluias 18 13 ALLELUIA, a song of...
allemande 16 16 (French) a courtly b...
allenarly 23 15 (Scots) solely, only...
allergens 17 14 ALLERGEN, a substanc...
allergics 22 16 ALLERGIC, one who su...
allergies 18 13 ALLERGY, a state of...
allergins 18 14 ALLERGIN, a substanc...
allergist 19 13 a doctor specialisin...
allerions 16 12 ALLERION, in heraldr...
allethrin 19 14 a light yellow visco...
alleviant 18 16 a medical treatment...
alleviate 18 15 to lighten, relieve...
alleycats 26 16 ALLEYCAT, a cat who...
alleyways 32 18 ALLEYWAY, a narrow p...
alliances 19 15 ALLIANCE, an associa...
allicholy 30 19 (Shakespeare) melanc...
alligarta 18 13 (obsolete) an alliga...
alligated 18 14 ALLIGATE, to unite b...
alligates 18 13 ALLIGATE, to unite b...
alligator 18 13 a reptile of a mainl...
allnesses 16 12 ALLNESS, the conditi...
allocable 22 18 that can be allocate...
allocarpy 28 19 fruiting after cross...
allocated 19 15 ALLOCATE, to set apa...
allocates 19 14 ALLOCATE, to set apa...
allocator 19 14 one who allocates [n...
allodiums 19 16 ALLODIUM, an estate...
allodynia 22 15 the experience of se...
allogenic 20 17 involving, derived f...
allograft 20 16 a surgical graft fro...
allograph 22 18 a writing, esp. a si...
allomeric 21 17 of similar crystalli...
allometry 24 16 the study of growth...
allomones 16 15 ALLOMONE, a chemical...
allomorph 22 19 any one of two or mo...
allonging 18 17 ALLONGE, to lunge [v...
allopaths 21 16 ALLOPATH, one who pr...
allopathy 27 18 the treatment of dis...
allopatry 25 16 the state of occurri...
allophane 19 17 a translucent, colou...
allophone 19 17 any of several speec...
alloplasm 21 18 protoplasm different...
allosaurs 17 12 ALLOSAUR, a large, l...
allostery 23 13 of an enzyme, the pr...
allotment 17 15 a piece of ground le...
allotrope 18 14 an allotropic form o...
allotropy 25 16 the property whereby...
allottees 16 11 ALLOTTEE, one to who...
allotters 17 11 ALLOTTER, one who al...
allottery 23 13 (Shakespeare) a shar...
allotting 18 14 ALLOT, to give as a...
allotypes 25 16 ALLOTYPE, an allotyp...
allotypic 29 19 of or like an alloty...
allowable 22 18 that can be allowed...
allowably 29 20 ALLOWABLE, that can...
allowance 21 18 something allowed, e...
allowedly 27 18 ALLOWED [adv]
allozymes 27 25 ALLOZYME, a differen...
allspices 23 17 ALLSPICE, a widely u...
allusions 17 13 ALLUSION, the act of...
alluvials 21 17 ALLUVIAL, soil compo...
alluvions 19 17 ALLUVION, land gaine...
alluviums 22 20 ALLUVIUM, land gaine...
almagests 18 15 ALMAGEST, a medieval...
almanacks 20 21 ALMANACK, a register...
almandine 15 16 (French) a deep red...
almandite 16 15 a deep red garnet co...
almondier 16 15 ALMONDY, having an a...
almondite 16 15 a deep violet-red ga...
almonries 16 14 ALMONRY, a place whe...
almsgiver 21 19 one who gives alms [...
almshouse 19 16 a privately supporte...
almswoman 20 20 a woman who receives...
almswomen 20 20 ALMSWOMAN, a woman w...
alocasias 18 13 ALOCASIA, any of var...
aloeswood 17 14 a soft, resinous woo...
aloneness 13 12 the state of being a...
alongside 16 14 beside, side by side...
aloofness 16 14 the state of being a...
alopecias 20 16 ALOPECIA, (Latin) lo...
alopecoid 20 17 of or resembling a f...
alpargata 18 15 (Spanish) a light sa...
alpenglow 22 20 a reddish glow seen...
alpenhorn 18 17 (German) a long powe...
alphabets 22 18 ALPHABET, to alphabe...
alphasort 20 15 to sort into alphabe...
alphatest 20 15 to carry out an alph...
alpinisms 20 17 ALPINISM, the sport...
alpinists 19 14 ALPINIST, a mountain...
altarages 16 12 ALTARAGE, offerings...
altarwise 19 13 in the proper positi...
alterable 18 14 that can be altered...
alterably 25 16 ALTERABLE, that can...
alterants 15 11 ALTERANT, something...
altercate 18 13 to dispute, argue [v...
alternant 14 12 composed of alternat...
alternate 14 11 in turns [adj ALTERN...
alternats 15 11 ALTERNAT, a way of d...
altigraph 22 17 an instrument that m...
altimeter 17 13 a device for measuri...
altimetry 24 15 the art of measuring...
altiplano 18 15 (Spanish) a high pla...
altissimo 18 13 (Italian) very high...
altitudes 17 12 ALTITUDE, height abo...
altricial 21 14 having young requiri...
altruisms 19 14 ALTRUISM, selfless d...
altruists 18 11 ALTRUIST, one that p...
aluminate 16 15 a salt whose acid is...
aluminise 17 15 to treat metal so as...
aluminium 19 19 a light silvery mall...
aluminize 20 24 to treat metal so as...
aluminous 17 16 pertaining to or con...
aluminums 19 19 ALUMINUM, a light si...
alumroots 17 14 ALUMROOT, a North Am...
alumstone 16 15 a hydrous sulphate o...
alvearies 17 14 ALVEARY, a beehive;...
alveolars 18 15 ALVEOLAR, a sound pr...
alveolate 17 15 of or like a honeyco...
amadavats 17 17 AMADAVAT, (Hindi) th...
amandines 14 15 AMANDINE, (French) a...
amanitins 15 14 AMANITIN, a toxin pr...
amaranths 17 15 AMARANTH, a fabled n...
amarantin 14 14 (Milton) of or like...
amarelles 17 14 AMARELLE, a variety...
amarettos 15 12 AMARETTO, (Italian)...
amaryllid 25 17 any member of the am...
amaryllis 25 16 (Greek) the belladon...
amassable 18 16 capable of being ama...
amassment 16 16 an amassing; an accu...
amatively 25 19 AMATIVE, strongly mo...
amatorial 16 13 of or pertaining to...
amatorian 14 13 amatory, also AMATOR...
amauroses 15 13 AMAUROSIS, partial o...
amaurosis 16 13 partial or total bli...
amaurotic 19 16 relating to amaurosi...
amazement 18 25 the state of being a...
amazingly 27 27 AMAZING [adv]
amazonian 16 23 of masculine manners...
amazonite 17 22 amazon-stone, a gree...
ambagious 19 18 (archaic) roundabout...
ambassage 18 17 an embassy, also EMB...
ambassies 18 15 AMBASSY, the offices...
ambatches 23 20 AMBATCH, (Ethiopian)...
ambergris 20 17 an ash-grey strongly...
amberinas 17 16 AMBERINA, (tradename...
amberites 18 15 AMBERITE, a kind of...
amberjack 24 31 a large Atlantic gam...
amberoids 18 16 AMBEROID, a syntheti...
ambiances 20 19 AMBIANCE, the mood o...
ambiences 20 19 AMBIENCE, the mood o...
ambiguity 27 20 the state of being a...
ambiguous 20 19 open to more than on...
ambipolar 21 19 of plasmas and semic...
ambitions 18 16 AMBITION, to seek wi...
ambitious 19 16 having ambition [adj...
ambiverts 21 19 AMBIVERT, someone wh...
amblyopia 27 21 impaired sight witho...
amblyopic 31 24 of or pertaining to...
ambrosial 19 16 consisting of, or pa...
ambrosian 17 16 consisting of, or pa...
ambrosias 18 15 AMBROSIA, the food o...
ambrotype 26 20 a picture taken on a...
ambulacra 22 20 AMBULACRUM, a radial...
ambulance 21 21 a vehicle for convey...
ambulants 19 18 AMBULANT, a walking...
ambulated 19 18 AMBULATE, to walk; t...
ambulates 19 17 AMBULATE, to walk; t...
ambulator 19 17 one who walks about;...
ambulette 19 17 a motor vehicle for...
ambuscade 21 20 (French) to lay an a...
ambuscado 21 20 an ambuscade, also A...
ambushers 21 18 AMBUSHER, one who am...
ambushing 22 21 AMBUSH, to attack fr...
amebiases 17 15 AMEBIASIS, infection...
amebiasis 18 15 infection of the col...
amebocyte 26 20 a cell, like a leuko...
ameerates 14 12 AMEERATE, the rank o...
amelcorns 19 17 AMELCORN, (German) a...
amenaging 16 18 AMENAGE, (Spenser) t...
amenaunce 16 18 (Spenser) bearing, c...
amendable 17 18 that can be amended...
amendment 15 18 a change, a correcti...
amenities 15 13 AMENITY, pleasantnes...
americium 21 19 a white metallic tra...
amethysts 25 16 AMETHYST, a purple g...
ametropia 17 15 abnormal optical ref...
ametropic 21 18 relating to ametropi...
amianthus 18 16 (Greek) asbestos wit...
amidogens 16 16 AMIDOGEN, a derivati...
amidships 22 18 toward the middle of...
aminities 16 13 AMINITY, the state o...
amissible 20 16 liable to be lost [a...
amitroles 17 13 AMITROLE, a kind of...
ammocetes 19 18 AMMOCETE, the larva...
ammocoete 18 18 the larva of a lampr...
ammolites 18 16 AMMOLITE, the fossil...
ammonates 15 16 AMMONATE, a type of...
ammoniacs 19 19 AMMONIAC, a gum resi...
ammoniate 15 16 a type of ammonia co...
ammonical 20 20 of or pertaining to...
ammonites 16 16 AMMONITE, the coiled...
ammonitic 20 19 of or like an ammoni...
ammoniums 18 20 AMMONIUM, the ion NH...
ammonoids 16 17 AMMONOID, the coiled...
amnesiacs 18 16 AMNESIAC, one who su...
amnestied 15 14 AMNESTY, to pardon d...
amnesties 15 13 AMNESTY, to pardon d...
amniotomy 22 18 surgical removal of...
amoebaean 14 16 relating to an ameba...
amoralism 18 16 the refusal to recog...
amoralist 17 13 a practitioner of am...
amorality 23 15 the absence of moral...
amorances 17 16 AMORANCE, the state...
amorettos 15 12 AMORETTO, (Italian)...
amoristic 20 15 amorous [adj]
amornings 16 16 (dialect) of a morni...
amorosity 22 14 the quality of being...
amorously 23 16 AMOROUS, pertaining...
amorphism 22 20 absence of regular f...
amorphous 20 18 without definite sha...
amortised 16 13 AMORTISE, to liquida...
amortises 16 12 AMORTISE, to liquida...
amortized 19 22 AMORTIZE, to liquida...
amortizes 19 21 AMORTIZE, to liquida...
amounting 16 17 AMOUNT, to come to i...
amourette 15 13 (French) a brief or...
ampassies 18 15 AMPASSY, ampersand,...
amperages 18 17 AMPERAGE, the streng...
ampersand 17 17 the and sign &, also...
amperzand 20 26 the and sign &, also...
amphibian 22 21 any cold-blooded ver...
amphibole 23 21 any mineral of a gro...
amphiboly 30 23 a grammatically ambi...
amphigory 28 21 a nonsensical piece...
amphioxus 27 25 (Greek) a fishlike c...
amphipath 25 22 of or relating to a...
amphipods 23 21 AMPHIPOD, a crustace...
ampholyte 27 20 an amphotelic electr...
ampleness 18 17 the state of being a...
amplidyne 25 20 a type of direct-cur...
amplified 22 20 AMPLIFY, to make lar...
amplifier 22 19 a device for making...
amplifies 22 19 AMPLIFY, to make lar...
amplitude 20 18 largeness, abundance...
amplosome 19 19 the short or stocky...
ampullary 27 20 resembling an ampull...
amputated 18 17 AMPUTATE, to cut off...
amputates 18 16 AMPUTATE, to cut off...
amputator 18 16 one who amputates [n...
amsinckia 20 20 a Californian herb,...
amuseable 18 17 capable of being amu...
amusement 16 17 a recreation, pastim...
amusettes 16 13 AMUSETTE, (French) a...
amusingly 25 19 AMUSING [adv]
amygdalae 23 18 AMYGDALA, any almond...
amygdales 24 18 AMYGDALE, a small ga...
amygdalin 24 19 a glucoside in bitte...
amygdules 25 19 AMYGDULE, a small ga...
amylogens 23 18 AMYLOGEN, the relati...
amyloidal 24 17 resembling or contai...
amylopsin 25 19 an enzyme in pancrea...
amyotonia 20 15 deficiency of muscle...
anabaenas 13 14 ANABAENA, a kind of...
anabantid 15 15 any of various spiny...
anabioses 15 13 ANABIOSIS, a return...
anabiosis 16 13 a return to life aft...
anabiotic 19 16 relating to anabiosi...
anabolism 18 17 the constructive met...
anabolite 16 14 a product of anaboli...
anabranch 20 19 a stream that leaves...
anacharis 19 15 a freshwater weed of...
anaclinal 18 16 of valleys, progress...
anaclises 18 14 ANACLISIS, the state...
anaclisis 19 14 the state of being a...
anaclitic 22 17 characterised by ana...
anacondas 15 15 ANACONDA, a large S...
anacruses 17 14 ANACRUSIS, (Greek) o...
anacrusis 18 14 (Greek) one or more...
anaerobes 14 13 ANAEROBE, an organis...
anaerobia 14 13 ANAEROBIUM, an organ...
anaerobic 18 16 living in the absenc...
anaglyphs 27 20 ANAGLYPH, a type of...
anaglyphy 33 22 (Greek) the art of c...
anagogies 15 14 ANAGOGY, a spiritual...
analcimes 19 17 ANALCIME, a white or...
analcimic 23 20 of or like analcime,...
analcites 18 14 ANALCITE, a white or...
analectic 21 17 relating to analects...
analemmas 16 17 ANALEMMA, the figure...
analeptic 20 17 restoring vigour [ad...
analgesia 15 13 the inability to fee...
analgesic 19 16 relieving pain [adj]...
analgetic 19 16 relieving pain [adj]...
analities 15 11 ANALITY, a stage of...
analogies 15 13 ANALOGY, a figure of...
analogise 15 13 to make an analogy [...
analogism 17 16 the act of analogizi...
analogist 16 13 one who reasons from...
analogize 18 22 to make an analogy,...
analogons 14 14 ANALOGON, (Greek) th...
analogous 15 14 bearing some corresp...
analogues 15 14 ANALOGUE, something...
analysand 20 15 a person undergoing...
analysers 21 13 ANALYSER, one who an...
analysing 22 16 ANALYSE, to separate...
analytics 25 16 ANALYTIC, analytic l...
analyzers 24 22 ANALYZER, a person w...
analyzing 25 25 ANALYZE, to subject...
anamneses 13 14 ANAMNESIS, a recalli...
anamnesis 14 14 a recalling to mind;...
anamniote 13 14 any vertebrate anima...
anandrous 13 13 without stamens [adj...
ananthous 15 14 having no flowers [a...
anapaests 15 13 ANAPAEST, a type of...
anapestic 19 16 in the form of an an...
anaphases 17 15 ANAPHASE, the stage...
anaphasic 21 18 relating to the anap...
anaphoral 18 16 of or like anaphora,...
anaphoras 17 15 ANAPHORA, the repeti...
anaphoric 21 18 referring to a prece...
anaplasia 16 14 reversion of plant o...
anaplasty 23 16 the art or operation...
anaptyxes 28 22 ANAPTYXIS, the inser...
anaptyxis 29 22 the insertion of a v...
anarchial 20 16 relating to anarchy,...
anarchies 19 15 ANARCHY, the absence...
anarchise 19 15 to reduce to anarchy...
anarchism 21 18 the doctrine or prac...
anarchist 20 15 one who advocates an...
anarchize 22 24 to reduce to anarchy...
anarthria 16 12 loss of the ability...
anarthric 20 15 relating to anarthri...
anasarcas 16 13 ANASARCA, dropsy of...
anastases 13 10 ANASTASIS, (Greek) i...
anastasis 14 10 (Greek) in Byzantine...
anastatic 17 13 pertaining to a proc...
anathemas 16 15 ANATHEMA, the formal...
anatomies 14 13 ANATOMY, the structu...
anatomise 14 13 to dissect, examine...
anatomist 15 13 one who practises an...
anatomize 17 22 to dissect, examine...
anatoxins 19 18 ANATOXIN, a potent a...
ancestors 17 13 ANCESTOR, to be an a...
ancestral 18 14 relating to ancestor...
anchorage 19 17 a place where a ship...
anchoress 19 15 a female anchorite,...
anchorets 19 15 ANCHORET, one who li...
anchoring 20 18 ANCHOR, to secure by...
anchorite 19 15 one who lives in sec...
anchorman 19 19 in broadcasting, a p...
anchormen 19 19 ANCHORMAN, in broadc...
anchoveta 20 19 (Spanish) a small fi...
anchovies 21 19 ANCHOVY, a small edi...
anchusins 20 17 ANCHUSIN, a red dye...
anchylose 26 18 of bones, to fuse or...
ancienter 16 14 ANCIENT, very old, a...
anciently 24 17 ANCIENT, very old, a...
ancientry 23 16 (archaic) the state...
ancillary 26 17 subordinate or subsi...
ancipital 21 17 two-edged and flatte...
ancresses 17 13 ANCRESS, a female an...
andantini 13 13 ANDANTINO, a movemen...
andantino 12 13 (Italian) rather qui...
andesines 13 12 ANDESINE, a kind of...
andesites 14 11 ANDESITE, a volcanic...
andesitic 18 14 of or like andesite,...
andesytes 20 13 ANDESYTE, a volcanic...
andouille 16 14 (French) a kind of s...
andradite 14 12 a green-to-black gar...
androecia 16 14 ANDROECIUM, the male...
androgens 14 14 ANDROGEN, a male sex...
androgyne 20 16 a hermaphrodite; an...
androgyny 27 18 hermaphroditism [n A...
andrology 22 16 the branch of medici...
andromeda 14 15 a plant of the genus...
anecdotal 17 15 relating to anecdote...
anecdotes 16 14 ANECDOTE, a brief st...
anecdotic 20 17 pertaining to anecdo...
anecdyses 23 16 ANECDYSIS, a period...
anecdysis 24 16 a period between mou...
anelastic 18 14 not elastic [adj]
anemogram 16 18 a record made by an...
anemology 22 18 the study of winds [...
anestrous 14 11 relating to anestrus...
anetholes 16 13 ANETHOLE, an aromati...
aneuploid 17 16 a cell or individual...
aneurisms 16 14 ANEURISM, dilatation...
aneurysms 22 16 ANEURYSM, dilatation...
angashore 16 14 (Irish) a miserable...
angekkoks 18 24 ANGEKKOK, (Inuit) an...
angelfish 21 18 a brightly coloured...
angelhood 17 16 the state of being a...
angelical 20 17 of or like an angel,...
angelicas 19 16 ANGELICA, an aromati...
angeluses 16 14 ANGELUS, a prayer sa...
angerless 16 13 without anger [adj]
angiogram 17 17 a photograph made by...
angiology 23 17 the branch of medica...
angiomata 15 15 ANGIOMA, a benign tu...
angklungs 19 21 ANGKLUNG, (Javanese)...
angledugs 18 17 ANGLEDUG, (English d...
anglepods 18 17 ANGLEPOD, any of a g...
anglesite 16 13 a native sulphate of...
anglewise 19 16 in an angular manner...
angleworm 20 19 a earthworm of the g...
anglicise 20 16 to make English [v A...
anglicism 22 19 an English idiom or...
anglicist 21 16 a person with a scho...
anglicize 23 25 to make English, als...
anglified 19 17 ANGLIFY, to make Eng...
anglifies 19 16 ANGLIFY, to make Eng...
anglophil 22 19 one who loves the En...
angophora 18 17 an East Australian t...
angostura 15 13 a bitter aromatic ba...
angriness 15 13 the quality of being...
angstiest 16 12 ANGSTY, feeling anxi...
angstroms 17 15 ANGSTROM, a unit of...
anguiform 19 19 shaped like a snake...
anguipede 17 17 a mythical giant hav...
anguipeds 18 17 ANGUIPED, (Latin) a...
anguished 18 16 ANGUISH, to suffer e...
anguishes 18 15 ANGUISH, to suffer e...
angularly 24 17 ANGULAR, having an a...
angulated 16 15 ANGULATE, to form wi...
angulates 16 14 ANGULATE, to form wi...
anhedonia 14 14 an unresponsiveness...
anhedonic 18 17 suffering from anhed...
anhedrals 17 14 ANHEDRAL, the downwa...
anhungred 17 17 (archaic) hungry, al...
anhydrase 22 15 an enzyme that catal...
anhydride 23 16 a compound derived f...
anhydrite 23 15 an anhydrous sulphat...
anhydrous 23 16 destitute of water;...
aniconism 18 17 the worship of an ob...
aniconist 17 14 one who practises an...
anidroses 14 11 ANIDROSIS, absence o...
anidrosis 15 11 absence of sweating,...
anilingus 17 15 oral stimulation of...
anilities 16 11 ANILITY, the state o...
animacies 18 16 ANIMACY, the state o...
animalian 15 15 of or like an animal...
animalier 16 14 a sculptor or painte...
animalise 16 14 to endow with the pr...
animalism 18 17 physicality; the sta...
animalist 17 14 a person who believe...
animality 23 16 animal existence or...
animalize 19 23 to endow with the pr...
animately 22 16 ANIMATE [adv]
animaters 15 13 ANIMATER, one who, o...
animatics 19 16 ANIMATIC, a section...
animating 16 16 ANIMATE, to give lif...
animation 14 14 the state of being a...
animatism 17 16 the primitive attrib...
animatist 16 13 one who believes in...
animators 15 13 ANIMATOR, one who, o...
animistic 20 16 of or pertaining to...
animosity 22 15 hostility [n ANIMOSI...
aniridias 15 11 ANIRIDIA, a congenit...
anisettes 14 10 ANISETTE, (French) a...
anisogamy 22 17 union between marked...
ankerites 15 14 ANKERITE, a mineral...
anklebone 16 19 the bone of the ankl...
ankylosed 22 18 ANKYLOSE, to fuse as...
ankyloses 22 17 ANKYLOSE, to fuse as...
ankylosis 23 17 the joining together...
ankylotic 26 20 relating to ankylosi...
annalised 14 13 ANNALISE, to record,...
annalises 14 12 ANNALISE, to record,...
annalists 15 12 ANNALIST, a historia...
annalized 17 22 ANNALIZE, to record,...
annalizes 17 21 ANNALIZE, to record,...
annealers 13 12 ANNEALER, one who an...
annealing 14 15 ANNEAL, to make (as...
annectent 15 15 having intermediate...
annelidan 13 14 a member of the Anne...
annexable 21 22 that can be annexed...
annexions 18 19 ANNEXION, (archaic)...
annexment 19 22 the act of annexing,...
annexures 19 19 ANNEXURE, something...
annotated 12 12 ANNOTATE, to append...
annotates 12 11 ANNOTATE, to append...
annotator 12 11 one who annotates [n...
announced 15 17 ANNOUNCE, to make kn...
announcer 15 16 one who announces [n...
announces 15 16 ANNOUNCE, to make kn...
annoyance 20 17 something that annoy...
annualise 14 13 to convert to a year...
annualize 17 22 to convert to a year...
annuitant 13 13 one who receives, or...
annuities 14 12 ANNUITY, income paid...
annularly 22 16 ANNULAR, ring-shaped...
annulated 14 14 marked with a ring o...
annulates 14 13 ANNULATE, (obsolete)...
annulling 17 17 ANNUL, to declare vo...
annulment 15 17 the act of annulling...
annuluses 15 14 ANNULUS, a ring or r...
anodisers 14 11 ANODISER, something...
anodising 15 14 ANODISE, to give a p...
anodizers 17 20 ANODIZER, something...
anodizing 18 23 ANODIZE, to give a p...
anodontia 12 12 congenital absence o...
anoestrum 15 14 a period of sexual i...
anoestrus 14 11 a period of sexual d...
anointers 13 11 ANOINTER, one who an...
anointing 14 14 the act of consecrat...
anomalies 15 14 ANOMALY, deviation f...
anomalous 15 15 irregular; deviating...
anonymise 20 16 to make anonymous, a...
anonymity 27 18 the state of being a...
anonymize 23 25 to make anonymous, a...
anonymous 20 17 without a name [adj...
anoopsias 15 13 ANOOPSIA, a visual d...
anopheles 18 16 (Greek) a kind of mo...
anorectal 17 14 pertaining to anorex...
anorectic 20 16 pertaining to anorex...
anoretics 17 13 ANORETIC, one suffer...
anorexias 19 17 ANOREXIA, lack of ap...
anorexics 23 20 ANOREXIC, one suffer...
anorexies 19 17 ANOREXY, lack of app...
anorthite 16 12 a plagioclase feldsp...
anosmatic 18 16 relating to anosmia,...
anovulant 16 17 inhibiting ovulation...
anoxaemia 19 20 a disorder of the bl...
anoxaemic 23 23 relating to anoxaemi...
anoxemias 20 20 ANOXEMIA, a disorder...
ansaphone 16 16 another name for a t...
anserines 13 11 ANSERINE, a bird of...
answerers 17 13 ANSWERER, one that a...
answering 18 16 ANSWER, to say, writ...
antalgics 20 16 ANTALGIC, a medicine...
antalkali 17 16 a substance that neu...
antarctic 21 16 of, near, or relatin...
anteaters 13 10 ANTEATER, any of sev...
anteceded 16 15 ANTECEDE, to go befo...
antecedes 16 14 ANTECEDE, to go befo...
antechoir 19 15 the space in front o...
antedated 13 12 ANTEDATE, to date fr...
antedates 13 11 ANTEDATE, to date fr...
antefixae 21 20 ANTEFIXA, (Latin) an...
antefixal 23 21 relating to an antef...
antefixes 22 20 ANTEFIX, an ornament...
antelopes 16 14 ANTELOPE, any one of...
antelucan 17 16 (archaic) pertaining...
antenatal 13 12 before birth [adj AN...
antennary 18 14 having antennae [adj...
antennule 13 14 one of a first or sm...
antepasts 16 13 ANTEPAST, (obsolete)...
anterooms 14 13 ANTEROOM, a room bef...
antetypes 22 15 ANTETYPE, something...
anteverts 16 14 ANTEVERT, to displac...
anthelion 16 14 a ring seen opposite...
antheming 18 18 ANTHEM, to praise in...
anthemion 16 16 (Greek) a flat clust...
antherids 17 13 ANTHERID, the male r...
anthocarp 21 18 a fruit resulting fr...
anthocyan 24 18 a glucoside plant pi...
anthodium 18 17 the flower head of c...
anthology 24 17 a choice collection...
anthotaxy 28 21 the arrangement of f...
anthozoan 17 22 any animal of the cl...
anthozoic 22 24 of or like an anthoz...
anthraces 19 15 ANTHRAX, a deadly di...
anthracic 23 18 of or relating to an...
anthraxes 22 19 ANTHRAX, a deadly di...
anthropic 22 18 of or relating to hu...
anthurium 19 17 a tropical American...
antiabuse 16 14 designed to prevent...
antiaging 16 15 designed to prevent...
antialien 14 12 opposed to foreigner...
antiarins 14 11 ANTIARIN, a poisonou...
antiarmor 15 13 designed or equipped...
antiatoms 15 13 ANTIATOM, an atom co...
antiauxin 20 19 a plant substance th...
antiblack 22 21 against black people...
antibuser 17 14 a person who opposes...
antically 26 17 ANTICAL, above or in...
antichlor 21 16 any substance used i...
anticised 18 14 ANTICISE, to play an...
anticises 18 13 ANTICISE, to play an...
anticivic 24 20 opposed to citizensh...
anticized 21 23 ANTICIZE, to play an...
anticizes 21 22 ANTICIZE, to play an...
anticking 20 20 ANTIC, to act in a c...
anticline 18 15 a fold that is conve...
anticling 20 17 designed to prevent...
anticodon 16 15 a triplet of nucleot...
anticrack 22 20 opposed to the use o...
anticrime 19 16 opposed to crime [ad...
anticults 20 15 ANTICULT, an organis...
antidoron 13 12 (Latin) the unconsec...
antidotal 15 12 having the quality o...
antidoted 14 12 ANTIDOTE, to counter...
antidotes 14 11 ANTIDOTE, to counter...
antidraft 17 14 opposed to the draft...
antidunes 14 13 ANTIDUNE, a sandhill...
antielite 15 11 opposed to an elite...
antifraud 17 15 designed to reduce f...
antigenes 14 13 ANTIGENE, a substanc...
antigenic 18 16 of or like an antige...
antiglare 16 13 designed to countera...
antigraft 18 15 designed to reduce c...
antihelix 24 20 the curved elevation...
antihuman 17 17 opposed to humanity...
antikings 17 17 ANTIKING, a usurping...
antiknock 19 22 an additive in petro...
antilabor 17 14 opposed to labour or...
antilifer 18 14 a person in favour o...
antimacho 20 18 opposed to being mac...
antimasks 17 17 ANTIMASK, a secondar...
antimeres 15 13 ANTIMERE, one of the...
antimeric 19 16 of or like an antime...
antimonic 18 17 containing pentavale...
antimonyl 22 17 a substance containi...
antimuons 15 15 ANTIMUON, the antipa...
antimusic 20 17 music intended to ov...
antimycin 25 19 a crystalline antibi...
antinodal 14 13 relating to an antin...
antinodes 13 12 ANTINODE, a point of...
antinoise 13 11 a sound generated to...
antinomes 14 14 ANTINOME, one that i...
antinomic 18 17 relating to, or of t...
antinovel 16 16 a work written in de...
antinuker 15 16 a person opposed to...
antinukes 15 16 ANTINUKE, a person o...
antipapal 19 17 opposed to the pope...
antiparty 23 15 pposed to a politica...
antipasti 17 13 ANTIPASTO, (Italian)...
antipasto 16 13 (Italian) a hors d'o...
antipathy 25 17 aversion, dislike [n...
antiphons 18 16 ANTIPHON, alternate...
antiphony 24 18 antiphonal chanting...
antipodal 17 15 situated at the oppo...
antipodes 16 14 ANTIPODE, the point...
antipolar 17 14 relating to an antip...
antipoles 17 14 ANTIPOLE, the opposi...
antipopes 18 16 ANTIPOPE, a pope who...
antipress 17 13 opposed to the Press...
antipyics 27 18 ANTIPYIC, a medicine...
antiquark 24 24 the antimatter equiv...
antiquary 29 22 a student or collect...
antiquate 22 20 to make antique [v A...
antiquely 30 23 ANTIQUE, very old, a...
antiquers 23 20 ANTIQUER, one who an...
antiquing 24 23 ANTIQUE, to alter th...
antiquity 30 22 the quality of being...
antiradar 14 11 designed to foil rad...
antiroyal 21 13 opposed to royalty [...
antirusts 16 11 ANTIRUST, a preparat...
antiscian 17 14 a dweller on the exa...
antisense 13 11 of a drug, etc., des...
antiserum 16 14 a serum containing a...
antishake 17 16 denoting a technolog...
antishark 18 16 designed to keep awa...
antishock 21 19 designed to prevent...
antisleep 17 14 opposed to sleep [ad...
antismoke 16 17 opposed to smoking [...
antisnobs 16 14 ANTISNOB, a person o...
antisolar 15 11 opposite to the sun,...
antispast 17 13 (Greek) a metrical f...
antistate 14 10 opposed to the state...
antistats 15 10 ANTISTAT, something...
antistick 20 17 designed to prevent...
antistory 21 12 a narrative that doe...
antistyle 22 13 a style that rejects...
antitheft 19 15 designed to prevent...
antithets 17 12 ANTITHET, an instanc...
antitoxic 24 20 serving to neutraliz...
antitoxin 20 18 an antidote to a tox...
antitrade 14 11 a contrary wind blow...
antitragi 16 12 ANTITRAGUS, a promin...
antitrust 16 11 of legislation etc.,...
antitumor 16 14 a drug designed to p...
antitypal 24 16 relating to an antit...
antitypes 23 15 ANTITYPE, something...
antitypic 27 18 relating to an antit...
antiulcer 19 15 designed to prevent...
antiunion 13 13 opposed to trade uni...
antiurban 16 15 opposed to towns [ad...
antivenin 15 16 an antitoxin counter...
antivenom 16 18 an antitoxin counter...
antiviral 18 15 any drug designed to...
antivirus 18 15 designed to counter...
antiwhite 20 15 opposed to white peo...
antiwoman 17 17 opposed to women [ad...
antiworld 19 15 a hypothetical world...
antonymic 24 19 of or like an antony...
antpittas 17 13 ANTPITTA, any of sev...
antsiness 14 11 the state of being a...
antwackie 21 20 old-fashioned [adj]
anucleate 17 15 without a nucleus, a...
anvilling 20 19 ANVIL, to shape on a...
anviltops 20 18 ANVILTOP, a cloud ma...
anxieties 20 17 ANXIETY, painful or...
anxiously 28 21 ANXIOUS, full of fea...
anybodies 22 16 ANYBODY, a single pe...
anythings 24 17 ANYTHING, something...
anywheres 25 17 ANYWHERE, any place...
apartheid 19 15 (Afrikaans) segregat...
apartment 17 16 a separate room in a...
apartness 16 13 the state of being a...
apathaton 17 15 (Shakespeare) an epi...
apathetic 22 17 lacking feeling or p...
apatosaur 16 13 a kind of long-necke...
aperients 16 13 APERIENT, a laxative...
aperiodic 20 16 not periodic [adj AP...
aperitifs 20 15 APERITIF, an alcohol...
aperitive 19 16 a laxative (medicine...
apertness 16 13 (archaic) openness;...
apertural 18 14 related to an apertu...
apertured 17 14 having an aperture [...
apertures 17 13 APERTURE, an opening...
apetalies 17 13 APETALY, the state o...
apetalous 17 14 having no petals, or...
aphanites 18 15 APHANITE, any rock o...
aphanitic 22 18 of igneous rocks, li...
aphasiacs 22 17 APHASIAC, one suffer...
aphelions 19 16 APHELION, the farthe...
aphereses 18 14 APHERESIS, the omiss...
apheresis 19 14 the omission of a le...
apheretic 22 17 relating to apheresi...
aphetised 19 15 APHETISE, to lose th...
aphetises 19 14 APHETISE, to lose th...
aphetized 22 24 APHETIZE, to lose th...
aphetizes 22 23 APHETIZE, to lose th...
aphicides 23 18 APHICIDE, a substanc...
aphidians 19 16 APHIDIAN, an aphid,...
aphidious 20 16 like an aphid [adj]
apholates 19 15 APHOLATE, a chemical...
aphorised 19 15 APHORISE, to make a...
aphoriser 19 14 one who makes aphori...
aphorises 19 14 APHORISE, to make a...
aphorisms 21 17 APHORISM, a concise...
aphorists 20 14 APHORIST, one who ma...
aphorized 22 24 APHORIZE, to make a...
aphorizer 22 23 one who makes aphori...
aphorizes 22 23 APHORIZE, to make a...
aphrodite 19 15 a kind of butterfly...
aphyllies 28 18 APHYLLY, absence of...
aphyllous 28 19 without leaves [adj]
apiaceous 19 16 parsley-like [adj]
apiarians 16 13 APIARIAN, a member o...
apiarists 18 12 APIARIST, a bee keep...
apiculate 21 17 of leaves, having a...
apimanias 17 16 APIMANIA, an excessi...
apishness 19 15 the quality of being...
apivorous 19 17 eating bees [adj]
aplanatic 20 17 of a lens, free of s...
aplanetic 20 17 of algal spores, lac...
aplustres 19 14 APLUSTRE, an ornamen...
apneustic 20 17 relating to apneusis...
apocopate 20 18 to cut off the end o...
apocrypha 30 22 APOCRYPHON, a hidden...
apodictic 24 19 necessarily true; be...
apoenzyme 25 27 a protein component...
apogamies 18 17 APOGAMY, a form of p...
apogamous 18 18 engaging in apogamy,...
apographs 22 19 APOGRAPH, an exact c...
apologiae 17 15 APOLOGIA, a written...
apologias 18 15 APOLOGIA, a written...
apologies 18 15 APOLOGY, an explanat...
apologise 18 15 to express regret, a...
apologist 19 15 a defender by argume...
apologize 21 24 to express regret, a...
apologues 18 16 APOLOGUE, a story pr...
apomictic 25 21 relating to apomixis...
apophases 20 17 APOPHASIS, the rheto...
apophasis 21 17 the rhetorical devic...
apophatic 24 20 emphasizing a fact,...
apophyges 28 21 APOPHYGE, the curve...
apophyses 27 19 APOPHYSIS, an expand...
apophysis 28 19 an expanded or proje...
apoplasts 20 16 APOPLAST, the non-pr...
apoplexed 25 24 APOPLEX, to affect w...
apoplexes 25 23 APOPLEX, to affect w...
apoptoses 18 15 APOPTOSIS, the natur...
apoptosis 19 15 the natural self-des...
apoptotic 22 18 relating to apoptosi...
apositias 17 12 APOSITIA, an aversio...
aposporic 22 18 relating to apospory...
apostates 16 12 APOSTATE, one who co...
apostatic 20 15 of the nature of apo...
apostille 19 14 a marginal note, als...
apostolic 21 16 relating to the offi...
apotheces 21 17 APOTHECE, the spore-...
apothecia 21 17 APOTHECIUM, the spor...
apothegms 21 19 APOTHEGM, a pithy sa...
appairing 20 18 APPAIR, (obsolete) t...
appalling 22 20 APPALL, to horrify,...
appaloosa 18 16 a North American bre...
appanaged 18 19 endowed with an appa...
appanages 18 18 APPANAGE, a provisio...
apparatus 19 16 things prepared or p...
appareled 19 17 APPAREL, to dress [v...
apparency 27 21 (archaic) apparentne...
apparents 18 16 APPARENT, (Shakespea...
apparitor 19 15 an officer in court...
appeached 23 21 APPEACH, (Shakespear...
appeaches 23 20 APPEACH, (Shakespear...
appealers 19 16 APPEALER, one who ap...
appealing 20 19 APPEAL, to make an e...
appearers 18 15 APPEARER, one who ap...
appearing 19 18 APPEAR, to become vi...
appeasers 18 15 APPEASER, one who ap...
appeasing 19 18 APPEASE, to bring to...
appellant 20 18 a person who makes a...
appellate 20 17 relating to appeals;...
appellees 20 17 APPELLEE, the defend...
appellors 21 17 APPELLOR, in law, th...
appendage 18 19 something appended [...
appendant 17 18 attached, annexed [a...
appendent 17 18 an adjunct, an appen...
appending 19 20 APPEND, to add on to...
apperills 22 17 APPERILL, (Shakespea...
appertain 18 16 to relate to [v -ED,...
appestats 19 15 APPESTAT, a neural c...
appetence 20 19 strong craving or po...
appetency 27 21 strong craving or po...
appetible 22 19 desirable [adj]
appetised 19 16 APPETISE, to whet th...
appetiser 19 15 something that whets...
appetises 19 15 APPETISE, to whet th...
appetites 19 15 APPETITE, a desire f...
appetized 22 25 APPETIZE, to whet th...
appetizer 22 24 something that whets...
appetizes 22 24 APPETIZE, to whet th...
applauded 20 19 APPLAUD, to express...
applauder 20 18 one who applauds [n...
applauses 20 17 APPLAUSE, the sound...
applecart 23 19 apple brandy, distil...
applejack 26 32 apple brandy, distil...
appletini 20 17 a cocktail made with...
appliable 23 20 that can be applied,...
appliance 22 20 an instrument or too...
applicant 23 20 one who applies [n -...
applicate 23 19 applied or put to so...
appliqued 29 27 APPLIQUE, to do appl...
appliques 29 26 APPLIQUE, to do appl...
appointed 18 17 APPOINT, to assign t...
appointee 17 16 one who is appointed...
appointer 18 16 one who appoints [n...
appointor 18 16 a person who is give...
apportion 18 16 to portion out [v -E...
apposable 21 19 that can be apposed...
appraisal 20 16 the act of appraisin...
appraised 19 16 APPRAISE, to set a v...
appraisee 18 15 one who is appraised...
appraiser 19 15 one who appraises [n...
appraises 19 15 APPRAISE, to set a v...
apprehend 20 19 to understand [v -ED...
appressed 19 16 APPRESS, to press to...
appresses 19 15 APPRESS, to press to...
apprisers 20 15 APPRISER, one who in...
apprising 21 18 (archaic) the sherif...
apprizers 23 24 APPRIZER, one who in...
apprizing 24 27 (archaic) the sherif...
approbate 20 18 to approve expressly...
approvals 22 20 APPROVAL, the act of...
approvers 21 19 APPROVER, one that a...
approving 22 22 APPROVE, to regard f...
appulsive 23 21 relating to an appul...
apricated 20 16 APRICATE, to expose...
apricates 20 15 APRICATE, to expose...
apricocks 25 22 APRICOCK, (obsolete)...
apriorism 19 15 an a priori principl...
apriorist 18 12 a person who believe...
apriority 24 14 the quality of being...
apronfuls 20 18 APRONFUL, an amount...
apronlike 18 18 like an apron [adj]
apsarases 16 12 APSARAS, (Sanskrit)...
apsidiole 18 14 a subsidiary apse, a...
apterisms 19 15 APTERISM, a lack of...
apteryxes 29 21 APTERYX, one of a ge...
aptitudes 18 14 APTITUDE, an ability...
aptnesses 16 13 APTNESS, the quality...
apyrexias 29 21 APYREXIA, a period o...
aquabatic 28 25 relating to spectacu...
aquaboard 24 23 a board for riding o...
aquacades 25 23 AQUACADE, an exhibit...
aquadrome 23 23 a centre with facili...
aquafarms 26 25 AQUAFARM, to cultiva...
aqualungs 25 24 AQUALUNG, diving app...
aquanauts 22 21 AQUANAUT, a skin-div...
aquaphobe 28 27 one with a morbid fe...
aquaplane 24 24 to skim across water...
aquaporin 24 23 any of a group of pr...
aquarelle 24 21 (French) a method of...
aquarians 22 20 AQUARIAN, a curator...
aquariist 24 19 (obsolete) a curator...
aquarists 24 19 AQUARIST, a curator...
aquariums 25 23 AQUARIUM, a water fi...
aquarobic 28 25 relating to a system...
aquascape 27 25 a scenic view of a b...
aquashows 28 24 AQUASHOW, an exhibit...
aquatinta 22 20 a print made by a me...
aquatints 23 20 AQUATINT, to etch us...
aquatones 21 20 AQUATONE, a type of...
aqueducts 27 24 AQUEDUCT, an artific...
aqueously 30 23 AQUEOUS, pertaining...
aquilegia 25 22 a genus of plants in...
arabesque 24 22 a movement in dancin...
arabicise 20 15 to make Arabic, also...
arabicize 23 24 to make Arabic [v AR...
arability 25 15 the ability to be pl...
arabinose 15 13 a pentose sugar whic...
arabising 18 15 ARABISE, to adopt Ar...
arabizing 21 24 ARABIZE, to adopt Ar...
arachises 20 14 ARACHIS, a Brazilian...
arachnids 20 16 ARACHNID, any member...
arachnoid 19 16 like a cobweb [adj]...
aragonite 14 12 an orthorhombic mine...
araneidan 12 12 related to araneids,...
arapaimas 17 15 ARAPAIMA, (Tupi) a l...
arapongas 16 15 ARAPONGA, (Tupi) the...
arapungas 17 16 ARAPUNGA, a bell-bir...
araucaria 17 13 a tree of the monkey...
arbalests 18 13 ARBALEST, a type of...
arbalists 19 13 ARBALIST, a type of...
arbelests 18 13 ARBELEST, a type of...
arbitrage 18 14 the exploitation of...
arbitrary 24 14 arising from acciden...
arbitrate 17 12 to judge as arbiter...
arbitress 18 12 a female arbitrator...
arbitrium 20 16 (Latin) a power of d...
arblaster 18 13 a crossbowman, also...
arboreous 16 13 having many trees [a...
arboretum 18 16 a collection of tree...
arborised 17 13 ARBORISE, to form ma...
arborises 17 12 ARBORISE, to form ma...
arborists 18 12 ARBORIST, a tree spe...
arborized 20 22 ARBORIZE, to form ma...
arborizes 20 21 ARBORIZE, to form ma...
arboviral 20 17 relating to arboviru...
arbovirus 20 17 any of a group of vi...
arbuscles 22 17 ARBUSCLE, a dwarf or...
arbutuses 18 14 ARBUTUS, an evergree...
arcadians 17 14 ARCADIAN, one who li...
arcadings 19 16 ARCADING, shops in a...
arcanists 18 13 ARCANIST, a person k...
arcatures 18 13 ARCATURE, a small or...
arccosine 20 16 a mathematical funct...
archaeans 18 15 ARCHAEAN, any member...
archaical 24 18 ancient, also ARCHAI...
archaised 20 15 ARCHAISE, to use idi...
archaiser 20 14 one who archaises, a...
archaises 20 14 ARCHAISE, to use idi...
archaisms 22 17 ARCHAISM, an express...
archaists 21 14 ARCHAIST, an antiqua...
archaized 23 24 ARCHAIZE, to use idi...
archaizer 23 23 one who archaizes, a...
archaizes 23 23 ARCHAIZE, to use idi...
archangel 21 18 a top-ranking angel...
archdruid 22 17 a chief or presiding...
archducal 25 20 of or pertaining to...
archduchy 33 23 the territory of an...
archdukes 22 20 ARCHDUKE, (historica...
archenemy 26 20 a chief enemy [n ARC...
archeress 20 14 (archaic) a female a...
archeries 20 14 ARCHERY, the sport o...
archetype 28 19 the original pattern...
archfiend 22 19 the chief devil, Sat...
archicarp 26 20 a female reproductiv...
archilowe 24 18 (Scots) a treat give...
archimage 22 19 a great magician [n...
architect 24 17 a designer of buildi...
architype 29 19 the original pattern...
archiving 24 21 ARCHIVE, to file in...
archivist 24 18 one who keeps an arc...
archivolt 24 19 a curved moulding on...
archlutes 22 16 ARCHLUTE, a large do...
archology 28 19 the science of the o...
archontic 23 18 relating to an archo...
archosaur 20 15 any of a subclass of...
archrival 24 19 a chief rival [n -S]
archstone 19 15 a stone in an arch,...
arcminute 19 17 a unit of angular me...
arcograph 23 19 an instrument for dr...
arcsecond 20 17 a unit of angle meas...
arctophil 24 18 a lover or collector...
arcuately 25 16 ARCUATE, arched like...
arcuation 17 14 the state of being s...
ardencies 17 14 ARDENCY, a burning q...
arduously 23 15 ARDUOUS, laborious [...
areaching 20 17 AREACH, (Spenser) to...
arecoline 17 14 a toxic alkaloid use...
arenation 12 11 the remedial applica...
areolated 14 11 divided into areolae...
areometer 14 12 (historical) an inst...
areometry 21 14 the science of estim...
areostyle 21 12 having columns four...
arethusas 17 12 ARETHUSA, a kind of...
argemones 15 15 ARGEMONE, a plant of...
argentine 14 13 of or like silver [a...
argentite 15 12 a native sulphide of...
argentous 15 13 of or containing sil...
argentums 17 16 ARGENTUM, silver [n]
argillite 19 13 an indurated clay ro...
arginases 15 12 ARGINASE, a manganes...
arginines 15 13 ARGININE, one of the...
argonauts 15 13 ARGONAUT, a sort of...
argufiers 19 15 ARGUFIER, one who ar...
argufying 26 20 ARGUFY, to argue stu...
argumenta 16 16 ARGUMENTUM, logical...
arguments 17 16 ARGUMENT, an exchang...
argyrites 23 13 ARGYRITE, a silver o...
arhatship 22 16 the state of being a...
arhythmia 27 18 absence or irregular...
arhythmic 31 21 with an irregular rh...
aridities 16 10 ARIDITY, the state o...
arillated 17 12 having an aril, a pr...
arillodes 17 12 ARILLODE, a caruncle...
aristotle 16 10 (slang) a bottle [n...
armadillo 18 15 (Spanish) any of a n...
armagnacs 19 18 ARMAGNAC, a dry Fren...
armaments 16 16 ARMAMENT, a military...
armatured 16 14 ARMATURE, to furnish...
armatures 16 13 ARMATURE, to furnish...
armchairs 22 17 ARMCHAIR, a chair wi...
armguards 18 16 ARMGUARD, a covering...
armigeral 18 15 relating to an armig...
armigeros 17 14 ARMIGERO, one who ca...
armillary 25 16 of bracelets or hoop...
armistice 20 15 a suspension of host...
armlocked 21 21 ARMLOCK, to grip by...
armonicas 18 16 ARMONICA, a kind of...
armorials 17 13 ARMORIAL, a book of...
armorists 17 12 ARMORIST, a person s...
armorless 17 13 without armor, also...
armourers 16 13 ARMOURER, one who ma...
armouries 16 13 ARMOURY, a place whe...
armouring 17 16 ARMOUR, to dress wit...
armozeens 17 22 ARMOZEEN, a thick pl...
armozines 18 22 ARMOZINE, a thick pl...
armyworms 27 20 ARMYWORM, the larva...
arointing 15 13 AROINT, (archaic) to...
aromatase 14 12 an enzyme involved i...
aromatics 19 15 AROMATIC, a sweet-sm...
aromatise 15 12 to render aromatic,...
aromatize 18 21 to render aromatic,...
arousable 17 14 that can be aroused...
aroynting 21 15 AROYNT, (archaic) to...
arpeggios 19 16 ARPEGGIO, a techniqu...
arpillera 19 14 (Spanish) a pictoria...
arracacha 22 17 (Quechua) an umbelli...
arraigned 15 13 ARRAIGN, to call bef...
arraigner 15 12 one who arraigns [n...
arrangers 15 12 ARRANGER, one that a...
arranging 16 15 ARRANGE, to put in o...
arrasenes 13 10 ARRASENE, an embroid...
arrayment 21 15 clothes; raiment [n...
arrearage 14 11 that which remains u...
arreeding 15 13 ARREEDE, (Spenser) t...
arrestant 14 10 a substance causing...
arrestees 14 9 ARRESTEE, one that i...
arresters 15 9 ARRESTER, one who ma...
arresting 16 12 ARREST, to bring to...
arrestive 17 13 tending to arrest [a...
arrestors 15 9 ARRESTOR, one who ma...
arrivance 19 17 (Shakespeare) compan...
arrivancy 26 19 (Shakespeare) compan...
arrivisme 19 16 (French) the state o...
arriviste 18 13 (French) one that is...
arrogance 17 15 the quality of being...
arrogancy 24 17 the quality of being...
arrogated 15 12 ARROGATE, to claim u...
arrogates 15 11 ARROGATE, to claim u...
arrogator 15 11 one who arrogates [n...
arrowhead 19 15 the head or pointed...
arrowless 19 13 without arrows [adj]
arrowlike 20 17 like an arrow [adj]
arrowroot 17 12 a West Indian plant...
arrowwood 20 16 a shrub growing in d...
arrowworm 22 18 a peculiar transpare...
arseholed 17 13 (colloquial) very dr...
arseholes 17 12 ARSEHOLE, an unpleas...
arsenates 13 10 ARSENATE, a salt of...
arseniate 13 10 a salt of arsenic ac...
arsenical 18 14 a compound (esp. org...
arsenides 14 11 ARSENIDE, a compound...
arsenious 14 11 containing arsenic i...
arsenites 14 10 ARSENITE, a salt for...
arsonists 15 10 ARSONIST, one who ma...
arsonites 14 10 ARSONITE, one who ma...
artefacts 20 15 ARTEFACT, an object...
artemisia 16 12 (Greek) any plant of...
arterials 16 10 ARTERIAL, a type of...
arteriole 15 10 a small artery [n -S...
arteritis 16 9 inflammation of an a...
arthouses 17 12 ARTHOUSE, a cinema t...
arthritic 22 14 suffering from arthr...
arthritis 19 11 inflammation of the...
arthrodia 17 12 in zoology, a joint...
arthropod 19 15 any member of the ph...
arthroses 17 11 ARTHROSIS, a degener...
arthrosis 18 11 a degenerative, non-...
artichoke 21 18 a thistle-like peren...
articling 21 16 ARTICLE, in law, to...
articular 20 14 pertaining to joints...
artifacts 21 15 ARTIFACT, an object...
artificer 21 15 a craftsman [n -S]
artifices 21 15 ARTIFICE, a clever s...
artillery 24 13 offensive weapons of...
artisanal 15 11 relating to an artis...
artlessly 24 13 ARTLESS, lacking cun...
artmakers 17 16 ARTMAKER, one that p...
artsiness 15 10 the state of being a...
aruspices 21 16 ARUSPEX, (Latin) a p...
arvicoles 21 17 ARVICOLE, a mouse of...
aryballos 25 16 (Greek) a globular o...
arytenoid 20 13 one of a pair of car...
arythmias 25 16 ARYTHMIA, absence or...
asafetida 16 13 an acrid gum resin w...
asbestine 16 13 of or like asbestos,...
asbestous 17 13 of or like asbestos,...
ascarides 18 13 ASCARIS, (Greek) any...
ascarises 18 12 ASCARIS, (Greek) any...
ascendant 16 15 rising, also ASCENDE...
ascendent 16 15 the part of the ecli...
ascenders 17 14 ASCENDER, a part or...
ascendeur 17 15 (French) a metal gri...
ascending 18 17 ASCEND, to go or mov...
ascension 16 14 an ascent to heaven,...
ascensive 19 17 rising; curving up f...
ascertain 17 13 to make sure [v -ED,...
ascetical 22 16 practising severe ab...
ascidians 18 14 ASCIDIAN, a sea-squi...
ascidiate 18 13 like an ascidium [ad...
ascitical 23 16 of, pertaining to, o...
asclepiad 21 17 a choriambic verse,...
asclepias 21 16 (Greek) an American...
ascocarps 23 18 ASCOCARP, a spore-pr...
ascogonia 17 15 ASCOGONIUM, the fema...
ascorbate 19 15 a salt of ascorbic a...
ascospore 19 15 one of the spores co...
ascribing 22 18 ASCRIBE, to attribut...
asemantic 18 16 not semantic [adj]
asepalous 17 14 without sepals [adj]
asexually 29 21 ASEXUAL, of reproduc...
ashamedly 25 18 ASHAMED [adv]
ashlaring 19 15 facing with ashlars,...
ashlering 19 15 facing with ashlars,...
ashplants 20 16 ASHPLANT, a walking...
ashramite 18 14 a person living in a...
ashtangas 17 14 ASHTANGA, a form of...
asininely 21 14 ASININE, of or like...
asininity 21 13 stupidity [n ASININI...
askancing 19 20 ASKANCE, (Shakespear...
askanting 16 17 ASKANT, (Shakespeare...
askewness 18 17 the state of being a...
asmoulder 17 15 (archaic) smoulderin...
asparagus 18 15 any plant of the Asp...
aspartame 17 15 an artificial sweete...
aspartate 16 12 a salt of aspartic a...
aspecting 21 18 ASPECT, to look at [...
aspectual 21 17 relating to aspect [...
asperated 16 13 ASPERATE, to make ro...
asperates 16 12 ASPERATE, to make ro...
aspergers 18 14 ASPERGER, a vessel f...
aspergill 21 16 a holy water sprinkl...
asperging 19 17 ASPERGE, to sprinkle...
aspermias 18 15 ASPERMIA, failure to...
aspersers 17 12 ASPERSER, one who as...
aspersing 18 15 ASPERSE, to slander,...
aspersion 16 13 calumny, slander [n...
aspersive 19 16 tending to asperse,...
aspersoir 17 12 (French) a brushlike...
aspersors 17 12 ASPERSOR, one who as...
aspersory 23 14 a vessel for holding...
asphalted 20 16 ASPHALT, to coat wit...
asphalter 20 15 a person who lays as...
asphaltic 24 18 of or like asphalt [...
asphaltum 22 19 a mixture of bitumin...
aspherics 23 17 ASPHERIC, a lens tha...
asphodels 20 16 ASPHODEL, a plant of...
asphyxial 33 24 of or relating to as...
asphyxias 32 23 ASPHYXIA, stoppage o...
asphyxies 32 23 ASPHYXY, stoppage of...
aspidioid 18 14 like an aspidium, a...
aspirants 17 13 ASPIRANT, a candidat...
aspiratae 16 12 ASPIRATA, a breathed...
aspirated 17 13 ASPIRATE, to pronoun...
aspirates 17 12 ASPIRATE, to pronoun...
aspirator 17 12 an instrument for re...
asplenium 19 18 a genus of fern, aka...
asporting 18 15 ASPORT, to carry awa...
assagaied 15 12 ASSAGAI, to pierce w...
assailant 15 11 one who assails [n -...
assailers 16 10 ASSAILER, one who as...
assailing 17 13 ASSAIL, to attack [v...
assarting 16 12 ASSART, (historical)...
assassins 15 10 ASSASSIN, a murderer...
assaulted 16 12 ASSAULT, to attack [...
assaulter 16 11 one who assaults [n...
assayable 23 15 that may be assayed...
assayings 22 14 ASSAYING, the act of...
assegaais 15 11 ASSEGAAI, to kill or...
assegaied 15 12 ASSEGAI, to pierce w...
assembled 19 17 ASSEMBLE, to collect...
assembler 19 16 a type of computer p...
assembles 19 16 ASSEMBLE, to collect...
assenters 14 10 ASSENTER, one who ag...
assenting 15 13 ASSENT, to express a...
assentive 16 14 giving assent [adj]
assentors 14 10 ASSENTOR, one who ag...
asserters 15 9 ASSERTER, one who as...
asserting 16 12 ASSERT, to state pos...
assertion 14 10 the act of asserting...
assertive 17 13 given to assertion [...
assertors 15 9 ASSERTOR, one who as...
assertory 21 11 affirmative [adj]
assessing 16 12 ASSESS, to estimate...
assessors 15 9 ASSESSOR, one who as...
assetless 16 10 without assets [adj]
assevered 16 14 ASSEVER, to solemnly...
assiduity 23 13 persevering applicat...
assiduous 16 12 diligent; persistent...
assieging 17 14 ASSIEGE, (Spenser) t...
assientos 14 10 ASSIENTO, (Spanish)...
assignats 16 12 ASSIGNAT, (historica...
assignees 15 12 ASSIGNEE, one to who...
assigners 16 12 ASSIGNER, a person w...
assigning 17 15 ASSIGN, to set apart...
assignors 16 12 ASSIGNOR, a person w...
assistant 15 10 one who assists [n -...
assisters 16 9 ASSISTER, one who as...
assisting 17 12 ASSIST, to give aid...
assistive 18 13 providing a means of...
assistors 16 9 ASSISTOR, one who as...
associate 17 12 to join, connect [v...
assoiling 17 13 ASSOIL, to absolve,...
assoilzie 19 19 to absolve, to clear...
assonance 15 14 vowel-rhyme, coincid...
assonants 13 11 ASSONANT, a word or...
assonated 13 11 ASSONATE, to match i...
assonates 13 10 ASSONATE, to match i...
assorters 15 9 ASSORTER, one who as...
assorting 16 12 ASSORT, to distribut...
assortive 17 13 tending to assort [a...
assotting 16 12 ASSOT, to make a foo...
assuagers 16 12 ASSUAGER, one who as...
assuaging 17 15 the act of making le...
assuasive 17 14 mitigating, soothing...
assuetude 15 12 accustomedness; habi...
assumable 19 17 that may be assumed...
assumably 26 19 ASSUMABLE, that may...
assumedly 24 17 ASSUMED [adv]
assumings 18 16 ASSUMING, the act of...
assumpsit 20 16 (Latin) a contract (...
assurable 18 14 capable of being ass...
assurance 17 14 confidence, a feelin...
assuredly 23 14 ASSURED [adv]
assurgent 16 13 depicted as rising f...
asswaging 20 17 ASSWAGE, (obsolete)...
astarting 16 12 ASTART, (Spenser) to...
astatides 15 10 ASTATIDE, a compound...
astatines 14 10 ASTATINE, a radioact...
asterisks 17 13 ASTERISK, to mark wi...
asterisms 17 12 ASTERISM, a constell...
asteroids 15 10 ASTEROID, a rocky ob...
asterting 16 12 ASTERT, (obsolete) t...
asthangas 17 14 ASTHANGA, (Sanskrit)...
asthenias 16 12 ASTHENIA, a lack of...
asthenics 20 15 ASTHENIC, a slender,...
asthenies 16 12 ASTHENY, a lack of s...
asthmatic 22 17 suffering from asthm...
astichous 21 15 not in rows [adj]
astigmias 18 14 ASTIGMIA, a defect i...
astomatal 16 13 having no stomata [a...
astonying 21 15 ASTONY, to amaze or...
astounded 14 13 ASTOUND, to amaze [v...
astrachan 19 15 a closely-curled bla...
astraddle 16 12 in a straddling posi...
astragali 17 12 ASTRAGALUS, the ankl...
astragals 17 12 ASTRAGAL, a rounded...
astrakhan 17 16 a closely-curled bla...
astrantia 14 10 a plant of the Astra...
astricted 19 13 ASTRICT, (archaic) t...
astringed 16 13 ASTRINGE, to draw to...
astringer 16 12 a falconer who keeps...
astringes 16 12 ASTRINGE, to draw to...
astrocyte 24 14 a much-branched, sta...
astrodome 15 13 a stadium with a dom...
astrofell 19 14 (Spenser) an unident...
astrolabe 17 13 a compact instrument...
astrology 23 14 the study of the sup...
astronaut 14 11 a person engaged in...
astronomy 21 15 the study of the cel...
astrophel 20 15 (Spenser) an unident...
astucious 19 14 (Scott) of astute an...
astunning 15 15 ASTUN, (obsolete) to...
asyllabic 29 19 without syllables [a...
asymmetry 30 19 lack of symmetry [n...
asymptote 24 17 a line (usually stra...
asynapses 22 15 ASYNAPSIS, a failure...
asynapsis 23 15 a failure of the pai...
asyndetic 24 16 not connected by con...
asyndeton 19 14 the omission of conj...
asynergia 21 14 lack of coordination...
asystoles 22 12 ASYSTOLE, a heart ma...
asystolic 26 15 related to an asysto...
atabrines 16 13 ATABRINE, (tradename...
atacamite 18 15 an oxychloride of co...
atamascos 18 15 ATAMASCO, a plant of...
ataractic 21 15 able to calm or tran...
ataraxias 20 16 ATARAXIA, peace of m...
ataraxics 24 19 ATARAXIC, a tranquil...
ataraxies 20 16 ATARAXY, peace of mi...
atavistic 21 16 showing atavism, a r...
atchieved 22 19 ATCHIEVE, (obsolete)...
atchieves 22 18 ATCHIEVE, (obsolete)...
atechnics 23 18 ATECHNIC, a person w...
atemporal 18 16 without consideratio...
atenolols 15 12 ATENOLOL, a drug use...
atheising 18 14 ATHEISE, to talk as...
atheistic 21 14 like an atheist, als...
atheizing 21 23 ATHEIZE, to talk as...
athelings 19 15 ATHELING, (historica...
athematic 21 17 without a thematic v...
athenaeum 16 16 a literary or scient...
atheneums 17 16 ATHENEUM, a literary...
atheology 24 16 antagonism to theolo...
atherines 16 12 ATHERINE, a fish res...
atheromas 17 14 ATHEROMA, a fatty de...
atheteses 16 11 ATHETESIS, the rejec...
athetesis 17 11 the rejection of a p...
athetised 17 12 ATHETISE, to reject,...
athetises 17 11 ATHETISE, to reject,...
athetized 20 21 ATHETIZE, to reject,...
athetizes 20 20 ATHETIZE, to reject,...
athetoses 16 11 ATHETOSIS, nervous t...
athetosic 20 14 showing symptoms of...
athetosis 17 11 nervous twitching of...
athetotic 20 14 showing symptoms of...
athletics 22 15 athletic sports [n]
athrocyte 26 16 a cell having the ab...
atmolysed 23 16 ATMOLYSE, to separat...
atmolyses 23 15 ATMOLYSE, to separat...
atmolysis 24 15 a method of separati...
atmolyzed 26 25 ATMOLYZE, to separat...
atmolyzes 26 24 ATMOLYZE, to separat...
atmometer 16 15 an instrument for me...
atmometry 23 17 measurement by atmom...
atomicity 26 17 the number of atoms...
atomisers 16 12 ATOMISER, an device...
atomising 17 15 ATOMISE, to reduce t...
atomistic 20 15 relating to atomism,...
atomizers 19 21 ATOMIZER, an device...
atomizing 20 24 ATOMIZE, to reduce t...
atonalism 16 14 an adherence to aton...
atonalist 15 11 one who adheres to a...
atonality 21 13 the state of being a...
atoneable 15 14 capable of being ato...
atonement 13 14 the act of atoning [...
atonicity 24 15 the quality of being...
atoningly 22 16 ATONING [adv]
atraments 15 13 ATRAMENT, (archaic)...
atrazines 17 19 ATRAZINE, a kind of...
atrocious 18 13 terrible [adj ATROCI...
atrophias 19 14 ATROPHIA, a wasting...
atrophied 19 15 ATROPHY, to waste aw...
atrophies 19 14 ATROPHY, to waste aw...
atropines 16 13 ATROPINE, a medicine...
atropisms 19 15 ATROPISM, atropine p...
attachers 20 14 ATTACHER, one who at...
attaching 21 17 ATTACH, to connect a...
attackers 19 16 ATTACKER, one that a...
attacking 20 19 ATTACK, to set upon...
attackman 19 20 a soldier or sportsm...
attackmen 19 20 ATTACKMAN, a soldier...
attainder 14 11 the loss of civil ri...
attainers 14 10 ATTAINER, one who at...
attaining 15 13 ATTAIN, to gain or a...
attainted 14 11 ATTAINT, to pass sen...
attasking 17 16 ATTASK, to take to t...
attempers 18 15 ATTEMPER, (archaic)...
attempted 18 16 ATTEMPT, to endeavou...
attempter 18 15 one who attempts [n...
attendant 13 12 a servant [n -S]
attendees 13 11 ATTENDEE, one who at...
attenders 14 11 ATTENDER, one who is...
attending 15 14 the act of attending...
attentats 14 10 ATTENTAT, (French) a...
attention 13 11 the act of attending...
attentive 16 14 full of attention [a...
attenuant 13 12 a drug or other agen...
attenuate 13 11 to make thin; to red...
attercops 20 15 ATTERCOP, (Old Engli...
attestant 14 10 one who attests [n -...
attesters 15 9 ATTESTER, one who at...
attesting 16 12 ATTEST, to affirm to...
attestors 15 9 ATTESTOR, one who at...
atticised 19 13 ATTICISE, to use att...
atticises 19 12 ATTICISE, to use att...
atticisms 21 15 ATTICISM, a succinct...
atticists 20 12 ATTICIST, one who us...
atticized 22 22 ATTICIZE, to use att...
atticizes 22 21 ATTICIZE, to use att...
attirings 17 12 ATTIRING, the act of...
attitudes 16 11 ATTITUDE, a posture...
attolaser 15 10 a high-powered laser...
attollens 16 12 (Latin) of a muscle,...
attollent 16 12 lifting up, raising...
attorneys 20 12 ATTORNEY, a person f...
attorning 15 13 ATTORN, to accept te...
attracted 18 13 ATTRACT, to cause to...
attracter 18 12 one who attracts, al...
attractor 18 12 one who attracts, al...
attrahens 16 12 (Latin) attracting [...
attrahent 16 12 attracting; drawing...
attrapped 19 16 ATTRAP, to adorn wit...
attribute 18 13 to ascribe [v ATTRIB...
attristed 16 10 ATTRIST, (obsolete)...
attriting 17 12 ATTRITE, to wear dow...
attrition 15 10 a wearing away [n -S...
attritive 18 13 tending to attrite,...
attritted 16 10 ATTRIT, to wear down...
attuiting 17 13 ATTUITE, to sense bu...
attuition 15 11 a mental operation i...
attuitive 18 14 relating to attuitio...
aubergine 17 16 (French) an eggplant...
aubretias 17 13 AUBRETIA, any of sev...
aubrietas 17 13 AUBRIETA, any of sev...
aubrietia 17 13 any of several dwarf...
auctioned 17 15 AUCTION, to sell pub...
auctorial 19 14 of or relating to an...
audacious 18 15 bold, also OUTDACIOU...
audibling 20 18 AUDIBLE, to call an...
audiences 17 15 AUDIENCE, a group of...
audiencia 17 15 (Spanish) a court of...
audiobook 17 18 a recorded reading o...
audiogram 17 16 a graphic representa...
audiology 23 16 the study of hearing...
audiophil 21 17 a person who is enth...
audiotape 16 14 magnetic tape for re...
audiphone 18 17 an instrument which,...
auditable 18 15 that can be audited...
auditings 17 14 AUDITING, the act of...
auditions 15 12 AUDITION, to give a...
auditives 18 15 AUDITIVE, a group of...
auditoria 15 11 AUDITORIUM, (Latin)...
auditress 16 11 a female hearer [n -...
augmented 16 17 AUGMENT, to increase...
augmenter 16 16 one who, or that whi...
augmentor 16 16 one who, or that whi...
augurship 22 18 the office, or perio...
augustest 17 13 AUGUST, stately, ven...
aularians 15 12 AULARIAN, a member o...
aulnagers 16 14 AULNAGER, cloth insp...
aumailing 18 17 AUMAIL, (archaic) to...
aunthoods 16 14 AUNTHOOD, the state...
auntliest 16 12 AUNTLY, like an aunt...
aureately 21 13 AUREATE, pertaining...
aureities 15 10 AUREITY, properties...
aurelians 15 12 AURELIAN, one who st...
aureoling 16 14 AUREOLE, to surround...
auriculae 19 15 AURICULA, a species...
auricular 20 15 pertaining to the ea...
auriculas 20 15 AURICULA, a species...
aurifying 25 18 AURIFY, to turn into...
auriscope 20 16 an instrument for ex...
aurochses 20 15 AUROCHS, (German) an...
aurorally 23 14 AURORAL, relating to...
ausformed 18 17 AUSFORM, (German) to...
auslander 15 13 (German) a foreigner...
auspicate 20 16 to prognosticate, pr...
austenite 14 11 a solid solution of...
austerely 22 13 AUSTERE, severe [adv...
austerest 15 10 AUSTERE, severe [adj...
austerity 22 12 the quality of being...
australes 16 11 AUSTRAL, a unit of c...
australis 17 11 as in aurora austral...
autacoids 18 14 AUTACOID, a hormone...
autarchic 24 18 relating to autarchy...
autarkies 16 14 AUTARKY, a policy of...
autarkist 17 14 one who is autarkic,...
autecious 18 14 of parasites, comple...
autecisms 20 16 AUTECISM, the develo...
auteurism 17 14 the profession of au...
auteurist 16 11 a film director whos...
authentic 20 16 genuine [adj AUTHENT...
authoress 17 12 a female author [n -...
authorial 18 13 relating to an autho...
authoring 18 15 the act of authoring...
authorise 17 12 to give authority to...
authorish 20 14 like an author [adj]
authorism 19 15 authorship [n -S]
authority 24 14 the power or right t...
authorize 20 21 to give authority to...
autistics 20 13 AUTISTIC, a person a...
autobahns 18 16 AUTOBAHN, (German) a...
autobanks 17 18 AUTOBANK, a machine...
autobuses 17 14 AUTOBUS, a motor-bus...
autocades 17 14 AUTOCADE, a processi...
autocarps 20 16 AUTOCARP, a fruit pr...
autocidal 19 15 of pest control, eff...
autoclave 20 18 (French) a kind of F...
autocoids 18 14 AUTOCOID, a hormone...
autocracy 27 18 government by one in...
autocrats 18 13 AUTOCRAT, an absolut...
autocrime 19 16 crime related to car...
autocrine 17 14 relating to self-sti...
autocross 18 13 motor racing round a...
autocutie 18 14 a young and attracti...
autocycle 28 19 a motorcycle [n -S]
autodials 16 12 AUTODIAL, to dial a...
autodrome 15 14 a track or circuit f...
autodynes 20 14 AUTODYNE, a type of...
autoecism 19 16 the development of t...
autoflare 17 14 an aircraft automati...
autofocus 20 17 a device which autom...
autogamic 20 18 self-fertilizing, al...
autogenic 18 16 self-generated, prod...
autogiros 16 12 AUTOGIRO, a rotating...
autograft 18 15 a graft from one par...
autograph 20 17 a handwritten signat...
autoguide 16 14 a system whereby inf...
autogyros 22 14 AUTOGYRO, a rotating...
autoharps 19 15 AUTOHARP, (tradename...
autoicous 18 14 having male and fema...
autolatry 22 13 self-worship [n AUTO...
autoloads 15 12 AUTOLOAD, to load au...
autolysed 22 14 AUTOLYSE, to break d...
autolyses 22 13 AUTOLYSE, to break d...
autolysin 22 14 any agent that produ...
autolysis 23 13 self destruction of...
autolytic 26 16 relating to autolysi...
autolyzed 25 23 AUTOLYZE, to break d...
autolyzes 25 22 AUTOLYZE, to break d...
automagic 20 18 performing a task wi...
automaker 16 17 a manufacturer of au...
automated 15 14 AUTOMATE, to convert...
automates 15 13 AUTOMATE, to convert...
automatic 19 16 without conscious th...
automaton 14 14 (Greek) a machine th...
autometer 15 13 a small device fitte...
autonomic 18 17 self-governing, also...
autophagy 26 19 sustenance by self-a...
autophoby 27 20 a shrinking from mak...
autophony 24 18 apparent distortion...
autophyte 25 17 an autotrophic plant...
autopilot 18 14 a device which can b...
autopista 17 13 (Spanish) a motorway...
autopoint 16 14 a point-to-point ove...
autopsias 17 13 AUTOPSIA, a postmort...
autopsied 17 14 AUTOPSY, to carry ou...
autopsies 17 13 AUTOPSY, to carry ou...
autopsist 18 13 one who carries out...
autoreply 24 16 a facility which all...
autoroute 14 11 a Continental motorw...
autosaved 16 15 AUTOSAVE, to save by...
autosaves 16 14 AUTOSAVE, to save by...
autoscopy 26 18 a hallucination of a...
autosomal 16 14 of or like an autoso...
autosomes 15 13 AUTOSOME, a chromoso...
autospore 16 13 a nonmotile algal sp...
autotelic 19 14 being an end in itse...
autotests 15 10 AUTOTEST, a competit...
autotimer 16 13 a device on a cooker...
autotomic 19 16 relating to autotomy...
autotoxic 24 20 like an autotoxin, a...
autotoxin 20 18 a poisonous substanc...
autotroph 19 15 an organism that is...
autotunes 14 12 AUTOTUNE, a software...
autotyped 23 16 AUTOTYPE, to reprodu...
autotypes 23 15 AUTOTYPE, to reprodu...
autotypic 27 18 like an autotype, a...
autunites 15 12 AUTUNITE, a fluoresc...
auxiliars 23 18 AUXILIAR, (archaic)...
auxiliary 29 20 a helper, a subordin...
auxocytes 30 22 AUXOCYTE, a cell und...
auxometer 21 20 an instrument for me...
auxospore 22 20 a diatom cell before...
auxotonic 23 21 of muscle contractio...
auxotroph 25 22 an auxotrophic strai...
avadavats 18 18 AVADAVAT, (Hindi) th...
available 20 18 at hand [adj AVAILAB...
availably 27 20 AVAILABLE, at hand [...
avalanche 21 20 a generic term for a...
avalement 17 18 a skiing technique t...
avantists 17 14 AVANTIST, an avant-g...
avascular 21 18 not having blood ves...
avaunting 17 18 AVAUNT, (archaic) to...
avengeful 20 21 seeking to avenge, a...
aventaile 16 15 (historical) the mov...
aventails 17 15 AVENTAIL, (historica...
aventring 17 17 AVENTRE, (Spenser) t...
aventures 16 15 AVENTURE, (obsolete)...
aventurin 16 16 a glass containing g...
averagely 24 18 AVERAGE, mediocre [a...
averagers 17 15 AVERAGER, in maritim...
averaging 18 18 AVERAGE, to calculat...
averments 17 17 AVERMENT, a positive...
averrable 19 17 that can be averred...
aversions 16 14 AVERSION, a feeling...
aversives 19 17 AVERSIVE, a techniqu...
avertable 19 17 capable of being ave...
avertedly 24 17 AVERTED [adv]
avertible 20 17 capable of being ave...
avianised 16 15 AVIANISE, to modify...
avianises 16 14 AVIANISE, to modify...
avianized 19 24 AVIANIZE, to modify...
avianizes 19 23 AVIANIZE, to modify...
aviarists 18 13 AVIARIST, a keeper o...
aviations 16 14 AVIATION, the aircra...
aviatress 17 13 a female aviator, al...
aviatrice 20 16 a female aviator, al...
avidities 18 14 AVIDITY, greed [n]
avifaunae 17 18 AVIFAUNA, the bird l...
avifaunal 19 19 relating to avifauna...
avifaunas 18 18 AVIFAUNA, the bird l...
avigators 18 15 AVIGATOR, one who na...
avirulent 18 16 of bacteria, not vir...
avisandum 18 19 (Scots) a private co...
avisement 17 17 (Spenser) advisement...
avizandum 21 28 (Scots) a private co...
avizefull 25 28 (Spenser) watchful [...
avocadoes 18 17 AVOCADO, a rough-ski...
avocation 18 17 a minor occupation u...
avoidable 19 18 capable of being avo...
avoidably 26 20 AVOIDABLE, capable o...
avoidance 18 18 the act of avoiding...
avoisions 16 14 AVOISION, a portmant...
avoparcin 21 20 an antibiotic, forme...
avouchers 22 19 AVOUCHER, one who av...
avouching 23 22 AVOUCH, (archaic) to...
avouterer 16 14 (obsolete) an adulte...
avoutrers 17 14 AVOUTRER, an adulter...
avoutries 17 14 AVOUTRY, (obsolete)...
avulsions 18 16 AVULSION, the act of...
avuncular 21 20 suggestive of an unc...
awakeners 17 17 AWAKENER, one that a...
awakening 18 20 AWAKEN, to rouse fro...
awardable 20 17 that can be awarded...
awareness 16 13 the state of being a...
awesomely 25 18 AWESOME, impressive...
awestrike 19 16 to inspire great awe...
awestruck 23 20 stricken with awe [a...
awfullest 23 18 AWFUL, horrible [adj...
awfulness 21 18 the state of being a...
awkwarder 22 20 AWKWARD, lacking gra...
awkwardly 30 23 AWKWARD, lacking gra...
axilemmas 24 23 AXILEMMA, the membra...
axiomatic 25 22 indisputably true, s...
axletrees 21 17 AXLETREE, a bar used...
axolemmas 23 23 AXOLEMMA, the membra...
axoplasms 25 23 AXOPLASM, the cytopl...
ayahuasca 25 17 (Quechua) a South Am...
ayahuasco 25 17 (Quechua) a South Am...
ayatollah 24 15 (Arabic) an Iranian...
ayenbites 22 15 AYENBITE, (obsolete)...
ayurvedas 23 17 AYURVEDA, (Sanskrit)...
ayurvedic 27 20 relating to ayurveda...
azedarach 22 24 (Persian) the string...
azeotrope 18 21 a chemical term for...
azeotropy 25 23 the state of being a...
azimuthal 23 25 of or pertaining to...
azotaemia 17 21 a less common name f...
azotaemic 21 24 relating to azotaemi...
azotemias 18 21 AZOTEMIA, an excess...
azotising 19 21 AZOTISE, to combine...
azotizing 22 30 AZOTIZE, to combine...
azoturias 18 19 AZOTURIA, an excess...
azygously 33 26 AZYGOUS, not being o...