9 letter words that starts with h

9 letter words that start with H

9 letter H word


Word With Friends


haanepoot 16 15 (Afrikaans) a kind o...
habaneras 17 15 HABANERA, a slow and...
habaneros 17 15 HABANERO, a hot chil...
habdalahs 22 18 HABDALAH, a Jewish c...
habendums 20 20 HABENDUM, the part o...
haberdine 18 16 a cod salted and dri...
habergeon 18 17 (historical) a sleev...
habilable 23 19 (Carlyle) capable of...
habitable 22 18 that can be inhabite...
habitably 29 20 HABITABLE, that can...
habitants 19 15 HABITANT, (French) a...
habituals 21 16 HABITUAL, someone wh...
habituate 19 15 to accustom to [v HA...
habitudes 20 16 HABITUDE, a usual co...
habituses 20 15 HABITUS, (Latin) the...
hacendado 18 17 (Spanish) the owner...
hachuring 24 20 HACHURE, to make a h...
haciendas 19 16 HACIENDA, (Spanish)...
hackamore 21 21 (Spanish) a halter c...
hackberry 30 23 a genus of trees rel...
hackbolts 25 22 HACKBOLT, a sea bird...
hackeries 21 18 HACKERY, an ox-drawn...
hackettes 21 18 HACKETTE, a woman jo...
hackliest 23 19 HACKLY, rough or bro...
hackneyed 26 22 HACKNEY, to make tri...
hacksawed 24 22 HACKSAW, to cut with...
hackworks 26 25 HACKWORK, artistic w...
hacqueton 27 25 a stuffed jacket wor...
hadrosaur 17 13 a bird-hipped dinosa...
haecceity 29 19 the quality that mak...
haematein 16 15 a dark purple crysta...
haematics 21 17 HAEMATIC, a medicine...
haematins 17 15 HAEMATIN, a brown su...
haematite 17 14 an ore of iron, also...
haematoid 17 15 resembling blood, al...
haematoma 17 17 a swelling composed...
haemocoel 20 18 the central body cav...
haemocyte 26 19 a blood cell, esp. a...
haemolyse 24 17 to break down red bl...
haemolyze 27 26 to break down red bl...
haemonies 16 15 HAEMONY, a plant whi...
haemostat 17 14 an instrument for st...
haeremais 17 14 HAEREMAI, (Maori) we...
haftarahs 21 16 HAFTARAH, (Hebrew) a...
haftaroth 21 16 HAFTARA, a Biblical...
haftorahs 21 16 HAFTORAH, a Biblical...
haftoroth 21 16 HAFTORAH, a Biblical...
hagadists 19 14 HAGADIST, (Hebrew) a...
hagbushes 23 19 HAGBUSH, a large tre...
hagbuteer 20 17 one who uses a hagbu...
hagbutter 21 17 one who uses a hagbu...
hagfishes 23 18 HAGFISH, a scavengin...
haggadahs 21 18 HAGGADAH, (Hebrew) t...
haggadist 20 16 a scholar versed in...
haggadoth 21 18 HAGGADAH, (Hebrew) t...
haggardly 27 19 HAGGARD [adv]
haggishly 30 20 HAGGISH, resembling...
hagglings 22 19 HAGGLING, the act of...
hagiarchy 30 20 government by holy p...
hagiology 26 18 the literature deali...
hagridden 18 16 HAGRIDE, to drive as...
hagriders 19 14 HAGRIDER, one who ha...
hagriding 20 17 HAGRIDE, to drive as...
hailshots 21 14 HAILSHOT, small shot...
hailstone 17 13 a ball of hail [n -S...
hailstorm 20 15 a storm of hail [n -...
hainching 23 20 HAINCH, to throw wit...
hairballs 22 16 HAIRBALL, a concreti...
hairbands 19 16 HAIRBAND, a band for...
hairbells 22 16 HAIRBELL, the Scotti...
hairbrush 23 17 a brush for the hair...
haircloth 24 17 stuff or cloth made...
hairdrier 18 12 a device for drying...
hairdryer 24 14 a device for drying...
hairgrips 22 16 HAIRGRIP, a device t...
hairiness 17 12 the state of being h...
hairlines 18 13 HAIRLINE, the edge o...
hairlocks 23 19 HAIRLOCK, a lock of...
hairpiece 22 17 an artificial extens...
hairspray 26 16 lacquer sprayed on t...
hairsting 19 14 HAIRST, to gather in...
hairstyle 25 14 a particular way of...
hairtails 19 12 HAIRTAIL, any of var...
hairwings 22 17 HAIRWING, a fishing...
hairworks 22 18 HAIRWORK, the making...
hairworms 22 17 HAIRWORM, a kind of...
hairyback 30 23 an offensive name fo...
halachist 24 17 a practioner of Jewi...
halachoth 25 19 HALACHA, the legal p...
halakhahs 23 20 HALAKHAH, the legal...
halakhist 22 18 a practioner of Jewi...
halakhoth 23 20 HALAKHAH, the legal...
halakists 20 16 HALAKIST, a halakic...
halalling 21 17 HALAL, to slaughter...
halations 17 13 HALATION, a blurring...
halazones 19 22 HALAZONE, a disinfec...
halcyonic 30 21 peaceful and happy,...
halfbacks 27 25 HALFBACK, a position...
halfbeaks 23 22 HALFBEAK, a fish wit...
halflings 23 19 HALFLING, a half-gro...
halflives 24 20 HALFLIFE, the time t...
halfpaces 25 21 HALFPACE, a dais; a...
halfpence 24 22 HALFPENNY, a coin wo...
halfpenny 27 22 a coin worth half a...
halfpipes 25 21 HALFPIPE, a U-shaped...
halftimes 22 18 HALFTIME, an intermi...
halftones 19 16 HALFTONE, a shade be...
halftrack 25 22 a vehicle with cater...
halicores 21 15 HALICORE, the dugong...
halidomes 19 16 HALIDOME, (archaic)...
halieutic 22 16 pertaining to fishin...
halimotes 19 15 HALIMOTE, an erroneo...
halitoses 18 12 HALITOSIS, bad breat...
halitosis 19 12 bad breath [n HALITO...
halitotic 22 15 relating to halitosi...
halituses 19 13 HALITUS, an exhalati...
hallalled 21 16 HALLAL, to slaughter...
hallaloos 19 14 HALLALOO, a hunting...
halliards 20 14 HALLIARD, a line use...
hallmarks 22 20 HALLMARK, to mark wi...
halloaing 19 16 HALLOA, to shout out...
hallooing 19 16 HALLOO, to shout out...
halloumis 21 17 HALLOUMI, a Greek di...
hallowers 22 16 HALLOWER, one who ha...
hallowing 23 19 HALLOW, to make holy...
hallstand 19 15 a stand in a hall fo...
halobiont 19 16 an organism living i...
halocline 21 17 a vertical gradient...
halogeton 17 15 a coarse annual herb...
halophile 23 18 a plant that is adap...
halophily 30 20 being adapted to sal...
halophobe 23 20 a plant that cannot...
halophyte 28 19 a plant found growin...
haloseres 17 12 HALOSERE, a plant co...
halothane 18 15 an inhalation anaest...
haltering 19 15 HALTER, to put restr...
haltingly 27 18 HALTING, stopping [a...
hamadryad 24 18 (Greek) a wood nymph...
hamadryas 24 17 (Greek) a type of ba...
hamamelis 20 18 a winter-flowering s...
hamartias 18 14 HAMARTIA, in tragedy...
hamboning 20 21 HAMBONE, to overact,...
hamburger 22 20 (German) a patty of...
hamfatter 20 17 a third-rate minstre...
hammerers 19 17 HAMMERER, one who ha...
hammering 20 20 HAMMER, to strike re...
hammerkop 22 24 (Afrikaans) a bird o...
hammerman 19 21 a man who operates a...
hammermen 19 21 HAMMERMAN, a man who...
hammertoe 18 17 a deformity of the t...
hamminess 19 18 the quality of being...
hamperers 20 17 HAMPERER, one who ha...
hampering 21 20 HAMPER, to hinder, o...
hampsters 21 17 HAMPSTER, a small ro...
hamstring 20 17 a tendon at the back...
hamstrung 20 18 HAMSTRING, to disabl...
handballs 21 18 HANDBALL, to handle...
handbells 21 18 HANDBELL, a bell hel...
handbills 22 18 HANDBILL, a small pr...
handblown 22 21 made by glassblowing...
handbooks 19 20 HANDBOOK, a manual [...
handbrake 19 20 a brake applied by a...
handcarts 20 16 HANDCART, a cart for...
handclaps 23 20 HANDCLAP, a sound ma...
handclasp 23 20 a handshake [n -S]
handcraft 22 19 handicraft [n -S] /...
handcuffs 25 23 HANDCUFF, to fetter...
handfasts 19 16 HANDFAST, to betroth...
handfeeds 18 17 HANDFEED, to feed wi...
handgrips 21 18 HANDGRIP, a grasp wi...
handhelds 20 17 HANDHELD, something,...
handholds 20 17 HANDHOLD, a handgrip...
handicaps 22 19 HANDICAP, to impose...
handiness 16 14 the state of being h...
handiwork 21 20 work done by the han...
handknits 18 18 HANDKNIT, a garment...
handlebar 19 17 the steering-bar of...
handlines 17 15 HANDLINE, a fishing...
handlings 19 17 HANDLING, the manner...
handlists 19 14 HANDLIST, a referenc...
handlooms 18 17 HANDLOOM, a manually...
handmaids 18 17 HANDMAID, a female s...
handovers 18 17 HANDOVER, a transfer...
handphone 19 19 in SE Asia, a mobile...
handpicks 24 23 HANDPICK, to choose...
handplays 26 19 HANDPLAY, a dealing...
handpress 19 16 a press operated by...
handprint 19 17 the mark of a hand [...
handrails 18 14 HANDRAIL, a railing...
handrolls 19 15 HANDROLL, a cigarett...
handseled 17 15 HANDSEL, to give a g...
handshake 19 19 a shaking of hands i...
handsomer 17 16 HANDSOME, attractive...
handsomes 17 16 HANDSOME, a handsome...
handspike 20 20 a bar used as a leve...
handstaff 21 19 a staff-like handle...
handstamp 20 19 to stamp by hand [v...
handstand 16 15 an act of balancing...
handsturn 17 15 the single or least...
handtowel 20 17 a towel for wiping t...
handwheel 22 19 any wheel worked by...
handworks 21 20 HANDWORK, work done...
handwoven 20 21 woven by hand [adj]
handwrite 20 16 to write by hand [v...
handwrote 19 16 HANDWRITE, to write...
handywork 27 22 work done by the han...
hanepoots 17 15 HANEPOOT, (Afrikaans...
hangaring 18 17 HANGAR, to place in...
hangbirds 21 18 HANGBIRD, the Baltim...
hangfires 20 17 HANGFIRE, a delay in...
hangnails 18 16 HANGNAIL, a piece of...
hangnests 17 15 HANGNEST, the Baltim...
hangovers 19 18 HANGOVER, the physic...
hangriest 18 14 HANGRY, irritable as...
hankerers 17 16 HANKERER, one who ha...
hankering 18 19 a yearning [n -S]
hanseatic 19 15 relating to the hans...
hanseling 18 16 HANSEL, to give a go...
hanselled 18 15 HANSEL, to give a go...
hanukiahs 20 19 HANUKIAH, (Hebrew) a...
haphazard 24 26 marked by lack of pl...
haphtarah 23 18 a Biblical selection...
haphtaras 21 16 HAPHTARA, (Hebrew) a...
haphtarot 21 16 HAPHTARA, (Hebrew) a...
haplessly 28 18 HAPLESS, luckless [a...
haploidic 24 19 denoting a cell or o...
haplology 28 20 the contraction of a...
haplontic 23 19 of or like a haplont...
haplopias 22 18 HAPLOPIA, normal vis...
haplotype 28 20 a single species con...
happening 21 21 an occurrence [n -S]
happiness 21 18 the state of being h...
happoshus 24 20 HAPPOSHU, (Japanese)...
hapterons 18 15 HAPTERON, a holdfast...
haquetons 24 22 HAQUETON, a stuffed...
harakekes 18 19 HARAKEKE, (Maori) fl...
harambees 19 17 HARAMBEE, a Swahili...
haramzada 20 24 (Hinglish) an illegi...
haramzadi 21 24 (Hinglish) an illegi...
harangued 17 16 HARANGUE, to deliver...
haranguer 17 15 one who harangues [n...
harangues 17 15 HARANGUE, to deliver...
harassers 17 11 HARASSER, one who ha...
harassing 18 14 persistently botheri...
harbinger 20 17 a forerunner; someth...
harborage 19 16 (US) shelter, harbou...
harborers 19 14 HARBORER, (US) one w...
harborful 23 19 the contents of a ha...
harboring 20 17 HARBOR, to shelter,...
harborous 19 15 hospitable [adj]
harboured 19 16 HARBOUR, to shelter,...
harbourer 19 15 one who or that whic...
hardasses 17 12 HARDASS, someone who...
hardbacks 24 22 HARDBACK, a book wit...
hardbakes 20 19 HARDBAKE, a sweetmea...
hardballs 22 17 HARDBALL, baseball [...
hardbeams 20 18 HARDBEAM, a small ha...
hardboard 19 16 compressed board mad...
hardboots 19 15 HARDBOOT, a type of...
hardbound 19 18 bound in hard covers...
hardcases 20 15 HARDCASE, a person d...
hardcores 20 15 HARDCORE, a style of...
hardcourt 21 16 of tennis, played on...
hardcover 22 19 a book in hard cover...
hardedges 18 15 HARDEDGE, in art, th...
hardeners 16 13 HARDENER, one that h...
hardening 17 16 HARDEN, to make hard...
hardfaces 22 18 HARDFACE, a relentle...
hardgoods 18 15 hardware [n]
hardgrass 19 14 cocksfoot or other c...
hardhacks 24 21 HARDHACK, a very ast...
hardheads 19 15 HARDHEAD, any of sev...
hardihead 19 15 (archaic) hardihood,...
hardihood 19 15 boldness; audacity,...
hardiment 18 16 (archaic) hardihood,...
hardiness 17 13 the state of being h...
hardliner 18 14 one who takes a hard...
hardnosed 16 14 tough, unsentimental...
hardnoses 16 13 HARDNOSE, a tough, u...
hardpacks 24 22 HARDPACK, a rigid ba...
hardparts 20 15 the skeletal parts o...
hardrocks 22 19 HARDROCK, (colloquia...
hardscape 22 18 in the practice of l...
hardshell 22 16 having a hard shell;...
hardships 23 17 HARDSHIP, a difficul...
hardstand 17 14 a hard surface on wh...
hardtacks 22 19 HARDTACK, a hard bis...
hardtails 19 13 HARDTAIL, a motorcyc...
hardwares 20 15 HARDWARE, metal good...
hardwired 21 16 HARDWIRE, to permane...
hardwires 21 15 HARDWIRE, to permane...
hardwoods 20 16 HARDWOOD, the timber...
harebells 21 16 HAREBELL, the Scotti...
harestail 18 12 a species of cotton...
harewoods 19 15 HAREWOOD, stained sy...
harigalds 20 15 (Scots) viscera, als...
hariolate 17 12 to prophesy, soothsa...
harkeners 17 16 HARKENER, one who ha...
harkening 18 19 HARKEN, to listen, a...
harlequin 26 23 a stock comic charac...
harmaline 18 16 an alkaloid derived...
harmalins 19 16 HARMALIN, an alkaloi...
harmattan 17 15 (Fanti) a dry dusty...
harmdoing 19 18 the doing of harm [n...
harmfully 30 22 HARMFUL, capable of...
harmonica 20 18 a mouth-organ; also,...
harmonics 21 18 HARMONIC, a musical...
harmonies 17 15 HARMONY, agreement [...
harmonise 17 15 to bring into harmon...
harmonist 18 15 a person skilled in...
harmonium 19 19 a keyboard instrumen...
harmonize 20 24 to bring into harmon...
harmotome 18 17 a zeolite, a hydrate...
harnessed 16 13 HARNESS, to equip wi...
harnesser 16 12 one who harnesses [n...
harnesses 16 12 HARNESS, to equip wi...
haroseths 19 13 HAROSETH, (Hebrew) a...
harpooned 17 16 HARPOON, to strike w...
harpooner 17 15 one who uses a harpo...
harpylike 28 21 like a harpy [adj]
harquebus 28 25 (historical) a porta...
harridans 17 13 HARRIDAN, a sharp-to...
harrowers 20 14 HARROWER, one that h...
harrowing 21 17 acutely distressing...
harrumphs 24 20 HARRUMPH, to clear o...
harshened 18 15 HARSHEN, to make har...
harshness 19 14 the state of being h...
hartbeest 19 14 (Afrikaans) a large...
hartening 17 15 HARTEN, to give cour...
hartlesse 18 12 (Spenser) heartless...
hartshorn 19 14 the horn or antler o...
harumphed 23 21 HARUMPH, to clear on...
haruspicy 30 20 divination by inspec...
harvested 19 16 HARVEST, to gather i...
harvester 19 15 any member of the Op...
hashheads 21 16 HASHHEAD, a hashish...
hashishes 22 15 HASHISH, (Arabic) th...
hashmarks 22 20 HASHMARK, a proofrea...
hastately 24 14 HASTATE, spear-shape...
hasteners 16 12 HASTENER, one who ha...
hastening 17 15 HASTEN, to urry, als...
hastiness 17 12 the state of being h...
hatchable 25 20 that can be hatched...
hatchback 29 26 a car with a certain...
hatchecks 27 23 HATCHECK, the receiv...
hatcheled 23 18 HATCHEL, to separate...
hatchings 24 19 HATCHING, shading in...
hatchling 25 20 a creature just hatc...
hatchment 23 20 a diamond-shaped esc...
hatchways 32 21 HATCHWAY, an opening...
hatefully 28 19 HATEFUL, detestable...
haterents 16 12 HATERENT, (Scots) ha...
hatguards 19 15 HATGUARD, a string f...
hatinator 16 12 a small decorative h...
hatmakers 19 18 HATMAKER, one that m...
hatstands 17 13 HATSTAND, a stand on...
hatterias 17 11 HATTERIA, a kind of...
hattering 18 14 HATTER, to trouble,...
haughtier 21 16 HAUGHTY, arrogant [a...
haughtily 29 19 HAUGHTY, arrogant [a...
haulbacks 25 23 HAULBACK, a line for...
haulmiest 20 16 HAULMY, of or like h...
haulyards 25 16 HAULYARD, a line use...
haunching 23 21 HAUNCH, to throw wit...
hauntings 18 16 HAUNTING, the act of...
hausfraus 20 16 HAUSFRAU, (German) h...
haustella 19 14 HAUSTELLUM, the suck...
haustoria 17 12 HAUSTORIUM, (Latin)...
havdalahs 22 19 HAVDALAH, a Jewish c...
havdolohs 22 19 HAVDOLOH, a Jewish c...
havelocks 24 23 HAVELOCK, a cloth ha...
havenless 19 17 without a haven [adj...
haverings 20 18 HAVERING, nonsensica...
haversack 23 22 a bag worn over the...
haversine 18 16 half the versed sine...
havildars 21 17 HAVILDAR, (Urdu) the...
havockers 23 22 HAVOCKER, one who wr...
havocking 24 25 HAVOC, to lay waste...
haweaters 19 14 HAWEATER, a resident...
hawkbells 26 23 HAWKBELL, a small be...
hawkbills 27 23 HAWKBILL, a kind of...
hawkishly 32 23 HAWKISH, like a hawk...
hawkmoths 25 23 HAWKMOTH, a kind of...
hawknoses 20 19 HAWKNOSE, a large cu...
hawksbill 27 23 a kind of sea turtle...
hawkshaws 27 23 HAWKSHAW, a detectiv...
hawkweeds 24 22 HAWKWEED, a weedlike...
hawsehole 22 17 a hole for a ship's...
hawsepipe 24 20 a tubular casting, f...
hawthorns 22 17 HAWTHORN, a small tr...
hawthorny 28 19 like hawthorn [adj]
haycation 25 17 a working holiday at...
hayfields 27 18 HAYFIELD, a field wh...
haymakers 25 20 HAYMAKER, one that m...
haymaking 26 23 the harvesting of ha...
haystacks 28 20 HAYSTACK, a pile of...
hazarders 20 21 HAZARDER, one who ha...
hazarding 21 24 HAZARD, to venture [...
hazardize 23 30 (Spenser) a hazardou...
hazardous 20 22 dangerous [adj HAZAR...
hazelhens 22 24 HAZELHEN, a European...
hazelnuts 21 23 HAZELNUT, an edible...
hazelwood 23 25 the wood of the haze...
headaches 21 17 HEADACHE, a pain ins...
headachey 27 19 afflicted with a hea...
headbands 18 17 HEADBAND, a band wor...
headbangs 19 18 HEADBANG [v]
headboard 18 16 a board at the head...
headcases 19 15 HEADCASE, (colloquia...
headchair 22 17 a high-backed chair...
headcloth 23 18 a kerchief worn inst...
headcount 19 17 a count of people pr...
headdress 17 13 a (sometimes ceremon...
headfasts 19 15 HEADFAST, a mooring...
headfirst 20 15 with the head in fro...
headframe 19 18 the structure over a...
headfucks 24 23 HEADFUCK, a wildly e...
headgates 17 14 HEADGATE, a gate to...
headgears 17 14 HEADGEAR, a covering...
headguard 18 16 a padded helmet worn...
headhunts 19 16 HEADHUNT, to seek ou...
headiness 16 13 the state of being h...
headlamps 21 19 HEADLAMP, a light on...
headlands 17 15 HEADLAND, a point of...
headlease 16 13 a main or original l...
headlight 22 17 a strong light on th...
headlined 17 15 HEADLINE, to provide...
headliner 17 14 the person whose nam...
headlines 17 14 HEADLINE, to provide...
headlocks 22 20 HEADLOCK, a wrestlin...
headmarks 19 19 HEADMARK, a peculiar...
headnotes 15 13 HEADNOTE, a note at...
headpeace 20 18 (archaic) a helmet,...
headphone 19 18 an audio receiver wo...
headpiece 21 18 any covering for the...
headponds 18 17 HEADPOND, a pond cre...
headraces 19 15 HEADRACE, the channe...
headrails 18 13 HEADRAIL, a rail on...
headreach 21 17 to make distance to...
headrests 17 12 HEADREST, a support...
headrings 18 15 HEADRING, a palm-lea...
headrooms 17 15 HEADROOM, clear vert...
headropes 18 15 HEADROPE, that part...
headsails 18 13 HEADSAIL, a sail set...
headscarf 22 18 a scarf worn over th...
headshake 19 18 a shake of the head...
headships 22 17 HEADSHIP, the positi...
headshots 19 14 HEADSHOT, a photogra...
headspace 21 18 room for one's head...
headstall 19 14 that part of a bridl...
headstand 16 14 a gymnastic standing...
headstays 23 14 HEADSTAY, a support...
headstick 22 19 in printing, a strai...
headstock 21 19 the bearings or supp...
headstone 15 13 the principal stone...
headwalls 22 17 HEADWALL, a steep ro...
headwards 20 16 backwards beyond the...
headwater 19 15 the highest part of...
headwinds 20 17 HEADWIND, a wind blo...
headwords 20 16 HEADWORD, a word app...
headworks 21 19 HEADWORK, mental wor...
healingly 26 18 HEALING, curative [a...
healthful 24 19 giving health [adj H...
healthier 20 14 HEALTHY, wholesome [...
healthily 28 17 HEALTHY, wholesome [...
healthism 22 17 a lifestyle that pri...
heapstead 18 15 the buildings and pl...
hearkened 16 17 HEARKEN, to listen t...
hearkener 16 16 one who hearkens, al...
hearsiest 17 11 HEARSY, resembling a...
heartache 21 16 sorrow, anguish [n -...
heartbeat 18 14 a pulsation of the h...
heartburn 19 16 a burning, acrid fee...
heartened 15 13 HEARTEN, to give cou...
heartener 15 12 one who heartens [n...
heartfelt 20 15 deeply felt [adj]
heartfree 18 14 not in love [adj]
hearthrug 21 16 a rug spread in fron...
heartiest 17 11 HEARTY, very friendl...
heartikin 18 16 (obsolete) a little...
heartland 17 14 an area of a country...
heartless 18 12 callous, uncaring, a...
heartlets 18 12 HEARTLET, a little h...
heartling 19 15 (Shakespeare) little...
heartpeas 18 14 HEARTPEA, the balloo...
heartseed 16 12 the balloon vine, al...
heartsick 22 18 very sad [adj]
heartsink 18 16 a patient who repeat...
heartsome 17 14 exhilarating; merry...
heartsore 16 11 the cause of pain in...
heartwood 19 15 the inner wood of a...
heartworm 21 17 a filarial worm that...
heathbird 22 17 the black grouse [n...
heathcock 26 23 the male black grous...
heathenry 24 16 the state, quality,...
heathered 18 14 covered with heather...
heathfowl 25 20 a red, or black, gro...
heathiest 19 13 HEATHY, abounding in...
heathland 19 16 barren open country,...
heathless 20 14 without heath [adj]
heathlike 21 18 like a heath [adj]
heatproof 20 17 resistant to heat [a...
heatspots 19 14 HEATSPOT, a spot or...
heatwaves 21 18 HEATWAVE, a spell of...
heaviness 18 16 the state of being h...
hebdomads 20 19 HEBDOMAD, the number...
hebetated 18 15 HEBETATE, to make du...
hebetates 18 14 HEBETATE, to make du...
hebetudes 19 16 HEBETUDE, mental dul...
hebraised 19 15 HEBRAISE, to make He...
hebraises 19 14 HEBRAISE, to make He...
hebraized 22 24 HEBRAIZE, to make He...
hebraizes 22 23 HEBRAIZE, to make He...
hecatombs 23 20 HECATOMB, a great pu...
hecklings 24 22 HECKLING, the act of...
hecogenin 19 18 a chemical obtained...
hectogram 22 19 a measure of weight,...
hectorers 20 14 HECTORER, one who he...
hectoring 21 17 intimidating [adj HE...
hectorism 22 17 the disposition or t...
hederated 16 13 crowned with a wreat...
hedgebill 23 19 a bill for dressing...
hedgehogs 21 18 HEDGEHOG, a small sp...
hedgehops 22 19 HEDGEHOP, of a plane...
hedgepigs 22 19 HEDGEPIG, a small sp...
hedgerows 21 17 HEDGEROW, a row of b...
hedgingly 27 20 HEDGING [adv]
hedonisms 18 16 HEDONISM, the pursui...
hedonists 17 13 HEDONIST, one who be...
hedyphane 26 20 a white variety of g...
heedfully 28 20 HEEDFUL, paying clos...
heediness 16 13 the state of being h...
heehawing 22 19 HEEHAW, to bray like...
heelballs 22 17 HEELBALL, a composit...
heelpiece 22 18 a piece of armor to...
heelplate 20 16 a reinforcing piece...
heelposts 20 15 HEELPOST, the post s...
heftiness 19 15 the state of being h...
hegemonic 21 20 relating to a hegemo...
hegumenes 18 18 HEGUMENE, the head o...
hegumenoi 18 18 HEGUMENOS, (Greek) t...
hegumenos 18 18 (Greek) the head of...
heightens 20 16 HEIGHTEN, to raise [...
heightism 23 18 discrimination on gr...
heinously 24 16 HEINOUS, very wicked...
heiresses 17 11 HEIRESS, a female in...
heirlooms 19 15 HEIRLOOM, an inherit...
heirships 23 16 HEIRSHIP, the right...
heketaras 17 15 HEKETARA, (Maori) a...
hektogram 20 20 a measure of weight,...
heleniums 19 17 HELENIUM, a type of...
heliborne 19 16 carried by helicopte...
helibuses 21 16 HELIBUS, a scheduled...
helically 30 19 HELICAL, shaped like...
helicases 21 15 HELICASE, any of a g...
helicline 22 17 a spiral-shaped ramp...
helicoids 22 16 HELICOID, a type of...
heliconia 20 16 a tropical flowering...
helicopts 24 18 HELICOPT, to travel...
helictite 22 15 a distorted form of...
helidecks 23 20 HELIDECK, a landing...
helidrome 19 16 an airport for helic...
helilifts 23 16 HELILIFT, to transpo...
heliodors 18 13 HELIODOR, a variety...
heliogram 20 17 a message sent by re...
heliology 26 17 the science of the s...
heliopses 20 15 HELIOPSIS, a genus o...
heliopsis 21 15 a genus of herbaceou...
heliostat 18 12 an instrument using...
heliotype 26 17 a picture obtained b...
heliotypy 33 19 a photomechanical pr...
heliozoan 19 22 related to the Helio...
heliozoic 24 24 relating to the Heli...
helipilot 22 16 the pilot of a helic...
heliports 21 15 HELIPORT, an airport...
heliskied 20 17 HELISKI, to ski down...
helistops 21 15 HELISTOP, an airport...
helitacks 23 19 HELITACK, the use of...
hellboxes 27 23 HELLBOX, a printer's...
hellbroth 24 18 a composition for in...
helldiver 22 18 a small greyish-brow...
hellebore 20 16 any of various early...
hellenise 18 14 to use the Greek lan...
hellenize 21 23 to use the Greek lan...
helleries 19 13 HELLERI, a tropical...
hellfires 22 16 HELLFIRE, the tormen...
hellholes 22 16 HELLHOLE, a horrible...
hellhound 21 18 a devilish dog [n -S...
hellicats 23 16 HELLICAT, a wicked c...
hellishly 30 18 HELLISH, horrible [a...
hellkites 21 17 HELLKITE, an extreme...
hellwards 23 17 in the direction of...
helmeting 20 18 the act of fitting w...
helminths 22 18 HELMINTH, a parasiti...
helophyte 28 19 any perennial marsh...
helotages 18 14 HELOTAGE, the state...
helotisms 20 15 HELOTISM, slavery or...
helotries 18 12 HELOTRY, slavery or...
helpdesks 22 20 HELPDESK, a service...
helpfully 32 23 HELPFUL, giving help...
helplines 21 17 HELPLINE, an often f...
helpmates 21 18 HELPMATE, a friend,...
helpmeets 21 18 HELPMEET, a friend,...
helvetium 22 20 a superseded name fo...
hemagogue 19 19 a drug that promotes...
hemateins 17 15 HEMATEIN, a reddish...
hematines 17 15 HEMATINE, a compound...
hematinic 21 18 a substance having t...
hematites 18 14 HEMATITE, an ore of...
hematitic 22 17 of or pertaining to...
hematomas 18 17 HEMATOMA, swelling f...
hematoses 17 14 HEMATOSIS, the forma...
hematosis 18 14 the formation of blo...
hematozoa 19 23 HEMATOZOON, a protoz...
hematuria 18 15 the presence of bloo...
hematuric 22 18 relating to hematuri...
hemelytra 25 17 HEMELYTRON, an insec...
hemialgia 20 17 pain in one side of...
hemicycle 32 23 a half circle; a sem...
hemihedra 20 17 HEMIHEDRON, a solid...
hemihedry 27 19 a property of crysta...
hemiolias 19 15 HEMIOLIA, in mediaev...
hemiopias 20 17 HEMIOPIA, a defect o...
hemiopsia 20 17 a defect of vision i...
hemipodes 20 18 HEMIPODE, the button...
hemipters 21 17 HEMIPTER, one of the...
hemispace 23 20 the area to one side...
hemistich 25 19 half a verse line [n...
hemitrope 20 17 of a crystal, twinne...
hemitropy 27 19 the state of being a...
hemocoels 21 18 HEMOCOEL, the centra...
hemoconia 19 18 the small particles...
hemocytes 27 19 HEMOCYTE, a blood ce...
hemolymph 31 25 the circulatory flui...
hemolysed 25 18 HEMOLYSE, to break d...
hemolyses 25 17 HEMOLYSE, to break d...
hemolysin 25 18 a substance that cau...
hemolysis 26 17 destruction of red b...
hemolytic 29 20 destroying red blood...
hemolyzed 28 27 HEMOLYZE, to break d...
hemolyzes 28 26 HEMOLYZE, to break d...
hemophile 23 20 a person with hemoph...
hemostats 18 14 HEMOSTAT, an instrum...
hemotoxic 27 24 of or like a hemotox...
hemotoxin 23 22 a substance that des...
hempseeds 20 18 HEMPSEED, the seed o...
hempweeds 23 21 HEMPWEED, a climbing...
hemstitch 25 19 to stitch using the...
hendiadys 23 16 the expression of an...
henequens 23 23 HENEQUEN, a fibre us...
henequins 24 23 HENEQUIN, a fibre us...
henhouses 18 15 HENHOUSE, a shelter...
heniquens 24 23 HENIQUEN, a fibre us...
heniquins 25 23 HENIQUIN, a fibre us...
henneries 15 13 HENNERY, a poultry f...
hennishly 26 18 HENNISH, like a hen...
henpecked 22 23 HENPECK, to dominate...
hepaticae 21 17 HEPATICA, a flower,...
hepatical 23 18 pertaining to or act...
hepaticas 22 17 HEPATICA, a flower,...
hepatised 19 15 HEPATISE, to convert...
hepatises 19 14 HEPATISE, to convert...
hepatites 19 14 HEPATITE, a variety...
hepatitis 20 14 inflammation of the...
hepatized 22 24 HEPATIZE, to convert...
hepatizes 22 23 HEPATIZE, to convert...
hepatomas 19 17 HEPATOMA, a tumor on...
heptaglot 21 17 a book written in se...
heptagons 19 17 HEPTAGON, a seven-si...
heptapody 27 20 the state of having...
heptarchs 25 19 HEPTARCH, a member o...
heptarchy 31 21 government by seven...
heralding 19 16 HERALD, to proclaim,...
heraldist 19 13 a student of heraldr...
herbalism 22 18 the practice of herb...
herbalist 21 15 a person who practis...
herbarial 20 15 relating to a herbar...
herbarian 18 15 a herbalist [n -S]
herbaries 19 14 HERBARY, a garden of...
herbarium 21 18 a collection of pres...
herbelets 20 15 HERBELET, (Shakespea...
herbicide 23 18 a weedkiller [n -S]
herbivora 21 18 an extensive divisio...
herbivore 21 18 an organism that eat...
herbivory 28 20 the eating of grass...
herbology 27 19 the use or study of...
herborise 19 14 to search for plants...
herborist 20 14 a herbalist [n -S]
herborize 22 23 to search for plants...
hercogamy 28 21 the prevention of se...
herculean 20 17 of extraordinary str...
hercynite 26 17 black spinel, an alu...
herdesses 17 12 HERDESS, a female ke...
herdwicks 26 22 HERDWICK, a breed of...
hereabout 18 15 in the local area, a...
hereafter 18 14 from this time on [a...
hereaways 25 16 hereabout, in this v...
heretical 21 15 like a heretic, also...
hereunder 16 14 under this; below [a...
herissons 17 12 HERISSON, (French) a...
heritable 20 15 capable of being inh...
heritably 27 17 HERITABLE, capable o...
heritages 18 13 HERITAGE, something...
heritress 18 11 a female heir [n -ES...
herkogamy 26 22 the prevention of se...
hermandad 17 17 (Spanish) a confeder...
hermetics 22 17 the philosophy conta...
hermetism 20 17 a system of ideas ba...
hermetist 19 14 an adherent of herme...
hermitage 19 16 a hermit's abode [n...
hermitess 19 14 a female hermit [n -...
hermitism 21 17 the state of being a...
herniated 16 13 HERNIATE, to protrud...
herniates 16 12 HERNIATE, to protrud...
hernshaws 22 17 HERNSHAW, a heron, a...
heroicise 20 14 to make heroic, also...
heroicize 23 23 to make heroic, also...
heroinism 18 15 addiction to heroin...
heroising 18 14 HEROISE, to make her...
heroizing 21 23 HEROIZE, to make her...
heronries 16 12 HERONRY, a breeding...
heronsews 19 15 HERONSEW, a heron, a...
heronshaw 21 17 a heron, also HERNSH...
heroships 22 16 HEROSHIP, the state...
herpetics 23 17 HERPETIC, a person s...
herpetoid 19 15 of or relating to sn...
herriment 18 15 (Scots) spoliation,...
herringer 18 14 a man or boat employ...
herryment 24 17 (Scots) spoliation,...
hesitance 19 15 wavering, doubt, als...
hesitancy 26 17 wavering, doubt, als...
hesitated 17 12 HESITATE, to hold ba...
hesitater 17 11 one who hesitates, a...
hesitates 17 11 HESITATE, to hold ba...
hesitator 17 11 one who hesitates, a...
hesperids 20 15 HESPERID, a skipper...
hessonite 16 12 cinnamon stone, a va...
hesternal 17 13 of or relating to ye...
hetaerism 18 14 concubinage; a syste...
hetaerist 17 11 an advocate of hetae...
hetairias 17 11 HETAIRIA, (historica...
hetairism 19 14 concubinage; a syste...
hetairist 18 11 an advocate of hetai...
heterodox 22 19 holding unorthodox o...
heteronym 23 17 a word having same s...
heteropod 18 15 any of a group of fr...
heteroses 16 11 HETEROSIS, the incre...
heterosis 17 11 the increased size a...
heterotic 20 14 relating to heterosi...
hetmanate 16 15 the office of hetman...
heucheras 22 17 HEUCHERA, a North Am...
heuretics 21 15 the art of discovery...
heuristic 22 15 of or relating to ex...
hexachord 28 24 a series of six note...
hexafoils 26 22 HEXAFOIL, a pattern...
hexaglots 25 21 HEXAGLOT, a book wri...
hexagonal 23 22 having six sides and...
hexagrams 25 23 HEXAGRAM, a six-poin...
hexahedra 24 21 HEXAHEDRON, a solid...
hexameral 24 22 arranged in six grou...
hexameter 23 21 a verse line of six...
hexamines 23 22 HEXAMINE, a chemical...
hexaploid 26 23 a cell having six ti...
hexapodal 25 23 relating to Hexapoda...
hexapodic 28 25 of a line or verse,...
hexastich 29 23 a poem or stanza of...
hexastyle 30 21 having six columns i...
hexathlon 25 22 an athletic contest...
hexylenes 29 22 HEXYLENE, a colorles...
hibakusha 23 21 (Japanese) a survivo...
hibernate 18 15 to pass the winter i...
hibernise 19 15 to render Irish, als...
hibernize 22 24 to render Irish, als...
hiccatees 23 17 HICCATEE, a West Ind...
hiccoughs 28 22 HICCOUGH, to make a...
hiccuping 28 24 HICCUP, to make a pe...
hiccupped 29 25 HICCUP, to make a pe...
hickories 22 18 HICKORY, a hardwood...
hickwalls 28 23 HICKWALL, (dialect)...
hickymals 31 24 HICKYMAL, (dialect)...
hiddenite 17 14 an emerald-green var...
hideaways 26 17 HIDEAWAY, a hideout...
hidebound 19 18 having an inflexible...
hideosity 24 14 hideousness [n HIDEO...
hideously 25 16 HIDEOUS, very ugly [...
hidrotics 22 15 HIDROTIC, a drug tha...
hielamans 18 16 HIELAMAN, an Austral...
hieracium 22 18 any plant of the gen...
hierarchs 23 16 HIERARCH, a high-ran...
hierarchy 29 18 a body or organizati...
hieratica 20 14 (Latin) the finest p...
hieratics 21 14 HIERATIC, the sacred...
hierocrat 20 14 a governing priest [...
hierodule 18 14 a temple slave in th...
hierogram 19 16 a sacred or hierogly...
hierology 25 16 the science of sacre...
hifalutin 21 17 pretentious, affecte...
higglings 23 19 HIGGLING, hawking pr...
highballs 26 20 HIGHBALL, to go at g...
highbrows 27 21 HIGHBROW, an intelle...
highchair 27 20 a chair for a child...
highering 22 18 HIGHER, to raise, ma...
highflier 25 19 a bird that flies hi...
highflyer 31 21 a bird that flies hi...
highjacks 28 31 HIGHJACK, to steal i...
highlands 22 18 HIGHLAND, an elevate...
highlifes 25 19 HIGHLIFE, the lifest...
highlight 27 20 to throw into relief...
highrises 22 15 HIGHRISE, a building...
highroads 21 16 HIGHROAD, a highway;...
highspots 24 18 HIGHSPOT, a high poi...
hightails 23 16 HIGHTAIL, to retreat...
hightings 23 18 HIGHTING, the act of...
highvelds 25 21 HIGHVELD, a high alt...
hijackers 24 27 HIJACKER, one that h...
hijacking 25 30 the act of stealing...
hilarious 19 13 very amusing [adj HI...
hillbilly 32 20 a simple rustic, a y...
hillcrest 24 16 the top of a hill [n...
hillforts 23 16 HILLFORT, a fort bui...
hilliness 20 14 the state of being h...
hilloaing 20 16 HILLOA, to shout out...
hillocked 24 21 having hillocks [adj...
hillsides 21 14 HILLSIDE, the side o...
hillslope 23 17 the slope of a hill...
himations 18 15 HIMATION, a rectangu...
hinahinas 18 15 HINAHINA, a small, b...
hindberry 26 18 the raspberry [n HIN...
hindbrain 19 17 the posterior of the...
hindcasts 21 16 HINDCAST, to test a...
hinderers 17 13 HINDERER, one who hi...
hindering 18 16 impeding [adj HINDER...
hindheads 19 16 HINDHEAD, the back o...
hindmilks 22 21 HINDMILK, breast mil...
hindrance 19 17 an act of hindering;...
hindshank 20 20 meat from an animal'...
hindsight 22 17 the ability or oppor...
hindwings 22 19 HINDWING, a rear win...
hingeless 19 15 without hinges [adj]
hingelike 20 19 like a hinge [adj]
hintingly 26 18 HINTING, suggestive...
hiphugger 25 21 of trousers, having...
hipnesses 19 15 HIPNESS, the state o...
hipparchs 28 22 HIPPARCH, a cavalry...
hippiatry 29 19 the treatment of dis...
hippiedom 23 21 the world of the hip...
hippieish 25 19 like a hippie [adj]
hippiness 22 18 the state of being a...
hippocras 25 20 a kind of medieval h...
hippodame 22 21 (Spenser) a fabulous...
hippology 30 22 the study of horses...
hippurite 23 18 a Cretaceous fossil...
hippydoms 30 23 HIPPYDOM, the world...
hiraganas 17 14 HIRAGANA, a Japanese...
hircosity 28 16 goatishness, lewdnes...
hirelings 20 15 HIRELING, one that w...
hirrients 18 12 HIRRIENT, a roughly...
hirseling 20 15 HIRSEL, to herd shee...
hirselled 20 14 HIRSEL, to herd shee...
hirsutism 21 15 the state of being h...
hirundine 17 15 of or pertaining to...
hispanism 21 18 a movement asserting...
hispidity 28 17 shagginess [n HISPID...
hissingly 27 17 HISSING, making a hi...
histamine 18 15 a base used in medic...
histamins 19 15 HISTAMIN, a base use...
histidine 18 13 an amino acid found...
histidins 19 13 HISTIDIN, an amino a...
histogens 18 14 HISTOGEN, a more or...
histogeny 24 16 the formation or dif...
histogram 20 16 a diagram consisting...
histology 26 16 the study of the tis...
historian 17 12 a student of history...
historied 18 12 HISTORY, to relate i...
histories 18 11 HISTORY, to relate i...
historify 27 16 to record in history...
historism 20 14 the belief that all...
histrions 18 12 HISTRION, (archaic)...
hitchhike 27 22 to hike with the hel...
hitchiest 24 16 HITCHY, inclined to...
hithering 21 16 HITHER, to come this...
hitmakers 20 18 HITMAKER, a musician...
hivewards 23 19 in the direction of...
hizzoners 23 30 HIZZONER, his honour...
hoactzins 23 24 HOACTZIN, a South Am...
hoardings 18 15 HOARDING, a billboar...
hoarfrost 19 14 rime or white frost,...
hoarheads 18 14 HOARHEAD, a hoary-he...
hoarhound 18 16 a kind of wild flowe...
hoariness 16 12 the state of being h...
hoarsened 15 13 HOARSEN, to make hoa...
hoatching 23 19 (Scots) infested, sw...
hoatzines 19 21 HOATZIN, a South Ame...
hobblings 24 21 HOBBLING, the act of...
hobbyisms 30 22 HOBBYISM, the pursui...
hobbyists 29 19 HOBBYIST, one who pu...
hobbyless 29 20 having no hobbies [a...
hobdaying 26 20 HOBDAY, to cure a ho...
hobgoblin 23 21 a mischievous fairy;...
hobjobbed 25 30 HOBJOB, to do odd jo...
hobjobber 25 29 one who does odd job...
hobnailed 19 17 HOBNAIL, to furnish...
hobnobbed 22 22 HOBNOB, to associate...
hobnobber 22 21 one who hobnobs [n -...
hockshops 26 23 HOCKSHOP, a pawn sho...
hocussing 22 18 HOCUS, to deceive or...
hodaddies 17 14 HODADDY, a nonsurfer...
hodiernal 17 14 of or pertaining to...
hodmandod 17 18 a snail; a snail she...
hodograph 22 19 a curve of which the...
hodometer 17 15 an instrument for me...
hodometry 24 17 the measurement of d...
hodoscope 21 18 an instrument for tr...
hogfishes 23 18 HOGFISH, a large Wes...
hoggerels 20 16 HOGGEREL, (dialect)...
hoggeries 19 15 HOGGERY, hogs collec...
hoggishly 30 20 HOGGISH, coarsely se...
hogmanays 24 19 HOGMANAY, a Scottish...
hogmenays 24 19 HOGMENAY, a Scottish...
hogsheads 20 16 HOGSHEAD, a large ca...
hogtieing 19 16 HOGTIE, to tie the l...
hogwashes 23 18 HOGWASH, meaningless...
hoicksing 23 21 HOICKS, to hark back...
hoidening 17 16 HOIDEN, to act like...
hoidenish 19 15 like a hoiden, a wom...
hoistings 19 14 HOISTING, (Scott) a...
hoistways 27 16 HOISTWAY, an opening...
hokeyness 23 18 the state of being h...
holandric 21 17 transmitted by a gen...
holdbacks 25 23 HOLDBACK, a restrain...
holddowns 21 18 HOLDDOWN, a clamp fo...
holderbat 20 16 a clamp fixed around...
holdfasts 21 16 HOLDFAST, the anchor...
holdovers 20 17 HOLDOVER, something...
holidayed 24 16 HOLIDAY, to take a v...
holidayer 24 15 a holiday-maker [n -...
hollering 20 16 HOLLER, to call out...
hollidams 21 17 HOLLIDAM, (Shakespea...
holloaing 19 16 HOLLOA, to shout out...
hollooing 19 16 HOLLOO, to shout out...
holloware 21 16 hollow articles of c...
hollowest 22 16 HOLLOW, not solid [a...
hollowing 23 19 HOLLOW, to remove th...
hollyhock 32 24 a plant of the mallo...
holocaust 21 16 a complete or wholes...
holocrine 20 16 applied to a gland w...
holograms 20 17 HOLOGRAM, a three-di...
holograph 23 19 a text written entir...
hologynic 28 20 passed down through...
holohedra 19 15 HOLOHEDRON, a geomet...
holophote 21 17 an apparatus by whic...
holophyte 28 19 a plant maintained e...
holotypes 26 17 HOLOTYPE, the origin...
holotypic 30 20 relating to a holoty...
holsteins 18 13 HOLSTEIN, a breed of...
holstered 18 13 HOLSTER, to place in...
holydames 25 18 HOLYDAME, (Shakespea...
holystone 23 15 a sandstone material...
holytides 25 15 HOLYTIDE, a time of...
homaloids 19 16 HOMALOID, a Euclidea...
homebirds 21 18 HOMEBIRD, a person w...
homebirth 23 19 the act of giving bi...
homebound 19 20 stuck at home [adj]
homebreds 20 18 HOMEBRED, a home-bre...
homebrews 23 20 HOMEBREW, an alcohol...
homebuilt 22 19 built at home [adj]
homebuyer 26 20 one who is buying a...
homecomer 21 20 a person coming home...
homecraft 23 20 a craft practised at...
homegirls 21 17 HOMEGIRL, a girl or...
homegrown 21 20 produced in one's ow...
homelands 18 17 HOMELAND, one's nati...
homeliest 19 15 HOMELY, unattractive...
homemaker 19 21 a housewife or house...
homeomery 24 19 the state of being h...
homeopath 21 19 a practitioner of ho...
homeowner 19 18 one who owns a home...
homepages 20 19 HOMEPAGE, the main p...
homeplace 23 21 a person's home [n -...
homeports 20 17 HOMEPORT, to assign...
homerooms 18 17 HOMEROOM, the classr...
homesites 18 14 HOMESITE, one's own...
homespuns 20 19 HOMESPUN, cloth made...
homestall 20 16 a homestead [n -S]
homestand 17 16 a series of games pl...
homestays 24 16 HOMESTAY, the time d...
homestead 17 15 a dwelling-house wit...
hometowns 20 18 HOMETOWN, the town o...
homewards 21 18 in the direction of...
homewares 20 17 HOMEWARE, the things...
homeworks 22 21 HOMEWORK, work done...
homeyness 23 17 being homey, also HO...
homicidal 23 19 related to homicide...
homicides 22 18 HOMICIDE, the killin...
homiletic 23 18 relating to homily o...
homilists 21 15 HOMILIST, one who de...
hominians 17 16 HOMINIAN, a manlike...
hominised 18 16 HOMINISE, to alter t...
hominises 18 15 HOMINISE, to alter t...
hominized 21 25 HOMINIZE, to alter t...
hominizes 21 24 HOMINIZE, to alter t...
hominoids 18 16 HOMINOID, a member o...
homocercy 30 22 the condition in fis...
homoeobox 24 24 of genes, that regul...
homoeoses 16 14 HOMOEOSIS, the assum...
homoeosis 17 14 the assumption of th...
homoeotic 20 17 showing, depending o...
homogamic 23 22 breeding like with l...
homograft 21 19 a graft from one ind...
homograph 23 21 one of two or more w...
homologic 23 20 relating to homology...
homologue 19 18 a thing exactly or r...
homolyses 25 17 HOMOLYSIS, decomposi...
homolysis 26 17 decomposition into t...
homolytic 29 20 decomposing into two...
homomorph 23 22 a thing having the s...
homonymic 28 23 relating to homonyms...
homophile 23 20 a homosexual [n -S]
homophobe 23 22 one who dislikes hom...
homophone 20 20 a word that sounds t...
homophony 27 22 sameness of sound [n...
homophyly 36 24 resemblance due to c...
homoplasy 27 20 the quality or fact...
homopolar 20 18 having an equal dist...
homosexes 23 21 HOMOSEX, (short for)...
homospory 26 19 having spores all of...
homostyly 32 19 in flowers, the exis...
homotaxes 23 21 HOMOTAXIS, coinciden...
homotaxic 27 24 showing homotaxis, a...
homotaxis 24 21 coincidence in order...
homotonic 20 18 of the same tenor or...
homotypal 27 20 of the same type of...
homotypes 26 19 HOMOTYPE, something...
homotypic 30 22 conforming to normal...
homousian 17 16 one who believes God...
homuncles 22 20 HOMUNCLE, a little m...
homuncule 22 21 a little man; a mani...
homunculi 23 21 HOMUNCULUS, a little...
honchoing 22 20 HONCHO, to take char...
honestest 16 12 HONEST, truthful [ad...
honesties 16 12 HONESTY, the quality...
honeworts 19 15 HONEWORT, a perennia...
honeybees 23 17 HONEYBEE, any bee of...
honeybuns 24 19 HONEYBUN, a sweethea...
honeycomb 28 23 a comb or mass of wa...
honeydews 25 18 HONEYDEW, a sweet fl...
honeyedly 29 18 HONEYED [adv]
honeyless 23 15 destitute of honey [...
honeymoon 21 18 the first weeks afte...
honeypots 24 17 HONEYPOT, (Afrikaans...
honeytrap 24 17 a scheme in which a...
honorable 18 16 (US) honourable, als...
honorably 25 18 HONORABLE, (US) hono...
honorands 15 14 HONORAND, a person r...
honoraria 15 12 HONORARIUM, a volunt...
honorific 22 18 attributing or givin...
honorless 17 13 without honour, also...
honourary 22 15 conferring honour, a...
honourees 15 13 HONOUREE, a person w...
honourers 16 13 HONOURER, one who ho...
honouring 17 16 HONOUR, to treat wit...
hoodmolds 19 17 HOODMOLD, a protecti...
hoodooing 16 15 HOODOO, to bring bad...
hoodooism 17 15 the bringing of bad...
hoodwinks 21 20 HOODWINK, to deceive...
hoofbeats 20 17 HOOFBEAT, the sound...
hoofbound 20 20 of a horse, having d...
hoofprint 21 18 the mark of a hoof [...
hookcheck 27 27 in ice hockey, the a...
hooknosed 16 17 having a hook-shaped...
hooknoses 16 16 HOOKNOSE, a strongly...
hookworms 22 21 HOOKWORM, a parasiti...
hoolachan 21 18 (Gaelic) a Highland...
hoolicans 20 16 HOOLICAN, (Gaelic) a...
hooligans 18 15 HOOLIGAN, a street t...
hoopskirt 21 18 a skirt stiffened wi...
hoopsters 19 14 HOOPSTER, a basketba...
hoorahing 19 16 HOORAH, to shout hoo...
hooraying 23 16 HOORAY, to shout hoo...
hoosegows 20 16 HOOSEGOW, (US slang)...
hootnanny 20 16 (US) a party with fo...
hoovering 19 18 the act of using a h...
hopefully 30 22 HOPEFUL, full of hop...
hopfields 23 19 HOPFIELD, a field wh...
hoplology 28 20 the study of weapons...
hoppercar 24 20 a container for grai...
hopscotch 28 22 a game in which chil...
hordeolum 19 17 a small tumor upon t...
horehound 18 16 a kind of wild flowe...
horiatiki 19 15 (Modern Greek) a tra...
horizonal 20 22 of the horizon [adj]
hornbeaks 19 19 HORNBEAK, a dialect...
hornbeams 19 18 HORNBEAM, a small ha...
hornbills 22 17 HORNBILL, a bird wit...
hornbooks 19 19 HORNBOOK, an ancient...
horngelds 19 16 HORNGELD, a feudal r...
horniness 16 13 the state of being h...
hornpipes 21 18 HORNPIPE, a lively B...
hornpouts 19 16 HORNPOUT, a kind of...
hornstone 15 13 an alternative name...
horntails 18 13 HORNTAIL, a hymenopt...
hornworks 21 19 HORNWORK, work in ho...
hornworms 21 18 HORNWORM, the lava o...
hornworts 20 15 HORNWORT, an aquatic...
hornwrack 24 22 a bryozoan of the ge...
hornyhead 24 17 a North American riv...
hornywink 27 22 (dialect) a lapwing...
horokakas 18 19 HOROKAKA, a low-grow...
horologer 18 14 a watchmaker [n -S]
horologes 18 14 HOROLOGE, any instru...
horologia 18 14 HOROLOGIUM, (obsolet...
horologic 22 17 relating to horology...
horometry 24 16 the science of time...
horopitos 19 14 HOROPITO, a bushy Ne...
horopters 19 14 HOROPTER, a set of p...
horoscope 21 17 a map of the heavens...
horoscopy 28 19 the art or practice...
horribles 21 15 HORRIBLE, something...
horridest 18 12 HORRID, nasty, repel...
horrified 20 15 HORRIFY, to cause a...
horrifies 20 14 HORRIFY, to cause a...
horseback 23 21 the back of a horse...
horsebean 17 15 a variety of broad b...
horsecars 20 14 HORSECAR, a streetca...
horsehair 19 13 the hair of a horse...
horsehide 19 14 the hide of a horse;...
horseless 18 12 without a horse [adj...
horselike 19 16 like a horse [adj]
horsemeat 17 14 the meat of the hors...
horsemint 18 15 a coarse American pl...
horseplay 26 17 rough, boisterous pl...
horsepond 18 16 a pond for horses to...
horserace 19 14 a race for horses [n...
horseshit 20 13 horse droppings [n -...
horseshod 19 14 shod with horseshoes...
horseshoe 18 13 a shoe for a horse [...
horsetail 18 12 a waterside plant [n...
horseways 26 16 HORSEWAY, a road for...
horseweed 19 15 a common American we...
horsewhip 25 19 a whip for driving h...
horsiness 17 12 the state of being h...
hortation 16 12 the act of exhorting...
hortative 19 15 giving exhortation;...
hortatory 23 13 giving exhortation;...
hosannaed 14 14 HOSANNA, to shout wi...
hosannahs 17 15 HOSANNAH, a shout of...
hosepipes 21 17 HOSEPIPE, a flexible...
hosieries 17 11 HOSIERY, stockings o...
hospitage 20 16 (Spenser) hospitalit...
hospitale 20 15 (Spenser) lodging [n...
hospitals 21 15 HOSPITAL, a medical...
hospitium 22 18 a nursing home for t...
hospodars 19 15 HOSPODAR, (historica...
hostelers 18 12 HOSTELER, a person w...
hosteling 19 15 the act of staying o...
hostelled 19 14 HOSTEL, to stay over...
hosteller 19 13 a person who lives i...
hostessed 17 12 HOSTESS, to act as a...
hostesses 17 11 HOSTESS, to act as a...
hostilely 26 15 HOSTILE, like an ene...
hostility 26 14 the state of being h...
hostlesse 18 12 (Spenser) inhospitab...
hotbloods 20 16 HOTBLOOD, a reckless...
hotboxing 26 24 HOTBOX, to smoke mar...
hotchpots 25 19 HOTCHPOT, a confused...
hotdogged 19 17 HOTDOG, to perform i...
hotdogger 19 16 one who hotdogs, sho...
hoteldoms 19 16 HOTELDOM, hotels and...
hoteliers 18 12 HOTELIER, a hotel ma...
hotelings 19 15 HOTELING, (in an off...
hotelling 20 16 (in an office where...
hotfooted 18 15 HOTFOOT, to hurry [v...
hotheaded 18 15 rash, impetuous [adj...
hothoused 19 15 HOTHOUSE, to rear in...
hothouses 19 14 HOTHOUSE, to rear in...
hotliners 18 13 HOTLINER, someone ru...
hotnesses 16 12 HOTNESS, the state o...
hotplates 20 15 HOTPLATE, an electri...
hottentot 16 12 a small fish [n -S]
hottering 18 14 HOTTER, to vibrate,...
hoummoses 19 18 HOUMMOS, a Middle Ea...
houmouses 18 16 HOUMOUS, a Middle Ea...
houndfish 22 19 a name given to vari...
hourglass 20 15 an instrument for me...
hourplate 20 16 a timepiece dial [n...
houseboat 18 15 a boat moored and us...
houseboys 25 17 HOUSEBOY, a male ser...
housecarl 21 16 (Old English) a hous...
housecoat 19 15 a woman's usually lo...
housefuls 21 17 HOUSEFUL, as much as...
household 20 16 those who are held t...
housekeep 19 19 to keep house [v HOU...
housekept 20 19 HOUSEKEEP, to keep h...
houseleek 18 17 a plant of the leek...
houseless 18 13 without a house [adj...
houseline 17 14 tarred marline, a li...
houseling 19 16 the act of administe...
houselled 19 15 HOUSEL, to administe...
housemaid 18 16 a maid employed to k...
housemate 17 15 one who dwells in th...
houseroom 17 15 room or place in a h...
housesits 18 12 HOUSESIT, to look af...
housetops 19 15 HOUSETOP, the roof o...
housewife 22 18 a married woman who...
housework 21 19 the work of looking...
houslings 20 16 HOUSLING, the act of...
houstonia 16 13 a small North Americ...
hovellers 21 17 HOVELLER, a small co...
hovelling 22 20 HOVEL, to live in a...
hoverport 21 18 a port for hovercraf...
howitzers 24 23 HOWITZER, a short re...
howlbacks 28 25 HOWLBACK, a conditio...
howlingly 30 21 HOWLING, making a ho...
howlround 21 18 a condition resultin...
howsoever 21 18 in what way soever,...
howtowdie 23 18 (Scots) a dish of bo...
hoydening 23 18 HOYDEN, to act like...
hoydenish 25 17 like a hoyden, also...
hoydenism 24 18 the behaviour of a h...
huaqueros 25 22 HUAQUERO, (Spanish)...
huaraches 22 17 HUARACHE, (Spanish)...
huarachos 22 17 HUARACHO, (Spanish)...
hubbliest 24 19 HUBBLY, having an un...
hubbuboos 24 22 HUBBUBOO, a confused...
hubristic 25 18 having hubris, overw...
huckaback 28 29 an absorbent cotton...
hucksters 23 19 HUCKSTER, to peddle...
huckstery 29 21 the business of a hu...
huffiness 22 19 the state of being h...
huffishly 33 23 HUFFISH, given to hu...
hugeously 26 18 HUGEOUS, (archaic) h...
huisaches 23 17 HUISACHE, (Nahuatl)...
huissiers 19 12 HUISSIER, (French) a...
hulloaing 20 17 HULLOA, to hallo [v]
hullooing 20 17 HULLOO, to hail, als...
humanhood 19 19 the state of being h...
humanised 18 17 HUMANISE, to make hu...
humaniser 18 16 something or someone...
humanises 18 16 HUMANISE, to make hu...
humanisms 20 19 HUMANISM, the belief...
humanists 19 16 HUMANIST, one who st...
humanized 21 26 HUMANIZE, to make hu...
humanizer 21 25 one who humanizes, a...
humanizes 21 25 HUMANIZE, to make hu...
humankind 19 22 humanity, the human...
humanlike 20 21 like a human being [...
humanness 17 17 the state of being h...
humanoids 18 17 HUMANOID, something...
humblebee 23 22 a bumblebee [n -S]
humblesse 22 19 (Spenser) humility [...
humblings 24 22 HUMBLING, the act of...
humbucker 26 26 a twin-coil guitar p...
humbugged 24 24 HUMBUG, to deceive [...
humbugger 24 23 one who humbugs, dec...
humbuzzes 28 37 HUMBUZZ, (dialect) a...
humdinger 20 19 a person or thing of...
humectant 21 19 absorbing moisture [...
humectate 21 18 to moisten; to wet,...
humecting 23 21 HUMECT, to moisten,...
humective 24 22 something tending to...
humefying 28 23 HUMEFY, (obsolete) t...
humicoles 23 19 HUMICOLE, any plant...
humidexes 25 23 HUMIDEX, a system of...
humidices 23 19 HUMIDEX, a system of...
humidness 19 17 the state of being h...
humifying 29 23 HUMIFY, to moisten,...
humiliant 20 17 humiliating; humblin...
humiliate 20 16 to humble, to mortif...
humitures 20 16 HUMITURE, a combined...
hummelled 22 21 HUMMEL, to make horn...
hummeller 22 20 (dialect) a machine...
hummocked 24 26 HUMMOCK, to form int...
humongous 19 19 jocular for huge, al...
humorally 27 19 HUMORAL, of diseases...
humoresks 20 19 HUMORESK, a musical...
humorists 20 15 HUMORIST, someone wi...
humorless 20 16 (US) without humor,...
humorsome 19 18 full of humor, also...
humourful 23 21 full of humour, also...
humouring 20 19 HUMOUR, to indulge,...
humpbacks 28 28 HUMPBACK, a kind of...
humpiness 21 19 the state of being h...
humstrums 22 19 HUMSTRUM, a hurdy-gu...
humungous 20 20 jocular for huge, al...
hunchback 29 28 a person whose spine...
hundreder 17 15 an inhabitant or fre...
hundredor 17 15 an inhabitant or fre...
hundredth 20 17 the ordinal of hundr...
hungerful 22 20 hungry [adj]
hungering 19 18 HUNGER, to crave [v]
hungriest 19 15 HUNGRY, having a cra...
hunkering 19 20 HUNKER, to squat [v]
huntaways 26 18 HUNTAWAY, a dog trai...
hurcheons 22 18 HURCHEON, (Scots) an...
hurdlings 21 17 HURDLING, the act of...
hurrahing 21 17 HURRAH, to shout hur...
hurraying 25 17 HURRAY, to shout hur...
hurricane 20 16 a violent tropical s...
hurricano 20 16 (Shakespeare) a hurr...
hurriedly 26 16 HURRIED [adv]
hurryings 26 17 HURRYING, the act of...
hurtfully 30 20 HURTFUL, causing inj...
husbanded 19 18 HUSBAND, to be a thr...
husbander 19 17 one who husbands [n...
husbandly 27 20 of or like a husband...
husbandry 26 19 the business of a fa...
hushabied 22 18 HUSHABY, to sing a l...
hushabies 22 17 HUSHABY, to sing a l...
hushering 21 17 HUSHER, to usher, es...
hushpuppy 34 26 a type of shoe [n HU...
huskiness 19 17 the state of being h...
hustlings 21 16 HUSTLING, the act of...
huzzahing 27 35 HUZZAH, to give a sh...
hyacinths 29 19 HYACINTH, a bulbous...
hyalinise 24 15 of tissue, to change...
hyalinize 27 24 of tissue, to change...
hyalogens 24 17 HYALOGEN, a substanc...
hyalonema 23 18 a genus of sponges,...
hybridise 27 17 to create a hybrid,...
hybridism 29 20 the state of being h...
hybridist 28 17 a practitioner of hy...
hybridity 34 19 the state of being h...
hybridize 30 26 to create a hybrid,...
hybridoma 27 20 a hybrid cell produc...
hybridous 27 18 hybrid [adj]
hybristic 31 19 having hubris, overw...
hydantoin 22 16 a colourless odourle...
hydathode 25 17 an epidermal water-e...
hydracids 28 18 HYDRACID, an oxygen-...
hydraemia 24 17 an abnormally watery...
hydragogs 26 18 HYDRAGOG, a purgativ...
hydrangea 23 17 a plant of the Hydra...
hydranths 26 17 HYDRANTH, a nutritiv...
hydrastis 25 14 any of various Japan...
hydrating 25 17 HYDRATE, to combine...
hydration 23 15 the act of combining...
hydrators 24 14 HYDRATOR, something...
hydraulic 29 19 relating to water [a...
hydrazide 27 24 any of a class of co...
hydrazine 26 24 a colourless basic l...
hydrazoic 30 26 as in hydrazoic acid...
hydremias 25 17 HYDREMIA, an excessi...
hydrillas 27 16 HYDRILLA, an aquatic...
hydriodic 28 18 pertaining to, or de...
hydrocast 27 17 a gathering of water...
hydrocele 27 18 an abnormal collecti...
hydrofoil 27 18 a boat fitted with h...
hydrogels 26 17 HYDROGEL, a gel or g...
hydrogens 24 17 HYDROGEN, a gaseous...
hydrolase 24 15 a hydrolytic enzyme...
hydrology 32 19 the study of water r...
hydrolyse 31 17 to subject to hydrol...
hydrolyte 31 17 a body subjected to...
hydrolyze 34 26 to subject to hydrol...
hydromata 24 17 HYDROMA, a watery sw...
hydromels 26 18 HYDROMEL, a drink ma...
hydronaut 23 16 a person trained to...
hydronium 25 19 the hydrated hydroge...
hydropath 28 19 a practitioner of hy...
hydropses 26 17 HYDROPS, (Greek) dro...
hydroptic 30 20 dropsical, thirsty,...
hydropult 28 19 a machine for throwi...
hydrosere 23 14 an ecological sere o...
hydroskis 26 18 HYDROSKI, a plate at...
hydrosols 25 15 HYDROSOL, an aqueous...
hydrosoma 24 17 all the zooids of a...
hydrosome 24 17 all the zooids of a...
hydrostat 24 14 a contrivance or app...
hydrovane 24 19 a hydrofoil [n -S]
hydroxide 30 22 any compound contain...
hydroxium 32 25 a positive ion, H3O+...
hydroxyls 38 24 HYDROXYL, the group...
hydrozoan 25 24 any coelenterate of...
hydrozoon 25 24 any coelenterate of...
hyetology 31 18 the science of rainf...
hygieists 26 15 HYGIEIST, one skille...
hygienics 28 19 the principles of hy...
hygienist 25 16 one skilled in hygie...
hygristor 26 15 an electronic compon...
hygrodeik 26 20 a form of hygrometer...
hygrology 33 20 the study of humidit...
hygromata 25 18 HYGROMA, a watery sw...
hygrophil 31 21 moisture-loving; liv...
hygrostat 25 15 a machine for regula...
hylicisms 31 20 HYLICISM, materialis...
hylicists 30 17 HYLICIST, one who ho...
hylobates 26 17 HYLOBATE, any specie...
hylophyte 35 21 a woodland plant [n...
hylozoism 29 26 the doctrine that al...
hylozoist 28 23 one who maintains th...
hymenaeal 23 18 of or relating to ma...
hymenaean 21 18 of or relating to ma...
hymeneals 24 18 HYMENEAL, (archaic)...
hymeneans 22 18 HYMENEAN [n]
hymeniums 26 21 HYMENIUM, the spore-...
hymnaries 24 17 HYMNARY, a hymn book...
hymnbooks 27 24 HYMNBOOK, a hymn boo...
hymnodies 24 18 HYMNODY, the singing...
hymnodist 25 18 a person who compose...
hymnology 32 22 the study of hymns [...
hyoscines 26 17 HYOSCINE, a sleep-in...
hypalgias 28 19 HYPALGIA, diminished...
hypallage 28 20 a rhetorical figure...
hypanthia 27 19 HYPANTHIUM, a fruit...
hyperacid 29 20 excessively acid [ad...
hyperarid 26 17 excessively arid [ad...
hyperbola 28 20 a type of mathematic...
hyperbole 28 20 (Greek) impression b...
hypercube 31 23 a figure in a space...
hyperemia 26 19 an excess or congest...
hyperemic 30 22 relating to hyperemi...
hyperfine 27 20 excessively fine [ad...
hypergamy 34 23 the marriage of a ma...
hypergols 28 19 HYPERGOL, a rocket f...
hypericin 29 20 a compound with anti...
hypericum 31 23 a herbaceous plant o...
hyperlink 28 22 a form of cross-refe...
hypermart 27 19 a very large self-se...
hypernova 26 21 an exploding star th...
hypernyms 33 22 HYPERNYM, a word rep...
hypernymy 39 24 the state of being a...
hyperopes 27 19 HYPEROPE, a farsight...
hyperopia 27 19 longsightedness, aka...
hyperopic 31 22 suffering from hyper...
hyperpnea 26 20 abnormally fast brea...
hyperpure 28 20 excessively pure [ad...
hyperreal 26 17 involving particular...
hypertext 32 23 computer software an...
hypesters 26 16 HYPESTER, a person o...
hypethral 29 19 roofless; open to th...
hyphemias 29 21 HYPHEMIA, a blood de...
hyphenate 26 19 to insert a hyphen i...
hyphening 28 22 HYPHEN, to connect w...
hyphenise 27 19 to put a hyphen in,...
hyphenism 29 22 the practice of inse...
hyphenize 30 28 to put a hyphen in,...
hypinoses 25 17 HYPINOSIS, a diminut...
hypinosis 26 17 a diminution in the...
hypnogeny 31 22 production of the hy...
hypnoidal 26 19 like sleep or hypnos...
hypnology 33 22 the study of sleep o...
hypnotees 24 17 HYPNOTEE, a hypnotiz...
hypnotics 29 20 HYPNOTIC, a soporifi...
hypnotise 25 17 to put in a state of...
hypnotism 27 20 the science or pract...
hypnotist 26 17 one who practises hy...
hypnotize 28 26 to put in a state of...
hypnotoid 25 18 like hypnosis [adj]
hypobaric 31 22 below normal pressur...
hypoblast 29 20 the inner or lower l...
hypoboles 28 20 HYPOBOLE, the antici...
hypocaust 29 20 an ancient air chamb...
hypocists 30 19 HYPOCIST, a plant pa...
hypocotyl 36 22 the stem of a plant...
hypocrisy 36 21 a feigning to be bet...
hypocrite 29 19 one who pretends to...
hypoderma 26 20 a layer of tissue be...
hypoderms 27 20 HYPODERM, the tissue...
hypogaeal 26 19 germinating with cot...
hypogaean 24 19 germinating with cot...
hypogaeum 27 22 an underground chamb...
hypogenic 29 22 formed or occurring...
hypogeous 26 19 germinating with cot...
hypomania 25 20 slightly abnormal ov...
hypomanic 29 23 relating to hypomani...
hypomorph 31 24 a mutant gene but ha...
hyponasty 31 19 a tendency in part o...
hyponoias 24 17 HYPONOIA, a dulled m...
hypophyge 37 25 the curve where a co...
hypoploid 29 21 a chromosome number...
hypopneas 26 20 HYPOPNEA, abnormally...
hypopneic 30 23 related to hypopnea,...
hypopnoea 25 20 abnormally shallow b...
hypopyons 33 22 HYPOPYON, an accumul...
hypostome 26 19 any of several struc...
hypostyle 33 19 having a roof suppor...
hypotaxes 31 23 HYPOTAXIS, a depende...
hypotaxis 32 23 a dependent or subor...
hypotheca 30 21 the inner and younge...
hypothecs 31 21 HYPOTHEC, in the law...
hypotonia 24 17 a hypnotic condition...
hypotonic 28 20 of muscles, lacking...
hypoxemia 32 26 deficiency of oxygen...
hypoxemic 36 29 suffering from hypox...
hyracoids 27 17 HYRACOID, any member...
hysterias 24 13 HYSTERIA, uncontroll...
hysterics 28 16 HYSTERIC, one who is...
hysteroid 24 14 like hysteria, also...