9 letter words that start with Z

9 letter words that start with Z

9 letter Z word


Words With Friends®


zabaiones 18 22 ZABAIONE, (Italian)...
zabajones 20 31 ZABAJONE, (Italian)...
zambombas 24 30 ZAMBOMBA, (Spanish)...
zamboorak 21 28 (Urdu) a small swive...
zamindari 19 23 (Hindi) the jurisdic...
zamindars 19 23 ZAMINDAR, (Hindi) in...
zamindary 25 25 (Hindi) the jurisdic...
zampognas 21 27 ZAMPOGNA, (Italian)...
zanamivir 21 26 a drug used in the t...
zantewood 19 23 the wood of the zant...
zanthoxyl 33 31 a plant of a genus o...
zapateado 18 22 (Spanish) a Latin-Am...
zapotilla 22 23 (Spanish) the edible...
zaratites 18 18 ZARATITE, a mineral,...
zarzuelas 22 29 ZARZUELA, (Spanish)...
zealotism 20 22 the character or con...
zealously 26 23 ZEALOUS, filled with...
zebrafish 25 26 a striped tropical f...
zebrasses 20 21 ZEBRASS, the offspri...
zebrawood 22 25 a kind of cabinet wo...
zecchines 26 27 ZECCHINE, (Italian)...
zecchinos 26 27 ZECCHINO, (Italian)...
zedoaries 17 19 ZEDOARY, the medicin...
zeitgeber 21 23 (German) an environm...
zeitgeist 20 20 (German) the general...
zelatrice 22 22 a nun whose duty is...
zelotypia 27 24 (obsolete) jealousy;...
zemindari 19 23 (Hindi) the jurisdic...
zemindars 19 23 ZEMINDAR, (Hindi) in...
zemindary 25 25 (Hindi) the jurisdic...
zeppelins 23 26 ZEPPELIN, (German) a...
zerumbets 22 25 ZERUMBET, (Persian)...
zestfully 30 26 ZESTFUL, full of zes...
zestiness 18 19 the quality of being...
zettabyte 26 23 a unit of computer m...
zeugmatic 24 27 of or pertaining to...
zhooshing 23 25 ZHOOSH, to make more...
zibelines 21 23 ZIBELINE, the fur of...
zibelline 22 24 the fur of the sable...
ziffiuses 24 25 ZIFFIUS, a sea-monst...
ziggurats 22 23 ZIGGURAT, a Babyloni...
zigzagged 25 34 ZIGZAG, to turn shar...
zigzagger 25 33 one who zigzags [n -...
zikkurats 22 27 ZIKKURAT, a Babyloni...
zillionth 23 23 the ordinal of zilli...
zincified 24 26 ZINCIFY, to coat wit...
zincifies 24 25 ZINCIFY, to coat wit...
zinckiest 23 26 ZINCKY, of or like z...
zinfandel 20 25 a black wine-grape o...
zingibers 22 24 ZINGIBER, a plant of...
zinkenite 18 24 a steel-gray metalli...
zinkified 22 27 ZINKIFY, to coat or...
zinkifies 22 26 ZINKIFY, to coat or...
ziplocked 26 30 ZIPLOCK, to seal a p...
zippering 24 27 ZIPPER, to close wit...
zircalloy 30 25 an alloy of zirconiu...
zircaloys 29 24 ZIRCALOY, an alloy o...
zirconias 21 22 ZIRCONIA, an oxide o...
zirconium 23 26 a rare element of th...
zitherist 22 20 one who plays the zi...
zoechrome 23 26 an early colour cine...
zoetropes 19 21 ZOETROPE, a slotted...
zoetropic 23 24 of or like a zoetrop...
zoiatrias 18 18 ZOIATRIA, veterinary...
zoiatrics 22 21 veterinary surgery [...
zolpidems 23 26 ZOLPIDEM, a prescrip...
zombified 24 28 ZOMBIFY, to make let...
zombifies 24 27 ZOMBIFY, to make let...
zombiisms 24 27 ZOMBIISM, belief in...
zomboruks 23 29 ZOMBORUK, (Urdu) a s...
zonations 16 20 ZONATION, arrangemen...
zonetimes 18 22 ZONETIME, standard t...
zoobiotic 23 24 parasitic on, or liv...
zooblasts 21 22 ZOOBLAST, an animal...
zoochores 22 23 ZOOCHORE, a plant wi...
zoocytium 29 27 a hollow vessel [n Z...
zoogamete 18 23 a motile gamete [n -...
zoogamies 19 23 ZOOGAMY, sexual repr...
zoogamous 19 24 of or pertaining to...
zoogenies 17 21 ZOOGENY, the doctrin...
zoogenous 17 22 originating in anima...
zoogloeae 17 21 ZOOGLOEA, a jellylik...
zoogloeal 19 22 of or like a zoogloe...
zoogloeas 18 21 ZOOGLOEA, a jellylik...
zoogloeic 22 24 of or like a zoogloe...
zoogonies 17 21 ZOOGONY, the doctrin...
zoogonous 17 22 giving birth to live...
zoografts 21 23 ZOOGRAFT, animal tis...
zoography 29 27 the painting or desc...
zookeeper 19 25 one who looks after...
zoolaters 18 19 ZOOLATER, one who wo...
zoolatria 18 19 worship of animals,...
zoolithic 25 24 of or like a zoolite...
zoologies 19 21 ZOOLOGY, the science...
zoologist 20 21 one who studies zool...
zoomanias 17 22 ZOOMANIA, excessive...
zoomantic 21 25 relating to zoomancy...
zoometric 22 24 relating to zoometry...
zoomorphs 23 26 ZOOMORPH, a God symb...
zoomorphy 29 28 the conception of a...
zoonomias 17 22 ZOONOMIA, animal phy...
zoonomies 17 22 ZOONOMY, animal phys...
zoonomist 18 22 an animal physiologi...
zooperies 19 21 ZOOPERY, experimenta...
zooperist 20 21 one who experiments...
zoophagan 21 26 an animal that feeds...
zoophiles 23 24 ZOOPHILE, a lover of...
zoophilia 23 24 the love of animals;...
zoophilic 27 27 of or like zoophilia...
zoophobes 23 26 ZOOPHOBE, one who fe...
zoophobia 23 26 fear of animals [n -...
zoophoric 25 26 bearing or supportin...
zoophorus 22 24 a continuous frieze...
zoophytes 28 25 ZOOPHYTE, an animal...
zoophytic 32 28 relating to a zoophy...
zooplasty 27 24 the surgical transfe...
zooscopic 26 27 relating to zooscopy...
zoosperms 21 24 ZOOSPERM, one of the...
zoospores 19 21 ZOOSPORE, a motile f...
zoosporic 23 24 of or pertaining to...
zoosterol 18 19 a sterol, such as ch...
zootaxies 23 25 ZOOTAXY, systematic...
zootechny 28 26 the breeding and tam...
zoothecia 22 23 ZOOTHECIUM, the tubu...
zootheism 21 23 the attribution of d...
zoothomes 20 23 ZOOTHOME, a group of...
zootomies 18 21 ZOOTOMY, the dissect...
zootomist 19 21 one who dissects ani...
zootoxins 23 26 ZOOTOXIN, a toxin pr...
zootropes 19 21 ZOOTROPE, (Greek) a...
zootrophy 28 25 the feeding of anima...
zopilotes 21 22 ZOPILOTE, (Nahuatl)...
zorbonaut 19 23 one who engages in z...
zucchetti 28 27 ZUCCHETTO, (Italian)...
zucchetto 27 27 (Italian) a round sk...
zucchinis 28 28 ZUCCHINI, (Italian)...
zuchettas 24 24 ZUCHETTA, (Italian)...
zuchettos 24 24 ZUCHETTO, (Italian)...
zugzwangs 27 36 ZUGZWANG, to place i...
zumbooruk 23 30 (Urdu) a small swive...
zwanziger 25 33 an old Austrian silv...
zwiebacks 28 31 ZWIEBACK, (German) a...
zygaenoid 24 24 relating to the moth...
zygantrum 27 27 extra vertebral arti...
zygocacti 32 28 ZYGOCACTUS, a genus...
zygomatic 30 28 relating to the zygo...
zygophyte 36 29 a plant that reprodu...
zygosperm 29 28 a spore formed by un...
zygospore 27 25 a spore formed by un...
zygotenes 24 23 ZYGOTENE, a stage in...
zylonites 25 22 ZYLONITE, a non-ther...
zymogenes 25 26 ZYMOGENE, a substanc...
zymogenic 29 29 causing fermentation...
zymograms 28 28 ZYMOGRAM, a record o...
zymologic 31 29 relating to zymology...
zymolyses 33 26 ZYMOLYSIS, the actio...
zymolysis 34 26 the action of enzyme...
zymolytic 37 29 relating to zymolysi...
zymometer 26 26 an instrument for me...
zymurgies 28 26 ZYMURGY, the branch...