10 letter words that start with Z

10 letter words that start with Z

10 letter Z word


Words With Friends®


zabaglione 22 26 (Italian) a rich Ita...
zambooraks 23 29 ZAMBOORAK, (Urdu) a...
zamindaris 21 24 ZAMINDARI, (Hindi) t...
zanamivirs 23 27 ZANAMIVIR, a drug us...
zaninesses 18 21 ZANINESS, comicality...
zantewoods 21 24 ZANTEWOOD, the wood...
zanthoxyls 35 32 ZANTHOXYL, a plant o...
zapateados 20 23 ZAPATEADO, (Spanish)...
zapotillas 24 24 ZAPOTILLA, (Spanish)...
zealotisms 22 23 ZEALOTISM, the chara...
zealotries 20 20 ZEALOTRY, the charac...
zebrawoods 24 26 ZEBRAWOOD, a kind of...
zebrinnies 21 24 ZEBRINNY, the offspr...
zeitgebers 23 24 ZEITGEBER, (German)...
zeitgeists 22 21 ZEITGEIST, (German)...
zeitgeisty 28 23 of, relating to, or...
zelatrices 24 23 ZELATRIX, a nun whos...
zelatrixes 27 27 ZELATRIX, a nun whos...
zelophobia 26 28 an irrational fear o...
zelophobic 30 31 one who suffers from...
zelotypias 29 25 ZELOTYPIA, (obsolete...
zemindaris 21 24 ZEMINDARI, (Hindi) t...
zettabytes 28 24 ZETTABYTE, a unit of...
zeuglodont 21 25 any of a genus of fo...
zibellines 24 25 ZIBELLINE, the fur o...
zidovudine 22 27 the manufacturer's n...
zigzaggers 27 34 ZIGZAGGER, one who z...
zigzaggery 33 36 the state of being z...
zigzaggier 27 34 ZIGZAGGY, having sha...
zigzagging 28 37 ZIGZAG, to turn shar...
zillionths 25 24 ZILLIONTH, a zillion...
zincifying 33 31 ZINCIFY, to coat wit...
zinckenite 23 28 a steel-gray metalli...
zinckified 27 31 ZINCKIFY, to coat wi...
zinckifies 27 30 ZINCKIFY, to coat wi...
zincograph 28 30 a plate or picture p...
zincolyses 30 26 ZINCOLYSIS, (obsolet...
zincolysis 31 26 (obsolete) electroly...
zinfandels 22 26 ZINFANDEL, a black w...
zinkenites 20 25 ZINKENITE, a steel-g...
zinkifying 31 32 ZINKIFY, to coat or...
ziplocking 29 33 ZIPLOCK, to seal a p...
zircalloys 32 26 ZIRCALLOY, an alloy...
zirconiums 25 27 ZIRCONIUM, a rare el...
zitherists 24 21 ZITHERIST, one who p...
zizyphuses 35 36 ZIZYPHUS, a shrub or...
zoanthropy 29 27 a form of mental del...
zoechromes 25 27 ZOECHROME, an early...
zombielike 25 30 like a zombie [adj]
zombifying 33 33 ZOMBIFY, to make let...
zoochories 24 24 ZOOCHORY, the condit...
zoochorous 24 25 of seeds or spores s...
zooculture 24 25 domestication of ani...
zoodendria 18 22 ZOODENDRIUM, the bra...
zoogametes 20 24 ZOOGAMETE, a motile...
zoogloeoid 20 23 of or like a zoogloe...
zoogonidia 19 23 ZOOGONIDIUM, a swarm...
zoographer 24 26 one who describes an...
zoographic 28 29 relating to zoograph...
zookeepers 21 26 ZOOKEEPER, one who l...
zoolatrias 20 20 ZOOLATRIA, worship o...
zoolatries 20 20 ZOOLATRY, the worshi...
zoolatrous 20 21 relating to zoolatry...
zoological 25 26 relating to zoology,...
zoologists 22 22 ZOOLOGIST, one who s...
zoomancies 22 26 ZOOMANCY, divination...
zoometries 20 22 ZOOMETRY, comparing...
zoomorphic 28 30 having the form of a...
zoonomists 20 23 ZOONOMIST, an animal...
zoopathies 23 24 ZOOPATHY, animal pat...
zooperists 22 22 ZOOPERIST, one who e...
zoophagans 23 27 ZOOPHAGAN, an animal...
zoophagies 24 26 ZOOPHAGY, the practi...
zoophagous 24 27 feeding on animals [...
zoophilias 25 25 ZOOPHILIA, the love...
zoophilies 25 25 ZOOPHILY, the love o...
zoophilism 27 28 the love of animals;...
zoophilist 26 25 a lover of animals [...
zoophilous 25 26 loving animals [adj]
zoophobias 25 27 ZOOPHOBIA, fear of a...
zoophobous 25 28 having an abnormal f...
zoophytoid 30 27 pertaining to, or re...
zooplastic 26 26 relating to zooplast...
zooscopies 24 25 ZOOSCOPY, a delusion...
zoospermia 22 25 ZOOSPERMIUM, one of...
zoosporous 21 23 of or like a zoospor...
zoosterols 20 20 ZOOSTEROL, a sterol,...
zoothapses 23 24 ZOOTHAPSIS, prematur...
zoothapsis 24 24 premature burial [n...
zoothecial 25 25 of or like a zoothec...
zoothecium 26 28 the tubular sheath o...
zootheisms 23 24 ZOOTHEISM, the attri...
zootherapy 29 26 veterinary therapeut...
zootomical 24 26 relating to zootomy,...
zootomists 21 22 ZOOTOMIST, one who d...
zootrophic 27 27 of or pertaining to...
zootsuiter 20 20 someone who wears a...
zorbonauts 21 24 ZORBONAUT, one who e...
zucchettos 29 28 ZUCCHETTO, (Italian)...
zugzwanged 28 38 ZUGZWANG, to place i...
zumbooruks 25 31 ZUMBOORUK, (Urdu) a...
zwanzigers 27 34 ZWANZIGER, an old Au...
zwitterion 23 23 an ion carrying both...
zygantrums 29 28 ZYGANTRUM, extra ver...
zygobranch 34 32 a type of gastropod...
zygocactus 34 30 a genus of Brazilian...
zygodactyl 38 30 having two toes poin...
zygomatics 32 29 ZYGOMATIC, the cheek...
zygomorphy 39 33 the state of having...
zygomycete 37 31 one of a group of fu...
zygophytes 38 30 ZYGOPHYTE, a plant t...
zygosities 28 23 ZYGOSITY, the makeup...
zygosperms 31 29 ZYGOSPERM, a spore f...
zygosphene 30 29 a median process on...
zygospores 29 26 ZYGOSPORE, a spore f...
zygosporic 33 29 of or like a zygospo...
zymologies 29 27 ZYMOLOGY, the scienc...
zymologist 30 27 one who is skilled i...
zymometers 28 27 ZYMOMETER, an instru...