11 letter words that start with Z

11 letter words that start with Z

11 letter Z word


Words With Friends®


zabagliones 24 27 ZABAGLIONE, (Italian...
zamindaries 22 25 ZAMINDARY, (Hindi) t...
zanthoxylum 38 37 a plant of a genus o...
zealousness 21 23 the state of being z...
zebrafishes 28 28 ZEBRAFISH, a striped...
zelophobias 28 29 ZELOPHOBIA, an irrat...
zelophobics 32 32 ZELOPHOBIC, one who...
zemindaries 22 25 ZEMINDARY, (Hindi) t...
zeolitiform 26 27 having the form of a...
zeptosecond 25 28 a 10 to the -21 part...
zestfulness 25 26 the state of being z...
zestinesses 21 21 ZESTINESS, the quali...
zeuglodonts 23 26 ZEUGLODONT, any of a...
zidovudines 24 28 ZIDOVUDINE, the manu...
zigzaggiest 29 35 ZIGZAGGY, having sha...
zillionaire 23 23 one who possesses zi...
zinciferous 27 28 bearing zinc, also Z...
zinckenites 25 29 ZINCKENITE, a steel-...
zinckifying 36 36 ZINCKIFY, to coat wi...
zincographs 30 31 ZINCOGRAPH, a plate...
zincography 36 33 an engraving process...
zinkiferous 25 29 bearing zinc, also Z...
zoantharian 21 24 a member of the Zoan...
zoanthropic 28 29 relating to zoanthro...
zoocephalic 32 32 animal-headed [adj]
zoochemical 31 32 relating to zoochemi...
zoocultures 26 26 ZOOCULTURE, domestic...
zoodendrium 22 27 the branched stalk c...
zoogonidium 23 28 a swarm-spore [n ZOO...
zoografting 25 28 the grafting of tiss...
zoographers 26 27 ZOOGRAPHER, one who...
zoographies 26 27 ZOOGRAPHY, the paint...
zoographist 27 27 one who describes an...
zoomagnetic 25 29 relating to zoomagne...
zoometrical 26 27 relating to zoometry...
zoomorphies 26 28 ZOOMORPHY, the conce...
zoomorphism 28 31 the conception of a...
zoophilisms 29 29 ZOOPHILISM, the love...
zoophilists 28 26 ZOOPHILIST, a lover...
zoophytical 36 31 relating to a zoophy...
zooplankter 24 29 a single zooplankton...
zooplankton 23 30 tiny, free-floating...
zooplasties 24 24 ZOOPLASTY, the surgi...
zoospermium 26 30 one of the spermatic...
zootechnics 29 29 the science of breed...
zootechnies 25 26 ZOOTECHNY, the breed...
zootheistic 27 25 relating to zootheis...
zootrophies 25 25 ZOOTROPHY, the feedi...
zootsuiters 22 21 ZOOTSUITER, someone...
zugzwanging 31 41 ZUGZWANG, to place i...
zwischenzug 35 41 (German) in chess, a...
zwitterions 25 24 ZWITTERION, an ion c...
zygobranchs 36 33 ZYGOBRANCH, a type o...
zygocardiac 35 31 denoting certain pai...
zygodactyls 40 31 ZYGODACTYL, a bird,...
zygomorphic 38 35 bilaterally symmetri...
zygomycetes 39 32 ZYGOMYCETE, one of a...
zygopleural 33 30 bilaterally symmetri...
zygosphenes 32 30 ZYGOSPHENE, a median...
zygotically 41 31 ZYGOTIC, pertaining...
zymogeneses 28 28 ZYMOGENES, ZYMOGENE,...
zymogenesis 29 28 the conversion of a...
zymological 35 32 relating to zymology...
zymologists 32 28 ZYMOLOGIST, one who...
zymosimeter 30 28 an instrument for me...
zymotechnic 37 34 producing and utiliz...
zymotically 41 32 ZYMOTIC, of the natu...