9 letter words that start with Q

9 letter words that start with Q

9 letter Q word


Words With Friends®


qabalisms 28 25 QABALISM, a sect bas...
qabalists 27 22 QABALIST, one who pr...
qaimaqams 33 33 QAIMAQAM, (Turkish)...
qalamdans 24 24 QALAMDAN, (Persian)...
qinghaosu 26 24 (Chinese) a crystall...
quaaludes 24 22 QUAALUDE, (tradename...
quackiest 28 26 QUACKY, resembling t...
quackisms 30 29 QUACKISM, the practi...
quackling 30 30 QUACKLE, to choke; t...
quaddings 25 24 QUADDING, the practi...
quadplays 33 26 QUADPLAY, the supply...
quadrants 23 21 QUADRANT, a quarter...
quadrated 23 21 QUADRATE, to conform...
quadrates 23 20 QUADRATE, to conform...
quadratic 27 23 involving the square...
quadratus 24 21 the name of several...
quadrella 25 22 (Australian) a group...
quadricep 29 26 the great extensor m...
quadrifid 27 24 four-part (as with a...
quadrigae 24 22 QUADRIGA, a four-hor...
quadrigas 25 22 QUADRIGA, a four-hor...
quadrille 26 22 (French) a square da...
quadrivia 26 24 QUADRIVIUM, (Latin)...
quadroons 22 21 QUADROON, an old ter...
quadruman 24 25 a former name for pr...
quadruped 26 25 a four-footed animal...
quadruple 27 25 to increase fourfold...
quadruply 34 27 (Scots) a reply to a...
quaereing 23 22 QUAERE, to inquire o...
quaeritur 24 20 (Latin) the question...
quaesitum 25 23 (Latin) something so...
quaestors 23 19 QUAESTOR, (Latin) an...
quaffable 30 29 that can be quaffed...
quaggiest 26 23 QUAGGY, boggy, like...
quagmired 26 25 QUAGMIRE, to entangl...
quagmires 26 24 QUAGMIRE, to entangl...
quailings 26 23 QUAILING, the act of...
quaintest 23 20 QUAINT, pleasantly o...
quakiness 24 24 the state of being q...
quakingly 33 29 QUAKING, shaking [ad...
qualified 27 24 QUALIFY, to be eligi...
qualifier 27 23 one who qualifies [n...
qualifies 27 23 QUALIFY, to be eligi...
qualitied 25 21 endowed with a quali...
qualities 25 20 QUALITY, persons of...
qualmiest 26 23 QUALMY, having misgi...
qualmings 27 26 QUALMING, the state...
qualmless 27 24 having no qualms [ad...
quamashes 26 24 QUAMASH, (Native Ame...
quandangs 23 24 QUANDANG, an Austral...
quandongs 23 24 QUANDONG, (Native Au...
quantally 31 24 QUANTAL, of or perta...
quantical 27 24 of or like a quantic...
quantiles 24 21 QUANTILE, any of the...
quantised 23 21 QUANTISE, to express...
quantiser 23 20 one who quantises, e...
quantises 23 20 QUANTISE, to express...
quantized 26 30 QUANTIZE, to express...
quantizer 26 29 one who quantizes, e...
quantizes 26 29 QUANTIZE, to express...
quantongs 23 23 QUANTONG, (Native Au...
quarenden 21 22 a kind of early red...
quarender 22 21 a kind of early red...
quarreled 24 21 QUARREL, to become i...
quarreler 24 20 one who quarrels, al...
quarrians 23 20 QUARRIAN, a kind of...
quarriers 24 19 QUARRIER, one who qu...
quarrions 23 20 QUARRION, a kind of...
quarrying 31 24 the act of quarrying...
quarryman 30 25 a quarry worker [n Q...
quarrymen 30 25 QUARRYMAN, a quarry...
quartered 23 20 QUARTER, to divide i...
quarterer 23 19 one who quarters [n...
quarterly 31 22 a periodical appeari...
quarterns 23 20 QUARTERN, a fourth p...
quartette 23 19 a set of four; a com...
quartetti 24 19 QUARTETTO, (Italian)...
quartetto 23 19 (Italian) a quartet,...
quartetts 24 19 QUARTETT, a composit...
quartiers 24 19 QUARTIER, (French) a...
quartiles 25 20 QUARTILE, an aspect...
quartzier 27 28 QUARTZY, like quartz...
quartzite 27 28 a metamorphosed sand...
quartzose 26 28 of or containing qua...
quartzous 27 29 of or containing qua...
quatching 30 27 QUATCH, (dialect) to...
quatorzes 26 28 QUATORZE, (French) t...
quatrains 23 20 QUATRAIN, a stanza o...
quaverers 25 23 QUAVERER, one who qu...
quaverier 25 23 QUAVERY, shaky, quav...
quavering 26 26 shaky [adj QUAVERING...
quaysides 30 22 QUAYSIDE, the side o...
quazziest 30 37 QUAZZY, (English dia...
queachier 28 24 QUEACHY, forming a t...
queasiest 23 19 QUEASY, feeling sick...
queaziest 26 28 QUEAZY, feeling sick...
quebracho 30 27 (Spanish) any of sev...
queechier 28 24 QUEECHY, forming a t...
queencake 25 27 a small light cake c...
queencups 28 27 QUEENCUP, a flowerin...
queendoms 23 24 QUEENDOM, a Queen's...
queenfish 27 25 a Californian blue-a...
queenhood 23 23 the state, personali...
queeniest 22 20 QUEENY, camp or effe...
queenings 23 23 QUEENING, a variety...
queenites 22 20 QUEENITE, a queen's...
queenless 23 21 having no queen [adj...
queenlets 23 21 QUEENLET, a petty qu...
queenlier 23 21 QUEENLY, like a quee...
queenship 27 25 the state, rank, or...
queenside 22 21 in chess, the side o...
queercore 25 22 a type of gay-orient...
queerdoms 24 23 QUEERDOM, a group of...
queerness 22 20 the state of being q...
quelching 31 28 QUELCH, to squash we...
quellable 28 25 that can be quelled...
quenchers 28 25 QUENCHER, one who, o...
quenching 29 28 the act of quenching...
quenelles 24 22 QUENELLE, (French) a...
quercetic 30 25 of or like quercetin...
quercetin 26 23 a yellow crystalline...
quercetum 28 26 (Latin) a plantation...
quercitin 27 23 a yellow crystalline...
querimony 30 25 a complaint [n QUERI...
querulous 25 22 complaining; peevish...
queryings 31 24 QUERYING, questionin...
questants 23 20 QUESTANT, (Shakespea...
questings 25 22 QUESTING, the act of...
questions 23 20 QUESTION, to ask [v]
questrist 25 19 (Shakespeare) a seek...
quetching 30 27 QUETCH, (dialect) to...
quetsches 29 24 QUETSCH, (German) a...
quetzales 27 29 QUETZAL, a tropical...
queueings 24 23 QUEUEING, the act of...
quibblers 30 26 QUIBBLER, one who qu...
quibbling 31 29 arguing over trivial...
quickbeam 31 32 the hawthorn [n -S]
quickened 27 28 QUICKEN, to speed up...
quickener 27 27 one who quickens [n...
quickfire 31 29 rapid, as question a...
quicklime 31 30 unslaked lime, calci...
quickness 28 27 the state of being q...
quicksand 28 28 a loose watery sand...
quicksets 29 26 QUICKSET, a living p...
quickstep 31 29 a fast marchlike dan...
quidditch 31 26 an imaginary game pl...
quiddlers 26 22 QUIDDLER, someone wh...
quiddling 27 25 QUIDDLE, (dialect) t...
quidnuncs 27 26 QUIDNUNC, (Latin) on...
quiescent 26 23 resting, dormant [ad...
quiescing 28 25 QUIESCE, to quieten...
quietened 22 21 QUIETEN, to make qui...
quietener 22 20 one who quietens [n...
quietings 25 22 QUIETING, the act of...
quietisms 26 22 QUIETISM, a doctrine...
quietists 25 19 QUIETIST, one who be...
quietives 26 23 QUIETIVE, a sedative...
quietness 23 20 the state of being q...
quietsome 24 22 (Spenser) undisturbe...
quietudes 24 21 QUIETUDE, tranquilli...
quietuses 24 20 QUIETUS, a final set...
quighting 29 26 QUIGHT, (Spenser) to...
quillaias 26 21 QUILLAIA, an evergre...
quillajas 28 30 QUILLAJA, the soapba...
quillback 33 31 an American freshwat...
quillings 28 24 QUILLING, a strip or...
quillwork 31 28 ornamental work in p...
quillwort 30 24 an aquatic plant wit...
quiltings 27 23 QUILTING, the act of...
quinaries 23 20 QUINARY, a set of fi...
quinching 30 28 QUINCHE, (Spenser) t...
quinellas 25 22 QUINELLA, (Spanish)...
quinidine 23 22 a cinchona alkaloid,...
quinielas 24 21 QUINIELA, (Spanish)...
quinoidal 24 22 of or like quinoid,...
quinoline 23 22 a pungent, colourles...
quinolins 24 22 QUINOLIN, a pungent,...
quinolone 22 22 any of a group of an...
quinonoid 22 22 like a quinone [adj]
quinquina 31 31 (Quechua) a tree yie...
quintains 23 21 QUINTAIN, (historica...
quintette 23 20 a composition for fi...
quintetti 24 20 QUINTETTO, (Italian)...
quintetto 23 20 (Italian) a quintet...
quintetts 24 20 QUINTETT, a composit...
quintiles 25 21 QUINTILE, a frequenc...
quintroon 22 21 an old term for some...
quintuple 27 25 fivefold [adj QUINTU...
quintuply 34 27 QUINTUPLE, fivefold...
quinzhees 28 31 QUINZHEE, (Inuit) a...
quippiest 29 25 QUIPPY, full of quip...
quipsters 27 22 QUIPSTER, a person g...
quirister 25 19 a member of a choir,...
quirkiest 26 23 QUIRKY, twisted [adj...
quislings 27 23 QUISLING, (Norwegian...
quitching 31 27 QUITCH, (Spenser) to...
quitclaim 30 26 to draw up a quitcla...
quitrents 24 20 QUITRENT, a small no...
quittance 26 23 a release from debt...
quiverers 26 23 QUIVERER, one who qu...
quiverful 30 28 the contents of a qu...
quiverier 26 23 QUIVERY, quivering [...
quivering 27 26 shaking with a sligh...
quiverish 29 25 shaky, quivering [ad...
quixotism 32 29 quixotic principles,...
quizzical 35 41 mocking, questioning...
quizzings 32 40 QUIZZING, questionin...
quodlibet 27 24 (Latin) a philosophi...
quoinings 24 23 QUOINING, the act of...
quotation 22 20 something quoted [n...
quotative 25 23 a function word used...
quotidian 23 21 commonplace; occurri...
quotients 23 20 QUOTIENT, the result...
quotition 23 20 a division regarded...