11 letter words that start with Q

11 letter words that start with Q

11 letter Q word


Words With Friends®


quacksalver 34 33 (archaic) a quack [n...
quadrangles 28 26 QUADRANGLE, a plane...
quadraphony 36 30 a system of sound tr...
quadrasonic 29 26 relating to a system...
quadratical 31 26 involving the square...
quadratures 27 23 QUADRATURE, the find...
quadratuses 27 23 QUADRATUS, the name...
quadrennial 26 25 lasting four years;...
quadrennium 27 28 (Latin) a period of...
quadricones 29 26 QUADRICONE, a quadri...
quadriennia 25 24 QUADRIENNIUM, (Latin...
quadrillers 30 24 QUADRILLER, one who...
quadrilling 31 27 QUADRILLE, to dance...
quadrillion 29 25 a thousand raised to...
quadripoles 30 26 QUADRIPOLE, a networ...
quadriremes 28 25 QUADRIREME, an ancie...
quadrisects 31 25 QUADRISECT, to divid...
quadriviums 32 30 QUADRIVIUM, (Latin)...
quadrophony 36 30 a system of sound tr...
quadrumanes 27 27 QUADRUMANE, a former...
quadrumvirs 32 30 QUADRUMVIR, a member...
quadrupedal 30 28 having four feet [ad...
quadruplets 31 27 QUADRUPLET, a combin...
quadruplies 31 27 QUADRUPLY, (Scots) a...
quadrupling 32 30 QUADRUPLE, to increa...
quadrupoles 30 27 QUADRUPOLE, a system...
quaestorial 27 22 relating to the offi...
quagmiriest 30 26 QUAGMIRY, like a qua...
quakinesses 27 26 QUAKINESS, the state...
qualifiable 33 29 that can be qualifie...
qualifiedly 38 29 QUALIFIED [adv]
qualifyings 38 30 QUALIFYING, the act...
qualitative 30 26 of, relating to, or...
quangocracy 39 32 government by quango...
quantifiers 29 25 QUANTIFIER, one that...
quantifying 36 30 QUANTIFY, to determi...
quantitated 26 23 QUANTITATE, to make...
quantitates 26 22 QUANTITATE, to make...
quantometer 26 25 (tradename) an instr...
quarantined 25 24 QUARANTINE, to detai...
quarantines 25 23 QUARANTINE, to detai...
quarrelings 29 25 QUARRELING, te act o...
quarrellers 29 23 QUARRELLER, one who...
quarrelling 30 26 the act of quarrelli...
quarrellous 29 24 (Shakespeare) giving...
quarrelsome 28 25 apt or disposed to q...
quarrenders 26 23 QUARRENDER, a kind o...
quarrington 27 25 a kind of early red...
quartations 26 22 QUARTATION, mixing o...
quarterages 27 23 QUARTERAGE, a quarte...
quarterback 33 31 in American football...
quarterdeck 31 29 part of ship's deck...
quarterings 28 24 QUARTERING, sailing...
quarterlies 28 22 QUARTERLY, a periodi...
quarterlife 30 25 designating the peri...
quarteroons 25 22 QUARTEROON, an old t...
quartersawn 29 25 QUARTERSAW, to saw (...
quartersaws 30 24 QUARTERSAW, to saw (...
quaternions 25 23 QUATERNION, a set or...
quatorzains 29 31 QUATORZAIN, a poem o...
quatrefoils 30 25 QUATREFOIL, a four-p...
quaveringly 37 31 QUAVERING, shaky [ad...
queencrafts 31 28 QUEENCRAFT, craft or...
queenfishes 30 27 QUEENFISH, a Califor...
queenliness 26 24 the state of being q...
queernesses 25 22 QUEERNESS, the state...
quercitrons 30 25 QUERCITRON, a North...
querimonies 27 25 QUERIMONY, a complai...
quernstones 25 23 QUERNSTONE, a quern,...
quersprungs 31 28 QUERSPRUNG, (German)...
querulously 36 27 QUERULOUS, complaini...
quesadillas 29 24 QUESADILLA, (Spanish...
questionary 32 24 an asker of question...
questionees 25 22 QUESTIONEE, one who...
questioners 26 22 QUESTIONER, one who...
questioning 27 25 the act of questioni...
questionist 27 22 a questioner, a doub...
questorship 32 26 the office of questo...
quibblingly 42 34 QUIBBLING, arguing o...
quickenings 32 32 QUICKENING, the act...
quicknesses 31 29 QUICKNESS, the state...
quicksilver 36 33 an old name for merc...
quickthorns 34 31 QUICKTHORN, hawthorn...
quiddanying 34 29 QUIDDANY, to make in...
quidditches 34 28 QUIDDITCH, an imagin...
quiescences 32 28 QUIESCENCE, the stat...
quiescently 37 28 QUIESCENT, resting,...
quietenings 27 25 QUIETENING, the act...
quietnesses 26 22 QUIETNESS, the state...
quinacrines 29 26 QUINACRINE, another...
quinaquinas 34 33 QUINAQUINA, (Quechua...
quincuncial 34 31 of or like a quincun...
quincunxial 37 35 of or like a quincun...
quindecagon 29 29 a geometric figure h...
quinquennia 33 34 QUINQUENNIUM, a peri...
quinquereme 35 35 an ancient ship with...
quintillion 29 25 a thousand raised to...
quintuplets 31 27 QUINTUPLET, one of f...
quintupling 32 30 QUINTUPLE, to make f...
quislingism 32 28 being a quisling [n...
quitclaimed 33 29 QUITCLAIM, to draw u...
quittancing 31 28 QUITTANCE, to repay...
quiveringly 38 31 QUIVERING, shaking w...
quizmasters 32 33 QUIZMASTER, one who...
quizzically 46 46 QUIZZICAL, mocking,...
quizzifying 44 47 QUIZZIFY, (obsolete)...
quodlibetic 34 29 of or like a quodlib...
quotability 37 27 the ability to be qu...
quoteworthy 38 28 worth being quoted [...