5 letter words that start with Q

5 letter words that start with Q

5 letter Q word


Words With Friends®


qadis 17 15 QADI, (Arabic) a civ...
qaids 17 15 QAID, (Arabic) a civ...
qajaq 26 32 (Inuit) a kayak, als...
qanat 15 15 an underground water...
qibla 20 18 (Arabic) the directi...
qophs 21 19 QOPH, a Hebrew lette...
qorma 17 17 (India) a mild curry...
quack 21 22 to make the sound of...
quads 17 16 QUAD, to space by me...
quaff 21 21 to drink deeply [v -...
quags 18 17 QUAG, a quagmire [n]
quail 18 16 to give way in fear...
quair 17 15 (obsolete) a quire;...
quais 17 15 QUAI, (French) a qua...
quake 17 19 to shake [v QUAKED o...
quaky 24 21 quaking, shaky [adj...
quale 17 16 a property or qualit...
qualm 19 19 a feeling of doubt [...
quant 16 16 to propel with a pol...
quare 16 15 (dialect) queer [adj...
quark 18 19 a fundamental subato...
quart 17 15 the fourth part of a...
quash 19 17 to set aside or annu...
quasi 17 15 (Latin) as if; seemi...
quass 17 15 a kind of Russian be...
quate 16 15 fortune, destiny [n...
quats 17 15 QUAT [n]
quayd 23 18 (Spenser) daunted [a...
quays 23 17 QUAY, a wharf for th...
qubit 20 18 in computing, a quan...
quean 15 16 (Scots) a young woma...
queen 15 16 a female monarch [n...
queer 16 15 strange [adj QUEERER...
quell 19 17 to suppress [v -ED,...
queme 17 18 (Spenser) to please,...
quena 15 16 (Spanish) a type of...
quern 16 16 a hand operated ston...
query 23 17 to question [v QUERI...
quest 17 15 to make a search [v...
queue 16 16 to line up for servi...
queyn 22 18 (Scots) a young woma...
queys 23 17 QUEY, (Scots) a heif...
quich 23 20 (Spenser) to stir, m...
quick 22 22 acting or capable of...
quids 18 16 QUID, a cut or wad o...
quiet 17 15 making little or no...
quiff 22 21 a tuft of hair brush...
quill 20 17 to press small ridge...
quilt 19 16 to stitch together w...
quims 19 18 QUIM, (slang) the fe...
quina 16 16 (Quechua) a tree yie...
quine 16 16 (Scots) a young woma...
quino 16 16 a game of chance, al...
quins 17 16 QUIN, (short for) a...
quint 17 16 a five-stringed teno...
quipo 19 18 a device of knotted...
quips 20 18 QUIP, to make witty...
quipu 20 19 (Quechua) a device o...
quire 17 15 to sing in concert [...
quirk 19 19 to move jerkily [v -...
quirt 18 15 to strike with a hor...
quist 18 15 a pigeon, also CUSHA...
quite 17 15 to depart from or st...
quits 18 15 QUIT, to end one's e...
quoad 16 16 (Latin) as far as [a...
quods 17 16 QUOD, to imprison [v...
quoif 19 18 a covering for the h...
quoin 16 16 a wedge; a cornersto...
quoit 17 15 a heavy flat ring th...
quoll 19 17 (Native Australian)...
quonk 17 20 to make an accidenta...
quops 19 18 QUOP, (dialect) to t...
quota 16 15 (Latin) a proportion...
quote 16 15 to repeat the words...
quoth 19 17 1st and 3rd pers sin...
qursh 20 17 (Arabic) a monetary...
quyte 23 17 (obsolete) to quit,...