8 letter words that start with M

8 letter words that start with M

8 letter M word


Words With Friends®


macadams 18 18 MACADAM, pavement ma...
macahuba 21 20 an American palm, wh...
macallum 21 20 (Scots) a dish of va...
macaques 25 24 MACAQUE, a kind of s...
macarise 17 14 to declare to be ble...
macarism 19 17 a beatitude [n -S]
macarize 20 23 to declare to be ble...
macaroni 16 15 a tubular pasta, als...
macaroon 15 15 a sweet biscuit made...
macassar 17 14 a kind of hair-oil [...
maccabaw 25 23 a type of snuff, als...
maccaboy 28 22 a type of snuff, als...
maccoboy 28 22 a type of snuff, als...
macerals 18 15 MACERAL, any of the...
macerate 16 14 to soften by soaking...
machacas 22 19 MACHACA, (Spanish) a...
machairs 20 16 MACHAIR, (Gaelic) a...
machetes 19 16 MACHETE, a large hea...
machined 19 18 MACHINE, to process...
machines 19 17 MACHINE, to process...
machismo 21 19 the quality of being...
machoism 21 19 the quality of being...
machrees 19 16 MACHREE, (Anglo-Iris...
machzors 23 25 MACHZOR, a Jewish pr...
mackerel 19 19 a marine food fish [...
mackinaw 21 22 (Native American) a...
mackling 21 22 MACKLE, to blur in p...
macrames 18 17 MACRAME, ornamental...
macramis 19 17 MACRAMI, ornamental...
macropod 19 18 an animal of the mar...
macrural 19 16 long-tailed, also MA...
macruran 17 16 any of a suborder of...
maculate 18 16 to spot or stain [v...
maculing 20 19 MACULE, to blur in p...
maculose 18 16 spotted [adj]
macumbas 21 21 MACUMBA, a Black rel...
madaming 16 18 MADAM, to address as...
madbrain 16 16 (Shakespeare) a rash...
maddened 13 15 MADDEN, to make or b...
maddocks 19 20 MADDOCK, a kind of p...
madefied 16 16 MADEFY, (archaic) to...
madefies 16 15 MADEFY, (archaic) to...
madeiras 14 12 MADEIRA, a white win...
maderise 14 12 to become flat and r...
maderize 17 21 to become flat and r...
madeuppy 25 21 (colloquial) artific...
madhouse 16 15 an insane asylum [n...
madisons 14 13 MADISON, a type of c...
madlings 17 16 MADLING, a mad perso...
madonnas 12 14 MADONNA, a former It...
madoquas 22 22 MADOQUA, a small Aby...
madrasah 16 14 (Arabic) an Islamic...
madrasas 14 12 MADRASA, (Arabic) an...
madrases 14 12 MADRAS, a fine plain...
madrassa 14 12 (Arabic) an Islamic...
madrigal 17 15 an unaccompanied son...
madronas 13 13 MADRONA, (Spanish) a...
madrones 13 13 MADRONE, (Spanish) a...
madronos 13 13 MADRONO, (Spanish) a...
madwoman 17 19 a woman who is insan...
madwomen 17 19 MADWOMAN, a woman wh...
madworts 18 15 MADWORT, any of vari...
madzoons 16 22 MADZOON, a food simi...
maenades 12 13 MAENAD, a female fol...
maenadic 16 16 like a maenad, furio...
maestoso 13 11 a stately musical pa...
maestros 14 11 MAESTRO, a master of...
mafficks 24 24 MAFFICK, to celebrat...
maffling 21 21 a simpleton, also MA...
mafflins 20 19 MAFFLIN, a simpleton...
mafiosos 16 14 MAFIOSO, a member of...
magainin 14 15 one of several chemi...
magalogs 17 16 MAGALOG, (colloquial...
magazine 17 23 a type of periodical...
magdalen 15 16 a reformed prostitut...
magentas 14 14 MAGENTA, a purplish...
mageship 20 18 the office of a sorc...
magician 18 17 one who is skilled i...
magicked 20 21 MAGIC, to work spell...
magister 16 13 a person licensed to...
magmatic 20 19 of or like magma, mo...
magnates 14 14 MAGNATE, a great or...
magneses 14 14 MAGNES, (archaic) a...
magnesia 14 14 an ore of magnesium...
magnesic 18 17 relating to magnesia...
magnetar 14 14 a type of neutron st...
magnetic 18 17 relating to magnets,...
magneton 13 15 a unit of magnetic m...
magnetos 14 14 MAGNETO, a small ele...
magnific 21 20 (archaic) magnificen...
magnolia 15 15 any tree or shrub of...
magnoxes 20 21 MAGNOX, (tradename)...
maharaja 17 22 a king or prince in...
maharani 15 14 (Sanskrit) the wife...
mahatmas 17 16 MAHATMA, (Sanskrit)...
mahimahi 20 18 (Hawaiian) the dolph...
mahjongg 20 27 a game of Chinese or...
mahjongs 19 25 MAHJONG, a game of C...
mahogany 22 18 any of various tropi...
mahonias 15 14 MAHONIA, a shrub of...
mahseers 16 13 MAHSEER, a large fre...
mahuangs 17 17 MAHUANG, (Chinese) a...
mahzorim 21 25 MAHZOR, a Jewish pra...
maiasaur 14 12 a species of herbivo...
maidenly 21 16 in the manner of a m...
maidhood 16 15 the state of being a...
maidisms 17 15 MAIDISM, a chronic d...
maidless 16 13 without a main [adj]
maieutic 18 15 of or relating to th...
mailable 18 16 able to be mailed [a...
mailbags 19 17 MAILBAG, a bag conta...
mailboat 17 15 a boat that carries...
mailcars 19 15 MAILCAR, a railway c...
mailgram 18 17 (tradename) to send...
mailings 17 15 MAILING, a batch of...
mailless 17 13 without armour [adj]
maillots 17 13 MAILLOT, (French) ti...
mailroom 16 15 a room in an office...
mailsack 20 19 a sack in which mail...
mailshot 18 14 targeted advertising...
mailvans 17 17 MAILVAN, any vehicle...
maimings 17 17 MAIMING, the act of...
mainboom 16 18 the spar that extend...
maindoor 13 13 the principal door o...
mainland 14 15 a principal land mas...
mainline 14 14 to inject a narcotic...
mainmast 15 15 the principal mast o...
mainours 14 13 MAINOUR, (archaic) a...
mainsail 15 13 the principal sail o...
mainstay 20 14 the principal suppor...
maintain 13 13 to keep in proper co...
maintops 16 15 MAINTOP, a platform...
mainyard 20 15 the lower yard on th...
maiolica 18 15 an elaborate, highly...
mairehau 16 14 a small aromatic shr...
maisters 15 11 MAISTER, (Scots) to...
majaguas 17 23 MAJAGUA, a tropical...
majestic 20 23 having majesty, also...
majlises 18 21 MAJLIS, (Arabic) an...
majolica 20 24 an elaborate, highly...
majorats 16 20 MAJORAT, the circums...
majoring 17 23 MAJOR, to pursue a s...
majority 23 22 the greater number [...
makeable 17 19 that can be made, al...
makebate 16 18 (archaic) a mischief...
makefast 17 18 an object to which a...
makeless 16 16 matchless [adj]
makeover 16 19 a complete change of...
makimono 15 19 a Japanese ornamenta...
makutued 16 18 MAKUTU, to cast a sp...
malaccas 21 18 MALACCA, the cane of...
malacias 18 15 MALACIA, a pathologi...
maladies 15 13 MALADY, an illness [...
malaises 15 12 MALAISE, a feeling o...
malamute 16 16 an Alaskan sled dog,...
malander 14 14 an eruption of the s...
malangas 15 15 MALANGA, a tropical...
malapert 17 15 (archaic) impudently...
malaprop 19 18 a humorous misuse of...
malarial 16 13 relating to malaria,...
malarian 14 13 relating to malaria,...
malarias 15 12 MALARIA, an infectio...
malarkey 22 18 (US colloquial) absu...
malaroma 15 15 an offensive odor, a...
malaxage 21 21 the softening of cla...
malaxate 20 19 to soften by kneadin...
malaxing 22 22 MALAX, to soften by...
maleates 14 12 MALEATE, a salt of m...
maledict 19 16 (archaic) to curse [...
malefice 20 18 (archaic) an evil de...
malemiut 17 16 an Alaskan sled dog,...
malemute 16 16 an Alaskan sled dog,...
maleness 14 13 the quality of being...
malgrado 16 15 (obsolete) in spite...
malgring 18 17 MALGRE, (archaic) to...
malichos 21 17 MALICHO, (Shakespear...
malicing 20 18 MALICE, to have ill-...
maligned 16 16 MALIGN, to speak evi...
maligner 16 15 one who maligns [n -...
malignly 24 18 MALIGN, evil [adv]
malihini 18 15 a newcomer to Hawaii...
malinger 16 15 to feign illness in...
malisons 15 13 MALISON, a curse, a...
mallards 17 14 MALLARD, a wild duck...
mallcore 19 16 a form of music that...
malleate 15 13 to hammer; to beat i...
mallecho 21 18 (Shakespeare) mischi...
malleoli 17 14 MALLEOLUS, a rounded...
mallings 18 16 MALLING, a mauling [...
malmiest 17 15 MALMY, resembling ma...
malmseys 23 17 MALMSEY, a strong sw...
malodors 15 13 MALODOR, an offensiv...
malodour 15 14 an offensive odor, a...
malonate 13 13 a salt of malonic ac...
malposed 17 16 being in the wrong p...
malstick 21 19 a stick used by pain...
maltases 15 12 MALTASE, an enzyme t...
maltiest 16 12 MALTY, resembling ma...
maltings 17 15 MALTING, a building...
maltoses 15 12 MALTOSE, a hard, whi...
maltreat 15 12 to treat badly [v -E...
maltster 16 12 one who makes malt,...
maltworm 20 18 a lover of malted li...
malvasia 17 16 a type of grape from...
malvesie 17 16 a strong sweet wine,...
malwares 18 15 MALWARE, software th...
mamaguys 23 19 MAMAGUY, (Caribbean)...
mamakaus 16 19 MAMAKAU, (Maori) a t...
mamaliga 17 17 a type of corn meal...
mamasans 14 15 MAMASAN, a Japanese...
mamateek 15 18 (American Indian) a...
mamboing 18 20 MAMBO, to dance the...
mamelons 15 16 MAMELON, (French) a...
mameluco 19 19 a child born of a wh...
mameluke 17 20 (historical) one of...
mamillae 17 16 MAMILLA, the nipple...
mamillar 18 16 relating to the nipp...
mammatus 17 18 a type of cloud [n M...
mammered 16 18 MAMMER, (Shakespeare...
mammetry 23 19 idolatry, also MAWME...
mammifer 19 20 a mammal [n -S]
mammilla 19 19 the nipple of the ma...
mammitis 18 17 inflammation of the...
mammocks 21 24 MAMMOCK, (Shakespear...
mammoths 19 19 MAMMOTH, an extinct...
mamparas 17 17 MAMPARA, (South Afri...
mampoers 17 17 MAMPOER, (Afrikaans)...
mamselle 17 16 a form of address fo...
mamzerim 20 26 MAMZER, (Yiddish) an...
manacled 17 17 MANACLE, to handcuff...
manacles 17 16 MANACLE, to handcuff...
managers 14 14 MANAGER, one that ma...
managing 15 17 MANAGE, to control o...
manakins 14 17 MANAKIN, any of vari...
manatees 12 12 MANATEE, a large aqu...
manatoid 13 13 relating to a manate...
manbands 15 17 MANBAND, an all-male...
mancalas 17 16 MANCALA, a variety o...
mancando 15 17 fading away [adj]
manchets 19 17 MANCHET, in heraldry...
manciple 20 19 an steward authorize...
mancuses 17 16 MANCUS, (historical)...
mandalas 14 14 MANDALA, a pictorial...
mandalic 18 17 of or like a mandala...
mandamus 15 17 to command by writ f...
mandarin 13 14 a member of one of n...
mandated 13 14 MANDATE, to issue wi...
mandates 13 13 MANDATE, to issue wi...
mandator 13 13 one who gives a mand...
mandible 17 17 the bone of the lowe...
mandioca 16 16 (Tupi) a plant of th...
mandiocs 17 16 MANDIOC, (Tupi) a pl...
mandiras 14 13 MANDIRA, a Hindu tem...
mandolas 14 14 MANDOLA, (Italian) a...
mandolin 14 15 a musical instrument...
mandoras 13 13 MANDORA, (Italian) a...
mandorla 14 14 (Italian) any almond...
mandrake 14 17 a poisonous and narc...
mandrels 15 14 MANDREL, a bar of ir...
mandrill 17 15 a large West African...
mandrils 16 14 MANDRIL, a bar of ir...
maneging 15 17 MANEGE, to train hor...
maneless 14 13 without a mane [adj]
maneuver 15 17 to perform a stratag...
manfully 25 20 MANFUL, courageous [...
mangabey 22 19 a long-tailed Africa...
manganic 17 18 of manganese of high...
manganin 13 16 an alloy of copper,...
mangeaos 13 14 MANGEAO, a small New...
mangiest 15 14 MANGEY, affected wit...
manglers 16 15 MANGLER, one who man...
mangling 17 18 MANGLE, to hack, tea...
mangolds 16 16 MANGOLD, a variety o...
mangonel 14 16 (historical) a medie...
mangrove 16 18 any of various tropi...
manholes 16 15 MANHOLE, an opening...
manhoods 15 15 MANHOOD, the state o...
manhunts 16 16 MANHUNT, an intensiv...
maniacal 17 16 relating to a maniac...
manicure 17 16 to have the hands an...
manifest 16 15 clear, obvious [adj...
manifold 17 17 many in number, also...
maniform 17 18 having the form of a...
manihocs 19 17 MANIHOC, (Tupi) a pl...
manihots 16 14 MANIHOT, (Tupi) a pl...
manikins 15 17 MANIKIN, an anatomic...
manillas 16 14 MANILLA, (Spanish) a...
manilles 16 14 MANILLE, (French) in...
maniocas 16 15 MANIOCA, (Tupi) a pl...
maniples 17 16 MANIPLE, (Latin) a s...
manitous 14 13 MANITOU, (Native Ame...
manjacks 20 28 MANJACK, a West Indi...
mankiest 15 16 MANKY, (Scots) filth...
mankinds 15 18 MANKIND, the human r...
mankinis 15 17 MANKINI, a man's swi...
manliest 15 13 MANLY, having the qu...
mannered 12 14 having a certain man...
mannerly 20 16 polite [adj]
mannikin 14 18 an anatomical model...
mannites 13 13 MANNITE, a sweet alc...
mannitic 17 16 pertaining to or der...
mannitol 14 14 a sweet alcohol obta...
mannoses 12 13 MANNOSE, a sugar obt...
manorial 14 13 relating to a manor...
manpacks 20 22 MANPACK, a pack desi...
manpower 18 18 available resources...
manrents 13 13 MANRENT, (Scots) hom...
manrider 14 13 a paddy train [n -S]
manropes 15 15 MANROPE, a rope used...
mansards 14 13 MANSARD, a type of r...
manscape 18 18 to trim or remove a...
manshift 19 17 the work done by one...
mansions 13 13 MANSION, a large imp...
mansonry 19 15 (Shakespeare) reside...
mansuete 13 13 (archaic) tame, gent...
mansworn 16 16 (archaic) a perjurer...
manteaus 13 13 MANTEAU, (French) a...
manteaux 19 20 MANTEAU, (French) a...
manteels 14 13 MANTEEL, (obsolete)...
mantelet 14 13 a mobile screen used...
mantilla 16 14 a veil covering the...
mantises 14 12 MANTIS, a predatory...
mantissa 14 12 the decimal part of...
mantlets 15 13 MANTLET, a mobile sc...
mantling 16 16 the drapery of a coa...
mantrams 15 15 MANTRAM, (Sanskrit)...
mantraps 16 15 MANTRAP, a trap for...
manually 22 17 MANUAL, by use of th...
manubria 16 16 MANUBRIUM, any handl...
manucode 16 17 (Javanese) a bird of...
manuhiri 17 15 (Maori) a non-Maori...
manumeas 14 16 MANUMEA, a Samoan pi...
manumits 16 16 MANUMIT, to free fro...
manurers 14 13 MANURER, one who man...
manurial 15 14 pertaining to manure...
manuring 15 16 the act of fertilizi...
manwards 17 16 towards man, also MA...
manyatas 19 14 MANYATA, a small Mas...
manyatta 19 14 a small Masai settle...
manyfold 23 19 many in number, also...
manzello 18 23 a musical instrument...
maormors 15 14 MAORMOR, (Irish) a h...
mapmaker 18 21 one who makes maps [...
mappable 21 21 able to be mapped [a...
mappings 20 20 MAPPING, a mathemati...
mappists 20 17 MAPPIST, one who wor...
mapstick 22 21 the long handle of a...
maquette 22 21 (French) a small mod...
maquilas 24 22 MAQUILA, (Spanish) a...
marabous 16 15 MARABOU, an African...
marabout 16 15 an African stork, al...
maraging 16 16 a process by which a...
marantas 13 12 MARANTA, a genus of...
marascas 17 14 MARASCA, (Italian) a...
marasmic 19 17 wasting away [adj]
marasmus 16 15 a wasting away of th...
marathon 15 14 a long-distance race...
marauded 14 14 MARAUD, to wander in...
marauder 14 13 one who marauds [n -...
maravedi 16 16 a former coin of Spa...
marblers 18 15 MARBLER, one who wor...
marblier 18 15 MARBLY, mottled [adj...
marbling 19 18 the intermixture of...
marcatos 17 14 MARCATO, a musical p...
marcella 19 16 a cotton, linen, twi...
marchers 20 16 MARCHER, one that ma...
marchesa 19 16 the wife or widow of...
marchese 19 16 an Italian nobleman...
marchesi 20 16 MARCHESE, an Italian...
marching 21 19 MARCH, to walk in a...
marchman 20 20 a person living near...
marchmen 20 20 MARCHMAN, a person l...
marconis 17 15 MARCONI, to communic...
mardiest 15 12 MARDY, petulant [adj...
mardying 22 17 MARDY, to behave lik...
maremmas 16 17 MAREMMA, (Italian) a...
margaric 19 16 pearl-like, also MAR...
margarin 15 14 a butter substitute...
margates 15 13 MARGATE, a tropical...
margents 15 14 MARGENT, to provide...
marginal 16 15 anything in or on a...
margined 15 15 MARGIN, to provide w...
margosas 15 13 MARGOSA, a large tre...
margrave 17 17 (German) a German no...
mariachi 20 16 a Mexican musical ba...
marigold 17 15 a composite plant of...
marigram 17 16 a record of tide lev...
marimbas 18 17 MARIMBA, a percussio...
marinade 13 13 to soak in seasoned...
marinara 13 12 a seasoned tomato sa...
marinate 13 12 to soak in seasoned...
marinera 13 12 a Peruvian folk-danc...
mariners 14 12 MARINER, a sailor [n...
mariposa 16 14 any of several lilia...
marishes 17 13 MARISH, a tract of l...
maritage 15 13 the right of a feuda...
maritime 16 14 relating to the sea...
marjoram 17 23 any of various labia...
markdown 18 20 the act of labelling...
markedly 23 19 MARKED [adv]
marketed 15 16 MARKET, to offer for...
marketer 15 15 one that markets, al...
markhoor 17 17 a wild goat of the m...
markhors 18 17 MARKHOR, a wild goat...
markings 17 18 MARKING, a pattern o...
marksman 16 19 a person skillful at...
marksmen 16 19 MARKSMAN, a person s...
marliest 16 12 MARLY, abounding wit...
marlines 15 13 MARLINE, a line of t...
marlings 17 15 MARLING, the act of...
marlites 16 12 MARLITE, marl with 2...
marlitic 20 15 partaking of the qua...
marmites 16 14 MARMITE, (French) a...
marmoses 15 14 MARMOSE, a small Sou...
marmoset 15 14 a kind of small monk...
marocain 16 15 a dress material fin...
marooned 12 13 MAROON, to abandon i...
marooner 12 12 one who maroons [n -...
maroquin 22 22 goat leather, morocc...
marplots 18 15 MARPLOT, (archaic) a...
marquees 22 21 MARQUEE, a large ten...
marquess 23 21 a British or Irish h...
marquise 23 21 the wife or widow of...
marranos 13 12 MARRANO, (Spanish) a...
marriage 15 13 the legal union of a...
marrieds 15 12 MARRIED, one who has...
marriers 15 11 MARRIER, one who mar...
marrowed 17 15 MARROW, to be a mate...
marrying 22 16 the act of marrying...
marsalas 15 12 MARSALA, (Italian) a...
marshall 19 15 to put in proper ord...
marshals 18 14 MARSHAL, to put in p...
marshier 17 13 MARSHY, resembling a...
marsport 17 14 (archaic) a spoilspo...
marsupia 17 15 MARSUPIUM, the pouch...
martagon 14 14 a kind of lily [n -S...
martello 16 13 (Italian) a circular...
martexts 21 18 MARTEXT, an ignorant...
martials 16 12 as in court martials...
martians 14 12 MARTIAN, a supposed...
martinet 14 12 a strict disciplinar...
martinis 15 12 MARTINI, an alcoholi...
martlets 16 12 MARTLET, a small bir...
martyred 21 14 MARTYR, to put someo...
martyria 21 13 MARTYRIUM, a shrine...
martyrly 29 16 resembling martyr [a...
marveled 17 17 MARVEL, to be filled...
marveler 17 16 one who marvels [n -...
marvered 16 16 MARVER, to roll glas...
marviest 17 15 MARVY, marvellous [a...
marybuds 24 18 MARYBUD, a marigold...
maryjane 21 23 (slang) marijuana [n...
marzipan 19 24 a confection of grou...
mascaras 17 14 MASCARA, to apply ma...
mascaron 16 15 a grotesque face on...
mashgiah 20 17 (Hebrew) a person wh...
mashiach 22 18 (Judaism) the messia...
mashiest 17 13 MASHY, of the nature...
mashings 18 16 MASHING, the act of...
mashlams 19 17 MASHLAM, a mixed gra...
mashlims 20 17 MASHLIM, a mixed gra...
mashlins 18 15 MASHLIN, a mixed gra...
mashloch 23 19 a mixed grain, also...
mashlums 20 18 MASHLUM, a mixed gra...
maskable 18 19 able to be masked [a...
maskings 17 18 MASKING, a piece of...
masklike 18 20 like a mask [adj]
masoning 14 15 MASON, to build or r...
masonite 13 12 (tradename) a kind o...
masoolah 16 14 an Indian surf-boat,...
masquers 23 21 MASQUER, one who wea...
massacre 17 14 to slaughter [v MASS...
massaged 15 14 MASSAGE, to knead or...
massager 15 13 one who massages [n...
massages 15 13 MASSAGE, to knead or...
masscult 20 16 culture as promoted...
massedly 22 15 MASSED [adv]
masseter 14 11 a muscle that raises...
masseurs 15 12 MASSEUR, (French) a...
masseuse 14 12 (French) a female wh...
massicot 18 14 (French) yellow lead...
massiest 15 11 MASSY, solid, full o...
massives 17 15 MASSIVE, a group of...
massless 16 12 without mass e.g. of...
massoola 14 12 an Indian surf-boat,...
masstige 16 13 the impression of ex...
mastabah 18 16 an ancient Egyptian...
mastabas 16 14 MASTABA, an ancient...
mastered 14 12 MASTER, to become sk...
masterly 22 14 very skillful [adj]
masthead 16 14 the head of a mast [...
mastiche 20 16 a pale yellow gum re...
mastichs 21 16 MASTICH, a pale yell...
masticot 18 14 (French) yellow lead...
mastiest 15 11 MASTY, as if well fe...
mastiffs 20 17 MASTIFF, a large sho...
mastitic 19 14 relating to mastitis...
mastitis 16 11 inflammation of the...
mastixes 21 18 MASTIX, a pale yello...
mastless 16 12 bearing no mast; as,...
mastlike 17 16 like a mast [adj]
mastodon 13 13 a large extinct mamm...
mastoids 15 12 MASTOID, a prominenc...
masurium 17 16 a name proposed for...
matachin 19 17 (Spanish) a masked s...
matadora 13 12 a female matador [n...
matadore 13 12 the man who kills th...
matadors 14 12 MATADOR, the bullfig...
matamata 14 14 a South American riv...
matchbox 28 26 a small box [n -ES]
matchers 20 16 MATCHER, one who mat...
matchets 20 16 MATCHET, a large hea...
matching 21 19 MATCH, to be equal t...
matchups 23 20 MATCHUP, a setting o...
mateless 15 12 without a mate [adj]
matelote 14 12 a kind of rich fish...
matelots 15 12 MATELOT, (French) a...
material 15 12 relevant [adj MATERI...
materiel 15 12 (French) material; e...
maternal 14 13 pertaining to a moth...
mateship 19 16 the state of being a...
matfelon 16 16 the greater knapweed...
matgrass 16 13 a rushlike moorland...
matheses 16 13 MATHESIS, mental dis...
mathesis 17 13 mental discipline [n...
matildas 16 13 MATILDA, (Australian...
matinees 13 12 MATINEE, (French) an...
matiness 14 12 friendliness [n -ES]
matookes 14 15 MATOOKE, in Uganda,...
matrices 18 14 MATRICE, the womb; t...
matrixes 21 18 MATRIX, the womb; th...
matronal 14 13 like a matron [adj]
matronly 21 15 like a matron [adj]
matsuris 16 12 MATSURI, (Japanese)...
mattedly 22 15 MATTED [adv]
mattered 14 12 MATTER, to be of imp...
mattings 16 14 MATTING, a woven fab...
mattocks 19 18 MATTOCK, a kind of p...
mattoids 15 12 MATTOID, a person on...
mattrass 15 11 a long-necked round-...
mattress 15 11 a large pad filled w...
maturate 14 12 to develop fully, al...
maturely 22 15 MATURE, fully develo...
maturers 15 12 MATURER, one that br...
maturest 15 12 MATURE, fully develo...
maturing 16 15 MATURE, to develop f...
maturity 22 14 the state of being m...
matutine 14 13 relating to or occur...
matweeds 17 15 MATWEED, a name of s...
matzoons 16 21 MATZOON, a food simi...
maugring 17 17 MAUGRE, to show spit...
maulgred 17 16 MAULGRE, to show spi...
maulgres 17 15 MAULGRE, to show spi...
maulings 17 16 MAULING, the act of...
maumetry 22 17 the religion of Moha...
maunders 14 14 MAUNDER, to talk inc...
maundies 14 14 MAUNDY, a religious...
maunding 15 17 MAUND, (obsolete) to...
maungier 15 15 MAUNGY, scabby, also...
mausiest 15 12 MAUSY, foggy, misty,...
mausolea 14 13 MAUSOLEUM, a large,...
mauthers 17 14 MAUTHER, an awkward...
mauvaise 16 16 (French) bad, wicked...
mauveine 15 17 a mauve dye, also MA...
mauveins 16 17 MAUVEIN, a mauve dye...
mauvines 16 17 MAUVINE, a mauve dye...
mauziest 18 21 MAUZY, foggy, misty,...
maverick 21 22 an unbranded animal;...
mawbound 19 20 constipated by impac...
mawkiest 19 18 MAWKY, maggoty [adj]
mawmetry 25 19 the religion of Moha...
mawpuses 20 18 MAWPUS, (slang) a sm...
mawseeds 17 15 MAWSEED, the seed of...
mawthers 20 16 MAWTHER, (dialect) a...
maxiboat 22 21 a large racing yacht...
maxicoat 23 21 a long coat [n -S]
maxillae 22 20 MAXILLA, the bone of...
maxillar 23 20 relating to the maxi...
maxillas 23 20 MAXILLA, the bone of...
maximals 23 22 MAXIMAL, an element...
maximand 21 23 something that is to...
maximins 22 22 MAXIMIN, the highest...
maximise 22 21 to make as great as...
maximist 23 21 a habitual maker of...
maximite 22 21 a powerful explosive...
maximize 25 30 to make as great as...
maximums 24 25 MAXIMUM, the largest...
maxwells 26 23 MAXWELL, a unit of m...
mayapple 25 20 an American plant, t...
maybirds 24 17 MAYBIRD, an American...
mayflies 24 17 MAYFLY, a short-live...
mayoress 20 13 a female mayor [n -E...
maypoles 23 17 MAYPOLE, a decorated...
maysters 21 13 MAYSTER, (Spenser) m...
mayweeds 23 17 MAYWEED, a name for...
mazaedia 16 21 MAZAEDIUM, a spore-p...
mazarine 16 21 a rich blue or reddi...
mazelike 19 25 like a maze [adj]
mazeltov 20 25 (Yiddish) congratula...
mazement 17 24 bewilderment, also A...
maziness 17 21 the quality of being...
mazourka 18 25 a Polish dance, also...
mazurkas 19 25 MAZURKA, a Polish fo...
mazzards 21 30 MAZZARD, a kind of s...
mbaqanga 24 26 (Zulu) a type of Bla...
meacocks 21 21 MEACOCK, (Shakespear...
meagerer 14 13 MEAGER, (US) scanty,...
meagerly 22 16 MEAGER, (US) scanty,...
meagrely 22 16 MEAGRE, inadequate,...
meagrest 15 13 MEAGRE, inadequate,...
mealiest 15 12 MEALY, covered with...
mealless 16 13 without a meal [adj]
mealtime 16 15 the usual time for a...
mealworm 19 18 the destructive larv...
mealybug 25 20 a destructive insect...
meanders 13 13 MEANDER, to wander [...
meanings 14 15 MEANING, the sense i...
meanness 12 13 the state of being m...
meantime 14 15 the intervening time...
measlier 15 12 MEASLY, spotty, palt...
measling 16 15 MEASLE, (archaic) to...
measured 14 13 MEASURE, to compare...
measurer 14 12 one who measures [n...
measures 14 12 MEASURE, to compare...
meataxes 19 18 MEATAXE, a meat clea...
meatball 18 16 a small ball of minc...
meathead 15 14 (US slang) a stupid...
meathook 16 17 a hook on which to h...
meatiest 14 11 MEATY, full of meat...
meatless 15 12 without meat [adj]
meatloaf 16 15 a baked loaf of grou...
meatuses 14 12 MEATUS, a natural bo...
mechanic 22 20 a person who works w...
mechitza 23 25 a partition separati...
mechouis 20 17 MECHOUI, (Canadian)...
meconate 15 15 a salt of meconic ac...
meconins 16 16 MECONIN, a white, fu...
meconium 18 19 the first fecal excr...
medaccas 20 18 MEDACCA, a small Jap...
medalets 15 13 MEDALET, a small med...
medaling 16 16 MEDAL, to honour wit...
medalist 16 13 one who wins a medal...
medalled 16 15 MEDAL, to honour wit...
medallic 20 17 pertaining to a meda...
medcinal 18 17 (Milton) medicinal,...
meddlers 16 14 MEDDLER, one who med...
meddling 17 17 interfering [adj MED...
medevacs 19 19 MEDEVAC, to evacuate...
medflies 18 16 MEDFLY, a Mediterran...
medially 23 16 MEDIAL, in the middl...
medianly 21 16 MEDIAN, middle [adv]
mediants 14 13 MEDIANT, the third t...
mediated 14 13 MEDIATE, to act as a...
mediates 14 12 MEDIATE, to act as a...
mediator 14 12 one who mediates [n...
medicaid 18 16 a type of government...
medicals 19 16 MEDICAL, a medical e...
medicant 17 16 a healing substance...
medicare 17 15 a type of government...
medicate 17 15 to treat with medici...
medicide 18 16 a medically assisted...
medicine 17 16 to treat with a subs...
medieval 17 17 belonging to the Mid...
medigaps 18 17 MEDIGAP, a supplemen...
mediocre 17 15 neither good nor bad...
meditate 14 12 to consider thoughtf...
mediuses 15 13 MEDIUS, the middle f...
medivacs 20 19 MEDIVAC, to evacuate...
medresas 14 12 MEDRESA, (Arabic) an...
medreses 14 12 MEDRESE, (Arabic) an...
medullae 16 15 MEDULLA, the central...
medullar 17 15 consisting of or res...
medullas 17 15 MEDULLA, the central...
medusans 14 14 MEDUSAN, a jellyfish...
medusoid 15 14 a jellyfish, also ME...
meekened 13 17 MEEKEN, to make meek...
meekness 14 16 the quality of being...
meercats 17 14 MEERCAT, a South Afr...
meerkats 15 15 MEERKAT, a South Afr...
meetings 15 14 MEETING, an assembly...
meetness 13 12 suitability [n -ES]
megabars 17 16 MEGABAR, a unit of p...
megabits 18 16 MEGABIT, a unit of c...
megabuck 22 24 one million dollars...
megabyte 23 18 1,048,576 bytes [n -...
megacity 25 18 a very large city [n...
megadeal 15 15 a business deal invo...
megadose 14 14 an abnormally large...
megadyne 20 17 a unit of force [n -...
megaflop 20 20 a measure of computi...
megafogs 18 18 MEGAFOG, a fog signa...
megahits 18 15 MEGAHIT, something e...
megalith 19 16 a huge stone used in...
megalops 18 17 a larval stage of mo...
megamall 18 18 a very large shoppin...
megaplex 24 24 a large building hav...
megapode 16 17 one of a family of b...
megapods 17 17 MEGAPOD, one of a fa...
megarads 15 14 MEGARAD, a measure o...
megarons 14 14 MEGARON, the princip...
megasses 15 13 MEGASS, crushed suga...
megastar 15 13 an extremely success...
megatons 14 14 MEGATON, a unit of e...
megavolt 18 18 a unit of electromot...
megawatt 18 16 a unit of power, a m...
megillah 20 17 (Hebrew) a scroll co...
megillas 18 15 MEGILLA, (Hebrew) a...
megilphs 22 19 MEGILPH, a substance...
meiocyte 23 16 a cell which divides...
meionite 13 12 one of a group of ra...
meisters 15 11 MEISTER, (German) an...
mejlises 18 21 MEJLIS, (Arabic) an...
melaenas 13 13 MELAENA, a condition...
melamdim 18 19 MELAMED, a teacher i...
melamine 15 16 a colourless crystal...
melanges 15 15 MELANGE, (French) a...
melanian 13 14 one of a family of f...
melanics 18 16 MELANIC, one who is...
melanins 14 14 MELANIN, any of vari...
melanise 14 13 to make dark, also M...
melanism 16 16 abnormally dark pigm...
melanist 15 13 one who is affected...
melanite 14 13 a black variety of g...
melanize 17 22 to make dark, also M...
melanoid 14 14 suffering from melan...
melanoma 14 16 a darkly pigmented t...
melanous 14 14 dark-complexioned, a...
melilite 17 13 a tetragonal mineral...
melilots 17 13 MELILOT, a wild flow...
melinite 15 13 a powerful explosive...
melismas 17 15 MELISMA, melodic emb...
melittin 16 13 a toxic polypeptide...
mellific 23 19 producing honey [adj...
mellites 17 13 MELLITE, a mineral o...
mellitic 21 16 containing saccharin...
mellowed 19 17 MELLOW, to make matu...
mellower 19 16 MELLOW, well matured...
mellowly 27 19 MELLOW, well matured...
melodeon 13 14 a small reed organ,...
melodias 15 13 MELODIA, a type of o...
melodica 18 16 a harmonica with a s...
melodics 19 16 a branch of music co...
melodies 15 13 MELODY, an agreeable...
melodion 14 14 a small reed organ,...
melodise 15 13 to compose a melody,...
melodist 16 13 a composer of melodi...
melodize 18 22 to compose a melody,...
meltable 18 16 able to be melted [a...
meltages 16 14 MELTAGE, the process...
meltdown 18 17 the melting of the c...
meltemis 17 15 MELTEMI, a northerly...
meltiest 16 12 MELTY, liable to mel...
meltings 17 15 MELTING, the act of...
meltiths 19 14 MELTITH, (Scots) a m...
membered 17 18 having limbs [adj]
membrane 16 18 a thin, pliable laye...
mementos 14 15 MEMENTO, something k...
memetics 19 17 the study of genetic...
memorial 16 15 serving to remember...
memories 15 14 MEMORY, the gift of...
memorise 15 14 to commit to memory,...
memorize 18 23 to commit to memory,...
memsahib 20 19 a European woman liv...
menacers 16 15 MENACER, one who men...
menacing 17 18 MENACE, to threaten...
menaging 15 17 MENAGE, to manage [v...
menarche 18 17 the first occurrence...
menazons 15 22 MENAZON, an insectic...
mendable 16 17 able to be mended [a...
mendigos 15 15 MENDIGO, a freshwate...
mendings 15 16 MENDING, an accumula...
menfolks 18 20 the men of a family...
menhaden 14 16 (Native American) an...
menially 22 16 MENIAL, lowly [adv]
menilite 15 13 a kind of opal, live...
meninges 14 15 MENINX, any of the m...
meniscal 18 16 in the shape of a me...
meniscus 18 16 a crescent-shaped bo...
menology 21 17 an ecclesiastical ca...
menomini 14 16 a small whitefish fo...
menopome 15 18 a large American sal...
menorahs 15 14 MENORAH, a candlehol...
menschen 18 18 MENSCH, an admirable...
mensches 19 17 MENSCH, an admirable...
menseful 17 17 (Scots) decorous, gr...
menshing 17 17 MENSH, (colloquial)...
menstrua 14 13 MENSTRUUM, (Latin) a...
mensural 15 14 pertaining to measur...
menswear 16 15 clothing for men [n...
mentally 22 16 MENTAL, pertaining t...
menthene 14 15 a colorless liquid h...
menthols 17 15 MENTHOL, a camphor o...
mentions 13 13 MENTION, to remark b...
mentored 13 13 MENTOR, to serve as...
mephitic 23 19 poisonous or foul-sm...
mephitis 20 16 a poisonous exhalati...
merantis 14 12 MERANTI, (Malay) the...
mercados 17 15 MERCADO, (Spanish) a...
mercapto 19 17 containing a particu...
merchant 19 17 a trader, esp. whole...
merchets 20 16 MERCHET, a fine paid...
merchild 22 18 a fish with the body...
merciful 22 19 full of mercy [adj M...
mercuric 22 18 containing bivalent...
merengue 14 15 a Caribbean ballroom...
meresman 14 15 a man appointed to a...
meresmen 14 15 MERESMAN, a man appo...
merfolks 19 19 MERFOLK, mermen and...
mergence 17 17 the act of merging [...
mergings 17 16 MERGING, an act of m...
mericarp 20 17 one carpel of an umb...
meridian 14 13 a line of longitude...
merimake 16 18 (Spenser) merrymakin...
meringue 15 15 a topping for pies m...
meristem 16 14 embryonic plant tiss...
meristic 19 14 pertaining to the nu...
meriting 16 14 MERIT, to deserve [v...
merlings 17 15 MERLING, (obsolete)...
mermaids 16 15 MERMAID, a mythical...
merogony 20 16 the artificial produ...
meronyms 21 17 MERONYM, a word whos...
meronymy 27 19 the state of being a...
meropias 16 14 MEROPIA, partial bli...
merosome 14 14 one of the serial se...
merriest 15 11 MERRY, mirthful, als...
merryman 21 17 a zany, a jester [n...
merrymen 21 17 MERRYMAN, a zany, a...
mersalyl 23 15 a sodium salt used a...
mersions 14 12 MERSION, (obsolete)...
merycism 26 19 a rare condition in...
mesaraic 17 14 relating to the mese...
mescalin 18 16 the principal alkalo...
mesclums 21 19 MESCLUM, (French) a...
mescluns 19 17 MESCLUN, (French) a...
mesdames 15 15 MADAME, the French t...
meseemed 14 15 MESEEMS, it seems to...
meshiest 17 13 MESHY, formed like n...
meshings 18 16 MESHING, the act of...
meshugah 20 18 crazy, also MESHUGA,...
meshugas 18 16 MESHUGA, a crazy per...
meshugga 19 18 crazy, also MESHUGA,...
meshugge 19 18 crazy, also MESHUGA,...
meshwork 21 20 a network [n -S]
mesially 23 15 MESIAL, situated in...
mesmeric 19 17 pertaining to hypnot...
mesnalty 21 15 a type of feudal est...
mesocarp 19 17 the middle layer of...
mesoderm 15 15 the middle germ laye...
mesoglea 15 14 a gelatinous layer b...
mesolite 15 12 a zeolitic mineral,...
mesomere 14 14 an embryonic segment...
mesophyl 26 19 the soft tissue of a...
mesosaur 14 12 an extinct aquatic r...
mesosome 14 14 a convoluted invagin...
mesotron 13 12 a former name for th...
mesozoan 15 21 any of a phylum of w...
mesozoic 20 23 of the Secondary geo...
mesprise 17 14 (Spenser) scorn, sli...
mesprize 20 23 (Spenser) scorn, sli...
mesquine 22 22 (French) mean, sordi...
mesquite 23 21 a spiny tree or shru...
mesquits 24 21 MESQUIT, a spiny tre...
messaged 15 14 MESSAGE, to send a c...
messages 15 13 MESSAGE, to send a c...
messiahs 17 13 MESSIAH, an expected...
messiest 15 11 MESSY, dirty or unti...
messmate 15 14 a person with whom o...
messuage 15 14 a dwelling house wit...
mestesos 14 11 MESTESO, a person of...
mestinos 14 12 MESTINO, a person of...
mestizas 18 20 MESTIZA, (Spanish) a...
mestizos 18 20 MESTIZO, (Spanish) a...
mestomes 15 14 MESTOME, biological...
metaboly 23 17 in biology, the capa...
metadata 13 12 information about in...
metafile 17 15 graphical informatio...
metairie 14 11 (French) a piece of...
metaling 16 15 METAL, to cover with...
metalise 15 12 to make or treat wit...
metalist 16 12 (US) a worker in met...
metalize 18 21 to make or treat wit...
metalled 16 14 METAL, to cover with...
metallic 20 16 of or like metal [ad...
metamale 15 15 a sterile male organ...
metamere 14 14 one of the similar b...
metamers 15 14 METAMER, a compound...
metamict 19 17 of or denoting the a...
metanoia 12 12 penitence; spiritual...
metaphor 18 16 implied comparison a...
metaplot 17 15 METAPELET, a woman a...
metasoma 14 14 the posterior part o...
metatags 15 13 METATAG, a tag havin...
metayage 20 15 a system of trading...
metayers 20 13 METAYER, (French) on...
metazoal 17 21 relating to the meta...
metazoan 15 21 any of a major divis...
metazoic 20 23 relating to a metazo...
metazoon 15 21 any of a major divis...
metcasts 18 14 METCAST, a weather f...
meteoric 17 14 like a meteor [adj M...
meterage 14 13 measurement by meter...
metering 15 14 METER, to measure by...
metewand 16 16 a measuring rod, als...
meteyard 20 14 a measuring rod, als...
methadon 15 15 a synthetic drug sim...
methanal 16 15 formaldehyde [n -S]
methanes 15 14 METHANE, a colourles...
methanol 16 15 methyl alcohol, wood...
methinks 18 18 (archaic) I think, a...
methodic 20 17 arranged, characteri...
methoxyl 30 23 containing a certain...
methylal 25 17 a colourless volatil...
methylic 28 19 pertaining to, deriv...
methyses 23 15 METHYSIS, drunkennes...
methysis 24 15 drunkenness [n METHY...
meticais 18 14 METICAL, a monetary...
meticals 19 15 METICAL, a monetary...
metisses 15 11 METISSE, (French) th...
metonyms 21 17 METONYM, a word used...
metonymy 27 19 a type of figure of...
metopism 18 17 the condition of hav...
metopons 15 15 METOPON, a pain-reli...
metopryl 24 17 an anaesthetic relat...
metrazol 18 21 a drug used to impro...
metrical 19 15 pertaining to or com...
metrists 16 11 METRIST, a person sk...
metritis 16 11 inflammation of the...
meuniere 13 13 (French) of food, es...
mezereon 15 21 an early-flowering w...
mezereum 18 24 an early-flowering w...
mezquite 26 30 a name for two trees...
mezquits 27 30 MEZQUIT, a name for...
mezuzahs 23 32 MEZUZAH, (Hebrew) a...
mezuzoth 23 32 MEZUZAH, (Hebrew) a...
miaouing 15 15 MIAOU, to make the s...
miaowing 18 17 MIAOW, to make the s...
miasmata 15 14 MIASMA, a noxious va...
miasmous 16 15 of or like a miasma,...
miauling 17 16 MIAUL, to make the s...
micating 19 17 MICATE, to furnish w...
micawber 23 20 a person who remains...
micellae 19 16 MICELLA, a group of...
micellar 20 16 of or like a micella...
micellas 20 16 MICELLA, a group of...
micelles 20 16 MICELLE, a group of...
michaels 21 17 MICHAEL, as in take...
michigan 21 19 (US) a card game, eq...
michings 22 19 MICHING, the act of...
mickeyed 25 21 MICKEY, to drug a dr...
micklest 21 19 MICKLE, much or grea...
microbar 20 17 a unit of atmospheri...
microbes 20 17 MICROBE, a microscop...
microbic 24 20 of or like a microbe...
microbus 21 18 a small bus [n MICRO...
microcap 23 20 of a company, having...
microcar 21 17 a compact small-engi...
microdot 18 15 a copy of printed ma...
microhms 22 19 MICROHM, a unit of e...
microjet 20 23 a light jet aircraft...
microlux 26 23 a unit of illuminati...
micromho 21 19 a unit of electrical...
micrurgy 27 19 the use of minute to...
mictions 18 15 MICTION, (obsolete)...
midbrain 17 16 the middle region of...
midcults 21 17 MIDCULT, middle-clas...
middlers 17 14 MIDDLER, a student i...
middling 18 17 average, so-so [adj...
midfield 19 17 the middle of a play...
midgiest 17 14 MIDGY, full of midge...
midirons 15 13 MIDIRON, a golf club...
midlands 16 15 MIDLAND, the middle...
midlifer 19 16 a middle-aged person...
midlines 16 14 MIDLINE, a median li...
midlists 18 13 MIDLIST, a section o...
midlives 19 17 MIDLIFE, middle age...
midmonth 18 18 halfway through the...
midmosts 17 15 MIDMOST, a part exac...
midnight 19 17 the middle of the ni...
midnoons 13 14 MIDNOON, midday [n]
midpoint 17 16 the point in the mid...
midrange 15 15 the middle of the ra...
midriffs 21 18 MIDRIFF, the area of...
midships 21 17 towards the middle o...
midshore 17 14 designating a fisher...
midsized 19 22 medium [adj]
midsoles 16 13 MIDSOLE, the middle...
midspace 20 18 the middle of space...
midstory 22 14 the middle of a stor...
midterms 17 15 MIDTERM, the middle...
midtowns 18 16 MIDTOWN, the centre...
midwatch 24 20 a watch on a ship be...
midwater 18 15 the middle portion v...
midweeks 19 19 MIDWEEK, the middle...
midwifed 21 19 MIDWIFE, to assist a...
midwifes 21 18 MIDWIFE, to assist a...
midwived 21 20 MIDWIVE, to assist a...
midwives 21 19 MIDWIVE, to assist a...
midyears 21 14 MIDYEAR, in the midd...
miffiest 20 17 MIFFY, easily annoye...
mightest 19 15 (archaic) 2nd person...
mightful 23 20 (Shakespeare) mighty...
mightier 19 15 MIGHTY, full of migh...
mightily 27 18 MIGHTY, full of migh...
mignonne 13 16 small and dainty [ad...
migraine 15 14 a severe headache, a...
migrants 16 14 MIGRANT, one who mig...
migrated 16 14 MIGRATE, to move fro...
migrates 16 13 MIGRATE, to move fro...
migrator 16 13 one who migrates, al...
mijnheer 18 23 (Dutch) the Dutch eq...
miladies 16 13 MILADY, an English g...
mildened 15 15 MILDEN, to make mild...
mildewed 19 17 MILDEW, to grow a wh...
mildness 16 14 the quality of being...
mileages 16 14 MILEAGE, the total d...
milepost 18 15 a post with each pro...
milesian 15 13 of Irish origin [adj...
milesimo 17 15 a former monetary un...
milfoils 20 16 MILFOIL, a yarrow, o...
miliaria 16 12 a skin disease [n -S...
militant 16 13 aggressive [adj MILI...
military 23 14 relating to armed fo...
militate 16 12 to have influence [v...
militias 17 12 MILITIA, a military...
milkfish 23 21 a marine food fish [...
milkiest 18 16 MILKY, like milk [ad...
milkings 19 19 MILKING, the act of...
milkless 19 17 without milk [adj]
milklike 20 21 like milk [adj]
milkmaid 19 20 a woman who milks co...
milkshed 20 19 a region supplying m...
milksops 20 19 MILKSOP, an effemina...
milkweed 20 20 a plant that secrete...
milkwood 20 20 any of various trees...
milkwort 21 19 a plant of genus Pol...
millable 20 17 able to be milled [a...
millages 18 15 MILLAGE, a type of m...
millcake 21 20 a residue from press...
milldams 19 17 MILLDAM, a dam built...
milleped 19 17 a multi-legged arthr...
millhand 19 17 a worker in a mill [...
milliamp 21 19 one thousandth of an...
milliard 18 14 (French) a thousand...
milliare 17 13 a unit of area [n -S...
milliary 24 15 an ancient Roman mil...
millibar 20 16 a unit of barometric...
millieme 18 16 (French) a coin repr...
milliers 18 13 MILLIER, a unit of w...
milligal 20 16 a thousandth of a ga...
millilux 26 22 a unit of illuminati...
millimes 19 16 MILLIME, a monetary...
millimho 21 18 a unit of electrical...
milliner 17 14 one who makes or sel...
millines 17 14 MILLINE, a unit of a...
millings 19 16 MILLING, a corrugate...
milliohm 21 18 a unit of electrical...
millions 17 14 MILLION, a thousand...
milliped 20 17 a myriapod with many...
millirem 19 16 a quantity of ionizi...
millpond 19 18 a pool formed by dam...
millrace 20 16 the current of water...
millrind 18 15 an iron support fitt...
millruns 18 15 MILLRUN, the current...
milltail 19 14 the channel in which...
millwork 22 20 the shafting, gearin...
miltiest 17 12 MILTY, full of milt...
miltonia 15 13 a plant of the Milto...
mimeoing 16 17 MIMEO, to copy by mi...
mimester 16 14 one who mimes [n -S]
mimetite 16 14 an arseniate of lead...
mimicked 21 22 MIMIC, to imitate [v...
mimicker 21 21 one who mimics [n -S...
mimmicks 23 24 MIMMICK, to be over-...
mimsiest 17 14 MIMSY, prim, demure,...
minacity 24 17 the state of being t...
minarets 14 12 MINARET, a slender t...
minatory 20 14 menacing, also MINAT...
minciest 18 15 MINCY, affectedly da...
mindedly 22 17 in the manner of one...
mindfuck 22 24 an exhilarating expe...
mindings 16 16 MINDING, the act of...
mindless 16 14 lacking intelligence...
mindsets 15 13 MINDSET, a fixed men...
mineable 16 16 able to be mined, al...
mineolas 14 13 MINEOLA, a variety o...
minerals 15 13 MINERAL, any of vari...
minettes 14 12 MINETTE, (French) th...
minevers 16 16 MINEVER, the ermine...
mingiest 16 14 MINGY, mean and stin...
minglers 17 15 MINGLER, one who min...
mingling 18 18 the act of mixing [n...
miniated 14 13 MINIATE, to decorate...
miniates 14 12 MINIATE, to decorate...
minibars 17 15 MINIBAR, a small fri...
minibike 18 19 a small motorcycle [...
minicabs 20 18 MINICAB, a small tax...
minicamp 21 21 a brief training cam...
minicams 19 18 MINICAM, a portable...
minicars 18 15 MINICAR, a small aut...
minicoms 19 18 MINICOM, a communica...
minidisc 19 16 a miniature compact...
minidish 18 15 a small receiving di...
minidisk 17 17 a miniature compact...
minified 17 16 MINIFY, to diminish,...
minifies 17 15 MINIFY, to diminish,...
minigolf 19 18 a game similar to go...
minikins 16 17 MINIKIN, a small dai...
minilabs 18 16 MINILAB, a retail ou...
minimals 17 16 MINIMAL, a term in a...
minimart 16 15 a small supermarket,...
miniment 15 16 a means of defence,...
minimill 19 17 a small-scale steel...
minimise 16 15 to make as small as...
minimism 18 18 the inclination to r...
minimist 17 15 one inclined to redu...
minimize 19 24 to make as small as...
minimoto 15 15 a reduced size repli...
minimums 18 19 MINIMUM, the least p...
minipark 18 19 a small city park [n...
minipill 20 17 a low dose oral cont...
minished 17 15 MINISH, (archaic) to...
minishes 17 14 MINISH, (archaic) to...
miniskis 17 16 MINISKI, a short ski...
minisode 14 13 a heavily abridged v...
minister 15 12 to give aid or servi...
ministry 22 14 the act of ministeri...
minivans 16 17 MINIVAN, a small van...
minivers 17 16 MINIVER, the ermine...
minivets 17 16 MINIVET, a brightly...
minneola 13 14 a variety of citrus...
minnicks 19 20 MINNICK, to be over...
minnocks 18 20 MINNOCK, to be over...
minorcas 17 15 MINORCA, any of a br...
minoring 15 15 MINOR, to study a su...
minority 21 14 the fact of being li...
minotaur 14 13 as in minotaur beetl...
minshuku 19 20 a Japanese guest hou...
minsters 15 12 MINSTER, a large chu...
minstrel 16 13 a medieval musician,...
mintages 15 14 MINTAGE, the coin, o...
mintiest 15 12 MINTY, having the fl...
minuends 14 15 MINUEND, a number fr...
minueted 14 14 MINUET, to dance a m...
minutely 22 16 MINUTE, very small [...
minutest 15 13 MINUTE, very small [...
minutiae 14 13 MINUTIA, a small det...
minutial 16 14 of or like a minutia...
minuting 16 16 MINUTE, to take brie...
minyanim 21 18 MINYAN, the minimum...
miosises 15 11 MIOSIS, (Greek) exce...
miquelet 24 22 (French) an irregula...
miracles 19 15 MIRACLE, an event as...
miradors 15 12 MIRADOR, (Spanish) a...
mirbanes 16 15 MIRBANE, an apparent...
mirepoix 23 21 sauteed diced vegeta...
miriness 15 12 the state of being m...
mirkiest 17 15 MIRKY, dark, also MU...
mirliest 17 12 MIRLY, marbled [adj]
mirliton 16 13 (French) a musical i...
miromiro 16 14 a small New Zealand...
mirrored 15 12 MIRROR, to reflect a...
mirthful 22 18 full of mirth [adj M...
misacted 18 15 MISACT, to act badly...
misadapt 17 15 to adapt wrongly [v...
misadded 15 14 MISADD, to add incor...
misagent 15 14 a bad agent [n -S]
misaimed 16 15 MISAIM, to aim badly...
misalign 17 15 to align improperly...
misallot 17 13 to allot wrongly [v...
misalter 16 12 to alter wrongly [v...
misandry 21 15 hatred of men [n MIS...
misapply 27 20 to apply wrongly [v...
misarray 21 13 (Scott) disarray [n...
misassay 21 13 to attempt unsuccess...
misatone 13 12 to atone wrongly [v...
misavers 17 15 MISAVER, to speak er...
misaward 18 15 to award wrongly [v...
misbegan 17 17 MISBEGIN, to begin w...
misbegin 18 17 to begin wrongly [v...
misbegot 18 16 born out of wedlock...
misbegun 18 18 MISBEGIN, to begin w...
misbills 21 16 MISBILL, to bill wro...
misbinds 18 16 MISBIND, to bind imp...
misbirth 21 16 (archaic) an abortio...
misbound 17 17 MISBIND, to bind imp...
misbrand 17 16 to brand incorrectly...
misbuild 20 17 to build imperfectly...
misbuilt 20 16 MISBUILD, to build i...
miscalls 21 16 MISCALL, to call by...
miscarry 25 16 to be unsuccessful [...
miscasts 19 14 MISCAST, to cast in...
miscegen 18 17 a person of mixed ra...
mischief 23 19 petty misdeeds [n -S...
mischose 20 16 MISCHOOSE, to choose...
miscible 22 18 capable of being mix...
miscited 19 15 MISCITE, to cite wro...
miscites 19 14 MISCITE, to cite wro...
misclaim 21 18 to claim wrongfully...
misclass 20 15 to put in the wrong...
miscoded 18 16 MISCODE, to code wro...
miscodes 18 15 MISCODE, to code wro...
miscoins 18 15 MISCOIN, to coin imp...
miscolor 19 15 to color incorrectly...
miscooks 19 18 MISCOOK, to cook bad...
miscount 18 16 to count incorrectly...
miscreed 18 15 a false creed [n -S]
miscuing 20 18 MISCUE, to make a fa...
misdated 15 13 MISDATE, to date inc...
misdates 15 12 MISDATE, to date inc...
misdeals 16 13 MISDEAL, to deal car...
misdealt 16 13 MISDEAL, to deal car...
misdeeds 15 13 MISDEED, an evil act...
misdeems 16 15 MISDEEM, to judge un...
misdempt 19 18 MISDEEM, to judge un...
misdials 17 13 MISDIAL, to dial inc...
misdiets 16 12 MISDIET [n]
misdight 20 16 (Spenser) to mismana...
misdoers 15 12 MISDOER, a wrongdoer...
misdoing 16 15 the act of doing wro...
misdonne 13 14 MISDO, to do wrongly...
misdoubt 18 16 to be suspicious of...
misdrawn 18 16 MISDRAW, to draw inc...
misdraws 19 15 MISDRAW, to draw inc...
misdread 15 13 (Shakespeare) to fea...
misdrive 18 16 to drive improperly...
misdrove 17 16 MISDRIVE, to drive i...
miseases 14 11 MISEASE, (archaic) u...
miseaten 13 12 MISEAT, to eat impro...
misedits 16 12 MISEDIT, to edit inc...
misenrol 15 13 to enrol incorrectly...
misenter 14 12 to enter erroneously...
misentry 21 14 an erroneous entry o...
miserere 14 11 the psalm usually ap...
miseries 15 11 MISERY, a state of g...
misevent 16 16 a mishap [n -S]
misfaith 20 16 (archaic) distrust [...
misfalls 20 16 MISFALL, unluckily t...
misfalne 17 16 MISFALL, unluckily t...
misfared 17 15 MISFARE, to fare bad...
misfares 17 14 MISFARE, to fare bad...
misfeeds 17 15 MISFEED, to feed inc...
misfeign 18 17 (Spenser) to feign w...
misfield 19 16 to field badly [v -E...
misfiled 19 16 MISFILE, to file in...
misfiles 19 15 MISFILE, to file in...
misfired 18 15 MISFIRE, to fail to...
misfires 18 14 MISFIRE, to fail to...
misfocus 21 18 to focus badly [v MI...
misforms 19 17 MISFORM, to make in...
misframe 18 17 to frame badly [v MI...
misgauge 17 16 to gauge incorrectly...
misgiven 18 18 MISGIVE, to make dou...
misgives 19 17 MISGIVE, to make dou...
misgoing 17 16 MISGO, to go astray...
misgrade 16 14 to grade incorrectly...
misgraff 21 19 (Shakespeare) badly...
misgraft 19 16 to graft wrongly [v...
misgrown 19 17 MISGROW, to grow abn...
misgrows 20 16 MISGROW, to grow abn...
misguess 17 14 to guess wrongly [v...
misguide 17 15 to guide wrongly [v...
misheard 17 14 MISHEAR, to hear inc...
mishears 17 13 MISHEAR, to hear inc...
mishmash 21 18 a confused mixture,...
mishmees 18 16 MISHMEE, the bitter...
mishmosh 21 18 a confused mixture,...
mishugas 19 16 (Yiddish) crazy or f...
misinfer 17 15 to infer wrongly [v...
misinter 15 12 to inter improperly...
misjoins 17 21 MISJOIN, to join inc...
misjudge 19 24 to judge wrongly [v...
miskeeps 18 18 MISKEEP, to keep wro...
miskeyed 22 18 MISKEY, to key in da...
miskicks 22 22 MISKICK, to kick bad...
misknown 18 20 MISKNOW, to fail to...
misknows 19 19 MISKNOW, to fail to...
mislabel 19 16 to label incorrectly...
mislabor 18 15 to labor badly, also...
mislayer 22 14 one who mislays [n -...
misleads 16 13 MISLEAD, to lead ast...
mislearn 15 13 to learn wrongly [v...
misleeke 16 16 (Spenser) to dislike...
misletoe 15 12 (obsolete) mistletoe...
mislight 21 16 to lead astray by it...
misliked 18 17 MISLIKE, (archaic) t...
misliker 18 16 one who mislikes [n...
mislikes 18 16 MISLIKE, (archaic) t...
mislived 19 17 MISLIVE, to live a b...
mislives 19 16 MISLIVE, to live a b...
mislodge 17 15 to lodge in a wrong...
mislucks 22 20 MISLUCK, to meet wit...
mislying 24 17 MISLIE, to lie in th...
mismakes 17 18 MISMAKE, to make inc...
mismarks 18 18 MISMARK, to mark wro...
mismarry 23 16 to marry unsuitably...
mismatch 22 19 to match badly [v -E...
mismated 16 15 MISMATE, to mate uns...
mismates 16 14 MISMATE, to mate uns...
mismeets 16 14 MISMEET, to meet und...
mismetre 16 14 to spoil the metre (...
mismoved 18 19 MISMOVE, to move wro...
mismoves 18 18 MISMOVE, to move wro...
misnamed 15 16 MISNAME, to call by...
misnames 15 15 MISNAME, to call by...
misnomer 15 15 the use of a wrong n...
misogamy 23 18 a hatred of marriage...
misogyny 28 18 a hatred of women [n...
misology 23 16 a hatred of debate o...
misorder 15 12 to order incorrectly...
mispaged 18 17 MISPAGE, to page inc...
mispages 18 16 MISPAGE, to page inc...
mispaint 17 15 to paint wrongly [v...
misparse 17 14 to parse incorrectly...
misparts 18 14 MISPART, to part bad...
mispatch 23 19 to patch badly [v -E...
misplace 21 18 to put in a wrong pl...
misplans 18 16 MISPLAN, to plan bad...
misplant 18 16 to plant wrongly [v...
misplays 25 17 MISPLAY, to make a b...
misplead 18 16 to plead wrongly or...
mispoint 17 15 to point improperly...
mispoise 17 14 to poise incorrectly...
misprice 21 17 to price incorrectly...
misprint 18 15 to print incorrectly...
misprise 18 14 to undervalue, also...
misprize 21 23 to undervalue, also...
misproud 18 16 (archaic) unduly pro...
misquote 23 21 to quote incorrectly...
misraise 15 11 to raise wrongly [v...
misrated 15 12 MISRATE, to rate inc...
misrates 15 11 MISRATE, to rate inc...
misreads 15 12 MISREAD, to read inc...
misrefer 17 14 to refer incorrectly...
misroute 15 12 to route incorrectly...
misruled 17 14 MISRULE, to rule unw...
misrules 17 13 MISRULE, to rule unw...
missable 18 15 able to be missed [a...
misseats 15 11 MISSEAT, to seat wro...
misseems 16 14 MISSEEM, to be unbec...
missells 18 13 MISSELL, to sell an...
missends 15 13 MISSEND, to send inc...
missense 14 12 to sense wrongly [v...
misshape 19 16 to shape badly [v MI...
misshood 17 14 the state of being a...
missiest 16 11 MISSY, like a miss [...
missiles 17 12 MISSILE, an object o...
missilry 24 14 missiles collectivel...
missions 15 12 MISSION, to send to...
missises 16 11 MISSIS, (colloquial)...
missives 18 15 MISSIVE, a written c...
missorts 16 11 MISSORT, to sort bad...
missound 15 14 to sound wrongly [v...
missouts 16 12 MISSOUT, a losing th...
misspace 20 17 to space incorrectly...
misspeak 18 18 to speak incorrectly...
misspell 20 16 to spell incorrectly...
misspelt 19 15 MISSPELL, to spell i...
misspend 17 16 to spend unwisely [v...
misspent 17 15 MISSPEND, to spend u...
misspoke 18 18 MISSPEAK, to speak i...
misstamp 19 17 to stamp wrongly [v...
misstart 16 11 to start off badly [...
misstate 15 11 to state wrongly [v...
missteer 15 11 to steer wrongly [v...
missteps 18 14 MISSTEP, to make a w...
misstops 18 14 MISSTOP, to stop wro...
misstyle 23 14 to style wrongly [v...
missuits 17 12 MISSUIT, to suit bad...
missuses 16 12 MISSUS, (colloquial)...
mistaken 15 16 MISTAKE, to interpre...
mistaker 16 15 one who makes a mist...
mistakes 16 15 MISTAKE, to interpre...
mistbows 21 17 MISTBOW, a whiteish...
misteach 20 16 to teach wrongly or...
mistells 18 13 MISTELL, to inform w...
mistends 15 13 MISTEND, to tend to...
mistered 15 12 MISTER, to address a...
misterms 17 14 MISTERM, to call by...
misthink 19 18 to think wrongly [v...
misthrew 21 16 MISTHROW, to throw e...
misthrow 21 16 to throw errantly [v...
misticos 19 14 MISTICO, (Spanish) a...
mistiest 16 11 MISTY, blurry [adj]
mistimed 17 15 MISTIME, to time wro...
mistimes 17 14 MISTIME, to time wro...
mistings 17 14 MISTING, mist, misti...
mistitle 17 12 to call by the wrong...
mistling 18 15 MISTLE, to rain in s...
mistouch 21 17 to touch improperly...
mistrace 18 14 to trace wrongly [v...
mistrain 15 12 to train improperly...
mistrals 17 12 MISTRAL, a strong co...
mistreat 15 11 to treat badly [v -E...
mistress 16 11 a woman employer of...
mistrial 17 12 a trial made invalid...
mistrust 17 12 to have no trust in,...
mistruth 19 14 a lie [n -S]
mistryst 23 13 to fail to keep an a...
mistuned 15 14 MISTUNE, to tune inc...
mistunes 15 13 MISTUNE, to tune inc...
mistutor 16 12 to instruct badly [v...
mistyped 24 17 MISTYPE, to type inc...
mistypes 24 16 MISTYPE, to type inc...
misunion 14 14 a bad union [n -S]
misusage 16 14 incorrect use [n -S]
misusers 16 12 MISUSER, one who mis...
misusing 17 15 MISUSE, to use incor...
misvalue 18 17 to value incorrectly...
misweens 17 15 MISWEEN, to judge wr...
miswends 18 16 MISWEND, (Spenser) t...
miswords 19 15 MISWORD, to word wro...
miswrite 19 14 to write incorrectly...
miswrote 18 14 MISWRITE, to write i...
misyoked 22 18 MISYOKE, to yoke imp...
misyokes 22 17 MISYOKE, to yoke imp...
mitching 22 19 MITCH, to play truan...
miterers 15 11 MITERER, one that mi...
mitering 16 14 MITER, (US) to join...
mithered 17 14 MITHER, to confuse,...
miticide 19 15 a substance used to...
mitigant 16 14 something that mitig...
mitigate 16 13 to make less severe,...
mitogens 15 14 MITOGEN, a substance...
mitsvahs 20 17 MITSVAH, a commandme...
mitsvoth 20 17 MITSVAH, a commandme...
mittened 14 13 wearing mittens [adj...
mittimus 18 15 a warrant committing...
mitumbas 19 18 MITUMBA, used clothe...
mitzvahs 23 26 MITZVAH, a commandme...
mitzvoth 23 26 MITZVAH, a commandme...
miuruses 16 13 MIURUS, a hexameter...
mixdowns 24 23 MIXDOWN, mixing a mu...
mixology 29 23 the art of making mi...
mixtapes 23 21 MIXTAPE, a compilati...
mixtions 21 19 MIXTION, a mixture o...
mixtures 22 19 MIXTURE, the product...
mizmazes 22 32 MIZMAZE, a labyrinth...
mizzlier 23 30 MIZZLY, drizzly, rai...
mizzling 24 33 drizzling [n -S]
mnemonic 17 19 relating to memory [...
moanings 14 15 MOANING, the act of...
moatlike 16 16 like a moat [adj]
mobbings 20 20 MOBBING, a form of h...
mobbisms 21 20 MOBBISM, mobbish con...
mobbling 21 21 MOBBLE, (obsolete) t...
mobcasts 20 17 MOBCAST, to broadcas...
mobilise 18 15 to make moveable, al...
mobility 25 17 the ability to move...
mobilize 21 24 to make moveable, al...
mobisode 16 15 an episode of a TV s...
mobocrat 19 17 one who favors a for...
mobsters 17 14 MOBSTER, a member of...
mocassin 17 15 (Native American) a...
moccasin 20 18 (Native American) a...
mochells 22 18 MOCHELL [n]
mochiest 20 16 MOCHY, (Scots) mould...
mochilas 21 17 MOCHILA, a leather c...
mockable 21 22 able to be mocked [a...
mockages 19 20 MOCKAGE, (obsolete)...
mockered 18 19 MOCKER, to clothe [v...
mockings 20 21 MOCKING, the act of...
mockneys 24 21 MOCKNEY, a person wh...
mocktail 20 19 a cocktail with no a...
mocuddum 20 21 (Arabic) a leader, h...
modalism 17 16 belief in the unity...
modalist 16 13 an adherent of modal...
modality 22 15 the state of being m...
moddings 16 16 MODDING, the practic...
modelers 15 13 MODELER, one that mo...
modeling 16 16 the art of making a...
modelist 16 13 one who makes models...
modelled 16 15 MODEL, to form a pla...
modeller 16 14 one that models, als...
modellos 16 14 MODELLO, an artist's...
modeming 16 18 MODEM, to transmit b...
moderate 13 12 reasonable, not extr...
moderato 13 12 (Italian) a musical...
moderner 13 13 MODERN, pertaining t...
modernes 13 13 MODERNE, a design st...
modernly 21 16 MODERN, pertaining t...
modester 14 12 MODEST, unassuming [...
modestly 22 15 MODEST, unassuming [...
modicums 20 19 MODICUM, a small amo...
modified 17 16 MODIFY, to alter sli...
modifier 17 15 one that modifies [n...
modifies 17 15 MODIFY, to alter sli...
modiolar 15 13 pertaining to the mo...
modiolus 16 14 a bony shaft of the...
modishly 25 17 MODISH, fashionable;...
modistes 15 12 MODISTE, a dealer in...
modiwort 18 15 (dialect) a mole, al...
modulars 16 14 MODULAR, a thing com...
modulate 15 14 to adjust to a certa...
moellons 15 14 MOELLON, (French) ru...
mofettes 16 14 MOFETTE, a fissure i...
moffette 18 17 a fissure in the ear...
mofussil 19 16 in India, the rural...
mohicans 19 17 MOHICAN, a punk hair...
moidered 14 13 MOIDER, to confuse,...
moidores 14 12 MOIDORE, a former go...
moieties 14 11 MOIETY, a half, also...
moineaus 13 13 MOINEAU, (French) a...
moistens 14 12 MOISTEN, to make or...
moistest 15 11 MOIST, slightly wet...
moistful 19 16 full of moisture [ad...
moistify 24 16 to make moist [v MOI...
moisting 16 14 MOIST, to wet slight...
moisture 15 12 moistness from liqui...
moithers 17 13 MOITHER, to confuse,...
mojarras 16 20 MOJARRA, any of vari...
mokaddam 16 20 (Arabic) a leader, h...
mokomoko 16 22 a type of skink foun...
mokopuna 16 20 (Maori) a grandchild...
molality 23 15 the number of moles...
molarity 22 14 the number of moles...
molasses 15 12 a thick dark treacle...
moldable 18 17 able to be molded [a...
moldered 15 14 MOLDER, to turn to d...
moldiest 16 13 MOLDY, mouldy [adj]
moldings 17 16 MOLDING, a long, nar...
moldwarp 21 19 (dialect) a mole, al...
molecast 18 15 a little elevation o...
molecule 19 17 the smallest unit of...
molehill 20 16 a little elevation o...
molehunt 17 16 a hunt for moles [n...
moleskin 16 17 a heavy durable cott...
molested 15 13 MOLEST, to touch or...
molester 15 12 one who molests [n -...
molimens 16 16 MOLIMEN, (Latin) a g...
molinets 15 13 MOLINET, (French) a...
mollusca 20 17 MOLLUSCUM, a childho...
molluscs 21 17 MOLLUSC, an animal b...
mollusks 19 18 MOLLUSK, an animal b...
molossus 16 13 a metrical foot of t...
moltenly 22 16 MOLTEN, made liquid...
molybdic 28 21 pertaining to a cert...
momently 22 18 from moment to momen...
momentos 14 15 MOMENTO, something k...
momentum 16 19 force of movement [n...
momzerim 20 26 MOMZER, (Yiddish) an...
monachal 19 18 of or pertaining to...
monacids 17 16 MONACID, a compound...
monadism 15 16 the theory that ther...
monamine 13 16 an amine containing...
monandry 19 16 the condition of hav...
monarchs 19 17 MONARCH, an absolute...
monarchy 25 19 rule by a monarch [n...
monardas 13 13 MONARDA, a plant of...
monastic 17 15 relating to monks [a...
monaural 14 14 monophonic, pertaini...
monaxial 20 20 having only one axis...
monaxons 18 20 MONAXON, a straight...
monazite 16 21 a phosphate of ceriu...
mondaine 12 14 a (female) person wh...
mondains 13 14 MONDAIN, a (male) pe...
monecian 15 16 having separate male...
monellin 15 15 a protein extracted...
monerans 12 13 MONERAN, a cellular...
monetary 19 14 pertaining to money...
monetise 13 12 to coin into money,...
monetize 16 21 to coin into money,...
moneybag 22 19 a bag for holding mo...
moneybox 27 24 a box for keeping mo...
moneyers 19 14 MONEYER, (archaic) a...
moneyman 19 18 a person specializin...
moneymen 19 18 MONEYMAN, a person s...
mongcorn 17 18 a mixed grain, esp....
mongeese 13 14 MONGOOSE, a carnivor...
mongered 14 15 MONGER, to peddle [v...
mongoose 13 14 a carnivorous mammal...
mongrels 16 15 MONGREL, a plant or...
monicker 18 19 (slang) a name; an a...
monikers 15 16 MONIKER, (slang) a n...
moniliae 14 13 MONILIA, (Latin) a f...
monilial 16 14 relating to monilia,...
monilias 15 13 MONILIA, (Latin) a f...
moniment 14 16 an historic commemor...
monished 16 15 MONISH, to admonish;...
monishes 16 14 MONISH, to admonish;...
monistic 18 15 of, pertaining to, o...
monition 13 13 a caution; a warning...
monitive 16 16 giving warning [adj]
monitors 14 12 MONITOR, to keep tra...
monitory 20 14 a letter containing...
monkeyed 20 19 MONKEY, to mimic [v]
monkfish 20 21 a large edible marin...
monkhood 16 19 the state of being a...
monoacid 16 16 a compound having on...
monobloc 19 19 made from a single p...
monobrow 18 18 a derogatory word fo...
monocarp 18 18 a plant that yields...
monocled 17 17 wearing a monocle [a...
monocles 17 16 MONOCLE, an eyeglass...
monocots 16 15 MONOCOT, (short for)...
monocrat 16 15 one who governs alon...
monocrop 18 18 to plant the same cr...
monocyte 22 17 a type of white bloo...
monodies 13 13 MONODY, an elegy per...
monodist 14 13 a writer of a monody...
monodont 12 14 one-tusked, like a n...
monofils 17 16 MONOFIL, a single fi...
monofuel 16 17 a type of rocket pro...
monogamy 21 19 marriage with one pe...
monogeny 19 17 the (theoretical) co...
monogerm 15 17 of a fruit that prod...
monoglot 15 15 a person speaking or...
monogony 19 17 asexual reproduction...
monogram 15 17 to mark with one's i...
monogyny 26 19 the condition of hav...
monohull 18 17 a vessel with one hu...
monokine 13 17 a substance secreted...
monokini 14 17 swimwear comprising...
monoline 13 14 as in monoline insur...
monolith 17 15 a large single stone...
monologs 15 15 MONOLOG, a lengthy s...
monology 21 17 the act of uttering...
monomark 15 19 a particular combina...
monomers 14 15 MONOMER, the simples...
monomial 15 16 an algebraic express...
monomode 13 16 designating a very f...
mononyms 20 18 MONONYM, a person wh...
monopode 14 16 a one-footed person...
monopods 15 16 MONOPOD, a one-foote...
monopody 21 18 a measure consisting...
monopole 15 16 a particle, thought...
monopoly 22 18 exclusive control or...
monorail 14 13 a railway running on...
monosemy 20 17 having a single mean...
monosies 13 12 MONOSY, a separation...
monoskis 15 16 MONOSKI, to ski on a...
monosome 13 15 an unpaired chromoso...
monosomy 20 17 a condition of havin...
monotask 14 16 to perform one task...
monotint 13 13 a painting done in d...
monotone 11 13 to sing or speak in...
monotony 18 15 tedious sameness [n...
monotype 21 17 a monotypic genus or...
monoxide 19 20 an oxide containing...
monsieur 14 13 a French title of co...
monsoons 12 13 MONSOON, a wind syst...
monstera 13 12 a kind of fruit, gro...
monsters 14 12 MONSTER, an extraord...
montaged 14 15 MONTAGE, to combine...
montages 14 14 MONTAGE, to combine...
montanes 12 13 MONTANE, the lower v...
montanto 12 13 a vertical member in...
montants 13 13 MONTANT, a vertical...
montaria 13 12 in Brazil, a light c...
monteith 16 14 (Scots) a large 17th...
monteros 13 12 MONTERO, a huntsman'...
monticle 18 16 a little hill, also...
montures 14 13 MONTURE, (French) a...
monument 14 17 anything that preser...
monurons 13 14 MONURON, a herbicide...
moochers 19 16 MOOCHER, a truant, a...
mooching 20 19 MOOCH, to play truan...
moodiest 14 12 MOODY, given to chan...
moodying 21 17 MOODY, to persuade b...
mooktars 15 15 MOOKTAR, (Arabic) an...
moolvies 17 16 MOOLVIE, a teacher o...
moonbeam 15 18 a ray of light from...
moonbows 18 18 MOONBOW, a rainbow f...
mooncake 16 19 a kind of Chinese pa...
mooncalf 19 19 a foolish person [n...
moondogs 14 15 MOONDOG, a bright sp...
moondust 14 14 dust on the moon [n...
mooneyes 18 14 MOONEYE, a freshwate...
moonface 17 18 a full round face [n...
moonfish 18 17 the opah or other si...
moongate 13 14 a circular gate in a...
mooniest 13 12 MOONY, resembling th...
moonless 14 13 lacking the light of...
moonlets 14 13 MOONLET, a small sat...
moonlike 15 17 like a moon [adj]
moonport 15 15 a facility for launc...
moonrise 13 12 the time when the mo...
moonrock 17 19 rock from the moon's...
moonroof 14 15 the transport roof o...
moonsail 14 13 a sail sometimes car...
moonseed 12 13 a plant of genus Men...
moonsets 13 12 MOONSET, the time wh...
moonshee 14 14 (Hindi) a secretary,...
moonship 18 17 a lunar module [n -S...
moonshot 15 14 the launching of a s...
moonwalk 18 20 an astronaut's walk...
moonward 16 16 in the direction of...
moonwort 16 15 the plant honesty (f...
moorages 14 13 MOORAGE, the act of...
moorburn 16 16 the seasonal burning...
moorcock 21 21 the male moorfowl [n...
moorfowl 20 18 a red, or black, gro...
moorhens 15 14 MOORHEN, a water bir...
mooriest 14 11 MOORY, of or pertain...
moorills 17 13 MOORILL, (Scots) a c...
moorings 15 14 MOORING, a place whe...
moorland 14 14 a tract of marshy la...
moorlogs 16 14 MOORLOG, a deposit o...
moorwort 17 14 a marsh flower, aka...
mootable 16 15 able to be mooted [a...
mootings 15 14 MOOTING, a meeting,...
mootness 13 12 the state of being w...
mopboard 18 18 a narrow board naile...
mopehawk 22 23 an owl of Australia...
moperies 16 14 MOPERY, violation of...
mopheads 18 17 MOPHEAD, a person wi...
mopiness 16 15 the state of being m...
mopingly 25 20 MOPING [adv]
mopishly 27 19 MOPISH, dull; spirit...
moppiest 19 17 MOPPY, (obsolete) dr...
mopstick 22 21 the long handle of a...
moquette 22 21 a thick piled fabric...
morainal 14 13 of or pertaining to...
moraines 13 12 MORAINE, an accumula...
morainic 17 15 of or pertaining to...
moralise 15 12 to explain in a mora...
moralism 17 15 the practice of mora...
moralist 16 12 a teacher of moralit...
morality 22 14 conformity to the ru...
moralize 18 21 to explain in a mora...
moralled 16 14 MORAL, (archaic) to...
moraller 16 13 (Shakespeare) a mora...
morasses 14 11 MORASS, a very wet o...
moratory 20 13 authorizing delay of...
morbider 17 15 MORBID, of the natur...
morbidly 25 18 MORBID, of the natur...
morbific 23 20 causing disease [adj...
morbilli 20 16 measles [n]
morbuses 17 15 MORBUS, (Latin) a di...
morceaux 23 22 MORCEAU, a short lit...
mordancy 23 18 the quality of being...
mordants 14 13 MORDANT, to impregna...
mordents 14 13 MORDENT, a rapidly a...
morelles 16 13 MORELLE, a flowering...
morellos 16 13 MORELLO, a dark red...
morendos 13 13 MORENDO, (Italian) a...
moreness 13 12 the state of being m...
moreover 15 15 in addition [adv]
morepork 17 18 an owl of Australia...
moresque 22 21 an ancient decorativ...
moribund 17 17 being about to die [...
moriches 20 16 MORICHE, a tall Sout...
moriscos 18 14 MORISCO, an arabesqu...
morlings 17 15 MORLING, a sheep tha...
mormaors 15 14 MORMAOR, a high-rank...
mornings 15 15 MORNING, the early p...
moroccos 20 17 MOROCCO, a fine goat...
moronism 15 15 the condition of bei...
moronity 20 14 the condition of bei...
morosely 21 14 MOROSE, sad, gloomy...
morosest 14 11 MOROSE, sad, gloomy...
morosity 21 13 (obsolete) morosenes...
morphean 17 17 pertaining to Morphe...
morpheme 19 19 a word or part of a...
morphews 22 19 MORPHEW, a skin erup...
morphias 19 16 MORPHIA, a painkilli...
morphine 18 17 the principal alkalo...
morphing 20 19 the technique of usi...
morphins 19 17 MORPHIN, the princip...
morrells 17 13 MORRELL, a tall euca...
morrhuas 17 14 MORRHUA, an old name...
morrices 18 14 MORRICE, (obsolete)...
morrions 14 12 MORRION, (historical...
morrised 15 12 MORRIS, to dance the...
morrises 15 11 MORRIS, to dance the...
morseled 15 13 MORSEL, to divide in...
morsures 15 12 MORSURE, a bite [n]
mortally 23 15 MORTAL, fatal [adv]
mortared 14 12 MORTAR, to bind with...
mortbell 19 16 a funeral bell [n -S...
mortgage 16 15 to pledge to a credi...
morticed 18 15 MORTICE, to join or...
morticer 18 14 one who makes mortic...
mortices 18 14 MORTICE, to join or...
mortific 21 17 death-bringing, dead...
mortised 15 12 MORTISE, to join or...
mortiser 15 11 one who makes mortis...
mortises 15 11 MORTISE, to join or...
mortling 17 15 a sheep that has die...
mortmain 15 15 the perpetual owners...
mortsafe 16 14 a heavy iron cage pl...
mortuary 21 14 a place where dead b...
morwongs 18 17 MORWONG, (Native Aus...
mosasaur 14 12 a gigantic Cretaceou...
moscatos 17 14 MOSCATO, a sweet des...
moschate 19 16 having a musky odour...
moselles 16 13 MOSELLE, a German wh...
moseying 21 16 MOSEY, to saunter [v...
moshavim 20 20 MOSHAV, a cooperativ...
moshings 18 16 MOSHING, a style of...
moslings 17 15 thin shavings taken...
mosquito 23 21 any dipterous insect...
mossback 21 21 a person of antiquat...
mossiest 15 11 MOSSY, covered with...
mossland 15 14 wet land [n -S]
mosslike 17 16 like moss [adj]
mostests 15 11 MOSTEST, (facetious)...
mostwhat 20 16 (Spenser) for the mo...
motelier 15 12 the owner or manager...
mothball 21 18 a ball of naphthalen...
mothered 16 14 MOTHER, to give birt...
motherly 24 16 maternal [adj]
mothiest 17 13 MOTHY, full of moths...
mothlike 19 18 like a moth [adj]
motility 23 14 the ability to move,...
motional 14 13 relating to motion [...
motioned 13 13 MOTION, to direct by...
motioner 13 12 one who makes a moti...
motivate 16 15 to inspire to action...
motiving 18 18 MOTIVE, to inspire t...
motivity 24 17 the ability to move,...
motleyer 21 14 MOTLEY, diversified...
motliest 16 12 MOTLEY, diversified...
motorail 15 12 a train system [n -S...
motorbus 17 15 a bus driven by an i...
motorcar 17 14 an automobile [n -S]
motordom 15 15 the motor vehicle in...
motorial 15 12 of or pertaining to...
motoring 15 14 the recreation of tr...
motorise 14 11 to provide with moto...
motorist 15 11 one who travels by a...
motorium 16 15 that part of the ner...
motorize 17 20 to provide with moto...
motorman 14 15 one who operates an...
motormen 14 15 MOTORMAN, one who op...
motorway 23 16 a type of highway [n...
mottiest 15 11 MOTTY, (Scots) conta...
mottlers 16 12 MOTTLER, one who mot...
mottling 17 15 a blotched appearanc...
mouchard 20 18 (French) a police sp...
mouchers 20 17 MOUCHER, a truant, a...
mouching 21 20 MOUCH, to play truan...
mouchoir 20 17 (French) a handkerch...
moufflon 19 20 (French) a Corsican...
mouflons 17 17 MOUFLON, (French) a...
moulages 16 15 MOULAGE, (French) an...
moulders 16 14 MOULDER, to turn to...
mouldier 16 14 MOULDY, covered with...
moulding 17 17 a long, narrow strip...
moulinet 15 14 a machine for bendin...
moulters 16 13 MOULTER, one that mo...
moulting 17 16 the act of shedding...
mounding 15 17 MOUND, to heap in a...
mounseer 13 13 (archaic) a Frenchma...
mountain 13 14 a large, natural ele...
mountant 13 14 an adhesive paste fo...
mounters 14 13 MOUNTER, one who mou...
mounting 15 16 a backing for someth...
mourners 14 13 MOURNER, one that mo...
mournful 18 18 sad, grieving [adj M...
mourning 15 16 an outward sign of g...
mousakas 15 16 MOUSAKA, a Greek dis...
mousekin 15 17 (archaic) a little m...
mousemat 15 15 a piece of material...
mousepad 16 16 a pad for a computer...
mousiest 15 12 MOUSY, like a mouse;...
mousings 16 15 MOUSING, a wrapping...
mousling 17 16 MOUSLE, to pull roug...
mousmees 15 15 MOUSMEE, a Japanese...
moussaka 15 16 a Greek dish consist...
mousseux 21 20 a sparkling wine [n...
moussing 16 15 MOUSSE, to apply a h...
mousting 16 15 MOUST, to powder, al...
moutered 14 13 MOUTER, to take mout...
mouterer 14 12 (Scots) a person who...
mouthers 17 14 MOUTHER, one who mou...
mouthful 21 19 as much as a mouth c...
mouthier 17 14 MOUTHY, outspoken, o...
mouthily 25 17 MOUTHY, outspoken, o...
mouthing 18 17 MOUTH, to feed into...
movables 19 19 MOVABLE, something t...
moveable 18 19 something that can b...
moveably 25 21 so as to be capable...
moveless 17 16 incapable of movemen...
movement 16 19 the act of moving [n...
moviedom 17 19 the world of the mov...
movieoke 16 19 like karaoke, but ac...
movieola 16 16 (tradename) a brand...
movingly 25 21 so as to affect the...
moviolas 17 16 MOVIOLA, (tradename)...
mowburns 20 19 MOWBURN, to heat and...
mowburnt 20 19 MOWBURN, to heat and...
moyities 21 13 MOYITY, (Spenser) mo...
mozettas 17 20 MOZETTA, (italian) a...
mozzetta 20 29 (Italian) a hooded c...
mozzette 20 29 MOZZETTA, (Italian)...
mozzling 23 33 MOZZLE, (Hebrew) to...
mridanga 15 15 (Sanskrit) a two-hea...
mridangs 16 15 MRIDANG, (Sanskrit)...
muchacha 25 22 a young woman or fem...
muchacho 25 22 (Spanish) a boy, man...
muchells 23 19 MUCHELL, (Spenser) a...
muchness 20 18 greatness [n -ES]
mucidity 26 18 mouldiness [n MUCIDI...
mucigens 19 18 MUCIGEN, a substance...
mucilage 20 18 an adhesive substanc...
mucinoid 18 17 of or like mucin, a...
mucinous 18 17 of or like mucin, a...
muckered 19 20 MUCKER, to squander...
muckheap 23 24 a dunghill [n -S]
muckiest 20 19 MUCKY, dirty [adj]
muckluck 26 28 (Inuit) a type of se...
muckrake 20 23 to search for and ex...
muckworm 24 25 a worm found in manu...
mucoidal 19 17 mucus-like [adj]
mucosity 25 17 the state of being m...
mucrones 17 16 MUCRO, a sharp point...
muculent 19 18 like mucus [adj]
mudbanks 18 21 MUDBANK, a sloping a...
mudbaths 20 18 MUDBATH, a medicinal...
muddiest 16 14 MUDDY, covered with...
muddlers 17 15 MUDDLER, one who mud...
muddlier 17 15 MUDDLY, disordered [...
muddling 18 18 confused [adj MUDDLI...
muddying 23 19 MUDDY, to cover with...
mudflaps 21 20 MUDFLAP, a flap fixe...
mudflats 19 17 MUDFLAT, a level tra...
mudflows 22 20 MUDFLOW, a moving ma...
mudguard 17 17 a fender [n -S]
mudholes 18 16 MUDHOLE, a hollow pl...
mudhooks 18 19 MUDHOOK, (slang) an...
mudirias 16 13 MUDIRIA, (Arabic) th...
mudirieh 18 15 (Arabic) the provinc...
mudlarks 18 18 MUDLARK, to follow t...
mudpacks 22 23 MUDPACK, a cosmetic...
mudpuppy 29 25 a large salamander,...
mudrocks 20 20 MUDROCK, a pelite, a...
mudrooms 16 16 MUDROOM, a room for...
mudscows 22 19 MUDSCOW, a flat mud-...
mudsills 19 15 MUDSILL, the lowest...
mudslide 17 15 a slippage of mud do...
mudsling 18 17 to use insults and a...
mudslung 18 18 MUDSLING, to use ins...
mudstone 14 14 a fine-grained detri...
mudworts 19 16 MUDWORT, a small her...
mueddins 15 15 MUEDDIN, (Arabic) th...
muenster 14 13 a semisoft cow's mil...
muezzins 21 31 MUEZZIN, (Arabic) th...
mufflers 21 19 MUFFLER, a thick sca...
muffling 22 22 MUFFLE, to dull the...
muggiest 18 16 MUGGY, warm and humi...
muggings 19 19 MUGGING, a street as...
mugshots 19 16 MUGSHOT, a photograp...
mugworts 20 17 MUGWORT, a common Br...
mugwumps 24 24 MUGWUMP, a bolter fr...
muirburn 18 17 the seasonal burning...
muisting 17 15 MUIST, to powder, al...
mukhtars 19 18 MUKHTAR, an Indian l...
mulattas 16 13 MULATTA, (Spanish) t...
mulattos 16 13 MULATTO, (Spanish) t...
mulberry 25 18 any of various trees...
mulching 23 21 MULCH, to provide wi...
mulcting 21 19 MULCT, to take money...
mulesing 17 16 the practice of remo...
muleteer 15 13 a mule-driver [n -S]
mulishly 27 18 MULISH, like a mule;...
mullahed 19 17 MULLAH, to inflict a...
mullarky 25 20 (US colloquial) absu...
mulleins 17 15 MULLEIN, a tall, sti...
mullered 17 15 MULLER, to inflict a...
mulligan 18 17 a stew of meat and v...
mullions 17 15 MULLION, to provide...
mullites 18 14 MULLITE, an aluminiu...
mullocks 22 21 MULLOCK, (Australian...
mullocky 28 23 (Australian slang) l...
mulloway 26 19 a large Australian f...
mulmulls 21 19 MULMULL, (Hindi) a f...
mulshing 20 18 MULSH, to cover with...
multeity 23 15 manifoldness [n MULT...
multiage 17 15 including people of...
multicar 20 16 involving several ca...
multiday 23 16 lasting for more tha...
multifid 20 17 having many division...
multifil 21 17 a multiple strand of...
multigym 26 20 an apparatus designe...
multijet 19 22 having more than two...
multiped 19 17 an insect having man...
multiple 20 17 the product of a qua...
multiply 27 19 to increase in numbe...
multiton 16 14 weighing many tons [...
multiuse 17 14 having many uses [ad...
multiway 26 18 having several paths...
multured 17 15 MULTURE, to take a f...
multurer 17 14 a person who pays or...
multures 17 14 MULTURE, to take a f...
mumblers 20 19 MUMBLER, one who mum...
mumblier 20 19 MUMBLY, given to mum...
mumbling 21 22 making a mumbling so...
mummered 17 19 MUMMER, to take part...
mummings 19 21 MUMMING, the perform...
mummocks 22 25 MUMMOCK, (archaic) a...
mummying 25 23 MUMMY, to preserve b...
mumsiest 17 15 MUMSY, old-fashioned...
munchers 20 18 MUNCHER, one who mun...
munchier 20 18 MUNCHY, suitable for...
munchies 20 18 MUNCHIE, a small amo...
munching 21 21 MUNCH, to chew noisi...
munchkin 21 23 a very small person,...
mundaner 13 15 MUNDANE, ordinary, b...
mundungo 15 18 (Spanish) a foul-sme...
mungcorn 18 19 a mixed grain, esp....
mungoose 14 15 a carnivorous mammal...
munified 17 17 MUNIFY, to fortify,...
munifies 17 16 MUNIFY, to fortify,...
muniment 15 17 a means of defence,...
muniting 16 16 MUNITE, to fortify,...
munition 14 14 to furnish with war...
munnions 13 15 MUNNION, an upright...
munsters 15 13 MUNSTER, a semisoft...
muntined 14 15 having a muntin, a d...
muntings 16 16 MUNTING, the vertica...
muntjacs 20 25 MUNTJAC, a small Asi...
muntjaks 18 26 MUNTJAK, a small Asi...
muntries 15 13 MUNTRIE, (Native Aus...
muoniums 16 17 MUONIUM, an electron...
muqaddam 24 26 (Arabic) a leader, h...
muraenas 13 13 MURAENA, a food fish...
muraenid 14 14 an eel of the family...
muralist 17 13 a painter of murals...
muralled 17 15 decorated with a mur...
murdabad 17 17 (Urdu) death to, use...
murdered 15 14 MURDER, to kill unla...
murderee 14 13 one who is murdered...
murderer 15 13 one who murders [n -...
murgeons 15 15 MURGEON, to mock wit...
muriated 15 13 pickled [adj]
muriates 15 12 MURIATE, (archaic) a...
muriatic 19 15 briny [adj]
muricate 18 15 rough or warty with...
muriform 19 18 with cells arranged...
murkiest 17 16 MURKY, dark, also MI...
murksome 17 19 murky [adj]
murlains 16 14 MURLAIN, (Gaelic) a...
murliest 17 13 MURLY, (Scots) crumb...
murmured 17 17 MURMUR, to make a su...
murmurer 17 16 one who murmurs [n -...
murphies 20 17 MURPHY, (colloquial)...
murraghs 19 16 MURRAGH, a caddis fl...
murrains 15 13 MURRAIN, a disease o...
murrelet 16 13 any of several small...
murrhine 17 15 a kind of clear glas...
murrines 15 13 MURRINE, a kind of c...
murrions 15 13 MURRION, a disease o...
murthers 18 14 MURTHER, (dialect) t...
muscadel 19 17 a rich spicy wine de...
muscadet 18 16 a dry, white French...
muscadin 18 17 (French) a Parisian...
muscatel 19 16 a rich spicy wine de...
musclier 20 16 MUSCLY, of a muscula...
muscling 21 19 muscular structure o...
muscoids 19 16 MUSCOID, a mosslike...
muscones 17 16 MUSCONE, a macrocycl...
muscular 20 17 pertaining to muscle...
musettes 15 12 MUSETTE, (French) a...
mushiest 18 14 MUSHY, like mush, so...
mushings 19 17 MUSHING, the act of...
mushrats 18 14 MUSHRAT, a large sem...
mushroom 18 17 to grow or spread ra...
musicale 19 16 a program of music p...
musicals 20 16 MUSICAL, a show punc...
musician 18 16 one who performs or...
musicked 20 20 MUSICK, to compose m...
musicker 20 19 (dialect) a musician...
musimons 16 16 MUSIMON, a Corsican...
musingly 24 18 MUSING, reflective [...
musketry 23 18 the technique of fir...
muskiest 17 16 MUSKY, resembling mu...
muskones 15 17 MUSKONE, a macrocycl...
muskoxen 21 24 MUSKOX, a large bovi...
muskrats 17 16 MUSKRAT, a large sem...
muskroot 16 16 a plant of the genus...
muslined 16 15 clothed with muslin...
muslinet 16 14 a coarse kind of mus...
muspikes 19 19 MUSPIKE, a freshwate...
musquash 26 24 a large semiaquatic...
mussiest 16 12 MUSSY, disarranged,...
mustache 20 17 the unshaved hair on...
mustangs 16 15 MUSTANG, the wild or...
mustards 16 13 MUSTARD, a pungent c...
mustardy 22 15 like mustard [adj]
mustelid 17 14 a mammal of the weas...
mustered 15 13 MUSTER, to gather to...
musterer 15 12 one who musters (liv...
mustiest 16 12 MUSTY, having a stal...
mutagens 15 15 MUTAGEN, a substance...
mutandum 16 18 something to be alte...
mutating 16 15 MUTATE, to undergo m...
mutation 14 13 the act of changing...
mutative 17 16 changing, mutable, a...
mutators 15 12 MUTATOR, one that ca...
mutatory 21 14 changing, mutable, a...
mutching 22 20 MUTCH, to cadge [v]
mutchkin 22 22 (historical) an old...
muteness 14 13 the state of being m...
muticate 18 15 in botany, having no...
muticous 19 16 in botany, having no...
mutilate 16 13 to injure by cutting...
mutineer 14 13 to revolt against co...
mutinied 15 14 MUTINY, to revolt ag...
mutinies 15 13 MUTINY, to revolt ag...
mutining 16 16 MUTINE, to revolt ag...
mutinous 15 14 disposed to mutiny [...
muttered 15 13 MUTTER, to speak unc...
mutterer 15 12 one who mutters [n -...
mutually 24 17 MUTUAL, shared in co...
muzziest 22 30 MUZZY, confused [adj...
muzzlers 23 31 MUZZLER, a strong he...
muzzling 24 34 MUZZLE, to cover the...
mwalimus 21 19 MWALIMU, (Swahili) a...
myalgias 23 16 MYALGIA, muscular pa...
myalisms 24 17 MYALISM, a magic cul...
myalists 23 14 MYALIST, one who pra...
mycelial 26 18 relating to mycelium...
mycelian 24 18 relating to mycelium...
mycelium 27 21 the white threads or...
mycellas 26 18 MYCELLA, a blue-vein...
myceloid 25 18 resembling mycelium,...
mycetoma 24 19 a chronic fungus inf...
mycology 32 21 the branch of botany...
myelines 21 15 MYELINE, the fatty s...
myelinic 25 18 relating to myelin,...
myelites 22 14 MYELITIS, inflammati...
myelitis 23 14 inflammation of the...
myelomas 22 17 MYELOMA, a tumour of...
mylodons 21 16 MYLODON, an extinct...
mylodont 21 16 an extinct genus of...
mylonite 21 15 a hard, streaky, oft...
mynheers 22 16 MYNHEER, (Dutch) the...
myoblast 24 17 a cell capable of gi...
myogenic 24 19 originating in the m...
myograms 23 18 MYOGRAM, a record ma...
myograph 26 20 an instrument for re...
myologic 26 19 relating to myology,...
myomancy 30 22 devination from the...
myomeres 21 16 MYOMERE, part of a v...
myopathy 31 20 a disorder of muscle...
myophily 33 21 pollination of plant...
myoscope 25 19 an instrument for ob...
myosises 21 13 MYOSIS, (Greek) exce...
myositis 22 13 muscular pain from i...
myosotes 20 13 MYOSOTE, a flowering...
myosotis 21 13 a flowering plant, a...
myotomes 21 16 MYOTOME, a segment o...
myotonia 19 14 muscular spasm or ri...
myotonic 23 17 relating to myotonia...
myotubes 23 17 MYOTUBE, a cylindric...
myrbanes 22 17 MYRBANE, an apparent...
myriadth 24 16 one of a myriad equa...
myriapod 23 17 a multi-legged arthr...
myringas 22 16 MYRINGA, the eardrum...
myriopod 23 17 a multi-legged arthr...
myristic 26 16 relating to the nutm...
myrmidon 22 18 (Greek) a loyal foll...
myrrhine 23 16 of a kind of clear g...
myrrhols 25 16 MYRRHOL, the volatil...
myspaced 26 20 MYSPACE, to search f...
myspaces 26 19 MYSPACE, to search f...
mystagog 23 17 one who teaches myst...
mystical 26 17 spiritually signific...
mysticly 33 19 MYSTIC, related to m...
mystique 30 23 an aura of mystery [...
mythical 28 19 relating to myth, al...
mythiest 24 15 MYTHY, resembling my...
mythised 24 16 MYTHISE, to tell a t...
mythises 24 15 MYTHISE, to tell a t...
mythisms 26 18 MYTHISM, a theory th...
mythists 25 15 MYTHIST, an adherent...
mythized 27 25 MYTHIZE, to tell a t...
mythizes 27 24 MYTHIZE, to tell a t...
mytiloid 23 15 mussel-shaped [adj]
myxameba 29 26 a cell produced by a...
myxedema 27 24 (US) a skin disease,...
myxocyte 36 25 a large cell found i...
myxomata 27 23 MYXOMA, a tumour com...