4 letter words that start with M

4 letter words that start with M

4 letter M word


Words With Friends®


maar 7 7 (German) a volcanic...
maas 7 7 (South Africa) thick...
mabe 9 10 a cultured pearl [n...
mace 10 10 to attack with a clu...
mach 13 12 a number relating th...
mack 12 14 a raincoat, also MAC...
macs 11 10 MAC, (short for) mac...
made 7 8 MAKE, to cause to ex...
mads 8 8 MAD, to become or ma...
maes 7 7 MAE, (Scots) more [n...
mage 8 9 a magician; a person...
magg 10 11 (Scott) to steal, al...
magi 9 9 MAGUS, a magician, a...
mags 9 9 MAG, to tease; to st...
maha 9 9 as in maha yoga, a f...
maid 8 8 to work as a maidser...
maik 9 11 (Scots) a mate or co...
mail 9 8 to send by the gover...
maim 9 10 to injure or mutilat...
main 7 8 chief, principal [ad...
mair 8 7 (Scots) more [n -S]
make 8 11 to cause to exist [v...
maki 9 11 a small segment cut...
mako 8 11 a kind of large shar...
maks 9 11 MAK, (Scots) to make...
mala 8 8 (Hindi) a string of...
male 8 8 an individual that b...
mali 9 8 a member of the gard...
mall 10 9 to beat, batter, als...
malm 10 11 a soft, friable lime...
mals 9 8 MAL, (French) pain,...
malt 9 8 barley or other grai...
mama 8 10 a child's name for m...
mams 9 10 MAM, (dialect) mothe...
mana 6 8 a supernatural force...
mand 7 9 MAN, to provide with...
mane 6 8 the long hair that g...
mang 8 10 (archaic) to speak o...
mani 7 8 a stone prayer wall...
mano 6 8 a stone roller used...
mans 7 8 MAN, to provide with...
many 13 10 a great number [n MA...
maps 10 10 MAP, to plan a layou...
mara 7 7 a large rodent, like...
marc 11 10 the residue remainin...
mard 8 8 MAR, to spoil or dam...
mare 7 7 a female horse [n -S...
marg 9 9 (short for) margarin...
mark 9 11 to impress or stamp...
marl 9 8 to fertilize with a...
marm 9 10 a form of address to...
mars 8 7 MAR, to spoil or dam...
mart 8 7 to sell, trade [v -E...
mary 14 9 (Australian slang) a...
masa 7 7 (Spanish) in Mexican...
mase 7 7 to act as a maser, a...
mash 10 9 to pound down and cr...
mask 9 11 to cover, cloak or d...
mass 8 7 to assemble as a bod...
mast 8 7 to provide with a lo...
masu 8 8 a Japanese salmon [n...
mate 7 7 to couple with [v MA...
math 10 9 (short for) mathemat...
mats 8 7 MAT, to tangle close...
matt 8 7 a nonglossy surface,...
maty 14 9 friendly [adj MATIER...
maud 8 9 a Scottish gray and...
maul 9 9 to batter or maltrea...
maun 7 9 (dialect) must [v]
maut 8 8 (Scots) malt [n -S]
mawk 12 14 a maggot [n -S]
mawn 10 11 a regional measure o...
mawr 11 10 (dialect) a girl, es...
maws 11 10 MAW, (US) to mow [v]
maxi 14 14 a long skirt or coat...
maya 13 9 (Sanskrit) in Buddhi...
mayo 13 9 (short for) mayonnai...
mays 14 9 MAY, to gather flowe...
maze 10 16 to bewilder [v MAZED...
mazy 17 18 full of confusing tu...
mead 7 8 an alcoholic liquor...
meal 8 8 grain ground to powd...
mean 6 8 stingy; low [adj MEA...
meat 7 7 animal flesh used as...
mech 13 12 (short for) mechanic...
meck 12 14 (Scots) an old halfp...
meds 8 8 MED, (short for) med...
meed 7 8 a deserved reward [n...
meek 8 11 having a mild and ge...
meer 7 7 to mark off, also ME...
mees 7 7 MEE, a Malaysian noo...
meet 7 7 suitable [adj MEETER...
meff 12 13 (slang) a scruffy tr...
mega 8 9 very big [adj]
megs 9 9 MEG, (archaic) a hal...
mein 7 8 (Scots) to lament, m...
mela 8 8 (Hindi) in the India...
meld 9 9 to merge, blend [v -...
mell 10 9 (Scots) to mix, to m...
mels 9 8 MEL, honey [n]
melt 9 8 to change from a sol...
meme 8 10 a practice or belief...
memo 8 10 a brief note used as...
mems 9 10 MEM, the thirteenth...
mend 7 9 to repair [v -ED, -I...
mene 6 8 (Scots) to lament, m...
meng 8 10 (archaic) to mix; to...
meno 6 8 in music, less [adv]
ment 7 8 MENG, (archaic) to m...
menu 7 9 a list of dishes tha...
meou 7 8 to make the sound of...
meow 10 10 to make the sound of...
merc 11 10 (short for) a mercen...
mere 7 7 nothing more, nothin...
meri 8 7 (Maori) a war-club [...
merk 9 11 an old Scotch silver...
merl 9 8 a blackbird, also ME...
mesa 7 7 (Spanish) a flat-top...
mese 7 7 (Greek) in Greek mus...
mesh 10 9 the opening between...
mess 8 7 to make dirty or unt...
meta 7 7 pertaining to positi...
mete 7 7 to distribute by mea...
meth 10 9 a stimulant drug [n...
mets 8 7 MET, (short for) met...
meus 8 8 MEU, the plant baldm...
meve 9 11 (obsolete) to move,...
mewl 12 11 to cry feebly, as a...
mews 11 10 stables converted to...
meze 10 16 a Greek or Middle Ea...
mezz 14 25 (short for) mezzanin...
mhos 10 9 MHO, a unit of elect...
mibs 11 10 MIB, a type of playi...
mica 11 10 a rock-forming miner...
mice 11 10 MOUSE, a small roden...
mich 14 12 to play truant, also...
mick 13 14 an Irishman, also MI...
mico 11 10 the black-tailed mar...
mics 12 10 MIC, (short for) a m...
midi 9 8 a skirt or coat that...
mids 9 8 MID, the middle [n]
mien 7 8 (French) an air or l...
miff 13 13 to annoy [v -ED, -IN...
migg 11 11 a type of playing ma...
migs 10 9 MIG, a type of playi...
miha 10 9 (Maori) a young fern...
mihi 11 9 (Maori) a ceremonial...
mike 9 11 (short for) micropho...
mild 10 9 gentle in temper and...
mile 9 8 a unit of distance [...
milf 12 11 a sexually attractiv...
milk 11 12 a white liquid secre...
mill 11 9 to grind corn, wheat...
milo 9 8 a drought-resistant...
mils 10 8 MIL, a unit of wire...
milt 10 8 to impregnate with f...
mime 9 10 to mimic [v MIMED, M...
mina 7 8 an ancient unit of w...
mind 8 9 to heed, to look aft...
mine 7 8 to dig for valuable...
ming 9 10 to mix [v MINGED, ME...
mini 8 8 something small of i...
mink 9 12 a carnivorous mammal...
mino 7 8 a raincoat of hemp [...
mint 8 8 to process or stamp...
minx 14 15 a pert girl [n -ES]
miny 14 10 abounding with mines...
mips 11 10 a million instructio...
mire 8 7 to sink in mud [v MI...
miri 9 7 MIR, a Russian peasa...
mirk 10 11 darkness, also MURK...
miro 8 7 a tall coniferous tr...
mirs 9 7 MIR, a Russian peasa...
mirv 11 11 (slang) to provide w...
miry 15 9 full of mire [adj MI...
mise 8 7 the issue in a writ...
miso 8 7 (Japanese) a paste,...
miss 9 7 to fail to make cont...
mist 9 7 watery vapour seen i...
mite 8 7 any of various tiny...
mitt 9 7 any of various glove...
mity 15 9 infested with mites...
mixt 15 14 MIX, to combine toge...
mixy 21 16 mixed [adj MIXIER, M...
mizz 15 25 (colloquial) misery,...
mnas 7 8 MNA, a Greek weight...
moai 7 7 a huge carved figure...
moan 6 8 to utter a low, mour...
moas 7 7 MOA, an extinct flig...
moat 7 7 to surround with a w...
mobe 9 10 (slang) a mobile pho...
mobs 10 10 MOB, to crowd about...
moby 16 12 (slang) a mobile pho...
moch 13 12 (of foods) to become...
mock 12 14 to ridicule [v -ED,...
mocs 11 10 MOC, (short for) moc...
mode 7 8 a way or manner of a...
modi 8 8 MODUS, (Latin) the a...
mods 8 8 MOD, to modify a mac...
moer 7 7 (South African slang...
moes 7 7 MOE, (obsolete) a wr...
mofo 9 10 (US) a motherfucker...
mogs 9 9 MOG, to move away [v...
moho 9 9 a boundary separatin...
mohr 10 9 (Arabic) a West Afri...
moil 9 8 to drudge, work hard...
moit 8 7 (dialect) a foreign...
mojo 9 16 a magic charm [n -ES...
moke 8 11 a donkey [n -S]
moki 9 11 (Maori) a New Zealan...
moko 8 11 (Maori) a system of...
mola 8 8 a brightly-coloured...
mold 9 9 to work into a parti...
mole 8 8 the quantity of a co...
moll 10 9 a gangster's girlfri...
mols 9 8 MOL, a unit of molec...
molt 9 8 to shed feathers or...
moly 15 10 a magical herb given...
mome 8 10 (obsolete) a stupid...
momi 9 10 MOMUS, a carping per...
moms 9 10 MOM, (US colloquial)...
mona 6 8 a West African monke...
mong 8 10 (dialect) a throng o...
monk 8 12 a man who is a membe...
mono 6 8 the black howler mon...
mons 7 8 a protuberance of th...
mony 13 10 (Scots) many, also M...
mood 7 8 a temporary state of...
mooi 7 7 (Afrikaans) fine [ad...
mook 8 11 a book produced in m...
mool 8 8 (Scots) to cover wit...
moon 6 8 to wander about list...
moop 9 10 (Scots) to nibble, m...
moor 7 7 to secure a vessel b...
moos 7 7 MOO, to make the sou...
moot 7 7 to bring up for disc...
mope 9 10 to be listless or de...
mops 10 10 MOP, to clean with a...
mopy 16 12 dejected, also MOPEY...
mora 7 7 a unit of metrical t...
more 7 7 a greater amount [n...
morn 7 8 morning [n -S]
mors 8 7 MOR, a forest humus...
mort 8 7 a note on a hunting...
mose 7 7 to have glanders [v...
mosh 10 9 to dance frantically...
mosk 9 11 a Muslim place of wo...
moss 8 7 a class of Bryophyta...
most 8 7 in the highest degre...
mote 7 7 a speck of dust [n -...
moth 10 9 a winged insect [n -...
moti 8 7 in India, a fat woma...
mots 8 7 MOT, (French) a witt...
mott 8 7 (US) a clump of tree...
motu 8 8 (Maori) a small reef...
moue 7 8 (French) a disdainfu...
moup 10 11 (Scots) to nibble, m...
mous 8 8 MOU, (Scots) a mouth...
move 9 11 to change from one p...
mowa 10 10 (Hindi) a kind of bu...
mown 10 11 MOW, to cut down a c...
mows 11 10 MOW, to cut down a c...
moxa 13 14 (Japanese) a soft wo...
moya 13 9 a volcanic mud [n -S...
moyl 15 10 (obsolete) a mule, a...
moys 14 9 MOY, (Shakespeare) a...
moze 10 16 to raise a nap on [v...
mozo 10 16 a manual labourer [n...
mozz 14 25 (Australian slang) b...
much 14 13 plentiful [adj MUCHL...
muck 13 15 to manure with dung...
muds 9 9 MUD, to cover with s...
muff 13 14 to make a mess of, f...
mugg 11 12 to make funny faces...
mugs 10 10 MUG, to assault with...
muid 9 9 an old French measur...
muil 10 9 (Scots) a mule, a ba...
muir 9 8 (Scots) a moor [n -S...
mule 9 9 to strike a coin fro...
mull 11 10 to ponder [v -ED, -I...
mumm 11 14 to act in a disguise...
mump 12 14 to mumble, mutter [v...
mums 10 11 MUM, to act in a dis...
mumu 10 12 (Hawaiian) a long, l...
mung 9 11 to process computer...
muni 8 9 a security issued by...
muns 8 9 MUN, (dialect) a man...
munt 8 9 (Bantu) an offensive...
muon 7 9 a subatomic particle...
mura 8 8 a Japanese village [...
mure 8 8 to wall up the doors...
murk 10 12 dark, gloomy, obscur...
murl 10 9 (Scots) to crumble [...
murr 9 8 a diving bird, also...
muse 8 8 to ponder [v MUSED,...
mush 11 10 to reduce to mush [v...
musk 10 12 to perfume with a st...
muso 8 8 (Australian slang) a...
muss 9 8 to disarrange, to me...
must 9 8 to powder, also MOUS...
mute 8 8 dumb [adj MUTER, MUT...
muti 9 8 a South African trad...
muts 9 8 MUT, a mongrel dog,...
mutt 9 8 a mongrel dog, also...
muzz 15 26 to make muzzy (confu...
mwah 13 12 a representation of...
myal 15 10 relating to myalism,...
mycs 18 12 MYC, a cancer-causin...
myna 13 10 (Hindi) an Asiatic b...
myth 17 11 a type of traditiona...
myxo 20 16 (Australian slang) m...
mzee 10 16 (Swahili) an old per...