9 letter words that start with L

9 letter words that start with L

9 letter L word


Words With Friends®


laagering 17 15 LAAGER, to form a de...
labdacism 23 20 a fault in speaking...
labdanums 19 19 LABDANUM, a gum resi...
labelable 21 18 that can be labeled,...
labellate 19 15 of or like a labellu...
labellers 20 15 LABELLER, one that l...
labelling 21 18 the act of attaching...
labellist 21 15 (New Zealand) one wh...
labelloid 20 16 liplike [adj]
labelmate 19 17 a singer or musician...
labialise 19 14 to pronounce with ro...
labialism 21 17 the quality of being...
labiality 26 16 the quality of being...
labialize 22 23 to pronounce with ro...
laboredly 25 17 LABORED [adv]
laborious 18 14 full of labour [adj...
laborisms 20 16 LABORISM, a support...
laborists 19 13 LABORIST, a supporte...
laborites 18 13 LABORITE, one who su...
laborsome 18 16 requiring hard work,...
labourers 18 14 LABOURER, one who la...
labouring 19 17 LABOUR, to work, als...
labourism 20 17 a support for worker...
labourist 19 14 a supporter of worke...
labourite 18 14 a member or supporte...
labradors 18 14 LABRADOR, a hunting...
labruscas 22 17 LABRUSCA, a kind of...
laburnums 20 19 LABURNUM, a genus of...
labyrinth 27 18 a building with intr...
laccolite 23 17 a mass of igneous ro...
laccolith 26 19 a mass of igneous ro...
lacebarks 22 20 LACEBARK, a West Ind...
lacemaker 20 20 one who makes lace [...
lacerable 21 17 that can be lacerate...
lacerated 18 14 LACERATE, to tear ro...
lacerates 18 13 LACERATE, to tear ro...
lacertian 18 14 related to the lizar...
lacertids 20 14 LACERTID, a kind of...
lacertine 18 14 lizard-like, also LA...
lacewings 23 19 LACEWING, any one of...
lacewoods 21 17 LACEWOOD, the wood o...
laceworks 23 20 LACEWORK, a delicate...
lachrymal 30 21 relating to tears [a...
laciniate 18 14 cut into narrow lobe...
lackering 21 20 LACKER, to coat with...
lackeying 27 22 LACKEY, to serve in...
lacklands 21 20 LACKLAND, one who is...
laconical 22 18 of a person's speech...
laconisms 20 17 LACONISM, brevity of...
lacquered 27 24 LACQUER, to coat wit...
lacquerer 27 23 one who lacquers [n...
lacqueyed 33 26 LACQUEY, to serve in...
lacrimals 22 17 LACRIMAL, a gland th...
lacrimary 27 18 a tear bottle, also...
lacrimoso 20 16 (Italian) plaintive,...
lacrosses 19 13 LACROSSE, a type of...
lacrymals 28 19 LACRYMAL, a gland th...
lactarian 18 14 a vegetarian whose d...
lactating 20 16 LACTATE, to secrete...
lactation 18 14 the act of suckling...
lacteally 27 17 LACTEAL, pertaining...
lactitols 21 14 LACTITOL, an artific...
lactivism 24 20 strong advocacy of b...
lactivist 23 17 a person, esp. a wom...
lacunaria 18 15 LACUNAR, a sunken pa...
laddering 17 15 LADDER, to cause a r...
ladifying 26 19 LADIFY, to make a la...
ladlefuls 21 17 LADLEFUL, as much as...
ladybirds 26 17 LADYBIRD, a small br...
ladyflies 26 17 LADYFLY, a small bee...
ladyfying 32 21 LADYFY, to make a la...
ladyhoods 24 16 LADYHOOD, the state...
ladyloves 25 18 LADYLOVE, a sweethea...
ladypalms 27 20 LADYPALM, a kind of...
ladyships 28 18 LADYSHIP, th conditi...
laetriles 17 11 LAETRILE, (tradename...
laevigate 18 16 to smooth, polish, a...
laevulins 19 17 LAEVULIN, a sugar oc...
laevulose 18 16 the laevorotatory (a...
laggardly 26 18 like a laggard [adj]
laggingly 27 20 LAGGING [adv]
lagnappes 20 19 LAGNAPPE, (Spanish)...
lagniappe 20 19 (Spanish) a small gi...
lagomorph 22 20 a gnawing mammal (ra...
lagrimoso 18 15 (Italian) plaintive,...
laicising 21 16 LAICISE, to free fro...
laicities 20 13 LAICITY, the state o...
laicizing 24 25 LAICIZE, to free fro...
laidliest 18 12 LAIDLY, (Scots) loat...
lairdlier 18 12 LAIRDLY, like a lair...
lairdship 22 16 the office of a lair...
lairising 18 13 LAIRISE, to act like...
lairizing 21 22 LAIRIZE, to act like...
laitances 18 14 LAITANCE, a milky de...
lakefills 22 19 LAKEFILL, an area of...
lakefront 18 18 the front of a lake...
lakeheads 18 17 LAKEHEAD, the shore...
lakelands 17 17 LAKELAND, scenery wi...
lakeports 19 17 LAKEPORT, a city loc...
lakeshore 18 16 the shore of a lake...
lakesides 17 15 LAKESIDE, the land o...
lakewards 20 18 facing a lake, also...
lallation 17 13 infant's talk, or sp...
lallygags 27 18 LALLYGAG, to dawdle,...
lamaistic 21 16 of or pertaining to...
lamantins 16 15 LAMANTIN, a large aq...
lamaserai 16 13 (Tibetan) a monaster...
lambasted 19 17 LAMBAST, to beat sev...
lambastes 19 16 LAMBASTE, to beat se...
lambently 26 20 LAMBENT, flickering...
lambitive 22 20 (obsolete) a medicin...
lambkills 24 22 LAMBKILL, an evergre...
lamblings 22 20 LAMBLING, a little l...
lambrusco 23 20 (Italian) an Italian...
lambskins 21 21 LAMBSKIN, the skin o...
lambswool 23 20 the wool of a lamb [...
lamebrain 18 17 an unintelligent per...
lamellate 18 15 composed of, or furn...
lamelloid 19 16 like lamellae, in th...
lamellose 18 15 composed of, or havi...
lamenters 16 14 LAMENTER, one who la...
lamenting 17 17 expressing sorrow or...
laminable 19 18 capable of being spl...
laminaria 16 14 a genus of large sea...
laminarin 16 15 a polysaccharide fou...
laminated 16 15 LAMINATE, to compres...
laminates 16 14 LAMINATE, to compres...
laminator 16 14 a device for laminat...
lamington 17 17 (Australian) a piece...
laminitis 18 14 inflammation of a ho...
lamisters 18 13 LAMISTER, a fugitive...
lammigers 20 18 LAMMIGER, a cripple,...
lampadary 25 19 in the Greek Church,...
lampadist 20 17 one who gained the p...
lampasses 19 16 LAMPAS, inflammation...
lampblack 27 27 a finely divided for...
lampbrush 25 22 as in lampbrush chro...
lamperses 19 16 LAMPERS, inflammatio...
lampholes 22 19 LAMPHOLE, a shaft fo...
lamplight 25 21 the light cast by a...
lampooned 17 18 LAMPOON, to ridicule...
lampooner 17 17 one who writes lampo...
lampposts 22 19 LAMPPOST, a post hol...
lampshade 21 19 a decorative or prot...
lampshell 24 20 a kind of brachiopod...
lampstand 19 18 a stand for a lamp [...
lampyrids 27 19 LAMPYRID, a glowworm...
lancegays 25 18 LANCEGAY, (obsolete)...
lancejack 24 30 a lance corporal [n...
lancelets 19 15 LANCELET, any of a n...
lanceolar 18 15 lanceolate [adj]
lancewood 20 18 a tough, elastic woo...
lanciform 22 20 shaped like a lance...
lancinate 17 15 to pierce or tear [v...
landamman 16 19 (German) a chief mag...
landaulet 16 14 a small landau, a ho...
landboard 17 16 a kind of large skat...
landdamne 15 17 (Shakespeare) to abu...
landdrost 16 13 (Afrikaans) in South...
landfalls 20 17 LANDFALL, an approac...
landfills 21 17 LANDFILL, to dispose...
landforce 20 18 a military force ser...
landforms 19 18 LANDFORM, a natural...
landgrabs 19 17 LANDGRAB, a swift an...
landgrave 18 18 (historical) a Germa...
landlines 16 14 LANDLINE, a line of...
landloper 18 16 (Dutch) a wanderer,...
landlords 17 14 LANDLORD, one who ow...
landmarks 18 19 LANDMARK, to mark la...
landmined 16 17 LANDMINE, to lay lan...
landmines 16 16 LANDMINE, to lay lan...
landowner 17 16 one who owns land [n...
landraces 18 15 LANDRACE, a large wh...
landrails 17 13 LANDRAIL, a bird wit...
landscape 20 18 the appearance of th...
landshark 19 18 a person who makes i...
landsides 16 13 LANDSIDE, the flat s...
landskips 20 19 LANDSKIP, to landsca...
landsleit 17 13 LANDSMAN, a man who...
landslide 17 14 to win an election b...
landslips 20 16 LANDSLIP, the fall o...
landwards 19 16 in the direction of...
landwinds 19 17 LANDWIND, a wind blo...
langlaufs 20 18 LANGLAUF, a cross-co...
langouste 16 14 (French) the spiny l...
langrages 17 15 LANGRAGE, a shot con...
langridge 18 16 a shot consisting of...
langshans 18 16 LANGSHAN, (Chinese)...
langspels 20 17 LANGSPEL, (Norwegian...
langspiel 20 17 (Norwegian) an old S...
langspils 21 17 LANGSPIL, (Norwegian...
langsynes 22 16 LANGSYNE [n]
languaged 17 17 LANGUAGE, to express...
languages 17 16 LANGUAGE, to express...
languette 16 14 (French) a tonguelik...
languidly 25 18 LANGUID, lacking vit...
laniaries 15 11 LANIARY, a pointed c...
lankiness 16 16 the state of being l...
lannerets 14 12 LANNERET, the male l...
lanolated 15 13 covered with lanolin...
lanolines 15 13 LANOLINE, a fatty su...
lanterloo 15 12 (obsolete) a card ga...
lanterned 14 13 LANTERN, to provide...
lanthanon 15 15 any element of the l...
lanthanum 18 18 a rare element of th...
lanthorns 17 14 LANTHORN, (obsolete)...
lantskips 20 18 LANTSKIP, (Milton) l...
laodicean 17 15 a person having a lu...
lapboards 20 17 LAPBOARD, a board us...
lapidated 18 15 LAPIDATE, to hurl st...
lapidates 18 14 LAPIDATE, to hurl st...
lapideous 18 15 of or cut in stone [...
lapidific 25 20 (archaic) forming st...
lapidists 20 14 LAPIDIST, an expert...
lappering 21 19 LAPPER, (Scots) to c...
lapstones 17 14 LAPSTONE, a stone fo...
lapstrake 19 17 a clinker-built boat...
lapstreak 19 17 a clinker-built boat...
laquearia 23 20 (Latin) a ceiling co...
larboards 18 14 LARBOARD, the left-h...
larceners 18 14 LARCENER, one who co...
larcenies 18 14 LARCENY, theft of pe...
larcenist 19 14 one who commits larc...
larcenous 18 15 relating to larceny,...
lardalite 17 12 a coarse nepheline s...
larderers 16 11 LARDERER, a person i...
largeness 16 13 the state of being l...
largening 17 16 LARGEN, to enlarge,...
largesses 17 12 LARGESSE, generosity...
larghetto 19 14 (Italian) rather slo...
largition 17 13 (archaic) the giving...
lariating 17 13 LARIAT, to catch wit...
larkiness 17 15 playfulness [n -ES]
larkspurs 21 18 LARKSPUR, any of var...
larrigans 17 13 LARRIGAN, a long boo...
larrikins 18 15 LARRIKIN, a rowdy or...
larrupers 19 14 LARRUPER, one who la...
larruping 20 17 LARRUP, to flog or t...
larvicide 22 18 an agent that kills...
larviform 22 20 having the form or s...
larvikite 20 18 a mineral, a soda sy...
laryngals 24 16 LARYNGAL, (phonics)...
laryngeal 23 16 relating to the lary...
laserdisc 20 14 a disc similar to a...
laserdisk 18 15 a disc similar to a...
laserwort 19 13 any plant of the umb...
lashingly 27 18 LASHING [adv]
lassitude 17 12 the state of being t...
lassoings 17 13 LASSOING, the act of...
lastborns 18 14 LASTBORN, a child bo...
lastingly 25 16 LASTING, remaining e...
latchkeys 29 21 LATCHKEY, a key for...
latecomer 19 16 one who arrives late...
lateeners 14 11 LATEENER, a lateenri...
latencies 18 14 LATENCY, the state o...
lateraled 16 12 LATERAL, to throw a...
laterally 24 14 LATERAL, sideways [a...
laterborn 17 14 someone born later [...
laterised 16 11 LATERISE, to convert...
laterises 16 10 LATERISE, to convert...
laterites 16 10 LATERITE, a highly w...
lateritic 20 13 of laterite; similar...
laterized 19 20 LATERIZE, to convert...
laterizes 19 19 LATERIZE, to convert...
latescent 18 14 becoming latent or h...
latewakes 19 17 LATEWAKE, an erroneo...
latewoods 18 14 LATEWOOD, the wood f...
latherers 18 12 LATHERER, one who la...
latherier 18 12 LATHERY, covered wit...
lathering 19 15 LATHER, to cover wit...
lathworks 23 19 LATHWORK, work made...
lathyrism 27 17 a neurological disea...
laticifer 22 16 a cell or group of c...
laticlave 22 18 (historical) a broad...
latifondi 18 15 LATIFONDO, a great l...
latifondo 17 15 a great landed estat...
latimeria 17 13 any fish of the coel...
latinised 16 12 LATINISE, to transla...
latinises 16 11 LATINISE, to transla...
latinized 19 21 LATINIZE, to transla...
latinizes 19 20 LATINIZE, to transla...
latitancy 25 16 the act or state of...
latitudes 17 12 LATITUDE, freedom fr...
latosolic 20 14 of or like latosol,...
latration 15 11 the act of yelping o...
latrociny 25 16 (obsolete) highway r...
latticing 21 16 latticework [n -S]
latticini 20 14 LATTICINO, (Italian)...
latticino 19 14 (Italian) a type of...
laudanums 17 17 LAUDANUM, a type of...
laudation 15 13 the act of lauding;...
laudative 18 16 expressing praise [a...
laudators 16 12 LAUDATOR, one who la...
laudatory 22 14 expressing praise [a...
laughable 22 19 ridiculous [adj LAUG...
laughably 29 21 LAUGHABLE, ridiculou...
laughiest 20 15 LAUGHY, inclined to...
laughings 21 18 LAUGHING, the act of...
laughline 20 17 a funny line in a di...
laughsome 20 18 (archaic) exciting l...
laughters 20 15 LAUGHTER, the act or...
launchers 21 17 LAUNCHER, a launchin...
launching 22 20 the act of making a...
launchpad 23 21 a platform from whic...
laundered 15 14 LAUNDER, to wash clo...
launderer 15 13 one who launders [n...
laundress 16 13 a woman who does lau...
laundries 16 13 LAUNDRY, a place whe...
laureated 15 12 LAUREATE, to crown w...
laureates 15 11 LAUREATE, to crown w...
laureling 18 15 LAUREL, to crown wit...
laurelled 18 14 LAUREL, to crown wit...
lavalavas 20 19 LAVALAVA, a Polynesi...
lavaliere 18 15 a loosely-tied bow;...
lavaliers 19 15 LAVALIER, a loosely-...
lavandins 17 17 LAVANDIN, a hybrid p...
lavateras 17 14 LAVATERA, any plant...
lavations 17 15 LAVATION, the act of...
laveering 18 17 LAVEER, (archaic) to...
lavements 18 18 LAVEMENT, a washing...
lavenders 17 16 LAVENDER, to perfume...
laverocks 22 21 LAVEROCK, to catch l...
lavishers 21 16 LAVISHER, one who la...
lavishest 21 16 LAVISH, generous or...
lavishing 22 19 LAVISH, to give gene...
lavoltaed 18 16 LAVOLTA, to dance wi...
lavolting 20 18 LAVOLT, to dance wit...
lawcourts 23 17 LAWCOURT, a court of...
lawgivers 23 19 LAWGIVER, one who in...
lawgiving 24 22 the giving of law [n...
lawlessly 28 17 LAWLESS, having no l...
lawmakers 21 20 LAWMAKER, one who ma...
lawmaking 22 23 the process of makin...
lawmonger 20 19 a trivially contenti...
lawnmower 22 20 a machine for cuttin...
lawyering 26 18 working as a member...
laxations 21 18 LAXATION, the act of...
laxatives 24 21 LAXATIVE, a drug tha...
laxnesses 21 18 LAXNESS, the state o...
layabouts 24 16 LAYABOUT, a lazy per...
laybacked 28 23 LAYBACK, to climb us...
layerages 22 14 LAYERAGE, a method o...
layerings 23 15 LAYERING, a method o...
laymanise 22 16 to simplify (technic...
laymanize 25 25 to simplify (technic...
laypeople 26 19 LAYPERSON, a member...
layperson 23 16 a member of the lait...
layshafts 27 17 LAYSHAFT, a shaft in...
laystalls 25 14 LAYSTALL, a place fo...
lazarette 18 19 (Italian) a hospital...
lazaretto 18 19 (Italian) a hospital...
lazulites 21 21 LAZULITE, a mineral...
lazurites 20 20 LAZURITE, a blue cub...
lazybones 26 25 a lazy person [n LAZ...
lazzarone 20 29 (Italian) a homeless...
lazzaroni 21 29 LAZZARONE, (Italian)...
leachable 23 19 that can be leached...
leachates 20 15 LEACHATE, a liquid t...
leachiest 21 15 LEACHY, permitting l...
leachings 22 18 LEACHING, the act of...
leachours 21 16 LEACHOUR, (Spenser)...
leadening 15 15 LEADEN, to make lead...
leaderene 13 12 a female leader, esp...
leadingly 24 17 LEADING, in first po...
leadplant 18 16 a shrub of sandy woo...
leadscrew 22 17 a threaded rod on wh...
leadworks 20 18 LEADWORK, something...
leadworts 19 14 LEADWORT, a genus of...
leaferies 17 13 LEAFERY, foliage, al...
leafiness 17 14 the state of being l...
leafleted 18 15 LEAFLET, to distribu...
leafleter 18 14 one who distributes...
leafmolds 20 18 LEAFMOLD, mould from...
leafrolls 20 15 LEAFROLL, a virus di...
leafstalk 20 18 the stalk or petiole...
leafworms 22 19 LEAFWORM, a moth lar...
leaguered 16 14 LEAGUER, to besiege...
leakiness 16 15 the state of being l...
leakproof 20 20 proof against leakag...
leaperous 17 14 (obsolete) leprous,...
leapfrogs 21 18 LEAPFROG, to jump ov...
leaporous 17 14 (obsolete) leprous,...
leariness 15 11 the state of being l...
learnable 17 15 such as can be learn...
learnedly 22 15 LEARNED [adv]
learnings 16 14 LEARNING, acquired k...
leaseback 21 20 an arrangement where...
leasehold 18 14 land or property hel...
leasowing 19 16 LEASOW, to pasture,...
leastways 25 15 at least; at all eve...
leastwise 19 13 at least; at all eve...
leathered 17 13 LEATHER, to cover wi...
leaveners 16 15 LEAVENER, one who le...
leavening 17 18 the production of fe...
leavenous 16 16 containing leaven [a...
lebkuchen 24 24 (German) a biscuit c...
lecanoras 17 14 LECANORA, a kind of...
lechayims 29 20 LECHAYIM, a traditio...
lecheries 21 15 LECHERY, excessive s...
lechering 22 18 LECHER, to lust [v]
lecherous 21 16 lustful [adj LECHERO...
lecithins 22 16 LECITHIN, a complex...
lectorate 18 13 the office of lector...
lectotype 27 18 a specimen or simila...
lecturers 20 14 LECTURER, one who le...
lecturing 21 17 LECTURE, to expound...
ledgering 18 16 LEDGER, to fish with...
leeboards 17 14 LEEBOARD, a board at...
leechdoms 22 19 LEECHDOM, a remedy [...
leechlike 23 20 like a leech [adj]
leeriness 15 11 the state of being l...
leeringly 24 16 LEERING [adv]
leetspeak 18 17 a jargon used by som...
leewardly 26 17 LEEWARD, towards the...
leftmosts 20 16 LEFTMOST, the locati...
leftovers 20 17 LEFTOVER, an unused...
leftwards 22 17 towards the left, al...
legaleses 17 13 LEGALESE, the specia...
legalised 18 14 LEGALISE, to make la...
legaliser 18 13 one who legalises, a...
legalises 18 13 LEGALISE, to make la...
legalisms 20 16 LEGALISM, belief tha...
legalists 19 13 LEGALIST, someone in...
legalized 21 23 LEGALIZE, to make la...
legalizer 21 22 one who legalizes, a...
legalizes 21 22 LEGALIZE, to make la...
legations 16 13 LEGATION, the sendin...
legendary 22 16 having the nature of...
legendise 16 14 to make into a legen...
legendist 17 14 a writer of legend [...
legendize 19 23 to make into a legen...
legerings 18 15 LEGERING, the act of...
legginess 18 15 the quality of being...
legginged 19 18 wearing leggings [ad...
legionary 22 15 a member of a legion...
legislate 18 13 to make laws; to pas...
legwarmer 21 18 one of a pair of gar...
lehrjahre 22 23 (German) an apprenti...
leiomyoma 23 18 a fibrous tumour, a...
leistered 16 11 LEISTER, to spear wi...
leisurely 24 14 relaxed [adj]
leisuring 18 14 LEISURE, to have rec...
leitmotif 20 16 (German) a leading m...
leitmotiv 20 17 (German) a leading m...
lekgotlas 19 17 LEKGOTLA, an assembl...
lemmatise 18 16 to organise (words i...
lemmatize 21 25 to organise (words i...
lemniscal 21 18 relating to a lemnis...
lemniscus 21 18 a band of nerve fibr...
lemonades 15 15 LEMONADE, a soft dri...
lemonfish 21 19 (New Zealand) shark...
lemoniest 16 14 LEMONY, tasting of l...
lemonlike 18 19 like a lemon [adj]
lemonwood 18 18 a small tree of New...
lemurians 17 15 LEMURIAN, a member o...
lemurines 17 15 LEMURINE, a member o...
lemurlike 20 19 like a lemur [adj]
lemuroids 18 15 LEMUROID, a member o...
lengthens 18 16 LENGTHEN, to make lo...
lengthful 23 20 long [adj]
lengthier 19 15 LENGTHY, very long [...
lengthily 27 18 LENGTHY, very long [...
lengthman 19 19 a person whose job i...
lengthmen 19 19 LENGTHMAN, a person...
leniences 17 15 LENIENCE, the qualit...
leniently 22 15 LENIENT, not severe,...
lenifying 25 19 LENIFY, (archaic) to...
lenitions 15 12 LENITION, a change i...
lenitives 18 15 LENITIVE, a soothing...
lenticels 20 15 LENTICEL, a breathin...
lenticles 20 15 LENTICLE, a double c...
lenticule 20 16 any of the small cor...
lentiform 19 17 shaped like a lens [...
leotarded 15 12 wearing a leotard [a...
lepidotes 18 14 LEPIDOTE, a flowerin...
leporidae 17 14 animals of the rabbi...
leprosery 24 15 a hospital for leper...
leprosies 18 13 LEPROSY, a chronic d...
leprosity 25 15 the state of being l...
leprously 26 17 LEPROUS, affected wi...
leptophos 22 18 a type of pesticide...
leptosome 18 16 a person with a slig...
leptotene 16 14 the first stage of m...
lesbigays 26 17 LESBIGAY, a lesbian,...
lesioning 16 14 LESION, to cause les...
lespedeza 20 23 bush clover [n -S]
lessening 16 14 the act of making le...
lessoning 16 14 the act of teaching...
letchings 23 18 LETCHING, the act of...
lethality 26 15 the quality of being...
lethargic 23 17 showing lethargy, al...
letrozole 19 20 an anti-oestrogen dr...
letterbox 24 20 a box for holding le...
letterers 16 10 LETTERER, one who le...
lettering 17 13 the act of impressin...
letterman 16 14 an athlete who has e...
lettermen 16 14 LETTERMAN, an athlet...
letterset 16 10 a method of rotary p...
leucaemia 19 17 a type of cancer, al...
leucaemic 23 20 of or like leucemia,...
leucemias 20 17 LEUCEMIA, a disease...
leucistic 24 17 lacking pigmentation...
leucocyte 28 19 a colourless corpusc...
leucosins 19 15 LEUCOSIN, a cereal a...
leucotome 19 17 a needle used to car...
leucotomy 26 19 a surgical scission...
leukaemia 17 18 a type of cancer, al...
leukaemic 21 21 relating to leukaemi...
leukemias 18 18 LEUKEMIA, a disease...
leukemics 22 21 LEUKEMIC, relating t...
leukemoid 18 19 resembling leukemia...
leukocyte 26 20 a colorless corpuscl...
leukotome 17 18 a needle used in leu...
leukotomy 24 20 a surgical scission...
levanters 17 15 LEVANTER, a boistero...
levantine 16 16 a closely-woven twil...
levanting 18 18 LEVANT, to run away...
levatores 17 14 LEVATOR, a muscle th...
levellers 20 16 LEVELLER, one that l...
levellest 20 16 LEVEL, even [adj]
levelling 21 19 LEVEL, to make even...
levelness 18 16 the state of being l...
leveraged 18 17 LEVERAGE, to provide...
leverages 18 16 LEVERAGE, to provide...
leviathan 19 17 an (imaginary or rea...
levigable 22 20 capable of being lev...
levigated 19 17 LEVIGATE, to reduce...
levigates 19 16 LEVIGATE, to reduce...
levigator 19 16 one who levigates [n...
levirates 18 14 LEVIRATE, the ancien...
leviratic 22 17 of or like a levirat...
levitated 18 15 LEVITATE, to rise an...
levitates 18 14 LEVITATE, to rise an...
levitator 18 14 one who levitates [n...
levitical 23 18 of or like a levite...
levodopas 19 18 LEVODOPA, a type of...
levogyres 25 18 LEVOGYRE, an anticlo...
levuloses 19 16 LEVULOSE, a form of...
lewdsbies 22 17 LEWDSBY, someone add...
lewdsters 20 14 LEWDSTER, someone ad...
lewisites 20 13 LEWISITE, an irritan...
lewissons 19 14 LEWISSON, a dovetail...
lexically 34 24 LEXICAL, of or relat...
lexigrams 25 22 LEXIGRAM, a sign whi...
leylandii 23 15 the Leyland cypress,...
leylandis 23 15 LEYLANDI, the Leylan...
liability 27 16 the state of being l...
liatrises 17 10 LIATRIS, a North Ame...
libations 18 14 LIBATION, a ceremoni...
libecchio 27 21 (Milton) a strong we...
libeccios 25 19 LIBECCIO, (Italian)...
libelants 19 15 LIBELANT, one who br...
libelings 21 17 LIBELING, the act of...
libelists 21 14 LIBELIST, one that l...
libellant 20 16 one who brings a cha...
libellees 20 15 LIBELLEE, a defendan...
libellers 21 15 LIBELLER, one that l...
libelling 22 18 the act of making a...
libellous 21 16 relating to libel, a...
liberally 27 17 LIBERAL, generous, f...
liberated 18 14 LIBERATE, to set fre...
liberates 18 13 LIBERATE, to set fre...
liberator 18 13 one who liberates [n...
liberties 19 13 LIBERTY, the state o...
libertine 18 14 a person who leads a...
libidinal 20 16 relating to the libi...
libraires 19 13 LIBRAIRE, (French) a...
librairie 19 13 (French) a bookshop...
librarian 18 14 one who works in a l...
libraries 19 13 LIBRARY, a room cont...
librating 20 16 LIBRATE, to oscillat...
libration 18 14 a slight swinging mo...
libratory 25 15 balancing; moving li...
librettos 19 13 LIBRETTO, the text o...
libriform 23 19 shaped like a book [...
licencees 21 17 LICENCEE, one who is...
licencers 22 17 LICENCER, one who li...
licencing 23 20 LICENCE, to issue or...
licensees 18 14 LICENSEE, one who is...
licensers 19 14 LICENSER, one who li...
licensing 20 17 LICENSE, to issue or...
licensors 19 14 LICENSOR, one who li...
licensure 19 15 the act of licensing...
lichening 22 19 LICHEN, to cover wit...
lichenins 21 17 LICHENIN, a substanc...
lichenism 23 19 the association of f...
lichenist 22 16 one who studies lich...
lichenoid 21 17 of or like lichen [a...
lichenose 20 16 of, pertaining to, o...
lichenous 21 17 of, pertaining to, o...
lichgates 23 17 LICHGATE, a roofed c...
lichtlied 24 17 LICHTLY, (Scots) to...
lichtlies 24 16 LICHTLY, (Scots) to...
lichwakes 26 22 LICHWAKE, a watch ov...
licitness 20 14 the state of being l...
lickerish 24 19 (obsolete) dainty, t...
lickpenny 28 24 an absorber or devou...
lickspits 25 20 LICKSPIT, a fawning...
licorices 23 16 LICORICE, a confecti...
lictorian 19 14 relating to a lictor...
lidocaine 18 15 the US name for lign...
liegedoms 18 16 LIEGEDOM, the condit...
liegeless 18 13 without a liege [adj...
lienteric 19 14 of or pertaining to...
lifebelts 22 17 LIFEBELT, a buoyant...
lifeblood 21 18 the blood necessary...
lifeboats 20 16 LIFEBOAT, a small re...
lifebuoys 27 19 LIFEBUOY, any of var...
lifecares 21 16 LIFECARE, housing an...
lifeguard 20 17 one employed to assi...
lifehacks 25 22 LIFEHACK [n]
lifelines 19 15 LIFELINE, a rope use...
lifesaver 20 17 the saver of a perso...
lifespans 20 17 LIFESPAN, the time f...
lifestyle 26 16 a way in which one l...
lifetimes 20 16 LIFETIME, the period...
lifeworks 23 20 LIFEWORK, the major...
lifeworld 23 18 the way an individua...
liftbacks 26 23 LIFTBACK, a motorcar...
liftgates 20 15 LIFTGATE, a rear pan...
ligaments 18 16 LIGAMENT, a band of...
ligations 17 13 LIGATION, the act of...
ligatured 18 14 LIGATURE, to tie wit...
ligatures 18 13 LIGATURE, to tie wit...
lightbulb 27 22 a glass bulb contain...
lightened 19 16 LIGHTEN, to reduce t...
lightener 19 15 something that light...
lightered 20 15 LIGHTER, to convey b...
lightface 25 20 a typeface having co...
lightfast 23 17 of a fabric, that do...
lightings 22 17 LIGHTING, illuminati...
lightless 22 15 without lights [adj]
lightlied 22 16 LIGHTLY, to slight o...
lightlies 22 15 LIGHTLY, to slight o...
lightness 20 15 the state of being l...
lightning 21 18 to flash with lightn...
lightship 26 19 a ship intended to f...
lightsome 21 17 having light; not da...
lightwave 25 21 relating to a wave o...
lightwood 23 18 pine wood abounding...
lignaloes 17 14 (Biblical) aloes-woo...
lignicole 21 17 growing or living in...
lignified 20 17 LIGNIFY, to convert...
lignifies 20 16 LIGNIFY, to convert...
ligniform 21 19 of the form or shape...
ligroines 17 13 LIGROINE, (tradename...
ligulated 19 15 resembling or shaped...
likeliest 19 15 LIKELY, probable [ad...
likewakes 21 21 LIKEWAKE, a watch ov...
likewalks 23 22 LIKEWALK, a watch ov...
lilangeni 17 15 (Bantu) the standard...
lilliputs 23 16 LILLIPUT, a very sma...
liltingly 27 17 LILTING [adv]
limaceous 20 17 pertaining to, or li...
limations 17 14 LIMATION, filing; (f...
limberest 20 16 LIMBER, supple [adj]
limbering 21 19 LIMBER, to make supp...
limekilns 20 19 LIMEKILN, a furnace...
limelight 23 18 a bright theatre lig...
limerence 19 17 a state of mind resu...
limericks 23 20 LIMERICK, a form of...
limescale 21 17 a flaky deposit left...
limestone 16 14 a sedimentary rock c...
limewater 20 16 water impregnated wi...
limitable 21 17 that can be limited...
limitedly 26 17 LIMITED, restricted...
limitings 20 16 LIMITING, the act of...
limitless 20 14 without limit [adj L...
limnaeids 17 15 LIMNAEID, a member o...
limnology 25 19 the study of bodies...
limonenes 15 15 LIMONENE, a liquid t...
limonites 17 14 LIMONITE, a major or...
limonitic 21 17 of or like limonite,...
limoniums 19 18 LIMONIUM, a sea plan...
limousine 17 15 any large and luxuri...
limpidity 28 19 the quality of being...
limpingly 29 22 LIMPING [adv]
limpsiest 21 16 LIMPSEY, lacking str...
limuloids 20 16 LIMULOID, a member o...
limuluses 20 16 LIMULUS, a horseshoe...
linalools 17 13 LINALOOL, a fragrant...
linchpins 24 20 LINCHPIN, a locking...
lincrusta 20 15 thick embossed wallp...
linctures 20 15 LINCTURE, a medicate...
linctuses 20 15 LINCTUS, (Latin) a m...
lindworms 21 18 LINDWORM, a wingless...
lineality 23 14 the quality of being...
lineament 15 15 a distinctive featur...
linearise 15 11 to make linear, also...
linearity 22 13 the quality of being...
linearize 18 20 to make linear, also...
lineation 14 12 the act of marking w...
linemates 16 14 LINEMATE, a hockey p...
lineolate 15 12 marked with fine lin...
linerless 17 12 of clothing, without...
lingberry 26 18 the cowberry or red...
lingerers 17 13 LINGERER, one who li...
lingeries 17 13 LINGERIE, women's un...
lingering 18 16 remaining [adj LINGE...
lingsters 18 13 LINGSTER, an interpr...
lingually 26 18 LINGUAL, pronounced...
linguicas 21 17 LINGUICA, a spicy Po...
linguines 17 15 LINGUINE, (Italian)...
linguinis 18 15 LINGUINI, (Italian)...
linguisas 18 14 LINGUISA, a spicy Po...
linguists 19 14 LINGUIST, a person s...
lingulate 18 15 shaped like the tong...
liniments 17 15 LINIMENT, a liquid p...
linishers 19 13 LINISHER, someone or...
linishing 20 16 the act of giving a...
linksland 18 18 land near the sea us...
linkspans 19 19 LINKSPAN, a ramp att...
linksters 18 15 LINKSTER, (US) an in...
linkworks 22 22 LINKWORK, a fabric c...
linoleate 15 12 a salt of linoleic a...
linolenic 19 16 as in linolenic acid...
linoleums 18 16 LINOLEUM, a durable...
linotyped 24 17 LINOTYPE, to set a l...
linotyper 24 16 one who sets type us...
linotypes 24 16 LINOTYPE, to set a l...
linstocks 21 18 LINSTOCK, (historica...
lintelled 18 14 having a lintel, als...
lintseeds 16 12 LINTSEED, a lint or...
lintstock 21 18 (historical) a point...
lintwhite 22 16 (Scots) a linnet, al...
lioncelle 20 16 a small lion used as...
lionesses 15 11 LIONESS, a female li...
lionheads 17 14 LIONHEAD, a small lo...
lionisers 16 11 LIONISER, one who li...
lionising 17 14 LIONISE, to treat as...
lionizers 19 20 LIONIZER, one who li...
lionizing 20 23 LIONIZE, to treat as...
lipaemias 19 16 LIPAEMIA, an abnorma...
liparites 19 13 LIPARITE, an acid ig...
lipectomy 29 21 the surgical removal...
lipliners 20 15 LIPLINER, a cosmetic...
lipocytes 28 18 LIPOCYTE, a fat-prod...
lipograms 21 18 LIPOGRAM, a piece of...
lipolitic 24 17 of or like lipolysis...
lipolyses 26 16 LIPOLYSIS, the disin...
lipolysis 27 16 the disintegration o...
lipolytic 30 19 of or like lipolysis...
lipoplast 22 17 a small particle in...
liposomal 20 17 relating to a liposo...
liposomes 19 16 LIPOSOME, a microsco...
liposucks 24 21 LIPOSUCK, to subject...
lipotropy 27 18 the breaking down of...
lippening 21 20 LIPPEN, (Scots) to t...
lippering 22 19 LIPPER, to ripple [v...
lippiness 21 17 the state of being l...
lippitude 22 18 (archaic) soreness o...
lipreader 18 14 one who lipreads [n...
lipsalves 22 18 LIPSALVE, ointment f...
lipsticks 25 20 LIPSTICK, to apply l...
liquating 26 23 LIQUATE, to separate...
liquation 24 21 the act or operation...
liquefied 27 24 LIQUEFY, to make or...
liquefier 27 23 that which liquefies...
liquefies 27 23 LIQUEFY, to make or...
liquesced 28 24 LIQUESCE, to become...
liquesces 28 23 LIQUESCE, to become...
liqueured 25 22 LIQUEUR, to flavour...
liquidate 25 21 to clear up or off (...
liquidise 26 21 to make esp. food li...
liquidity 33 23 the state of being l...
liquidize 29 30 to make esp. food li...
liquified 28 24 LIQUIFY, to make or...
liquifier 28 23 something that liqui...
liquifies 28 23 LIQUIFY, to make or...
liquitabs 28 23 LIQUITAB, a plastic...
liquorice 28 23 a confectionery made...
liquoring 26 23 LIQUOR, to intoxicat...
liquorish 28 22 (obsolete) dainty, t...
liripipes 22 16 LIRIPIPE, (obsolete)...
liripoops 21 16 LIRIPOOP, (obsolete)...
lispingly 28 19 LISPING, making a li...
lispounds 19 16 LISPOUND, a varying...
lissomely 25 16 LISSOME, easily flex...
listboxes 25 20 LISTBOX, a box on a...
listeners 16 11 LISTENER, one who li...
listening 17 14 the act of trying to...
listerial 18 11 relating to listeria...
listerias 17 10 LISTERIA, any bacter...
listservs 20 14 LISTSERV, (tradename...
literally 25 14 LITERAL, to be taken...
literates 16 10 LITERATE, one who ca...
literatim 18 13 (Latin) letter for l...
literator 16 10 a dabbler in learnin...
literatus 17 11 (Latin) a learned ma...
litharges 20 14 LITHARGE, a monoxide...
lithemias 20 15 LITHEMIA, an excess...
litheness 18 13 the state of being l...
lithesome 19 15 easily flexed, lithe...
lithiases 19 12 LITHIASIS, the forma...
lithiasis 20 12 the formation of sto...
lithified 22 16 LITHIFY, to petrify,...
lithifies 22 15 LITHIFY, to petrify,...
lithistid 21 13 any of the Lithistid...
lithocyst 29 17 a cell containing a...
lithoidal 20 14 like stone, also LIT...
lithology 27 17 the study of rocks [...
lithopone 19 16 a white pigment used...
lithosols 20 13 LITHOSOL, a type of...
lithotome 19 15 a stone so formed by...
lithotomy 26 17 the operation, art,...
litigable 21 16 such as can be litig...
litigants 18 13 LITIGANT, one who is...
litigated 18 13 LITIGATE, to subject...
litigates 18 12 LITIGATE, to subject...
litigator 18 12 one who litigates [n...
litigious 19 13 having ready recours...
litreages 17 12 LITREAGE, volume in...
litterbag 20 15 a bag for litter [n...
litterbug 21 16 someone who creates...
litterers 17 10 LITTERER, one who li...
littering 18 13 LITTER, to scatter r...
littlings 20 14 LITTLING, (Scots) a...
littorals 18 11 LITTORAL, a shore re...
liturgics 23 16 the branch of knowle...
liturgies 19 13 LITURGY, a prescribe...
liturgism 21 16 the study of liturgi...
liturgist 20 13 a leader in public w...
liveblogs 23 20 LIVEBLOG, to keep a...
liveliest 20 15 LIVELY, full of ener...
livelongs 20 18 LIVELONG, a kind of...
liveloods 19 16 LIVELOOD, (Spenser)...
liverings 20 17 LIVERING, the act of...
liverleaf 21 18 a woodland plant [n...
liverless 20 15 without a liver [adj...
liverwort 22 17 any bryophyte of the...
liveryman 25 20 one who wears a live...
liverymen 25 20 LIVERYMAN, one who w...
livestock 23 21 domestic animals, es...
livetraps 21 17 LIVETRAP, to capture...
livewares 21 17 LIVEWARE, (colloquia...
livewells 24 19 LIVEWELL, a containe...
liveyeres 24 16 LIVEYERE, a permanen...
lividness 19 16 the state of being l...
livraison 18 15 (French) a part of a...
lixiviate 25 21 to separate by washi...
lixivious 26 22 impregnated with a s...
lixiviums 28 25 LIXIVIUM, a solution...
loadening 15 15 LOADEN, (archaic) to...
loadspace 20 17 the space available...
loadstars 16 11 LOADSTAR, a star use...
loadstone 14 12 magnetite that is na...
loaferish 20 15 like a loafer, an id...
loaminess 16 14 the state of being l...
loanbacks 21 21 LOANBACK, a system o...
loanshift 20 16 the adaptation of a...
loanwords 18 15 LOANWORD, a word tak...
loathings 19 15 LOATHING, extreme di...
loathness 17 13 unwillingness, reluc...
loathsome 18 15 abhorrent, also LOTH...
lobations 17 14 LOBATION, the format...
lobbygows 31 23 LOBBYGOW, an errand...
lobbyings 28 21 LOBBYING, the act of...
lobbyisms 29 21 LOBBYISM, the practi...
lobbyists 28 18 LOBBYIST, one who lo...
lobectomy 28 21 the surgical excisio...
lobelines 18 15 LOBELINE, a poisonou...
lobscouse 21 17 a sailor's dish prep...
lobstered 18 14 LOBSTER, to fish for...
lobsterer 18 13 a person who catches...
lobsticks 24 20 LOBSTICK, a tree wit...
lobtailed 19 15 LOBTAIL, of a whale,...
lobularly 27 18 LOBULAR, shaped like...
lobulated 19 16 having lobules, also...
localised 20 15 LOCALISE, to confine...
localiser 20 14 one who localises, a...
localises 20 14 LOCALISE, to confine...
localisms 22 17 LOCALISM, a custom p...
localists 21 14 LOCALIST, one preocc...
localites 20 14 LOCALITE, a resident...
localized 23 24 LOCALIZE, to confine...
localizer 23 23 one who localises, a...
localizes 23 23 LOCALIZE, to confine...
localness 19 15 the state of being l...
locatable 21 17 that can be located,...
locations 18 14 LOCATION, the positi...
locatives 21 17 LOCATIVE, a grammati...
locavores 20 17 LOCAVORE, a person w...
locellate 20 15 divided into small c...
lockaways 29 22 LOCKAWAY, in finance...
lockboxes 28 27 LOCKBOX, a box that...
lockdowns 23 22 LOCKDOWN, the confin...
lockhouse 22 20 a lockkeeper's house...
lockmaker 22 24 one who makes locks...
lockpicks 28 27 LOCKPICK, an instrum...
locksmith 25 22 one who makes locks...
locksteps 23 20 LOCKSTEP, a method o...
locofocos 23 19 LOCOFOCO, a match or...
locomoted 19 17 LOCOMOTE, to move ab...
locomotes 19 16 LOCOMOTE, to move ab...
locomotor 19 16 a muscle involved in...
locoplant 21 18 astragalus or other...
locoweeds 21 17 LOCOWEED, astragalus...
loculated 20 16 of e.g. an ovary, di...
locuplete 22 18 well-stored, rich [a...
locusting 21 17 LOCUST, to lay waste...
locutions 19 15 LOCUTION, a style of...
lodestars 16 11 LODESTAR, a star use...
lodestone 14 12 magnetite that is na...
lodgeable 19 17 that can be lodged [...
lodgement 17 17 the act of lodging,...
lodgepole 19 17 a pole used in the c...
lodgments 18 17 LODGMENT, a temporar...
lodiculae 20 16 LODICULA, a small sc...
lodicules 21 16 LODICULE, a small sc...
loftiness 18 14 the state of being l...
logaoedic 19 16 combining dactyls wi...
logarithm 21 17 a mathematical opera...
logboards 19 16 LOGBOARD, a hinged b...
logically 29 19 LOGICAL, pertaining...
logicians 20 16 LOGICIAN, one who is...
logicised 21 16 LOGICISE, to reason,...
logicises 21 15 LOGICISE, to reason,...
logicisms 23 18 LOGICISM, Frege's th...
logicists 22 15 LOGICIST, a believer...
logicized 24 25 LOGICIZE, to reason,...
logicizes 24 24 LOGICIZE, to reason,...
logicless 22 16 without logic [adj]
logistics 22 15 the science of the m...
logjammed 21 28 LOGJAM, to cause a l...
logjuices 23 25 LOGJUICE, (slang) ba...
lognormal 18 17 relating to or being...
logograms 19 17 LOGOGRAM, a written...
logograph 22 19 a written symbol rep...
logogriph 23 19 a riddle in which a...
logomachs 23 20 LOGOMACH, one given...
logomachy 29 22 a dispute about word...
logopedic 22 19 relating to speech t...
logophile 22 18 a person who loves w...
logorrhea 18 14 excessive and often...
logothete 18 14 (historical) a chanc...
logotypes 25 17 LOGOTYPE, a piece of...
logrolled 19 15 LOGROLL, to obtain p...
logroller 19 14 one who engages in l...
loiasises 16 10 LOIASIS, a tropical...
loincloth 22 17 a cloth worn round t...
loiterers 16 10 LOITERER, one that l...
loitering 17 13 standing idly [adj L...
lollingly 27 18 LOLLING [adv]
lollipops 23 18 LOLLIPOP, a piece of...
lolloping 21 18 LOLLOP, to lounge, a...
lollygags 27 18 LOLLYGAG, to dawdle,...
lollypops 29 20 LOLLYPOP, a piece of...
lomentums 18 18 LOMENTUM, a type of...
loneliest 16 12 LONELY, sad from lac...
lonesomes 15 14 LONESOME, on one's o...
longaeval 18 18 long-lived, also LON...
longboard 18 17 a type of surfboard...
longboats 18 16 LONGBOAT, a Viking s...
longcloth 23 19 a cotton made in lon...
longerons 15 14 LONGERON, a longitud...
longevity 25 19 long life [n LONGEVI...
longevous 18 18 long-lived, also LON...
longhairs 19 15 LONGHAIR, an intelle...
longhands 18 17 LONGHAND, ordinary h...
longheads 18 16 LONGHEAD, a person h...
longhorns 18 16 LONGHORN, one of a b...
longhouse 18 16 a long communal hous...
longicorn 19 17 a kind of beetle wit...
longingly 25 19 LONGING [adv]
longitude 17 15 the angular distance...
longjumps 23 29 LONGJUMP, to jump fo...
longlines 17 15 LONGLINE, a type of...
longlists 19 14 LONGLIST, to include...
longnecks 20 21 LONGNECK, a beer bot...
longships 22 18 LONGSHIP, a Viking s...
longshore 18 15 found or employed al...
longspurs 20 17 LONGSPUR, any of sev...
longueurs 17 15 LONGUEUR, (French) a...
longwalls 22 18 LONGWALL, a long wor...
longworms 21 19 LONGWORM, as in sea...
loniceras 18 14 LONICERA, the honeys...
lookalike 18 19 a person who is the...
lookdowns 19 19 LOOKDOWN, a marine f...
lookovers 18 18 LOOKOVER, a looking...
looksisms 19 17 LOOKSISM, a prejudic...
looniness 14 12 the state of being l...
loopholed 20 17 LOOPHOLE, to make sm...
loopholes 20 16 LOOPHOLE, to make sm...
loopiness 17 14 the state of being l...
looseners 14 11 LOOSENER, a laxative...
looseness 14 11 the state of being l...
loosening 15 14 the act of making lo...
lophodont 19 17 of a molar tooth, ha...
lopoliths 22 16 LOPOLITH, a lens-sha...
loppering 21 19 LOPPER, (Scots) to c...
lopsticks 24 20 LOPSTICK, a tree wit...
loquacity 34 25 talkativeness [n LOQ...
lorazepam 21 25 a drug used in the t...
lordliest 18 12 LORDLY, in the manne...
lordlings 19 15 LORDLING, a young or...
lordships 22 16 LORDSHIP, the power...
lorgnette 16 13 (French) a pair of s...
loricated 19 14 LORICATE, to coat pr...
loricates 19 13 LORICATE, to coat pr...
lorikeets 17 14 LORIKEET, a kind of...
losingest 17 13 losing more often th...
lossmaker 18 17 a business that make...
lotharios 18 12 LOTHARIO, a seducer...
lothefull 23 18 (Spenser) reluctant,...
lotteries 16 10 LOTTERY, a game of c...
lotusland 17 14 a place of dreamy co...
loudening 16 16 LOUDEN, to increase...
loudliest 18 13 LOUDLY [adv]
loudmouth 20 18 a person who speaks...
loundered 15 14 LOUNDER, (Scots) to...
loungiest 17 14 LOUNGY, suitable for...
loungings 18 17 LOUNGING, the act of...
louringly 25 17 LOURING, sullen, thr...
lousewort 19 14 any plant of the gen...
lousiness 16 12 the state of being l...
louteries 16 11 LOUTERY, loutish beh...
loutishly 27 16 LOUTISH, ill-mannere...
lovebirds 21 18 LOVEBIRD, a small bi...
lovebites 20 17 LOVEBITE, a mark mad...
lovefests 20 17 LOVEFEST, an event w...
loveliest 19 15 LOVELY, extremely be...
lovelight 23 19 an amorous look in t...
lovelocks 23 22 LOVELOCK, a long loc...
lovemaker 19 21 one who makes love [...
loverless 19 15 without a lover [adj...
loveseats 17 14 LOVESEAT, a small so...
lovevines 19 19 LOVEVINE, a twining...
lowballed 23 19 LOWBALL, to give a c...
lowbrowed 24 20 not intellectual [ad...
lowbushes 24 19 LOWBUSH, a bush with...
lowerable 21 17 that can be lowered...
lowercase 21 16 in printing, small a...
loweriest 19 13 LOWERY, cloudy, gloo...
lowerings 20 16 LOWERING, the act of...
lowermost 20 16 lowest [adj]
lowlander 19 16 one who lives in the...
lowlifers 23 17 LOWLIFER, a despicab...
lowlights 25 18 LOWLIGHT, to enhance...
lowlihead 22 17 (archaic) humility [...
lowliness 20 15 the state of being l...
lownesses 18 14 LOWNESS, the state o...
lowriders 20 14 LOWRIDER, a car havi...
lowsening 19 17 the celebration of a...
loxodrome 22 21 a line on the globe...
loxodromy 29 23 the art of sailing a...
loyalisms 25 16 LOYALISM, the state...
loyalists 24 13 LOYALIST, one who is...
loyallest 24 14 LOYAL, faithful [adj...
loyalness 22 14 the state of being l...
loyalties 23 13 LOYALTY, the state o...
lubfishes 24 19 LUBFISH, a kind of s...
lubricant 22 18 a substance used to...
lubricate 22 17 to make smooth or sl...
lubricity 30 19 slipperiness; lewdne...
lubricous 23 18 slippery; lewd, also...
lucencies 22 18 LUCENCY, the quality...
lucidness 20 16 the quality of being...
luciferin 22 18 a protein-like subst...
luckiness 21 19 the state of being l...
luckpenny 28 25 a coin kept for luck...
lucrative 22 18 yielding lucre; prof...
luctation 19 15 (obsolete) a struggl...
lucubrate 22 18 to study by lampligh...
lucumones 20 19 LUCUMO, (Latin) an E...
ludericks 22 19 LUDERICK, (Native Au...
ludically 29 19 LUDIC, aimlessly pla...
ludicrous 21 16 ridiculous [adj LUDI...
luggables 22 19 LUGGABLE, a computer...
lullabied 21 17 LULLABY, to lull to...
lullabies 21 16 LULLABY, to lull to...
lumberers 20 17 LUMBERER, someone em...
lumbering 21 20 walking heavily [adj...
lumberman 20 21 someone employed in...
lumbermen 20 21 LUMBERMAN, someone e...
lumbrical 25 21 one of certain muscl...
lumbricus 25 21 (Latin) a genus of a...
luminaire 17 15 (French) the British...
luminance 19 19 the measure of the b...
luminants 17 16 LUMINANT, a means of...
luminaria 17 15 a traditional Mexica...
luminesce 20 18 to show luminescence...
luminisms 20 18 LUMINISM, a style of...
luminists 19 15 LUMINIST, a painter...
lumpiness 20 18 the state of being l...
lumpingly 29 23 LUMPING [adv]
lumpishly 31 22 LUMPISH, like a lump...
lunanauts 15 14 LUNANAUT, an astrona...
lunarians 15 13 LUNARIAN, (archaic)...
lunarists 17 12 LUNARIST, one who th...
lunarnaut 15 14 one who travels to t...
lunatical 20 16 crazy, also LUNATIC...
lunations 15 13 LUNATION, a lunar mo...
luncheons 20 18 LUNCHEON, (archaic)...
lunchmeat 22 20 a mixture of meat an...
lunchpail 25 21 a container for lunc...
lunchroom 22 20 a room where lunch i...
lunchtime 23 20 the time at which lu...
lungworms 22 20 LUNGWORM, a kind of...
lungworts 21 17 LUNGWORT, a wild flo...
lunisolar 17 13 relating jointly to...
lunitidal 18 14 pertaining to tidal...
lunkheads 19 19 LUNKHEAD, a stupid p...
lunulated 17 15 crescent-shaped; hav...
lupulinic 24 20 of or like lupulin,...
luridness 17 13 the state of being l...
lurkingly 27 21 LURKING, lying in wa...
lustering 18 14 LUSTER, to make lust...
lustfully 29 19 LUSTFUL, marked by e...
lustihead 19 14 (archaic) lustiness,...
lustihood 19 14 (archaic) lustiness,...
lustiness 17 12 the state of being l...
lustrated 17 12 LUSTRATE, to purify...
lustrates 17 11 LUSTRATE, to purify...
lustrines 17 12 LUSTRINE, a glossy s...
lustrings 19 14 LUSTRING, a glossy s...
lutanists 17 12 LUTANIST, a lute-pla...
luteciums 22 18 LUTECIUM, a rare ear...
lutefisks 21 18 LUTEFISK, dried codf...
luteinise 16 12 to convert into lute...
luteinize 19 21 to convert into lute...
lutenists 17 12 LUTENIST, a lute-pla...
luteolins 17 13 LUTEOLIN, a yellow d...
luteolous 17 13 yellowish [adj]
lutescent 19 15 yellowish [adj]
lutetiums 19 15 LUTETIUM, a rare ear...
luvviedom 22 23 the world of luvvies...
luxations 22 19 LUXATION, the disloc...
luxmeters 24 21 LUXMETER, an instrum...
luxuriant 23 20 overabundant in grow...
luxuriate 23 19 to be luxuriant, gro...
luxurious 24 20 enjoying or indulgin...
luxurists 25 19 LUXURIST, someone gi...
lycaenids 25 17 LYCAENID, any member...
lychgates 29 19 LYCHGATE, the roofed...
lychnises 28 18 LYCHNIS, a plant of...
lycopenes 26 19 LYCOPENE, a red pigm...
lycopsids 29 19 LYCOPSID, a type of...
lykewakes 27 23 LYKEWAKE, a watch ov...
lykewalks 29 24 LYKEWALK, a watch ov...
lymphatic 32 23 relating to lymph [a...
lymphomas 29 23 LYMPHOMA, a tumor ha...
lynchings 29 21 LYNCHING, the act of...
lynchpins 30 22 LYNCHPIN, a locking...
lyomerous 23 16 relating to the Lyom...
lyonnaise 20 14 (French) applied to...
lyophiled 28 19 obtained by freeze-d...
lyophilic 32 21 of a colloid, readil...
lyophobic 32 23 of a colloid, not re...
lyrebirds 26 16 LYREBIRD, an Austral...
lyrically 35 19 LYRICAL, having the...
lyricised 27 16 LYRICISE, to write l...
lyricises 27 15 LYRICISE, to write l...
lyricisms 29 18 LYRICISM, the qualit...
lyricists 28 15 LYRICIST, one who wr...
lyricized 30 25 LYRICIZE, to write l...
lyricizes 30 24 LYRICIZE, to write l...
lysergide 24 15 the drug LSD [n -S]
lysigenic 27 18 caused by the breaki...
lysimeter 24 15 an instrument for me...
lysogenic 26 18 relating to the acti...
lysosomal 24 16 of or like a lysosom...
lysosomes 23 15 LYSOSOME, a saclike...
lysozymes 33 26 LYSOZYME, an antibac...
lytically 35 19 LYTIC, relating to l...