4 letter words that start with L

4 letter words that start with L

4 letter L word


Words With Friends®


labs 10 8 LAB, (short for) a l...
lace 10 8 to draw together two...
lack 12 12 to be without [v -ED...
lacs 11 8 LAC, a dark red resi...
lacy 17 10 resembling lacework,...
lade 7 6 to load with cargo,...
lads 8 6 LAD, a boy or youth...
lady 14 8 a woman of refinemen...
laer 7 5 (Afrikaans) in South...
lags 9 7 LAG, to fall behind...
lahs 10 7 LAH, a musical note,...
laic 11 8 pertaining to lay pe...
laid 8 6 (Scots) to load, als...
laik 9 9 (Scots) to sport or...
lain 7 6 LIE, to make an inte...
lair 8 5 the den or retreat o...
lake 8 9 a sizable inland bod...
lakh 11 11 (Hindi) a unit of co...
laky 15 11 full of lakes [adj L...
lall 10 7 to articulate the le...
lama 8 8 a Buddhist monk [n -...
lamb 11 11 a young sheep [n -S]...
lame 8 8 disabled in the legs...
lamp 11 11 to supply with a lig...
lams 9 8 LAM, to beat [v]
lana 6 6 the wood of the geni...
land 7 7 to set down on solid...
lane 6 6 a narrow passageway,...
lang 8 8 (Scots) long [adj LA...
lank 8 10 long and thin [adj L...
lant 7 6 stale urine, used in...
lanx 13 13 (archaic) a platter...
laps 10 8 LAP, to extend beyon...
lard 8 6 to smear with the me...
lare 7 5 lore; learning [n -S...
lari 8 5 a monetary unit of M...
lark 9 9 to behave playfully...
larn 7 6 (dialect) to learn [...
lars 8 5 LAR, the god of a ho...
lase 7 5 to use a laser [v LA...
lash 10 7 to strike with a whi...
lass 8 5 (Scots) a girl, also...
last 8 5 coming after all oth...
late 7 5 coming after the exp...
lath 10 7 to cover with thin s...
lati 8 5 LAT, (short for) lat...
lats 8 5 LAT, (short for) lat...
latu 8 6 an edible Asian seaw...
laud 8 7 to praise [v -ED, -I...
lauf 10 9 a run in a bobsleigh...
lava 9 9 molten rock that iss...
lave 9 9 (archaic) to wash, b...
lavs 10 9 LAV, (short for) lav...
lawk 12 12 (dialect) an interje...
lawn 10 9 a smooth space of gr...
laws 11 8 LAW, (obsolete) to t...
lays 14 7 LAY, to deposit as a...
laze 10 14 to pass time idly [v...
lazo 10 14 to catch with a long...
lazy 17 16 to move or lie slugg...
lead 7 6 to go in advance [v...
leaf 9 8 to turn pages rapidl...
leak 8 9 to seep through [v -...
leal 8 6 (Scots) loyal [adj L...
leam 8 8 (archaic) to gleam,...
lean 6 6 to incline or tilt [...
leap 9 8 to spring off the gr...
lear 7 5 (Scots) to teach, al...
leas 7 5 LEA, a meadow or pas...
leat 7 5 a millstream [n -S]
lech 13 10 to engage in lechery...
lede 7 6 the introductory sec...
leed 7 6 LEE, (Scots) to lie,...
leek 8 9 a vegetable of the o...
leep 9 8 (Hindi) to plaster w...
leer 7 5 to look with a sidew...
lees 7 5 LEE, (Scots) to lie,...
leet 7 5 a former English cou...
left 10 8 the left side or han...
legs 9 7 LEG, to walk briskly...
lehr 10 7 a glass-annealing ov...
leir 8 5 (Scots) to teach, al...
leis 8 5 LEI, a garland of fl...
leke 8 9 (Spenser) leaky [adj...
leks 9 9 LEK, to gather at a...
leku 9 10 LEK, a monetary unit...
leme 8 8 (archaic) a gleam of...
lend 7 7 to give for a time o...
leng 8 8 (obsolete) long [adj...
leno 6 6 a thin, muslin-like...
lens 7 6 a piece of transpare...
lent 7 6 LEND, to give for a...
leps 10 8 LEP, (dialect) to le...
lept 10 8 LEP, (dialect) to le...
lere 7 5 (Scots) to teach, al...
lerp 10 8 (Native Australian)...
less 8 5 a smaller portion [n...
lest 8 5 (Spenser) to listen...
lets 8 5 LET, to allow [v]
leud 8 7 a feudal vassal [n L...
leva 9 9 LEV, a unit of Bulga...
leve 9 9 (archaic) gladly, al...
levo 9 9 turning towards the...
levs 10 9 LEV, a unit of Bulga...
levy 16 11 to impose or collect...
lewd 11 9 sexually suggestive...
leys 14 7 LEY, a meadow, also...
lezz 14 23 (short for) a lesbia...
liar 8 5 one that speaks fals...
lias 8 5 the lowest series of...
libs 11 8 LIB, to geld [v]
lice 11 8 LOUSE, a parasitic i...
lich 14 10 (obsolete) a corpse,...
lick 13 12 to lap, taste or moi...
lido 8 6 a bathing beach; an...
lids 9 6 LID, to provide with...
lied 8 6 a German song [n LIE...
lief 10 8 (archaic) soon, glad...
lien 7 6 a right to keep poss...
lier 8 5 one who lies [n -S]
lies 8 5 LIE, to make an inte...
lieu 8 6 (French) a place or...
life 10 8 the state of functio...
lift 11 8 to raise higher [v L...
ligs 10 7 LIG, to lie, also LI...
like 9 9 to be fond of [v LIK...
lill 11 7 (Spenser) to loll th...
lilo 9 6 (tradename) an infla...
lilt 10 6 to sing or speak rhy...
lily 16 8 any plant or flower...
lima 9 8 an edible seed of a...
limb 12 11 to cut off the arms...
lime 9 8 calcium oxide [n -S]...
limn 9 9 (archaic) to portray...
limo 9 8 (short for) a limous...
limp 12 11 lacking rigidity [ad...
limy 16 10 containing lime [adj...
lind 8 7 a lime-tree, also LI...
line 7 6 to mark out with sle...
ling 9 8 any of various plant...
link 9 10 to connect [v -ED, -...
linn 7 7 (Scots) a waterfall,...
lino 7 6 (short for) linoleum...
lins 8 6 LIN, to cease [v]
lint 8 6 an absorbent cotton...
liny 14 8 resembling a line, a...
lion 7 6 a large, carnivorous...
lipa 10 8 a Croatian monetary...
lipe 10 8 a lurching or jerkin...
lipo 10 8 (colloquial) a lipos...
lips 11 8 LIP, to touch with t...
lira 8 5 (Italian) an Italian...
lire 8 5 LIRA, (Italian) an I...
liri 9 5 LIRA, (Italian) an I...
lirk 10 9 (Scots) to wrinkle [...
lisk 10 9 the groin [n -S]
lisp 11 8 to pronounce the let...
list 9 5 to write down in a p...
lite 8 5 of food and drink, l...
lith 11 7 (Scots) a joint; spe...
lits 9 5 LIT, a former moneta...
litu 9 6 LITAS, a former mone...
live 10 9 to function as a liv...
load 7 6 to place goods or ca...
loaf 9 8 to pass time idly [v...
loam 8 8 a soil consisting of...
loan 6 6 to lend [v -ED, -ING...
lobe 9 8 a rounded, projectin...
lobi 10 8 LOBUS, a lobe [n]
lobo 9 8 the timber wolf [n -...
lobs 10 8 LOB, to hit a ball i...
loca 10 8 LOCUS, (Latin) a pla...
loch 13 10 (Scots) a lake [n -S...
loci 11 8 an engine used in lo...
lock 12 12 to secure with a fas...
loco 10 8 a locomotive [n -S]...
lode 7 6 a deposit of valuabl...
lods 8 6 LOD, the logarithm o...
loft 10 8 to propel high into...
loge 8 7 (French) a small enc...
logo 8 7 a small design used...
logs 9 7 LOG, to fell timber...
logy 15 9 sluggish, also LOGGY...
loid 8 6 to open a lock with...
loin 7 6 meat from the lower...
loir 8 5 a European dormouse...
loke 8 9 (dialect) a short na...
loll 10 7 to lounge, also LOLL...
lolz 12 15 (slang) amusement de...
loma 8 8 a membranous fringe...
lome 8 8 to cover with loam [...
lone 6 6 solitary [adj]
long 8 8 extending for a cons...
loof 9 8 the palm of the hand...
look 8 9 to use one's sight [...
loom 8 8 to appear indistinct...
loon 6 6 a diving waterfowl [...
loop 9 8 to form oval opening...
loor 7 5 LIEF, (archaic) soon...
loos 7 5 LOO, to love, also L...
loot 7 5 to plunder [v -ED, -...
lope 9 8 to run with a long s...
lops 10 8 LOP, to cut the tops...
lord 8 6 to rule over others...
lore 7 5 a traditional knowle...
lorn 7 6 (archaic) lost, aban...
lory 14 7 (Malay) a kind of sm...
lose 7 5 to misplace or be de...
losh 10 7 (Scots) an interject...
loss 8 5 the act of one that...
lost 8 5 LOSE, to misplace or...
lota 7 5 a small brass water...
lote 7 5 (archaic) a lotus, a...
loth 10 7 unwilling, also LAIT...
loti 8 5 a monetary unit of L...
loto 7 5 a game played by cov...
lots 8 5 LOT, to separate int...
loud 8 7 strongly audible [ad...
loun 7 7 (Scots) to calm, als...
loup 10 9 (Scots) to leap, als...
lour 8 6 to look sullen or th...
lous 8 6 LOU, (Scots) to love...
lout 8 6 (obsolete) to bow [v...
love 9 9 to feel great affect...
lowe 10 8 (Scots) to blaze [v...
lown 10 9 (Scots) sheltered, c...
lowp 13 11 (Scots) to leap, als...
lows 11 8 LOW, to utter the so...
lowt 11 8 (obsolete) to bow, s...
loys 14 7 LOY, a long, narrow...
luau 8 7 (Hawaiian) a dish ma...
lube 10 9 to lubricate [v LUBE...
luce 11 9 the pike or jack, a...
luck 13 13 to succeed by chance...
lude 8 7 a type of sedative p...
ludo 8 7 a simple board game...
luds 9 7 LUD, lord, used when...
lues 8 6 (Latin) disease, esp...
luff 13 12 to steer a sailing v...
luge 9 8 to race on a small s...
lugs 10 8 LUG, to drag heavily...
luit 9 6 LET, to allow [v]
luke 9 10 moderately warm; tep...
lull 11 8 to cause to sleep or...
lulu 10 8 an outstandingly bad...
lulz 13 16 (slang) amusement de...
luma 9 9 a unit of currency o...
lump 12 12 to make into a shape...
lums 10 9 LUM, (Scots) a chimn...
luna 7 7 a North American mot...
lune 7 7 a crescent-shaped fi...
lung 9 9 a respiratory organ...
lunk 9 11 a stupid person, als...
luns 8 7 LUN, a lee, a shelte...
lunt 8 7 (Scots) a slow match...
luny 14 9 crazy [adj LUNIER, L...
lure 8 6 to attract with some...
lurk 10 10 to lie in wait [v -E...
lurs 9 6 LUR, a Bronze Age tr...
lush 11 8 abounding in vegetat...
lusk 10 10 to lie about lazily...
lust 9 6 to have a strong sex...
lute 8 6 an old stringed inst...
lutz 12 15 a jump in figure ska...
luvs 11 10 LUV [n]
luxe 14 13 (French) luxurious,...
lwei 11 8 a monetary unit of A...
lyam 15 10 a kind of bloodhound...
lych 20 12 a corpse, also LICH...
lyes 14 7 LYE, a strongly alka...
lyme 15 10 a kind of bloodhound...
lyms 16 10 LYM, (Shakespeare) a...
lyne 13 8 (Spenser) linen [n -...
lynx 20 15 an animal of the Lyn...
lyra 14 7 as in lyra viol, a l...
lyre 14 7 an ancient harp-like...
lyse 14 7 to cause to undergo...
lyte 14 7 to alight, also LITE...