6 letter words that start with L

6 letter words that start with L

6 letter L word


Words With Friends®


laager 11 9 to form a defensive...
laaris 11 7 LAARI, a monetary un...
labara 12 10 LABARUM, (Latin) a m...
labdas 13 11 LABDA, (Greek) the G...
labels 14 11 LABEL, to attach a t...
labial 14 11 pronounced with the...
labile 14 11 likely to change [ad...
labium 15 14 a fold of the vulva...
lablab 16 14 a tropical bean [n -...
labors 13 10 LABOR, to work, also...
labour 13 11 to work, also LABOR...
labral 14 11 relating to the labr...
labret 13 10 an ornament worn in...
labrid 14 11 a member of the wras...
labrum 15 14 a liplike structure...
labrys 20 12 (Greek) the double-h...
lacers 14 10 LACER, one that lace...
lacets 14 10 LACET, a kind of lac...
laches 16 12 undue delay in carry...
lacier 14 10 LACEY, resembling la...
lacily 22 13 LACY, resembling lac...
lacing 15 13 a contrasting margin...
lacked 15 15 LACK, to be without...
lacker 15 14 to coat with a gloss...
lackey 21 16 to serve in a servil...
lacmus 16 14 a substance that cha...
lactam 15 13 one of a series of a...
lactic 18 13 derived from milk [a...
lacuna 13 12 an empty space or mi...
lacune 13 12 an empty space or mi...
ladder 11 9 to cause a run in a...
laddie 11 9 a lad [n -S]
ladens 10 9 LADEN, to load with...
laders 11 8 LADER, one who lades...
ladies 11 8 LADY, a woman of ref...
ladify 20 13 to make a lady of, a...
lading 12 11 cargo or freight [n...
ladino 10 9 a fast-growing clove...
ladled 12 10 LADLE, to serve with...
ladler 12 9 one who ladles; (his...
ladles 12 9 LADLE, to serve with...
ladron 10 9 (Spanish) a robber;...
ladyfy 26 15 to make a lady of, a...
laered 10 8 LAER, to make a defe...
laesie 10 7 (Spenser) lazy [adj]
lagans 11 10 LAGAN, goods thrown...
lagena 10 10 a narrow-necked bott...
lagend 11 11 goods thrown into th...
lagers 12 9 LAGER, to form a def...
lagged 13 12 LAG, to fall behind...
laggen 12 12 the angle between th...
lagger 13 11 one who lags, also L...
laggin 13 12 the angle between th...
lagoon 10 10 a shallow body of wa...
laguna 11 11 a shallow body of wa...
lagune 11 11 a shallow body of wa...
lahals 14 10 LAHAL, a team game p...
lahars 13 9 LAHAR, a flowing mas...
laical 15 11 of or pertaining to...
laichs 17 12 LAICH, (Scots) a pie...
laided 11 9 LAID, (Scots) to loa...
laidly 19 11 (Scots) loathly, als...
laighs 15 11 LAIGH, a piece of lo...
laikas 12 11 LAIKA, (Russian) a b...
laiked 12 12 LAIK, (Scots) to spo...
laiker 12 11 one who sports or pl...
laipse 13 10 (dialect) to defeat...
lairds 12 8 LAIRD, the owner of...
laired 11 8 LAIR, to go to a lai...
laisse 11 7 (French) a tirade or...
lakers 12 11 LAKER, a fish found...
lakier 12 11 LAKY, full of lakes...
laking 13 14 the reddening of blo...
lakins 12 12 LAKIN, (Shakespeare)...
lakish 15 13 like a lake [adj]
laksas 12 11 LAKSA, (Malay) rice...
lalang 12 11 a coarse grass of th...
laldie 12 9 (Scots) a beating or...
lallan 12 10 (Scots) lowland, als...
lalled 13 10 LALL, to articulate...
lambda 14 14 (Greek) the Greek le...
lambed 14 14 LAMB, to give birth...
lamber 14 13 a ewe that is lambin...
lambie 14 13 a small lamb, also L...
lamedh 14 13 (Hebrew) a Hebrew le...
lameds 12 11 LAMED, (Hebrew) a He...
lamely 19 13 LAME, disabled in th...
lament 11 11 to cry out in grief...
lamest 12 10 LAME, disabled in th...
lamiae 11 10 LAMIA, a mythical mo...
lamias 12 10 LAMIA, a mythical mo...
lamina 11 11 a thin plate or laye...
laming 13 13 LAME, to make lame [...
lamish 15 12 somewhat lame [adj]
lammed 13 14 LAM, to beat [v]
lammer 13 13 (Scots) amber [n -S]
lammie 13 13 a thick quilted jump...
lampad 14 14 a candlestick [n -S]
lampas 14 13 inflammation of the...
lamped 14 14 LAMP, to supply with...
lamper 14 13 a primitive fish-lik...
lanais 10 8 LANAI, (Hawaiian) a...
lanate 9 8 having or consisting...
lanced 13 12 LANCE, to pierce wit...
lancer 13 11 a cavalryman armed w...
lances 13 11 LANCE, to pierce wit...
lancet 13 11 a narrow, pointed ar...
landau 10 10 (German) a horse-dra...
landed 10 10 LAND, to set down on...
lander 10 9 one who lands [n -S]
landes 10 9 LANDE, (French) a he...
lanely 17 11 (Scots) lonely [adj]
langar 11 10 a dining hall in a S...
langer 11 10 (Irish slang) a peni...
langue 11 11 (French) a language...
langur 12 11 a long-tailed Asian...
lanked 11 13 LANK, to become limp...
lanker 11 12 LANK, long and thin...
lankly 19 15 LANK, long and thin...
lanner 9 9 a kind of falcon [n...
lanose 9 8 covered with wool, a...
lanugo 11 11 (Latin) a woolly dow...
laogai 11 9 the system of forced...
lapdog 14 13 a small dog fondled...
lapels 14 11 LAPEL, an extension...
lapful 17 15 as much as a lap can...
lapins 13 11 LAPIN, (French) rabb...
lapjes 15 19 LAPJE, (Afrikaans) a...
lapped 15 14 LAP, to extend beyon...
lappel 16 14 an extension of the...
lapper 15 13 (Scots) to curdle, a...
lappet 15 13 a fold or flap on a...
lappie 15 13 (Afrikaans) a rag or...
lapsed 13 11 LAPSE, to pass into...
lapser 13 10 one who lapses [n -S...
lapses 13 10 LAPSE, to pass into...
lapsus 14 11 (Latin) a slip e.g....
laptop 15 13 a small computer use...
larded 11 9 LARD, to smear with...
larder 11 8 a place where food i...
lardon 10 9 a strip of bacon, al...
larees 10 7 LAREE, a monetary un...
largen 11 10 to enlarge, also ENL...
larger 12 9 LARGE, great in size...
larges 12 9 LARGE, generosity [n...
largos 12 9 LARGO, a slow musica...
lariat 11 7 to catch with a long...
larine 10 8 of or pertaining to...
larked 12 12 LARK, to behave play...
larker 12 11 a catcher of larks [...
larnax 16 15 (Greek) a terracotta...
larned 10 9 LARN, (dialect) to l...
larney 16 10 (South Africa) a whi...
laroid 11 8 of or pertaining to...
larrup 14 11 to flog or thrash [v...
larums 13 11 LARUM, (archaic) ala...
larvae 12 11 LARVA, an animal in...
larval 14 12 of or like a larva [...
larvas 13 11 LARVA, an animal in...
larynx 23 17 an organ of the resp...
lascar 14 10 an East Indian sailo...
lasers 11 7 LASER, a source of h...
lashed 13 10 LASH, to strike with...
lasher 13 9 a rope for binding o...
lashes 13 9 LASH, to strike with...
lasing 12 10 the act of using a l...
lasket 12 11 a loop at the foot o...
lasque 19 17 a thin, flat diamond...
lasses 11 7 LASS, (Scots) a girl...
lassie 11 7 (Scots) a girl, also...
lassis 12 7 LASSI, (Hindi) a dri...
lassos 11 7 LASSO, to catch with...
lassus 12 8 LASSU, the slow move...
lasted 11 8 LAST, to continue in...
laster 11 7 a worker who shapes...
lastly 19 10 LAST, coming after a...
latahs 13 9 LATAH, a psychologic...
lateen 9 8 a triangular sail ri...
lately 18 10 not long ago [adv]
latens 10 8 LATEN, to make or gr...
latent 10 8 hidden [adj LATENTLY...
latest 11 7 the most recent deve...
lathed 13 10 LATH, to cover with...
lathee 12 9 (Hindi) in India, a...
lathen 12 10 made of lath, thin s...
lather 13 9 to cover with a ligh...
lathes 13 9 LATHE, to shape or c...
lathis 14 9 LATHI, (Hindi) in In...
latigo 12 9 a strap used to fast...
latina 10 8 a female Latin Ameri...
latino 10 8 (Spanish) a (male) L...
latish 14 9 somewhat late [adj]
latkes 12 11 LATKE, (Yiddish) a t...
latria 11 7 (Latin) in Roman Cat...
latron 10 8 (obsolete) a robber,...
latten 10 8 metal in thin plates...
latter 11 7 the second mentioned...
lattes 11 7 LATTE, a white coffe...
lattin 11 8 metal in thin plates...
lauans 10 9 LAUAN, a lightweight...
lauchs 17 13 LAUCH, (Scots) to la...
lauded 11 10 LAUD, to praise [v]
lauder 11 9 one who lauds, also...
laughs 15 12 LAUGH, to express mi...
laughy 21 14 inclined to laugh [a...
launce 13 12 (Spenser) to pierce...
launch 16 14 to set in motion [v...
launds 11 10 LAUND, (Shakespeare)...
laurae 10 8 LAURA, a group of hu...
lauras 11 8 LAURA, a group of hu...
laurel 12 9 to crown with a wrea...
lauric 15 11 as in lauric acid, a...
lauryl 19 11 a radical in lauryl...
lavabo 14 14 a fixed basin or was...
lavage 13 13 the irrigation or wa...
lavash 15 13 a thin flat bread of...
laveer 12 11 (archaic) to sail ag...
lavers 13 11 LAVER, an edible sea...
laving 14 14 LAVE, (archaic) to w...
lavish 16 13 to give generously [...
lavolt 14 12 a lively dance for c...
lavras 13 11 LAVRA, (Greek) a gro...
lawest 14 10 LAW, (Scots) low [ad...
lawful 18 15 allowed by law (the...
lawine 13 11 (German) an avalanch...
lawing 15 13 a bill for food or d...
lawins 14 11 LAWIN, (Scots) a bil...
lawman 14 14 a law-enforcement of...
lawmen 14 14 LAWMAN, a law-enforc...
lawned 13 12 having a lawn [adj]
lawyer 20 12 a member of the lega...
laxest 17 14 LAX, slack or loose...
laxism 19 17 the belief that an u...
laxist 18 14 a person with low mo...
laxity 24 16 the state of being l...
layers 17 9 LAYER, to form a lay...
laying 18 12 the first coat of pl...
layins 17 10 LAYIN, a basketball...
layman 17 13 a member of the lait...
laymen 17 13 LAYMAN, a member of...
layoff 21 15 the suspension or di...
layout 17 10 an arrangement or pl...
layups 20 13 LAYUP, a shot in bas...
lazars 14 16 LAZAR, a leper or pe...
lazied 14 17 LAZY, to move or lie...
lazier 14 16 LAZY, disinclined to...
lazies 14 16 LAZY, to move or lie...
lazily 22 19 LAZY, disinclined to...
lazing 15 19 LAZE, to pass time i...
lazoed 13 17 LAZO, to catch with...
lazoes 13 16 LAZO, to catch with...
lazuli 16 18 a beautiful blue sto...
leachy 22 14 permitting liquids t...
leaded 10 9 LEAD, to go in advan...
leaden 9 9 made of or resemblin...
leader 10 8 one that leads or gu...
leafed 12 11 LEAF, to turn pages...
league 11 10 to come together for...
leaked 11 12 LEAK, to seep throug...
leaker 11 11 something that leaks...
lealer 11 8 LEAL, (Scots) loyal...
leally 19 11 LEAL, (Scots) loyal...
lealty 18 10 (Scots) loyalty [n L...
leamed 11 11 LEAM, (archaic) to g...
leaned 9 9 LEAN, to incline or...
leaner 9 8 one that leans [n -S...
leanly 17 11 LEAN, having little...
leaped 12 11 LEAP, to spring off...
leaper 12 10 one who leaps [n -S]
leared 10 8 LEARE, (Scots) to te...
leares 10 7 LEARE, (Scots) to te...
learns 10 8 LEARN, to be informe...
learnt 10 8 LEARN, to be informe...
leased 10 8 LEASE, to contract t...
leaser 10 7 one who leases [n -S...
leases 10 7 LEASE, to contract t...
leasow 13 10 to pasture, also LEA...
leasts 11 7 LEAST, the smallest...
leaved 12 12 having leaves [adj]
leaven 11 12 to produce fermentat...
leaver 12 11 one that leaves [n -...
leaves 12 11 LEAVE, to go away fr...
leazes 13 16 LEAZE, a pasture [n]
lebbek 16 17 an Old World tropica...
lebens 12 11 LEBEN, a kind of Eas...
leched 16 13 LECH, to engage in l...
lecher 16 12 an excessively lewd...
leches 16 12 LECH, to engage in l...
lechwe 19 15 (Bantu) a kind of Af...
lectin 14 11 a protein that binds...
lector 14 10 a reader of the less...
ledden 10 10 (Spenser) language,...
ledged 12 11 having a ledge [adj]
ledger 12 10 (obsolete) an ambass...
ledges 12 10 LEDGE, a narrow, she...
ledums 13 12 LEDUM, a plant of th...
leears 10 7 LEEAR, (Scots) a lia...
leeing 11 10 LEE, (Scots) to lie,...
leeped 12 11 LEEP, (Hindi) to pla...
leered 10 8 LEER, to look with a...
leeses 10 7 LEESE, (Shakespeare)...
leetle 11 8 an old-fashioned aff...
leeway 19 12 the lateral drift of...
lefter 13 10 LEFT, pertaining to...
leftie 13 10 someone who is polit...
legacy 21 14 something bequeathed...
legals 13 10 LEGAL, an authorised...
legate 11 9 an emissary of the p...
legato 11 9 (Italian) in a smoot...
legend 11 11 an unverified story...
legers 12 9 LEGER, one who sells...
legged 13 12 LEG, to walk briskly...
legger 13 11 a bargeman who legs...
legges 13 11 LEGGE, (Shakespeare)...
leggie 13 11 in cricket, a leg-br...
leggin 13 12 a cover for the leg,...
legion 11 10 a large military for...
legist 13 9 one skilled in the l...
legits 13 9 LEGIT, a legitimate...
leglan 12 11 a milking pail, also...
leglen 12 11 a milking pail, also...
leglet 13 10 a leg decoration [n...
leglin 13 11 a milking pail, also...
legman 12 13 a newspaperman assig...
legmen 12 13 LEGMAN, a newspaperm...
legong 12 12 a Balinese dance [n...
leguan 11 11 (Dutch) a large moni...
legume 13 13 the fruit or edible...
lehaim 14 12 a traditional Jewish...
lehuas 13 10 LEHUA, (Hawaiian) a...
leiger 12 9 (obsolete) an ambass...
leipoa 12 10 an Australian bird [...
leired 11 8 LEIR, (Scots) to tea...
lekked 13 16 LEK, to gather at a...
lekker 13 15 (South African slang...
lekvar 14 15 a prune butter [n -S...
lemans 11 11 LEMAN, (archaic) a l...
lemels 13 11 LEMEL, the dust and...
leming 13 13 LEME, to gleam, glow...
lemmas 13 13 LEMMA, a type of pro...
lemons 11 11 LEMON, to flavour wi...
lemony 17 13 tasting of lemon [ad...
lemurs 13 11 LEMUR, an arboreal m...
lender 10 9 one that lends [n -S...
lenged 11 11 LENG, to tarry [v]
lenger 11 10 LENG, (obsolete) lon...
length 14 12 the extent from end...
lenify 19 13 (archaic) to mitigat...
lenite 10 8 to articulate a leni...
lenity 17 10 the quality of being...
lensed 10 9 LENS, to make a film...
lenses 10 8 LENS, to make a film...
lenten 9 9 meagre, i.e. that wh...
lentic 14 11 pertaining to still...
lentil 12 9 a leguminous annual...
lentor 10 8 (archaic) sluggishne...
lentos 10 8 LENTO, a slow musica...
lenvoy 18 14 an envoy [n -S]
leones 9 8 LEONE, the standard...
lepers 13 10 LEPER, one affected...
lepped 15 14 LEP, (dialect) to le...
lepras 13 10 LEPRA, (Latin) lepro...
leptin 13 11 a hormone released b...
lepton 12 11 a monetary unit of G...
lering 12 10 LERE, (Scots) to tea...
lesbic 17 13 lesbian [adj]
lesbos 13 10 LESBO, (colloquial)...
lesion 10 8 an abnormal change i...
lessee 10 7 one to whom a lease...
lessen 10 8 to make or become le...
lesser 11 7 LESS, smaller [adj]
lesses 11 7 LESS, a smaller port...
lesson 10 8 a teaching [n -S] /...
lessor 11 7 one who grants a lea...
lested 11 8 LEST, (Spenser) to l...
lesula 12 9 a genus of Congolese...
lethal 14 10 causing death [adj L...
lethee 12 9 (Shakespeare) lifebl...
lethes 13 9 LETHE, forgetfulness...
letout 11 8 something that makes...
letted 11 8 LET, to allow [v]
letter 11 7 to inscribe with sym...
lettre 11 7 (French) letter, as...
letups 14 11 LETUP, an easing off...
leucin 14 12 an amino acid, also...
leucon 13 12 a sponge of complex...
leudes 11 9 LEUD, a feudal vassa...
leukon 11 13 a bodily organ consi...
levant 12 12 to run away from a d...
leveed 12 12 LEVEE, to attend suc...
levees 12 11 LEVEE, to attend suc...
levels 14 12 LEVEL, to make even...
levers 13 11 LEVER, to prise open...
levied 13 12 LEVY, to impose or c...
levier 13 11 one who levies [n -S...
levies 13 11 LEVY, to impose or c...
levins 13 12 LEVIN, (archaic) lig...
levite 13 11 (slang) a clergyman...
levity 20 13 frivolity [n LEVITIE...
lewder 14 11 LEWD, sexually sugge...
lewdly 22 14 LEWD, sexually sugge...
lexeme 17 17 the fundamental unit...
lexica 20 17 LEXICON, a dictionar...
lezzas 17 25 LEZZA, (short for) a...
lezzes 17 25 LEZZ, (short for) a...
lezzie 17 25 (short for) a lesbia...
liable 14 11 subject to an obliga...
liaise 11 7 to form a link with...
lianas 10 8 LIANA, any climbing...
lianes 10 8 LIANE, any climbing...
liangs 12 10 LIANG, a Chinese uni...
liards 12 8 LIARD, an old French...
liases 11 7 LIAS, the lowest ser...
libant 13 11 (archaic) sipping; t...
libate 13 10 to pour in honour to...
libbed 16 14 LIB, to geld [v]
libber 16 13 (short for) a libera...
libels 15 11 LIBEL, to make a def...
libero 13 10 (Italian) a football...
libers 14 10 LIBER, a book of pub...
libido 14 11 psychic drive or ene...
libken 14 15 in thieves' slang, a...
liblab 17 14 a person supporting...
librae 13 10 LIBRA, an ancient Ro...
libras 14 10 LIBRA, an ancient Ro...
lichee 16 12 a tropical fruit, al...
lichen 16 13 a compound plant con...
liches 17 12 LICH, (obsolete) a c...
lichis 18 12 LICHI, a tropical fr...
lichts 18 12 LICHT, to light [v]
licked 16 15 LICK, to lap, taste...
licker 16 14 one who licks [n -S]
lictor 15 10 (historical) an anci...
lidars 12 8 LIDAR, a system of u...
lidded 12 10 LID, to provide with...
lidger 13 10 (obsolete) an ambass...
lieder 11 8 LIED, a German song...
liefer 13 10 LIEF, (archaic) soon...
liefly 21 13 LIEF, (archaic) soon...
lieger 12 9 (obsolete) an ambass...
lieges 12 9 LIEGE, (historical)...
lienal 11 9 pertaining to the sp...
lienee 9 8 in law, a party agai...
lienor 10 8 a party who holds a...
lierne 10 8 (French) a cross-rib...
liever 13 11 LIEVE [adv]
lieves 13 11 LIEVE, a beloved [n]
lifers 14 10 LIFER, a prisoner se...
lifted 14 11 LIFT, to raise highe...
lifter 14 10 one who lifts [n -S]
lifull 17 13 (Spenser) full of vi...
ligand 12 11 an atom, molecule, r...
ligans 12 10 LIGAN, goods thrown...
ligase 12 9 an enzyme which seal...
ligate 12 9 to tie with a ligatu...
ligers 13 9 LIGER, the offspring...
ligged 14 12 LIGGE, (dialect) to...
ligger 14 11 a horizontal timber...
ligges 14 11 LIGGE, (dialect) to...
lights 16 11 LIGHT, to illuminate...
lignan 11 11 a beneficial substan...
lignes 12 10 LIGNE, a measure of...
lignin 12 11 an essential part of...
lignum 14 14 the fragrant wood of...
ligula 14 11 a tongue-like part o...
ligule 14 11 a strap-shaped corol...
ligure 13 10 a precious stone [n...
likely 20 14 probable [adj LIKELI...
likens 12 12 LIKEN, to represent...
likers 13 11 LIKER, one who likes...
likest 13 11 LIKE, identical or s...
liking 14 14 a feeling of affecti...
likins 13 12 LIKIN, an old Chines...
likuta 13 12 a monetary unit of Z...
lilacs 16 11 LILAC, a flowering s...
lilied 13 9 covered with lilies...
lilies 13 8 LILY, any plant or f...
lilled 14 10 LILL, (Spenser) to l...
lilted 13 9 LILT, to sing or spe...
limail 14 11 the dust and filings...
limans 12 11 LIMAN, the deposit o...
limbas 15 13 LIMBA, a kind of Afr...
limbec 18 16 an old distilling ap...
limbed 15 14 LIMB, to cut off the...
limber 15 13 supple [adj LIMBERER...
limbic 19 16 pertaining to a syst...
limbos 15 13 LIMBO, a place of ob...
limbus 16 14 a distinctive border...
limens 12 11 LIMEN, a threshold,...
limeys 19 12 LIMEY, a British sai...
limier 13 10 LIMY, containing lim...
limina 12 11 LIMEN, a threshold,...
liming 14 13 in the preparation o...
limits 14 10 LIMIT, to restrict [...
limmas 14 13 LIMMA, in prosody, a...
limmer 14 13 (Scots) a rogue or t...
limned 12 12 LIMN, (archaic) to p...
limner 12 11 a painter of portrai...
limnic 16 14 living in fresh wate...
limous 13 11 (archaic) muddy, sli...
limpas 15 13 LIMPA, rye bread mad...
limped 15 14 LIMP, to walk lamely...
limper 15 13 one who limps [n -S]
limpet 15 13 a gastropod with a c...
limpid 16 14 transparent [adj LIM...
limply 23 16 LIMP, lacking rigidi...
limpsy 22 15 lacking strength or...
limuli 15 12 LIMULUS, a horseshoe...
linacs 14 11 LINAC, a linear part...
linage 11 10 payment for written...
linden 10 10 a lime-tree, also LI...
lineal 11 9 being directly desce...
linear 10 8 of or belonging to a...
linens 10 9 LINEN, a fabric wove...
lineny 16 11 like linen [adj]
liners 11 8 LINER, a passenger s...
lineup 13 12 a list of team membe...
lingam 13 13 (Sanskrit) the phall...
lingas 12 10 LINGA, (Sanskrit) th...
lingel 13 11 a shoemaker's waxed...
linger 12 10 to delay departure [...
lingle 13 11 a shoemaker's waxed...
lingos 12 10 LINGO, (colloquial)...
lingot 12 10 (obsolete) an ingot...
lingua 12 11 the tongue [n LINGUA...
linhay 19 12 a shed, also LINNEY,...
linier 11 8 LINEY, resembling a...
lining 12 11 an inner layer [n -S...
linins 11 9 LININ, (Greek) a sub...
linish 14 10 to give a smooth lin...
linked 12 13 LINK, to connect [v]
linker 12 12 one who links [n -S]
linkup 15 16 something that serve...
linned 10 10 LIN, to cease [v]
linnet 10 9 a common finch, feed...
linney 16 11 a shed with an open...
linsey 17 10 a coarse linen and w...
linted 11 9 LINT, to put lint on...
lintel 12 9 a horizontal support...
linter 11 8 a machine for removi...
lintie 11 8 (Scots) a linnet, al...
lintol 12 9 a horizontal support...
linums 13 12 LINUM, a plant of th...
lionel 11 9 a small lion used as...
lionet 10 8 a young lion [n -S]
lionly 18 11 like a lion [adj]
lipase 13 10 an enzyme that break...
lipide 14 11 any of a class of fa...
lipids 15 11 LIPID, any of a clas...
lipins 14 11 LIPIN, any of a clas...
lipoic 17 13 as in lipoic acid, a...
lipoid 14 11 any of a class of fa...
lipoma 14 13 a tumor of fatty tis...
lipped 16 14 LIP, to touch with t...
lippen 15 14 (Scots) to trust, de...
lipper 16 13 to ripple [v -ED, -I...
lippie 16 13 (Scots) an old Scott...
liquid 21 18 free-flowing [adj LI...
liquor 20 17 a strong alcoholic d...
lirked 13 12 LIRK, (Scots) to wri...
liroth 14 9 LIRA, (Italian) an I...
lisles 13 8 LISLE, a fine, tight...
lisped 14 11 LISP, to pronounce t...
lisper 14 10 one who lisps [n -S]
lisses 12 7 LIS, a heraldic fleu...
lissom 13 10 easily flexed, lithe...
listed 12 8 LIST, to write down...
listee 11 7 one who is on the li...
listel 13 8 (archaic) a narrow b...
listen 11 8 to try to hear [v -E...
lister 12 7 a three-pronged spea...
litany 17 10 a ceremonial form of...
litchi 18 12 the edible fruit of...
liters 12 7 LITER, (US) a measur...
litest 12 7 LITE, of food and dr...
lithed 14 10 LITHE, to listen [v]
lither 14 9 LITHE, supple [adj]
lithes 14 9 LITHE, to listen [v]
lithia 14 9 lithium oxide, a str...
lithic 18 12 of or pertaining to...
lithos 14 9 LITHO, to make a lit...
liting 13 10 LITE, (Spenser) to a...
litmus 14 11 a substance that cha...
litres 12 7 LITRE, a unit of cap...
litten 11 8 LET, to allow [v]
litter 12 7 to scatter rubbish a...
little 13 8 small [adj LITTLER,...
lituus 13 9 a J-shaped Roman tru...
livedo 13 12 a discoloured patch...
lively 21 14 full of energy [adj...
livens 13 12 LIVEN, to make livel...
livers 14 11 LIVER, to thicken or...
livery 20 13 the identifying unif...
livest 14 11 LIVE, having life [a...
livier 14 11 a permanent resident...
living 15 14 a means of subsisten...
livors 14 11 LIVOR, lividness of...
livres 14 11 LIVRE, a former mone...
livyer 20 13 a permanent resident...
lizard 15 17 any of a suborder of...
lizzie 18 25 as in tin lizzie, an...
llamas 13 11 LLAMA, a South Ameri...
llanos 11 9 LLANO, an open, gras...
loaded 10 9 LOAD, to place goods...
loaden 9 9 (archaic) to load, a...
loader 10 8 one that loads [n -S...
loafed 12 11 LOAF, to pass time i...
loafer 12 10 a lazy person; a sho...
loamed 11 11 LOAM, to cover with...
loaned 9 9 LOAN, to lend [v]
loanee 8 8 a person who receive...
loaner 9 8 one who loans [n -S]
loathe 12 9 to detest greatly [v...
loathy 19 11 (archaic) loathsome...
loaved 12 12 LOAVE, to form a hea...
loaves 12 11 LOAVE, to form a hea...
lobate 12 10 having lobes, also L...
lobbed 15 14 LOB, to hit a ball i...
lobber 15 13 one who lobs [n -S]
lobing 14 13 a division into lobe...
lobola 13 11 an African custom wh...
lobolo 13 11 an African custom wh...
lobose 12 10 having a lobe [adj]
lobule 14 12 a small lobe, also L...
lobuli 15 12 LOBULUS, a small lob...
locale 14 11 a place, position or...
locals 15 11 LOCAL, a person belo...
locate 13 10 to find or pinpoint...
lochan 15 13 (Gaelic) a small lak...
loches 16 12 LOCHE, a fish of the...
lochia 16 12 (Greek) the discharg...
locies 14 10 LOCIE, an engine use...
locked 15 15 LOCK, to secure with...
locker 15 14 a small cupboard for...
locket 15 14 a small ornamental c...
lockup 18 18 a jail [n -S]
locoed 13 11 LOCO, to poison with...
locoes 13 10 LOCO, to poison with...
locule 15 12 a small, cell-like c...
loculi 16 12 LOCULUS, a small, ce...
locums 16 14 LOCUM, a temporary s...
locust 15 11 any of numerous orth...
lodens 10 9 LODEN, (German) a th...
lodged 12 11 LODGE, to provide te...
lodger 12 10 one who stays in ren...
lodges 12 10 LODGE, to provide te...
loerie 10 7 a type of African bi...
lofted 13 11 LOFT, to propel high...
lofter 13 10 a type of golf club...
logans 11 10 LOGAN, a rocking-sto...
loggat 13 11 a small log or piece...
logged 13 12 LOG, to fell timber...
logger 13 11 one who fells timber...
loggia 13 11 (Italian) an open-si...
loggie 13 11 LOGGIA, (Italian) an...
logics 16 12 LOGIC, the science o...
logier 12 9 LOGY, sluggish, also...
logies 12 9 LOGIE, the space in...
logily 20 12 LOGY, sluggish, also...
logins 12 10 LOGIN, access to a m...
logion 11 10 a saying attributed...
logjam 15 21 a tangled mass of lo...
loglog 14 12 the logarithm of a l...
logoed 11 10 having a logo [adj]
logoff 16 15 exit from a mainfram...
logons 11 10 LOGON [v]
logout 12 10 exit from a mainfram...
logway 21 14 a ramp used in loggi...
lohans 12 10 LOHAN, (Sanskrit) a...
loided 11 9 LOID, to open a lock...
loipen 12 11 LOIPE, a track for c...
loiter 11 7 to stand idly about...
loligo 13 10 a genus of cephalopo...
lolium 14 12 any plant of the Lol...
lolled 13 10 LOLL, to lounge, als...
loller 13 9 one who lolls [n -S]
lollop 15 12 to lounge, also LOLL...
lologs 13 10 LOLOG, the logarithm...
lomata 11 10 LOMA, a membranous f...
lomein 11 11 a Chinese dish of no...
loment 11 11 a pod that breaks in...
loming 13 13 LOME, to cover with...
lonely 17 11 sad from lack of com...
loners 10 8 LONER, one who avoid...
longan 10 11 the edible fruit of...
longas 11 10 LONGA, a long note [...
longed 11 11 LONG, to desire stro...
longer 11 10 one that longs [n -S...
longes 11 10 LONGE, to guide a ho...
longly 19 13 (Shakespeare) long [...
looeys 16 9 LOOEY, a lieutenant...
loofah 14 12 a tropical vine, als...
loofas 12 10 LOOFA, a tropical vi...
looies 10 7 LOOIE, (colloquial)...
looing 11 10 LOO, to love, also L...
looked 11 12 LOOK, to use one's s...
looker 11 11 one that looks [n -S...
lookie 11 11 an interjection: loo...
lookit 12 11 an interjection: loo...
lookup 14 15 the process of looki...
loomed 11 11 LOOM, to appear indi...
looney 15 10 crazy [adj LOONIER,...
loonie 9 8 crazy [adj LOONIER,...
looped 12 11 LOOP, to form oval o...
looper 12 10 a caterpillar of the...
loords 11 8 LOORD, a lout [n]
loosed 10 8 LOOSE, to set free,...
loosen 9 8 to make less tight [...
looser 10 7 LOOSE, slack [adj]
looses 10 7 LOOSE, to set free,...
loosie 10 7 (slang) a loose forw...
looted 10 8 LOOT, to plunder [v]
looten 9 8 LET, to allow [v]
looter 10 7 one that loots [n -S...
looves 12 11 LOOF, the palm of th...
lopers 13 10 LOPER, one of a pair...
loping 14 13 LOPE, to run with a...
lopped 15 14 LOP, to cut the tops...
lopper 15 13 (Scots) to curdle, a...
loppet 15 13 a long-distance cros...
loquat 19 17 a Chinese and Japane...
lorans 10 8 LORAN, an acronym fo...
lorate 10 7 having the form of a...
lorcha 16 12 (Portuguese) a light...
lorded 11 9 LORD, to rule over o...
lordly 19 11 in the manner of a l...
loreal 11 8 pertaining to the lo...
lorels 12 8 LOREL, a good for no...
lorica 14 10 (Latin) a leather co...
lorics 15 10 LORIC, a leather cor...
lories 11 7 LORY, (Malay) a kind...
loring 12 10 (Spenser) learning [...
loriot 11 7 (French) the golden...
losels 12 8 LOSEL, a good for no...
losers 11 7 LOSER, one who loses...
losing 12 10 tending to suffer lo...
loslyf 21 13 (Afrikaans) a promis...
losses 11 7 LOSS, the act of one...
lotahs 13 9 LOTAH, a small brass...
lother 13 9 LOTH, unwilling, als...
lotion 10 8 a liquid preparation...
lotted 11 8 LOT, to separate int...
lotter 11 7 someone who rents or...
lottes 11 7 LOTTE, (French) a fo...
lottos 11 7 LOTTO, a game played...
louche 16 13 not reputable [adj L...
louden 10 10 to increase in volum...
louder 11 9 LOUD, strongly audib...
loudly 19 12 in a loud fashion [a...
loughs 15 12 LOUGH, (Irish) a lak...
louies 11 8 LOUIE, (colloquial)...
louing 12 11 LOU, (Scots) to love...
loumas 12 11 LOUMA, a weekly mark...
lounds 11 10 LOUND, (Scots) to ca...
louned 10 10 LOUN, (Scots) to cal...
lounge 11 11 to recline in a rela...
loungy 18 13 suitable for loungin...
louped 13 12 LOUP, (Scots) to lea...
loupen 12 12 LOUP, (Scots) to lea...
loupes 13 11 LOUPE, (French) a je...
loupit 14 11 LOUP, (Scots) to lea...
loured 11 9 LOUR, to look sullen...
loures 11 8 LOURE, (French) an o...
lourie 11 8 a type of African bi...
loused 11 9 LOUSE, to spoil or b...
louser 11 8 (Irish) a mean, nast...
louses 11 8 LOUSE, to spoil or b...
louted 11 9 LOUT, (obsolete) to...
louvar 13 12 a large silvery whal...
louver 13 12 a sloping slat place...
louvre 13 12 a sloping slat place...
lovage 13 13 a perennial herb [n...
lovats 13 11 LOVAT, a greyish or...
lovely 20 14 a beautiful woman [n...
lovers 13 11 LOVER, someone who l...
loveys 19 13 LOVEY, a term of end...
lovier 13 11 LOVEY, fondly affect...
lovies 13 11 LOVIE, an endearment...
loving 14 14 affectionate [adj LO...
lowans 13 11 LOWAN, (Native Austr...
lowboy 22 15 a low chest of drawe...
lowers 14 10 LOWER, to appear dar...
lowery 20 12 cloudy, gloomy, lowe...
lowest 14 10 LOW, not high [adj]
lowing 15 13 the sound of cattle...
lowish 17 12 somewhat low [adj]
lownds 14 12 LOWND, to calm, also...
lowned 13 12 LOWN, to calm, also...
lownes 13 11 LOWNE, to calm, also...
lowped 16 14 LOWP, (Scots) to lea...
lowrie 14 10 a kind of small parr...
lowsed 14 11 LOWSE, to loosen [v]
lowser 14 10 LOWSE, (Scots) loose...
lowses 14 10 LOWSE, to loosen [v]
lowsit 15 10 LOWSE, to loosen [v]
lowted 14 11 LOWT, (obsolete) to...
loxing 18 17 LOX, to supply with...
lozell 16 18 (Spenser) a good for...
lozens 13 17 LOZEN, (Scots) a win...
lubber 16 14 a clumsy fellow, als...
lubing 15 14 LUBE, to lubricate [...
lubras 14 11 LUBRA, (Native Austr...
lubric 18 14 (archaic) lubricious...
lucent 14 12 shining, bright [adj...
lucern 14 12 a fodder plant, aka...
luchot 17 13 LUACH, (Judaism) an...
lucite 15 11 a type of transparen...
lucked 16 16 LUCK, to succeed by...
lucken 15 16 (Scots) closed [adj]
luckie 16 15 an elderly woman who...
lucres 15 11 LUCRE, sordid gain;...
lucuma 16 15 a tree of the Lucuma...
lucumo 16 15 (Latin) an Etruscan...
luetic 15 11 infected with syphil...
luffas 16 14 LUFFA, a kind of vin...
luffed 16 15 LUFF, to steer a sai...
lugers 13 10 LUGER, one who rides...
lugged 14 13 LUG, to drag heavily...
lugger 14 12 a small 2- or-3-mast...
luggie 14 12 (Scots) a hooped dis...
luging 14 13 the act of toboggani...
luiten 11 9 LET, to allow [v]
lulled 14 11 LULL, to cause to sl...
luller 14 10 one who lulls [n -S]
lumbar 15 14 an anatomical part s...
lumber 15 14 to move heavily and...
lumbus 16 15 (Latin) the part of...
lumens 12 12 LUMEN, a unit of lum...
lumina 12 12 LUMEN, a unit of lum...
lumine 12 12 (obsolete) to illumi...
lummox 20 21 a clumsy person [n -...
lumped 15 15 LUMP, to make into a...
lumpen 14 15 (German) relating to...
lumper 15 14 a labourer employed...
lumpia 15 14 (Chinese) an Indones...
lunacy 20 14 insanity [n LUNACIES...
lunars 11 9 LUNAR, the distance...
lunary 17 11 the moonwort fern [n...
lunate 10 9 crescent-shaped, als...
lunets 11 9 LUNET, a little moon...
lungan 11 12 a pulpy fruit relate...
lunged 12 12 LUNGE, to make a sud...
lungee 11 11 a loincloth worn by...
lunger 12 11 one who lunges [n -S...
lunges 12 11 LUNGE, to make a sud...
lungie 12 11 (Scots) the guillemo...
lungis 13 11 LUNGI, (Hindi) in In...
lungyi 19 13 (Hindi) in India, a...
lunier 11 9 LUNY, crazy [adj]
lunies 11 9 LUNY, a crazy person...
lunker 12 13 a large game fish [n...
lunted 11 10 LUNT, to kindle [v]
lunula 12 11 (Latin) a Bronze Age...
lunule 12 11 a crescent-shaped ma...
lunyie 17 11 (Scots) the guillemo...
lupine 13 12 any papilionaceous p...
lupins 14 12 LUPIN, any papiliona...
lupoid 14 12 suffering from lupus...
lupous 14 12 pertaining to lupus,...
luppen 15 15 LEAP, to spring off...
lurdan 11 10 (archaic) a dull or...
lurden 11 10 (archaic) a dull or...
lurers 12 8 LURER, one who lures...
lurgis 14 10 LURGI, (facetious) a...
luring 13 11 as in tape luring, t...
lurked 13 13 LURK, to lie in wait...
lurker 13 12 one that lurks [n -S...
lurves 14 12 LURVE, (slang) roman...
lusers 12 8 LUSER, a user of a c...
lushed 14 11 LUSH, to ply with al...
lusher 14 10 a heavy drinker [n -...
lushes 14 10 LUSH, to ply with al...
lushly 22 13 LUSH, abounding in v...
lusked 13 13 LUSK, to lie about l...
lusted 12 9 LUST, to have a stro...
luster 12 8 to make lustrous, al...
lustra 12 8 LUSTRUM, (Latin) a p...
lustre 12 8 to make lustrous, al...
luteal 12 9 pertaining to the co...
lutein 11 9 a yellow pigment fou...
luters 12 8 LUTER, a lute-player...
luteum 13 12 a hormone-secreting...
luting 13 11 a rubber seal; a pas...
lutist 13 8 a lute-player, also...
lutite 12 8 any rock derived fro...
lutten 11 9 LET, to allow [v]
lutzes 15 17 LUTZ, a jump in figu...
luvved 16 17 LUV, (colloquial) to...
luvvie 16 16 (colloquial) a membe...
luxate 17 15 to put out of joint...
luxest 18 15 LUXE, (French) luxur...
luxing 19 18 LUX, to clean with a...
luxury 25 18 ease, pleasure and i...
luzern 14 18 a fodder plant, aka...
luzzes 18 26 LUZ, a supposedly in...
lyases 17 9 LYASE, an enzyme [n]
lycees 20 12 LYCEE, a French seco...
lyceum 22 16 a hall for public le...
lychee 22 14 (Chinese) a tropical...
lyches 23 14 LYCH, a corpse, also...
lycras 21 12 LYCRA, (tradename) a...
lyfull 23 15 (Spenser) full of vi...
lyings 19 12 LYING, the act of ly...
lymphs 24 17 LYMPH, a body fluid...
lynage 17 12 (obsolete) lineage,...
lynxes 23 17 LYNX, an animal of t...
lyrate 17 9 having the shape of...
lyrics 22 12 LYRIC, a lyrical poe...
lyrism 20 12 the quality of being...
lyrist 19 9 one who plays the ly...
lysate 17 9 a product of lysis,...
lysine 17 10 an essential amino a...
lysing 19 12 LYSE, to cause to un...
lysins 18 10 LYSIN, a substance c...
lysols 19 10 LYSOL, (tradename) a...
lyssas 18 9 LYSSA, rabies or hyd...
lythes 20 11 LYTHE, (Scots) a fis...
lyting 19 12 LYTE, to alight, als...
lyttae 17 9 LYTTA, a fibrous ban...
lyttas 18 9 LYTTA, a fibrous ban...