6 letter words that start with H

6 letter words that start with H

6 letter H word


Words With Friends®


habile 15 12 (French) dexterous;...
habits 15 11 HABIT, to clothe [v]
haboob 15 14 a violent dust storm...
haceks 16 15 HACEK, in Slavonic l...
hachis 18 13 (French) a hash, a m...
hacked 16 16 HACK, to cut or chop...
hackee 15 15 the chipmunk [n -S]
hacker 16 15 one that hacks [n -S...
hackie 16 15 a taxicab driver [n...
hackle 17 16 a comb for flax or h...
hackly 24 18 rough or broken, as...
hadden 11 11 HAD, (Scots) to hold...
haddie 12 10 (Scots) a haddock [n...
hading 13 12 HADE, to incline fro...
hadith 15 11 a record of the sayi...
hadjee 13 18 a person who has mad...
hadjes 14 18 HADJ, a pilgrimage t...
hadjis 15 18 HADJI, a person who...
hadron 11 10 one of a class of su...
haeing 12 11 HAE, (Scots) to have...
haemal 13 12 pertaining to the bl...
haemic 16 14 pertaining to the bl...
haemin 12 12 the red, crystalline...
haeres 11 8 an heir, also HERES...
haffet 16 14 (Scots) the cheekbon...
haffit 17 14 (Scots) the cheekbon...
hafted 14 12 HAFT, to set in a ha...
hafter 14 11 a caviler, a wrangle...
hagbut 16 14 (historical) a harqu...
hagden 12 12 a sea bird, the grea...
hagdon 12 12 a sea bird, the grea...
hagged 14 13 HAG, (Scots) to hack...
haggis 15 12 a Scottish dish cons...
haggle 15 13 to bargain [v HAGGLE...
haglet 14 11 the kittiwake or she...
haicks 17 15 HAICK, an Arab head...
haiduk 14 14 a brigand, a guerill...
haikai 13 12 a series of linked h...
haikus 14 13 HAIKU, a Japanese po...
hailed 13 10 HAIL, to greet [v]
hailer 13 9 one that hails [n -S...
hainch 17 14 to throw with an und...
hained 11 10 HAIN, (Scots) to sav...
haints 12 9 HAINT, (Southern US...
haique 20 18 an Arab head coverin...
hairdo 12 9 a style of wearing t...
haired 12 9 HAIR, to free from h...
hairif 15 11 the plant cleavers [...
hairst 13 8 to gather in a crop,...
hajjah 18 28 a Muslim woman who h...
hajjes 16 26 HAJJ, a pilgrimage t...
hajjis 17 26 HAJJI, a person who...
hakams 14 15 HAKAM, (Hebrew) a sa...
hakari 13 12 a ritual feast [n -S...
hakeas 12 12 HAKEA, an Australian...
hakeem 13 15 a Muslim physician,...
hakims 15 15 HAKIM, a Muslim phys...
halala 13 10 a Saudi Arabian coin...
halals 14 10 HALAL, to slaughter...
halers 13 9 HALER, a coin of the...
haleru 13 10 HALER, a coin of the...
halest 13 9 HALE, healthy [adj]
halfas 15 12 HALFA, a North Afric...
halfen 14 13 (Spenser) half [adj]
halide 13 10 a compound of a halo...
halids 14 10 HALID, a compound of...
halier 13 9 a former monetary un...
haling 14 12 HALE, to compel to g...
halite 13 9 a native salt; sodiu...
hallah 16 12 (Hebrew) a loaf of w...
hallal 15 11 to slaughter accordi...
hallan 13 11 (Scots) a partition...
hallel 15 11 (Hebrew) a holiday p...
halloa 13 10 to shout out a greet...
halloo 13 10 to shout out a greet...
hallos 14 10 HALLO, to shout out...
hallot 14 10 HALLAH, (Hebrew) a l...
hallow 17 13 to make holy [v -ED,...
hallux 21 18 the big toe; the hin...
halmas 14 12 HALMA, a board game...
haloed 12 10 HALO, to form a ring...
haloes 12 9 HALO, to form a ring...
haloid 13 10 a compound of a halo...
halons 12 10 HALON, any one of a...
halsed 13 10 HALSE, to embrace, a...
halser 13 9 a large rope for moo...
halses 13 9 HALSE, to embrace, a...
halted 13 10 HALT, to stop [v]
halter 13 9 to put restraint upo...
halutz 17 19 an early immigrant t...
halvah 17 15 a Turkish confection...
halvas 15 13 HALVA, a sweetmeat c...
halved 15 14 HALVE, to divide int...
halver 15 13 (Scots) a half-share...
halves 15 13 HALF [v]
halwas 16 12 HALWA, (Hindi) a swe...
hamada 12 12 a desert plateau of...
hamals 14 12 HAMAL, a porter in e...
hamate 12 11 the wrist bone [n -S...
hamaul 14 13 a porter in eastern...
hamble 16 15 to mutilate a dog by...
hamfat 15 14 an amateurish perfor...
haming 14 14 HAME, (Scots) to go...
hamlet 14 12 a small town [n -S]
hammal 15 15 a porter in eastern...
hammam 15 17 a Turkish bath, also...
hammed 14 15 HAM, to overact, als...
hammer 14 14 to strike repeatedly...
hamose 12 11 hooked, also HAMOUS...
hamous 13 12 hooked, also HAMOSE...
hamper 15 14 to hinder, obstruct...
hamuli 15 13 HAMULUS, a small hoo...
hamzah 18 22 an Arab diacritical...
hamzas 16 20 HAMZA, an Arab diacr...
hanaps 13 12 HANAP, an ornate med...
hances 14 12 HANCE, a curved rise...
handax 17 17 a stone axe shaped t...
handed 11 11 HAND, to present wit...
hander 11 10 one who hands over o...
handle 12 11 to touch with the ha...
hangar 12 11 to place in an aircr...
hanged 12 12 HANG, to attach from...
hanger 12 11 a wood on a hillside...
hangis 13 11 HANGI, (Maori) an op...
hangry 19 13 irritable as a resul...
hangul 14 13 (Korean) an alphabet...
hangup 15 15 an inhibition or obs...
haniwa 14 12 Japanese clay sculpt...
hanjar 13 18 a Persian dagger, al...
hanked 12 14 HANK, to catch, as o...
hanker 12 13 to long for [v -ED,...
hankie 12 13 a square piece of ma...
hansas 11 9 HANSA, a guild of me...
hansel 12 10 to give a good luck...
hanses 11 9 HANSE, a guild of me...
hansom 12 12 a light two-wheeled...
hanted 11 10 HANT, to haunt [v]
hantle 12 10 (Scots) a lot [n -S]
haoles 12 9 HAOLE, one who is no...
haomas 12 11 HAOMA, a drink made...
happed 16 15 HAP, to happen by ch...
happen 15 15 to occur [v -ED, -IN...
happis 17 14 HAPPI, (Japanese) a...
hapten 13 12 a substance similar...
haptic 18 14 pertaining to the se...
hapuka 15 16 (Maori) the groper,...
hapuku 16 17 (Maori) the groper,...
haraam 12 11 forbidden under Isla...
harams 13 11 HARAM, a women's qua...
harass 12 8 to bother persistent...
harbor 14 11 to shelter, also HAR...
harden 11 10 to make hard [v -ED,...
harder 12 9 HARD, firm and unyie...
hardly 20 12 HARD, firm and unyie...
hareem 12 11 a women's quarters i...
hareld 13 10 a North American duc...
harems 13 11 HAREM, a women's qua...
harims 14 11 HARIM, a women's qua...
haring 13 11 HARE, to run like a...
harira 12 8 a kind of Moroccan s...
harish 15 10 somewhat like a hare...
harked 13 13 HARK, to listen, als...
harken 12 13 to listen, also HARK...
harled 13 10 HARL, (Scots) to dra...
harlot 13 9 a prostitute [n -S]
harman 12 12 in thieves' slang, a...
harmed 13 12 HARM, to injure [v]
harmel 14 12 an African bean plan...
harmer 13 11 one who harms [n -S]
harmin 13 12 an alkaloid derived...
harped 14 12 HARP, to play on a t...
harper 14 11 one who plays the ha...
harpin 14 12 a wooden plank used...
harrow 15 11 to break up and leve...
hartal 13 9 in India, a general...
harten 11 9 to give courage to,...
hashed 14 11 HASH, to make a hash...
hashes 14 10 HASH, to make a hash...
haslet 13 9 a pressed meat made...
hasped 14 12 HASP, to fasten with...
hassar 12 8 a kind of South Amer...
hassel 13 9 an argument, also HA...
hasses 12 8 HASS, as in white ha...
hassle 13 9 to harass [v HASSLED...
hasted 12 9 HASTE, to hurry, als...
hasten 11 9 to urry, also HASTE...
hastes 12 8 HASTE, to hurry, als...
hatbox 20 18 a box for a hat [n -...
haters 12 8 HATER, one who hates...
hatful 16 13 as much as a hat can...
hating 13 11 HATE, to loathe [v]
hatpeg 15 13 a peg on which to ha...
hatpin 14 12 a pin for securing a...
hatred 12 9 an intense dislike o...
hatted 12 9 HAT, to provide with...
hatter 12 8 to trouble, annoy [v...
haughs 16 13 HAUGH, (Scots) a low...
haught 16 13 (Shakespeare) haught...
haulds 14 11 HAULD, (Scots) tenan...
hauled 13 11 HAUL, to pull with f...
hauler 13 10 one who hauls [n -S]
haulms 15 13 HAULM, a plant stem,...
haulmy 21 15 of or like haulms, s...
haulst 14 10 HALSE, to embrace, a...
haunch 17 15 to throw with an und...
haunts 12 10 HAUNT, to visit freq...
haused 12 10 HAUSE, (archaic) to...
hausen 11 10 (German) a large stu...
hauses 12 9 HAUSE, (archaic) to...
hauter 12 9 HAUT, (French) high;...
hauyne 17 12 a blue mineral, foun...
havens 13 13 HAVEN, to shelter [v...
havers 14 12 HAVER, to hem and ha...
having 15 15 possession [n -S]
havior 14 12 (obsolete) behavior,...
havocs 17 15 HAVOC, to lay waste...
hawala 15 12 a type of financial...
hawing 16 14 HAW, to make indecis...
hawked 16 16 HAWK, to peddle [v]
hawker 16 15 a peddler [n -S]
hawkey 22 17 harvest-home, the ha...
hawkie 16 15 a cow with a white-s...
hawkit 17 15 (Scots) streaked, wh...
hawmed 16 15 HAWM, to lounge abou...
hawsed 15 12 HAWSE, to salute, gr...
hawser 15 11 a large rope for moo...
hawses 15 11 HAWSE, to salute, gr...
haybox 26 20 a box for keeping ha...
hayers 18 10 HAYER, one who makes...
hayier 18 10 HAYEY, like hay [adj...
haying 19 13 the season for harve...
hayles 19 11 HAYLE, (Spenser) wel...
haymow 22 16 a mow or mass of hay...
haysel 19 11 the haymaking season...
hazans 14 18 HAZAN, (Hebrew) a ca...
hazard 15 18 to venture [v -ED, -...
hazels 16 18 HAZEL, a tree of the...
hazers 15 17 HAZER, one who hazes...
hazier 15 17 HAZY, like a haze, u...
hazily 23 20 HAZY, like a haze, u...
hazing 16 20 an attempt to embarr...
hazmat 16 20 hazardous material [...
hazzan 17 27 (Hebrew) a cantor in...
headed 11 10 HEAD, to be chief of...
header 11 9 a dive head foremost...
healds 13 10 HEALD, (obsolete) to...
healed 12 10 HEAL, to make sound...
healee 11 9 someone who is being...
healer 12 9 one that heals [n -S...
health 15 11 sound physical or me...
heaped 13 12 HEAP, to pile up [v]
heaper 13 11 one who heaps [n -S]
heards 12 9 HEARD, herd [n]
hearer 11 8 one that hears [n -S...
heares 11 8 HEARE, (Spenser) hai...
hearie 11 8 (Spenser) hairy [adj...
hearse 11 8 to transport in a ve...
hearsy 18 10 resembling a hearse...
hearth 14 10 the floor of a firep...
hearts 12 8 HEART, to hearten, e...
hearty 18 10 very friendly [adj H...
heaste 11 8 (Spenser) behest, co...
heasts 12 8 HEAST, (Spenser) beh...
heated 11 9 HEAT, to make hot [v...
heater 11 8 an apparatus for hea...
heaths 14 10 HEATH, an evergreen...
heathy 20 12 abounding in heath [...
heaume 12 12 (archaic) a massive...
heaved 13 13 HEAVE, to lift force...
heaven 12 13 the sky [n -S]
heaver 13 12 one who heaves [n -S...
heaves 13 12 HEAVE, to lift force...
hebens 13 12 HEBEN, (obsolete) a...
hebona 12 12 anything with a pois...
hechts 18 13 HECHT, to command, a...
heckle 17 16 a comb for flax or h...
hectic 19 14 habitual, esp. in wa...
hector 15 11 to intimidate or har...
heddle 13 11 to draw thread throu...
hedera 11 9 (Latin) ivy [n -S]
heders 12 9 HEDER, (Hebrew) a Je...
hedged 13 12 HEDGE, to enclose wi...
hedger 13 11 one that hedges [n -...
hedges 13 11 HEDGE, to enclose wi...
heeded 11 10 HEED, to pay attenti...
heeder 11 9 one who heeds [n -S]
heehaw 16 13 to bray like a donke...
heeled 12 10 HEEL, to supply with...
heeler 12 9 a dog that herds cat...
heezed 14 18 HEEZE, (Scots) to li...
heezes 14 17 HEEZE, (Scots) to li...
heezie 14 17 (Scots) a lift [n -S...
hefted 14 12 HEFT, to lift up, fe...
hefter 14 11 one who hefts, lifts...
hegari 13 10 a kind of sorghum gr...
hegira 13 10 the flight of Mohamm...
heifer 14 11 a young cow that has...
height 16 12 the highest point, a...
heiled 13 10 HEIL, to salute [v]
heinie 11 9 the buttocks [n -S]
heired 12 9 HEIR, to inherit [v]
heishi 15 10 (Japanese) tiny bead...
heists 13 8 HEIST, to steal, rob...
hejabs 16 20 HEJAB, (Arabic) a co...
hejira 14 17 (Arabic) the flight...
hejras 14 17 HEJRA, (Arabic) the...
heliac 16 12 pertaining to the su...
heling 14 12 HELE, to hide [v]
helios 13 9 HELIO, a signalling...
helium 15 13 a gaseous element [n...
helled 14 11 HELL, to hide, conce...
heller 14 10 a Czech monetary uni...
hellos 14 10 HELLO, to shout out...
helmed 14 13 HELM, to steer a shi...
helmer 14 12 a film director [n -...
helmet 14 12 to supply with a pro...
helots 13 9 HELOT, a slave or se...
helped 15 13 HELP, to give aid [v...
helper 15 12 one who helps [n -S]
helved 15 14 HELVE, to provide wi...
helves 15 13 HELVE, to provide wi...
hemina 12 12 (obsolete) an obsole...
hemins 13 12 HEMIN, the red, crys...
hemmed 14 15 HEM, to provide with...
hemmer 14 14 one who, or that whi...
hemoid 13 12 pertaining to the bl...
hempen 14 15 made of hemp [adj]
hempie 15 14 (Scots) a rogue, a r...
henbit 14 12 either of two low-gr...
hended 11 11 HEND, (obsolete) to...
henges 12 11 HENGE, a circle of s...
henley 18 12 a type of sweater [n...
hennas 10 10 HENNA, to dye with a...
henned 10 11 HEN, to lose courage...
henner 10 10 (Scots) a challenge...
hennin 10 11 a steeple-hat with a...
henrys 18 11 HENRY, a unit of ind...
hented 11 10 HENT, (obsolete) to...
hepars 14 11 HEPAR, any of variou...
hepcat 17 14 (slang) a jazz enthu...
hepper 16 14 HEP, well abreast of...
heptad 14 12 a group of seven [n...
herald 13 10 to proclaim, announc...
herbal 15 12 a book about herbs a...
herbar 14 11 (Spenser) a herb-gar...
herbed 14 12 flavoured with herbs...
herded 12 10 HERD, to bring toget...
herden 11 10 a coarse fabric made...
herder 12 9 one who tends a herd...
herdic 16 12 a low-hung carriage...
hereat 11 8 at this time [adj]
hereby 20 13 not far off [adj]
herein 11 9 contained in this [a...
hereof 13 11 concerning this [adv...
hereon 10 9 upon this [adv]
heresy 18 10 a belief contrary to...
hereto 11 8 to this matter, also...
heried 12 9 HERY, (Spenser) to p...
heries 12 8 HERY, (Spenser) to p...
heriot 12 8 (historical) a payme...
hermae 12 11 HERMA, a type of sta...
hermai 13 11 HERMA, a type of sta...
hermit 14 11 a recluse [n -S]
hernia 11 9 the protrusion of an...
heroes 11 8 HERO, a brave man [n...
heroic 15 11 brave, also HEROICAL...
heroin 11 9 an addictive narcoti...
herons 11 9 HERON, a wading bird...
heroon 10 9 (Greek) a temple to...
herpes 14 11 a skin infection [n...
hersed 12 9 (obsolete) arranged...
herses 12 8 HERSE, (obsolete) a...
heryed 18 11 HERYE, (Spenser) to...
heryes 18 10 HERYE, (Spenser) to...
hesped 14 12 HESP, (Scots) to fas...
hetero 11 8 a heterosexual [n -S...
hether 14 10 (Spenser) hither, al...
heting 13 11 HETE, (obsolete) to...
hetman 12 12 (historical) a Cossa...
hetmen 12 12 HETMAN, (historical)...
hettie 12 8 a heterosexual perso...
heuchs 18 14 HEUCH, (Scots) a cra...
heughs 16 13 HEUGH, (Scots) a cra...
heveas 13 12 HEVEA, any of variou...
hewers 15 11 HEWER, one that hews...
hewing 16 14 the process of cutti...
hexact 21 18 a six-rayed sponge s...
hexade 17 16 a group of six, also...
hexads 18 16 HEXAD, a group of si...
hexane 16 16 any one of five hydr...
hexene 16 16 a colorless, liquid...
hexers 18 15 HEXER, one who hexes...
hexing 19 18 the casting of an ev...
hexone 16 16 a hydrocarbon solven...
hexose 17 15 a sugar with six car...
hexyls 26 18 HEXYL, a radical der...
heyday 24 13 the period of one's...
heydey 24 13 the period of one's...
heying 19 13 HEY, to dance the he...
hiatal 13 9 pertaining to a hiat...
hiatus 13 9 a gap or missing sec...
hiccup 22 18 to make a peculiar-s...
hicker 17 15 HICK, characteristic...
hickey 23 17 a gadget, also HICKI...
hickie 17 15 a gadget, also HICKE...
hidage 13 11 a tax formerly paid...
hidden 12 11 concealed [adj HIDDE...
hidder 13 10 (Spenser) a young ma...
hiders 13 9 HIDER, one who hides...
hiding 14 12 a beating [n -S]
hieing 13 11 HIE, to hurry along,...
hiemal 14 12 pertaining to winter...
higgle 16 13 to hawk or peddle pr...
highed 16 13 HIGH, to turn to the...
higher 16 12 to raise, make highe...
highly 24 15 HIGH, reaching far u...
highth 19 14 (archaic) height, al...
hights 17 12 HIGHT, (archaic) to...
hijabs 17 20 HIJAB, (Arabic) a co...
hijack 19 24 to steal in transit,...
hijrah 17 19 (Arabic) the flight...
hijras 15 17 HIJRA, (Arabic) the...
hikers 14 12 HIKER, one who hikes...
hiking 15 15 HIKE, to go walking...
hikois 14 12 HIKOI, (Maori) to ta...
hilled 15 11 HILL, to form into b...
hiller 15 10 something that hills...
hilloa 14 10 to shout out a greet...
hillos 15 10 HILLO, to shout out...
hilted 14 10 HILT, to provide a h...
himbos 16 14 HIMBO, a male bimbo,...
hinaus 12 10 HINAU, a New Zealand...
hinder 12 10 to impede [v -ED, -I...
hinged 13 12 HINGE, to attach a j...
hinger 13 11 one that hinges [n -...
hinges 13 11 HINGE, to attach a j...
hinnie 11 10 a darling, sweethear...
hinted 12 10 HINT, to suggest ind...
hinter 12 9 one that hints [n -S...
hipped 17 15 HIP, to build a type...
hippen 16 15 a baby's nappy wrapp...
hipper 17 14 HIP, aware of the la...
hippic 21 17 about horses [adj]
hippie 17 14 a nonconformist, als...
hippin 17 15 a baby's nappy wrapp...
hippos 17 14 HIPPO, (short for) a...
hippus 18 15 a clonic spasm of th...
hirage 13 10 the fee for hiring s...
hirees 12 8 HIREE, one who is hi...
hirers 13 8 HIRER, one who hires...
hiring 14 11 the act by which an...
hirple 16 12 (Scots) to walk lame...
hirsel 14 9 to herd sheep [v HIR...
hirsle 14 9 to slide along [v HI...
hished 15 11 HISH, to hiss [v]
hishes 15 10 HISH, to hiss [v]
hispid 16 12 covered with stiff h...
hissed 13 9 HISS, to make a sibi...
hisser 13 8 one who hisses [n -S...
hisses 13 8 HISS, to make a sibi...
histed 13 9 HIST, to urge or sum...
histie 13 8 (Scots) dry, barren,...
hitchy 25 15 inclined to catch [a...
hither 15 10 to come this way [v...
hithes 15 10 HITHE, a port or sma...
hitman 13 12 a professional kille...
hitmen 13 12 HITMAN, a profession...
hitter 13 8 one that hits [n -S]
hivers 15 12 HIVER, someone who h...
hiving 16 15 HIVE, to enter a bee...
hizens 15 18 HIZEN, a type of ric...
hizzed 19 27 HIZZ, (Shakespeare)...
hizzes 19 26 HIZZ, (Shakespeare)...
hoagie 12 10 a long sandwich, als...
hoaing 12 11 HOA, to stop [v]
hoards 12 9 HOARD, to gather and...
hoared 11 9 HOAR, to make hoary,...
hoarse 11 8 rough and husky in s...
hoasts 12 8 HOAST, (dialect) to...
hoaxed 17 16 HOAX, to deceive [v]
hoaxer 17 15 one that hoaxes [n -...
hoaxes 17 15 HOAX, to deceive [v]
hobbed 16 15 HOB, to furnish with...
hobber 16 14 a machine used in ma...
hobbit 17 14 one of a race of ima...
hobble 17 15 to limp [v HOBBLED,...
hobday 20 14 to cure a horse's br...
hobjob 18 23 to do odd jobs [v HO...
hobnob 15 15 to associate with in...
hoboed 13 12 HOBO, to live like a...
hoboes 13 11 HOBO, to live like a...
hocked 16 16 HOCK, to pawn [v]
hocker 16 15 one who hocks, pawns...
hockey 22 17 a ball game [n -S]
hockle 17 16 (dialect) to spit [v...
hodads 12 10 HODAD, a nonsurfer,...
hodded 12 11 HOD, to bob or jog [...
hodden 11 11 (Scots) a coarse und...
hoddin 12 11 (Scots) a coarse und...
hoddle 13 11 (Scots) to waddle [v...
hodjas 14 18 HODJA, (Turkish) an...
hodman 12 13 a bricklayer's labou...
hodmen 12 13 HODMAN, a bricklayer...
hoeing 12 11 HOE, to garden with...
hogans 12 11 HOGAN, (Dutch) stron...
hogens 12 11 HOGEN, (Dutch) stron...
hogged 14 13 HOG, to eat hoggishl...
hogger 14 12 a stocking without a...
hogget 14 12 a yearling sheep, al...
hoggin 14 13 sifted gravel, also...
hognut 13 12 another name for pig...
hogtie 13 10 to tie the legs toge...
hohing 15 13 HOH, to stop, also H...
hoicks 17 15 to hark back [v -ED,...
hoiden 11 10 to act like a tomboy...
hoiing 13 11 HOI, to urge, incite...
hoiked 13 13 HOIK, to hitch up, a...
hoised 12 9 HOISE, to hoist [v]
hoises 12 8 HOISE, to hoist [v]
hoisin 12 9 a Chinese sweet spic...
hoists 13 8 HOIST, to raise with...
hokier 13 12 HOKEY, overdone, con...
hokily 21 15 HOKEY, overdone, con...
hoking 14 15 HOKE, to give false...
hokums 15 16 HOKUM, nonsense [n]
holard 13 10 the total amount of...
holden 12 11 HOLD, to keep posses...
holder 13 10 one that holds [n -S...
holdup 16 14 a delay [n -S]
holier 13 9 HOLY, perfect in a m...
holies 13 9 HOLY, a sacred place...
holily 21 12 HOLY, perfect in a m...
holing 14 12 the process of makin...
holism 15 12 the philosophical th...
holist 14 9 a believer in holism...
holked 14 14 HOLK, (Scots) to dig...
hollas 14 10 HOLLA, to shout out...
holler 14 10 to call out or yell...
holloa 13 10 to shout out a greet...
holloo 13 10 to shout out a greet...
hollos 14 10 HOLLO, to shout out...
hollow 17 13 to remove the interi...
holmes 14 12 HOLME, an island in...
holmia 14 12 an oxide of holmium...
holmic 18 15 relating to holmium,...
holons 12 10 HOLON, an autonomous...
holpen 14 13 HELP, to give aid [v...
homage 13 13 to pay tribute to [v...
hombre 15 14 a fellow [n -S]
homely 20 14 unattractive [adj HO...
homers 13 11 HOMER, to hit a home...
homeys 19 13 HOMEY, (colloquial)...
homier 13 11 HOMY, homelike, also...
homies 13 11 HOMIE, a member of a...
homily 21 14 a sermon [n HOMILIES...
homing 14 14 the way missiles gui...
hominy 19 14 hulled, dry corn [n...
hommes 14 14 HOMME, (French) a ma...
hommos 14 14 (Turkish) a Middle E...
honans 10 10 HONAN, a pongee fabr...
honcho 16 14 to take charge of [v...
hondas 11 10 HONDA, a part of a l...
hondle 12 11 to haggle [v HONDLED...
honers 11 9 HONER, a tool for ho...
honest 11 9 truthful [adj HONEST...
honeys 17 11 HONEY, to sweeten wi...
hongis 13 11 HONGI, (Maori) a tra...
honied 11 10 sweetened with or as...
honing 12 12 HONE, to whet [v]
honked 12 14 HONK, to cry like a...
honker 12 13 a wild goose [n -S]
honkey 18 15 (slang) a white man,...
honkie 12 13 (slang) a white man,...
honors 11 9 HONOR, to treat with...
honour 11 10 to treat with respec...
hooded 11 10 HOOD, to furnish wit...
hoodia 11 9 an African plant who...
hoodie 11 9 a hooded crow [n -S]
hoodoo 10 9 to bring bad luck to...
hooeys 17 10 HOOEY, nonsense [n]
hoofed 13 12 HOOF, to dance [v]
hoofer 13 11 a professional dance...
hookah 14 14 a pipe with a long,...
hookas 12 12 HOOKA, a pipe with a...
hooked 12 13 HOOK, to catch with...
hooker 12 12 (slang) a prostitute...
hookey 18 14 truanting, as in to...
hookup 15 16 an electrical assemb...
hooley 18 11 (Irish) a boisterous...
hoolie 12 9 (Scots) easy, slow [...
hooned 10 10 HOON, to act loutish...
hooped 13 12 HOOP, to fasten with...
hooper 13 11 one who hoops casks...
hoopla 14 12 a fairground game of...
hoopoe 12 11 a short-legged perch...
hoopoo 12 11 a short-legged perch...
hoorah 13 10 (obsolete) an exclam...
hooray 17 10 an exclamation of ap...
hoords 12 9 HOORD, (obsolete) a...
hooroo 10 8 (Australian) goodbye...
hootch 17 13 whisky or any strong...
hooted 11 9 HOOT, to cry like an...
hooter 11 8 one that hoots [n -S...
hooved 13 13 HOOVE, (Spenser) to...
hooven 12 13 having hoove, a dise...
hoover 13 12 to vacuum clean usin...
hooves 13 12 HOOVE, (Spenser) to...
hopaks 15 15 HOPAK, (Russian) a U...
hopdog 15 14 the tussock-moth cat...
hopers 14 11 HOPER, one who hopes...
hoping 15 14 HOPE, to have a desi...
hopped 16 15 HOP, to move by jump...
hopper 16 14 a container for grai...
hopple 17 15 to restrain by tying...
hoppus 17 15 as in hoppus foot, a...
horahs 14 10 HORAH, an Israeli da...
horary 18 10 pertaining to an hou...
horded 12 10 HORDE, to gather in...
hordes 12 9 HORDE, to gather in...
horked 13 13 HORK, to spit [v]
horkey 19 14 harvest-home, the ha...
hormes 13 11 HORME, goal-directed...
hormic 17 14 exhibiting purposefu...
horned 11 10 HORN, to form a hard...
horner 11 9 a person who deals i...
hornet 11 9 a stinging insect [n...
horrid 13 9 nasty, repellent [ad...
horror 12 8 intense repugnance o...
horsed 12 9 HORSE, to provide wi...
horses 12 8 HORSE, to provide wi...
horsey 18 10 like a horse, also H...
horsie 12 8 a child's name for a...
horson 11 9 (Shakespeare) a whor...
horste 12 8 (German) a mass of t...
horsts 13 8 HORST, (German) a ma...
hosels 13 9 HOSEL, a socket in t...
hosers 12 8 HOSER, a person who...
hoseys 18 10 HOSEY, to choose sid...
hosier 12 8 a person who makes o...
hosing 13 11 HOSE, to spray with...
hosses 12 8 HOSS, (slang) a hors...
hostas 12 8 HOSTA, any plant of...
hosted 12 9 HOST, to entertain s...
hostel 13 9 to stay overnight in...
hostie 12 8 (Australian slang) a...
hostly 20 11 pertaining to one wh...
hostry 19 10 (Spenser) a hostelry...
hotbed 14 12 a place favourable t...
hotbox 20 18 to smoke marijuana i...
hotdog 13 11 to perform in a show...
hotels 13 9 HOTEL, an inn [n]
hotpot 14 11 a stewed dish of cho...
hotrod 12 9 a motorcar converted...
hotted 12 9 HOT, to heat [v]
hotter 12 8 to vibrate, to tremb...
hottie 12 8 a hot-water bottle,...
houdah 14 12 a seat on an elephan...
houdan 11 11 a type of domestic f...
houfed 14 13 HOUF, to haunt, freq...
houffs 17 15 HOUFF, to haunt, fre...
houghs 16 13 HOUGH, to hamstring...
houmus 14 13 a Middle Eastern hor...
hounds 12 11 HOUND, to pursue rel...
houris 13 9 HOURI, any of the vi...
hourly 20 12 every hour [adj] / s...
housed 12 10 HOUSE, to reside in...
housel 13 10 to administer the Eu...
houser 12 9 one who organizes ho...
houses 12 9 HOUSE, to reside in...
housey 18 11 typical of house mus...
houted 12 10 HOUT, to make a soun...
hoveas 13 12 HOVEA, an Australian...
hovels 15 13 HOVEL, to live in a...
hovers 14 12 HOVER, to hang suspe...
hoving 15 15 HOVE, to swell [v]
howdah 17 14 a seat on an elephan...
howdie 15 12 to greet by saying '...
howfed 17 15 HOWF, to haunt, freq...
howffs 20 17 HOWFF, to haunt, fre...
howked 16 16 HOWK, (Scots) to dig...
howker 16 15 a two-masted Dutch o...
howled 16 13 HOWL, to cry like a...
howler 16 12 a kind of monkey [n...
howlet 16 12 a young owl, also OW...
howres 15 11 HOWRE, (obsolete) an...
howzat 18 20 a cry in cricket app...
howzit 19 20 (South Africa) how i...
hoxing 19 18 HOX, (Shakespeare) t...
hoyden 17 12 to act like a tomboy...
hoying 19 13 HOY, to incite [v]
hoyles 19 11 HOYLE, a rule book [...
hryvna 20 15 a monetary unit of U...
hubbly 25 18 having an uneven sur...
hubbub 20 19 a confused sound of...
hubcap 20 18 a covering for the h...
hubris 16 12 (Greek) overbearing...
hucked 17 17 HUCK, to force rough...
huckle 18 17 to force roughly, al...
hudden 12 12 HAUD, (Scots) to hol...
huddle 14 12 to press closely tog...
huddup 16 15 get up (to a horse)...
hudnas 12 11 HUDNA, (Arabic) in I...
hududs 14 12 HUDUD, (Arabic) a se...
huffed 17 16 HUFF, to breathe hea...
huffer 17 15 a blustering bully [...
hugely 21 14 HUGE, very large [ad...
hugest 14 11 HUGE, very large [ad...
hugged 15 14 HUG, to clasp tightl...
hugger 15 13 one who hugs [n -S]
huipil 17 13 a Mexican embroidere...
hulked 15 15 HULK, to appear impr...
hulled 15 12 HULL, to separate th...
huller 15 11 one who, or that whi...
hulloa 14 11 to hallo [v -ED, -IN...
hulloo 14 11 to hail, also HALLOA...
hullos 15 11 HULLO, to shout out...
humane 12 13 compassionate [adj H...
humans 13 13 HUMAN, a person [n]
humate 13 12 a salt of humic acid...
humble 17 16 to abase [v HUMBLED,...
humbly 24 18 HUMBLE, modest [adv]
humbug 18 18 to deceive [v HUMBUG...
humect 17 15 to moisten, also HUM...
humefy 22 17 (obsolete) to moiste...
humeri 14 12 HUMERUS, the large b...
humfed 16 16 HUMF, to carry somet...
humhum 18 18 a kind of plain, coa...
humify 23 17 to moisten, also HUM...
humint 14 13 human intelligence [...
humite 14 12 a magnesium orthosil...
humlie 15 13 (Scots) a pollarded...
hummed 15 16 HUM, to make a sound...
hummel 16 16 to make hornless [v...
hummer 15 15 one who, or that whi...
hummle 16 16 as in hummle bonnet,...
hummum 17 19 a Turkish bath, also...
hummus 16 16 (Turkish) a Middle E...
humors 14 12 HUMOR, to humour, al...
humour 14 13 to indulge, also HUM...
humous 14 13 a Middle Eastern hor...
humped 16 16 HUMP, to bend into a...
humpen 15 16 (German) a type of e...
humper 16 15 someone who carries...
humphs 19 17 HUMPH, to carry (som...
humpty 23 17 a low padded seat [n...
humusy 21 15 having much humus [a...
humvee 15 16 (tradename) a high m...
hungan 12 13 a voodoo priest, als...
hunger 13 12 to crave [v -ED, -IN...
hungry 20 14 having a craving des...
hunker 13 14 to squat [v -ED, -IN...
hunkey 19 16 (colloquial) a perso...
hunkie 13 14 (colloquial) a perso...
hunted 12 11 HUNT, to pursue for...
hunter 12 10 one that hunts [n -S...
hupiro 15 12 a New Zealand name f...
huppah 19 17 (Hebrew) a wedding c...
hupped 17 16 HUP, to quicken the...
huppot 17 15 HUPPAH, (Hebrew) a w...
hurden 12 11 a coarse fabric made...
hurdle 14 11 to jump over [v HURD...
hurled 14 11 HURL, to throw with...
hurler 14 10 one who hurls [n -S]
hurley 20 12 a ball game similar...
hurrah 15 11 to shout hurrah, als...
hurras 13 9 HURRA, to shout hurr...
hurray 19 11 to shout hurray, als...
hursts 14 9 HURST, a wood or gro...
hurter 13 9 a beam, block, etc....
hurtle 14 10 to rush violently [v...
hushed 15 12 HUSH, to quiet [v]
husher 15 11 to usher, escort peo...
hushes 15 11 HUSH, to quiet [v]
husked 14 14 HUSK, to remove the...
husker 14 13 someone who husks ma...
hussar 13 9 a kind of cavalry so...
husses 13 9 HUSS, a type of dogf...
hussif 16 12 (dialect) a housewif...
hustle 14 10 to hurry [v HUSTLED,...
hutias 13 9 HUTIA, a West Indian...
hutted 13 10 HUT, to settle in a...
hutzpa 18 21 (Yiddish) sass, moxy...
huzoor 15 18 an Indian potentate,...
huzzah 21 29 a word used as a sho...
huzzas 19 27 HUZZA, to cheer [v]
hyaena 16 11 a carrion-feeding ca...
hyalin 19 12 a clear translucent...
hybrid 22 14 the offspring of gen...
hybris 22 13 (Greek) overbearing...
hydrae 18 11 HYDRA, a kind of fre...
hydras 19 11 HYDRA, a kind of fre...
hydria 19 11 a large Greek water-...
hydric 23 14 adapted to life with...
hydrid 20 12 any compound of hydr...
hydros 19 11 HYDRO, (short for) a...
hydyne 24 14 a rocket-launching f...
hyeing 19 13 HYE, (obsolete) to h...
hyenas 17 11 HYENA, a carrion-fee...
hyenic 21 14 of or like a hyaena,...
hyetal 19 11 pertaining to rain [...
hylegs 21 13 HYLEG, the ruling pl...
hylism 22 14 materialism [n -S]
hylist 21 11 a materialist, also...
hymens 19 14 HYMEN, the membrane...
hymnal 20 15 a hymn book, also HY...
hymned 19 15 HYMN, to sing a song...
hymnic 23 17 pertaining to hymns...
hyndes 18 12 HYNDE, (Spenser) a h...
hyoids 19 11 HYOID, a bone at the...
hypate 20 13 in Greek music, the...
hypers 21 13 HYPER, an excitable...
hyphae 22 15 HYPHA, a threadlike...
hyphal 24 16 of or like hyphae, t...
hyphen 22 16 to connect words wit...
hyping 22 16 the act of hyping [n...
hypnic 24 17 a soporific [n -S]
hypnum 22 18 a type of moss [n HY...
hypoed 20 14 HYPO, (colloquial) t...
hypoid 21 14 a type of bevel gear...
hypped 23 17 HYP, to offend [v]
hysons 18 11 HYSON, a fine sort o...
hyssop 21 13 an aromatic bitter-t...
hythes 21 12 HYTHE, a small port...