15 letter words that start with H

15 letter words that start with H

15 letter H word


Words With Friends®


habitablenesses 31 25 HABITABLENESS, HABIT...
haemacytometers 37 28 HAEMACYTOMETER, an a...
haemagglutinate 30 27 to cause the clumpin...
haemagglutinins 31 28 HAEMAGGLUTININ, a vi...
haemocytometers 37 28 HAEMOCYTOMETER, an a...
haemoflagellate 32 28 a flagellate protozo...
haemoglobinuria 31 28 the presence of haem...
haemoglobinuric 35 31 relating to the pres...
halfheartedness 31 25 HALFHEARTED, lacking...
halfpennyworths 43 33 HALFPENNYWORTH, as m...
hallucinational 32 26 of the nature of a h...
hallucinogenics 36 30 HALLUCINOGENIC, a su...
hamamelidaceous 32 29 belonging to the wit...
haphazardnesses 33 33 HAPHAZARDNESS, HAPHA...
hardheartedness 28 22 HARDHEARTED, lacking...
harmonistically 40 28 HARMONISTIC, relatin...
harpsichordists 37 26 HARPSICHORDIST, one...
hazardousnesses 29 29 HAZARDOUSNESS, HAZAR...
headmasterships 33 26 HEADMASTERSHIP, the...
healthfulnesses 33 26 HEALTHFULNESS, the s...
heartbreakingly 38 30 HEARTBREAKING, causi...
heartbrokenness 28 26 HEARTBROKEN, having...
heartlessnesses 27 19 HEARTLESSNESS, HEART...
heartsicknesses 31 25 HEARTSICKNESS, HEART...
heartsomenesses 26 21 HEARTSOMENESS, HEART...
heliocentricism 36 28 the state of being h...
heliocentricity 41 27 the state of being h...
heliometrically 41 28 HELIOMETRICAL, relat...
heliosciophytes 42 28 HELIOSCIOPHYTE, a pl...
heliotropically 42 28 HELIOTROPICAL, turni...
helminthologies 33 27 HELMINTHOLOGY, the s...
helminthologist 34 27 a specialist in helm...
hemagglutinated 31 28 HEMAGGLUTINATE, to c...
hemagglutinates 31 27 HEMAGGLUTINATE, to c...
hematoporphyrin 40 31 any of several porph...
hemicryptophyte 51 35 any perennial plant...
hemicrystalline 40 28 consisting of crysta...
hemochromatoses 33 28 HEMOCHROMATOSIS, a d...
hemochromatosis 34 28 a disease of the liv...
hemodynamically 46 34 HEMODYNAMIC, relatin...
hemoflagellates 33 28 HEMOFLAGELLATE, a fl...
hemoglobinurias 32 28 HEMOGLOBINURIA, the...
hendecasyllabic 43 32 of a line of verse,...
hendecasyllable 40 30 a metrical line of e...
hepaticological 38 30 related to hepaticol...
hepaticologists 35 26 HEPATICOLOGIST, one...
herbivorousness 31 26 HERBIVOROUS, eating...
hereditarianism 28 22 the view that heredi...
hereditarianist 27 19 a proponent of hered...
heresiographers 32 24 HERESIOGRAPHER, a pe...
heresiographies 32 24 HERESIOGRAPHY, a stu...
herestheticians 32 23 HERESTHETICIAN, one...
hermaphroditism 35 29 the state of being h...
hermeneutically 39 29 HERMENEUTICAL, inter...
herniorrhaphies 33 25 HERNIORRHAPHY, the s...
heterocercality 40 26 the state of being h...
heterochromatic 36 28 pertaining to or hav...
heterochromatin 32 26 densely staining chr...
heterochronisms 33 26 HETEROCHRONISM, dive...
heterodactylous 37 25 having the first and...
heteroflexibles 39 32 HETEROFLEXIBLE, one...
heterogeneities 26 20 HETEROGENEITY, the s...
heterogeneously 33 24 HETEROGENEOUS, consi...
heterographical 36 28 relating to heterogr...
heteromorphisms 34 28 HETEROMORPHISM, the...
heteroscedastic 33 24 of several distribut...
heterosexuality 40 28 the state of being h...
heterosociality 37 23 the state of being h...
heterospecifics 38 29 HETEROSPECIFIC, an o...
heterostrophies 31 22 HETEROSTROPHY, the s...
heterothallisms 33 24 HETEROTHALLISM, the...
hexachlorethane 39 33 a toxic crystalline...
hexachlorophane 41 36 a bactericide used i...
hexachlorophene 41 36 a bactericide used i...
hexosaminidases 33 29 HEXOSAMINIDASE, eith...
hexylresorcinol 44 32 a crystalline phenol...
hibernicisation 32 25 the process or act o...
hibernicization 35 34 the process or act o...
hieracosphinges 35 28 HIERACOSPHINX, in an...
hieracosphinxes 40 33 HIERACOSPHINX, in an...
hierogrammatist 31 25 a writer of sacred r...
hilariousnesses 28 20 HILARIOUSNESS, HILAR...
histochemically 46 32 HISTOCHEMICAL, relat...
histocompatible 37 30 referring to the deg...
histopathologic 37 28 relating to histopat...
histophysiology 47 29 a branch of physiolo...
historiographer 33 24 one who practises hi...
historiographic 37 27 relating to historio...
hobbledehoydoms 41 33 HOBBLEDEHOYDOM, the...
hobbledehoyhood 41 32 the state of being a...
hobbledehoyisms 42 32 HOBBLEDEHOYISM, the...
hoidenishnesses 28 22 HOIDENISHNESS, HOIDE...
holoblastically 43 29 HOLOBLASTIC, of an e...
holocrystalline 39 26 wholly crystalline i...
holographically 45 32 HOLOGRAPHIC, relatin...
holometabolisms 33 28 HOLOMETABOLISM, of a...
homeopathically 43 32 HOMEOPATHIC, of or r...
homocentrically 42 31 HOMOCENTRIC, having...
homochlamydeous 41 33 with calyx and corol...
homochromatisms 36 31 HOMOCHROMATISM, the...
homoeomorphisms 34 31 HOMOEOMORPHISM, the...
homoeoteleutons 26 23 HOMOEOTELEUTON, the...
homogeneousness 26 25 the state of being h...
homogenisations 27 24 HOMOGENISATION, the...
homogenizations 30 33 HOMOGENIZATION, the...
homoplastically 43 31 HOMOPLASTIC, similar...
homosexualities 35 29 HOMOSEXUALITY, the s...
homosocialities 32 24 HOMOSOCIALITY, the s...
homotransplants 30 26 HOMOTRANSPLANT, a gr...
honorablenesses 27 23 HONORABLENESS, the s...
honourabilities 30 23 HONOURABILITY, the q...
horizontalities 31 28 HORIZONTALITY, the s...
horticulturally 42 27 HORTICULTURAL, relat...
horticulturists 35 23 HORTICULTURIST, one...
hospitalisation 30 22 the act of admitting...
hospitalization 33 31 the act of admitting...
hotheadednesses 27 22 HOTHEADEDNESS, HOTHE...
householdership 35 27 the office of househ...
houselessnesses 27 20 HOUSELESSNESS, the s...
housemistresses 29 21 HOUSEMISTRESS, the f...
housewifeliness 33 26 HOUSEWIFEY, like a h...
hoydenishnesses 34 24 HOYDENISHNESS, HOYDE...
huckleberryings 43 34 HUCKLEBERRYING [n]
humanitarianism 29 26 the state of being h...
humanitarianist 28 23 a proponent of human...
humidifications 35 29 HUMIDIFICATION, the...
humorlessnesses 29 23 HUMORLESSNESS, the s...
humorsomenesses 28 25 HUMORSOMENESS, the s...
hydrobiological 42 30 relating to hydrobio...
hydrobiologists 39 26 HYDROBIOLOGIST, a st...
hydrocelluloses 40 27 HYDROCELLULOSE, a ge...
hydrocephaluses 42 30 HYDROCEPHALUS, an ac...
hydrocorallines 38 26 HYDROCORALLINE, a me...
hydrocortisones 36 24 HYDROCORTISONE, a gl...
hydrodynamicist 45 30 a student of hydrody...
hydroextractors 43 30 HYDROEXTRACTOR, a dr...
hydrogenisation 33 24 the process of hydro...
hydrogenization 36 33 the process of hydro...
hydrogeological 40 29 related to hydrogeol...
hydrogeologists 37 25 HYDROGEOLOGIST, a st...
hydromechanical 43 33 relating to a branch...
hydrometallurgy 45 30 the treatment of ore...
hydrometrically 47 30 HYDROMETRICAL, relat...
hydropathically 50 32 HYDROPATHICAL, relat...
hydrostatically 46 27 HYDROSTATICAL, of or...
hydrosulphurous 41 29 as in hydrosulphurou...
hydrotherapists 39 25 HYDROTHERAPIST, a pr...
hydrotropically 48 30 HYDROTROPIC, exhibit...
hydroxyapatites 48 32 HYDROXYAPATITE, a co...
hydroxybutyrate 55 35 as in gamma hydroxyb...
hydroxylapatite 49 33 a mineral of the apa...
hydroxyprolines 49 34 HYDROXYPROLINE, an a...
hyetometrograph 39 29 an instrument for re...
hygrometrically 48 31 HYGROMETRICAL, relat...
hygroscopically 52 34 HYGROSCOPICAL, readi...
hylozoistically 50 36 HYLOZOISTIC, relatin...
hyperactivities 42 29 HYPERACTIVITY, the s...
hyperadrenalism 37 28 excessive activity o...
hyperaesthesias 37 24 HYPERAESTHESIA, exce...
hyperaggressive 40 30 excessively aggressi...
hypercalcaemias 43 32 HYPERCALCAEMIA, an e...
hypercatabolism 43 32 an abnormally high r...
hypercatalectic 46 32 having an additional...
hypercoagulable 43 33 excessively coagulab...
hypercorrection 41 29 a grammatical, usage...
hypercritically 52 32 HYPERCRITICAL, metic...
hypercriticised 44 29 HYPERCRITICISE, to c...
hypercriticises 44 28 HYPERCRITICISE, to c...
hypercriticisms 46 31 HYPERCRITICISM, an i...
hypercriticized 47 38 HYPERCRITICIZE, to c...
hypercriticizes 47 37 HYPERCRITICIZE, to c...
hyperexcitement 45 36 the state of being h...
hyperexcretions 44 33 HYPEREXCRETION, exce...
hyperextensions 40 31 HYPEREXTENSION, the...
hyperfastidious 39 27 excessively fastidio...
hyperfunctional 41 32 relating to hyperfun...
hyperglycaemias 48 33 HYPERGLYCAEMIA, an e...
hyperimmunising 40 33 HYPERIMMUNISE, to in...
hyperimmunizing 43 42 HYPERIMMUNIZE, to in...
hyperinflations 38 28 HYPERINFLATION, infl...
hyperinsulinism 39 29 the presence of exce...
hyperinvolution 38 30 extreme involution [...
hyperlipidaemia 40 30 an abnormally high l...
hyperlipidemias 41 30 HYPERLIPIDEMIA, an a...
hypermetabolism 41 32 the physiological st...
hypermetropical 43 32 longsighted, also HY...
hypermobilities 41 29 HYPERMOBILITY, extre...
hypermodernisms 38 30 HYPERMODERNISM, a hy...
hypermodernists 37 27 HYPERMODERNIST, a pr...
hypermutability 48 32 the state of being h...
hypernatraemias 35 26 HYPERNATRAEMIA, an a...
hyperparasitism 40 28 the state of being a...
hyperphysically 59 36 HYPERPHYSICAL, super...
hyperpolarising 40 29 HYPERPOLARISE, to in...
hyperpolarizing 43 38 HYPERPOLARIZE, to pr...
hyperproduction 41 31 excessive production...
hyperreactivity 48 31 the state of being h...
hyperresponsive 39 30 excessively responsi...
hypersalinities 37 24 HYPERSALINITY, exces...
hypersalivation 38 28 excessive salivation...
hypersecretions 38 26 HYPERSECRETION, exce...
hypersensitised 36 24 HYPERSENSITISE, to m...
hypersensitises 36 23 HYPERSENSITISE, to m...
hypersensitized 39 33 HYPERSENSITIZE, to m...
hypersensitizes 39 32 HYPERSENSITIZE, to m...
hypersomnolence 38 31 the state of being e...
hyperstimulated 39 28 HYPERSTIMULATE, to s...
hyperstimulates 39 27 HYPERSTIMULATE, to s...
hyperthyroidism 47 30 excessive functional...
hypertonicities 39 26 HYPERTONICITY, the c...
hyperuricaemias 40 29 HYPERURICAEMIA, an a...
hypervelocities 42 30 HYPERVELOCITY, a hig...
hyperventilated 38 29 HYPERVENTILATE, to b...
hyperventilates 38 28 HYPERVENTILATE, to b...
hypervigilances 43 33 HYPERVIGILANCE, extr...
hypnotherapists 40 28 HYPNOTHERAPIST, one...
hypnotisability 46 29 the quality of being...
hypnotizability 49 38 the state of being h...
hypochondriacal 44 33 affected or produced...
hypochondriases 40 29 HYPOCHONDRIASIS, mor...
hypochondriasis 41 29 morbid concern about...
hypochondriasms 42 32 HYPOCHONDRIASM, hypo...
hypochondriasts 41 29 HYPOCHONDRIAST, a hy...
hypocrystalline 47 30 of igneous rocks, ha...
hypomagnesaemia 36 31 a deficiency of magn...
hypomagnesemias 37 31 HYPOMAGNESEMIA, a de...
hypomenorrhoeas 36 28 HYPOMENORRHOEA, the...
hypophosphorous 44 33 as in hypophosphorou...
hypopituitarism 41 29 deficient production...
hyposensitising 37 26 HYPOSENSITISE, to ca...
hyposensitizing 40 35 HYPOSENSITIZE, to lo...
hypostasisation 35 23 the process of hypos...
hypostasization 38 32 the process of hypos...
hypostatisation 35 23 the process of hypos...
hypostatization 38 32 the act of hypostati...
hypothyroidisms 47 30 HYPOTHYROIDISM, defi...
hypoventilation 37 29 abnormally decreased...
hypsometrically 49 32 HYPSOMETRICAL, of, r...
hysterectomised 38 26 HYSTERECTOMISE, to r...
hysterectomises 38 25 HYSTERECTOMISE, to r...
hysterectomized 41 35 HYSTERECTOMIZE, to r...
hysterectomizes 41 34 HYSTERECTOMIZE, to r...
hystricomorphic 47 33 belonging to the rod...