4 letter words that start with H

4 letter words that start with H

4 letter H word


Words With Friends®


haaf 10 9 a deep sea fishing r...
haar 8 6 a cold sea-mist [n -...
habu 11 10 a venomous snake fou...
hack 13 13 to cut or chop rough...
hade 8 7 to incline from the...
hadj 11 16 a pilgrimage to Mecc...
hads 9 7 HAD, (Scots) to hold...
haed 8 7 HAE, (Scots) to have...
haem 9 9 the pigment combined...
haen 7 7 HAE, (Scots) to have...
haes 8 6 HAE, (Scots) to have...
haet 8 6 a small amount [n -S...
haff 13 12 (German) a lagoon se...
haft 11 9 a handle, esp. of an...
hagg 11 10 (Scots) broken groun...
hags 10 8 HAG, (Scots) to hack...
haha 10 8 a fence set in a dit...
hahs 11 8 HAH, a sound of surp...
haik 10 10 an Arab head coverin...
hail 10 7 to greet [v -ED, -IN...
hain 8 7 (Scots) to save, pre...
hair 9 6 to free from hair [v...
haji 11 15 a person who has mad...
hajj 13 24 a pilgrimage to Mecc...
haka 9 10 a Maori ceremonial w...
hake 9 10 a fish of the cod fa...
haku 10 11 (Maori) the kingfish...
hale 9 7 to compel to go [v H...
half 12 10 one of two equal par...
hall 11 8 a large room for ass...
halm 11 10 a plant stem, also H...
halo 9 7 to form a ring of li...
halt 10 7 to stop [v -ED, -ING...
hame 9 9 (Scots) to go home [...
hams 10 9 HAM, to overact, als...
hand 8 8 to present with the...
hang 9 9 to attach from above...
hank 9 11 to catch, as on a lo...
hant 8 7 to haunt [v -ED, -IN...
haos 8 6 HAO, a monetary unit...
haps 11 9 HAP, to happen by ch...
hapu 11 10 a Maori subtribe (a...
hard 9 7 firm and unyielding...
hare 8 6 a very swift mammal...
hark 10 10 to listen, also HARK...
harl 10 7 (Scots) to drag alon...
harm 10 9 to injure [v -ED, -I...
harn 8 7 a coarse linen fabri...
haro 8 6 in the Channel Islan...
harp 11 9 to play on a type of...
hart 9 6 the male of the red...
hash 11 8 a mixed dish of meat...
hask 10 10 (Spenser) a fish-bas...
hasp 11 9 to fasten with a cla...
hass 9 6 as in white hass, an...
hast 9 6 (archaic) 2nd person...
hate 8 6 to loathe [v HATED,...
hath 11 8 (archaic) 3rd person...
hats 9 6 HAT, to provide with...
haud 9 8 (Scots) to hold [v H...
hauf 11 10 (Scots) half [n -S]
haul 10 8 to pull with force [...
haun 8 8 (Scots) a hand [n -S...
haut 9 7 (French) high; (Shak...
have 10 10 to possess [v HAS, H...
hawk 13 13 to peddle [v -ED, -I...
hawm 13 12 to lounge about [v -...
haws 12 9 HAW, to make indecis...
hays 15 8 HAY, to convert cut...
haze 11 15 to make a shimmering...
hazy 18 17 like a haze, unclear...
head 8 7 to be chief of [v -E...
heal 9 7 to make sound again...
heap 10 9 to pile up [v -ED, -...
hear 8 6 to perceive by the e...
heat 8 6 to make hot [v -ED,...
hebe 10 9 a member of a genus...
hech 14 11 an exclamation of su...
heck 13 13 the lower part of a...
heed 8 7 to pay attention to...
heel 9 7 to supply with the r...
heft 11 9 to lift up, feel the...
hehs 11 8 HEH, a Hebrew letter...
heid 9 7 (Scots) head [n -S]
heil 10 7 to salute [v -ED, -I...
heir 9 6 a person who actuall...
held 10 8 HOLD, to keep posses...
hele 9 7 to hide [v HELED, HE...
hell 11 8 to hide, conceal [v...
helm 11 10 to steer a ship [v -...
helo 9 7 (short for) a helico...
help 12 10 to give aid [v HOLP...
heme 9 9 a component of hemog...
hemp 12 12 a plant yielding a c...
hems 10 9 HEM, to provide with...
hend 8 8 (obsolete) to seize,...
hens 8 7 HEN, to lose courage...
hent 8 7 (obsolete) to seize,...
heps 11 9 HEP, the fruit of a...
hept 11 9 (Spenser) heaped [ad...
herb 11 9 a seed-bearing plant...
herd 9 7 to bring together a...
here 8 6 this place [n -S]
herl 10 7 a feathered fishing...
herm 10 9 a type of statue, al...
hern 8 7 (dialect) a heron [n...
hero 8 6 a brave man [n HEROE...
hers 9 6 the possessive case...
hery 15 8 (Spenser) to praise,...
hesp 11 9 (Scots) to fasten wi...
hest 9 6 (archaic) behest, co...
hete 8 6 (obsolete) to comman...
heth 11 8 the eighth letter of...
hets 9 6 HET, (colloquial) a...
hewn 11 10 HEW, to cut with an...
hews 12 9 HEW, to cut with an...
heys 15 8 HEY, to dance the he...
hick 14 13 characteristic of ru...
hide 9 7 a place of concealme...
hied 9 7 HIE, to hurry along,...
hies 9 6 HIE, to hurry along,...
high 13 10 to turn to the left...
hike 10 10 to go walking [v HIK...
hila 10 7 HILUM, the scar on a...
hild 11 8 (Spenser) held [v]
hili 11 7 HILUS, the scar on a...
hill 12 8 to form into banked...
hilt 11 7 to provide a handle...
hims 11 9 HIM [n]
hind 9 8 the female of the re...
hing 10 9 a foul-smelling gum...
hins 9 7 HIN, a Hebrew unit o...
hint 9 7 to suggest indirectl...
hioi 9 6 a New Zealand plant...
hips 12 9 HIP, to build a type...
hipt 12 9 HIP, to build a type...
hire 9 6 to use for a price [...
hish 12 8 to hiss [v -ED, -ING...
hisn 9 7 (dialect) his [pron]
hiss 10 6 to make a sibilant s...
hist 10 6 (archaic) an express...
hits 10 6 HIT, to strike forci...
hive 11 10 to enter a bee's nes...
hiya 15 8 (colloquial) a greet...
hizz 16 24 (Shakespeare) to his...
hmmm 13 15 an interjection expr...
hoar 8 6 to make hoary, grey...
hoas 8 6 HOA, to stop [v]
hoax 14 13 to deceive [v -ED, -...
hobo 10 9 to live like a tramp...
hobs 11 9 HOB, to furnish with...
hock 13 13 to pawn [v -ED, -ING...
hods 9 7 HOD, to bob or jog [...
hoed 8 7 HOE, to garden with...
hoer 8 6 one who hoes [n -S]
hoes 8 6 HOE, to garden with...
hogg 11 10 a yearling sheep, al...
hogh 12 10 (Spenser) a hoe, a p...
hogs 10 8 HOG, to eat hoggishl...
hoha 10 8 (Maori) bored, annoy...
hohs 11 8 HOH, to stop, also H...
hoik 10 10 to hitch up, also HO...
hois 9 6 HOI, to urge, incite...
hoka 9 10 (Maori) red cod [n -...
hoke 9 10 to give false value...
hoki 10 10 (Maori) a type of fi...
hold 10 8 to keep possession o...
hole 9 7 to make a cavity in...
holk 11 11 (Scots) to dig, burr...
holm 11 10 a river island, also...
holo 9 7 (short for) hologram...
holp 12 10 HELP, to give aid [v...
hols 10 7 (colloquial) holiday...
holt 10 7 the lair or den of a...
holy 16 9 perfect in a moral s...
homa 9 9 a sacred plant of th...
home 9 9 to return to a place...
homo 9 9 (Latin) man generica...
homs 10 9 HOM, (Persian) a sac...
homy 16 11 homelike, also HOMEY...
hond 8 8 (obsolete) hand [n -...
hone 7 7 to whet [v HONED, HO...
hong 9 9 (obsolete) to hang [...
honk 9 11 to cry like a goose...
hons 8 7 HON, (short for) hon...
hood 8 7 to furnish with a co...
hoof 10 9 the horny part of th...
hook 9 10 to catch with a bent...
hoon 7 7 to act loutishly [v...
hoop 10 9 to fasten with a cir...
hoor 8 6 a Scots and Irish fo...
hoot 8 6 to cry like an owl,...
hope 10 9 to have a desire or...
hops 11 9 HOP, to move by jump...
hora 8 6 an Israeli dance, al...
hore 8 6 (Spenser) grey, esp....
hori 9 6 (Maori) a Maori; fal...
hork 10 10 to spit [v -ED, -ING...
horn 8 7 to form a hard bonel...
hors 9 6 (French) out of the...
hose 8 6 to spray with water...
hoss 9 6 (slang) a horse [n -...
host 9 6 to entertain sociall...
hote 8 6 HIGHT, (archaic) to...
hots 9 6 HOT, to heat [v]
houf 11 10 (Scots) a place wher...
hour 9 7 a period of sixty mi...
hout 9 7 to make a sound like...
hove 10 10 to swell [v HOVED, H...
howe 11 9 a hill, a burial-mou...
howf 14 12 (Scots) a place wher...
howk 13 13 (Scots) to dig, burr...
howl 13 10 to cry like a dog [v...
hows 12 9 HOW, a low hill, als...
hoya 14 8 a plant of genus Hoy...
hoys 15 8 HOY, to incite [v]
hubs 12 10 HUB, the centre of a...
huck 14 14 to force roughly, al...
hued 9 8 having colour [adj]
huer 9 7 a pilchard fishermen...
hues 9 7 HUE, colour [n]
huff 14 13 to breathe heavily [...
huge 10 9 very large [adj HUGE...
hugs 11 9 HUG, to clasp tightl...
hugy 17 11 (archaic) huge, vast...
huhu 12 10 a hairy New Zealand...
huia 9 7 a New Zealand bird a...
huic 13 10 used to encourage hu...
huis 10 7 HUI, a Maori gatheri...
hula 10 8 a sinuous Polynesian...
hule 10 8 a Central American r...
hulk 12 12 to appear impressive...
hull 12 9 to separate the shel...
huma 10 10 a mythical bird simi...
humf 13 13 to carry something a...
hump 13 13 to bend into a round...
hums 11 10 HUM, to make a sound...
hung 10 10 HANG, to attach from...
hunh 11 10 used to ask for a re...
hunk 10 12 a large piece [n -S]
huns 9 8 HUN, a barbarous, de...
hunt 9 8 to pursue for food o...
hups 12 10 HUP, to quicken the...
hurl 11 8 to throw with great...
hurt 10 7 to cause pain to, in...
hush 12 9 to quiet [v -ED, -IN...
husk 11 11 to remove the outer...
huso 9 7 the great sturgeon [...
huss 10 7 a type of dogfish us...
huts 10 7 HUT, to settle in a...
hwan 11 10 a monetary unit of S...
hwyl 20 12 (Welsh) divine inspi...
hyed 15 9 HYE, (obsolete) to h...
hyen 14 9 (Shakespeare) a hyen...
hyes 15 8 HYE, (obsolete) to h...
hyke 16 12 an Arab head coverin...
hyla 16 9 a kind of tree frog...
hyle 16 9 (Greek) wood; matter...
hymn 16 12 to sing a song of pr...
hype 17 11 to stimulate artific...
hypo 17 11 (colloquial) to inje...
hyps 18 11 HYP, to offend [v]
hyte 15 8 (Scots) insane [adj]