7 letter words that start with A

7 letter words that start with A

7 letter A word


Words With Friends®


aarrghh 17 13 used to express disg...
abactor 16 13 (obsolete) a cattle...
abalone 12 12 a sea snail of rocky...
abanded 12 13 ABAND, (Spenser) to...
abandon 11 13 to leave or give up...
abasers 13 10 ABASER, one who abas...
abashed 15 13 ABASH, to strike wit...
abashes 15 12 ABASH, to strike wit...
abasias 13 10 ABASIA, the inabilit...
abasing 14 13 ABASE, to lower in r...
abaters 13 10 ABATER, one who abat...
abating 14 13 ABATE, to reduce in...
abators 13 10 ABATOR, one who unla...
abattis 14 10 a barrier made of fe...
abature 13 11 (French) a trail thr...
abaxial 20 18 facing away from the...
abaxile 20 18 facing away from the...
abbotcy 25 18 the office of an abb...
abdomen 13 15 in mammals, the part...
abduced 17 16 ABDUCE, to draw or c...
abduces 17 15 ABDUCE, to draw or c...
abducts 18 15 ABDUCT, to carry som...
abelian 13 12 a term in group theo...
abelias 14 11 ABELIA, any of sever...
abettal 14 11 the act of abetting,...
abetted 13 11 ABET, to incite by e...
abetter 13 10 one who abets, also...
abettor 13 10 one who abets, also...
abeyant 18 13 in abeyance, suspend...
abfarad 15 14 a unit of capacitanc...
abhenry 21 15 a unit of inductance...
abidden 13 13 ABIDE, to wait for;...
abiders 14 11 ABIDER, one who abid...
abiding 15 14 continual [adj ABIDI...
abietic 17 13 as in abietic acid,...
abigail 16 13 (archaic) a lady's m...
ability 22 13 a special skill [n A...
abioses 13 10 ABIOSIS, absence of...
abiosis 14 10 absence of life [n A...
abiotic 17 13 devoid of or inimica...
abiturs 15 11 ABITUR, (German) in...
abjects 19 22 ABJECT, to throw out...
abjoint 15 20 to cut off by formin...
abjured 16 21 ABJURE, to renounce...
abjurer 16 20 one who abjures [n -...
abjures 16 20 ABJURE, to renounce...
ablated 14 12 ABLATE, to remove or...
ablates 14 11 ABLATE, to remove or...
ablator 14 11 a substance undergoi...
ablauts 15 12 ABLAUT, (German) vow...
ableism 16 14 discrimination again...
ableist 15 11 discriminatory again...
ablings 16 14 (dialect) perhaps, a...
abluent 14 13 a cleansing agent [n...
abluted 15 13 washed clean [adj]
aboding 14 14 ABODE, to presage, f...
abolish 17 13 to put an end to [v...
abollae 14 12 ABOLLA, (historical)...
abollas 15 12 ABOLLA, (historical)...
abomasa 13 13 ABOMASUM, the fourth...
abomasi 14 13 ABOMASUS, the fourth...
aborded 13 12 ABORD, (archaic) to...
aborted 13 11 ABORT, to bring fort...
abortee 12 10 a woman who has had...
aborter 13 10 one who aborts [n -S...
abortus 14 11 an aborted fetus [n...
abought 17 15 ABYE, (archaic) to p...
aboulia 14 12 (Greek) an abnormal...
aboulic 18 15 relating to aboulia,...
abounds 13 13 ABOUND, to exist in...
abraded 13 12 ABRADE, to wear away...
abrader 13 11 a tool for abrading...
abrades 13 11 ABRADE, to wear away...
abraids 14 11 ABRAID, (Spenser) to...
abrasax 19 17 a mystic word, also...
abraxas 19 17 a gem engraved with...
abrayed 19 13 ABRAY, (Spenser) to...
abrazos 16 19 ABRAZO, (Spanish) in...
abreact 16 13 to resolve a neurosi...
abreast 13 10 side by side [adv]
abreges 14 12 ABREGE, (French) an...
abridge 15 13 to shorten [v ABRIDG...
abroach 18 15 (obsolete) open, in...
abroads 13 11 ABROAD, a place abro...
abrooke 13 14 an erroneous spellin...
abrosia 13 10 fasting [n -S]
abrupts 17 14 ABRUPT, (Milton) an...
abscess 17 13 a collection of pus...
abscind 17 15 to cut off [v -ED, -...
abscise 17 13 to cut off, to fall...
absciss 18 13 the distance of a po...
abscond 16 15 to depart suddenly a...
abseils 15 11 ABSEIL, (German) to...
absence 15 14 the state of being a...
absents 13 11 ABSENT, to take or k...
absinth 16 13 (French) the wormwoo...
absolve 16 15 to free from the con...
absorbs 16 13 ABSORB, to take up o...
abstain 13 11 to refrain deliberat...
absurds 15 12 ABSURD, the conditio...
abthane 14 13 a monastic region of...
abubble 19 18 bubbling [adj]
abulias 15 12 ABULIA, (Greek) abno...
abusage 14 13 improper or incorrec...
abusers 14 11 ABUSER, one who abus...
abusing 15 14 ABUSE, to revile or...
abusion 13 12 (Spenser) misuse, de...
abusive 16 15 in the manner of wro...
abuttal 15 12 the butting or bound...
abutted 14 12 ABUT, to be adjacent...
abutter 14 11 a person whose prope...
abvolts 17 15 ABVOLT, a unit of el...
abwatts 17 13 ABWATT, a unit of po...
abyeing 20 15 ABYE, (archaic) to p...
abysmal 22 16 immeasurably deep [a...
abyssal 21 13 relating to a large...
abysses 20 12 ABYSS, a bottomless...
acacias 17 13 ACACIA, a genus of t...
academe 14 14 the academic life or...
academy 21 16 a secondary school [...
acajous 16 20 ACAJOU, (Tupi) the c...
acaleph 19 16 any cnidarian (jelly...
acantha 15 13 a sharp spiny part o...
acanthi 16 13 ACANTHUS, a prickly...
acanths 16 13 ACANTH, a prickly pl...
acapnia 15 14 a lack of carbon dio...
acarian 13 11 pertaining to mites,...
acarids 15 11 ACARID, a member of...
acarine 13 11 a tick-like animal,...
acaroid 14 11 resembling an acarid...
acaters 14 10 ACATER, (obsolete) a...
acatour 14 11 (obsolete) an office...
acaudal 15 13 tailless, also ACAUD...
accable 20 17 (French) depressed,...
acceded 17 15 ACCEDE, to consent [...
acceder 17 14 one who accedes [n -...
accedes 17 14 ACCEDE, to consent [...
accends 17 15 ACCEND, (obsolete) t...
accents 17 14 ACCENT, to pronounce...
accepts 20 16 ACCEPT, to receive w...
accidia 18 14 (Latin) sloth; physi...
accidie 18 14 (Latin) sloth, physi...
accinge 18 16 to gird up one's loi...
accited 18 14 ACCITE, to cite; to...
accites 18 13 ACCITE, to cite; to...
acclaim 20 17 to shout approval of...
accloys 25 16 ACCLOY, (Spenser) to...
accoast 17 13 to lie or sail along...
accoied 17 14 ACCOY, (Spenser) to...
accoils 19 14 ACCOIL, (Spenser) to...
accompt 21 19 to explain in detail...
accords 18 14 ACCORD, to bring int...
accosts 18 13 ACCOST, to approach...
account 17 15 to explain in detail...
accourt 18 14 to entertain [v -ED,...
accoyed 23 16 ACCOY, (Spenser) to...
accoyld 25 17 ACCOIL, (Spenser) to...
accrete 17 13 to grow together [v...
accrews 21 16 ACCREW, (Spenser) to...
accrual 19 15 an accumulation [n -...
accrued 18 15 ACCRUE, to accumulat...
accrues 18 14 ACCRUE, to accumulat...
accurse 18 14 to make cursed [v AC...
accurst 19 14 doomed [adj]
accusal 19 15 an accusation [n -S]
accused 18 15 ACCUSE, to bring a c...
accuser 18 14 one who accuses [n -...
accuses 18 14 ACCUSE, to bring a c...
acedias 14 11 ACEDIA, (Greek) slot...
acequia 22 20 (Spanish) an irrigat...
acerate 13 10 needle-shaped [adj]
acerber 16 13 ACERB, bitter and so...
acerbic 20 16 bitter and sour, als...
acerola 14 11 a West Indian shrub...
acerose 13 10 needle-shaped [adj]
acerous 14 11 needle-shaped [adj]
acetals 15 11 ACETAL, an odorifero...
acetate 13 10 an ester of acetic a...
acetify 23 15 to convert to vinega...
acetins 14 11 ACETIN, a combinatio...
acetone 12 11 the simplest of the...
acetose 13 10 like vinegar [adj]
acetous 14 11 like vinegar [adj]
acetyls 22 13 ACETYL, the radical...
achages 17 14 ACHAGE, (Tennyson) a...
acharne 15 13 (French) furious, de...
acharya 22 14 (Sanskrit) a Hindu t...
achates 16 12 (Spenser) bought pro...
achenes 15 13 ACHENE, a dry one-se...
achenia 15 13 ACHENIUM, a small on...
achiest 17 12 ACHY, aching [adj]
achieve 18 16 to carry out success...
achings 18 15 ACHING, a continuing...
achiote 16 12 (Nahuatl) the seeds...
achiral 18 13 of, relating to, or...
achkans 17 17 ACHKAN, (Hindi) in I...
acholia 17 13 a lack of bile [n -S...
acicula 19 15 (Latin) a needlelike...
acidest 15 11 ACID, sharp, sour [a...
acidier 15 11 ACIDY, resembling ac...
acidify 24 16 to render acid [v AC...
acidity 22 13 sourness [n ACIDITIE...
aciform 18 16 needle-shaped [adj]
acinose 13 11 relating to a sackli...
acinous 14 12 relating to a sackli...
acknown 17 19 ACKNOW, (obsolete) t...
acknows 18 18 ACKNOW, (obsolete) t...
aclinic 19 15 applied to a line pa...
acmatic 19 16 relating to the acme...
acmites 16 13 ACMITE, a soda pyrox...
acnodal 14 13 being an isolated po...
acnodes 13 12 ACNODE, an isolated...
acolyte 21 13 a faithful follower,...
acolyth 24 15 (obsolete) a faithfu...
aconite 13 11 a poisonous herb, th...
acorned 13 12 bearing acorns [adj]
acouchi 20 16 a burrowing rodent,...
acouchy 26 18 a burrowing rodent,...
acquest 23 20 a thing acquired; sp...
acquire 23 20 to come into possess...
acquist 24 20 a thing acquired; sp...
acquite 23 20 (obsolete) to free f...
acquits 24 20 ACQUIT, to free from...
acrasia 14 10 a loss of self contr...
acrasin 14 11 a substance secreted...
acratic 18 13 pertaining to acrasi...
acreage 14 12 area in acres [n -S]
acrider 15 11 ACRID, sharp to the...
acridin 15 12 a chemical compound...
acridly 23 14 ACRID, sharp to the...
acrobat 16 13 one skilled in gymna...
acrogen 14 13 a cryptogam with a d...
acromia 15 13 ACROMION, (Greek) th...
acronic 17 14 occurring at nightfa...
acronym 21 16 a word formed from t...
acroter 14 10 a pedestal or orname...
acrotic 18 13 in medicine, relatin...
acrylic 26 16 a type of resin [n -...
acrylyl 30 16 an organic radical [...
actable 17 14 suitable for perform...
actants 14 11 ACTANT, a noun phras...
actinal 15 12 pertaining to the pa...
actings 16 13 ACTING, the occupati...
actinia 14 11 a sea-anemone, also...
actinic 18 14 of or pertaining to...
actinon 13 12 an isotope of radon...
actions 14 11 ACTION, to carry out...
actives 17 14 ACTIVE, the active m...
actorly 22 13 in the manner of an...
actress 15 10 a female actor [n -E...
actuals 16 12 commodities which ca...
actuary 21 13 a person who compile...
actuate 14 11 to put into action [...
actures 15 11 ACTURE, (Shakespeare...
acuated 14 12 ACUATE, to sharpen [...
acuates 14 11 ACUATE, to sharpen [...
aculeus 16 13 (Latin) a prickle gr...
acumens 15 15 ACUMEN, mental keenn...
acushla 18 14 (Irish) an Irish ter...
acutely 22 14 to a greater degree...
acutest 15 11 ACUTE, sharply point...
acyclic 29 19 not periodic [adj]
acylate 21 13 to introduce acyl in...
acyloin 21 14 a type of chemical c...
adagial 13 11 pertaining to an ada...
adagios 12 10 ADAGIO, a piece of m...
adamant 11 12 very firm [adj ADAMA...
adapted 13 12 ADAPT, to make suita...
adapter 13 11 something that adapt...
adaptor 13 11 something that adapt...
adawing 15 14 ADAW, (Spenser) to d...
adaxial 18 16 next to the axis [ad...
addable 14 13 able to be added [ad...
addaxes 17 16 ADDAX, a large light...
addedly 19 13 additionally [adv]
addeems 12 12 ADDEEM, (obsolete) t...
addenda 10 11 ADDENDUM, something...
addends 11 11 ADDEND, an amount to...
addible 15 13 capable of being add...
addicts 16 12 ADDICT, to make depe...
addings 13 12 ADDING, the act of a...
addling 14 13 ADDLE, to confuse [v...
addooms 12 12 ADDOOM, (Spenser) to...
address 12 9 to speak to [v ADDRE...
addrest 12 9 ADDRESS, to speak to...
adduced 15 14 ADDUCE, to cite or q...
adducer 15 13 one who adduces [n -...
adduces 15 13 ADDUCE, to cite or q...
adducts 16 13 ADDUCT, to draw inwa...
adeemed 11 12 ADEEM, to cancel a b...
adelgid 14 12 a kind of small inse...
adenine 9 10 one of the four base...
adenoid 10 10 relating to or like...
adenoma 10 12 a tumor of glandular...
adenyls 18 12 ADENYL, a nucleotide...
adepter 13 11 ADEPT, highly skille...
adeptly 21 14 ADEPT, highly skille...
adermin 12 12 a former name of pyr...
adharma 14 13 (Sanskrit) unrighteo...
adhered 13 11 ADHERE, to become or...
adherer 13 10 one who remains clos...
adheres 13 10 ADHERE, to become or...
adhibit 17 13 to attach; to admini...
adioses 11 8 ADIOS, (Spanish) goo...
adipose 13 11 of or pertaining to...
adipous 14 12 pertaining to animal...
adipsia 14 11 complete lack of thi...
adjigos 15 19 ADJIGO, an Australia...
adjoins 13 18 ADJOIN, to lie next...
adjoint 13 18 a form of a mathemat...
adjourn 13 19 to suspend until a l...
adjudge 15 21 to decide; to award...
adjunct 17 22 attached [adj ADJUNC...
adjured 14 19 ADJURE, to command s...
adjurer 14 18 one who commands sol...
adjures 14 18 ADJURE, to command s...
adjuror 14 18 one who commands sol...
adjusts 15 18 ADJUST, to bring to...
adlands 12 11 ADLAND, an idealised...
admiral 14 12 the chief commander...
admired 13 12 ADMIRE, to have a hi...
admirer 13 11 one who admires [n -...
admires 13 11 ADMIRE, to have a hi...
admixed 19 19 ADMIX, to mix [v]
admixes 19 18 ADMIX, to mix [v]
adnexal 17 17 relating to conjoine...
adnouns 10 11 ADNOUN, an adjective...
adonise 10 9 to adorn (oneself),...
adonize 13 18 to adorn (oneself),...
adopted 13 12 ADOPT, to take as on...
adoptee 12 11 one who is adopted [...
adopter 13 11 one who adopts [n -S...
adorers 11 8 ADORER, one that ado...
adoring 12 11 ADORE, to love deepl...
adorned 10 10 ADORN, to embellish...
adorner 10 9 one who adorns [n -S...
adpress 14 11 to press together, a...
adrates 11 8 ADRATE, the price or...
adreads 11 9 ADREAD, (obsolete) t...
adrenal 11 10 relating to the adre...
adsorbs 14 11 ADSORB, to gather an...
adspeak 14 15 the kind of language...
adsukis 14 13 ADSUKI, (Japanese) a...
adulate 12 10 to fawn upon [v ADUL...
adultly 21 13 ADULT, grown up [adv...
adusted 12 10 ADUST, (Milton) to s...
advance 15 16 to put forward, to g...
advects 17 15 ADVECT, to transport...
advened 12 14 ADVENE, to be added...
advenes 12 13 ADVENE, to be added...
advents 13 13 ADVENT, arrival [n]
adverbs 16 15 ADVERB, a word used...
adverse 13 12 acting against [adj...
adverts 14 12 ADVERT, to refer to...
advewed 16 16 ADVEW, (Spenser) to...
advices 17 15 ADVICE, counsel [n]
advised 14 13 ADVISE, to give advi...
advisee 13 12 one who is given cou...
adviser 14 12 one who gives counse...
advises 14 12 ADVISE, to give advi...
advisor 14 12 one who gives counse...
adwards 15 12 ADWARD, (Spenser) to...
adwares 14 11 ADWARE, software wit...
adwoman 14 15 a female worker in t...
adwomen 14 15 ADWOMAN, a female wo...
adzukis 17 22 ADZUKI, (Japanese) a...
aecidia 14 11 AECIDIUM, a cup-shap...
aediles 12 9 AEDILE, (Latin) in c...
aefauld 14 13 onefold, also AEFALD...
aegises 12 9 AEGIS, (Greek) prote...
aemuled 13 13 AEMULE, (Spenser) to...
aemules 13 12 AEMULE, (Spenser) to...
aeneous 9 9 of a shining bronze...
aeolian 10 9 pertaining to the wi...
aeonian 8 9 lasting for aeons, e...
aeradio 10 8 a Canadian radio ser...
aerated 10 8 AERATE, to put air i...
aerates 10 7 AERATE, to put air i...
aerator 10 7 that which supplies...
aerials 12 8 AERIAL, an antenna [...
aeriest 11 7 AERY, airy [adj]
aerobat 12 10 one who performs fea...
aerobes 12 10 AEROBE, an organism...
aerobia 12 10 AEROBIUM, an organis...
aerobic 16 13 requiring free oxyge...
aerobot 12 10 an unmanned gas-fill...
aerobus 13 11 a type of monorail t...
aerogel 12 10 a highly porous soli...
aerosat 10 7 a satellite for air-...
aerosol 11 8 a spray released und...
aerugos 12 10 AERUGO, a green film...
aetatis 11 7 (Latin) at the age o...
aethers 13 9 AETHER, the upper re...
afeared 12 11 AFEAR, (Spenser) to...
affable 18 17 easy to speak to [ad...
affably 25 19 AFFABLE, easy to spe...
affaire 15 13 (French) a brief amo...
affairs 16 13 AFFAIR, something wh...
affeard 15 14 (Shakespeare) afraid...
affeare 14 13 (Spenser) to frighte...
affears 15 13 AFFEAR, (Spenser) to...
affects 19 16 AFFECT, to act upon...
affeers 15 13 AFFEER, (archaic) to...
affiant 15 14 one who makes a writ...
affiche 21 18 (French) a poster; a...
affinal 16 15 related by marriage...
affined 15 15 related [adj]
affines 15 14 AFFINE, a relation b...
affirms 18 16 AFFIRM, to state pos...
affixal 23 21 pertaining to a pref...
affixed 22 21 AFFIX, to fix on to,...
affixer 22 20 one who affixes [n -...
affixes 22 20 AFFIX, to fix on to,...
afflict 21 17 to distress severely...
affoord 15 14 (Spenser) to afford...
afforce 18 16 to strengthen a jury...
affords 16 14 AFFORD, to have suff...
affraps 18 16 AFFRAP, (Spenser) to...
affrays 22 15 AFFRAY, to disturb o...
affrets 16 13 AFFRET, (Spenser) a...
affront 15 14 to insult to one's f...
affying 23 18 AFFY, (obsolete) to...
afghani 16 15 a monetary unit of A...
afghans 16 15 AFGHAN, a heavy knit...
afreets 13 10 AFREET, an evil spir...
aftmost 15 13 nearest the stern [a...
aftosas 13 10 AFTOSA, a disease of...
agacant 14 13 (French) provoking,...
against 12 10 opposite to [prep]
agamete 12 12 an asexual reproduct...
agamids 14 13 AGAMID, a kind of tr...
agamoid 13 13 having the features...
agamont 12 13 in protozoans, a SCH...
agamous 13 13 asexual, also AGAMIC...
agapeic 17 15 relating to agape, C...
agarics 16 12 AGARIC, a kind of fu...
agarose 11 9 a sugar obtained fro...
agasted 12 10 AGAST, (Milton) to t...
agatise 12 9 to cause to resemble...
agatize 15 18 to cause to resemble...
agatoid 12 10 like agate [adj]
ageings 13 12 AGEING, the process...
ageisms 14 12 AGEISM, discriminati...
ageists 13 9 AGEIST, an advocate...
agelast 13 10 someone who never la...
ageless 13 10 never growing old [a...
agelong 13 13 lasting for a very l...
agemate 12 12 a person of the same...
agendas 11 11 AGENDA, a list of th...
agendum 13 15 an item on an agenda...
agenise 11 10 to treat flour with...
agenize 14 19 to treat flour with...
agented 11 11 AGENT, to act for an...
agentry 18 12 the office or duties...
ageusia 12 10 lack of a sense of t...
aggadah 15 14 the homiletic part o...
aggadas 13 12 AGGADA, the homileti...
aggadic 17 15 (Hebrew) relating to...
aggadot 13 12 AGGADAH, the homilet...
aggrace 16 14 (Spenser) to please,...
aggrade 13 12 to raise the level o...
aggrate 13 11 (Spenser) to please,...
aggress 14 11 to attack first [v -...
agilely 21 13 AGILE, able to move...
agilest 14 10 AGILE, able to move...
agility 21 12 nimbleness [n AGILIT...
aginner 11 11 an opponent of chang...
agisted 13 10 AGIST, to admit (liv...
agister 13 9 a former officer of...
agistor 13 9 a former officer of...
agitans 12 10 as in paralysis agit...
agitate 12 9 to stir violently [v...
agitato 12 9 (Italian) of music,...
agitpop 17 15 pop music as politic...
aglycon 22 16 an organic compound,...
agnails 13 11 AGNAIL, a torn shred...
agnamed 12 14 having an agname, a...
agnames 12 13 AGNAME, a name extra...
agnates 11 10 AGNATE, a relative o...
agnatic 15 13 pertaining to descen...
agnised 12 11 AGNISE, to acknowled...
agnises 12 10 AGNISE, to acknowled...
agnized 15 20 AGNIZE, to acknowled...
agnizes 15 19 AGNIZE, to acknowled...
agnomen 11 14 (Latin) a name added...
agnosia 11 10 the loss of the abil...
agnosic 15 13 relating to agnosia,...
agogics 17 14 the art of accenting...
agonies 11 10 AGONY, extreme suffe...
agonise 11 10 to suffer agony, als...
agonism 13 13 a contest or struggl...
agonist 12 10 a protagonist in a l...
agonize 14 19 to suffer agony, als...
agoroth 14 11 AGORA, a market-plac...
agoutas 12 10 AGOUTA, a small inse...
agoutis 13 10 AGOUTI, a burrowing...
agrafes 14 12 AGRAFE, (French) a h...
agraffe 16 15 (French) a hooked cl...
agrapha 16 14 AGRAPHON, (Greek) a...
agraste 12 9 AGGRACE, (Spenser) t...
agravic 18 16 relating to zero gra...
agreges 13 11 AGREGE, (French) a F...
agrised 13 10 AGRISE, to terrify,...
agrises 13 9 AGRISE, to terrify,...
agrized 16 19 AGRIZE, (obsolete) t...
agrizes 16 18 AGRIZE, (obsolete) t...
aground 12 12 on the ground [adv]
agryzed 22 21 AGRYZE, (obsolete) t...
agryzes 22 20 AGRYZE, (obsolete) t...
aguised 13 11 AGUISE, to adorn, al...
aguises 13 10 AGUISE, to adorn, al...
aguized 16 20 AGUIZE, to adorn, al...
aguizes 16 19 AGUIZE, to adorn, al...
agunoth 14 13 AGUNA, (Hebrew) a wo...
aheight 17 13 (archaic) aloft; on...
ahimsas 15 12 AHIMSA, (Sanskrit) i...
ahungry 21 15 (archaic) oppressed...
aiblins 15 12 (dialect) perhaps, a...
aidance 13 12 help [n -S]
aidants 11 9 AIDANT, (archaic) a...
aidless 13 9 helpless; without ai...
aieries 11 7 AIERY, the nest of a...
aiglets 14 10 AIGLET, a metal shea...
aigrets 13 9 AIGRET, a tuft of fe...
aikidos 13 12 AIKIDO, (Japanese) a...
ailanto 11 9 (Amboina) an orienta...
aileron 11 9 a balancing flap on...
ailette 12 8 a plate of armour fo...
ailment 13 12 a physical or mental...
aimless 14 11 without aim [adj]
ainsell 13 10 one's own self, also...
airbags 15 12 AIRBAG, an inflatabl...
airball 16 12 in basketball, a sho...
airbase 13 10 a centre for control...
airboat 13 10 a kind of boat drive...
aircons 14 11 AIRCON, an air condi...
aircrew 18 13 the crew of an aircr...
airdate 11 8 the scheduled date o...
airdrop 14 11 to drop from an airc...
airfare 13 10 the price of a journ...
airflow 18 14 a flow of air past a...
airfoil 15 11 part of an aircraft...
airgaps 15 12 AIRGAP, a gap in a m...
airglow 17 13 a faint light in the...
airguns 13 11 AIRGUN, a gun that d...
airhead 13 10 an empty-headed, sup...
airhole 14 10 a hole for the passa...
airiest 12 7 AIRY, relating to ai...
airings 13 10 AIRING, an exposure...
airless 13 8 having no air [adj]
airlift 16 11 to transport by air...
airlike 14 12 resembling air [adj]
airline 12 9 an air transportatio...
airlock 17 15 an obstructing bubbl...
airmail 14 11 to send mail by airp...
airning 12 11 AIRN, to iron [v]
airpark 15 14 a small airport [n -...
airplay 21 13 the broadcasting of...
airport 14 10 a tract of land main...
airpost 14 10 the system of convey...
airprox 20 17 a near collision bet...
airshed 14 10 the air supply of a...
airship 17 12 a mechanically drive...
airshot 14 9 in golf, a shot that...
airshow 17 12 an occasion when an...
airsick 17 14 nauseated from flyin...
airside 12 8 restricted area of a...
airsome 12 10 cold [adj]
airstop 14 10 a helicopter stoppin...
airthed 14 10 AIRTH, (Scots) to gu...
airtime 13 10 an allowable period...
airting 13 10 AIRT, to direct, als...
airtram 13 10 an aerial cable car...
airvacs 17 14 AIRVAC, evacuation b...
airward 15 11 up into the air, als...
airwave 16 14 a channel for broadc...
airways 21 12 AIRWAY, a passage fo...
airwise 15 10 skillful in aviation...
aisling 14 11 (Irish) a vision or...
aitches 17 12 AITCH, the letter H...
ajowans 15 20 AJOWAN, the fruit of...
ajutage 14 19 (French) a tube adde...
akateas 11 11 AKATEA, (Maori) a Ne...
akeakes 12 15 AKEAKE, a New Zealan...
akebias 14 14 AKEBIA, (Japanese) a...
akedahs 14 14 AKEDAH, (Hebrew) the...
akenial 12 13 relating to an achen...
akharas 14 13 AKHARA, (Hindi) a gy...
akiraho 14 13 (Maori) a small New...
akrasia 12 11 (Greek) loss of self...
akratic 16 14 going against ones m...
akvavit 17 19 (Norwegian) a Scandi...
alalias 13 9 ALALIA, loss of spee...
alameda 12 12 (Spanish) a public w...
alamode 12 12 (French) a light glo...
alamort 13 11 half dead [adj]
alanine 10 10 an amino acid, also...
alanins 11 10 ALANIN, an amino aci...
alannah 12 12 (Irish) my child, a...
alanyls 19 12 ALANYL, a univalent...
alarmed 13 12 ALARM, to strike wit...
alarums 14 12 ALARUM, (archaic) to...
alaskas 13 12 ALASKA, a kind of de...
alastor 12 8 an avenging deity in...
alation 11 9 the state of having...
alaying 19 13 ALAY, to quell, also...
albatas 14 11 ALBATA, a variety of...
albedos 14 12 ALBEDO, the measure...
albergo 15 13 an inn, also AUBERGE...
alberts 15 11 ALBERT, a kind of wa...
albinal 15 13 pertaining to albini...
albinic 18 15 pertaining to albini...
albinos 14 12 ALBINO, a person or...
albites 15 11 ALBITE, a sodium-ric...
albitic 19 14 pertaining to albite...
albizia 18 20 any of a genus of su...
albugos 16 14 ALBUGO, a white opac...
albumen 15 16 the white of an egg...
albumin 16 16 the protein part of...
alcades 15 12 ALCADE, the mayor of...
alcaics 19 14 ALCAIC, a type of ve...
alcaide 15 12 the commander of Spa...
alcalde 16 13 the mayor of a Spani...
alcayde 21 14 the commander of a S...
alcazar 18 20 a Spanish fortress o...
alchemy 25 18 the infant stage of...
alchera 17 13 the dreamtime in Aus...
alchymy 32 20 the infant stage of...
alcohol 18 14 a flammable liquid [...
alcools 16 12 ALCOOL, (French) a f...
alcopop 19 17 a drink containing a...
alcorza 18 20 a kind of Spanish sw...
alcoved 17 16 having an alcove [ad...
alcoves 17 15 ALCOVE, a vaulted or...
aldoses 12 9 ALDOSE, a class of s...
aldrins 13 10 ALDRIN, a chlorinate...
alecost 15 11 a garden plant havin...
alegars 13 10 ALEGAR, vinegar made...
alegged 14 13 ALEGGE, (Spenser) to...
alegges 14 12 ALEGGE, (Spenser) to...
alembic 19 17 an old distilling ap...
alencon 13 13 (French) a needlepoi...
alength 15 13 at full length [adv]
alepine 13 12 (Arabic) a mixed woo...
alerces 15 11 ALERCE, the wood of...
alerion 11 9 in heraldry, an eagl...
alerted 12 9 ALERT, to warn [v]
alerter 12 8 ALERT, ready for sud...
alertly 20 11 ALERT, ready for sud...
alethic 18 13 pertaining to truth...
aleuron 11 10 a protein found in s...
alevins 14 13 ALEVIN, a young fish...
alewife 17 14 a woman who sells al...
alexias 18 15 ALEXIA, loss of powe...
alexine 17 16 a substance in the b...
alexins 18 16 ALEXIN, a substance...
aleying 19 13 ALEYE, to quell, als...
alfakis 16 15 ALFAKI, a teacher of...
alfalfa 17 15 the fodder plant luc...
alfaqui 23 21 a teacher of Muslim...
alferez 17 20 (Arabic) a standard-...
alforja 16 20 (Arabic) a saddlebag...
alfredo 14 12 cooked with a cheese...
algates 13 10 (obsolete) always; w...
algebra 15 13 a method of calculat...
algeses 13 10 ALGESIS, the sensati...
algesia 13 10 sensitivity to pain...
algesic 17 13 relating to algesia,...
algesis 14 10 the sensation of pai...
algetic 17 13 relating to algesia,...
alginic 17 14 as in alginic acid,...
aliased 12 9 ALIAS [v]
aliases 12 8 ALIAS, an assumed na...
alibied 15 12 ALIBI, to give an al...
alibies 15 11 ALIBI, to give an al...
alicant 15 12 (Spanish) a wine mad...
alidade 12 10 a device used in ang...
alidads 13 10 ALIDAD, a device use...
aliened 11 10 ALIEN, to alienate [...
alienee 10 9 one to whom the titl...
aliener 11 9 one that transfers p...
alienly 19 12 ALIEN, foreign [adv]
alienor 11 9 a person who transfe...
aliform 16 14 wing-shaped [adj]
alights 17 12 ALIGHT, to dismount...
aligned 13 12 ALIGN, to arrange in...
aligner 13 11 one who aligns, also...
aliment 13 12 food, nourishment [n...
alimony 19 14 an allowance paid to...
aliners 12 9 ALINER, one who alin...
alining 13 12 ALINE, to arrange in...
alipeds 15 12 ALIPED, an animal wi...
aliquot 21 18 a number that divide...
alismas 14 11 ALISMA, a plant of t...
alisons 12 9 ALISON, a small flow...
aliunde 12 11 from another source...
aliyahs 21 12 ALIYAH, the immigrat...
aliyoth 21 12 ALIYA, the immigrati...
alizari 16 17 a Mediterranean plan...
alkalic 18 16 of a rock or mineral...
alkalin 14 14 containing an alkali...
alkalis 15 13 ALKALI, a substance...
alkanes 12 13 ALKANE, a group of h...
alkanet 12 13 a wild flower; a red...
alkenes 12 13 ALKENE, an unsaturat...
alkines 13 13 ALKINE, a group of h...
alkylic 25 18 having the propertie...
alkynes 19 15 ALKYNE, a group of h...
allayed 19 12 ALLAY, to reduce in...
allayer 19 11 one who, or that whi...
alledge 14 12 to allay, also ALEGG...
alleged 14 12 ALLEGE, to assert wi...
alleger 14 11 one who alleges [n -...
alleges 14 11 ALLEGE, to assert wi...
allegge 15 13 (Spenser) to allay,...
allegro 14 11 a musical passage to...
alleles 14 10 ALLELE, any one of t...
allelic 18 13 relating to an allel...
allergy 21 13 a state of hypersens...
alleyed 19 12 furnished with alley...
allheal 16 12 a medicinal herb [n...
alliaks 15 13 ALLIAK, (Inuit) an I...
allices 17 12 ALLICE, a fish of th...
allicin 17 13 a liquid compound fo...
allises 14 9 ALLIS, a fish of the...
alliums 16 13 ALLIUM, a plant of t...
allness 13 10 the condition of bei...
allobar 15 12 a change in barometr...
allodia 13 10 ALLODIUM, an estate...
allonge 13 12 to lunge [v ALLONGED...
allonym 20 15 the name of a person...
allover 15 13 a fabric with a patt...
allowed 16 13 ALLOW, to put no obs...
alloxan 18 17 an oxidation product...
alloyed 19 12 ALLOY, to combine a...
allseed 13 10 a weed of the flax f...
alluded 14 12 ALLUDE, to make an i...
alludes 14 11 ALLUDE, to make an i...
allured 14 11 ALLURE, to attract w...
allurer 14 10 one who allures [n -...
allures 14 10 ALLURE, to attract w...
alluvia 16 14 ALLUVIUM, land gaine...
allying 21 14 ALLY, to join by mar...
allylic 25 15 of or like an allyl,...
almains 13 12 ALMAIN, an old court...
almanac 15 15 a register of the da...
almemar 14 14 (Hebrew) a platform...
almirah 16 13 (Hindi) a wardrobe,...
almners 13 12 ALMNER, a giver of a...
almonds 13 13 ALMOND, a kind of ed...
almondy 19 15 having an almond fla...
almoner 12 12 a giver of alms; a s...
almonry 19 14 a place where alms a...
almsman 14 15 one who receives alm...
almsmen 14 15 ALMSMAN, one who rec...
almuces 17 15 ALMUCE, a furred hoo...
almudes 14 13 ALMUDE, a Spanish un...
alnager 12 11 an inspector of clot...
alnages 12 11 ALNAGE, cloth inspec...
alnicos 15 12 ALNICO, (tradename)...
alodial 13 10 relating to alodium,...
alodium 14 13 land held absolutely...
aloetic 15 11 a medicine containin...
alogias 13 10 ALOGIA, the inabilit...
alonely 18 12 solitary [adv]
alongst 13 11 (dialect) along [pre...
aloofly 21 14 ALOOF, distant in in...
alpacas 17 14 ALPACA, a domestic a...
alpacca 20 17 a type of nickel sil...
alpeens 13 12 ALPEEN, (Irish a cud...
alphorn 16 14 (German) a long powe...
alphyls 25 16 ALPHYL, a univalent...
alpines 14 12 ALPINE, an alpine pl...
already 18 11 by this time [adv]
alright 17 12 satisfactory [adj]
alsikes 14 12 ALSIKE, a kind of cl...
alsoone 10 9 (Spenser) as soon, a...
altered 12 9 ALTER, to make diffe...
alterer 12 8 one who alters [n -S...
alterne 11 9 one of two or more p...
altesse 12 8 (French) highness, a...
altezas 15 17 ALTEZA, (Spanish) hi...
altezza 18 26 (Italian) highness,...
althaea 13 10 a genus of plants of...
altheas 14 10 ALTHEA, a genus of p...
althorn 14 11 (German) an instrume...
altoist 13 8 one who plays the al...
aludels 14 11 ALUDEL, a pear-shape...
alumina 13 13 an oxide of aluminum...
alumine 13 13 an oxide of aluminum...
alumins 14 13 ALUMIN, an oxide of...
alumish 17 14 somewhat like alum,...
alumium 16 16 (obsolete) aluminium...
alumnae 12 13 ALUMNA, a female gra...
alumnus 14 14 a former pupil [n AL...
alunite 12 10 a hydrous sulphate o...
alveary 20 14 a beehive; the hollo...
alveole 14 13 a small body cavity,...
alveoli 15 13 ALVEOLUS, a small bo...
alyssum 21 14 a plant of the Alyss...
amabile 15 14 of wines [adj]
amadoda 11 12 (South Africa) grown...
amadous 12 12 AMADOU, a tinder mad...
amakosi 13 14 INKOSI, a traditiona...
amalgam 15 16 an alloy of mercury...
amandla 12 13 (South Africa) a pol...
amanita 11 11 a kind of poisonous...
amarant 11 11 a fabled never-fadin...
amarone 10 11 a strong dry red Ita...
amassed 12 11 AMASS, to accumulate...
amasser 12 10 one who amasses [n -...
amasses 12 10 AMASS, to accumulate...
amateur 12 11 one who engages in a...
amating 13 13 AMATE, (archaic) to...
amation 11 11 lovemaking [n -S]
amative 14 14 strongly moved by lo...
amatols 13 11 AMATOL, an explosive...
amatory 18 12 pertaining to sexual...
amautik 14 15 (Inuit) an Inuit wom...
amautis 13 11 AMAUTI, (Inuit) an I...
amazing 16 22 AMAZE, to overwhelm...
amazons 14 20 AMAZON, a powerful w...
ambages 15 15 AMBAGE, (French) amb...
ambaris 15 13 AMBARI, (Hindi) a fi...
ambassy 21 15 the offices of an am...
ambatch 20 18 (Ethiopian) a spongy...
ambeers 14 13 AMBEER, the spittle...
ambered 14 14 embedded in amber [a...
ambient 14 14 surrounding [adj] /...
ambitty 22 15 denoting glass which...
amblers 16 14 AMBLER, one who ambl...
ambling 17 17 walking at a leisure...
amboina 13 14 a reddish-brown, cur...
ambones 13 14 AMBO, a pulpit in an...
amboyna 19 16 a reddish-brown, cur...
ambries 15 13 AMBRY, a cupboard fo...
ambroid 15 14 a synthetic amber, a...
ambsace 17 16 bad luck, also AMESA...
amearst 12 10 AMERCE, to fine or p...
amebean 12 14 alternately respondi...
ameboid 14 14 resembling an ameba,...
amelias 13 11 AMELIA, being born w...
amenage 11 13 (Spenser) to manage,...
amended 11 13 AMEND, to correct, i...
amender 11 12 one who amends [n -S...
amendes 11 12 AMENDE, (French) a f...
amening 12 14 AMEN, to conclude pr...
amenity 18 13 pleasantness [n AMEN...
amental 12 12 of a catkin [adj]
amentia 11 11 mental deficiency [n...
amentum 13 15 (Latin) a catkin [n...
amerced 15 14 AMERCE, to fine or p...
amercer 15 13 one who amerces, fin...
amerces 15 13 AMERCE, to fine or p...
amesace 14 13 a double ace, the lo...
amiable 15 14 having a pleasant di...
amiably 22 16 AMIABLE, having a pl...
amidase 12 11 an enzyme that catal...
amidine 12 12 the soluble matter i...
amidins 13 12 AMIDIN, the soluble...
amidols 14 12 AMIDOL, a colourless...
amidone 11 12 a synthetic opioid u...
amildar 14 12 (Urdu) a factor or m...
aminity 19 13 the state of being a...
amirate 12 10 the rank of an amir,...
amisses 13 10 AMISS, an evil, a mi...
amities 13 10 AMITY, friendship [n...
ammeter 13 13 an instrument for me...
ammines 13 14 AMMINE, a type of am...
ammiral 15 14 (Milton) a naval com...
ammonal 13 15 a powerful explosive...
ammonia 12 14 a pungent compound [...
ammonic 16 17 of or pertaining to...
amnesia 11 11 loss of memory [n -S...
amnesic 15 14 one who suffers from...
amnesty 18 13 to pardon during a l...
amnions 11 12 AMNION, the innermos...
amniote 11 11 a vertebrate that de...
amoebae 12 13 AMOEBA, a one-celled...
amoeban 12 14 relating to an amoeb...
amoebas 13 13 AMOEBA, a one-celled...
amoebic 17 16 pertaining to a amoe...
amokura 13 15 a white pelagian bir...
amomums 15 17 AMOMUM, a plant of t...
amongst 13 13 among, also EMONG, E...
amooved 13 15 AMOOVE, (Spenser) to...
amooves 13 14 AMOOVE, (Spenser) to...
amorant 11 11 pertaining to romant...
amorces 15 13 AMORCE, a percussion...
amorets 12 10 AMORET, a love sonne...
amorini 12 11 AMORINO, (Italian) a...
amorino 11 11 (Italian) a cupid [n...
amorism 14 13 a love affair [n -S]
amorist 13 10 a lover; a sexual ad...
amorosa 11 10 (Italian) a wanton w...
amoroso 11 10 (Italian) a (male) l...
amorous 12 11 pertaining to love [...
amosite 12 10 a brown form of asbe...
amotion 11 11 the removal of a cor...
amounts 12 12 AMOUNT, to come to i...
amoving 15 17 AMOVE, (obsolete) to...
ampassy 21 15 ampersand, a symbol...
amperes 14 13 AMPERE, a unit of el...
amphora 16 15 a two-handled jar [n...
amplest 16 14 AMPLE, plentiful [ad...
amplify 25 19 to make larger or mo...
ampoule 15 15 a small sealed glass...
ampules 16 15 AMPULE, a small seal...
ampulla 17 16 a small two-handled...
amputee 14 14 one who has had a li...
amreeta 11 10 (Sanskrit) a beverag...
amritas 13 10 AMRITA, (Sanskrit) a...
amtmans 13 14 AMTMAN, (German) in...
amtrack 17 17 a military vehicle e...
amtracs 16 13 AMTRAC, an amphibiou...
amtraks 14 14 AMTRAK, a military v...
amulets 14 12 AMULET, a lucky char...
amusers 13 11 AMUSER, one who amus...
amusias 13 11 AMUSIA, the inabilit...
amusing 14 14 AMUSE, to entertain...
amusive 15 15 amusing [adj]
amygdal 21 16 (obsolete) an almond...
amylase 19 13 any of the enzymes t...
amylene 18 14 an unsaturated hydro...
amyloid 20 14 containing or relati...
amylose 19 13 the relatively solub...
amylums 22 17 AMYLUM, starch [n]
amytals 20 13 AMYTAL, as in sodium...
anadems 11 12 ANADEM, a wreath for...
anaemia 10 11 a disorder of the bl...
anaemic 14 14 suffering from anaem...
anagoge 11 12 a mystical interpret...
anagogy 18 14 a spiritual, mystica...
anagram 12 13 a word or phrase for...
analgia 12 11 inability to feel pa...
anality 18 11 a stage of infantile...
analoga 11 11 ANALOGON, (Greek) th...
analogs 12 11 ANALOG, something th...
analogy 18 13 a figure of speech i...
analyse 17 11 to separate a whole...
analyst 18 11 someone skilled in a...
analyte 17 11 a substance being an...
analyze 20 20 to subject to analys...
anandas 9 10 ANANDA, (Sanskrit) e...
anankes 10 13 ANANKE, (Greek) nece...
anapest 12 11 a type of metrical f...
anaphor 14 13 the repetition of a...
anarchs 16 13 ANARCH, a promoter o...
anarchy 22 15 the absence of law o...
anatase 9 8 a mineral, titanium...
anatman 10 12 (Sanskrit) the Buddh...
anatomy 17 13 the structure of an...
anattas 10 8 ANATTA, a yellowish...
anattos 10 8 ANATTO, a yellowish...
anaxial 17 16 asymmetrical [adj]
anchors 16 13 ANCHOR, to secure by...
anchovy 24 19 a small edible Medit...
anchusa 16 14 a hairy-stemmed plan...
ancient 13 12 very old, also ANTIE...
ancilia 15 12 ANCILE, (Latin) the...
ancilla 16 13 (Latin) a helper [n...
ancomes 14 14 ANCOME, a sudden inf...
anconal 13 13 pertaining to the el...
ancones 12 12 ANCON, (Greek) the e...
ancress 14 11 a female anchorite,...
andante 9 10 a moderately slow mu...
andiron 10 10 a metal support for...
android 11 10 an automaton resembl...
andvile 14 14 (Spenser) an anvil [...
aneared 9 9 ANEAR, (archaic) to...
anelace 13 12 (archaic) a short tw...
aneling 12 12 ANELE, to anoint wit...
anemias 11 11 ANEMIA, a disorder o...
anemone 9 12 any member of the ge...
anergia 11 10 lack of energy [n -S...
anergic 15 13 relating to anergia;...
aneroid 10 9 a type of barometer...
anestra 10 8 ANESTRUM, period of...
anestri 11 8 ANESTRUS, a period o...
anethol 13 11 an aromatic ether wh...
aneurin 10 10 vitamin B1, thiamine...
angakok 13 18 (Inuit) an Inuit sor...
angaria 11 10 the legal right of a...
angekok 13 18 (Inuit) an Inuit sor...
angeled 12 12 ANGEL, to support fi...
angelic 16 14 of or like an angel,...
angelus 13 12 a prayer said in mor...
angered 11 11 ANGER, to make angry...
angerly 19 13 ANGER, wrath [adv]
angicos 15 13 ANGICO, a South Amer...
anginal 12 12 relating to angina [...
anginas 11 11 ANGINA, a disease of...
angioma 12 13 a benign tumour due...
anglers 13 11 ANGLER, one that ang...
anglice 16 14 in English [adv]
anglify 22 16 to make English [v A...
angling 14 14 the sport of fishing...
anglist 14 11 an expert on English...
angoras 11 10 ANGORA, fabric made...
angrier 12 10 ANGRY, having anger...
angries 12 10 ANGRY, an angry pers...
angrily 20 13 ANGRY, having anger...
anguine 11 12 like a snake [adj]
anguish 15 13 to suffer extreme pa...
angular 13 12 having an angle [adj...
anhinga 13 13 an aquatic bird, the...
aniccas 17 14 ANICCA, (Sanskrit) t...
anicuts 15 12 ANICUT, (Tamil) a da...
aniline 11 10 a product of coal-ta...
anilins 12 10 ANILIN, a product of...
anility 19 11 the state of being a...
animacy 21 16 the state of being a...
animals 13 12 ANIMAL, a living org...
animate 11 11 to give life to [v A...
animati 12 11 ANIMATO, (Italian) a...
animato 11 11 (Italian) a passage...
animism 14 14 the attribution of a...
animist 13 11 one who indulges in...
anionic 13 12 relating to an anion...
aniseed 10 9 the dried fruit of a...
anisole 11 9 a colourless liquid...
anklets 13 13 ANKLET, an ornament...
ankling 14 16 ANKLE, to walk [v]
anklong 13 16 (Javanese) a musical...
anklung 14 17 (Javanese) a musical...
ankuses 12 13 ANKUS, an elephant g...
anlaces 14 12 ANLACE, (archaic) a...
anlagen 11 12 ANLAGE, the first di...
anlages 12 11 ANLAGE, the first di...
anlases 11 9 ANLAS, a short two-e...
annates 9 9 (historical) the fir...
annatta 9 9 a yellowish red dye,...
annatto 9 9 a yellowish red dye,...
anneals 10 10 ANNEAL, to make (as...
annelid 11 11 any of a phylum of s...
annexed 15 17 ANNEX, to join or at...
annexes 15 16 ANNEXE, something jo...
annicut 14 13 (Tamil) a dam or mol...
annonas 8 10 ANNONA, any of the v...
annoyed 15 12 ANNOY, to be trouble...
annoyer 15 11 one who annoys [n -S...
annuals 11 11 ANNUAL, a plant that...
annuity 17 12 income paid at regul...
annular 11 11 ring-shaped [adj ANN...
annulet 11 11 a small ring around...
annulus 12 12 a ring or ringlike p...
anobiid 13 12 any of a family of b...
anodise 10 9 to give a protective...
anodize 13 18 to give a protective...
anodyne 15 12 a medicine that reli...
anoeses 9 8 ANOESIS, consciousne...
anoesis 10 8 consciousness with s...
anoetic 13 11 of or pertaining to...
anoints 10 9 ANOINT, to consecrat...
anolyte 17 11 the part of an elect...
anomaly 18 14 deviation from the r...
anomies 11 11 ANOMY, (French) a co...
anonyma 16 14 (obsolete) a showy w...
anonyms 17 14 ANONYM, an anonymous...
anopias 12 11 ANOPIA, a visual def...
anopsia 12 11 a visual defect, an...
anoraks 11 12 ANORAK, a waterproof...
anorexy 22 17 lack of appetite, al...
anosmia 11 11 the loss of sense of...
anosmic 15 14 relating to the loss...
another 12 10 one more [adj]
anoxias 16 15 ANOXIA, deficient su...
ansated 10 9 having a handle, als...
answers 14 11 ANSWER, to say, writ...
antacid 14 12 a remedy for indiges...
antaras 10 8 ANTARA, (Quechua) a...
antbear 12 11 the great anteater [...
antbird 14 12 any of a group of tr...
antefix 19 18 an ornament at the e...
anteing 11 11 ANTE, to put a fixed...
antenna 8 10 a feeler in insects...
anthems 14 13 ANTHEM, to praise in...
anthers 13 10 ANTHER, the part of...
anthill 16 12 a mound raised by an...
anthoid 13 11 flowerlike [adj]
anthrax 19 17 a deadly disease of...
anthros 13 10 ANTHRO, (short for)...
antiair 11 8 directed against att...
antiars 11 8 ANTIAR, the upas tre...
antibug 15 14 effective against bu...
antical 15 12 above or in front of...
anticar 14 11 opposed to cars [adj...
anticke 15 15 (obsolete) antique [...
anticks 16 15 ANTICK, (obsolete) a...
anticly 22 14 ANTIC, quaint, also...
antient 10 9 (obsolete) ancient [...
antifat 13 11 designed to reduce f...
antiflu 15 13 combating the flu [a...
antifog 14 13 acting to stop a car...
antifur 14 12 opposed to wearing a...
antigay 18 12 opposed to homosexua...
antigen 11 11 a substance that sti...
antigun 12 12 opposed to guns [adj...
antijam 14 20 designed to prevent...
antilog 13 11 a number correspondi...
antiman 11 12 a homosexual man [n...
antimen 11 12 ANTIMAN, a homosexua...
antings 12 11 ANTING, the practice...
antipot 13 11 opposed to using mar...
antique 19 18 very old, also ANTIC...
antired 11 9 opposed to communism...
antisag 12 10 designed to prevent...
antisex 17 15 opposed to sexual ac...
antitax 17 15 opposed to taxes [ad...
antiwar 14 11 opposed to war [adj]
antlers 12 9 ANTLER, the horn of...
antliae 11 9 ANTLIA, the sucking...
antlike 13 13 like an ant [adj]
antlion 11 10 an insect that digs...
antonym 17 14 a word opposite in m...
antrums 13 12 ANTRUM, a cavity in...
antsier 11 8 ANTSY, eager, excite...
anurans 10 10 ANURAN, a toad or a...
anurias 11 9 ANURIA, failure to u...
anurous 11 10 tailless, also ANOUR...
anviled 14 14 ANVIL, to shape on a...
anxiety 23 17 painful or apprehens...
anxious 17 16 full of fear [adj AN...
anybody 25 16 a single person [n A...
anymore 17 13 any longer [adv]
anyones 15 11 ANYONE, anybody at a...
anyroad 16 11 anyway [adv]
anytime 18 13 at any time [adv]
anyways 26 15 anywise; at all, als...
anywhen 21 16 taking place at no s...
anywise 20 13 in any degree [adv]
anziani 13 18 (Italian) councillor...
aorists 12 7 AORIST, a tense expr...
aoudads 11 10 AOUDAD, a North Afri...
apaches 18 15 APACHE, (French) a m...
apadana 11 12 the great hall of a...
apagoge 14 14 proving a point by e...
apanage 12 13 endowment for a king...
aparejo 14 19 (Spanish) a kind of...
apatite 13 10 a mineral, calcium f...
apaying 20 15 APAY, to satisfy, al...
apedoms 14 14 APEDOM, the world of...
apehood 14 13 the state of being a...
apelike 15 15 resembling a large m...
apepsia 15 13 failure or absence o...
apercus 17 14 APERCU, a brief outl...
aperies 13 10 APERY, the act of ap...
apeshit 16 12 (vulgar) berserk; de...
apetaly 20 13 the state of having...
aphagia 16 14 the inability to eat...
aphakia 16 16 absence of the lens...
aphasia 15 12 the inability to use...
aphasic 19 15 one suffering from a...
aphelia 16 13 APHELION, the farthe...
apheses 15 12 APHESIS, the loss of...
aphesis 16 12 the loss of an unstr...
aphetic 19 15 relating to aphesis,...
aphides 16 13 APHIS, a plant-louse...
aphonia 14 13 loss of voice [n -S]
aphonic 18 16 one suffering with a...
aphotic 19 15 lightless, esp. as d...
aphthae 17 14 APHTHA, the disease...
aphylly 31 18 absence of leaves [n...
apicals 18 14 APICAL, a sound arti...
apician 16 14 luxurious in diet [a...
apiculi 19 15 APICULUS, a sharp po...
apiezon 15 20 as in apiezon oils,...
apishly 24 15 APISH, like an ape [...
aplanat 13 12 an aplanatic lens, i...
aplasia 14 11 defective developmen...
aplenty 20 14 in a state of plenti...
aplites 15 11 APLITE, a fine-grain...
aplitic 19 14 of or like aplite, a...
aplombs 18 17 APLOMB, self-confide...
apnoeal 12 12 relating to apnoea,...
apnoeas 11 11 APNOEA, a temporary...
apnoeic 15 14 relating to apnoea,...
apocarp 18 16 a fruit having separ...
apocope 17 16 the omission of the...
apodous 13 12 footless [adj]
apogamy 21 17 a form of plant repr...
apogeal 14 13 relating to an apoge...
apogean 12 13 relating to an apoge...
apogees 13 12 APOGEE, the farthest...
apogeic 17 15 relating to an apoge...
apollos 15 12 APOLLO, a large trop...
apologs 15 13 APOLOG, a story pres...
apology 21 15 an explanation with...
apolune 13 13 the point in the orb...
apomict 18 16 an organism reproduc...
apoplex 22 21 to affect with apopl...
aporias 13 10 APORIA, a professed...
apostil 15 11 a marginal note, als...
apostle 14 11 one sent by Christ t...
apothem 16 15 the perpendicular fr...
apozems 17 22 APOZEM, a medicine o...
appairs 16 13 APPAIR, (obsolete) t...
appalls 18 15 APPALL, to horrify,...
appalti 17 14 APPALTO, (Italian) a...
appalto 16 14 (Italian) a contract...
apparat 15 13 (Russian) the struct...
apparel 16 14 to dress [v APPARELE...
appeach 20 18 (Shakespeare) to acc...
appeals 16 14 APPEAL, to make an e...
appears 15 13 APPEAR, to become vi...
appease 14 13 to bring to a state...
appends 15 15 APPEND, to add on to...
apperil 17 14 (Shakespeare) peril,...
applaud 17 16 to express approval...
applets 17 14 APPLET, an small sin...
applied 17 15 APPLY, to bring to b...
applier 17 14 one who applies [n -...
applies 17 14 APPLY, to bring to b...
appoint 15 14 to assign to a job [...
apports 16 13 APPORT, (French) in...
apposed 15 14 APPOSE, to place sid...
apposer 15 13 (obsolete) an examin...
apposes 15 13 APPOSE, to place sid...
appress 16 13 to press together, a...
apprise 16 13 to inform, also APPR...
apprize 19 22 to inform, also APPR...
approof 17 16 (archaic) the act of...
approve 17 17 to regard favourably...
appuied 16 15 APPUI, to give milit...
appulse 17 15 the close approach o...
appuyed 22 17 APPUY, to give milit...
apraxia 19 17 an inability to perf...
apraxic 23 20 unable to perform vo...
apricot 17 13 a fruit of the plum...
aproned 12 12 APRON, to cover with...
apropos 15 13 to the purpose; in r...
aprotic 17 13 of a solvent, incapa...
apsaras 13 10 (Sanskrit) a divine...
apsidal 15 12 of an apse or apsis...
apsides 14 11 APSIS, the point at...
aptamer 14 13 any of various creat...
apteral 14 11 wingless, also APTER...
apteria 13 10 APTERIUM, a bare pat...
apteryx 26 19 one of a genus of Ne...
aptness 13 11 the quality of being...
aptotes 13 10 APTOTE, a noun that...
aptotic 17 13 grammatically uninfl...
apyrase 19 12 any of several enzym...
aquafer 21 20 an underground reser...
aquafit 22 20 a type of aerobic ex...
aquaria 19 17 AQUARIUM, a water fi...
aquatic 23 20 an organism living i...
aquavit 22 21 (Norwegian) a Scandi...
aqueous 19 18 pertaining to water...
aquifer 22 20 an underground reser...
aquilon 20 19 (Shakespeare) the no...
aquiver 22 21 quivering [adj]
araaras 10 7 ARAARA, (Maori) anot...
arabesk 14 14 a design of intertwi...
arabica 16 13 (Latin) coffee produ...
arabins 13 11 ARABIN, the essentia...
arabise 13 10 to adopt Arab custom...
arabize 16 19 to adopt Arab custom...
arables 14 11 ARABLE, land suitabl...
arachis 17 12 a Brazilian plant ge...
araised 11 8 ARAISE, to raise, al...
araises 11 7 ARAISE, to raise, al...
aralias 12 8 ARALIA, a genus of i...
aramids 13 11 ARAMID, a strong lig...
araneid 10 9 a spider [n -S]
araroba 12 10 a Brazilian tree; a...
araysed 17 10 ARAYSE, to raise, al...
arayses 17 9 ARAYSE, to raise, al...
arbiter 14 10 a person with power...
arblast 15 11 a type of crossbow,...
arbored 13 11 furnished with an ar...
arbores 13 10 ARBOR, a shady garde...
arboret 13 10 (obsolete) a shrubbe...
arborio 13 10 a round-grained rice...
arbours 14 11 ARBOUR, a shady gard...
arbutes 14 11 ARBUTE, an evergreen...
arbutus 15 12 an evergreen tree, t...
arcaded 14 12 ARCADE, to furnish w...
arcades 14 11 ARCADE, to furnish w...
arcadia 14 11 (Latin) an ideal reg...
arcanas 13 11 ARCANA, either of th...
arcanum 15 15 (Latin) a secret; a...
archaea 15 12 ARCHAEON, a single c...
archaei 16 12 ARCHAEUS, an inner c...
archaic 20 15 pertaining to an ear...
archean 15 13 relating to the arch...
archers 17 12 ARCHER, someone who...
archery 23 14 the sport of shootin...
archest 17 12 ARCH, sly, mischievo...
archeus 17 13 an inner controlling...
archfoe 18 15 a principal foe [n -...
archils 19 13 ARCHIL, a red or vio...
archine 16 13 an old Russian unit...
arching 18 15 a series of arches [...
archive 19 16 a repository of publ...
archlet 18 13 a little arch [n -S]
archons 16 13 ARCHON, the chief ma...
archway 26 17 a passageway under a...
arcings 16 13 ARCING, an electrica...
arcking 17 17 an electrical discha...
arcmins 16 14 ARCMIN, an angular m...
arcsecs 18 13 ARCSEC, an angular m...
arcsine 14 11 a trigonometric inve...
arctics 19 13 ARCTIC, a waterproof...
arctiid 16 11 a moth of the Arctii...
arctoid 15 11 bearlike [adj]
arcuate 14 11 arched like a bow, a...
arcuses 15 11 ARCUS, a bow-shaped...
ardency 20 14 a burning quality; (...
ardours 12 9 ARDOUR, passion of f...
ardrigh 16 12 (Irish) a title give...
arduous 12 10 laborious [adj ARDUO...
areally 19 11 AREAL, relating to a...
areaway 19 12 a sunken area leadin...
areding 12 11 AREDE, to declare, a...
arefied 13 11 AREFY, to dry up [v]
arefies 13 10 AREFY, to dry up [v]
arenite 10 8 a rock made up chief...
arenose 9 8 sandy; containing mu...
arenous 10 9 sandy, containing mu...
areolae 10 8 AREOLA, a small spac...
areolar 11 8 pertaining to an are...
areolas 11 8 AREOLA, a small spac...
areoles 11 8 AREOLE, a small spac...
aretted 11 8 ARET, (Spenser) to e...
argalas 13 10 ARGALA, (Hindi) the...
argalis 14 10 ARGALI, the great wi...
argands 12 11 ARGAND, a gas lamp n...
argents 12 10 ARGENT, silver [n]
arghans 14 12 ARGHAN, pita fibre [...
argling 15 13 ARGLE, to argue [v]
argonon 10 11 another name for any...
argotic 16 12 relating to argot [a...
arguers 13 10 ARGUER, one who argu...
arguing 14 13 ARGUE, to discuss wi...
argulus 15 12 a fish louse [n ARGU...
arguses 13 10 ARGUS, an East India...
argyles 20 12 ARGYLE, a silver gra...
argylls 22 13 ARGYLL, a silver gra...
argyria 19 11 skin pigmentation ca...
aridest 12 8 ARID, very dry [adj]
aridity 19 10 the state of being a...
arietta 11 7 a short aria, also A...
ariette 11 7 a short aria, also A...
arillus 15 10 an outer covering of...
ariosos 11 7 ARIOSO, a melody res...
aripple 17 14 in a ripple [adv]
arishes 14 9 ARISH, (dialect) a s...
arising 13 10 ARISE, to come up [v...
aristae 11 7 ARISTA, a bristlelik...
aristas 12 7 ARISTA, a bristlelik...
aristos 12 7 ARISTO, (short for)...
arkites 13 11 ARKITE, an inmate of...
arkoses 12 11 ARKOSE, a sedimentar...
arkosic 16 14 pertaining to arkose...
armadas 12 11 ARMADA, a fleet of w...
armband 14 15 a band of cloth worn...
armeria 12 10 the generic name for...
armfuls 17 15 ARMFUL, as much as t...
armhole 15 13 a hole in a garment...
armiger 14 12 an armour-bearer; a...
armilla 15 12 a bracelet, also ARM...
armings 14 13 ARMING, the act of o...
armless 14 11 without arms [adj]
armlets 14 11 ARMLET, an ornament...
armlike 15 15 like an arm [adj]
armload 13 12 as much as may be ca...
armlock 18 18 to grip by the arms...
armoire 12 10 a large ornate cabin...
armored 12 11 ARMOR, (US) to dress...
armorer 12 10 (US) one who makes o...
armours 13 11 ARMOUR, to dress wit...
armoury 19 13 a place where weapon...
armpits 16 13 ARMPIT, the hollow u...
armrest 13 10 a support for the ar...
armsful 17 15 ARMFUL, as much as t...
armures 13 11 ARMURE, a type of fa...
arnatto 10 8 (Carib) a bright ora...
arnicas 14 11 ARNICA, a tincture o...
arnotto 10 8 a bright orange colo...
aroints 11 8 AROINT, (archaic) to...
arollas 13 9 AROLLA, the Swiss st...
arousal 12 9 the act of arousing...
aroused 11 9 AROUSE, to stimulate...
arouser 11 8 one who arouses [n -...
arouses 11 8 AROUSE, to stimulate...
aroynts 17 10 AROYNT, (archaic) to...
arpents 13 11 ARPENT, a old French...
arracks 16 14 ARRACK, an alcoholic...
arraign 12 10 to call before a cou...
arrange 11 10 to put in order [v A...
arrased 11 8 covered with an arra...
arrases 11 7 ARRAS, a rich tapest...
arrayal 18 10 the act of arraying...
arrayed 17 10 ARRAY, to place in o...
arrayer 17 9 one who arrays [n -S...
arrears 11 7 ARREAR, an unpaid an...
arreede 10 8 (Spenser) to declare...
arrests 12 7 ARREST, to bring to...
arriage 12 9 (historical) a forme...
arrided 12 9 ARRIDE, (archaic) to...
arrides 12 8 ARRIDE, (archaic) to...
arriere 11 7 (French) in the rear...
arriero 11 7 (Spanish) a muleteer...
arrises 12 7 ARRIS, a sharp edge...
arrival 15 12 the act of arriving...
arrived 14 12 ARRIVE, to reach a d...
arriver 14 11 one who arrives [n -...
arrives 14 11 ARRIVE, to reach a d...
arrobas 13 10 ARROBA, a Spanish un...
arroces 14 10 ARROZ, (Spanish) ric...
arrowed 14 11 ARROW, to indicate t...
arroyos 17 9 ARROYO, (Spanish) a...
arrozes 14 16 ARROZ, (Spanish) ric...
arsenal 11 9 a storehouse for wea...
arsenic 14 11 a metallic element [...
arsheen 12 10 a Russian unit of le...
arshine 13 10 a Russian unit of le...
arshins 14 10 ARSHIN, a Russian un...
arsiest 12 7 ARSY, (Australian sl...
arsines 11 8 ARSINE, a poisonous...
article 16 11 in law, to charge wi...
artiest 12 7 ARTY, artistic in a...
artigis 14 9 ARTIGI, (Inuit) a ki...
artisan 11 8 a skilled workman [n...
artiste 12 7 (French) a performin...
artists 13 7 ARTIST, one who is s...
artless 13 8 lacking cunning [adj...
artsier 12 7 ARTSY, arty [adj]
artsies 12 7 ARTSY, an arty perso...
artsman 12 11 craftsman [n ARTSMEN...
artsmen 12 11 ARTSMAN, craftsman [...
artwork 16 14 illustrative or deco...
arugola 13 11 (Italian) a Mediterr...
arugula 14 12 (Italian) a Mediterr...
aruspex 20 18 (Latin) a person who...
asarums 13 11 ASARUM, the dried ro...
ascared 14 11 afraid [adv]
ascarid 15 11 any nematode worm of...
ascaris 15 10 (Greek) any nematode...
ascaunt 14 12 (Shakespeare) slantw...
ascends 14 12 ASCEND, to go or mov...
ascents 14 11 ASCENT, a going up [...
asceses 14 10 ASCESIS, the conduct...
ascesis 15 10 the conduct of an as...
ascetic 18 13 practising severe ab...
ascians 14 11 ASCIAN, an inhabitan...
ascidia 15 11 ASCIDIUM, a pitcher-...
ascites 15 10 dropsy of the abdome...
ascitic 19 13 relating to dropsy o...
asconce 16 14 (obsolete) askance,...
ascribe 17 13 to attribute [v ASCR...
asepses 13 10 ASEPSIS, freedom fro...
asepsis 14 10 freedom from blood p...
aseptic 17 13 free from sepsis [ad...
asexual 18 16 of reproduction, inv...
ashamed 14 13 ASHAME, (archaic) to...
ashames 14 12 ASHAME, (archaic) to...
ashcake 17 16 a cornmeal cake [n -...
ashcans 16 13 ASHCAN, a metal rece...
ashfall 18 14 a deposit of volcani...
ashiest 14 9 ASHY, covered with a...
ashiver 16 13 (archaic) shivering...
ashkeys 21 15 ASHKEY, the winged f...
ashlars 15 10 ASHLAR, to build wit...
ashlers 15 10 ASHLER, to build wit...
ashless 15 10 having no ashes [adj...
ashpans 15 13 ASHPAN, a tray under...
ashrama 14 12 (Sanskrit) any one o...
ashrams 15 12 ASHRAM, (Sanskrit) t...
ashtray 20 11 a receptacle for tob...
asiagos 12 9 ASIAGO, a type of It...
asinico 14 11 (Shakespeare) a stup...
asinine 10 9 of or like an ass; s...
askance 14 15 sideways; obliquely...
askants 12 12 ASKANT, (Shakespeare...
askaris 13 11 ASKARI, an East Afri...
askeses 12 11 ASKESIS, the conduct...
askesis 13 11 the conduct of an as...
askings 14 14 ASKING, the act of a...
asklent 13 13 (Scots) athwart, asl...
aslaked 13 13 ASLAKE, (archaic) to...
aslakes 13 12 ASLAKE, (archaic) to...
asocial 15 11 avoiding contact wit...
aspects 17 13 ASPECT, to look at [...
asperge 14 12 to sprinkle [v ASPER...
asperse 13 10 to slander, disparag...
asphalt 17 13 to coat with a bitum...
asphyxy 35 23 stoppage of vital fu...
aspicks 19 17 ASPICK, a venomous s...
aspidia 14 11 ASPIDIUM, a type of...
aspines 13 11 ASPINE, (Spenser) as...
aspired 14 11 ASPIRE, to aim for h...
aspirer 14 10 one who aspires [n -...
aspires 14 10 ASPIRE, to aim for h...
aspirin 14 11 a pain relieving dru...
aspises 14 10 ASPIS, a clear savou...
asports 14 10 ASPORT, to carry awa...
asprawl 18 14 in a sprawl [adv]
aspread 13 11 (archaic) in a sprea...
asprout 14 11 (archaic) in a sprou...
asquint 20 18 obliquely, with a sq...
asramas 12 10 ASRAMA, (Sanskrit) t...
assagai 12 9 to pierce with a lig...
assails 13 8 ASSAIL, to attack [v...
assarts 12 7 ASSART, (historical)...
assault 13 9 to attack [v -ED, -I...
assayed 17 10 ASSAY, to put to the...
assayer 17 9 one that assays [n -...
assegai 12 9 to pierce with a lig...
assents 11 8 ASSENT, to express a...
asserts 12 7 ASSERT, to state pos...
assever 13 11 to solemnly declare...
asshole 14 10 an unpleasant and/or...
assiege 12 9 (Spenser) to besiege...
assigns 13 10 ASSIGN, to set apart...
assists 13 7 ASSIST, to give aid...
assized 15 17 ASSIZE, (obsolete) t...
assizer 15 16 an officer in charge...
assizes 15 16 ASSIZE, (obsolete) t...
asslike 14 12 like an ass [adj]
assoils 13 8 ASSOIL, to absolve,...
assorts 12 7 ASSORT, to distribut...
assuage 12 10 to make less severe,...
assumed 13 12 ASSUME, to take for...
assumer 13 11 one who assumes or a...
assumes 13 11 ASSUME, to take for...
assured 12 9 an insured person [n...
assurer 12 8 one who assures, tak...
assures 12 8 ASSURE, to insure; t...
assuror 12 8 one who assures, tak...
asswage 15 12 (obsolete) to make l...
asswipe 17 13 (US offensive) anoth...
astable 14 11 not stable [adj]
astanga 11 10 (Sanskrit) a form of...
astarts 12 7 ASTART, (Spenser) to...
astasia 11 7 the inability, due t...
astatic 15 10 having no tendency t...
astatki 13 11 (Russian) the residu...
asteism 13 10 refined irony [n -S]
astelic 16 11 without a central co...
asteria 11 7 a precious stone tha...
asterid 12 8 a starfish, also AST...
asterts 12 7 ASTERT, (obsolete) t...
astheny 19 12 a lack of strength,...
asthmas 15 12 ASTHMA, a chronic re...
asthore 13 9 (Irish) darling [n -...
astilbe 15 11 a plant of the Astil...
astoned 10 9 ASTONE, to amaze or...
astones 10 8 ASTONE, to amaze or...
astound 11 10 to amaze [v -ED, -IN...
astrals 13 8 ASTRAL, a type of oi...
astrand 11 9 on the strand [adv]
astrict 16 10 (archaic) to bind, c...
astride 12 8 with a leg on each s...
astroid 12 8 a four cusped geomet...
astuter 12 8 ASTUTE, shrewd and p...
astylar 19 10 without columns [adj...
asudden 11 11 (archaic) suddenly [...
asunder 11 10 into parts [adv]
asylees 18 10 ASYLEE, one who is g...
asylums 21 14 ASYLUM, an instituti...
ataatas 10 7 ATAATA, (Maori) a gr...
atabals 14 11 ATABAL, a Moorish ke...
atabegs 14 12 ATABEG, a Turkish ru...
atabeks 14 14 ATABEK, a Turkish ru...
atabrin 13 11 (tradename) a bitter...
atactic 18 13 unable to co-ordinat...
ataghan 13 12 a Muslim long curved...
atalaya 17 10 a watchtower [n -S]
atamans 11 11 ATAMAN, (Russian) a...
ataraxy 23 16 peace of mind, also...
atavism 15 14 the reappearance of...
atavist 14 11 a person with ancest...
ataxias 17 14 ATAXIA, loss of musc...
ataxics 21 17 ATAXIC, one sufferin...
ataxies 17 14 ATAXY, loss of muscu...
atebrin 13 11 (tradename) a bitter...
atelier 12 8 an artist's studio [...
atemoya 17 12 a tropical fruit of...
athames 14 12 ATHAME, a witch's ce...
athanor 12 10 an alchemist's furna...
atheise 13 9 to talk as an atheis...
atheism 15 12 a belief that there...
atheist 14 9 one who believes tha...
atheize 16 18 to talk as an atheis...
atheous 13 10 (Milton) atheistic;...
athirst 15 9 having a strong desi...
athleta 14 10 (obsolete) a competi...
athlete 14 10 a competitor in cont...
athodyd 20 13 a type of jet engine...
athrill 17 11 (archaic) in a thril...
athwart 17 12 across; transversely...
atimies 13 10 ATIMY, loss of honou...
atingle 13 11 tingling [adj]
atishoo 13 9 an imitation of the...
atlases 12 8 ATLAS, a book of map...
atlatls 14 9 ATLATL, an American...
atmoses 12 10 ATMOS, (short for) a...
atocias 14 10 ATOCIA, sterility in...
atokous 12 12 without offspring, a...
atomics 16 13 the science of deali...
atomies 12 10 ATOMY, (archaic) an...
atomise 12 10 to reduce to a fine...
atomism 14 13 the theory that atom...
atomist 13 10 an adherent of atomi...
atomize 15 19 to reduce to a fine...
atoners 10 8 ATONER, one who aton...
atonias 10 8 ATONIA, muscular deb...
atonics 14 11 ATONIC, an unaccente...
atonies 10 8 ATONY, muscular debi...
atoning 11 11 ATONE, to make amend...
atopies 13 10 ATOPY, an inherited...
atresia 11 7 absence or closure o...
atresic 15 10 relating to atresia,...
atretic 15 10 relating to atresia,...
atriums 14 11 ATRIUM, a square hal...
atrophy 22 14 to waste away [v ATR...
atropia 13 10 a medicine derived f...
atropin 13 11 a medicine derived f...
attaboy 19 12 an interjection expr...
attache 16 12 a junior member of a...
attacks 16 14 ATTACK, to set upon...
attains 11 8 ATTAIN, to gain or a...
attaint 11 8 to pass sentence of...
attasks 13 11 ATTASK, to take to t...
attaskt 13 11 ATTASK, to take to t...
attempt 15 13 to endeavour [v -ED,...
attends 11 9 ATTEND, to be presen...
attents 11 8 ATTENT, (Spenser) at...
attests 12 7 ATTEST, to affirm to...
attired 12 8 ATTIRE, to clothe [v...
attires 12 7 ATTIRE, to clothe [v...
attonce 13 11 (Spenser) at one, at...
attoned 10 9 ATTONE, to atone [v]
attones 10 8 at one, at once, tog...
attorns 11 8 ATTORN, to accept te...
attract 15 10 to cause to approach...
attraps 14 10 ATTRAP, to adorn wit...
attrist 13 7 (obsolete) to sadden...
attrite 12 7 to wear down, also A...
attrits 13 7 ATTRIT, to wear down...
attuent 11 9 operating between se...
attuite 12 8 to sense but not qui...
attuned 11 10 ATTUNE, to put in tu...
attunes 11 9 ATTUNE, to put in tu...
aubades 13 12 AUBADE, (French) a s...
auberge 14 13 an inn, also ALBERGO...
auburns 14 13 AUBURN, a reddish br...
auction 14 12 to sell publicly to...
aucubas 17 15 AUCUBA, a shrub of t...
audible 15 13 able to be heard [ad...
audibly 22 15 able to be heard [ad...
audient 11 10 a hearer [n -S]
audiles 13 10 AUDILE, one who thin...
audings 13 12 AUDING, hearing, rec...
audited 12 10 AUDIT, to examine ac...
auditee 11 9 one that is audited...
auditor 12 9 one that audits [n -...
aufgabe 16 16 (German) a set exper...
augends 12 12 AUGEND, a number to...
augites 13 10 AUGITE, one of the p...
augitic 17 13 pertaining to, or li...
augment 13 14 to increase [v -ED,...
augural 14 12 of or pertaining to...
augured 13 12 AUGUR, to foretell f...
augurer 13 11 (Shakespeare) an aug...
auguste 13 11 (French) a circus cl...
augusts 14 11 AUGUST, a white-face...
auklets 14 13 AUKLET, a small auk...
auldest 13 10 AULD, (Scots) old [a...
aulnage 12 12 cloth inspection, al...
aumails 14 12 AUMAIL, (archaic) to...
aunters 11 9 AUNTER, (obsolete) a...
aunties 11 9 AUNTY, an aunt, also...
aurally 20 12 like an ear [adv]
aurated 11 9 gold-coloured [adj]
aurates 11 8 AURATE, a salt deriv...
aureate 10 8 pertaining to the fa...
aureity 18 10 properties of gold [...
aurelia 12 9 a genus of jellyfish...
aureola 11 9 a halo [n AUREOLAS o...
aureole 11 9 a glorifying halo, a...
auricle 16 12 the outer projecting...
aurists 13 8 AURIST, a specialist...
aurochs 17 13 (German) an extinct...
aurorae 10 8 AURORA, a luminous a...
auroral 12 9 relating to the dawn...
auroras 11 8 AURORA, a luminous a...
ausform 15 14 (German) to deform,...
auspice 17 14 a good omen [n -S]
austere 11 8 severe [adj AUSTERER...
austral 13 9 a unit of currency i...
ausubos 14 12 AUSUBO, a large ever...
autarch 17 13 an absolute ruler [n...
autarky 19 14 a policy of national...
auteurs 12 9 AUTEUR, (French) a f...
authors 14 10 AUTHOR, to bring int...
autisms 14 11 AUTISM, absorption i...
autists 13 8 AUTIST, one who suff...
autobus 14 12 a motor-bus [n AUTOB...
autocar 14 11 a motor car [n -S]
autocue 14 12 (tradename) a text d...
autoing 12 11 AUTO, to ride in an...
automan 11 12 a maker of automobil...
automat 12 11 a restaurant or shop...
automen 11 12 AUTOMAN, a maker of...
autonym 18 14 an author's real nam...
autopen 12 12 a mechanical device...
autopsy 20 13 a postmortem examina...
autoput 14 12 a motorway in Yugosl...
autovac 16 15 a vacuum mechanism i...
autumns 13 13 AUTUMN, a season of...
autumny 19 15 autumn like [adv]
auxeses 17 15 AUXESIS, a growth in...
auxesis 18 15 a growth in tissue d...
auxetic 21 18 involving an increas...
auxinic 21 19 pertaining to [adj A...
availed 14 13 AVAIL, to be of use...
availes 14 12 AVAILE, (Spenser) to...
avaling 15 15 AVALE, (obsolete) to...
avarice 16 14 greed [n -S]
avatars 13 11 AVATAR, the incarnat...
avaunts 13 13 AVAUNT, (archaic) to...
avellan 14 14 (of heraldic crosses...
avenged 13 15 AVENGE, to take retr...
avenger 13 14 one that avenges, al...
avenges 13 14 AVENGE, to take retr...
avenirs 13 12 AVENIR, (French) the...
avenses 12 12 AVENS, any plant of...
aventre 12 12 (Spenser) to thrust,...
avenues 12 13 AVENUE, a wide stree...
average 13 13 mediocre [adj AVERAG...
averred 13 12 AVER, to declare pos...
averted 13 12 AVERT, to ward off [...
averter 13 11 one who averts [n -S...
avgases 14 13 AVGAS, any kind of a...
aviated 13 12 AVIATE, to fly an ai...
aviates 13 11 AVIATE, to fly an ai...
aviatic 17 14 relating to aviation...
aviator 13 11 a pilot who flies ai...
avidest 14 12 AVID, eager [adj]
avidins 14 13 AVIDIN, a protein fo...
avidity 21 14 greed [n AVIDITIES]
aviette 13 11 (historical) an aero...
aviform 17 17 birdlike in structur...
avionic 16 15 of or pertaining to...
avising 15 14 AVISE, to advise, al...
avizing 18 23 AVIZE, to advise, al...
avocado 15 15 a rough-skinned pear...
avocets 16 14 AVOCET, a wading bir...
avodire 13 12 a yellow hardwood fr...
avoided 13 13 AVOID, to evade [v]
avoider 13 12 one who avoids [n -S...
avosets 13 11 AVOSET, a wading bir...
avoures 13 12 AVOURE, (Spenser) av...
avoutry 20 14 (obsolete) adultery,...
avowals 17 15 AVOWAL, a declaratio...
avowers 16 14 AVOWER, one who avow...
avowing 17 17 AVOW, to declare [v]
avoyers 19 13 AVOYER, (French) a c...
avrugas 15 14 AVRUGA, (Spanish) he...
avulsed 15 14 AVULSE, to tear away...
avulses 15 13 AVULSE, to tear away...
avyzing 24 25 AVYZE, to advise, al...
awaited 14 11 AWAIT, to wait for [...
awaiter 14 10 one who awaits [n -S...
awakens 14 15 AWAKEN, to rouse fro...
awaking 16 17 the act of waking [n...
awarded 14 12 AWARD, to grant as m...
awardee 13 11 a recipient of an aw...
awarder 14 11 one who awards [n -S...
awarest 14 10 AWARE, knowing and a...
awarned 13 12 AWARN, (Spenser) to...
awayday 26 15 a one day excursion...
aweless 15 11 without awe, also AW...
awesome 14 13 impressive or inspir...
awfully 26 18 AWFUL, horrible [adv...
awhaped 18 16 AWHAPE, (Spenser) to...
awhapes 18 15 AWHAPE, (Spenser) to...
awhatos 16 12 AWHATO, (Maori) the...
awheels 17 13 on wheels, also AWHE...
awhetos 16 12 AWHETO, the so-calle...
awkward 19 18 lacking grace [adj A...
awlbird 19 15 (dialect) the green...
awlwort 19 14 an aquatic plant wit...
awmries 16 13 AWMRIE, a cupboard f...
awniest 14 11 AWNY, bristly like a...
awnings 15 14 AWNING, a rooflike c...
awnless 15 12 without an awning [a...
axebird 20 18 a kind of nightjar f...
axelike 19 19 like an axe in form,...
axially 26 18 pertaining to an axi...
axillae 19 16 AXILLA, the arm pit...
axillar 20 16 a feather on the und...
axillas 20 16 AXILLA, the arm pit...
axinite 17 15 a silicate of the ep...
axolotl 19 16 a type of Mexican sa...
axoneme 16 18 a central strand of...
axseeds 17 15 AXSEED, a kind of ve...
aywords 21 13 AYWORD, (Shakespeare...
azaleas 14 17 AZALEA, a flowering...
azimuth 19 22 the angle a celestia...
aziones 13 17 AZIONE, (Italian) a...
azollas 16 18 AZOLLA, a tiny water...
azotise 14 16 to combine with nitr...
azotize 17 25 to combine with nitr...
azotous 14 17 nitrous; as, azotous...
azulejo 17 27 (Spanish) a painted...
azurean 13 18 azure, also AZURE, A...
azuries 15 17 AZURY, a bluish colo...
azurine 14 18 a freshwater fish, t...
azurite 15 17 a blue carbonate of...
azygies 22 20 AZYGY, a state of be...
azygous 22 21 not being one of a p...
azymite 22 21 a member of any chur...
azymous 22 22 unleavened [adj]