6 letter words that start with A

6 letter words that start with A

6 letter A word


Words With Friends®


aahing 12 11 AAH, to exclaim in s...
aaliis 11 7 AALII, (Hawaiian) a...
aarrgh 13 10 an exclamation indic...
aartis 10 6 AARTI, (Hindi) an In...
abacas 14 12 ABACA, a Philippine...
abacus 15 13 a counting frame usi...
abakas 12 13 ABAKA, (Tagalog) the...
abamps 15 15 ABAMP, short for ABA...
abands 11 11 ABAND, (Spenser) to...
abased 11 10 ABASE, to lower in r...
abaser 11 9 one who abases [n -S...
abases 11 9 ABASE, to lower in r...
abasia 11 9 the inability to wal...
abated 11 10 ABATE, to reduce in...
abater 11 9 one who abates [n -S...
abates 11 9 ABATE, to reduce in...
abatis 12 9 a barrier made of fe...
abator 11 9 one who unlawfully s...
abattu 12 10 (French) cast down,...
abayas 17 11 ABAYA, a Syrian clot...
abbacy 23 17 the office of an abb...
abbess 14 12 a female abbot, head...
abbeys 20 14 ABBEY, a building in...
abbots 14 12 ABBOT, the superior...
abcees 14 12 ABCEE, the alphabet,...
abdabs 14 13 (slang) a state of e...
abduce 15 14 to draw or conduct a...
abduct 16 14 to carry someone awa...
abears 11 9 ABEAR, to bear; to b...
abeigh 15 13 (Scots) aloof [adv]
abeles 12 10 ABELE, the white pop...
abelia 12 10 any of several hardy...
abhors 14 11 ABHOR, to loathe, ha...
abided 12 11 ABIDE, to wait for;...
abider 12 10 one who abides, or c...
abides 12 10 ABIDE, to wait for;...
abitur 13 10 (German) in Germany,...
abject 17 21 humble; miserable; c...
abjure 14 19 to renounce under oa...
ablate 12 10 to remove or decreas...
ablaut 13 11 (German) vowel chang...
ablaze 15 19 on fire [adj]
ablest 13 10 ABLE, competent, als...
ablets 13 10 ABLET, a small fresh...
abling 14 13 ABLE, (obsolete) to...
ablins 13 11 (dialect) perhaps, a...
abloom 13 13 blooming [adj]
ablush 16 13 blushing [adj]
abmhos 15 14 ABMHO, a unit of ele...
aboard 11 10 on board [adv]
aboded 11 11 ABODE, to presage, f...
abodes 11 10 ABODE, to presage, f...
abohms 15 14 ABOHM, a unit of ele...
abolla 13 11 (historical) a Roman...
abomas 12 12 ABOMA, a South Ameri...
aboral 12 10 away from the mouth...
abords 12 10 ABORD, (archaic) to...
aborne 10 10 ABEAR, to bear; to b...
aborts 12 9 ABORT, to bring fort...
abound 11 12 to exist in great pl...
abouts 12 10 (Spenser) about [pre...
aboves 13 13 ABOVE, the upper par...
abrade 11 10 to wear away by fric...
abraid 12 10 (Spenser) to awake,...
abrays 18 11 ABRAY, (Spenser) to...
abrazo 14 18 (Spanish) in Latin A...
abrege 12 11 (French) an abridgem...
abrins 12 10 ABRIN, a poisonous p...
abroad 11 10 in or to a foreign c...
abrupt 15 13 sudden [adj ABRUPTER...
abseil 13 10 (German) to descend...
absent 11 10 not present [adj ABS...
abseys 18 11 ABSEY, (obsolete) th...
absits 13 9 ABSIT, (Latin) a stu...
absorb 14 12 to take up or in [v...
absurd 13 11 the condition of man...
abulia 13 11 (Greek) abnormal lac...
abulic 17 14 pertaining to loss o...
abunas 11 11 ABUNA, (Amharic) an...
aburst 13 10 in a bursting condit...
abused 12 11 ABUSE, to revile or...
abuser 12 10 one who abuses [n -S...
abuses 12 10 ABUSE, to revile or...
abvolt 15 14 a unit of electrical...
abwatt 15 12 a unit of power [n -...
abying 19 14 ABY, (archaic) to pa...
abysms 20 14 ABYSM, (archaic) an...
acacia 15 12 a genus of thorny le...
acajou 14 19 (Tupi) the cashew tr...
acanth 14 12 a prickly plant with...
acarid 13 10 a member of the mite...
acarus 13 10 a mite, a kind of sm...
acater 12 9 (obsolete) an office...
acates 12 9 (obsolete) things pu...
accede 15 13 to consent [v ACCEDE...
accend 15 14 (obsolete) to kindle...
accent 15 13 to pronounce with pr...
accept 18 15 to receive with favo...
access 16 12 approach, admittance...
accite 16 12 to cite; to summon [...
accloy 23 15 (Spenser) to injure...
accoil 17 13 a reception [n -S] /...
accord 16 13 to bring into agreem...
accost 16 12 to approach and spea...
accoys 22 14 ACCOY, (Spenser) to...
accrew 19 15 (Spenser) to accrue...
accrue 16 13 to accumulate, also...
accuse 16 13 to bring a charge ag...
acedia 12 10 (Greek) sloth, physi...
acetal 13 10 an odoriferous liqui...
acetic 16 12 pertaining to vinega...
acetin 12 10 a combination of ace...
acetum 14 13 (Latin) vinegar [n A...
acetyl 20 12 the radical of aceti...
achage 15 13 (Tennyson) an ache,...
achars 15 11 ACHAR, a spicy pickl...
achene 13 12 a dry one-seeded fru...
achier 15 11 ACHY, aching [adj]
aching 16 14 hurting, throbbing [...
achkan 15 16 (Hindi) in India, a...
achoos 14 11 ACHOO, an imitation...
acider 13 10 ACID, sharp, sour [a...
acidic 17 13 sour, acid [adj ACID...
acidly 21 13 ACID, sharp, sour [a...
acinar 12 10 relating to a sackli...
acinic 16 13 relating to a sackli...
acinus 13 11 a small sacklike div...
ackees 13 13 ACKEE, (Kru) a small...
ackers 14 13 ACKER, (Australian s...
acknew 16 17 ACKNOW, (obsolete) t...
acknow 16 17 (obsolete) to recogn...
acmite 14 12 a soda pyroxene whos...
acnode 11 11 an isolated point no...
acorns 12 10 ACORN, the fruit of...
acquis 22 19 (French) a particula...
acquit 22 19 to free from a charg...
acrawl 17 13 crawling [adv]
across 13 9 from one side to the...
actant 12 10 a noun phrase functi...
acting 14 12 the occupation of an...
actins 13 10 ACTIN, a protein fou...
action 12 10 activity, a deed [n]...
active 15 13 expressing action [a...
actons 12 10 ACTON, a stuffed jac...
actors 13 9 ACTOR, a theatrical...
actual 14 11 existing in fact [ad...
acture 13 10 (Shakespeare) action...
acuate 12 10 to sharpen [v ACUATE...
acuity 20 12 sharpness [n ACUITIE...
aculei 14 11 ACULEUS, (Latin) a p...
acumen 13 14 mental keenness [n -...
acuter 13 10 ACUTE, sharply point...
acutes 13 10 ACUTE, a type of acc...
adages 10 9 ADAGE, a proverb, a...
adagio 10 9 (Italian) slow [adv]...
adapts 12 10 ADAPT, to make suita...
adawed 12 11 ADAW, (Spenser) to d...
adbots 12 10 ADBOT, a specialized...
addeem 10 11 (obsolete) to award;...
addend 9 10 an amount to be adde...
adders 10 8 ADDER, a venomous sn...
addict 14 11 to make dependent on...
addies 10 8 ADDY, (slang) an ema...
adding 11 11 the act of addition...
addios 10 8 ADDIO, (Italian) goo...
addled 11 10 ADDLE, to confuse [v...
addles 11 9 ADDLE, to confuse [v...
addoom 10 11 (Spenser) to award;...
adduce 13 12 to cite or quote [v...
adduct 14 12 to draw inward, esp....
adeems 10 10 ADEEM, to cancel a b...
adenyl 16 11 a nucleotide, a cons...
adepts 12 10 ADEPT, an expert [n]
adhans 11 10 ADHAN, the Muslim ca...
adhere 11 9 to become or remain...
adieus 10 8 ADIEU, (French) a fa...
adieux 16 15 ADIEU, (French) a fa...
adipic 16 13 relating to animal f...
adjigo 13 18 an Australian edible...
adjoin 11 17 to lie next to [v -E...
adjure 12 17 to command solemnly...
adjust 13 17 to bring to a more s...
adland 10 10 an idealised land po...
admass 11 10 the mass audience of...
admins 11 11 ADMIN, (short for) a...
admire 11 10 to have a high opini...
admits 12 10 ADMIT, to allow to e...
admixt 18 17 ADMIX, to mix [v]
adnate 8 8 closely attached; gr...
adnexa 14 15 conjoined anatomical...
adnoun 8 10 an adjective used as...
adobes 11 10 ADOBE, (Arabic) an u...
adobos 11 10 ADOBO, (Spanish) a P...
adonis 9 8 a handsome young man...
adoors 9 7 (obsolete) at the do...
adopts 12 10 ADOPT, to take as on...
adored 9 8 ADORE, to love deepl...
adorer 9 7 one that adores [n -...
adores 9 7 ADORE, to love deepl...
adorns 9 8 ADORN, to embellish...
adrate 9 7 the price or tariff...
adread 9 8 (obsolete) to dread...
adrift 13 10 drifting [adj]
adroit 10 7 skilful [adj ADROITE...
adsorb 12 10 to gather and hold a...
adsuki 12 12 (Japanese) a kind of...
adukis 12 12 ADUKI, (Japanese) a...
adults 12 9 ADULT, a fully devel...
adusts 11 8 ADUST, (Milton) to s...
advect 15 14 to transport by the...
advene 10 12 to be added over and...
advent 11 12 arrival [n -S]
adverb 14 14 a word used to modif...
advert 12 11 an advertisement [n...
advews 15 14 ADVEW, (Spenser) to...
advice 15 14 counsel [n -S]
advise 12 11 to give advice to [v...
adward 13 11 (Spenser) to award [...
adware 12 10 software with embedd...
adytum 18 13 the inner sanctuary...
adzing 14 19 ADZ, to dress timber...
adzuki 15 21 (Japanese) a kind of...
aecial 13 10 relating to an aeciu...
aecium 14 13 a cup-shaped structu...
aedile 10 8 (Latin) in classical...
aedine 8 8 pertaining to an aed...
aefald 12 11 onefold, also AEFAUL...
aemule 11 11 (Spenser) to emulate...
aeneus 8 8 (Latin) of a shining...
aeonic 11 10 lasting for aeons, e...
aerate 8 6 to put air into [v A...
aerial 10 7 pertaining to the ai...
aeried 9 7 having aeries, e.g....
aerier 9 6 AERY, airy [adj]
aeries 9 6 AERIE, the nest of a...
aerify 18 11 to infuse air into;...
aerily 17 9 AERY, airy [adv]
aerobe 10 9 an organism that req...
aerugo 10 9 a green film that fo...
aesces 12 9 AESC, (Old English)...
aether 11 8 the upper region of...
afaras 11 9 AFARA, (Yoruba) a ty...
afawld 16 14 onefold, also AEFALD...
afeard 11 10 (Shakespeare) afraid...
afears 11 9 AFEAR, (Spenser) to...
affair 14 12 something which is t...
affear 13 12 (Spenser) to frighte...
affect 17 15 to act upon [v -ED,...
affeer 13 12 (archaic) to assess;...
affied 14 13 AFFY, (obsolete) to...
affies 14 12 AFFY, (obsolete) to...
affine 13 13 related by marriage...
affirm 16 15 to state positively...
afflux 22 21 a flowing towards or...
afford 14 13 to have sufficient m...
affrap 16 15 (Spenser) to strike...
affray 20 14 to disturb or fright...
affret 14 12 (Spenser) a furious...
affyde 20 15 AFFY, (obsolete) to...
afghan 14 14 a heavy knitted or c...
afield 13 11 in the field [adv]
aflame 13 13 in a flaming state [...
afloat 12 10 floating [adj]
afocal 15 13 denoting a method fo...
afraid 12 10 struck with fear [ad...
afreet 11 9 an evil spirit in Ar...
afresh 14 11 anew [adv]
afrits 13 9 AFRIT, an evil spiri...
afront 11 10 (Shakespeare) in fro...
afters 12 9 the latter part of a...
aftosa 11 9 a disease of hoofed...
agamas 11 11 AGAMA, a tropical li...
agamic 15 14 asexual, also AGAMOU...
agamid 12 12 a kind of tropical l...
agamis 12 11 AGAMI, a crane-like...
agapae 11 11 AGAPE, a love feast...
agapai 12 11 AGAPE, a love feast...
agapes 12 11 AGAPE, a love feast...
agaric 14 11 a kind of fungus [n...
agasts 11 8 AGAST, (Milton) to t...
agates 10 8 AGATE, a variety of...
agaves 12 12 AGAVE, any of numero...
agazed 13 18 (Shakespeare) struck...
agedly 18 12 AGED, being of a cer...
ageing 11 11 the process of growi...
ageism 12 11 discrimination based...
ageist 11 8 an advocate of ageis...
agency 19 14 a organization that...
agenda 9 10 a list of things to...
agenes 9 9 AGENE, a chemical co...
agents 10 9 AGENT, to act for an...
aggada 11 11 the homiletic part o...
aggers 12 10 AGGER, (historical)...
aggies 12 10 AGGIE, a type of pla...
aggros 12 10 AGGRO, (short for) a...
aghast 13 10 stupefied with horro...
agilas 12 9 AGILA, (Tamil) the w...
agiler 12 9 AGILE, able to move...
agings 12 11 AGING, the process o...
agisms 13 11 AGISM, discriminatio...
agists 12 8 AGIST, to admit (liv...
agitas 11 8 AGITA, a feeling of...
aglare 11 9 glaring [adj]
agleam 12 12 gleaming [adj]
aglets 12 9 AGLET, a metal sheat...
agloos 11 9 AGLOO, (Inuit) a hol...
agnail 11 10 a torn shred of skin...
agname 10 12 a name extra to one'...
agnate 9 9 a relative on the fa...
agnise 10 9 to acknowledge, also...
agnize 13 18 to acknowledge, also...
agoges 11 10 AGOGE, (Greek) in Gr...
agogic 15 13 accenting a note by...
agoing 11 11 (archaic) going [adv...
agonal 10 10 relating to agon, th...
agones 9 9 AGON, the dramatic c...
agonic 13 12 making no angle [adj...
agorae 9 8 AGORA, a market-plac...
agoras 10 8 AGORA, a market-plac...
agorot 10 8 AGORA, a market-plac...
agouta 10 9 a small insectivorou...
agouti 11 9 a burrowing rodent,...
agouty 17 11 a burrowing rodent,...
agrafe 12 11 (French) a hooked cl...
agreed 10 9 AGREE, to have the s...
agrees 10 8 AGREE, to have the s...
agrege 11 10 (French) a French st...
agrias 11 8 AGRIA, a skin condit...
agrins 11 9 AGRIN, a proteoglyca...
agrise 11 8 to terrify, also AGR...
agrize 14 17 (obsolete) to terrif...
agryze 20 19 (obsolete) to terrif...
aguise 11 9 to adorn, also AGUIZ...
aguish 14 11 having the qualities...
aguize 14 18 to adorn, also AGUIS...
agunah 12 12 (Hebrew) a woman who...
agunot 10 10 AGUNA, (Hebrew) a wo...
agutis 12 9 AGUTI, a burrowing S...
ahchoo 16 13 expressing a sneeze...
ahimsa 13 11 (Sanskrit) in Hindu...
aholds 13 10 near the wind; as, t...
ahorse 11 8 (archaic) on horseba...
ahurus 13 10 AHURU, (Maori) a sma...
aidant 9 8 (archaic) a helper [...
aiders 10 7 AIDER, one who aids...
aidful 14 12 helpful [adj]
aiding 11 10 AID, to help [v]
aidman 10 11 a corpsman [n AIDMEN...
aidmen 10 11 AIDMAN, a corpsman [...
aiglet 12 9 a metal sheath at th...
aigret 11 8 a tuft of feathers w...
aikido 11 11 (Japanese) a type of...
aikona 9 11 (Bantu) it is not [i...
ailing 12 10 AIL, to be indispose...
aimers 11 9 AIMER, one who aims...
aimful 15 14 full of purpose [adj...
aiming 12 12 AIM, to direct a cou...
aingas 10 9 AINGA, (Samoan) a la...
aiolis 11 7 AIOLI, (French) a ga...
airbag 13 11 an inflatable safety...
airbus 13 10 (tradename) an aerop...
aircon 12 10 an air conditioner [...
airers 10 6 AIRER, a frame on wh...
airest 10 6 (Scots) earliest [ad...
airgap 13 11 a gap in a magnetic...
airgun 11 10 a gun that discharge...
airier 10 6 AIRY, relating to ai...
airily 18 9 AIRY, relating to ai...
airing 11 9 an exposure to the a...
airman 10 10 an aviator [n AIRMEN...
airmen 10 10 AIRMAN, an aviator [...
airned 9 8 AIRN, to iron [v]
airted 10 7 AIRT, to direct, als...
airths 13 8 AIRTH, (Scots) to gu...
airvac 15 13 evacuation by air am...
airway 19 11 a passage for air [n...
aisled 11 8 having aisles [adj]
aisles 11 7 AISLE, a passage bet...
aivers 12 10 AIVER, (Scots) a dra...
aizles 14 16 AIZLE, (Scots) hot a...
ajivas 14 19 AJIVA, (Sanskrit) in...
ajowan 13 19 the fruit of an Egyp...
ajugas 13 18 AJUGA, a genus of pl...
ajwans 14 19 AJWAN, the fruit of...
akatea 9 10 (Maori) a New Zealan...
akeake 10 14 a New Zealand tree w...
akebia 12 13 (Japanese) a climbin...
akedah 12 13 (Hebrew) the binding...
akelas 11 11 AKELA, a leader of a...
akenes 9 11 AKENE, a dry one-see...
akhara 12 12 (Hindi) a gymnasium...
akimbo 14 16 with hands on hips a...
akitas 11 10 AKITA, (Japanese) a...
alaaps 12 10 ALAAP, (Sanskrit) in...
alalia 11 8 loss of speech [n -S...
alamos 11 10 ALAMO, (Spanish) a k...
alands 10 9 ALAND, a large hunti...
alangs 11 10 ALANG, (Malay) a coa...
alanin 9 9 an amino acid, also...
alants 10 8 ALANT, a large hunti...
alanyl 17 11 a univalent radical...
alapas 12 10 ALAPA, (Sanskrit) in...
alarms 12 10 ALARM, to strike wit...
alarum 12 11 (archaic) to alarm,...
alaska 11 11 a kind of dessert; a...
alated 10 8 having wings, also A...
alates 10 7 ALATE, a winged inse...
alayed 16 10 ALAY, to quell, also...
albata 12 10 a variety of German...
albedo 12 11 the measure of the r...
albeit 13 10 although, also ALBE,...
albert 13 10 a kind of watch chai...
albino 12 11 a person or organism...
albite 13 10 a sodium-rich minera...
albugo 14 13 a white opacity of t...
albums 15 14 ALBUM, a book for st...
alcade 13 11 the mayor of a Spani...
alcaic 17 13 a type of verse form...
alcids 15 11 ALCID, a diving sea...
alcool 14 11 (French) a form of p...
alcove 15 14 a vaulted or arched...
aldeas 10 8 ALDEA, (Spanish) a s...
aldern 10 9 made of alder wood [...
alders 11 8 ALDER, any tree of t...
aldols 12 9 ALDOL, a chemical co...
aldose 10 8 a class of sugars, c...
aldrin 11 9 a chlorinated hydroc...
alecks 15 14 ALECK, an irritating...
alegar 11 9 vinegar made by turn...
alegge 12 11 (Spenser) to lighten...
alephs 15 12 ALEPH, (Hebrew) the...
alerce 13 10 the wood of the sand...
alerts 11 7 ALERT, to warn [v]
alevin 12 12 a young fish [n -S]
alexia 16 14 loss of power to rea...
alexic 20 17 word-blind [adj]
alexin 16 15 a substance in the b...
aleyed 16 10 ALEYE, to quell, als...
aleyes 16 9 ALEYE, to quell, als...
alfaki 14 14 a teacher of Muslim...
algate 11 9 (obsolete) always; w...
algins 12 10 ALGIN, sodium algina...
algoid 12 10 of the nature of, or...
algors 12 9 ALGOR, coldness; a s...
algums 14 13 ALGUM, (Hebrew) a wo...
alibis 14 10 ALIBI, to give an al...
alible 14 11 nourishing [adj]
alidad 11 9 a device used in ang...
aliens 10 8 ALIEN, to alienate [...
alight 15 11 to dismount [v ALIGH...
aligns 12 10 ALIGN, to arrange in...
alined 10 9 ALINE, to arrange in...
aliner 10 8 one who alines, also...
alines 10 8 ALINE, to arrange in...
aliped 13 11 an animal with winge...
alisma 12 10 a plant of the water...
alison 10 8 a small flowering pl...
aliyah 19 11 the immigration of J...
aliyas 17 9 ALIYA, the immigrati...
aliyos 17 9 ALIYA, the immigrati...
aliyot 17 9 ALIYA, the immigrati...
alkali 13 12 a substance which, d...
alkane 10 12 a group of hydrocarb...
alkene 10 12 an unsaturated hydro...
alkies 12 11 ALKIE, an alcoholic,...
alkine 11 12 a group of hydrocarb...
alkoxy 24 20 containing a univale...
alkyds 19 14 ALKYD, any of a grou...
alkyls 20 14 ALKYL, any radical d...
alkyne 17 14 a group of hydrocarb...
allays 18 10 ALLAY, to reduce in...
allees 11 8 ALLEE, (French) an a...
allege 12 10 to assert without pr...
allele 12 9 any one of the two o...
allels 13 9 ALLEL, (short for) a...
alleys 18 10 ALLEY, a narrow pass...
alliak 13 12 (Inuit) an Inuit sle...
allice 15 11 a fish of the shad f...
allied 12 9 ALLY, to join by mar...
allies 12 8 ALLY, to join by mar...
allium 14 12 a plant of the Alliu...
allods 12 9 ALLOD, an estate hel...
allons 11 9 (French) let's go [i...
allots 12 8 ALLOT, to give as a...
allows 15 11 ALLOW, to put no obs...
alloys 18 10 ALLOY, to combine a...
allude 12 10 to make an indirect...
allure 12 9 to attract with some...
allyls 20 11 ALLYL, an organic ra...
allyou 18 11 (Caribbean) all of y...
almahs 14 12 ALMAH, an Egyptian g...
almain 11 11 an old courtly dance...
almehs 14 12 ALMEH, an Egyptian g...
almery 18 12 a cupboard for sacre...
almner 11 11 a giver of alms; a s...
almond 11 12 a kind of edible nut...
almost 12 10 very nearly [adv]
almous 12 11 alms, also AWMOUS [n...
almuce 15 14 a furred hood with l...
almude 12 12 a Spanish unit of ca...
almuds 13 12 ALMUD, a Spanish uni...
almugs 14 13 ALMUG, a precious wo...
alnage 10 10 cloth inspection, al...
alnico 13 11 (tradename) a perman...
alodia 10 8 ALODIUM, land held a...
alogia 11 9 the inability to spe...
alohas 12 9 ALOHA, (Hawaiian) a...
aloins 10 8 ALOIN, a kind of lax...
alpaca 15 13 a domestic animal re...
alpeen 11 11 (Irish a cudgel [n -...
alphas 15 12 ALPHA, a Greek lette...
alphyl 23 15 a univalent radical...
alpine 12 11 related to mountains...
alsike 12 11 a kind of clover [n...
alsoon 9 8 (Spenser) as soon, a...
altars 11 7 ALTAR, a raised stru...
altern 10 8 (archaic) alternate...
alters 11 7 ALTER, to make diffe...
alteza 13 16 (Spanish) highness,...
althea 12 9 a genus of plants of...
aludel 12 10 a pear-shaped pot us...
alulae 11 9 ALULA, one of three...
alular 12 9 pertaining to the al...
alulas 12 9 ALULA, one of three...
alumin 12 12 an oxide of aluminum...
alumna 11 12 a female graduate [n...
alumni 12 12 ALUMNUS, a former pu...
alures 11 8 ALURE, (obsolete) a...
alvars 13 11 ALVAR, (Swedish) an...
alvine 12 12 of the belly [adj]
always 20 12 every time [adv]
amadou 10 11 a tinder made from f...
amarna 9 10 pertaining to a cert...
amated 10 10 AMATE, (archaic) to...
amates 10 9 AMATE, (archaic) to...
amatol 11 10 an explosive compose...
amauti 11 10 (Inuit) an Inuit wom...
amauts 11 10 AMAUT, (Inuit) a hoo...
amazed 13 19 AMAZE, to overwhelm...
amazes 13 18 AMAZE, to overwhelm...
amazon 12 19 a powerful woman [n...
ambach 18 17 a pith tree, also AM...
ambage 13 14 (French) ambiguity [...
ambans 12 13 AMBAN, (Chinese) a C...
ambari 13 12 (Hindi) a fibre-yiel...
ambary 19 14 (Hindi) a fibre-yiel...
ambeer 12 12 the spittle produced...
ambers 13 12 AMBER, a fossil resi...
ambery 19 14 a cupboard for sacre...
ambits 14 12 AMBIT, a circuit, co...
ambled 14 14 AMBLE, to saunter [v...
ambler 14 13 one who ambles [n -S...
ambles 14 13 AMBLE, to saunter [v...
ambush 16 15 to attack from a con...
amebae 11 12 AMEBA, a one-celled...
ameban 11 13 pertaining to an ame...
amebas 12 12 AMEBA, a one-celled...
amebic 16 15 pertaining to an ame...
ameers 10 9 AMEER, a Muslim gove...
amelia 11 10 being born without o...
amende 9 11 (French) a fine or r...
amends 10 11 AMEND, to correct, i...
amened 9 11 AMEN, to conclude pr...
amenta 9 10 AMENTUM, (Latin) a c...
aments 10 10 AMENT, a mentally de...
amerce 13 12 to fine or punish [v...
amices 14 12 AMICE, a furred hood...
amicus 15 13 (Latin) a legal expe...
amides 11 10 AMIDE, a compound fo...
amidic 15 13 of or like an amide,...
amidin 11 11 the soluble matter o...
amidol 12 11 a colourless chemica...
amidst 12 10 in the middle of [pr...
amigas 12 11 AMIGA, (Spanish) a (...
amigos 12 11 AMIGO, (Spanish) a (...
amines 10 10 AMINE, a compound de...
aminic 14 13 of or like an amine,...
aminos 10 10 AMINO, a compound co...
amises 11 9 AMIS, a clerical gar...
ammans 11 13 AMMAN, (German) in G...
ammine 11 13 a type of ammonia co...
ammino 11 13 pertaining to an amm...
ammono 10 13 containing ammonia [...
ammons 11 13 AMMON, the Asian wil...
amnion 9 11 the innermost membra...
amnios 10 10 AMNIO, (short for) a...
amoeba 11 12 a one-celled animal...
amoles 11 10 AMOLE, a plant root...
amomum 13 16 a plant of the ginge...
amoove 11 13 (Spenser) to stir up...
amoral 11 10 lacking a sense of r...
amorce 13 12 a percussion cap for...
amoret 10 9 a love sonnet or son...
amount 10 11 to come to in total...
amours 11 10 AMOUR, (French) a lo...
amoved 12 14 AMOVE, (obsolete) to...
amoves 12 13 AMOVE, (obsolete) to...
amowts 14 12 AMOWT, (Inuit) a hoo...
ampere 12 12 a unit of electric c...
amping 14 15 AMP, (Australian sla...
ampler 14 13 AMPLE, plentiful [ad...
ampule 14 14 a small sealed glass...
ampuls 15 14 AMPUL, a small seale...
amrita 11 9 (Sanskrit) a beverag...
amrits 12 9 AMRIT, (Punjabi) a s...
amtman 11 13 (German) in Germany,...
amtrac 14 12 an amphibious milita...
amtrak 12 13 a military vehicle e...
amucks 16 17 AMUCK, a murderous f...
amulet 12 11 a lucky charm [n -S]
amused 11 11 AMUSE, to entertain...
amuser 11 10 one who amuses [n -S...
amuses 11 10 AMUSE, to entertain...
amusia 11 10 the inability to rec...
amusic 15 13 suffering from amusi...
amylic 22 15 pertaining to, or de...
amylum 20 16 starch [n -S]
amytal 18 12 as in sodium amytal,...
anabas 10 10 a genus of fishes, r...
anadem 9 11 a wreath for the hea...
anally 17 11 at or through the an...
analog 10 10 something that bears...
ananas 7 8 a pineapple, also AN...
ananda 7 9 (Sanskrit) extreme h...
ananke 8 12 (Greek) necessity, t...
anarch 14 12 a promoter of lawles...
anatas 8 7 ANATA, (Sanskrit) th...
anatta 8 7 a yellowish red dye,...
anatto 8 7 a yellowish red dye,...
anbury 18 13 a soft fleshy tumour...
anchor 14 12 a device for holding...
anchos 14 12 ANCHO, a type of dri...
ancile 13 11 (Latin) the sacred s...
ancles 13 11 ANCLE, (archaic) ank...
ancome 12 13 a sudden inflammatio...
ancone 10 11 (Greek) the elbow, a...
ancora 11 10 (Italian) encore [ad...
andros 9 8 ANDRO, a type of sex...
anears 8 7 ANEAR, (archaic) to...
aneath 10 9 (Scots) beneath [adv...
aneled 9 9 ANELE, to anoint wit...
aneles 9 8 ANELE, to anoint wit...
anelli 11 9 (Ital) ring-shaped p...
anemia 9 10 a disorder of the bl...
anemic 13 13 suffering from anemi...
anenst 8 8 (archaic) about; con...
anergy 16 11 the failure of the i...
anerly 16 10 (Scots) only [adv]
anetic 12 10 soothing [adj]
angary 16 11 the legal right of a...
angels 11 10 ANGEL, to support fi...
angers 10 9 ANGER, to make angry...
angico 13 12 a South American tre...
angina 9 10 a disease of the hea...
angled 11 11 ANGLE, to with hook...
angler 11 10 one that angles [n -...
angles 11 10 ANGLE, to with hook...
anglos 11 10 ANGLO, a white inhab...
angola 10 10 relating to a fabric...
angora 9 9 fabric made from the...
angsts 11 9 ANGST, (German) a fe...
angsty 17 11 feeling anxious [adj...
anicca 15 13 (Sanskrit) the belie...
anicut 13 11 (Tamil) a dam or mol...
anight 13 11 (Shakespeare) by nig...
anilin 10 9 a product of coal-ta...
animal 11 11 a living organism ty...
animas 10 10 ANIMA, (Latin) the s...
animes 10 10 ANIME, the resin of...
animis 11 10 ANIMI, the resin of...
animus 11 11 (Latin) a usually pr...
anions 8 8 ANION, an ion with a...
anises 9 7 ANISE, an annual Med...
anisic 13 10 of or derived from a...
ankers 10 11 ANKER, an old wine m...
ankled 11 13 ANKLE, to walk [v]
ankles 11 12 ANKLE, to walk [v]
anklet 11 12 an ornament for the...
ankush 13 14 an elephant goad, al...
anlace 12 11 (archaic) a short tw...
anlage 10 10 the first discernibl...
annals 9 9 ANNAL, a record of a...
annats 8 8 ANNAT, (Scots) the h...
anneal 8 9 to make (as steel or...
annexe 13 15 something joined or...
annona 6 9 any of the various t...
annoys 14 10 ANNOY, to be trouble...
annual 9 10 happening every year...
annuli 10 10 ANNULUS, a ring or r...
annuls 10 10 ANNUL, to declare vo...
anodal 9 9 relating to an anode...
anodes 8 8 ANODE, a positively...
anodic 12 11 of or like an anode...
anoint 8 8 to consecrate with o...
anoles 9 8 ANOLE, a tropical li...
anomic 13 13 pertaining to anomie...
anomie 9 10 hopelessness caused...
anonym 15 13 an anonymous person...
anopia 10 10 a visual defect, an...
anorak 9 11 a waterproof jacket...
anough 12 12 enough [adj]
anoxia 14 14 deficient supply of...
anoxic 18 17 relation to a defici...
ansate 8 7 having a handle, als...
answer 12 10 to say, write, or ac...
antara 8 7 (Quechua) a type of...
antars 9 7 ANTAR, (Shakespeare)...
anteed 8 8 ANTE, to put a fixed...
anthem 12 12 a song of praise or...
anther 11 9 the part of the stam...
anthro 11 9 (short for) anthropo...
antiar 9 7 the upas tree [n -S]
antick 14 14 (obsolete) an antic,...
antics 13 10 ANTIC, to act in a c...
anting 10 10 the practice of cert...
antler 10 8 the horn of an anima...
antlia 10 8 the sucking probosci...
antral 10 8 relating to an antru...
antres 9 7 ANTRE, (Shakespeare)...
antrum 11 11 a cavity in a bone [...
anural 10 9 having no tail [adj]
anuran 8 9 a toad or a frog [n...
anuria 9 8 failure to urinate [...
anuric 13 11 relating to anuria,...
anuses 9 8 ANUS, the opening at...
anvils 13 12 ANVIL, to shape on a...
anyhow 20 14 in any way whatever...
anyone 13 10 anybody at all [n -S...
anyons 14 10 ANYON, an elementary...
anyway 24 14 in any case [adv]
aorist 10 6 a tense expressing s...
aortae 8 6 AORTA, the main bloo...
aortal 10 7 relating to the aort...
aortas 9 6 AORTA, the main bloo...
aortic 13 9 relating to the aort...
aoudad 9 9 a North African wild...
apache 16 14 (French) a member of...
apathy 20 13 indifference [n APAT...
apedom 12 13 the world of apes [n...
apeman 11 13 any of several extin...
apemen 11 13 APEMAN, any of sever...
apepsy 20 14 failure or absence o...
apercu 15 13 a brief outline [n -...
apexes 17 16 APEX, the topmost po...
aphids 15 12 APHID, a plant-louse...
aphony 19 14 loss of voice [n APH...
aphtha 16 13 the disease thrush [...
apiary 18 11 a place where bees a...
apical 16 13 of or at the apex [a...
apices 15 12 APEX, the topmost po...
apiece 14 12 for each one [adv]
apiols 13 10 APIOL, an oily liqui...
apisms 14 12 APISM, the state of...
aplite 13 10 a fine-grained, ligh...
aplomb 16 16 self-confidence, poi...
apneal 11 11 relating to apnoea,...
apneas 10 10 APNEA, a temporary c...
apneic 14 13 relating to apnoea,...
apnoea 9 10 a temporary cessatio...
apodal 12 11 lacking feet [adj]
apodes 11 10 APODE, an animal wit...
apogee 11 11 the farthest point f...
apollo 13 11 a large tropical but...
apolog 13 12 a story presenting a...
aporia 11 9 a professed doubt of...
apozem 15 21 a medicine obtained...
appaid 14 13 APPAY, to satisfy, a...
appair 14 12 (obsolete) to impair...
appall 16 14 to horrify, also APP...
appals 15 13 APPAL, to horrify, a...
appayd 20 15 APPAY, to satisfy, a...
appays 20 14 APPAY, to satisfy, a...
appeal 14 13 to make an earnest r...
appear 13 12 to become visible [v...
appels 15 13 APPEL, (French) in f...
append 13 14 to add on to [v -ED,...
apples 15 13 APPLE, the firm roun...
applet 15 13 an small single-purp...
appley 21 15 resembling or tastin...
apport 14 12 (French) in psychica...
appose 13 12 to place side by sid...
appros 14 12 APPRO, (colloquial)...
appuis 15 13 APPUI, to give milit...
appuys 21 15 APPUY, to give milit...
aprons 11 10 APRON, to cover with...
aptest 12 9 APT, suited to [adj]
apting 13 12 APT, to adapt [v]
aptote 11 9 a noun that has no g...
araara 8 6 (Maori) another name...
arabas 11 9 ARABA, a heavy wagon...
arabic 15 12 derived from gum ara...
arabin 11 10 the essential chemic...
arabis 12 9 (Latin) any member o...
arable 12 10 land suitable for cu...
araise 9 6 to raise, also ARAYS...
aralia 10 7 a genus of ivylike p...
arames 10 9 ARAME, (Japanese) a...
aramid 11 10 a strong lightweight...
arayse 15 8 to raise, also ARAIS...
arbors 12 9 ARBOR, a shady garde...
arbour 12 10 a shady garden shelt...
arbute 12 10 an evergreen tree, t...
arcade 12 10 a set of arches and...
arcana 11 10 either of the two di...
arcane 11 10 mysterious [adj ARCA...
arched 15 12 ARCH, to bend like a...
archei 15 11 ARCHEUS, an inner co...
archer 15 11 someone who uses a b...
arches 15 11 ARCH, to bend like a...
archil 17 12 a red or violet dye,...
archly 23 14 ARCH, sly, mischievo...
archon 14 12 the chief magistrate...
arcing 14 12 an electrical discha...
arcked 14 14 ARC, to make an elec...
arcmin 14 13 an angular measure,...
arcsec 16 12 an angular measure,...
arctic 17 12 relating to the nort...
ardebs 12 10 ARDEB, an Egyptian m...
ardent 9 8 burning with emotion...
ardors 10 7 ARDOR, (US) passion...
ardour 10 8 passion of feeling,...
ardris 11 7 ARDRI, (Irish) a tit...
areach 14 11 (Spenser) to reach [...
areads 9 7 AREAD, (Spenser) to...
arears 9 6 AREAR, an unpaid and...
arecas 12 9 ARECA, a tree of the...
aredes 9 7 AREDE, to declare, a...
arenas 8 7 ARENA, any sphere of...
arenes 8 7 ARENE, an aromatic h...
areola 9 7 a small space in a n...
areole 9 7 a small space in a n...
arepas 11 9 AREPA, (Spanish) a u...
aretes 9 6 ARETE, a sharp mount...
aretts 10 6 ARETT, (obsolete) to...
argala 11 9 (Hindi) the adjutant...
argali 12 9 the great wild sheep...
argals 12 9 ARGAL, a hard crust...
argand 10 10 a gas lamp named aft...
argans 10 9 ARGAN, (Arabic) a Mo...
argent 10 9 silver [n -S]
arghan 12 11 pita fibre [n -S]
argils 13 9 ARGIL, a potter's cl...
argled 12 10 ARGLE, to argue [v]
argles 12 9 ARGLE, to argue [v]
argols 12 9 ARGOL, a hard crust...
argons 10 9 ARGON, an inert gase...
argosy 17 10 a large merchant shi...
argots 11 8 ARGOT, (French) an o...
argued 11 10 ARGUE, to discuss wi...
arguer 11 9 one who argues [n -S...
argues 11 9 ARGUE, to discuss wi...
argufy 20 14 to argue stubbornly...
arguli 13 10 ARGULUS, a fish lous...
argute 11 9 shrill, keen [adj]
argyle 18 11 a silver gravy dish,...
argyll 20 12 a silver gravy dish,...
arhats 12 8 ARHAT, (Sanskrit) a...
ariary 16 8 a currency of Madaga...
arider 10 7 ARID, very dry [adj]
aridly 18 10 ARID, very dry [adv]
ariels 11 7 ARIEL, a kind of mou...
aright 14 10 (archaic) right; cor...
arikis 12 10 ARIKI, (Maori) the f...
ariled 11 8 having an aril, also...
arilli 13 8 ARILLUS, an outer co...
ariose 9 6 in the manner of an...
ariosi 10 6 ARIOSO, a melody res...
arioso 9 6 a melody resembling...
arisen 9 7 ARISE, to come up [v...
arises 10 6 ARISE, to come up [v...
arista 10 6 a bristlelike struct...
aristo 10 6 (short for) an arist...
arking 12 13 ARK, to put into an...
arkite 11 10 an inmate of Noah's...
arkose 10 10 a sedimentary rock f...
arling 12 10 ARLE, to give earnes...
armada 10 10 a fleet of war ships...
armers 11 9 ARMER, one who arms...
armets 11 9 ARMET, a kind of med...
armful 15 14 as much as the arm c...
armies 11 9 ARMY, a large body o...
armils 13 10 ARMIL, a bracelet, a...
arming 12 12 the act of one that...
armlet 12 10 an ornament or band...
armors 11 9 ARMOR, (US) to dress...
armory 17 11 a place where weapon...
armour 11 10 to dress with defens...
armpit 14 12 the hollow under the...
armure 11 10 a type of fabric wit...
arnica 12 10 a tincture obtained...
arnuts 10 8 ARNUT, the earthnut,...
arobas 11 9 AROBA, a heavy scree...
arohas 11 8 AROHA, (Maori) love,...
aroids 10 7 AROID, any plant of...
aroint 9 7 (archaic) to drive o...
arolla 11 8 the Swiss stone pine...
aromas 10 9 AROMA, a distinctive...
around 9 9 on all sides [prep]
arouse 9 7 to stimulate [v AROU...
aroynt 15 9 (archaic) to frighte...
arpens 11 10 ARPEN, a old French...
arpent 11 10 a old French land me...
arrack 14 13 an alcoholic drink m...
arrant 9 7 thoroughgoing; notor...
arrays 16 8 ARRAY, to place in o...
arrear 9 6 an unpaid and overdu...
arrect 13 9 of an animal's ears,...
arrest 10 6 to bring to a stands...
arrets 10 6 ARRET, (French) a de...
arriba 12 9 (Spanish) expressing...
arride 10 7 (archaic) to please,...
arrish 13 8 (dialect) a stubble...
arrive 12 10 to reach a destinati...
arroba 11 9 a Spanish unit of we...
arrows 13 9 ARROW, to indicate t...
arrowy 19 11 like arrows [adj]
arroyo 15 8 (Spanish) a dry dese...
arseno 8 7 forming names of com...
arshin 12 9 a Russian unit of le...
arsier 10 6 ARSY, (Australian sl...
arsine 9 7 a poisonous gas, ars...
arsing 11 9 ARSE, as in "to arse...
arsino 9 7 containing a certain...
arsons 9 7 ARSON, the malicious...
artels 11 7 ARTEL, (Russian) a R...
artery 16 8 a vessel that carrie...
artful 14 11 crafty [adj ARTFULLY...
artics 14 9 ARTIC, (short for) a...
artier 10 6 ARTY, artistic in a...
arties 10 6 ARTY, an artistic pe...
artigi 12 8 (Inuit) a kind of pa...
artily 18 9 ARTY, artistic in a...
artist 11 6 one who is skilled i...
artsie 10 6 a student on an arts...
aruhes 12 9 ARUHE, (Maori) the e...
arvees 11 10 ARVEE, (short for) r...
asanas 8 7 ASANA, (Sanskrit) a...
asarum 11 10 the dried root of th...
ascend 12 11 to go or move upward...
ascent 12 10 a going up [n -S]
ascian 12 10 an inhabitant of the...
ascons 12 10 ASCON, a type of spo...
ascots 13 9 ASCOT, a type of nec...
asdics 14 10 ASDIC, an apparatus...
aseity 16 8 self-origination [n...
ashake 12 12 (archaic) in a shaki...
ashame 12 11 (archaic) to shame [...
ashcan 14 12 a metal receptacle f...
ashery 18 10 a place where potash...
ashets 12 8 ASHET, (Scots) a lar...
ashier 12 8 ASHY, covered with a...
ashine 11 9 (archaic) shining [a...
ashing 13 11 ASH, to convert some...
ashkey 19 14 the winged fruit of...
ashlar 13 9 to build with square...
ashler 13 9 to build with square...
ashman 12 12 one who collects and...
ashmen 12 12 ASHMAN, one who coll...
ashore 11 8 toward or on the sho...
ashpan 13 12 a tray under a grate...
ashraf 14 11 SHARIF, (Arabic) a d...
ashram 13 11 (Sanskrit) the dwell...
asiago 10 8 a type of Italian ch...
asides 10 7 ASIDE, a comment by...
askant 10 11 sideways; obliquely...
askari 11 10 an East African sold...
askers 11 10 ASKER, one who asks...
asking 12 13 the act of asking [n...
aslake 11 11 (archaic) to mitigat...
aslant 10 8 slanting [adv]
asleep 12 10 sleeping [adj]
aslope 12 10 (archaic) on a slope...
aslosh 13 9 awash [adv]
asmear 10 9 (archaic) smeared ov...
aspect 15 12 to look at [v -ED, -...
aspens 11 10 ASPEN, the trembling...
aspers 12 9 ASPER, a Turkish mon...
aspick 17 16 a venomous snake, al...
aspics 16 12 ASPIC, a clear savou...
aspine 11 10 (Spenser) aspen [n -...
aspire 12 9 to aim for higher th...
aspish 15 11 like an asp [adj]
asport 12 9 to carry away, espec...
aspout 12 10 (archaic) spoutingly...
aspros 12 9 ASPRO, (Australian s...
asquat 18 16 (archaic) in a squat...
asrama 10 9 (Sanskrit) the dwell...
assail 11 7 to attack [v -ED, -I...
assais 10 6 ASSAI, (Tupi) a berr...
assams 11 9 ASSAM, (Malay) in Ma...
assart 10 6 (historical) to recl...
assays 16 8 ASSAY, to put to the...
assent 9 7 to express agreement...
assert 10 6 to state positively...
assess 10 6 to estimate the valu...
assets 10 6 ASSET, an item of wo...
assign 11 9 to set apart for a p...
assist 11 6 to give aid or suppo...
assize 13 15 a legislative sessio...
assoil 11 7 to absolve, acquit [...
assort 10 6 to distribute into g...
assots 10 6 ASSOT, to make a foo...
assott 10 6 (Spenser) infatuated...
assume 11 10 to take for granted...
assure 10 7 to insure; to assert...
astare 9 6 (archaic) in a state...
astart 10 6 (Spenser) to start u...
astely 17 9 the absence of a cen...
astern 9 7 towards the stern [a...
asters 10 6 ASTER, a plant of th...
astert 10 6 (obsolete) to start...
asthma 13 11 a chronic respirator...
astone 8 7 to amaze or shock, a...
astony 15 9 to amaze or shock, a...
astoop 11 9 (archaic) in a stoop...
astral 11 7 related to stars [ad...
astray 16 8 off course [adv]
astrut 11 7 (archaic) protruding...
astuns 10 8 ASTUN, (obsolete) to...
astute 10 7 shrewd and perceptiv...
asuras 10 7 ASURA, (Sanskrit) a...
aswarm 14 12 swarming [adj]
aswing 14 12 swingingly [adv]
aswirl 15 10 swirling [adj]
aswoon 11 10 swooning [adj]
asylee 16 9 one who is granted a...
asylum 19 13 an institution for t...
ataata 8 6 (Maori) a grazing ma...
atabal 12 10 a Moorish kettledrum...
atabeg 12 11 a Turkish ruler or h...
atabek 12 13 a Turkish ruler or h...
ataman 9 10 (Russian) a chief of...
atavic 15 13 pertaining to a remo...
ataxia 15 13 loss of muscular coo...
ataxic 19 16 one suffering from a...
atelic 14 10 of a verb, presentin...
athame 12 11 a witch's ceremonial...
athrob 14 11 with throbs [adj]
atigis 12 8 ATIGI, (Inuit) a kin...
atlatl 12 8 an American Indian t...
atmans 10 10 ATMAN, (Hindi) the e...
atocia 12 9 sterility in a femal...
atokal 11 11 without offspring, a...
atokes 10 10 ATOKE, a sexless par...
atolls 12 8 ATOLL, a coral islan...
atomic 14 12 of or pertaining to...
atonal 9 8 not referring to any...
atoned 8 8 ATONE, to make amend...
atoner 8 7 one who atones [n -S...
atones 8 7 ATONE, to make amend...
atonia 8 7 muscular debility, a...
atonic 12 10 an unaccented syllab...
atopic 15 12 relating to atopy [a...
atrial 11 7 of or pertaining to...
atrium 12 10 a square hall lighte...
attach 15 11 to connect as an ass...
attack 14 13 to set upon violentl...
attain 9 7 to gain or achieve b...
attaps 12 9 ATTAP, the nipa palm...
attars 10 6 ATTAR, a fragrant es...
attask 11 10 to take to task [v A...
attend 9 8 to be present at [v...
attent 9 7 (Spenser) attention...
attest 10 6 to affirm to be genu...
attics 14 9 ATTIC, a room in the...
attire 10 6 to clothe [v ATTIRED...
attone 8 7 to atone [v ATTONED,...
attorn 9 7 to accept tenancy fr...
attrap 12 9 to adorn with trappi...
attrit 11 6 to wear down, also A...
attune 9 8 to put in tune [v AT...
atwain 12 10 (archaic) in twain;...
atweel 13 10 (Scots) well, indeed...
atween 11 10 between [prep]
atwixt 20 16 betwixt [adv]
atypic 22 14 not typical, also AT...
aubade 11 11 (French) a song or p...
auburn 12 12 a reddish brown colo...
auceps 15 13 (Latin) a hawker or...
aucuba 15 14 a shrub of the dogwo...
audads 10 9 AUDAD, a North Afric...
audial 11 9 relating to hearing...
audile 11 9 one who thinks in te...
auding 11 11 hearing, recognizing...
audios 10 8 AUDIO, reproduction...
audits 11 8 AUDIT, to examine ac...
augend 10 11 a number to which an...
augers 11 9 AUGER, a kind of bor...
aughts 14 11 AUGHT, anything, als...
augite 11 9 one of the pyroxene...
augurs 12 10 AUGUR, to foretell f...
augury 18 12 the art of auguring...
august 12 10 stately, venerable [...
auklet 12 12 a small auk [n -S]
aulder 11 9 AULD, (Scots) old [a...
aumail 12 11 (archaic) to enamel...
aumbry 20 15 a cupboard for sacre...
aumils 13 11 AUMIL, a factor or m...
aunter 9 8 (obsolete) an advent...
auntie 9 8 a familiar name for...
auntly 17 11 like an aunt [adj AU...
aurate 9 7 a salt derived from...
aureus 10 8 a gold coin of ancie...
aurify 19 12 to turn into gold [v...
aurist 11 7 a specialist on the...
aurora 9 7 a luminous atmospher...
aurous 10 8 containing univalent...
aurums 12 11 AURUM, (Latin) gold...
auspex 18 17 a soothsayer of anci...
ausubo 12 11 a large evergreen tr...
auteur 10 8 (French) a film dire...
author 12 9 to bring into being...
autism 12 10 absorption in imagin...
autist 11 7 one who suffers from...
autoed 9 8 AUTO, to ride in an...
autumn 11 12 a season of the year...
auxins 16 15 AUXIN, a substance i...
availe 12 11 (Spenser) to descend...
avails 13 11 AVAIL, to be of use...
avaled 12 12 AVALE, (obsolete) to...
avales 12 11 AVALE, (obsolete) to...
avanti 11 11 (Italian) go forward...
avatar 11 10 the incarnation of a...
avaunt 11 12 (archaic) to advance...
avenge 11 13 to take retribution...
avenir 11 11 (French) the future...
avenue 10 12 a wide street [n -S]
averse 11 10 opposed, reluctant [...
averts 12 10 AVERT, to ward off [...
avians 11 11 AVIAN, a bird [n]
aviary 18 12 a large bird enclosu...
aviate 11 10 to fly an aircraft [...
avider 12 11 AVID, eager [adj]
avidin 12 12 a protein found in e...
avidly 20 14 AVID, eager [adv]
avions 11 11 AVION, (French) an a...
avised 12 11 AVISE, to advise, al...
avises 12 10 AVISE, to advise, al...
avisos 12 10 AVISO, (Spanish) a b...
avital 13 11 (obsolete) of a gran...
avized 15 20 AVIZE, to advise, al...
avizes 15 19 AVIZE, to advise, al...
avocet 14 13 a wading bird with a...
avoids 12 11 AVOID, to evade [v]
avoset 11 10 a wading bird with a...
avouch 17 16 (archaic) to justify...
avoure 11 11 (Spenser) avowal [n...
avowal 15 14 a declaration [n -S]
avowed 14 14 AVOW, to declare [v]
avower 14 13 one who avows [n -S]
avowry 21 15 the act of avowing a...
avoyer 17 12 (French) a chief mag...
avruga 13 13 (Spanish) herring ro...
avulse 13 12 to tear away forcibl...
avyzed 21 22 AVYZE, to advise, al...
avyzes 21 21 AVYZE, to advise, al...
awaits 13 9 AWAIT, to wait for [...
awaked 13 14 AWAKE, to rouse from...
awaken 12 14 to rouse from sleep...
awakes 13 13 AWAKE, to rouse from...
awards 13 10 AWARD, to grant as m...
awarer 12 9 AWARE, knowing and a...
awarns 12 10 AWARN, (Spenser) to...
awatch 18 14 (archaic) in a watch...
awatos 12 9 AWATO, (Maori) the s...
awayes 18 11 (Spenser) away [adv]
aweary 18 11 (archaic) weary [adj...
aweigh 16 13 in the process of be...
aweing 13 12 AWE, to strike with...
awetos 12 9 AWETO, a wormlike fu...
awhape 16 14 (Spenser) to confoun...
awhato 14 11 (Maori) the so-calle...
awheel 15 12 on wheels, also AWHE...
awheto 14 11 the so-called vegeta...
awhile 16 12 for a short time [ad...
awhirl 17 12 whirling [adj]
awless 14 10 without awe, also AW...
awmous 14 13 (Scots) alms, also A...
awmrie 14 12 a cupboard for sacre...
awners 12 10 AWNER, a machine for...
awnier 12 10 AWNY, bristly like a...
awning 13 13 a rooflike canvas co...
awoken 12 14 AWAKE, to rouse from...
awrack 17 16 (obsolete) in a stat...
awrong 13 12 (obsolete) wrongly [...
awsome 13 12 impressive or inspir...
axeman 15 17 a man who uses an ax...
axemen 15 17 AXEMAN, a man who us...
axenic 18 17 not contaminated by...
axilla 18 15 the arm pit [n AXILL...
axioms 17 16 AXIOM, a self-eviden...
axions 15 14 AXION, a hypothetica...
axised 16 14 having an axis [adj]
axises 16 13 AXIS, the imaginary...
axites 16 13 AXITE, a fibre of an...
axlike 18 18 like an ax, also AXE...
axoids 16 14 AXOID, a curve gener...
axonal 15 15 relating to an axon,...
axones 14 14 AXONE, a nerve fibre...
axonic 18 17 relating to an axon,...
axseed 15 14 a kind of vetch, aka...
ayayas 21 10 AYAYA, (Inuit) a typ...
ayries 16 8 AYRIE, the nest of a...
ayword 19 12 (Shakespeare) a bywo...
azalea 12 16 a flowering shrub [n...
azerty 19 17 designating a Europe...
azides 13 16 AZIDE, a salt of hyd...
azines 12 16 AZINE, a type of nit...
azione 11 16 (Italian) a composit...
azlons 13 17 AZLON, a textile fib...
azoles 13 16 AZOLE, any of variou...
azolla 14 17 a tiny water fern [n...
azonal 12 17 of e.g. soil, not ar...
azonic 15 19 not limited to a zon...
azoted 12 16 combined with azote,...
azotes 12 15 AZOTE, an old name f...
azoths 15 17 AZOTH, an alchemist'...
azotic 16 18 nitric [adj]
azukis 15 20 AZUKI, (Japanese) a...
azures 13 16 AZURE, a delicate bl...
azygos 20 19 an unpaired structur...
azymes 20 20 AZYME, unleavened br...