14 letter words that start with A

14 letter words that start with A

14 letter A word


Words With Friends®


abdominoplasty 35 28 a plastic surgery pr...
abominableness 27 26 the state of being a...
aboriginalisms 29 24 ABORIGINALISM, due r...
abortifacients 30 24 ABORTIFACIENT, a dru...
abortivenesses 26 22 ABORTIVENESS, the st...
abrasivenesses 26 22 ABRASIVENESS, the qu...
absentmindedly 33 27 ABSENTMINDED, lost i...
absolutenesses 25 20 ABSOLUTENESS, the st...
absorbefacient 31 27 an agent causing or...
absorptiometer 28 23 an instrument for me...
absorptiveness 29 25 the state of being a...
absorptivities 31 24 ABSORPTIVITY, the pr...
absquatulating 36 32 ABSQUATULATE, to dec...
abstemiousness 26 22 the quality of being...
abstentionisms 26 22 ABSTENTIONISM, the p...
abstentionists 25 19 ABSTENTIONIST, a bel...
abstractedness 28 22 the state of being a...
abstractionism 30 24 the principles or pr...
abstractionist 29 21 a practitioner of ab...
abstractnesses 28 21 ABSTRACTNESS, the qu...
abstrusenesses 25 19 ABSTRUSENESS, the st...
academicalisms 33 28 ACADEMICALISM, close...
acatamathesias 28 22 ACATAMATHESIA, the i...
acceleratingly 38 27 ACCELERATING [adv]
accelerometers 30 24 ACCELEROMETER, an in...
accentualities 30 23 ACCENTUALITY, the qu...
acceptableness 33 28 the quality of being...
acceptilations 32 25 ACCEPTILATION, the r...
accessibleness 32 25 the state of being a...
accidentalisms 32 26 ACCIDENTALISM, the t...
accidentalness 29 24 the quality of being...
acclimatations 31 25 ACCLIMATATION, accli...
acclimatisable 35 28 capable of being acc...
acclimatizable 38 37 capable of being acc...
accommodations 30 28 ACCOMMODATION, trave...
accompaniments 32 31 ACCOMPANIMENT, an in...
accomplishable 39 33 capable of being acc...
accomplishment 37 33 the act of accomplis...
accountability 39 28 the state of being a...
accountantship 33 28 the office of an acc...
accoustrements 30 25 ACCOUSTREMENT, (obso...
accreditations 29 22 ACCREDITATION, the a...
acculturations 31 24 ACCULTURATION, the a...
accumulatively 42 33 ACCUMULATIVE, tendin...
accuratenesses 28 22 ACCURATENESS, accura...
accursednesses 29 23 ACCURSEDNESS, the st...
accustomations 30 25 ACCUSTOMATION, the a...
accustomedness 30 26 the state of being a...
acetaminophens 29 27 ACETAMINOPHEN, (US)...
acetazolamides 30 31 ACETAZOLAMIDE, a diu...
acetifications 31 24 ACETIFICATION, the p...
acetylcholines 39 27 ACETYLCHOLINE, a sub...
achondroplasia 30 25 a condition where ca...
achromatically 41 29 ACHROMATIC, free fro...
achromatopsias 31 25 ACHROMATOPSIA, total...
acidifications 32 25 ACIDIFICATION, the a...
acinetobacters 30 24 ACINETOBACTER, a kin...
acknowledgedly 39 33 ACKNOWLEDGED [adv]
acknowledgment 32 33 the act of acknowled...
acrylonitriles 35 22 ACRYLONITRILE, vinyl...
actinobacillus 34 27 a bacillus of the ge...
actinometrical 31 25 relating to actinome...
actinomorphies 31 26 ACTINOMORPHY, the qu...
actinomorphous 31 27 radially symmetric,...
actinomycetous 36 27 of or like an actino...
actinouraniums 27 24 ACTINOURANIUM, the i...
actualisations 27 20 ACTUALISATION, the p...
actualizations 30 29 ACTUALIZATION, the p...
acupuncturists 34 27 ACUPUNCTURIST, one w...
adaptabilities 29 22 ADAPTABILITY, the qu...
adaptationally 32 23 ADAPTATIONAL, relati...
adaptivenesses 26 23 ADAPTIVENESS, the qu...
addictednesses 26 21 ADDICTEDNESS, the st...
addressability 34 22 the quality of being...
adenocarcinoma 27 26 a malignant tumor or...
adequatenesses 29 26 ADEQUATENESS, the qu...
adhesivenesses 26 22 ADHESIVENESS, the qu...
adiathermanous 25 22 not permeable by or...
admeasurements 24 23 ADMEASUREMENT, the a...
adminiculating 30 27 ADMINICULATE, to sup...
administrating 26 22 ADMINISTRATE, to adm...
administration 24 20 the performance of e...
administrative 27 23 of or relating to ad...
administrators 25 19 ADMINISTRATOR, one w...
administratrix 32 26 a female administrat...
admirabilities 29 22 ADMIRABILITY, the qu...
admissibleness 28 23 the state of being a...
adoptabilities 29 22 ADOPTABILITY, the qu...
adorablenesses 24 20 ADORABLENESS, the st...
adrenergically 35 25 ADRENERGIC, released...
adrenocortical 29 23 of, relating to, or...
adscititiously 36 22 ADSCITITIOUS, added...
adularescences 29 24 ADULARESCENCE, the q...
advantageously 32 26 ADVANTAGEOUS, giving...
adventitiously 33 24 ADVENTITIOUS, coming...
adverbialising 30 26 ADVERBIALISE, to giv...
adverbializing 33 35 ADVERBIALIZE, to giv...
advertisements 26 23 ADVERTISEMENT [v]
advertizements 29 32 ADVERTIZEMENT, an ad...
advisabilities 30 23 ADVISABILITY, the qu...
aerenchymatous 34 26 relating to aerenchy...
aeroballistics 31 22 the ballistics of pr...
aerobiological 30 24 related to aerobiolo...
aerobiologists 27 20 AEROBIOLOGIST, one w...
aerobiotically 36 24 AEROBIOTIC, related...
aerodynamicist 33 24 one who specializes...
aeroelastician 25 19 a person who studies...
aeroelasticity 33 20 distortion in a stru...
aerogenerators 21 17 AEROGENERATOR, a gen...
aerohydroplane 32 24 a winged hydroplane...
aeromechanical 31 27 relating to aeromech...
aeromodellings 26 23 AEROMODELLING, the m...
aeronautically 33 23 AERONAUTICAL, relati...
aerosolisation 22 16 the process of makin...
aerosolization 25 25 the process of aeros...
aerostructures 27 19 AEROSTRUCTURE, any s...
aesthesiogenic 28 22 producing or causing...
aestheticising 30 22 AESTHETICISE, to mak...
aestheticizing 33 31 AESTHETICIZE, to mak...
aetherealities 25 17 AETHEREALITY, the st...
aetiologically 36 24 AETIOLOGICAL, relati...
affectednesses 29 25 AFFECTEDNESS, the qu...
affectionately 36 27 AFFECTIONATE, having...
affectlessness 31 25 the state of being a...
affenpinschers 34 30 AFFENPINSCHER, (Germ...
affluentnesses 27 24 AFFLUENTNESS, the st...
afforestations 26 21 AFFORESTATION, the p...
affreightments 32 28 AFFREIGHTMENT, hirin...
aforementioned 23 23 mentioned before in...
aftersensation 23 19 an afterimage [n -S]
aftertreatment 25 21 additional treatment...
aggiornamentos 24 23 AGGIORNAMENTO, (Ital...
agglomerations 26 23 AGGLOMERATION, the a...
agglutinations 26 22 AGGLUTINATION, appli...
agglutinogenic 30 27 of or like an agglut...
aggrandisement 25 24 the act of aggrandis...
aggrandizement 28 33 the act of aggrandiz...
aggressiveness 27 23 the quality of being...
aggressivities 29 22 AGGRESSIVITY, aggres...
agreeabilities 27 20 AGREEABILITY, the qu...
agribusinesses 27 21 AGRIBUSINESS, an ind...
agriculturally 39 26 AGRICULTURAL, of, re...
agriculturists 32 22 AGRICULTURIST, someo...
agrifoodstuffs 32 27 the foods produced b...
agrobiological 32 26 relating to agrobiol...
agrobiologists 29 22 AGROBIOLOGIST, one w...
agrobusinesses 26 21 AGROBUSINESS, the bu...
agroforestries 26 19 AGROFORESTRY, land m...
agroindustrial 26 20 relating to agroindu...
agroindustries 25 19 AGROINDUSTRY, the ag...
agrostological 30 23 relating to agrostol...
agrostologists 27 19 AGROSTOLOGIST, one w...
agroterrorisms 26 19 AGROTERRORISM, terro...
ailourophilias 30 22 AILOUROPHILIA, the l...
ailourophobias 30 24 AILOUROPHOBIA, fear...
aircraftswoman 32 27 a member of the lowe...
aircraftswomen 32 27 AIRCRAFTSWOMAN, a me...
airtightnesses 27 19 AIRTIGHTNESS, the qu...
alcoholicities 34 24 ALCOHOLICITY, the st...
alcoholisation 29 22 the process of alcoh...
alcoholization 32 31 the process of alcoh...
alcoholometers 30 24 ALCOHOLOMETER, an in...
aldosteronisms 25 20 ALDOSTERONISM, exces...
alexipharmakon 35 35 an antidote to poiso...
alienabilities 27 20 ALIENABILITY, the ab...
alimentiveness 26 24 a phrenologist's wor...
alkalescencies 31 27 ALKALESCENCY, the st...
alkalinisation 25 22 the process of makin...
alkalinization 28 31 the process of alkal...
allegorisation 25 19 the act of making al...
allegorization 28 28 the act of making al...
allelomorphism 33 28 the state of being a...
alliteratively 35 23 ALLITERATIVE, of, re...
alloantibodies 26 21 ALLOANTIBODY, an ant...
alloiostrophos 29 21 irregularly divided,...
allopathically 41 28 ALLOPATHIC, of or pe...
allopatrically 39 26 ALLOPATRIC, pertaini...
allopolyploids 38 27 ALLOPOLYPLOID, a pol...
allopolyploidy 44 29 the state of being a...
allosterically 37 23 ALLOSTERIC, of an en...
allotetraploid 28 21 an organism having a...
allotropically 39 26 ALLOTROPIC, relating...
allowabilities 32 23 ALLOWABILITY, the st...
allusivenesses 27 22 ALLUSIVENESS, a qual...
almightinesses 29 23 ALMIGHTINESS, the st...
alphabetarians 29 24 ALPHABETARIAN, someo...
alphabetically 42 30 ALPHABETICAL, arrang...
alphamerically 41 30 ALPHAMERICAL, consis...
alphanumerical 33 29 of data, consisting...
alterabilities 28 19 ALTERABILITY, the st...
altimetrically 38 25 ALTIMETRICAL, relati...
altitudinarian 24 19 someone tending to l...
altruistically 38 23 ALTRUISTIC, relating...
amaranthaceous 27 24 belonging to the fam...
amateurishness 26 21 the quality of being...
ambassadorship 31 26 the position of an a...
ambassadresses 26 21 AMBASSADRESS, a woma...
ambidextrously 41 32 AMBIDEXTROUS, able t...
ambulancewoman 32 33 a woman who drives a...
ambulancewomen 32 33 AMBULANCEWOMAN, a wo...
amenablenesses 24 23 AMENABLENESS, the st...
amicablenesses 29 25 AMICABLENESS, the st...
aminoacidurias 27 23 AMINOACIDURIA, a con...
aminopeptidase 27 25 an enzyme [n -S]
aminophenazone 27 34 a pyrazolone with an...
aminophyllines 36 28 AMINOPHYLLINE, a dru...
amissibilities 30 21 AMISSIBILITY, the st...
amitriptylines 35 24 AMITRIPTYLINE, a ant...
amitryptylines 41 26 AMITRYPTYLINE, a ant...
ammonification 29 28 the act of ammoniati...
ampelographies 32 28 AMPELOGRAPHY, the st...
amphiarthroses 31 24 AMPHIARTHROSIS, a ty...
amphiarthrosis 32 24 a type of articulati...
amphibiousness 31 27 the state of being a...
amphiblastulae 33 28 AMPHIBLASTULA, the f...
amphibological 37 32 related to amphibolo...
amphichromatic 39 33 producing two colour...
amphiprostylar 39 28 of or like an amphip...
amphiprostyles 39 28 AMPHIPROSTYLE, a bui...
amplifications 33 28 AMPLIFICATION, an ac...
amylobarbitone 34 27 a white crystalline...
anacardiaceous 27 23 belonging to the Ana...
anachronically 38 28 ANACHRONICAL, out of...
anaesthetising 25 20 ANAESTHETISE, to sub...
anaesthetizing 28 29 ANAESTHETIZE, to sub...
anagrammatical 29 27 like an anagram, als...
anagrammatised 25 24 ANAGRAMMATISE, to ma...
anagrammatises 25 23 ANAGRAMMATISE, to ma...
anagrammatisms 27 26 ANAGRAMMATISM, the p...
anagrammatists 26 23 ANAGRAMMATIST, one w...
anagrammatized 28 33 ANAGRAMMATIZE, to ma...
anagrammatizes 28 32 ANAGRAMMATIZE, to ma...
analphabetisms 31 27 ANALPHABETISM, illit...
anamnestically 34 26 ANAMNESTIC, relating...
anamorphoscope 31 29 an optical device, s...
anaphrodisiacs 30 24 ANAPHRODISIAC, a dru...
anarthrousness 24 19 the state of being a...
anastigmatisms 27 23 ANASTIGMATISM, being...
anathematicals 29 24 ANATHEMATICAL, an an...
anathematising 26 23 ANATHEMATISE, to sub...
anathematizing 29 32 ANATHEMATIZE, to sub...
anatomisations 22 19 ANATOMISATION, the p...
anatomizations 25 28 ANATOMIZATION, the p...
anchoritically 40 27 ANCHORITICAL, of or...
androcentrisms 27 23 ANDROCENTRISM, regar...
androcephalous 30 26 with a human head [a...
androdioecious 25 21 having hermaphrodite...
androdioecisms 27 23 ANDRODIOECISM, the s...
androgynophore 32 26 another name for the...
andromedotoxin 28 28 a poisonous substanc...
andromonoecism 26 26 having hermaphrodite...
anelasticities 27 19 ANELASTICITY, the qu...
anesthesiology 32 22 a branch of medical...
anesthetically 36 24 ANESTHETIC, taking a...
angiosarcomata 26 23 ANGIOSARCOMA, a mali...
angiostomatous 24 21 narrow-mouthed; with...
anglicisations 28 22 ANGLICISATION, the p...
anglicizations 31 31 ANGLICIZATION, the p...
angustifoliate 27 22 narrow-leaved [n]
animadversions 25 24 ANIMADVERSION, hosti...
animalisations 24 20 ANIMALISATION, the p...
animalizations 27 29 ANIMALIZATION, the p...
anisodactylous 33 23 of birds, having thr...
anisometropias 25 21 ANISOMETROPIA, the c...
ankylosauruses 31 24 ANKYLOSAURUS, a kind...
annexationisms 28 27 ANNEXATIONISM, the p...
annexationists 27 24 ANNEXATIONIST, a sup...
answerableness 27 23 the state of being a...
antagonisation 21 19 the process of antag...
antagonization 24 28 the process of antag...
antaphrodisiac 30 24 a drug acting to red...
antediluvially 35 26 ANTEDILUVIAL, pertai...
antepenultimas 26 24 ANTEPENULTIMA, the l...
anthelminthics 33 27 ANTHELMINTHIC, a dru...
anthophyllites 38 26 ANTHOPHYLLITE, an or...
anthraquinones 31 29 ANTHRAQUINONE, a che...
anthropogenies 26 23 ANTHROPOGENY, the st...
anthropogonies 26 23 ANTHROPOGONY, the st...
anthropography 38 29 the study of the geo...
anthropologies 28 23 ANTHROPOLOGY, the sc...
anthropologist 29 23 one who studies anth...
anthropometric 31 26 relating to anthropo...
anthropomorphs 32 28 ANTHROPOMORPH, a sty...
anthropopathic 34 28 relating to anthropo...
anthropophagic 35 30 like an anthropophag...
anthropophagus 32 28 a cannibal; a man-ea...
anthropophobia 32 28 fear of humans [n -S...
anthropophobic 36 31 someone having a fea...
anthropophuism 33 29 the ascription of hu...
anthropophytes 37 27 ANTHROPOPHYTE, a pla...
anthroposophic 34 28 related to anthropos...
anthropotomies 27 23 ANTHROPOTOMY, human...
antiaggression 24 20 opposed to aggressio...
antialcoholism 31 25 the doctrine of bein...
antiallergenic 28 23 denoting a herbal me...
antiarrhythmic 39 27 tending to prevent o...
antiarthritics 30 20 ANTIARTHRITIC, a dru...
antiasthmatics 30 23 ANTIASTHMATIC, a dru...
antibacterials 29 22 ANTIBACTERIAL, a sub...
antibarbaruses 27 22 ANTIBARBARUS, a list...
antibiotically 37 25 ANTIBIOTIC, inhibiti...
anticapitalism 31 25 opposition to capita...
anticapitalist 30 22 one opposed to capit...
anticarcinogen 28 25 a substance designed...
anticensorship 30 24 opposed to censorshi...
antichloristic 34 24 of or like antichlor...
anticipatively 38 28 ANTICIPATIVE, of ant...
anticipatorily 36 24 ANTICIPATORY, in ant...
anticlinoriums 29 24 ANTICLINORIUM, an ar...
anticoagulants 27 23 ANTICOAGULANT, a sub...
anticommercial 32 28 opposed to the comme...
anticommunisms 30 29 ANTICOMMUNISM, oppos...
anticommunists 29 26 ANTICOMMUNIST, one o...
anticonvulsant 28 26 used or tending to c...
anticonvulsive 31 29 an anticonvulsant dr...
anticorrosions 25 19 ANTICORROSION, the p...
anticorrosives 28 22 ANTICORROSIVE, a sub...
anticorruption 28 23 opposed to corruptio...
antidefamation 24 23 designed to counter...
antidemocratic 30 25 opposed or hostile t...
antidepressant 24 20 an antidepressant dr...
antidepression 24 20 designed to counter...
antiderivative 27 24 an indefinite integr...
antidesiccants 29 23 ANTIDESICCANT, a che...
antidiarrheals 26 19 ANTIDIARRHEAL, a dru...
antidiarrhoeal 25 19 a drug used to preve...
antidromically 36 26 ANTIDROMIC, of nerve...
antiepileptics 32 25 ANTIEPILEPTIC, a dru...
antievolutions 25 22 ANTIEVOLUTION, a sys...
antifederalist 26 20 one who is opposed t...
antifilibuster 30 23 a person or method i...
antigenicities 27 21 ANTIGENICITY, the qu...
antigovernment 25 26 opposed to the gover...
antihelminthic 33 27 a drug designed to c...
antihistamines 26 21 ANTIHISTAMINE, any o...
antihistaminic 30 24 an antihistamine [n...
antihistorical 30 21 against the grain of...
antihomosexual 32 29 opposed to homosexua...
antihumanistic 30 25 opposed to humanism...
antiliberalism 29 23 opposition to libera...
antilogarithms 29 23 ANTILOGARITHM, a num...
antimanagement 23 25 opposed to managemen...
antimarketeers 24 22 ANTIMARKETEER, a per...
antimechanists 29 24 ANTIMECHANIST, one o...
antimetabolite 26 22 a substance that rep...
antimetatheses 25 20 ANTIMETATHESIS, inve...
antimetathesis 26 20 inversion of the mem...
antimicrobials 31 25 ANTIMICROBIAL, an an...
antimilitarism 28 22 opposition to milita...
antimilitarist 27 19 one opposed to milit...
antimodernists 24 20 ANTIMODERNIST, one o...
antimonarchist 29 24 one opposed to the m...
antimonopolist 26 23 one opposed to monop...
antinarratives 24 20 ANTINARRATIVE, a lit...
antineoplastic 28 23 a drug inhibiting or...
antinephritics 31 24 ANTINEPHRITIC, a dru...
antinomianisms 24 23 ANTINOMIANISM, the d...
antinuclearist 27 21 one opposed to nucle...
antiodontalgic 27 23 used against toothac...
antioestrogens 22 18 ANTIOESTROGEN, a dru...
antiparasitics 29 21 ANTIPARASITIC, a dru...
antipathetical 31 24 related to antipathy...
antiperistases 25 18 ANTIPERISTASIS, (arc...
antiperistasis 26 18 (archaic) opposition...
antiperspirant 27 22 a preparation used t...
antiphlogistic 34 26 an antipyretic, a dr...
antiphonically 38 28 ANTIPHONICAL, (obsol...
antiphrastical 32 24 (obsolete) involving...
antipollutions 27 22 ANTIPOLLUTION, a mea...
antipsychiatry 44 27 opposed to psychiatr...
antipsychotics 41 28 ANTIPSYCHOTIC, an an...
antiquarianism 32 29 an interest in antiq...
antiquatedness 30 27 the state of being a...
antiquitarians 31 26 ANTIQUITARIAN, a per...
antiradicalism 29 23 opposition to radica...
antireflection 28 23 designed to counter...
antireflective 31 26 designed to counter...
antiregulatory 31 21 opposed to regulatio...
antirepublican 31 27 one opposed to a rep...
antiretroviral 26 20 inhibiting the proce...
antirheumatics 30 24 ANTIRHEUMATIC, an ag...
antiritualisms 27 20 ANTIRITUALISM, oppos...
antiscientific 32 25 opposed to science [...
antiscorbutics 33 25 ANTISCORBUTIC, a dru...
antiscriptural 31 23 opposed to scripture...
antiseparatist 25 18 one opposed to separ...
antiseptically 37 25 ANTISEPTIC, inhibiti...
antisepticised 29 22 ANTISEPTICISE, to re...
antisepticises 29 21 ANTISEPTICISE, to re...
antisepticisms 31 24 ANTISEPTICISM, antis...
antisepticized 32 31 ANTISEPTICIZE, to re...
antisepticizes 32 30 ANTISEPTICIZE, to re...
antisocialisms 29 22 ANTISOCIALISM, being...
antisocialists 28 19 ANTISOCIALIST, one w...
antispasmodics 30 25 ANTISPASMODIC, an ag...
antisubversion 27 24 opposed to subversio...
antisubversive 30 27 opposed to subversio...
antisyphilitic 40 26 an agent that is eff...
antitechnology 35 26 opposed to technolog...
antiterrorisms 25 18 ANTITERRORISM, oppos...
antiterrorists 24 15 ANTITERRORIST, one o...
antithetically 37 24 ANTITHETICAL, relati...
antithrombotic 32 26 a drug effective aga...
antitubercular 30 24 designed to counter...
antiuniversity 32 23 opposed to universit...
antoninianuses 20 19 ANTONINIANUS, a Roma...
anythingarians 31 23 ANYTHINGARIAN, a per...
aperiodicities 29 21 APERIODICITY, the st...
apheliotropism 32 26 growth away from the...
aphoristically 40 26 APHORISTIC, relating...
apocalypticism 43 32 the doctrine of the...
apochromatisms 33 28 APOCHROMATISM, being...
apocryphalness 39 29 the state of being a...
apodeictically 40 28 APODEICTICAL, (archa...
apogeotropisms 29 25 APOGEOTROPISM, bendi...
apolipoprotein 29 25 a protein that combi...
apologetically 38 27 APOLOGETICAL, expres...
apophlegmatics 36 31 APOPHLEGMATIC, an ag...
apophthegmatic 37 32 relating to an apoph...
apoplectically 43 31 APOPLECTICAL, (archa...
aposematically 37 27 APOSEMATIC, giving w...
apostolicities 30 21 APOSTOLICITY, the qu...
apostrophising 31 25 APOSTROPHISE, to add...
apostrophizing 34 34 APOSTROPHIZE, to add...
apothegmatical 33 28 of or like an apopht...
apothegmatised 29 25 APOTHEGMATISE, to sp...
apothegmatises 29 24 APOTHEGMATISE, to sp...
apothegmatists 30 24 APOTHEGMATIST, one w...
apothegmatized 32 34 APOTHEGMATIZE, to sp...
apothegmatizes 32 33 APOTHEGMATIZE, to sp...
apotropaically 38 27 APOTROPAIC, averting...
apparentnesses 25 22 APPARENTNESS, the st...
appendectomies 30 28 APPENDECTOMY, the su...
appendicectomy 40 33 the surgical removal...
appendicitises 31 25 APPENDICITIS, inflam...
appertainances 28 25 APPERTAINANCE, (obso...
appertainments 27 25 APPERTAINMENT, (Shak...
appeteezements 29 33 APPETEEZEMENT, (Scot...
applicableness 34 29 the state of being a...
apportionments 27 25 APPORTIONMENT, an ac...
appositenesses 26 21 APPOSITENESS, the st...
appreciatively 40 30 APPRECIATIVE, having...
appreciatorily 38 26 APPRECIATORY, showin...
apprehensively 38 30 APPREHENSIVE, fearfu...
apprenticehood 31 27 (Shakespeare) appren...
apprenticement 30 28 the state of being a...
apprenticeship 35 29 the state of being a...
appropinquated 37 35 APPROPINQUATE, (arch...
appropinquates 37 34 APPROPINQUATE, (arch...
appropriations 29 24 APPROPRIATION, an ac...
approximations 34 31 APPROXIMATION, the a...
approximeeting 35 33 the practice of a gr...
aquaculturists 38 30 AQUACULTURIST, one w...
aquiculturists 39 30 AQUICULTURIST, one w...
aquifoliaceous 37 32 belonging to the hol...
arabicisations 28 21 ARABICISATION, the a...
arabicizations 31 30 ARABICIZATION, the a...
arachnological 33 27 related to arachnolo...
arachnologists 30 23 ARACHNOLOGIST, one w...
arachnophobias 33 28 ARACHNOPHOBIA, fear...
arachnophobics 37 31 ARACHNOPHOBIC, one w...
arboricultural 32 24 relating to arboricu...
arboricultures 31 23 ARBORICULTURE, the c...
archaebacteria 32 25 ARCHAEBACTERIUM, any...
archaeological 33 26 relating to archaeol...
archaeologists 30 22 ARCHAEOLOGIST, a pra...
archaeometries 28 22 ARCHAEOMETRY, the us...
archaeometrist 29 22 one who practises ar...
archaeozoology 37 33 the study of zoologi...
archbishoprics 40 30 ARCHBISHOPRIC, the s...
archdeaconries 30 24 ARCHDEACONRY, the di...
archeobotanies 28 23 ARCHEOBOTANY, the an...
archeobotanist 29 23 one who studies arch...
archetypically 49 31 ARCHETYPICAL, of or...
archgenethliac 35 28 (Browning) in deroga...
archidiaconate 30 24 the office of archde...
archiepiscopal 37 29 pertaining to an arc...
archimandrites 30 24 ARCHIMANDRITE, the h...
architectonics 35 26 the study of the arr...
archpriesthood 33 25 the office of archpr...
archpriestship 37 27 the office of archpr...
argumentations 24 22 ARGUMENTATION, the p...
aristocratical 31 21 belonging to an aris...
aristocratisms 29 20 ARISTOCRATISM, the s...
arithmetically 39 26 ARITHMETICAL, relati...
arithmeticians 30 23 ARITHMETICIAN, one w...
arithmophobias 33 27 ARITHMOPHOBIA, a fea...
armamentariums 26 25 ARMAMENTARIUM, the c...
aromatherapies 27 22 AROMATHERAPY, a ther...
aromatherapist 28 22 one who practises ar...
aromatisations 23 18 AROMATISATION, the a...
aromatizations 26 27 AROMATIZATION, the a...
arrondissement 23 20 (French) the largest...
arteriographic 32 24 relating to arteriog...
arthrographies 31 23 ARTHROGRAPHY, the X-...
arthroplasties 29 20 ARTHROPLASTY, surgic...
articulateness 27 20 the state of being a...
artificialised 31 22 ARTIFICIALISE, to ma...
artificialises 31 21 ARTIFICIALISE, to ma...
artificialized 34 31 ARTIFICIALIZE, to ma...
artificializes 34 30 ARTIFICIALIZE, to ma...
artificialness 30 22 the state of being a...
artiodactylous 34 22 of or like an artiod...
ascertainments 26 22 ASCERTAINMENT, the a...
aspiringnesses 26 21 ASPIRINGNESS, the st...
assassinations 22 16 ASSASSINATION, the a...
assaultiveness 26 21 the state of being a...
asseveratingly 33 24 ASSEVERATING [adv]
assimilability 37 24 the state of being a...
assimilatively 36 25 ASSIMILATIVE, of, re...
assistantships 29 20 ASSISTANTSHIP, the p...
associateships 31 22 ASSOCIATESHIP, the p...
associationism 27 21 the theory which con...
associationist 26 18 one who believes in...
assortednesses 22 16 ASSORTEDNESS, the st...
assumabilities 29 22 ASSUMABILITY, the ca...
asthenospheres 28 22 ASTHENOSPHERE, the u...
asthenospheric 32 25 relating to the asth...
astigmatically 38 26 ASTIGMATIC, affected...
astrapophobias 31 25 ASTRAPOPHOBIA, a mor...
astrobiologies 27 20 ASTROBIOLOGY, exobio...
astrobiologist 28 20 one who studies astr...
astrochemistry 37 24 the study of molecul...
astrocompasses 29 23 ASTROCOMPASS, a navi...
astrogeologies 25 19 ASTROGEOLOGY, the st...
astrogeologist 26 19 a specialist in astr...
astrologically 37 24 ASTROLOGICAL, relati...
astronavigator 25 21 one who practises as...
astronomically 35 25 ASTRONOMICAL, relate...
astrophysicist 39 24 a student of astroph...
asymmetrically 44 29 ASYMMETRICAL, not sy...
asymptotically 45 29 ASYMPTOTICAL, of a l...
asynchronously 41 27 ASYNCHRONOUS, not sy...
attainableness 24 20 the state of being a...
attemptability 37 26 the quality of being...
attitudinarian 23 18 a person who studies...
attitudinisers 25 17 ATTITUDINISER, one w...
attitudinising 26 20 ATTITUDINISE, to ass...
attitudinizers 28 26 ATTITUDINIZER, one w...
attitudinizing 29 29 ATTITUDINIZE, to ass...
attractiveness 28 22 the state of being a...
audiocassettes 26 19 AUDIOCASSETTE, an au...
audiologically 37 26 AUDIOLOGICAL, relati...
audiometrician 27 23 one who measures dif...
augmentatively 34 28 AUGMENTATIVE, servin...
auspiciousness 29 23 the state of being a...
authenticating 29 24 AUTHENTICATE, to pro...
authentication 27 22 the act of authentic...
authenticators 28 21 AUTHENTICATOR, one w...
authenticities 29 21 AUTHENTICITY, the st...
authorisations 25 18 AUTHORISATION, the a...
authoritarians 25 18 AUTHORITARIAN, one w...
authorizations 28 27 AUTHORIZATION, the a...
autoallogamies 26 22 AUTOALLOGAMY, the ab...
autoantibodies 24 20 AUTOANTIBODY, an ant...
autobiographer 30 25 one who writes autob...
autobiographic 34 28 relating to autobiog...
autocatalysing 34 24 AUTOCATALYSE, to eff...
autocatalyzing 37 33 AUTOCATALYZE, to sub...
autochthonisms 32 26 AUTOCHTHONISM, the c...
autocoprophagy 39 30 eating one's own fec...
autocratically 38 25 AUTOCRATICAL, of, re...
autodestructed 27 21 AUTODESTRUCT, to sel...
autoeroticisms 28 21 AUTOEROTICISM, sexua...
autoimmunities 26 23 AUTOIMMUNITY, the pr...
autoinfections 27 23 AUTOINFECTION, reinf...
autoionisation 21 17 self-ionizing, also...
autoionization 24 26 self-ionizing, also...
automaticities 28 21 AUTOMATICITY, the st...
automatisation 23 19 the process of autom...
automatization 26 28 the process of autom...
automobilities 28 22 AUTOMOBILITY, the us...
autophytically 46 29 AUTOPHYTIC, like an...
autopolyploids 36 26 AUTOPOLYPLOID, an in...
autopolyploidy 42 28 the state of being a...
autoradiograms 25 21 AUTORADIOGRAM, an au...
autoradiograph 28 23 an autoradiographic...
autoschediasms 30 24 AUTOSCHEDIASM, anyth...
autoschediazed 31 31 AUTOSCHEDIAZE, to im...
autoschediazes 31 30 AUTOSCHEDIAZE, to im...
autosuggesting 27 23 AUTOSUGGEST, to infl...
autosuggestion 25 21 an influencing of on...
autosuggestive 28 24 AUTOSUGGEST, to infl...
autotetraploid 26 20 an individual or str...
autotypography 43 29 a process by which d...
availabilities 30 23 AVAILABILITY, the st...
avariciousness 28 23 the state of being a...
avascularities 30 23 AVASCULARITY, the st...
averruncations 27 24 AVERRUNCATION, the a...
aversivenesses 26 23 AVERSIVENESS, the st...
avowablenesses 29 26 AVOWABLENESS, the st...
avuncularities 30 25 AVUNCULARITY, the st...
axiomatisation 29 25 the act of reducing...
axiomatization 32 34 the act of reducing...
axisymmetrical 43 33 symmetrical in respe...
azidothymidine 36 33 a derivative of thym...