8 letter words that start with O

8 letter words that start with O

8 letter O word


Words With Friends®


oafishly 25 16 OAFISH, like an oaf...
oakiness 13 13 the quality or state...
oaklings 16 16 OAKLING, a young oak...
oakwoods 16 16 OAKWOOD, the wood of...
oanshagh 17 15 (Irish) a foolish wo...
oarlocks 18 16 OARLOCK, a device fo...
oarweeds 15 12 OARWEED, a kind of s...
oatcakes 16 15 OATCAKE, a thin unle...
oathable 17 14 capable of taking an...
oatmeals 14 12 OATMEAL, meal made f...
obduracy 25 18 the quality of hardn...
obdurate 15 13 stubbornly persisten...
obduring 17 16 OBDURE, to become ha...
obeahing 17 16 OBEAH, to bewitch [v...
obeahism 18 16 belief in obia, also...
obedient 14 13 obeying or willing t...
obeisant 14 12 showing respect [adj...
obelised 16 13 OBELISE, to mark wit...
obelises 16 12 OBELISE, to mark wit...
obelisks 18 16 OBELISK, a four-side...
obelisms 18 15 OBELISM, the act of...
obelized 19 22 OBELIZE, to mark wit...
obelizes 19 21 OBELIZE, to mark wit...
obesogen 14 14 a substance that cau...
obeyable 23 17 able to be obeyed [a...
obituary 22 14 a published notice o...
objected 20 24 OBJECT, to argue in...
objector 20 23 one that objects [n...
objuring 19 24 OBJURE, to bind by o...
oblately 23 15 OBLATE, flattened at...
oblation 15 13 the act of making a...
oblatory 22 14 relating to oblation...
obligant 17 15 in Scots law, one wh...
obligate 17 14 obliged [adj OBLIGAT...
obligati 18 14 OBLIGATO, (Italian)...
obligato 17 14 (Italian) a musical...
obligees 17 14 OBLIGEE, one who is...
obligers 18 14 OBLIGER, one who obl...
obliging 19 17 OBLIGE, to bind by s...
obligors 18 14 OBLIGOR, the person...
obliqued 25 23 OBLIQUE, (obsolete)...
obliquer 25 22 OBLIQUE, slanting [a...
obliques 25 22 OBLIQUE, (obsolete)...
obliquid 26 23 (Spenser) oblique [a...
oblivion 18 17 a state of having fo...
oblongly 24 18 OBLONG, long in one...
obscener 17 15 OBSCENE, offensive,...
obscured 19 16 OBSCURE, to make ind...
obscurer 19 15 one who obscures [n...
obscures 19 15 OBSCURE, to make ind...
obsequie 23 21 (Milton) an obsequy,...
observed 17 16 OBSERVE, to look att...
observer 17 15 one that observes [n...
observes 17 15 OBSERVE, to look att...
obsessed 15 12 OBSESS, to dominate...
obsesses 15 11 OBSESS, to dominate...
obsessor 15 11 something that obses...
obsidian 15 13 a dark-coloured vitr...
obsigned 16 15 OBSIGN, to seal or c...
obsolete 15 12 outmoded [adj OBSOLE...
obstacle 19 15 something that obstr...
obstruct 20 15 to get in the way of...
obtained 14 13 OBTAIN, to gain poss...
obtainer 14 12 one who obtains [n -...
obtected 18 15 of an insect, having...
obtemper 18 17 to yield obedience t...
obtended 14 14 OBTEND, (obsolete) t...
obtested 15 12 OBTEST, to beseech,...
obtruded 16 14 OBTRUDE, to thrust f...
obtruder 16 13 one who obtrudes [n...
obtrudes 16 13 OBTRUDE, to thrust f...
obtunded 15 15 OBTUND, to blunt, de...
obturate 15 12 to stop up [v OBTURA...
obtusely 23 15 OBTUSE, stupid [adv]
obtusest 16 12 OBTUSE, stupid [adj]
obtusity 23 14 the state of being o...
obverses 17 15 OBVERSE, the side of...
obverted 17 16 OBVERT, to turn, to...
obviable 20 19 able to be obviated...
obviated 17 16 OBVIATE, to forestal...
obviates 17 15 OBVIATE, to forestal...
obviator 17 15 one who obviates [n...
obvolute 18 17 of a leaf etc., havi...
ocarinas 15 12 OCARINA, (Italian) a...
occamies 20 17 OCCAMY, an alloy imi...
occasion 18 15 to cause [v -ED, -IN...
occident 19 16 the part of the worl...
occipita 22 17 OCCIPUT, the back pa...
occiputs 23 18 OCCIPUT, the back pa...
occluded 21 18 OCCLUDE, to stop up...
occluder 21 17 a medical closing de...
occludes 21 17 OCCLUDE, to stop up...
occlusal 22 17 pertaining to the bi...
occlusor 21 16 a muscle etc. which...
occulted 21 17 OCCULT, to hide or m...
occulter 21 16 something or someone...
occultly 29 19 OCCULT, secret [adv]
occupant 21 19 one who occupies [n...
occupate 21 18 to reside in, also O...
occupied 22 19 OCCUPY, to reside in...
occupier 22 18 one who occupies [n...
occupies 22 18 OCCUPY, to reside in...
occurred 20 16 OCCUR, to take place...
oceanaut 14 13 someone who lives fo...
oceanids 15 13 OCEANID, an ocean ny...
ocellate 17 13 eyelike and ringed;...
ochering 19 16 OCHER, to colour wit...
ocherish 21 15 resembling ocher, al...
ocheroid 18 14 of or like ocher, al...
ocherous 18 14 containing or resemb...
ochidore 18 14 Charles Kingsley's n...
ochreate 17 13 having an ochrea, a...
ochreous 18 14 containing or resemb...
ockerism 19 18 (Australian slang) b...
ockodols 18 17 (dialect) one's feet...
ocotillo 18 13 a cactus-like Mexica...
octagons 16 14 OCTAGON, an eight-si...
octangle 17 15 an octagon [n -S]
octanols 16 13 OCTANOL, an alcohol...
octantal 16 13 relating to an octan...
octaplas 19 15 OCTAPLA, a book of e...
octapody 24 17 in verse, a line of...
octarchy 28 18 a government by eigh...
octaroon 14 12 a person having one-...
octettes 16 11 OCTETTE, a compositi...
octonary 21 14 a stanza of eight li...
octopods 18 15 OCTOPOD, any of an o...
octopoid 18 15 octopus-like [adj]
octopush 21 17 a type of underwater...
octoroon 14 12 a person having one-...
octupled 20 17 OCTUPLE, to multiply...
octuples 20 16 OCTUPLE, to multiply...
octuplet 20 16 one of eight childre...
octuplex 26 23 being eight times as...
ocularly 25 16 OCULAR, perceived by...
oculated 17 14 having eyes, also OC...
oculists 19 13 OCULIST, an eye spec...
odalique 22 20 (French) a female sl...
odalisks 16 14 ODALISK, (French) a...
odallers 15 11 ODALLER, in the Orkn...
oddballs 18 15 ODDBALL, an eccentri...
oddities 14 10 ODDITY, one that is...
oddments 14 14 ODDMENT, a remnant [...
odiously 21 13 ODIOUS, hateful, rep...
odograph 18 16 a device for measuri...
odometer 13 12 a device for measuri...
odometry 20 14 the process of using...
odonates 11 10 ODONATE, any member...
odontist 13 10 (Jocular) a dentist...
odontoid 12 11 a toothlike projecti...
odontoma 12 13 a tooth tumour [n OD...
odorants 12 10 ODORANT, an odorous...
odorised 13 10 ODORISE, to make odo...
odoriser 13 9 something that odori...
odorises 13 9 ODORISE, to make odo...
odorized 16 19 ODORIZE, to make odo...
odorizer 16 18 something that odori...
odorizes 16 18 ODORIZE, to make odo...
odorless 14 10 without odor, also O...
odourful 17 15 strong smelling, als...
odylisms 23 15 ODYLISM, belief in t...
odyssean 18 12 of or like an odysse...
odysseys 26 13 ODYSSEY, (Greek) a l...
oecology 23 16 the study of the int...
oedemata 12 12 OEDEMA, (Greek) a pa...
oedipean 13 13 pertaining to the li...
oeillade 14 11 an amorous glance, a...
oenology 19 14 the science dealing...
oenomels 13 13 OENOMEL, an ancient...
oenophil 17 15 a wine connoisseur,...
oerlikon 14 14 (Swiss) a type of an...
oersteds 13 9 OERSTED, a unit of m...
oestrins 13 9 OESTRIN, an estrogen...
oestriol 14 9 an estrogen, also ES...
oestrone 11 9 an estrogen, also ES...
oestrous 13 9 pertaining to oestru...
oestrual 14 10 pertaining to oestru...
oestrums 15 12 OESTRUM, the period...
offbeats 19 17 OFFBEAT, an unaccent...
offcasts 21 17 OFFCAST, an item of...
offences 19 18 OFFENCE, a transgres...
offended 16 17 OFFEND, to commit a...
offender 16 16 one who offends [n -...
offenses 16 15 OFFENSE, (US) an off...
offerees 16 14 OFFEREE, someone who...
offerers 17 14 OFFERER, one who off...
offering 18 17 a contribution [n -S...
offerors 17 14 OFFEROR, one who off...
officers 21 17 OFFICER, to command...
official 22 18 sactioned by authori...
offishly 28 19 OFFISH, shy or dista...
offloads 18 16 OFFLOAD, to unload [...
offprint 20 18 to reprint an excerp...
offramps 21 20 OFFRAMP, a road lead...
offscums 23 21 OFFSCUM, scum, refus...
offshoot 19 16 a lateral shoot from...
offshore 19 16 to transfer jobs to...
offsider 18 15 a side-kick [n -S]
offsides 18 15 OFFSIDE, that part o...
offstage 18 16 the part of the stag...
offtakes 18 18 OFFTAKE, a pipe or c...
offtrack 22 21 away from a racetrac...
oftenest 14 12 OFTEN, happening man...
ofttimes 17 14 often, also OFTENTIM...
oghamist 18 15 one who writes in og...
ogreisms 16 13 OGREISM, the state o...
ogresses 14 10 OGRESS, a female ogr...
ogrishly 25 15 OGRISH, resembling a...
ohmmeter 17 16 an instrument for me...
oilbirds 18 13 OILBIRD, a nocturnal...
oilcamps 21 18 OILCAMP, a living ar...
oilcloth 21 15 a fabric, usually of...
oileries 14 9 OILERY, an oil busin...
oilfield 18 14 an area of mineral o...
oilfired 17 13 using oil as fuel [a...
oilgases 15 11 OILGAS, a gaseous mi...
oilholes 17 12 OILHOLE, a hole thro...
oiliness 14 10 the state of being o...
oilpaper 18 15 paper which has been...
oilproof 18 15 impervious to oil [a...
oilseeds 14 10 OILSEED, a kind of r...
oilskins 16 14 OILSKIN, a waterproo...
oilstone 13 10 a stone for sharpeni...
oiltight 19 13 having the ability t...
oinology 20 14 the study of wines,...
oinomels 14 13 OINOMEL, (Greek) a b...
ointment 13 13 a viscous preparatio...
oiticica 20 14 any of several tropi...
okeydoke 20 19 perfectly all right,...
okimonos 14 16 OKIMONO, a Japanese...
oldening 14 14 OLDEN, to grow old [...
oldsquaw 26 23 a kind of sea duck,...
oldsters 15 10 OLDSTER, an old pers...
oldstyle 22 13 a style of printing...
oldwives 20 17 OLDWIFE, a kind of d...
oleander 12 11 a poisonous evergree...
olearias 13 9 OLEARIA, a genus of...
oleaster 13 9 a yellow-flowered, o...
olefiant 15 13 oil-forming, as in o...
olefines 15 13 OLEFINE, a hydrocarb...
olefinic 19 16 of or like an olefin...
olestras 14 9 OLESTRA, (tradename)...
olfacted 19 16 OLFACT, to smell som...
olibanum 17 17 an aromatic gum from...
olicooks 18 16 OLICOOK, a type of d...
oligarch 21 16 a ruler in a governm...
oligemia 16 14 loss of blood after...
oligemic 20 17 suffering loss of bl...
oligists 17 11 OLIGIST, crystallize...
oligomer 16 14 a type of complex ch...
oliguria 16 12 scantiness of urine...
oliguric 20 15 relating to oliguria...
oliphant 18 15 (obsolete) an ancien...
olivines 16 14 OLIVINE, a mineral,...
olivinic 20 17 of or like olivine,...
ollieing 16 13 OLLIE, to perform a...
ologists 16 11 OLOGIST, an expert i...
ologoans 13 12 OLOGOAN, (Irish) to...
olorosos 13 9 OLOROSO, (Spanish) a...
olycooks 24 18 OLYCOOK, a type of d...
olykoeks 22 19 OLYKOEK, a type of d...
olympiad 24 18 a celebration of the...
olympics 28 20 an International com...
omadhaun 15 16 (Irish) a fool, idio...
ombrella 18 16 an umbrella [n -S]
omelette 14 12 a dish made with bea...
omentums 15 16 OMENTUM, a fold of t...
omicrons 17 15 OMICRON, a Greek let...
omikrons 15 16 OMIKRON, a Greek let...
omission 14 12 something left out [...
omissive 17 15 marked by omission [...
omitters 15 11 OMITTER, one who omi...
omitting 16 14 OMIT, to leave out [...
ommateum 16 18 a compound eye [n OM...
omniarch 19 17 an almighty ruler [n...
omnified 16 16 OMNIFY, to make univ...
omnifies 16 15 OMNIFY, to make univ...
omniform 17 18 in all forms [adj]
omnimode 14 16 of all modes [adj]
omnivora 15 16 omnivores as a group...
omnivore 15 16 an omnivorous person...
omnivory 22 18 a practice of eating...
omohyoid 22 16 a shoulder-blade mus...
omophagy 25 20 the eating of raw fl...
omoplate 16 15 the shoulder-blade [...
omphalic 23 20 pertaining to the na...
omphaloi 19 17 OMPHALOS, (Greek) a...
omphalos 19 17 (Greek) a central po...
onanisms 13 13 ONANISM, coitus inte...
onanists 12 10 ONANIST, one who pra...
oncidium 18 17 any of a genus of tr...
oncogene 14 15 a gene that causes a...
oncogens 15 15 ONCOGEN, an agent pr...
oncology 23 17 the science of tumor...
oncomice 19 18 ONCOMOUSE, (US) a mo...
oncoming 17 18 an approach [n -S]
oncotomy 22 17 incision into a tumo...
ondatras 12 10 ONDATRA, (Native Ame...
ondogram 14 15 a graph of electric...
oneriest 12 9 ONERY, (colloquial)...
ongaonga 12 14 (Maori) a New Zealan...
ongoings 14 14 ONGOING, a course of...
onionier 11 10 ONIONY, like an onio...
onioning 12 13 ONION, to apply an o...
oniscoid 16 13 like a woodlouse [ad...
onliners 13 11 ONLINER, a user of t...
onloaded 12 12 ONLOAD, to load a ve...
onlooker 13 14 a spectator [n -S]
onomasts 13 12 ONOMAST, a person wh...
onrushes 15 12 ONRUSH, a forward ru...
onscreen 14 13 as shown on televisi...
onsetter 12 9 (archaic) an assaila...
onsteads 12 10 ONSTEAD, a single fa...
onstream 13 12 in production [adv]
ontogeny 18 14 the development of a...
ontology 20 14 the branch of philos...
onwardly 23 16 going on [adv]
onychias 24 16 ONYCHIA, inflammatio...
onychite 24 16 onyx marble [n -S]
onychium 26 20 a pad on an insect's...
oogamete 13 13 a female gamete of c...
oogamies 14 13 OOGAMY, the state of...
oogamous 14 14 having structurally...
oogenies 12 11 OOGENY, the developm...
oogonial 13 12 relating to oogonia,...
oogonium 14 15 a female sexual orga...
oolachan 17 15 the North Pacific ca...
oolakans 13 14 OOLAKAN, (Native Ame...
oolichan 18 15 (Native American) th...
oologies 14 11 OOLOGY, the study of...
oologist 15 11 an expert in oology...
oomiacks 18 18 OOMIACK, (Inuit) an...
oompahed 17 17 OOMPAH, to play a re...
oomycete 22 16 an organism such as...
oophoron 15 14 an ovary [n -S]
oophytes 23 15 OOPHYTE, a stage of...
oophytic 27 18 of or pertaining to...
oosperms 16 14 OOSPERM, a fertilize...
oosphere 16 13 an unfertilized egg...
oospores 14 11 OOSPORE, a fertilize...
oosporic 18 14 of or pertaining to...
oothecae 16 13 OOTHECA, the egg cas...
oothecal 18 14 pertaining to an oot...
ooziness 15 18 the state of being o...
opalesce 18 15 to emit an iridescen...
opalines 15 13 OPALINE, an opaque w...
opalised 16 13 made smooth, like op...
opalized 19 22 made smooth, like op...
opaquely 30 24 OPAQUE, impervious t...
opaquest 23 21 OPAQUE, impervious t...
opaquing 24 24 OPAQUE, to make opaq...
openable 16 16 able to be opened [a...
opencast 17 15 excavated from an op...
openings 15 15 OPENING, a vacant sp...
openness 13 13 the state of being o...
openside 14 13 a rugby player who p...
openwork 18 19 ornamental work with...
operable 17 15 that can be operated...
operably 24 17 OPERABLE, that can b...
operands 14 13 OPERAND, a quantity...
operants 14 12 OPERANT, an operator...
operated 14 12 OPERATE, to perform...
operates 14 11 OPERATE, to perform...
operatic 18 14 relating to opera [a...
operator 14 11 one who operates [n...
opercele 18 15 an anatomical part t...
opercula 19 16 OPERCULUM, an anatom...
opercule 19 16 an anatomical part t...
operetta 14 11 a light musical dram...
ophidian 17 15 a snake [n -S]
ophiuran 17 15 a member of the Ophi...
ophiuras 18 14 OPHIURA, a member of...
ophiurid 19 15 a member of the Ophi...
opiating 16 14 OPIATE, to treat wit...
opificer 21 17 (obsolete) an artifi...
opinable 17 16 able to be thought [...
opinicus 19 16 a composite heraldic...
opinions 14 13 OPINION, a judgement...
opiumism 19 18 opium addiction [n -...
opopanax 21 22 a medicinal gum-resi...
oporices 18 14 OPORICE, an old medi...
opossums 17 15 OPOSSUM, (Native Ame...
oppidans 17 16 OPPIDAN, a town-dwel...
oppilant 18 16 obstructed [adj]
oppilate 18 15 to block up [v OPPIL...
opponens 15 16 a muscle of the thum...
opponent 15 16 one that opposes ano...
opposers 17 14 OPPOSER, one who opp...
opposing 18 17 OPPOSE, to conflict...
opposite 17 14 radically different...
oppugned 18 19 OPPUGN, to assail wi...
oppugner 18 18 one who oppugns [n -...
opsimath 19 16 one who learns late...
opsonify 23 17 to form opsonins in,...
opsonins 14 13 OPSONIN, a substance...
opsonise 14 12 to make (bacteria) m...
opsonium 16 16 anything eaten with...
opsonize 17 21 to make (bacteria) m...
optative 17 15 expressing a wish [a...
optician 18 15 one who deals in opt...
opticist 20 14 one engaged in the s...
optimate 16 14 a member of the aris...
optimise 17 14 to make as effective...
optimism 19 17 a disposition that l...
optimist 18 14 one who exhibits opt...
optimize 20 23 to make as effective...
optimums 19 18 OPTIMUM, the most fa...
optional 15 13 not compulsory [adj...
optioned 14 13 OPTION, to grant the...
optionee 13 12 one who holds a lega...
optology 23 16 the study of sight [...
optronic 18 15 pertaining to the sc...
opulence 18 17 conspicuous wealth,...
opulency 25 19 conspicuous wealth,...
opuluses 17 14 OPULUS, the guelder-...
opuntias 15 13 OPUNTIA, a genus of...
opuscles 20 16 OPUSCLE, a short wor...
opuscula 20 17 OPUSCULE, a short wo...
opuscule 20 17 a short work, also O...
oquassas 21 18 OQUASSA, a small lak...
oracling 18 15 ORACLE, to utter as...
oracular 17 13 of the nature of an...
oragious 14 11 stormy [adj]
oralisms 16 12 ORALISM, the use of...
oralists 15 9 ORALIST, one who pra...
orangery 19 13 a building for growi...
orangest 13 11 ORANGE, the colour o...
orangier 13 11 ORANGY, resembling t...
orangish 16 13 somewhat orange in c...
orarians 12 9 ORARIAN, a coast-dwe...
orarions 12 9 ORARION, in the Orth...
orariums 15 12 ORARIUM, (Latin) in...
orations 12 9 ORATION, a formal sp...
oratorio 12 8 a choral work usuall...
oratress 13 8 a female orator, als...
oratures 13 9 ORATURE, oral forms...
orbitals 17 12 ORBITAL, an orbit [n...
orbiters 16 11 ORBITER, a spacecraf...
orbities 16 11 ORBITY, (obsolete) b...
orbiting 17 14 ORBIT, to revolve ar...
orchards 19 14 ORCHARD, an area whe...
orchella 20 15 a dye obtained from...
orcheses 18 13 ORCHESIS, an art of...
orchesis 19 13 an art of dancing [n...
orchilla 21 15 a red dye obtained f...
orchises 19 13 ORCHIS, (Greek) any...
orchitic 23 16 relating to orchitis...
orchitis 20 13 inflammation of the...
orcinols 17 13 ORCINOL, a chemical...
ordained 12 11 ORDAIN, to invest wi...
ordainer 12 10 one who ordains [n -...
ordalian 13 11 of or relating to an...
ordalium 16 14 the process of resol...
orderers 13 9 ORDERER, one who ord...
ordering 14 12 arrangement [n -S]
ordinals 14 11 ORDINAL, a book cont...
ordinand 12 12 one who is undertaki...
ordinant 12 11 one who ordains [n -...
ordinars 13 10 ORDINAR, something q...
ordinary 19 12 according to the com...
ordinate 12 10 ordered [adj ORDINAT...
ordinees 12 10 ORDINEE, one that is...
ordnance 14 14 military stores or s...
ordurous 14 11 of or pertaining to...
orective 18 15 pertaining to desire...
oreganos 12 11 OREGANO, wild marjor...
oreodont 11 10 an extinct prehistor...
oreology 20 13 the scientific study...
oreweeds 15 12 OREWEED, a kind of s...
orexises 19 15 OREXIS, (Greek) an a...
organdie 13 12 a cotton fabric, als...
organics 17 14 ORGANIC, an organic...
organise 13 11 to form into an orga...
organism 15 14 any form of animal o...
organist 14 11 one who plays the or...
organity 20 13 an organized whole [...
organize 16 20 to form into an orga...
organons 12 12 ORGANON, a system of...
organums 15 15 ORGANUM, a method of...
organzas 16 20 ORGANZA, a transpare...
orgasmed 15 14 ORGASM, to experienc...
orgasmic 19 16 pertaining to orgasm...
orgastic 18 13 pertaining to orgasm...
orgiasts 15 10 ORGIAST, one who tak...
orgulous 16 13 (Shakespeare) proud,...
oribatid 16 12 any of a family of e...
orichalc 23 17 a gold-coloured allo...
orielled 15 11 having an oriel, a p...
oriental 13 10 from the Orient [adj...
oriented 12 10 ORIENT, to determine...
orienter 12 9 one who helps anothe...
orifexes 21 18 ORIFEX, (Shakespeare...
orifices 19 14 ORIFICE, an opening,...
origamis 16 13 ORIGAMI, the Japanes...
origanes 13 11 ORIGANE, marjoram, a...
origanum 15 15 wild marjoram, also...
original 15 12 relating to the orig...
orillion 15 11 part of a fortificat...
orinasal 13 10 of or relating to th...
orlistat 15 9 an orally administer...
ornament 12 13 to decorate [v -ED,...
ornately 19 12 ORNATE, decorated [a...
ornatest 12 9 ORNATE, decorated [a...
ornerier 12 9 ORNERY, stubborn and...
ornithes 15 11 ORNIS, the collectio...
ornithic 19 14 pertaining to birds...
orogenic 16 14 relating to the form...
orometer 13 11 a barometer showing...
oronasal 12 10 of or relating to th...
oropesas 14 11 OROPESA, a fish-shap...
orphaned 16 15 ORPHAN, to deprive o...
orphical 22 17 mystical, oracular,...
orphisms 20 16 ORPHISM, a style of...
orphreys 24 15 ORPHREY, gold or oth...
orpiment 16 15 a yellow arsenic com...
orreries 13 8 ORRERY, a mechanical...
orseille 15 10 a dye obtained from...
orsellic 19 13 pertaining to, or de...
orthicon 18 14 a kind of television...
orthodox 21 18 sound in doctrine [a...
orthoepy 23 15 the study of correct...
orthopod 17 14 (slang) an orthopaed...
orthoses 15 10 ORTHOSIS, a device w...
orthosis 16 10 a device which suppo...
orthotic 19 13 relating to orthosis...
ortolans 13 10 ORTOLAN, a European...
oscinine 15 13 belonging to the sub...
oscitant 16 12 yawning; gaping [adj...
oscitate 16 11 to yawn [v OSCITATED...
osculant 17 14 adhering closely [ad...
osculate 17 13 to kiss [v OSCULATED...
osieries 13 8 OSIERY, an osier bed...
osmiates 14 11 OSMIATE, a salt of o...
osmosing 15 14 OSMOSE, to undergo o...
osmundas 14 14 OSMUNDA, any fern of...
osnaburg 16 15 (German) a coarse li...
ossarium 15 12 a depository for the...
ossature 13 9 a skeleton [n -S]
osselets 14 9 OSSELET, a hard subs...
osseters 13 8 OSSETER, (Russian) a...
ossetras 13 8 OSSETRA, (Russian) a...
ossicles 18 12 OSSICLE, a small bon...
ossified 16 12 OSSIFY, to change in...
ossifier 16 11 an agent that causes...
ossifies 16 11 OSSIFY, to change in...
ossobuco 18 15 an Italian dish of v...
osteitic 17 11 pertaining to inflam...
osteitis 14 8 inflammation of the...
ostented 12 10 OSTENT, to show off...
osteogen 12 11 a substance from whi...
osteoids 13 9 OSTEOID, an uncalcif...
osteomas 13 11 OSTEOMA, a tumor com...
osteoses 12 8 OSTEOSIS, the format...
osteosis 13 8 the formation of bon...
ostinati 13 9 OSTINATO, a constant...
ostinato 12 9 a constantly recurri...
ostiolar 14 9 relating to an ostio...
ostioles 14 9 OSTIOLE, a small bod...
ostmarks 16 15 OSTMARK, a former Ea...
ostomate 13 11 one who has had an o...
ostomies 14 11 OSTOMY, a type of su...
ostracod 16 12 a minute freshwater...
ostracon 15 12 a piece of tile for...
ostrakon 13 13 a piece of tile for...
ostreger 14 10 a falconer who keeps...
otalgias 15 11 OTALGIA, pain in the...
otalgies 15 11 OTALGY, pain in the...
otiosely 20 11 OTIOSE, futile, idle...
otiosity 20 10 the state of being o...
otitides 14 9 OTITIS, inflammation...
otitises 14 8 OTITIS, inflammation...
otocysts 23 13 OTOCYST, an organ of...
otoliths 17 11 OTOLITH, a calcium c...
otologic 18 14 relating to otology,...
otoscope 17 14 an instrument for ex...
otoscopy 24 16 the examination of t...
ototoxic 22 18 adversely affecting...
ottavino 14 13 (Italian) the piccol...
ottering 14 11 OTTER, to fish with...
ottomans 13 12 OTTOMAN, a low, stuf...
ouabains 14 13 OUABAIN, (Somali) a...
ouakaris 14 13 OUAKARI, a short-tai...
oubaases 14 12 OUBAAS, (Afrikaans)...
oughlied 18 15 OUGHLY, to make ugly...
oughlies 18 14 OUGHLY, to make ugly...
oughting 18 16 OUGHT, to owe [v]
ouguiyas 21 14 OUGUIYA, (Arabic) a...
ouistiti 15 9 (French) a marmoset,...
oulachon 18 16 (Native American) th...
oulakans 14 15 OULAKAN, (Native Ame...
oundiest 13 11 OUNDY, (obsolete) wa...
ourology 21 14 the study of urine o...
oustitis 15 9 OUSTITI, a lock-open...
outacted 16 13 OUTACT, to surpass i...
outadded 13 12 OUTADD, to surpass i...
outargue 14 12 to get the better of...
outasite 13 9 amazing, excellent,...
outasked 14 14 OUTASK, to surpass i...
outbacks 20 19 OUTBACK, isolated ru...
outbaked 16 17 OUTBAKE, to surpass...
outbakes 16 16 OUTBAKE, to surpass...
outbarks 17 16 OUTBARK, to surpass...
outbawls 20 16 OUTBAWL, to surpass...
outbeams 16 15 OUTBEAM, to surpass...
outbitch 22 17 to surpass in bitchi...
outblaze 19 22 to surpass in brilli...
outbleat 16 13 to surpass in bleati...
outbless 17 13 to surpass in blessi...
outbloom 17 16 to surpass in bloomi...
outbluff 22 20 to surpass in bluffi...
outblush 20 16 to surpass in blushi...
outboard 15 13 a type of motor desi...
outboast 15 12 to surpass in boasti...
outbound 15 15 outward bound [adj]
outboxed 21 20 OUTBOX, to surpass i...
outboxes 21 19 OUTBOX, to surpass i...
outbrags 17 14 OUTBRAG, to surpass...
outbrave 17 16 to surpass in courag...
outbrawl 20 16 to surpass in brawli...
outbreak 16 16 to burst forth [v OU...
outbreed 15 13 to interbreed relati...
outbribe 18 15 to surpass in bribin...
outbroke 16 16 OUTBREAK, to burst f...
outbuild 18 15 to surpass in buildi...
outbuilt 18 14 OUTBUILD, to surpass...
outbulge 18 16 to bulge outwards [v...
outbulks 19 18 OUTBULK, to surpass...
outbully 25 17 to surpass in bullyi...
outburns 16 14 OUTBURN, to burn lon...
outburnt 16 14 OUTBURN, to burn lon...
outburst 17 13 to burst out suddenl...
outcalls 19 14 OUTCALL [n]
outcaper 18 15 to surpass in caperi...
outcaste 16 12 someone who is of no...
outcasts 17 12 OUTCAST, a person wh...
outcatch 22 17 to surpass in catchi...
outcavil 20 17 to surpass in cavili...
outcharm 20 17 to surpass in charmi...
outcheat 18 14 to exceed in cheatin...
outchide 19 15 to surpass in chidin...
outclass 18 13 to be markedly bette...
outclimb 22 19 to surpass in climbi...
outclomb 21 19 OUTCLIMB, to surpass...
outcoach 21 17 to surpass in coachi...
outcomes 17 15 OUTCOME, a result [n...
outcooks 17 16 OUTCOOK, to surpass...
outcount 16 14 to surpass in counti...
outcrawl 21 16 to surpass in crawli...
outcried 17 13 OUTCRY, to cry loude...
outcries 17 12 OUTCRY, to cry loude...
outcrops 19 15 OUTCROP, to protrude...
outcross 17 12 to cross the same br...
outcrowd 20 16 to cause to be too c...
outcrows 20 15 OUTCROW, to surpass...
outcurse 17 13 to surpass in cursin...
outcurve 19 17 a type of pitch in b...
outdance 15 14 to surpass in dancin...
outdared 13 11 OUTDARE, to surpass...
outdares 13 10 OUTDARE, to surpass...
outdated 13 11 OUTDATE, to make out...
outdates 13 10 OUTDATE, to make out...
outdodge 14 13 to surpass in dodgin...
outdoers 13 10 OUTDOER, one who out...
outdoing 14 13 OUTDO, to exceed in...
outdoors 13 10 in the open air [adj...
outdrags 15 12 OUTDRAG, to surpass...
outdrank 14 15 OUTDRINK, to surpass...
outdrawn 16 14 OUTDRAW, to attract...
outdraws 17 13 OUTDRAW, to attract...
outdream 14 13 to surpass in dreami...
outdress 14 10 to surpass in dressi...
outdrink 15 15 to surpass in drinki...
outdrive 16 14 to drive a golf ball...
outdrops 16 13 OUTDROP, to surpass...
outdrove 15 14 OUTDRIVE, to drive a...
outdrunk 15 16 OUTDRINK, to surpass...
outduels 15 12 OUTDUEL, to surpass...
outdured 14 12 OUTDURE, (obsolete)...
outdures 14 11 OUTDURE, (obsolete)...
outdwell 19 15 (Shakespeare) to sta...
outdwelt 18 14 OUTDWELL, (Shakespea...
outearns 12 10 OUTEARN, to surpass...
outeaten 11 10 OUTEAT, to surpass i...
outedges 14 12 OUTEDGE, the farther...
outfable 18 16 to surpass in fablin...
outfaced 18 16 OUTFACE, to confront...
outfaces 18 15 OUTFACE, to confront...
outfalls 18 14 OUTFALL, the outlet...
outfasts 16 12 OUTFAST, to surpass...
outfawns 18 16 OUTFAWN, to surpass...
outfeast 15 12 to surpass in feasti...
outfeels 16 13 OUTFEEL, to surpass...
outfence 17 16 to surpass in fencin...
outfield 17 14 a part of a baseball...
outfight 20 16 to surpass in fighti...
outfinds 16 14 OUTFIND, to surpass...
outfired 16 13 OUTFIRE, to surpass...
outfires 16 12 OUTFIRE, to surpass...
outflank 17 18 to circumvent [v -ED...
outflash 19 15 to flash more bright...
outflies 17 13 OUTFLY, to surpass i...
outfling 18 16 to whip out [v OUTFL...
outfloat 16 13 to float longer than...
outflown 19 17 OUTFLY, to surpass i...
outflows 20 16 OUTFLOW, to flow out...
outflung 18 17 OUTFLING, to whip ou...
outflush 20 16 to flush more strong...
outfools 16 13 OUTFOOL, to surpass...
outfoots 15 12 OUTFOOT, to surpass...
outfound 15 15 OUTFIND, to surpass...
outfoxed 21 20 OUTFOX, to outwit [v...
outfoxes 21 19 OUTFOX, to outwit [v...
outfrown 18 16 to frown more than [...
outgains 14 12 OUTGAIN, to gain mor...
outgases 14 11 OUTGAS, to remove ga...
outgates 14 11 OUTGATE, an exit [n]
outgazed 17 21 OUTGAZE, to surpass...
outgazes 17 20 OUTGAZE, to surpass...
outgiven 16 16 OUTGIVE, to give mor...
outgives 17 15 OUTGIVE, to give mor...
outglare 15 12 to surpass in glarin...
outgleam 16 15 to surpass in gleami...
outglows 19 15 OUTGLOW, to surpass...
outgnawn 16 16 OUTGNAW, to surpass...
outgnaws 17 15 OUTGNAW, to surpass...
outgoers 14 11 OUTGOER, someone who...
outgoing 15 14 a departure; an expe...
outgrins 15 12 OUTGRIN, to surpass...
outgross 15 11 to surpass in gross...
outgroup 17 15 a group of people ou...
outgrown 17 15 OUTGROW, to grow too...
outgrows 18 14 OUTGROW, to grow too...
outguard 15 13 a guard or small bod...
outguess 15 12 to anticipate the ac...
outguide 15 13 to surpass in guidin...
outhauls 17 13 OUTHAUL, a rope used...
outheard 15 12 OUTHEAR, to surpass...
outhears 15 11 OUTHEAR, to surpass...
outhired 16 12 OUTHIRE, to hire out...
outhires 16 11 OUTHIRE, to hire out...
outhomer 16 14 to surpass in hittin...
outhouse 15 12 a building near to o...
outhowls 20 15 OUTHOWL, to surpass...
outhumor 17 15 to surpass in humori...
outhunts 16 13 OUTHUNT, to surpass...
outhyred 22 14 OUTHYRE, (Spenser) t...
outhyres 22 13 OUTHYRE, (Spenser) t...
outjests 16 18 OUTJEST, to excel in...
outjumps 20 25 OUTJUMP, to surpass...
outkeeps 16 16 OUTKEEP, to surpass...
outkicks 20 20 OUTKICK, to surpass...
outkills 18 15 OUTKILL, to surpass...
outlands 14 12 OUTLAND, an outlying...
outlasts 15 10 OUTLAST, to last lon...
outlaugh 18 15 to surpass in laughi...
outlawed 17 14 OUTLAW, to prohibit...
outlawry 24 15 the state of being a...
outleads 14 11 OUTLEAD, to surpass...
outleaps 16 13 OUTLEAP, to surpass...
outleapt 16 13 OUTLEAP, to surpass...
outlearn 13 11 to surpass in learni...
outliers 15 10 OUTLIER, a detached...
outlined 14 12 OUTLINE, to make a g...
outliner 14 11 one that outlines [n...
outlines 14 11 OUTLINE, to make a g...
outlived 17 15 OUTLIVE, to live lon...
outliver 17 14 one who outlives [n...
outlives 17 14 OUTLIVE, to live lon...
outlooks 15 14 OUTLOOK, to look out...
outloved 16 15 OUTLOVE, to surpass...
outloves 16 14 OUTLOVE, to surpass...
outlying 22 15 OUTLIE, to lie outsi...
outmarch 20 17 to surpass in marchi...
outmatch 20 17 to surpass [v -ED, -...
outmoded 14 14 OUTMODE, to put out...
outmodes 14 13 OUTMODE, to put out...
outmoved 16 17 OUTMOVE, to move fas...
outmoves 16 16 OUTMOVE, to move fas...
outnamed 13 14 OUTNAME, to exceed i...
outnames 13 13 OUTNAME, to exceed i...
outnight 17 14 to surpass in mentio...
outpaced 18 16 OUTPACE, to move fas...
outpaces 18 15 OUTPACE, to move fas...
outpaint 15 13 to surpass in painti...
outparts 16 12 OUTPART, (obsolete)...
outpeeps 17 15 OUTPEEP, to peep out...
outpeers 15 12 OUTPEER, (Shakespear...
outpitch 22 17 to surpass in pitchi...
outplace 19 16 to find new employme...
outplans 16 14 OUTPLAN, to surpass...
outplays 23 15 OUTPLAY, to excel or...
outplods 17 14 OUTPLOD, to surpass...
outplots 17 13 OUTPLOT, to surpass...
outpoint 15 13 to score more points...
outpolls 18 14 OUTPOLL, to get more...
outports 16 12 OUTPORT, a port out...
outposts 16 12 OUTPOST, a remote se...
outpours 16 13 OUTPOUR, to pour out...
outpower 18 15 to surpass in power...
outprays 22 14 OUTPRAY, to surpass...
outpreen 14 13 to surpass in preeni...
outpress 16 12 to surpass in pressi...
outprice 19 15 to offer a better pr...
outprize 19 21 to exceed in estimat...
outpsych 28 19 to defeat by psychol...
outpulls 19 15 OUTPULL, to attract...
outpunch 21 19 to surpass in punchi...
outpupil 20 17 a student sent to a...
outquote 21 19 to surpass in quotin...
outraced 16 13 OUTRACE, to run fast...
outraces 16 12 OUTRACE, to run fast...
outraged 14 12 OUTRAGE, to arouse a...
outrages 14 11 OUTRAGE, to arouse a...
outraise 13 9 to surpass in raisin...
outrance 15 13 the last extremity [...
outrange 13 12 to surpass in range...
outranks 14 14 OUTRANK, to rank hig...
outrated 13 10 OUTRATE, to surpass...
outrates 13 9 OUTRATE, to surpass...
outraved 15 14 OUTRAVE, to surpass...
outraves 15 13 OUTRAVE, to surpass...
outreach 18 14 to reach beyond [v -...
outreads 13 10 OUTREAD, to surpass...
outreign 14 12 to reign longer than...
outremer 14 12 (French) the region...
outrider 14 10 a mounted carriage a...
outrides 14 10 OUTRIDE, to ride fas...
outright 18 13 totally, completely...
outrings 15 12 OUTRING, to ring lou...
outrival 17 14 to outdo in rivalry...
outroars 13 9 OUTROAR, to roar lou...
outrocks 18 16 OUTROCK, to surpass...
outrolls 16 11 OUTROLL, to roll out...
outroops 15 12 OUTROOP, (obsolete)...
outroots 13 9 OUTROOT, to pull up...
outroper 15 12 (obsolete) an auctio...
outropes 15 12 OUTROPE, an auction...
outrowed 16 13 OUTROW, to surpass i...
outsails 15 10 OUTSAIL, to sail fas...
outsavor 15 13 (US) to surpass in s...
outscold 18 14 to surpass in scoldi...
outscoop 18 15 to surpass in scoopi...
outscore 16 12 to score more points...
outscorn 16 13 to surpass in scorni...
outsells 16 11 OUTSELL, to sell mor...
outserts 14 9 OUTSERT, a sheet enc...
outserve 15 13 to surpass in servin...
outshame 16 14 to surpass in shamin...
outshine 15 12 to shine brighter th...
outshone 14 12 OUTSHINE, to shine b...
outshoot 15 11 to shoot better than...
outshots 16 11 OUTSHOT, (Scots) a p...
outshout 16 12 to shout louder than...
outsider 14 10 one who does not bel...
outsides 14 10 OUTSIDE, the outer s...
outsight 18 13 the power of perceiv...
outsings 15 12 OUTSING, to surpass...
outsized 17 19 exceptionally large...
outsizes 17 18 OUTSIZE, an exceptio...
outskate 14 13 to surpass in skatin...
outskirt 16 13 an outlying area [n...
outsleep 16 13 to sleep later than...
outslept 17 13 OUTSLEEP, to sleep l...
outslick 20 17 to get the better of...
outsmart 15 12 to outwit [v -ED, -I...
outsmell 17 14 to surpass in smelli...
outsmelt 16 13 OUTSMELL, to surpass...
outsmile 16 13 to surpass in smilin...
outsmoke 15 16 to surpass in smokin...
outsnore 12 10 to surpass in snorin...
outsoars 13 9 OUTSOAR, to soar bey...
outsoles 14 10 OUTSOLE, the outer s...
outspans 15 13 OUTSPAN, to unharnes...
outspeak 16 16 to outdo in speaking...
outspeed 15 13 to go faster than [v...
outspell 18 14 to surpass on spelli...
outspelt 17 13 OUTSPELL, to surpass...
outspend 15 14 to exceed the limits...
outspent 15 13 OUTSPEND, to exceed...
outspoke 16 16 OUTSPEAK, to outdo i...
outsport 16 12 to sport beyond the...
outstand 13 11 to stand out, or pro...
outstare 13 9 to outdo in staring...
outstart 14 9 to get ahead of at t...
outstate 13 9 to surpass in statin...
outstays 20 11 OUTSTAY, to surpass...
outsteer 13 9 to surpass in steeri...
outsteps 16 12 OUTSTEP, to step bey...
outstood 13 10 OUTSTAND, to stand o...
outstrip 17 12 to go faster or furt...
outstudy 21 13 to surpass in studyi...
outstunt 14 11 to surpass in stunti...
outsulks 17 15 OUTSULK, to surpass...
outsware 16 12 OUTSWEAR, to surpass...
outswear 16 12 to surpass in sweari...
outsweep 18 15 to surpass in sweepi...
outswell 19 14 to exceed in swellin...
outswept 19 15 OUTSWEEP, to surpass...
outswims 19 15 OUTSWIM, to swim fas...
outswing 18 15 an outward swing of...
outswore 16 12 OUTSWEAR, to surpass...
outsworn 16 13 OUTSWEAR, to surpass...
outswung 18 16 OUTSWING, to cause a...
outtaken 13 14 OUTTAKE, to take out...
outtakes 14 13 OUTTAKE, to take out...
outtalks 16 14 OUTTALK, to surpass...
outtasks 15 13 OUTTASK, to surpass...
outtells 16 11 OUTTELL, to say open...
outthank 16 16 to surpass in thanki...
outthink 17 16 to get the better of...
outthrew 19 14 OUTTHROW, to throw f...
outthrob 18 14 to surpass in throbb...
outthrow 19 14 to throw farther tha...
outtower 16 12 to tower above [v -E...
outtrade 13 10 to get the better of...
outtrick 19 16 to get the better of...
outtrots 14 9 OUTTROT, to surpass...
outtrump 18 16 to surpass in trumpi...
outturns 14 11 OUTTURN, a quantity...
outvalue 16 15 to be worth more tha...
outvaunt 15 15 to surpass in vaunti...
outvenom 15 17 (Shakespeare) to exc...
outvoice 18 16 to surpass in loudne...
outvoted 15 14 OUTVOTE, to defeat b...
outvoter 15 13 a voter from outside...
outvotes 15 13 OUTVOTE, to defeat b...
outvying 23 18 OUTVIE, to surpass i...
outwaits 17 12 OUTWAIT, to exceed i...
outwalks 19 17 OUTWALK, to surpass...
outwards 17 13 towards the outside,...
outwaste 16 12 to surpass in wastin...
outwatch 22 17 to watch longer than...
outwears 16 12 OUTWEAR, to last lon...
outweary 22 14 to weary out [v OUTW...
outweeds 16 13 OUTWEED, (Spenser) t...
outweeps 18 15 OUTWEEP, to weep mor...
outweigh 20 16 to weigh more than [...
outwells 19 14 OUTWELL, to pour out...
outwhirl 21 15 to surpass in whirli...
outwicks 22 19 OUTWICK, to make suc...
outwiled 18 14 OUTWILE, to surpass...
outwiles 18 13 OUTWILE, to surpass...
outwills 20 14 OUTWILL, to surpass...
outwinds 17 14 OUTWIND, to unwind [...
outwings 18 15 OUTWING, to fly beyo...
outworks 18 16 OUTWORK, to work fas...
outworth 19 14 (Shakespeare) to exc...
outwound 16 15 OUTWIND, to unwind [...
outwrest 17 12 (Spenser) to extort...
outwrite 17 12 to write better than...
outwrote 16 12 OUTWRITE, to write b...
outyells 22 13 OUTYELL, to yell lou...
outyelps 23 15 OUTYELP, to surpass...
outyield 21 13 to surpass in yieldi...
ouvrages 16 15 OUVRAGE, (French) wo...
ouvriere 15 13 (French) a (female)...
ouvriers 16 13 OUVRIER, (French) a...
ovalness 15 14 the state of being o...
ovariole 15 13 one of the egg-tubes...
ovarious 15 13 consisting of eggs [...
ovaritis 16 12 inflammation of an o...
ovations 14 13 OVATION, a demonstra...
ovenable 16 17 able to be cooked in...
ovenbird 17 17 an American songbird...
ovenlike 16 18 like an oven [adj]
ovenware 16 16 heat-resistant bakin...
ovenwood 16 17 brushwood [n -S]
overable 17 16 excessively able [ad...
overacts 18 15 OVERACT, to act with...
overaged 15 15 too old to be useful...
overages 15 14 OVERAGE, an excess,...
overalls 17 14 OVERALL, a loose cov...
overarch 20 17 to form an arch over...
overarms 16 15 OVERARM, to throw a...
overawed 17 16 OVERAWE, to subdue b...
overawes 17 15 OVERAWE, to subdue b...
overbake 17 19 to bake too long [v...
overbank 17 20 a stage of a river w...
overbear 16 15 to bring down by sup...
overbeat 16 15 to beat too much [v...
overbets 17 15 OVERBET, to bet too...
overbids 18 16 OVERBID, to bid or o...
overbill 20 17 to bill too much [v...
overbite 17 15 the overlapping of t...
overblew 21 19 OVERBLOW, to give ex...
overblow 21 19 to give excess impor...
overboil 18 16 to boil too long [v...
overbold 18 17 excessively bold [ad...
overbook 17 19 to book in excess of...
overboot 16 15 a protective boot wo...
overbore 16 15 OVERBEAR, to bring d...
overborn 16 16 OVERBEAR, to bring d...
overbred 17 16 bred too finely [adj...
overbrim 19 18 to flow over [v OVER...
overbrow 20 18 (archaic) to overhan...
overbulk 20 21 to oppress by bulk [...
overburn 17 17 to burn too much; to...
overbusy 24 18 to occupy oneself to...
overbuys 24 18 OVERBUY, to buy too...
overcall 20 17 in bridge, to outbid...
overcame 18 18 OVERCOME, to get the...
overcast 18 15 to sew stitches over...
overclad 19 17 overdressed [adj]
overcloy 25 18 to eat to excess [v...
overclub 22 20 to hit a shot too fa...
overcoat 17 15 a warm coat worn ove...
overcold 19 17 cold to excess [adj]
overcome 18 18 to get the better of...
overcook 18 19 to cook too long [v...
overcool 18 16 to make too cool [v...
overcram 19 18 to stuff to excess [...
overcraw 21 18 (Spenser) to triumph...
overcrop 20 18 to exhaust the land...
overcrow 21 18 to triumph over, als...
overcure 18 16 to cure too long [v...
overcuts 19 16 OVERCUT, to cut too...
overdare 14 13 to become too daring...
overdear 14 13 excessively dear [ad...
overdeck 19 20 to adorn extravagant...
overdoer 14 13 one who overdoes [n...
overdoes 14 13 OVERDO, to do to exc...
overdogs 16 15 OVERDOG, one that is...
overdone 13 14 OVERDO, to do to exc...
overdose 14 13 to give an excessive...
overdraw 18 16 to draw beyond one's...
overdrew 18 16 OVERDRAW, to draw be...
overdubs 18 17 OVERDUB, to add soun...
overdust 16 14 to dust over [v -ED,...
overdyed 21 16 OVERDYE, to dye with...
overdyer 21 15 one who overdyes [n...
overdyes 21 15 OVERDYE, to dye with...
overeasy 20 14 too easy [adj]
overeats 14 12 OVEREAT, to eat to e...
overedit 15 13 to edit more than ne...
overeggs 17 16 OVEREGG, as in the p...
overeyed 20 15 OVEREYE, to survey [...
overeyes 20 14 OVEREYE, to survey [...
overfall 19 17 to fall over [v OVER...
overfast 17 15 too fast [adj]
overfear 16 15 to fear too much [v...
overfeed 16 16 to feed too much [v...
overfell 19 17 OVERFALL, to fall ov...
overfill 20 17 to fill to overflowi...
overfine 16 16 too refined [adj]
overfish 20 17 to deplete the fish...
overflew 21 19 OVERFLY, to fly over...
overflow 21 19 to flow over the top...
overfold 18 17 to fold over [v -ED,...
overfond 16 17 foolish to excess [a...
overfoul 18 17 excessively foul [ad...
overfree 16 15 too liberal [adj OVE...
overfull 20 18 too full [adj]
overfund 17 18 to fund more than re...
overgall 18 16 to greatly blister [...
overgang 16 17 (Scots) to dominate;...
overgave 17 18 OVERGIVE, to give up...
overgear 15 14 to cause a company t...
overgets 16 14 OVERGET, to get over...
overgild 18 16 to gild over [v OVER...
overgilt 18 15 OVERGILD, to gild ov...
overgird 17 15 to gird to excess [v...
overgirt 17 14 OVERGIRD, to gird to...
overgive 18 18 to give up [v OVERGA...
overglad 17 16 excessively or undul...
overgoad 15 15 to goad too much [v...
overgoes 15 14 OVERGO, to travel ov...
overgone 14 15 OVERGO, to travel ov...
overgrew 19 17 OVERGROW, to grow ov...
overgrow 19 17 to grow over [v OVER...
overhair 17 14 fur covering of some...
overhale 17 15 (Spenser) to overtak...
overhand 16 16 to sew with short ve...
overhang 17 17 to protrude over [v...
overhard 17 15 excessively hard [ad...
overhate 16 14 to hate to excess [v...
overhaul 18 16 to examine carefully...
overhead 16 15 the general cost of...
overheap 18 17 to heap up to excess...
overhear 16 14 to hear by accident...
overheat 16 14 to heat to excess [v...
overheld 18 16 OVERHOLD, to rate to...
overhent 16 15 (Spenser) to overtak...
overhigh 21 18 too high [adj]
overhits 18 14 OVERHIT, to hit a ba...
overhold 18 16 to rate too highly [...
overholy 24 17 too holy [adj]
overhope 18 17 to hope exceedingly...
overhung 18 18 OVERHANG, to protrud...
overhunt 17 16 to deplete game in a...
overhype 25 19 to hype to excess [v...
overidle 16 14 too idle [adj]
overjoys 23 23 OVERJOY, to fill wit...
overjump 21 28 to jump too far [v -...
overjust 18 22 excessively just [ad...
overkeen 14 17 excessively keen [ad...
overkeep 17 19 to keep too long or...
overkept 18 19 OVERKEEP, to keep to...
overkest 16 16 (Spenser) overcast [...
overkill 19 18 to destroy with more...
overkind 16 18 excessively kind [ad...
overking 17 19 a king who has sover...
overknee 14 17 reaching above the k...
overlade 15 14 to load with too gre...
overlaid 16 14 OVERLAY, to lay over...
overlain 15 14 OVERLAY, to lay over...
overland 15 15 a train or stagecoac...
overlaps 18 16 OVERLAP, to extend o...
overlard 16 14 to smear over as if...
overlate 15 13 too late; exceedingl...
overlays 22 15 OVERLAY, to lay over...
overleaf 17 16 on the other side of...
overleap 17 16 to leap over, also O...
overlend 15 15 to lend too much [v...
overlent 15 14 OVERLEND, to lend to...
overlets 16 13 OVERLET, to let to e...
overlewd 19 17 too lewd [adj]
overlier 16 13 one that lies above...
overlies 16 13 OVERLIE, to lie abov...
overlive 18 17 to outlive [v OVERLI...
overload 15 14 to load to excess, a...
overlock 20 20 to oversew to preven...
overlong 16 16 too long [adj]
overlook 16 17 to fail to notice [v...
overlord 16 14 to rule tyrannically...
overloud 16 15 excessively loud [ad...
overlove 17 17 to love to excess [v...
overlush 19 16 excessively lush [ad...
overmans 15 16 OVERMAN, to provide...
overmany 21 18 an excess of people...
overmast 16 15 to provide with too...
overmeek 16 19 excessively meek [ad...
overmelt 17 16 to melt too much [v...
overmild 18 17 too mild [adj]
overmilk 19 20 to milk to excess [v...
overmine 15 16 to mine to excess [v...
overmuch 22 21 an excess [n -ES]
overname 14 16 to repeat the names...
overnear 13 13 too near [adj]
overneat 13 13 too neat [adj]
overnets 14 13 OVERNET, to cover wi...
overnice 17 16 excessively nice; fa...
overpack 21 22 to pack to excess [v...
overpage 17 17 overleaf [adj]
overpaid 17 16 OVERPAY, to pay too...
overpart 17 15 to give an actor too...
overpass 17 15 to pass over [v -ED,...
overpast 17 15 completely finished...
overpays 23 17 OVERPAY, to pay too...
overpeer 16 15 to peer over [v -ED,...
overpert 17 15 excessively pert [ad...
overplan 17 17 to plan to excess [v...
overplay 24 18 to exaggerate [v -ED...
overplot 18 16 to devise an overly...
overplus 19 17 a surplus [n OVERPLU...
overpost 17 15 to hasten over quick...
overpump 21 22 to pump to excess [v...
overrack 19 19 to overstrain [v -ED...
overrake 15 16 to sweep over [v OVE...
overrank 15 17 to assign an unneces...
overrash 17 14 excessively rash [ad...
overrate 14 12 to rate too highly [...
overread 14 13 to read over [v -ING...
overreds 15 13 OVERRED, to cover wi...
overrens 14 13 OVERREN, (archaic) t...
overrich 21 17 excessively rich [ad...
override 15 13 to ride over [v OVER...
overrife 17 15 excessively rife [ad...
overripe 17 15 too ripe [adj]
overrode 14 13 OVERRIDE, to ride ov...
overrude 15 14 excessively rude [ad...
overruff 20 19 at cards, to trump w...
overrule 16 14 to disallow the argu...
overruns 15 14 OVERRUN, to swarm ov...
oversail 16 13 to project [v -ED, -...
oversale 15 13 the act of overselli...
oversalt 16 13 to salt to excess [v...
oversave 16 16 to save too much [v...
overseas 14 12 beyond or across the...
overseed 14 13 to seed to excess [v...
overseen 13 13 OVERSEE, to watch ov...
overseer 14 12 one that oversees [n...
oversees 14 12 OVERSEE, to watch ov...
oversell 17 14 to sell more than ca...
oversets 15 12 OVERSET, to upset; t...
oversewn 17 16 OVERSOW, to sow over...
oversews 18 15 OVERSEW, to sew over...
overshoe 16 14 a protective outer s...
overshot 17 14 a type of fabric wea...
oversick 20 19 too sick [adj]
overside 15 13 the other side of th...
oversize 18 21 to cover with size [...
overskip 19 19 to skip over [v OVER...
overslip 19 16 to leave out [v OVER...
overslow 19 16 excessively slow [ad...
oversman 15 16 an umpire [n OVERSME...
oversmen 15 16 OVERSMAN, an umpire...
oversoak 15 16 to soak too much [v...
oversoft 17 15 excessively soft [ad...
oversold 16 14 OVERSELL, to sell mo...
oversoon 13 13 too soon [adv]
oversoul 16 14 the divine principle...
oversown 17 16 OVERSOW, to sow over...
oversows 18 15 OVERSOW, to sow over...
overspin 17 16 a forward spin impar...
overstay 21 14 to stay beyond a tim...
overstep 17 15 to go beyond [v OVER...
overstir 16 12 to stir too much [v...
oversuds 16 14 to form an excessive...
oversups 18 16 OVERSUP, to sup to e...
oversure 15 13 excessively sure [ad...
overswam 19 18 OVERSWIM, to swim ac...
oversway 24 17 to bear down [v -ED,...
overswim 20 18 to swim across [v OV...
overswum 20 19 OVERSWIM, to swim ac...
overtake 15 16 to catch up with [v...
overtalk 17 17 to talk to excess [v...
overtame 15 15 excessively tame [ad...
overtart 15 12 too tart [adj]
overtask 16 16 to impose too many t...
overteem 15 15 to produce in excess...
overthin 17 15 too thin [adj]
overtime 16 15 to exceed the correc...
overtips 18 15 OVERTIP, to tip more...
overtire 15 12 to tire excessively...
overtoil 16 13 to exhaust by excess...
overtone 13 13 in music, a higher p...
overtook 15 16 OVERTAKE, to catch u...
overtops 17 15 OVERTOP, to rise abo...
overtrim 17 15 to trim too much [v...
overtrip 18 15 to trip nimbly over...
overture 15 13 an instrumental prel...
overturn 15 14 to turn over [v -ED,...
overtype 23 17 to type over the top...
overurge 16 15 to urge too much [v...
overused 15 14 OVERUSE, to use too...
overuses 15 13 OVERUSE, to use too...
overveil 18 17 to veil over [v -ED,...
overview 20 19 a summary [n -S]
overvote 16 16 to defeat by a major...
overwarm 19 18 to warm too much [v...
overwary 24 17 too wary [adj]
overwash 20 17 material carried by...
overweak 18 19 too weak [adj]
overwear 17 15 to wear out [v OVERW...
overween 16 16 to expect too much;...
overwent 17 16 OVERGO, to travel ov...
overwets 18 15 OVERWET, to wet too...
overwide 18 16 excessively wide [ad...
overwily 26 18 excessively wily [ad...
overwind 18 17 to wind too much [v...
overwing 19 18 to fly over [v -ED,...
overwise 18 15 too wise; affectedly...
overword 18 16 (Scots) the refrain...
overwore 17 15 OVERWEAR, to wear ou...
overwork 19 19 to cause to work too...
overworn 17 16 OVERWEAR, to wear ou...
overwrap 20 18 to wrap excessively...
overyear 20 14 to keep into a furth...
overzeal 18 22 excess or zeal [n -S...
oviboses 17 15 OVIBOS, the musk ox...
ovicidal 20 17 relating to ovicide,...
ovicides 19 16 OVICIDE, an agent th...
oviducal 20 18 relating to the ovid...
oviducts 20 17 OVIDUCT, a tube thro...
oviposit 18 15 to lay or deposit eg...
ovoidals 16 14 OVOIDAL, an egg-shap...
ovulated 16 15 OVULATE, to produce...
ovulates 16 14 OVULATE, to produce...
owelties 17 12 OWELTY, equality [n]
owerloup 19 16 to leap over, also O...
owleries 17 12 OWLERY, a place inha...
owlishly 28 17 OWLISH, like an owl...
ownsomes 16 15 OWNSOME, a solitary...
owrecame 19 17 OWRECOME, (Scots) to...
owrecome 19 17 (Scots) to overcome...
owrelays 23 14 OWRELAY, (Scots) a l...
owreword 19 15 (Scots) the refrain...
oxalated 19 17 OXALATE, to treat wi...
oxalates 19 16 OXALATE, to treat wi...
oxalises 20 16 OXALIS, a plant of t...
oxazepam 24 30 a tranquilizing drug...
oxazines 21 25 OXAZINE, a chemical...
oxazoles 22 25 OXAZOLE, a liquid ch...
oxbloods 22 20 OXBLOOD, a dark redd...
oxhearts 21 17 OXHEART, a large hea...
oxidable 22 20 capable of being oxi...
oxidants 19 17 OXIDANT, an oxidizin...
oxidases 19 16 OXIDASE, any of a gr...
oxidasic 23 19 of or like an oxidas...
oxidated 19 17 OXIDATE, to combine...
oxidates 19 16 OXIDATE, to combine...
oxidised 20 17 OXIDISE, to combine...
oxidiser 20 16 an oxidant, also OXI...
oxidises 20 16 OXIDISE, to combine...
oxidized 23 26 OXIDIZE, to combine...
oxidizer 23 25 an oxidant, also OXI...
oxidizes 23 25 OXIDIZE, to combine...
oximeter 20 18 a photoelectric inst...
oximetry 27 20 measurement with an...
oxoniums 20 20 OXONIUM, a certain g...
oxpecker 25 25 an African bird, aka...
oxtering 20 18 OXTER, (Scots) to ta...
oxtongue 19 19 any of several plant...
oxyacids 29 21 OXYACID, an acid tha...
oxygenic 29 23 pertaining to or con...
oxymoron 25 21 a self-contradictory...
oxyphile 31 23 an organism that thr...
oxyphils 32 23 OXYPHIL, an organism...
oxysalts 27 18 OXYSALT, a salt of a...
oxysomes 26 20 OXYSOME, a structura...
oxytocic 32 23 a drug that hastens...
oxytocin 28 21 a pituitary hormone...
oxytones 24 18 OXYTONE, a word bear...
oxytonic 28 21 like an oxytone [adj...
oxytrope 27 20 a genus of plants in...
oystered 19 11 OYSTER, to gather oy...
oysterer 19 10 one who deals in oys...
oystrige 21 12 (Spenser) an ostrich...
ozonated 14 19 OZONATE, to treat wi...
ozonates 14 18 OZONATE, to treat wi...
ozonides 15 19 OZONIDE, a compound...
ozonised 15 19 OZONISE, to convert...
ozoniser 15 18 a device for turning...
ozonises 15 18 OZONISE, to convert...
ozonized 18 28 OZONIZE, to convert...
ozonizer 18 27 a device for turning...
ozonizes 18 27 OZONIZE, to convert...