15 letter words that start with O

15 letter words that start with O

15 letter O word


Words With Friends®


objectification 37 37 the act of objectify...
objectivenesses 33 35 OBJECTIVENESS, the s...
obliviousnesses 30 25 OBLIVIOUSNESS, OBLIV...
obnoxiousnesses 31 28 OBNOXIOUSNESS, the s...
observabilities 33 26 OBSERVABILITY, the s...
observationally 36 27 OBSERVATIONAL, relat...
obsessivenesses 28 23 OBSESSIVENESS, OBSES...
obstinatenesses 25 20 OBSTINATENESS, OBSTI...
obstructionally 39 27 OBSTRUCTIONAL, relat...
obstructionisms 33 26 OBSTRUCTIONISM, deli...
obstructionists 32 23 OBSTRUCTIONIST, some...
obstructiveness 33 27 OBSTRUCTIVE, serving...
obtainabilities 30 23 OBTAINABILITY, the s...
obtrusivenesses 29 24 OBTRUSIVENESS, OBTRU...
occasionalities 31 23 OCCASIONALITY, the s...
occidentalising 33 27 OCCIDENTALISE, to ma...
occidentalizing 36 36 OCCIDENTALIZE, to ma...
occlusivenesses 34 28 OCCLUSIVENESS, OCCLU...
oceanographical 35 30 relating to oceanogr...
ochlocratically 46 31 OCHLOCRATICAL, relat...
octocentenaries 28 23 OCTOCENTENARY, an ei...
odontorhynchous 37 28 of birds, having too...
odontostomatous 24 21 having biting or too...
odoriferousness 26 21 ODORIFEROUS, giving...
oesophagoscopes 33 28 OESOPHAGOSCOPE, an i...
oestrogenically 36 25 OESTROGENIC, produci...
offensivenesses 29 27 OFFENSIVENESS, the s...
offhandednesses 29 27 OFFHANDEDNESS, the s...
officiousnesses 32 26 OFFICIOUSNESS, OFFIC...
oligocythaemias 39 28 OLIGOCYTHAEMIA, defi...
oligodendrocyte 35 26 a glial cell resembl...
oligodendroglia 28 24 a glia made up of ol...
oligomerisation 27 22 the process of conve...
oligomerization 30 31 the process of conve...
oligonucleotide 30 25 a short nucleicacid...
oligosaccharide 35 27 a saccharide (as a d...
omnibenevolence 30 32 universal good will...
omnicompetences 33 32 OMNICOMPETENCE, the...
omnidirectional 29 25 in all directions [a...
omnifariousness 27 24 OMNIFARIOUS, of all...
omoplatoscopies 33 28 OMOPLATOSCOPY, divin...
oncogeneticists 31 25 ONCOGENETICIST, some...
oneirocriticism 33 25 dream interpretation...
ontogenetically 35 26 ONTOGENETIC, relatin...
onychocryptoses 47 31 ONYCHOCRYPTOSIS, the...
onychocryptosis 48 31 the condition of hav...
oophorectomised 32 27 OOPHORECTOMISE, to p...
oophorectomises 32 26 OOPHORECTOMISE, to p...
oophorectomized 35 36 OOPHORECTOMIZE, to p...
oophorectomizes 35 35 OOPHORECTOMIZE, to p...
openheartedness 26 23 OPENHEARTED, candidl...
openmouthedness 28 27 the state of being o...
operationalisms 28 23 OPERATIONALISM, the...
operationalists 27 20 OPERATIONALIST, an e...
operativenesses 27 23 OPERATIVENESS, OPERA...
ophthalmologies 35 29 OPHTHALMOLOGY, the s...
ophthalmologist 36 29 one who studies opht...
ophthalmometers 34 29 OPHTHALMOMETER, an i...
ophthalmophobia 39 34 a morbid fear of bei...
ophthalmoplegia 37 32 paralysis of the ocu...
ophthalmoscopes 38 32 OPHTHALMOSCOPE, an i...
ophthalmoscopic 42 35 relating to ophthalm...
opinionatedness 24 22 OPINIONATED, unduly...
opisthognathism 34 28 the state of being o...
opisthognathous 32 26 with receding jaws [...
opisthographies 35 27 OPISTHOGRAPHY, inscr...
opportunenesses 27 24 OPPORTUNENESS, OPPOR...
opprobriousness 31 26 OPPROBRIOUS, express...
opsonifications 31 26 OPSONIFICATION, the...
optimalisations 29 23 OPTIMALISATION, the...
optimalizations 32 32 OPTIMALIZATION, the...
optoelectronics 33 26 OPTOELECTRONIC [n]
oraculousnesses 28 22 ORACULOUSNESS, ORACU...
orchesographies 35 27 ORCHESOGRAPHY, notat...
orchestrational 30 22 relating to orchestr...
oreographically 41 29 OREOGRAPHIC, relatin...
organochlorines 30 25 ORGANOCHLORINE, a co...
organographical 34 29 related to organogra...
organographists 31 25 ORGANOGRAPHIST, one...
organomercurial 30 26 an organic compound...
organometallics 31 26 ORGANOMETALLIC, an o...
organophosphate 32 28 an organophosphorus...
organotherapies 28 23 ORGANOTHERAPY, treat...
orientationally 31 21 ORIENTATIONAL, relat...
ornithodelphian 31 26 of or like the Ornit...
ornithodelphous 32 26 of or like the Ornit...
ornithorhynchus 41 29 the duckbill platypu...
orthochromatism 35 28 the state of being o...
orthodontically 38 26 ORTHODONTIC, relatin...
orthogonalising 29 24 ORTHOGONALISE, to ma...
orthogonalities 28 21 ORTHOGONALITY, the s...
orthogonalizing 32 33 ORTHOGONALIZE, to ma...
orthopaedically 40 28 ORTHOPAEDIC, relatin...
orthophosphates 35 27 ORTHOPHOSPHATE, a sa...
orthophosphoric 39 30 phosphoric [adj]
orthopsychiatry 48 29 preventive psychiatr...
oscillographies 36 27 OSCILLOGRAPHY, use o...
osmoregulations 27 23 OSMOREGULATION, regu...
ostensibilities 29 20 OSTENSIBILITY, the s...
osteoarthritics 31 20 OSTEOARTHRITIC, one...
osteomyelitises 33 21 OSTEOMYELITIS, infla...
osteopathically 40 27 OSTEOPATHIC, relatin...
ostreiculturist 32 21 one who breeds oyste...
outdoorsmanship 30 26 the craft of the out...
outmanipulating 30 28 OUTMANIPULATE, to su...
outspokennesses 26 25 OUTSPOKENNESS, OUTSP...
overaccentuated 31 28 OVERACCENTUATE, to a...
overaccentuates 31 27 OVERACCENTUATE, to a...
overachievement 33 32 excessive achievemen...
overadjustments 30 34 OVERADJUSTMENT, an e...
overadvertising 30 27 OVERADVERTISE, to ad...
overadvertizing 33 36 OVERADVERTIZE, to ad...
overapplication 34 30 excessive applicatio...
overarticulated 31 25 OVERARTICULATE, to a...
overarticulates 31 24 OVERARTICULATE, to a...
overassessments 27 23 OVERASSESSMENT, exce...
overbearingness 28 26 OVERBEARING [n]
overcapitalised 33 27 OVERCAPITALISE, to p...
overcapitalises 33 26 OVERCAPITALISE, to p...
overcapitalized 36 36 OVERCAPITALIZE, to p...
overcapitalizes 36 35 OVERCAPITALIZE, to p...
overcentralised 30 25 OVERCENTRALISE, to c...
overcentralises 30 24 OVERCENTRALISE, to c...
overcentralized 33 34 OVERCENTRALIZE, to c...
overcentralizes 33 33 OVERCENTRALIZE, to c...
overclassifying 41 31 OVERCLASSIFY, to cla...
overcommitments 33 32 OVERCOMMITMENT, exce...
overcommunicate 34 33 to communicate exces...
overcompensated 31 30 OVERCOMPENSATE, to c...
overcompensates 31 29 OVERCOMPENSATE, to c...
overcompliances 36 33 OVERCOMPLIANCE, exce...
overcomplicated 37 33 OVERCOMPLICATE, to c...
overcomplicates 37 32 OVERCOMPLICATE, to c...
overcompressing 34 31 OVERCOMPRESS, to com...
overconfidences 33 31 OVERCONFIDENCE, exce...
overconfidently 38 31 OVERCONFIDENT, exces...
overconstructed 33 28 OVERCONSTRUCT, to co...
overconsumption 32 31 excessive consumptio...
overcontrolling 32 28 OVERCONTROL, to cont...
overcorrections 32 26 OVERCORRECTION, exce...
overcredulities 32 25 OVERCREDULITY, the s...
overcultivation 33 29 excessively cultivat...
overdecorations 28 24 OVERDECORATION, exce...
overdependences 29 29 OVERDEPENDENCE, exce...
overdevelopment 31 32 excessive developmen...
overdiscounting 31 28 OVERDISCOUNT, to dis...
overdiversities 30 24 OVERDIVERSITY, exces...
overdocumenting 31 31 OVERDOCUMENT, to doc...
overdramatising 29 26 OVERDRAMATISE, to dr...
overdramatizing 32 35 OVERDRAMATIZE, to dr...
overeagernesses 25 22 OVEREAGERNESS, OVERE...
overelaborating 29 26 OVERELABORATE, to el...
overelaboration 27 24 excessive elaboratio...
overembellished 34 30 OVEREMBELLISH, to em...
overembellishes 34 29 OVEREMBELLISH, to em...
overemphasising 33 30 OVEREMPHASIS [v]
overemphasizing 36 39 OVEREMPHASIZE, to em...
overemployments 37 32 OVEREMPLOYMENT, the...
overencouraging 30 29 OVERENCOURAGE, to en...
overengineering 26 26 OVERENGINEER, to eng...
overentertained 24 22 excessively entertai...
overenthusiasms 30 26 OVERENTHUSIASM, an e...
overestimations 27 23 OVERESTIMATION, the...
overevaluations 28 26 OVEREVALUATION, exce...
overexaggerated 33 31 OVEREXAGGERATE, to e...
overexaggerates 33 30 OVEREXAGGERATE, to e...
overexcitements 36 33 OVEREXCITEMENT, exce...
overexpectation 36 33 excessive expectatio...
overextractions 35 30 OVEREXTRACTION, exce...
overextravagant 34 33 excessively extravag...
overfamiliarity 38 28 the state of being o...
overfertilising 32 26 OVERFERTILISE, to fe...
overfertilizing 35 35 OVERFERTILIZE, to fe...
overflourishing 34 29 OVERFLOURISH, to cov...
overforwardness 31 27 OVERFORWARD, excessi...
overgeneralised 27 24 OVERGENERALISE, to g...
overgeneralises 27 23 OVERGENERALISE, to g...
overgeneralized 30 33 OVERGENERALIZE, to g...
overgeneralizes 30 32 OVERGENERALIZE, to g...
overglamorising 31 28 OVERGLAMORISE, to gl...
overglamorizing 34 37 OVERGLAMORIZE, to gl...
overhastinesses 28 22 OVERHASTINESS, the s...
overhomogenised 29 28 OVERHOMOGENISE, to h...
overhomogenises 29 27 OVERHOMOGENISE, to h...
overhomogenized 32 37 OVERHOMOGENIZE, to h...
overhomogenizes 32 36 OVERHOMOGENIZE, to h...
overidentifying 36 29 OVERIDENTIFY, to ide...
overimaginative 30 29 excessively imaginat...
overindulgences 31 29 OVERINDULGENCE, exce...
overingenuities 27 24 OVERINGENUITY, the s...
overintensities 26 21 OVERINTENSITY, exces...
overinvestments 29 28 OVERINVESTMENT, exce...
overlengthening 30 29 OVERLENGTHEN, to len...
overmedications 30 27 OVERMEDICATION, exce...
overmultiplying 41 33 OVERMULTIPLY, to bec...
overmultituding 32 29 OVERMULTITUDE, (Milt...
overopinionated 26 25 excessively opiniona...
overorchestrate 31 24 to orchestrate exces...
overornamenting 26 27 OVERORNAMENT, to orn...
overpersuasions 28 24 OVERPERSUASION, exce...
overpessimistic 35 28 excessively pessimis...
overpopulations 31 28 OVERPOPULATION, popu...
overpreparation 29 26 excessive preparatio...
overprescribing 36 31 OVERPRESCRIBE, to pr...
overproductions 32 28 OVERPRODUCTION, exce...
overprogramming 33 33 OVERPROGRAM, to prog...
overproportions 30 26 OVERPROPORTION, to m...
overprotections 31 26 OVERPROTECTION, exce...
overrefinements 28 27 OVERREFINEMENT, exce...
overregulations 28 24 OVERREGULATION, exce...
overrepresented 27 24 represented excessiv...
oversaturations 26 21 OVERSATURATION, exce...
oversensitivity 36 26 the state of being o...
oversimplifying 42 34 OVERSIMPLIFY, to sim...
overspecialised 33 27 OVERSPECIALISE, to s...
overspecialises 33 26 OVERSPECIALISE, to s...
overspecialized 36 36 OVERSPECIALIZE, to s...
overspecializes 36 35 OVERSPECIALIZE, to s...
overspeculating 34 30 OVERSPECULATE, to sp...
overspeculation 32 28 excessive speculatio...
overstabilities 31 23 OVERSTABILITY, the s...
overstimulating 31 27 OVERSTIMULATE, to st...
overstimulation 29 25 excessive stimulatio...
oversubscribing 37 32 OVERSUBSCRIBE, to su...
oversweetnesses 28 23 OVERSWEETNESS, the s...
overutilisation 28 22 the act of overutili...
overutilization 31 31 the act of overutili...
overweeningness 28 27 the state of being o...
overwithholding 37 31 OVERWITHHOLD, to wit...
overzealousness 29 31 the state of being o...
ovoviviparities 34 30 OVOVIVIPARITY, the s...
ovoviviparously 41 34 OVOVIVIPAROUS, produ...
oxidoreductases 34 28 OXIDOREDUCTASE, an e...
oxyhaemoglobins 43 36 OXYHAEMOGLOBIN, a lo...
oxyphenbutazone 44 44 a phenylbutazone der...
oxytetracycline 50 34 a yellow crystalline...