10 letter words that start with K

10 letter words that start with K

10 letter K word


Words With Friends®


kabalistic 25 21 relating to the kaba...
kabaragoya 25 21 (Tagalog) a very lar...
kabbalisms 25 24 KABBALISM, the secre...
kabbalists 24 21 KABBALIST, one who p...
kabeljouws 26 31 KABELJOUW, (Afrikaan...
kachumbers 27 26 KACHUMBER, (Hindi) a...
kadaitchas 23 20 KADAITCHA, (Native A...
kaffirboom 25 26 a deciduous flowerin...
kahikateas 20 20 KAHIKATEA, (Maori) a...
kahikatoas 20 20 KAHIKATOA, (Maori) a...
kaikawakas 22 25 KAIKAWAKA, (Maori) a...
kaikomakos 20 25 KAIKOMAKO, (Maori) a...
kailyairds 26 18 KAILYAIRD, a cabbage...
kairomones 17 18 KAIROMONE, a semioch...
kaiserdoms 19 18 KAISERDOM, the offic...
kaiserisms 20 17 KAISERISM, the syste...
kaisership 23 19 the office of kaiser...
kalamkaris 21 22 KALAMKARI, a method...
kalanchoes 22 21 KALANCHOE, a succule...
kalendared 17 18 KALENDAR, to schedul...
kaliphates 23 20 KALIPHATE, the offic...
kallikrein 21 21 a hypotensive protei...
kallitypes 29 21 KALLITYPE, a former...
kalsomined 19 20 KALSOMINE, to whitew...
kalsomines 19 19 KALSOMINE, to whitew...
kamerading 19 21 KAMERAD, to surrende...
kanamycins 27 24 KANAMYCIN, a broad-s...
kangarooed 16 18 KANGAROO, to bound l...
kantikoyed 24 22 KANTIKOY, to dance a...
kaolinised 18 17 KAOLINISE, to turn i...
kaolinises 18 16 KAOLINISE, to turn i...
kaolinites 18 16 KAOLINITE, a hydrate...
kaolinitic 22 19 relating to kaolinit...
kaolinized 21 26 KAOLINIZE, to turn i...
kaolinizes 21 25 KAOLINIZE, to turn i...
kaolinoses 17 16 KAOLINOSIS, a diseas...
kaolinosis 18 16 a disease caused by...
karabiners 19 18 KARABINER, a steel l...
karangaing 18 20 KARANGA, to perform...
karateists 18 14 KARATEIST, an expone...
karmically 31 24 KARMIC, (Sanskrit) r...
karstified 21 18 KARSTIFY, to develop...
karstifies 21 17 KARSTIFY, to develop...
karuhiruhi 24 20 the pied shag, found...
karyogamic 29 24 relating to karyogam...
karyograms 26 21 KARYOGRAM, a chromos...
karyologic 29 22 relating to karyolog...
karyolymph 37 27 the liquid portion o...
karyolyses 31 19 KARYOLYSIS, the diss...
karyolysis 32 19 the dissolution of t...
karyolytic 35 22 relating to karyolys...
karyoplasm 28 23 nucleoplasm [n -S]
karyosomes 24 19 KARYOSOME, a spheric...
karyotyped 32 22 KARYOTYPE, to determ...
karyotypes 32 21 KARYOTYPE, to determ...
karyotypic 36 24 of or like a karyoty...
katabolism 22 21 destructive metaboli...
kathakalis 22 21 KATHAKALI, (Malay) a...
kazatskies 22 27 KAZATSKI, (Russian)...
kazillions 23 26 KAZILLION, an indefi...
keelhaling 22 21 KEELHALE, to punish...
keelhauled 21 20 KEELHAUL, to punish...
keelivines 20 20 KEELIVINE, (Scots) a...
keelyvines 26 22 KEELYVINE, (Scots) a...
keennesses 15 16 KEENNESS, sharpness...
keeperless 20 18 without a keeper [ad...
keepership 24 22 the office or positi...
keeshonden 17 19 KEESHOND, a small, h...
kefuffling 27 28 KEFUFFLE, to make a...
kekerengus 19 22 KEKERENGU, a New Zea...
kelpfishes 26 23 KELPFISH, a fish tha...
kelyphitic 34 25 as in kelyphitic rim...
kennelling 19 21 KENNEL, to put in a...
kennetting 17 19 KENNETT, to ruthless...
kenophobia 22 23 fear of empty spaces...
kenoticist 21 18 a believer in kenosi...
kenspeckle 24 26 (Scots) obvious, con...
kentledges 19 19 KENTLEDGE, pig-iron...
keratinise 17 15 to make keratinous,...
keratinize 20 24 to make keratinous,...
keratinous 17 16 like keratin, horny...
keratomata 17 17 KERATOMA, a skin dis...
keratotomy 24 19 surgery of the corne...
kerbstones 19 18 KERBSTONE, a stone p...
kerchiefed 25 23 KERCHIEF, to wear a...
kerchieves 25 23 KERCHIEF, a cloth or...
kerfuffled 26 26 KERFUFFLE, to make a...
kerfuffles 26 25 KERFUFFLE, (Scots) a...
kermesites 19 17 KERMESITE, a cherry-...
kernelling 20 20 KERNEL, to envelop l...
kernmantel 18 20 denoting a type of m...
kerplunked 22 25 KERPLUNK, to drop wi...
kersantite 17 15 a dyke-rock of black...
kerseymere 24 19 a twilled cloth of t...
kerygmatic 30 24 of or relating to pr...
ketonaemia 16 18 an excess of ketone...
ketonemias 17 18 KETONEMIA, an excess...
ketonurias 17 16 KETONURIA, an excess...
kettledrum 21 20 a drum made of thin...
kettlefuls 23 20 KETTLEFUL, the conte...
keyboarded 25 21 KEYBOARD, to enter d...
keyboarder 25 20 one who plays the ke...
keybuttons 26 21 KEYBUTTON, a key on...
keyloggers 27 21 KEYLOGGER, a device...
keylogging 28 24 the logging of keyst...
keypresses 26 19 KEYPRESS, a single d...
keypunched 31 27 KEYPUNCH, to transfe...
keypuncher 31 26 one who keypunches [...
keypunches 31 26 KEYPUNCH, to transfe...
keystoning 24 20 KEYSTONE, to produce...
keystroked 25 21 KEYSTROKE, to type o...
keystrokes 25 20 KEYSTROKE, to type o...
keyworkers 28 23 KEYWORKER, a worker...
khalifates 23 20 KHALIFATE, (Arabic)...
khansamahs 22 22 KHANSAMAH, (Hindi) a...
khedivates 22 21 KHEDIVATE, the offic...
khediviate 22 21 the office of khediv...
khidmutgar 24 23 (Urdu) a table-serva...
khitmutgar 24 22 (Urdu) a table-serva...
khuskhuses 25 24 KHUSKHUS, the grain...
kibbitzers 27 29 KIBBITZER, (Yiddish)...
kibbitzing 28 32 KIBBITZ, to give unw...
kibbutznik 28 35 a person who lives o...
kickabouts 25 25 KICKABOUT, an inform...
kickaround 22 24 an informal game of...
kickboards 25 25 KICKBOARD, a buoyant...
kickboxers 31 31 KICKBOXER, one who p...
kickboxing 32 34 boxing with hands an...
kicksorter 23 21 a device which selec...
kickstands 23 23 KICKSTAND, a support...
kickstarts 24 21 KICKSTART, to start...
kiddiewink 23 24 (facetious) a child,...
kiddywinks 30 26 KIDDYWINK, (facetiou...
kidnapings 21 22 KIDNAPING, an act of...
kidnappees 21 22 KIDNAPPEE, one who i...
kidnappers 22 22 KIDNAPPER, one who k...
kidnapping 23 25 KIDNAP, to take by f...
kidneylike 26 23 shaped like a kidney...
kidologies 20 18 KIDOLOGY, the art of...
kidologist 21 18 a student of kidolog...
kieselguhr 23 20 (German) a soft diat...
kieselgurs 21 18 KIESELGUR, (German)...
kieserites 18 14 KIESERITE, a hydrous...
kilderkins 21 21 KILDERKIN, (obsolete...
kilocuries 23 19 KILOCURIE, one thous...
kilocycles 33 24 KILOCYCLE, a unit of...
kilogramme 22 23 a unit of mass and w...
kilojoules 22 26 KILOJOULE, a unit of...
kiloliters 21 16 KILOLITER, a unit of...
kilolitres 21 16 KILOLITRE, one thous...
kilometers 20 18 KILOMETER, a thousan...
kilometres 20 18 KILOMETRE, a thousan...
kilometric 24 21 relating to measurem...
kiloparsec 24 21 a unit of astronomic...
kilopascal 25 22 a unit of pressure,...
kilotonnes 17 17 KILOTONNE, a measure...
kimberlite 23 21 a mica-peridotite, a...
kindlessly 27 20 KINDLESS, (Shakespea...
kindliness 19 18 the state of being k...
kindnesses 17 17 KINDNESS, the qualit...
kinematics 22 21 the study of motion...
kinescoped 22 22 KINESCOPE, to make a...
kinescopes 22 21 KINESCOPE, to make a...
kinesipath 22 20 one who heals by kin...
kineticist 22 18 one who studies kine...
kinetosome 17 18 a basal body [n -S]
kingcrafts 25 23 KINGCRAFT, (obsolete...
kingfisher 24 22 a European fish-eati...
kingfishes 24 22 KINGFISH, an America...
kinglihood 22 21 kingliness [n -S]
kingliness 20 19 the quality of being...
kingmakers 21 24 KINGMAKER, one who d...
kingsnakes 19 22 KINGSNAKE, a North A...
kinnikinic 22 24 (Native American) a...
kintledges 20 19 KINTLEDGE, pig-iron...
kirbigrips 26 22 KIRBIGRIP, (tradenam...
kirkyairds 27 21 KIRKYAIRD, (Scots) a...
kissagrams 21 19 KISSAGRAM, a service...
kissograms 21 19 KISSOGRAM, a service...
kisspeptin 23 21 a protein molecule t...
kitchendom 24 24 the domain of the ki...
kitcheners 23 20 KITCHENER, a kitchen...
kitchenets 23 20 KITCHENET, a small k...
kitchening 24 23 KITCHEN, to entertai...
kiteboards 20 18 KITEBOARD, a board s...
kitesurfer 21 18 one who engages in k...
kitschiest 25 19 KITSCHY, having the...
kitschness 24 20 the state of being k...
kittiwakes 23 21 KITTIWAKE, a kind of...
kiwifruits 26 21 KIWIFRUIT, the edibl...
kiwisports 25 20 outdoor sports assoc...
klangfarbe 23 24 (German) tone-colour...
klebsiella 23 20 a genus of gram-nega...
klendusity 26 20 of a plant, the abil...
klephtisms 26 23 KLEPHTISM, being a k...
klinostats 19 16 KLINOSTAT, a revolvi...
klondikers 20 21 KLONDIKER, a factory...
klondiking 21 24 KLONDIKE, to export...
klondykers 26 23 KLONDYKER, a factory...
klondyking 27 26 KLONDYKE, to export...
kloochmans 24 24 KLOOCHMAN, (Native A...
klootchman 24 24 (Native American) a...
klootchmen 24 24 KLOOTCHMAN, (Native...
klutziness 23 26 being like a klutz,...
knackeries 21 22 KNACKERY, a knacker'...
knackering 22 25 KNACKER, to exhaust...
knackiness 21 23 craftiness, cunning...
knackwurst 26 26 (German) a kind of h...
knagginess 19 20 being knaggy [n -ES]
knapsacked 23 26 equipped with a knap...
knaveships 24 24 KNAVESHIP, a small d...
kneecapped 23 25 KNEECAP, to maim by...
kneepieces 21 21 KNEEPIECE, a knee-sh...
knevelling 22 24 KNEVELL, to pound wi...
knickpoint 24 26 a break of slope in...
knifepoint 21 22 the point of a knife...
kniferests 20 18 KNIFEREST, a support...
knightages 22 21 KNIGHTAGE, the body...
knighthead 23 22 either of a pair of...
knighthood 23 22 the rank of a knight...
knightless 23 20 (Spenser) unbecoming...
knightlier 23 20 KNIGHTLY, befitting...
kniphofias 24 23 KNIPHOFIA, any plant...
knobbiness 21 22 the state of being k...
knobbliest 23 22 KNOBBLY, having very...
knobkerrie 20 22 a short South Africa...
knobsticks 25 25 KNOBSTICK, a stick w...
knockabout 23 26 a boisterous perform...
knockbacks 28 32 KNOCKBACK, a refusal...
knockdowns 24 27 KNOCKDOWN, the act o...
knockwurst 26 26 (German) a kind of h...
knottiness 17 16 the state of being k...
knowingest 21 21 KNOWING, astute, cra...
knowledged 22 23 KNOWLEDGE, (obsolete...
knowledges 22 22 KNOWLEDGE, (obsolete...
knubbliest 24 23 KNUBBLY, having litt...
knuckliest 24 24 KNUCKLY, having prom...
koeksister 19 18 a South African doug...
kohlrabies 23 20 KOHLRABI, a variety...
kohutuhutu 24 22 a New Zealand shrub...
kolinskies 20 20 KOLINSKY, an Asian m...
kolkhoznik 26 35 one who works on a k...
komondorok 18 23 KOMONDOR, a large, s...
konimeters 18 18 KONIMETER, an instru...
koniscopes 22 21 KONISCOPE, an instru...
kookaburra 20 22 (Native Australian)...
kottaboses 19 17 KOTTABOS, a game pla...
kotukutuku 22 26 a New Zealand shrub...
koulibiaca 24 22 a Russian fish pie,...
kourbashed 22 21 KOURBASH, to whip wi...
kourbashes 22 20 KOURBASH, to whip wi...
kouskouses 19 20 KOUSKOUS, the grain...
kowhaiwhai 28 24 (Maori) a type of pa...
krakowiaks 23 25 KRAKOWIAK, (Polish)...
kreasoting 18 17 KREASOTE, to treat w...
kreosoting 18 17 KREOSOTE, to coat wi...
kriegspiel 23 20 (German) a game in w...
kromeskies 20 21 KROMESKY, a Polish f...
krugerrand 19 19 a South African coin...
krummhorns 23 24 KRUMMHORN, (German)...
kryometers 25 19 KRYOMETER, an instru...
kryptonite 26 20 something that rende...
kumarahous 21 21 KUMARAHOU, (Maori) a...
kummerbund 23 27 (Hindi) a waistband,...
kundalinis 19 19 KUNDALINI, (Sanskrit...
kurbashing 24 23 KURBASH, to flog wit...
kurdaitcha 24 21 (Native Australian)...
kurfuffled 27 27 KURFUFFLE, to make a...
kurfuffles 27 26 KURFUFFLE, to make a...
kurrajongs 21 27 KURRAJONG, (Native A...
kurtosises 19 15 KURTOSIS, the sharpn...
kvetchiest 26 23 KVETCHY, (Yiddish) h...
kymographs 31 26 KYMOGRAPH, an instru...
kymography 37 28 using a kymograph, a...