8 letter words that end with P

8 letter words that end with P

8 letter P word


Words With Friends®


agitprop 19 16 pro-Communist propag...
airstrip 17 11 a runway [n -S]
amidship 20 17 toward the middle of...
antiship 18 14 designed for use aga...
antislip 17 13 designed to prevent...
anviltop 18 17 a cloud mass shaped...
ascocarp 21 17 a spore-producing or...
attercop 18 14 (Old English) a spid...
autocarp 18 15 a fruit produced by...
autoharp 17 14 (tradename) a zither...
baaskaap 17 18 (Afrikaans) the poli...
baasskap 18 18 a theory of racial p...
backdrop 22 22 to create a backgrou...
backflip 26 25 to perform a backwar...
backslap 23 22 to show approval [v...
backstop 22 21 something preventing...
backwrap 25 24 a wrap around garmen...
bakeshop 20 20 a bakery [n -S]
bardship 21 17 the office of a bard...
beaucoup 20 19 many or much [adj] /...
benchtop 22 20 a flat surface area...
blackcap 26 25 a small European bir...
blacktop 23 22 bituminous material...
blowlamp 24 22 a portable lamp prod...
bookshop 20 20 a shop that sells bo...
bullwhip 27 22 to strike with a lon...
calthrop 22 17 a device with four m...
cantraip 18 15 (Scots) a charm; an...
changeup 21 20 a type of baseball p...
chumship 26 22 friendship [n -S]
clanship 22 18 a feeling of loyalty...
claptrap 22 18 flashy, empty words...
clifftop 25 21 the top of a cliff [...
cookshop 21 20 a shop that sells co...
crowstep 22 17 a steplike figure on...
deanship 17 15 the office of a dean...
deathcup 21 18 a poisonous fungus [...
demyship 26 19 a minor scholarship...
dilscoop 20 16 in cricket, an attac...
docusoap 18 16 a television series...
dogeship 19 16 the office of a doge...
dogsleep 17 15 a light sleep [n -S]
doorstep 15 12 to canvass door to d...
doorstop 15 12 an object used for h...
downwarp 21 19 a broad surface depr...
dramshop 19 17 a shop or barroom wh...
dronklap 17 18 (Afrikaans) a drunka...
dukeship 20 19 the entitlement to b...
dungheap 18 18 a heap of dung [n -S...
dustheap 18 15 a pile of trash [n -...
earlship 19 14 the rank of earl [n...
endocarp 17 16 the inner layer of a...
escallop 20 16 to bake in a scallop...
ethercap 20 16 a spider, also ATTER...
ettercap 18 14 (Scots) a spider, al...
firedamp 19 18 a combustible mine g...
fireship 21 16 a ship on fire set a...
firetrap 18 14 a building likely to...
flagship 23 19 the ship carrying an...
flipflop 25 22 to perform a backwar...
followup 23 20 a news article that...
foolscap 21 18 a paper size [n -S]
footpump 21 21 a pump held or opera...
footstep 17 14 a step with the foot...
foreship 20 16 the front of a ship...
frostnip 18 15 the freezing of oute...
giftshop 22 18 a shop selling prese...
giftwrap 23 19 to wrap with decorat...
gigaflop 21 19 a measure of computi...
gladwrap 21 18 a thin film to wrap...
glowlamp 23 21 an incandescent lamp...
grogshop 20 17 a place where grog i...
guruship 21 17 the office of a guru...
hairgrip 20 15 a device to keep hai...
handclap 21 19 a sound made by stri...
handgrip 19 17 a grasp with the han...
handicap 20 18 to impose special di...
hardship 21 16 a difficult, painful...
headlamp 19 18 a light on the front...
headship 20 16 the position of a le...
hedgehop 20 18 of a plane, to fly a...
heirship 21 15 the right of inherit...
helistop 19 14 an airport for helic...
heroship 20 15 the state of being a...
hockshop 24 22 a pawn shop [n -S]
housetop 17 14 the roof of a house...
interlap 16 13 to lap over one anot...
kickflip 26 26 a skateboard manoeuv...
killcrop 23 20 a greedy insatiable...
kingklip 21 23 (Afrikaans) any of s...
kingship 21 20 the position of a ki...
ladyship 26 17 th condition of bein...
landskip 18 18 (archaic) a landscap...
landslip 18 15 the fall of a mass o...
lantskip 18 17 (Milton) landscape,...
liripoop 19 15 (obsolete) a long ta...
livetrap 19 16 to capture in a type...
lockstep 21 19 a method of marching...
lollipop 21 17 a piece of candy on...
lollypop 27 19 a piece of candy on...
longjump 21 28 to jump for distance...
longship 20 17 a Viking ship, also...
lordship 20 15 the power of a lord...
mageship 20 18 the office of a sorc...
malaprop 19 18 a humorous misuse of...
mateship 19 16 the state of being a...
megaflop 20 20 a measure of computi...
mericarp 20 17 one carpel of an umb...
mesocarp 19 17 the middle layer of...
microcap 23 20 of a company, having...
milliamp 21 19 one thousandth of an...
minicamp 21 21 a brief training cam...
misstamp 19 17 to stamp wrongly [v...
moldwarp 21 19 (dialect) a mole, al...
monocarp 18 18 a plant that yields...
monocrop 18 18 to plant the same cr...
moonship 18 17 a lunar module [n -S...
muckheap 23 24 a dunghill [n -S]
newsclip 23 19 a brief extract from...
nightcap 22 19 a cap worn to bed; a...
nontrump 16 17 having no trumps [ad...
outgroup 17 15 a group of people ou...
outscoop 18 15 to surpass in scoopi...
outsleep 16 13 to sleep later than...
outstrip 17 12 to go faster or furt...
outsweep 18 15 to surpass in sweepi...
outtrump 18 16 to surpass in trumpi...
overcrop 20 18 to exhaust the land...
overheap 18 17 to heap up to excess...
overjump 21 28 to jump too far [v -...
overkeep 17 19 to keep too long or...
overleap 17 16 to leap over, also O...
overpump 21 22 to pump to excess [v...
overskip 19 19 to skip over [v OVER...
overslip 19 16 to leave out [v OVER...
overstep 17 15 to go beyond [v OVER...
overtrip 18 15 to trip nimbly over...
overwrap 20 18 to wrap excessively...
owerloup 19 16 to leap over, also O...
paradrop 17 15 to deliver by parach...
pawnshop 22 20 a shop where thing a...
peatship 20 16 the state of being a...
pedipalp 21 19 one of the second pa...
peesweep 19 17 (Scots) the peewit [...
pericarp 21 17 the wall of a ripene...
petaflop 20 18 a unit of processing...
photomap 20 19 to map by means of a...
playslip 27 18 a form on which a pa...
podocarp 20 18 a stem, or footstalk...
poetship 20 16 the state or persona...
popeship 22 19 the condition of bei...
postcoup 21 18 following a coup [ad...
presleep 18 15 before sleep [adj]
prestamp 19 17 to stamp beforehand...
queencup 26 26 a flowering plant, a...
raindrop 15 13 a drop of rain [n -S...
rajaship 20 22 the office of a raja...
reedstop 15 12 an organ stop that i...
ridgetop 17 14 the crest of a ridge...
sandheap 16 15 a pile of sand [n -S...
sandpeep 16 16 (US) any small sandp...
sandpump 19 20 a pump for sand or m...
sandsoap 14 13 a soap for heavy cle...
screwtop 22 17 a bottle with a scre...
serfship 21 16 the state of being a...
showjump 25 29 to take part in a sh...
sideslip 18 13 to slip to one side...
sidestep 16 12 to step to one side...
skullcap 23 21 a close-fitting cap...
slipslop 21 16 watery food [n -S]
sneakeup 15 17 (Shakespeare) a snea...
snowdrop 18 16 a drooping white flo...
snowslip 20 16 a large mass or aval...
starship 19 13 a spaceship for inte...
steepeup 17 15 (Shakespeare) precip...
stovetop 17 15 the hob of a stove [...
subgroup 20 18 a distinct group wit...
supercop 21 18 a superior police of...
swagshop 22 18 a place where cheap...
sweetlip 20 15 an Australian fish [...
sweetsop 18 14 a tropical American...
synthpop 26 19 popular music played...
tabletop 18 15 the top of a table [...
taillamp 19 16 a light at the rear...
tankship 19 18 a tanker [n -S]
teardrop 15 12 a tear [n -S]
teenybop 22 17 pertaining to a youn...
teleshop 18 14 to shop by interacti...
teraflop 18 15 a trillion calculati...
tieclasp 20 15 a clasp for securing...
township 21 17 (South African) an u...
townskip 20 19 (Dickens) a city urc...
tranship 18 14 to transfer from one...
treeship 18 13 existence as a tree...
tuckshop 23 21 a confectioner's sho...
twinship 22 17 a close association...
ultrahip 20 15 extremely hip [adj]
unbishop 20 18 to deprive of the st...
underlap 16 15 to extend partly und...
underlip 17 15 the lower lip [n -S]
verkramp 20 22 (Afrikaans) in South...
waldrapp 22 19 (German) the hermit...
wardship 22 17 the office of a guar...
whitecap 24 19 a wave with a crest...
windship 22 18 a sailing ship [n -S...
wineshop 20 17 a shop where wine is...
woodchip 24 20 chipped wood, used e...
woodchop 23 20 an exhibition of woo...
woodwasp 21 18 a large wasplike ins...
wordwrap 22 18 in computing, a func...
workshop 22 20 a room or building w...
xylocarp 32 24 a hard woody fruit [...