5 letter words that end with P

5 letter words that end with P

5 letter P word


Words With Friends®


abamp 13 14 short for ABAMPERE,...
aheap 11 10 (obsolete) in a heap...
alaap 10 9 (Sanskrit) in Indian...
apoop 11 11 on the poop, astern...
atrip 11 8 of an anchor when it...
attap 10 8 the nipa palm [n -S]
ayelp 17 11 in a state of yelpin...
bebop 14 14 to play a style of j...
becap 15 14 to put a cap on [v B...
bicep 16 14 the two-headed muscl...
bleep 13 12 to emit a short high...
blimp 16 15 to swell out [v -ED,...
bloop 13 12 in baseball, to hit...
carap 13 11 a South American tre...
champ 17 16 to chew noisily [v -...
cheap 15 13 inexpensive [adj CHE...
cheep 15 13 to chirp [v -ED, -IN...
chelp 17 14 (Northern English di...
chimp 18 16 (short for) a chimpa...
chirp 17 13 to utter a short, sh...
chomp 17 16 to chew vigorously [...
chump 18 17 to munch [v -ED, -IN...
clamp 16 15 to fasten with a dev...
clasp 15 12 to embrace tightly [...
cleep 14 12 (archaic) to call, n...
clomp 16 15 to walk heavily [v -...
cloop 14 12 the sound of a cork...
clump 17 16 to form into a thick...
cramp 15 14 to confine or restra...
creep 13 11 to advance stealthil...
crimp 16 14 to press into folds,...
crisp 15 11 brittle [adj CRISPER...
croup 14 12 to speak hoarsely [v...
crump 16 15 crisp, also CRUMPY [...
cutup 15 13 a mischievous person...
droop 10 9 to hang downward [v...
equip 19 18 to provide with what...
estop 10 8 to hinder or preclud...
flimp 16 15 to rob while diverte...
flump 16 16 to fall or move heav...
frump 15 15 (obsolete) to snub [...
galop 12 11 to dance a galop (a...
genip 11 11 (Tupi) a tropical Am...
getup 12 11 a costume [n -S]
gloop 12 11 to plop slowly and h...
graip 12 10 a pitchfork used for...
gramp 13 13 grandfather [n -S]
grasp 12 10 to seize firmly with...
group 12 11 to arrange in a grou...
grump 14 14 to grumble [v -ED, -...
guimp 14 14 to trim with yarn, a...
hanap 11 11 an ornate mediaeval...
jalap 13 18 a Mexican plant, als...
jalop 13 18 the purgative root o...
julep 14 19 a cocktail of bourbo...
kelep 12 13 a stinging ant, intr...
knosp 11 13 (German) an architec...
kreep 11 12 a basaltic lunar roc...
layup 18 12 a shot in basketball...
letup 12 10 an easing off [n -S]
mixup 19 19 a state of confusion...
netop 9 9 a friend, companion...
orlop 11 9 the lowest deck of a...
oxlip 18 16 a flower like the co...
pinup 13 13 a picture that may b...
plump 16 16 to make well rounded...
polyp 20 14 an octopus or cuttle...
poulp 14 13 the octopus, also PO...
preop 12 11 a patient prepared f...
primp 15 14 to dress or adorn ca...
psyop 19 13 (short for) psycholo...
rebop 12 11 a type of music [n -...
recap 13 11 (short for) recapitu...
redip 11 9 to dip again [v REDI...
remap 11 11 to map again [v REMA...
salep 11 9 dried orchid tubers;...
salop 11 9 a hot drink made fro...
scalp 15 12 to remove the coveri...
scamp 15 14 to perform carelessl...
scarp 14 11 to make into a steep...
scaup 14 12 to cut the scalp fro...
scoop 13 11 to lift with a spoon...
scoup 14 12 (Scots) to bound, ca...
scowp 17 14 (Scots) to bound, ca...
scrap 14 11 to discard [v SCRAPP...
scrip 15 11 a small bag; a walle...
sculp 16 13 to form an image fro...
setup 11 9 the way something is...
sharp 13 10 keen, acute [adj SHA...
sheep 12 10 a ruminant wool-grow...
shlep 14 11 (Yiddish) to drag on...
shtup 14 11 (Yiddish) to have se...
sirup 12 9 a saturated solution...
situp 12 9 an exercise for the...
skelp 13 13 (Gaelic) to hustle;...
skimp 14 15 to scrimp [v -ED, -I...
sleep 11 9 to be in a natural,...
sloop 11 9 a type of single-mas...
slump 14 13 to sink suddenly [v...
slurp 13 10 to drink noisily [v...
sneap 9 9 to nip, pinch [v -ED...
snoep 9 9 (Afrikaans) tight-fi...
snoop 9 9 to pry about [v -ED,...
stamp 12 11 to bring the foot do...
steep 10 8 inclined sharply [ad...
stirp 12 8 a branch of a family...
stoep 10 8 (Dutch) a platform a...
stomp 12 11 to tread heavily [v...
stoop 10 8 to bend the body for...
stoup 11 9 a vessel for holding...
stowp 14 11 a vessel for holding...
strap 11 8 to fasten with a nar...
strep 11 8 any of various spher...
strip 12 8 to remove the outer...
strop 11 8 to sharpen on a stri...
stump 13 12 to baffle [v -ED, -I...
sunup 11 11 sunrise [n -S]
swamp 15 14 to inundate [v -ED,...
sweep 13 11 to clean with a broo...
swoop 13 11 to make a sudden des...
syrup 18 11 to make into a thick...
sysop 17 10 (short for) systems...
thesp 13 10 a thespian, a member...
thorp 13 10 (archaic) a group of...
thrip 14 10 in pre-decimal coina...
thump 15 14 to beat with a heavy...
titup 12 9 to prance [v TITUPPE...
tramp 12 11 to tread heavily [v...
tromp 12 11 to apply heavy foot...
troop 10 8 to move in a crowd [...
trump 13 12 a card of a suit tha...
tulip 13 10 any plant or flower...
tweep 13 11 one who uses Twitter...
twerp 14 11 a small, impudent pe...
twirp 15 11 a small impudent per...
uncap 13 13 to remove the cap fr...
unhip 13 12 (slang) square, not...
unrip 11 10 to rip open [v UNRIP...
unzip 14 19 to open the zipper o...
usurp 12 10 to seize and hold wi...
watap 13 11 (Native American) a...
whaup 16 14 (Scots) a curlew, so...
wheep 15 13 (Scots) to give a pr...
whelp 17 14 to give birth [v -ED...
whomp 17 16 to defeat decisively...
whoop 15 13 to utter loud cries...
whump 18 17 to strike heavily, t...