4 letter words that starts with n

4 letter words that start with N

4 letter N word


Word With Friends


naam 6 8 (historical) the act...
naan 4 6 (Hindi) a kind of sl...
nabe 7 8 a neighbourhood movi...
nabk 9 12 (Arabic) a prickly s...
nabs 8 8 NAB, to seize [v]
nach 11 10 (Hindi) an entertain...
nada 5 6 nothingness [n -S]
nads 6 6 (slang) testicles [n...
naes 5 5 NAE, (Scots) no [n]
naff 10 11 inferior, tacky [adj...
naga 6 7 (Sanskrit) a snake,...
nags 7 7 NAG, to find fault i...
naif 8 8 (French) ingenuous,...
naik 7 9 (Hindi) the rank of...
nail 7 6 to fasten with a lon...
nain 5 6 (Scots) one's own [a...
nala 6 6 (Hindi) a ravine, a...
name 6 8 to give a title to [...
nams 7 8 NAM, the action of t...
namu 7 9 a black New Zealand...
nana 4 6 (Australian slang) a...
nane 4 6 (Scots) none [adj]
nang 6 8 (slang) excellent, c...
nano 4 6 the science that dea...
nans 5 6 NAN, (Hindi) a kind...
naoi 5 5 NAOS, (Greek) the in...
naos 5 5 (Greek) the inner ce...
napa 7 8 a kind of soft leath...
nape 7 8 to attack with napal...
naps 8 8 NAP, to sleep briefl...
narc 9 8 (short for) a narcot...
nard 6 6 to anoint with the a...
nare 5 5 (archaic) a nostril,...
nark 7 9 to spy or inform [v...
nary 12 7 (dialect) not any [a...
nats 6 5 NAT, (colloquial) a...
nave 7 9 the main body of a c...
navs 8 9 NAV, (short for) nav...
navy 14 11 a nation's warships...
nays 12 7 NAY, a negative vote...
naze 8 14 a headland or cape [...
nazi 9 14 (German) a type of f...
neal 6 6 an aphetic form of a...
neap 7 8 to tend towards the...
near 5 5 situated within a sh...
neat 5 5 tidy [adj NEAT, NEAT...
nebs 8 8 NEB, of birds, to to...
neck 10 12 to kiss and caress i...
neds 6 6 NED, a young hooliga...
need 5 6 to have an urgent or...
neem 6 8 (Hindi) an East Indi...
neep 7 8 (Scots) a turnip [n...
nefs 8 8 NEF, an elaborate ta...
negs 7 7 NEG, a photographic...
neif 8 8 (archaic) the fist,...
neks 7 9 NEK, (South African)...
nema 6 8 (short for) a nemato...
nemn 6 9 (obsolete) to name [...
nene 4 6 (Hawaiian) a kind of...
neon 4 6 a gaseous element [n...
neps 8 8 NEP, (dialect) catmi...
nerd 6 6 a person obsessed wi...
nerk 7 9 a bothersome idiot [...
nesh 8 7 soft, crumbly; tende...
ness 6 5 a headland [n -ES]
nest 6 5 to build a structure...
nete 5 5 the highest note of...
nets 6 5 NET, to catch in an...
nett 6 5 to gain or produce a...
neuk 7 10 (Scots) a nook, a co...
neum 7 9 a sign used in music...
neve 7 9 old compressed snow,...
nevi 8 9 NEVUS, a birthmark,...
newb 11 11 a newbie, also NEWBI...
news 9 8 to report recent eve...
newt 9 8 a tailed amphibian o...
next 12 12 nearest [adj NEXTLY]...
ngai 7 7 clan or tribe, as us...
nibs 9 8 NIB, to provide with...
nice 9 8 agreeable; precise [...
nick 11 12 to make a shallow cu...
nide 6 6 to nest [v NIDED, NI...
nidi 7 6 NIDUS, a breeding pl...
nids 7 6 NID, a pheasant's ne...
nied 6 6 NY, to approach, als...
nief 8 8 (archaic) the fist,...
nies 6 5 NY, to approach, als...
nife 8 8 the earth's hypothet...
niff 11 11 to smell bad [v -ED,...
nigh 10 9 near [adj NIGHER, NI...
nill 9 7 to be unwilling [v N...
nils 8 6 NIL, nothing [n]
nimb 10 11 (Hindi) an East Indi...
nims 8 8 NIM, to take or stea...
nine 5 6 the cardinal number...
nipa 8 8 (Malay) a low-growin...
nips 9 8 NIP, to pinch lightl...
nirl 8 6 (Scots) to stunt, sh...
nish 9 7 (colloquial) nothing...
nisi 7 5 (Latin) taking effec...
nite 6 5 (colloquial) night [...
nits 7 5 NIT, the egg of a pa...
nixe 12 12 NIX, a water sprite...
nixy 19 14 a female nix or mali...
noah 7 7 (Australian slang) a...
nobs 8 8 NOB, a wealthy perso...
nock 10 12 to fit an arrow to a...
node 5 6 a swollen enlargemen...
nodi 6 6 NODUS, (Latin) a kno...
nods 6 6 NOD, to give a quick...
noel 6 6 a Christmas carol [n...
noes 5 5 NO, a negative reply...
nogg 8 9 an eggnog or similar...
nogs 7 7 NOG, to fill a space...
noil 7 6 short fibers combed...
noir 6 5 (French) a type of c...
nole 6 6 (Shakespeare) the to...
noll 8 7 the top of the head,...
nolo 6 6 (Latin) a type of le...
noma 6 8 an ulceration of the...
nome 6 8 (Greek) a province o...
noms 7 8 NOM, (French) a name...
nona 4 6 a virus disease [n -...
none 4 6 not one, also NANE [...
nong 6 8 (Australian slang) a...
noni 5 6 (Hawaiian) a tree of...
noob 7 8 an Internet novice,...
nook 6 9 a corner in a room,...
noon 4 6 to rest at midday [v...
noop 7 8 (Scott) a knob, the...
nope 7 8 (colloquial) no [int...
nori 6 5 (Japanese) a kind of...
nork 7 9 (Australian slang) a...
norm 7 8 a standard regarded...
nose 5 5 to sniff with a smel...
nosh 8 7 to eat snacks betwee...
nosy 12 7 unduly curious [adj...
nota 5 5 NOTUM, part of the t...
note 5 5 to write down [v NOT...
nott 6 5 with short cropped h...
noul 7 7 the top of the head,...
noun 5 7 a word used to denot...
noup 8 9 (obsolete) in the Sh...
nous 6 6 intellect, common se...
nout 6 6 (dialect) cattle [n]
nova 7 9 an exploding star [n...
nowl 10 9 the top of the head,...
nown 8 9 (obsolete) own [adj]
nows 9 8 NOW, the present tim...
nowt 9 8 (dialect) nothing [n...
nowy 15 10 having a convex curv...
noys 12 7 NOY, (Spenser) to an...
nubs 9 9 NUB, (obsolete) to h...
nude 6 7 without clothes [adj...
nuff 11 12 (slang) enough [n -S...
nugs 8 8 NUG, a chunk of wood...
nuke 7 10 to attack with nucle...
null 9 8 to annul, make void...
numb 10 12 lacking feeling [adj...
nuns 6 7 NUN, a woman belongi...
nurd 7 7 a socially inept per...
nurl 8 7 a small excrescence...
nurr 7 6 a knot in wood, also...
nurs 7 6 NUR, a knot in wood,...
nuts 7 6 NUT, to gather hard-...
nyah 14 9 an interjection used...
nyas 12 7 (obsolete) a young h...
nyed 12 8 NYE, to draw near, a...
nyes 12 7 NYE, to draw near, a...