4 letter words that starts with j

4 letter words that start with J

4 letter J word


Word With Friends


jaap 10 16 (South African) an i...
jabs 11 16 JAB, to poke sharply...
jack 13 20 a device for raising...
jade 8 14 to tire [v JADED, JA...
jafa 10 16 (NZ) an offensive na...
jaga 9 15 in Indonesia, to gua...
jagg 11 17 to cut unevenly, als...
jags 10 15 JAG, to cut unevenly...
jail 10 14 to imprison, also GA...
jake 9 17 (Australian slang) h...
jaks 10 17 JAK, an East Indian...
jamb 12 19 a piece of leg armou...
jams 10 16 JAM, to force togeth...
jane 7 14 a small silver Genoe...
jann 7 15 a supernatural being...
jape 10 16 to play a joke [v JA...
japs 11 16 JAP, to splash or sp...
jark 10 17 a seal on a document...
jarl 10 14 a Scandinavian noble...
jarp 11 16 to tap an egg agains...
jars 9 13 JAR, to vibrate from...
jasp 11 16 (Spenser) a precious...
jass 9 13 (obsolete) jazz [n -...
jasy 15 15 a wig of worsted, al...
jato 8 13 a jet-assisted take...
jauk 10 18 to dawdle [v -ED, -I...
jaup 11 17 (Scots) to splash or...
java 10 17 a type of coffee [n...
jaws 12 16 JAW, to chatter at l...
jaxy 21 22 the posterior, also...
jays 15 15 JAY, a corvine bird,...
jazy 18 24 a wig, also JASEY, J...
jazz 15 31 to liven up the beat...
jean 7 14 a durable cotton fab...
jeat 8 13 (obsolete) jet, the...
jedi 9 14 (tradename) a person...
jeed 8 14 JEE, to turn to the...
jeel 9 14 (Scots) extreme cold...
jeep 10 16 to travel by a four...
jeer 8 13 to mock, also GEARE...
jees 8 13 JEE, to turn to the...
jeez 11 22 an interjection expr...
jefe 10 16 (Spanish) a chief [n...
jeff 13 19 (Australian slang) t...
jehu 11 16 a coachman, esp. one...
jell 11 15 to set like jelly [v...
jeon 7 14 (Korean) a monetary...
jerk 10 17 to move spasmodicall...
jess 9 13 to fasten straps to...
jest 9 13 to joke [v -ED, -ING...
jete 8 13 a ballet leap [n -S]
jets 9 13 JET, to spurt forth...
jeux 15 21 JEU, (French) a game...
jews 12 16 JEW, to barter succe...
jiao 8 13 (Chinese) a Chinese...
jibb 14 19 to shift from side t...
jibe 11 16 to jeer, also GIBE [...
jibs 12 16 JIB, to draw back, t...
jiff 14 19 a short time, also J...
jigs 11 15 JIG, to dance a jig;...
jill 12 15 a female hare [n -S]
jilt 11 14 to discard a lover [...
jimp 13 19 (Scots) slender [adj...
jink 10 18 to dodge nimbly [v -...
jinn 8 15 a supernatural being...
jins 9 14 JIN, a supernatural...
jinx 15 21 to bring bad luck to...
jird 10 14 an African gerbil [n...
jism 11 16 (colloquial) energy,...
jive 11 17 deceitful [adj JIVER...
jivy 18 19 jazzy, lively, also...
jizz 16 31 the characteristic m...
jobe 10 16 to reprimand tedious...
jobs 11 16 JOB, to do piece wor...
jock 13 20 (US slang) a keen sp...
joco 11 16 (Scots) a joke [n -S...
joes 8 13 JOE, (Scots) a loved...
joey 14 15 a young kangaroo [n...
jogs 10 15 JOG, to run at a slo...
john 10 16 a toilet [n -S]
join 8 14 to unite [v -ED, -IN...
joke 9 17 to say something amu...
joky 16 19 amusing, also JOKEY...
jole 9 14 (dialect) to bump, k...
joll 11 15 (dialect) to bump, k...
jols 10 14 JOL, (South African...
jolt 10 14 to jar or shake roug...
jomo 9 16 a cross between a ya...
jong 9 16 (Afrikaans) friend [...
jook 9 17 (Scots) to duck or d...
jors 9 13 JOR, in Indian music...
josh 11 15 to tease [v JOSHED,...
joss 9 13 a Chinese figure of...
jota 8 13 a Spanish dance [n -...
jots 9 13 JOT, to note quickly...
jouk 10 18 (Scots) to duck or d...
jour 9 14 (French) a day, as i...
jowl 13 17 to bump, also JOLE,...
jows 12 16 JOW, to ring, toll a...
joys 15 15 JOY, to rejoice [v]
juba 11 17 a Negro rustic dance...
jube 11 17 a rood-loft, or scre...
juco 12 17 (US) junior college;...
judo 9 15 a Japanese form of u...
juds 10 15 JUD, a mass of coal...
judy 16 17 (slang) a girl, a gi...
juga 10 16 JUGUM, a pair of opp...
jugs 11 16 JUG, to stew in a cl...
juju 12 24 a fetish or charm [n...
juke 10 18 to dance [v JUKED, J...
juku 11 19 a Japanese school th...
jump 13 20 to leap into the air...
junk 10 19 to discard as trash...
jupe 11 17 a woman's jacket [n...
jura 9 14 JUS, a law or legal...
jure 9 14 (Latin) by right or...
jury 16 16 a committee of adjud...
just 10 14 fair, impartial [adj...
jute 9 14 a fibre obtained fro...
juts 10 14 JUT, to project, sti...
juve 11 18 (short for) a juveni...
jynx 21 23 the wryneck, a bird...