5 letter words that start with Y

5 letter words that start with Y

5 letter Y word


Words With Friends®


yaars 14 7 YAAR, (Hinglish) fri...
yabas 16 10 YABA, (colloquial) y...
yabba 18 13 a methamphetamine, a...
yabby 25 15 (Native Australian)...
yacca 20 13 (Australian slang) a...
yacht 20 12 a vessel propelled b...
yacka 18 14 (Australian slang) a...
yacks 19 14 YACK, to talk persis...
yaffs 19 13 YAFF, (Scots) to bar...
yager 15 9 (German) a huntsman,...
yages 15 9 YAGE, a tropical vin...
yagis 16 9 YAGI, (Japanese) a t...
yahoo 15 9 in cricket, an exube...
yaird 15 8 a yard, a garden [n...
yakka 16 15 (Native Australian)...
yakow 18 14 an animal crossbred...
yales 15 8 YALE, a fabulous her...
yamen 14 11 (Chinese) the office...
yampy 24 15 (dialect) a foolish...
yamun 15 12 (Chinese) the office...
yangs 15 10 YANG, (Chinese) a sp...
yanks 15 12 YANK, to pull with a...
yapok 17 14 the South American o...
yapon 15 11 a bushy evergreen sh...
yapps 19 13 YAPP, a limp leather...
yappy 25 15 given to yapping [ad...
yarak 15 11 (Persian) of a hawk,...
yarco 17 10 (Australian slang) a...
yards 15 8 YARD, to enclose in...
yarer 14 7 YARE, (archaic) nimb...
yarfa 16 10 in Shetland, peaty s...
yarks 16 11 YARK, (dialect) to m...
yarns 14 8 YARN, to tell a long...
yarrs 15 7 YARR [n]
yarta 14 7 heart, used as term...
yarto 14 7 heart, used as term...
yates 14 7 YATE, (Spenser) a ga...
yauds 15 9 YAUD, (Scots) a mare...
yauld 16 10 (Scots) active, nimb...
yaups 17 11 YAUP, to yelp or bar...
yawed 17 11 YAW, of e.g. a plane...
yawey 23 12 pertaining to the di...
yawls 19 11 YAWL, to howl [v]
yawns 17 11 YAWN, to open the mo...
yawny 23 13 full of yawns [adj Y...
yawps 20 13 YAWP, to cry hoarsel...
ybore 16 10 BEAR, to endure [v]
yclad 19 12 CLOTHE, to provide w...
ycled 19 12 CLOTHE, to provide w...
ycond 17 12 CON, to study carefu...
ydrad 15 9 DREAD, to fear great...
ydred 15 9 DREAD, to fear great...
yeads 14 8 YEAD, (Spenser) to g...
yeahs 16 9 YEAH, an expression...
yealm 16 11 to prepare straw for...
yeans 13 8 YEAN, esp. of a shee...
yeard 14 8 (Scots) to bury, als...
yearn 13 8 to long for [v -ED,...
years 14 7 YEAR, the time taken...
yeast 14 7 to ferment [v -ED, -...
yecch 23 15 something disgusting...
yechs 20 12 YECH, something disg...
yechy 26 14 disgusting [adj YECH...
yedes 14 8 YEDE, to go or proce...
yeeds 14 8 YEED, to go or proce...
yeesh 16 9 an interjection used...
yeggs 17 11 YEGG, a burglar esp....
yelks 17 12 YELK, the yellow, fa...
yells 17 9 YELL, to cry out lou...
yelms 17 11 YELM, to prepare str...
yelps 18 11 YELP, to utter a sha...
yelts 16 8 YELT, (dialect) a yo...
yenta 13 8 (Yiddish) a gossipy...
yente 13 8 (Yiddish) a gossipy...
yerba 16 10 (Spanish) an infusio...
yerds 15 8 YERD, (Scots) to bur...
yerks 16 11 YERK, to tie with a...
yeses 14 7 YES, to give an affi...
yesks 16 11 YESK, (Scots) to hic...
yests 15 7 YEST, (obsolete) yea...
yesty 21 9 like yeast, also YEA...
yetis 15 7 YETI, (Tibetan) the...
yetts 15 7 YETT, (Scots) a gate...
yeuks 16 12 YEUK, (dialect) to i...
yeuky 22 14 itchy [adj YEUKIER,...
yeven 15 12 YEVE, (obsolete) to...
yeves 16 11 YEVE, (obsolete) to...
yewen 16 11 (archaic) made of ye...
yexed 20 15 YEX, to hiccup, also...
yexes 20 14 YEX, to hiccup, also...
yfere 16 10 (obsolete) a friend,...
yield 16 9 to give up [v YIELDE...
yiked 16 12 YIKE, (Australian sl...
yikes 16 11 YIKE, (Australian sl...
yills 18 9 YILL [n]
yince 17 11 (Scots) once, also A...
yipes 17 10 used to express fear...
yippy 26 15 a member of a radica...
yirds 16 8 YIRD, (Scots) to bur...
yirks 17 11 YIRK, to draw tight...
yirrs 16 7 YIRR, to snarl [v]
yirth 18 9 (US) earth [n -S]
yites 15 7 YITE, (dialect) the...
yitie 15 7 (Scots) the yellowha...
ylems 17 11 YLEM, a form of matt...
ylike 17 12 (Spenser) alike [adj...
ylkes 17 12 YLKE, (obsolete) ilk...
ymolt 17 11 MELT, to change from...
ympes 18 13 YMPE, (Spenser) to i...
yobbo 18 13 (slang) a yob, a hoo...
yobby 25 15 resembling a yob [ad...
yocks 19 14 YOCK, to laugh boist...
yodel 15 9 to sing with a fluct...
yodhs 17 10 YODH, (Hebrew) a Heb...
yodle 15 9 to sing with a fluct...
yogas 15 9 YOGA, (Sanskrit) a s...
yogee 14 9 one who practises yo...
yoghs 18 11 YOGH, the Middle Eng...
yogic 19 12 relating to yoga [ad...
yogin 15 10 one who practices yo...
yogis 16 9 YOGI, (Sanskrit) one...
yoick 19 14 to cry out an old fo...
yojan 15 17 (Hindi) in the India...
yoked 15 12 YOKE, to join (anima...
yokel 16 12 a country bumpkin [n...
yoker 15 11 to spit [v -ED, -ING...
yokes 15 11 YOKE, to join (anima...
yokul 17 13 (Shetlands) yes carl...
yolks 17 12 YOLK, the yellow, fa...
yolky 23 14 like yolk [adj YOLKI...
yomim 17 13 YOM, a Jewish day, e...
yomps 18 13 YOMP, to march with...
yonic 17 11 pertaining to the yo...
yonis 14 8 YONI, (Sanskrit) a r...
yonks 15 12 (colloquial) ages, a...
yoofs 16 10 YOOF, youth, young p...
yoops 16 10 YOOP, a sobbing soun...
yores 14 7 YORE, a long time ag...
yorks 16 11 YORK, to bowl a bats...
yorps 17 10 YORP, (dialect) to s...
youks 16 12 YOUK, (dialect) to i...
young 15 11 born recently [adj Y...
yourn 14 9 (archaic) yours [pro...
yours 15 8 a possessive form of...
yourt 15 8 (Russian) a Mongolia...
youse 14 8 (colloquial) you whe...
youth 17 10 a young person [n -S...
yowed 17 11 YOW, to howl, also Y...
yowes 17 10 YOWE, (Scots) a ewe...
yowie 17 10 (Native Australian)...
yowls 19 11 YOWL, to howl, esp....
yrapt 17 10 (Spenser) rapt [adj]
yrent 14 8 REND, to tear apart...
yrivd 18 12 RIVE, to tear apart...
yrneh 16 10 a unit of reciprocal...
ysame 15 10 (Spenser) together [...
ytost 15 7 TOSS, to throw light...
yuans 14 9 YUAN, (Chinese) a Ch...
yucas 18 11 YUCA, a Mexican plan...
yucca 21 14 a Mexican plant of t...
yucch 24 16 an interjection expr...
yucko 19 15 (Australian slang) u...
yucks 20 15 YUCK, to laugh loudl...
yucky 26 17 messy or disgusting...
yufts 18 11 YUFT, (Russian) a ki...
yugas 16 10 YUGA, (Sanskrit) one...
yuked 16 13 YUKE, (dialect) to i...
yukes 16 12 YUKE, (dialect) to i...
yukky 24 18 disgusting, also YEU...
yukos 16 12 YUKO, (Japanese) in...
yulan 15 10 (Chinese) a kind of...
yules 16 9 YULE, Christmas or C...
yummo 17 14 (Australian slang) d...
yummy 24 16 delicious [adj YUMMI...
yumps 19 14 YUMP, to become air-...
yupon 16 12 a bushy evergreen sh...
yuppy 26 16 a young professional...
yurta 15 8 (Russian) a Mongolia...
yurts 16 8 YURT, (Russian) a Mo...
yuzus 19 18 YUZU, (Japanese) a t...