11 letter words that start with W

11 letter words that start with W

11 letter W word


Words With Friends®


wackinesses 25 22 WACKINESS, the state...
wageworkers 26 23 WAGEWORKER, one who...
waggishness 26 21 the state of being w...
waggonettes 22 19 WAGGONETTE, a carria...
waggonloads 23 21 WAGGONLOAD, the cont...
wagonwright 29 24 one who makes wagons...
wainscoting 25 21 oak panelling, also...
wainscotted 24 19 WAINSCOT, to cover w...
wainwrights 29 22 WAINWRIGHT, a maker...
waistcloths 29 20 WAISTCLOTH, a cloth...
waistcoated 24 18 WAISTCOAT [v]
waiterhoods 23 17 WAITERHOOD, the stat...
waitlisting 25 18 WAITLIST, to put on...
waitpersons 23 18 WAITPERSON, a waiter...
waitressing 23 17 working as a waitres...
wakeboarded 23 23 WAKEBOARD, to ride a...
wakeboarder 23 22 one who practises wa...
wakefulness 25 24 the state of being w...
waldgravine 25 23 (German) the wife of...
waldsterben 24 20 (German) disease and...
wallclimber 32 26 a glass-walled eleva...
wallflowers 30 23 WALLFLOWER, a yellow...
wallpapered 27 23 WALLPAPER, to cover...
wallpeppers 30 25 WALLPEPPER, a small...
wallposters 26 19 WALLPOSTER, in China...
walnutwoods 25 21 WALNUTWOOD, the wood...
wampumpeags 29 29 WAMPUMPEAG, (Native...
wanderingly 29 22 WANDERING, moving ab...
wanderlusts 23 18 WANDERLUST, (German)...
wantonising 21 19 WANTONISE, (archaic)...
wantonizing 24 28 WANTONIZE, (archaic)...
wanwordiest 24 19 WANWORDY, (Scots) wo...
wapenschaws 31 26 WAPENSCHAW, (Scots)...
wapinschaws 32 26 WAPINSCHAW, (Scots)...
wappenschaw 33 29 (Scots) a periodical...
wappenshaws 30 26 WAPPENSHAW, (Scots)...
warchalkers 29 24 WARCHALKER, one who...
warchalking 30 27 the activity of draw...
wardenships 26 21 WARDENSHIP, the offi...
warderships 27 20 WARDERSHIP, the offi...
warehousers 23 17 WAREHOUSER, a wareho...
warehousing 24 20 storage in a warehou...
warlikeness 23 20 the state of being w...
warlockries 27 22 WARLOCKRY, sorcery [...
warlordisms 25 19 WARLORDISM, a system...
warmhearted 24 20 marked by ready affe...
warrandices 24 19 WARRANDICE, a guaran...
warrantable 23 19 that can be warrante...
warrantably 30 21 WARRANTABLE, that ca...
warrantings 22 18 WARRANTING, the act...
warrantised 21 16 WARRANTISE, (archaic...
warrantises 21 15 WARRANTISE [n]
warrantized 24 25 WARRANTIZE, to guara...
warrantizes 24 24 WARRANTIZE, to guara...
warrantless 22 16 without a warrant [a...
warrantying 28 20 WARRANTY, to guarant...
washability 34 22 the quality of being...
washaterias 23 16 WASHATERIA, a laundr...
washerwoman 26 23 a woman whose occupa...
washerwomen 26 23 WASHERWOMAN, a woman...
washeterias 23 16 WASHETERIA, a laundr...
washinesses 23 17 WASHINESS, the state...
waspinesses 23 18 WASPINESS, the state...
waspishness 26 20 the state of being w...
wassailings 24 18 WASSAILING, (histori...
wassailries 23 15 WASSAILRY, the act o...
wastebasket 24 21 a basket or bin for...
wastenesses 20 15 WASTENESS, the state...
wastepapers 25 20 WASTEPAPER, paper di...
wasterfully 33 22 WASTERFUL, (Scots) e...
wastewaters 24 17 WASTEWATER, waste wa...
watchdogged 29 25 WATCHDOG, to act as...
watchguards 29 23 WATCHGUARD, a chain...
watchmakers 29 26 WATCHMAKER, one that...
watchmaking 30 29 the profession of ma...
watchspring 31 25 the spring of a watc...
watchstraps 30 22 WATCHSTRAP, the stra...
watchtowers 30 22 WATCHTOWER, a tower...
waterbrains 23 18 WATERBRAIN, a diseas...
waterbusses 24 18 WATERBUS, a large mo...
watercolors 25 18 WATERCOLOR, a pigmen...
watercolour 25 19 a pigment diluted wi...
watercooler 24 18 a device for dispens...
watercourse 24 18 a natural or artific...
watercrafts 27 20 WATERCRAFT, a boat;...
waterdrives 24 19 WATERDRIVE, the use...
waterfinder 23 19 one who finds subter...
waterfloods 24 19 WATERFLOOD, a flood...
waterfowler 27 21 one who hunts waterf...
waterfronts 23 18 WATERFRONT, land wit...
waterlilies 24 16 WATERLILY, a name co...
waterlogged 24 20 WATERLOG, to soak wi...
watermarked 23 22 WATERMARK, to mark w...
watermelons 22 19 WATERMELON, a type o...
waterpowers 26 20 WATERPOWER, the powe...
waterproofs 25 20 WATERPROOF, to make...
waterquakes 30 28 WATERQUAKE, a seismi...
waterscapes 26 20 WATERSCAPE, a sea vi...
watersiders 22 15 WATERSIDER, (Austral...
waterskiing 24 21 the sport of skiing...
watersmeets 22 17 WATERSMEET, the conf...
waterspouts 24 18 WATERSPOUT, a distur...
waterthrush 27 19 a species of America...
waterwheels 27 20 WATERWHEEL, a wheel...
wattlebarks 26 22 WATTLEBARK, the bark...
wattlebirds 26 19 WATTLEBIRD, any one...
wattleworks 27 22 WATTLEWORK, wickerwo...
wavelengths 27 24 WAVELENGTH, the dist...
waywardness 30 21 the state of being w...
weakhearted 23 21 feeble, fainthearted...
weakishness 24 21 the state of being w...
wealthiness 24 18 the state of being w...
weaponeered 20 19 WEAPONEER, to design...
weaponising 23 21 WEAPONISE, to adapt...
weaponizing 26 30 WEAPONIZE, to adapt...
wearability 31 20 the ability to be wo...
wearilessly 30 18 WEARILESS, incapable...
wearinesses 20 15 WEARINESS, the state...
wearisomely 29 20 WEARISOME, tiresome,...
weatherable 25 20 that can be weathere...
weathercast 26 19 a weather forecast e...
weathercock 30 26 a weather vane often...
weathergirl 26 19 a girl who announces...
weatherings 24 19 WEATHERING, the acti...
weatherised 23 17 WEATHERISE, to make...
weatherises 23 16 WEATHERISE, to make...
weatherized 26 26 WEATHERIZE, to make...
weatherizes 26 25 WEATHERIZE, to make...
weathermost 24 19 furthest to windward...
weatherworn 25 20 worn by exposure to...
weaverbirds 26 22 WEAVERBIRD, a weaver...
webloggings 28 25 WEBLOGGING, the act...
weedinesses 20 16 WEEDINESS, the state...
weedkillers 25 21 WEEDKILLER, a chemic...
weekendings 22 23 WEEKENDING, the act...
weepinesses 22 18 WEEPINESS, the state...
weighboards 27 22 WEIGHBOARD, a thin g...
weighbridge 29 24 a machine for weighi...
weightiness 25 19 the state of being w...
weimaraners 21 18 WEIMARANER, (German)...
weirdnesses 21 16 WEIRDNESS, the state...
welcomeness 25 22 the state of being w...
welcomingly 35 27 WELCOMING [adv]
weldability 33 22 the quality of being...
welfaristic 29 21 relating to welfaris...
wellingtons 24 20 WELLINGTON, a type o...
wellsprings 28 22 WELLSPRING, a founta...
weltschmerz 33 32 (German) mental depr...
welwitschia 32 23 a plant of a SW Afri...
wensleydale 28 20 a kind of cheese [n...
wentletraps 24 19 WENTLETRAP, (Dutch)...
werewolfery 33 23 the state of being a...
werewolfish 30 23 like a werewolf, als...
werewolfism 29 24 the state of being a...
westernised 21 16 WESTERNISE, to make...
westernises 21 15 WESTERNISE, to make...
westernisms 23 18 WESTERNISM, an idom...
westernized 24 25 WESTERNIZE, to make...
westernizes 24 24 WESTERNIZE, to make...
westernmost 22 18 most to the west [ad...
wettability 32 20 the ability to be we...
whaikoreros 24 20 WHAIKORERO, (Maori)...
wharfingers 27 22 WHARFINGER, the keep...
wharfmaster 27 22 one who controls a w...
whatsername 23 20 a girl or woman whos...
whatsisname 24 20 a man whose name is...
whatsomever 26 23 (dialect) whatsoever...
wheatfields 27 21 WHEATFIELD, a field...
wheedlesome 24 21 coaxing [adj]
wheedlingly 33 24 WHEEDLING, enticing...
wheelbarrow 29 23 a barrow with one wh...
wheelchairs 30 22 WHEELCHAIR, a chair...
wheelhorses 26 19 WHEELHORSE, one of t...
wheelhouses 26 20 WHEELHOUSE, a shelte...
wheelwright 32 24 a maker and repairer...
whenceforth 30 25 (Spenser) whence [ad...
whereabouts 25 20 one's (approximate)...
wherenesses 22 17 WHERENESS, the state...
wheresoever 24 20 in whatever place, a...
wherewithal 30 22 the means, resources...
whewellites 29 21 WHEWELLITE, a minera...
wheyishness 32 21 the state of being w...
whichsoever 31 25 every one that [adj]
whiffleries 30 23 WHIFFLERY, levity; t...
whiffletree 29 23 the crosspiece of a...
whiggamores 27 23 WHIGGAMORE, (Scots)...
whigmaleery 33 24 (Scots) a trinket or...
whillywhaed 38 26 WHILLYWHA, (Scots) t...
whillywhaws 42 28 WHILLYWHAW, (Scots)...
whimberries 28 22 WHIMBERRY, the bilbe...
whimperings 29 25 WHIMPERING [n]
whimsically 38 26 WHIMSICAL, full of w...
whinberries 26 20 WHINBERRY, the bilbe...
whingeingly 33 25 in the manner of one...
whininesses 23 18 WHININESS, the state...
whiplashing 31 25 WHIPLASH, to move li...
whippetings 30 25 WHIPPETING, the spor...
whippletree 29 23 the crosspiece of a...
whipstalled 29 22 WHIPSTALL, of an air...
whirlabouts 28 21 WHIRLABOUT, anything...
whirlblasts 30 21 WHIRLBLAST, a whirli...
whirlybirds 36 23 WHIRLYBIRD, (slang)...
whiskerando 24 22 a whiskered person,...
whiskeriest 26 20 WHISKERY, having whi...
whiskeyfied 34 26 intoxicated, also WH...
whisperings 28 22 WHISPERING, the act...
whistleable 28 21 that can be whistled...
whistlingly 35 23 WHISTLING, of e.g. a...
whitebasses 26 19 WHITEBASS, a silvery...
whitebeards 26 20 WHITEBEARD, an old m...
whiteboards 26 20 WHITEBOARD, a board,...
whiteboyism 34 24 the principles of th...
whitefishes 29 21 WHITEFISH, a general...
whitelisted 26 18 WHITELIST, to place...
whitenesses 23 17 WHITENESS, the state...
whitesmiths 29 21 WHITESMITH, one who...
whitethorns 26 19 WHITETHORN, the hawt...
whitethroat 26 18 any of several birds...
whitewashed 29 22 WHITEWASH, to cover...
whitewasher 29 21 one who whitewashes...
whitewashes 29 21 WHITEWASH, to cover...
whiteywoods 33 22 WHITEYWOOD, a New Ze...
whitherward 30 22 toward what or which...
whitishness 27 19 the state of being w...
whitleather 27 19 leather dressed with...
whittericks 30 23 WHITTERICK, (Scots)...
whodunnitry 30 22 the genre of whoduni...
wholegrains 25 20 the whole unprocesse...
wholenesses 23 18 WHOLENESS, the state...
wholesalers 25 18 WHOLESALER, someone...
wholesaling 26 21 the act of selling w...
wholesomely 32 23 WHOLESOME, healthy,...
wholesomest 25 20 WHOLESOME, healthy,...
wholestitch 31 22 weaving stitch that...
whorehouses 25 19 WHOREHOUSE, a buildi...
whoremaster 24 19 (archaic) one who ru...
whoremonger 24 22 a man consorting wit...
whorishness 26 19 the behaviour of a w...
whosesoever 24 20 (archaic) of or rela...
wickerworks 31 28 WICKERWORK, basketwo...
widdershins 25 19 in a left-handed, wr...
widechapped 31 27 (Shakespeare) open-m...
widemouthed 25 22 having a wide mouth...
widowerhood 26 21 the fact or state of...
wienerwurst 25 19 (German) a kind of s...
wikialities 25 19 WIKIALITY, informati...
wikitorials 25 19 WIKITORIAL, a tradit...
wildcatters 27 19 WILDCATTER, one that...
wildcatting 28 22 the practice of dril...
wildebeests 25 19 WILDEBEEST, another...
wilderments 24 20 WILDERMENT, the stat...
wildflowers 30 23 WILDFLOWER, any flow...
wildfowlers 30 23 WILDFOWLER, one who...
wildfowling 31 26 the sport of hunting...
willfulness 28 22 the state of being w...
willingness 25 20 the state of being w...
willowherbs 32 24 WILLOWHERB, a perenn...
willowwares 30 22 WILLOWWARE, goods e....
wimpinesses 25 21 WIMPINESS, the quali...
wimpishness 28 23 the state of being w...
winceyettes 30 20 WINCEYETTE, a kind o...
winchesters 27 20 WINCHESTER, a large...
windbaggery 32 25 being a windbag [n W...
windbreaker 24 23 (tradename) a type o...
windburning 25 24 WINDBURN, to cause i...
windcheater 26 21 a windproof jacket [...
windflowers 28 23 WINDFLOWER, another...
windinesses 21 17 WINDINESS, the state...
windjammers 26 31 WINDJAMMER, a large...
windjamming 27 34 sailing by windjamme...
windlassing 24 20 WINDLASS, to raise w...
windlestrae 22 17 (Scots) anything lig...
windlestraw 26 20 anything light or in...
windmilling 27 24 WINDMILL, to rotate...
windowpanes 25 23 WINDOWPANE, the glas...
windowsills 28 21 WINDOWSILL, the hori...
windproofed 25 23 WINDPROOF, to make a...
windscreens 24 20 WINDSCREEN, a screen...
windshields 26 20 WINDSHIELD, a transp...
windsuckers 27 24 WINDSUCKER, a horse...
windsurfers 25 20 WINDSURFER, one who...
windsurfing 26 23 the sport of surfing...
wineberries 23 18 WINEBERRY, the red c...
winebibbers 28 24 WINEBIBBER, a person...
winebibbing 29 27 drinking wine [n -S]
wineglasses 23 18 WINEGLASS, a glass f...
winegrowers 25 20 WINEGROWER, a person...
winegrowing 26 23 the growing of grape...
winemakings 24 25 WINEMAKING, the prod...
winepresses 23 18 WINEPRESS, a machine...
wingspreads 25 21 WINGSPREAD, the spre...
winnability 31 22 the quality of being...
winningness 21 20 the quality of being...
winsomeness 21 19 the state of being w...
winterberry 30 20 a name given to seve...
wintercress 25 18 a bitter-tasting yel...
winterfeeds 23 19 WINTERFEED, to feed...
wintergreen 21 18 any of a genus of ev...
winteriness 21 16 the state of being w...
winterising 23 18 WINTERISE, to make s...
winterizing 26 27 WINTERIZE, to make s...
winterkills 26 21 WINTERKILL, to kill...
wintertides 22 16 WINTERTIDE, (archaic...
wintertimes 23 18 WINTERTIME, the time...
wiredrawers 25 18 WIREDRAWER, one who...
wiredrawing 26 21 drawing wire by pull...
wiregrasses 23 16 WIREGRASS, a variety...
wirelessing 24 18 WIRELESS, to communi...
wirepullers 27 20 WIREPULLER, a person...
wirepulling 28 23 the use of private o...
wiretappers 26 20 WIRETAPPER, one that...
wiretapping 27 23 the act of tapping a...
wirewalkers 27 22 WIREWALKER, a tightr...
wireworkers 26 21 WIREWORKER, one who...
wireworking 27 24 working in wire [n -...
wisecracked 29 25 WISECRACK, to make a...
wisecracker 29 24 one who wisecracks [...
wisenheimer 24 20 a smart aleck, also...
wishfulness 28 22 the state of being w...
wishtonwish 30 22 (Native American) th...
wispinesses 24 18 WISPINESS, the state...
wistfulness 26 20 the state of being w...
witchbrooms 31 25 WITCHBROOM, a dense...
witchcrafts 34 25 WITCHCRAFT, the use...
witchetties 28 19 WITCHETTY, (Native A...
witenagemot 22 20 an early English nat...
witgatbooms 26 22 WITGATBOOM, (Afrikaa...
withdrawals 29 21 WITHDRAWAL, the act...
withdrawers 28 20 WITHDRAWER, one who...
withdrawing 29 23 WITHDRAW, to move aw...
witheringly 33 22 WITHERING, of critic...
withershins 27 19 in a left-handed, wr...
withholders 28 20 WITHHOLDER, one who...
withholding 29 23 WITHHOLD, to hold ba...
withindoors 24 18 indoors [adv]
withstander 24 18 one who withstands [...
witlessness 23 16 the state of being w...
witnessable 24 19 that can be witnesse...
wittinesses 22 15 WITTINESS, the quali...
witwantoned 23 20 WITWANTON, to engage...
wofulnesses 24 20 WOFULNESS, the state...
wolfberries 27 21 WOLFBERRY, an Americ...
wolfishness 27 21 the state of being w...
wolframites 26 21 WOLFRAMITE, a tungst...
womanisings 23 21 WOMANISING, engageme...
womanizings 26 30 WOMANIZING, engageme...
womanliness 22 20 the state of being w...
womannesses 20 19 WOMANNESS, the state...
womanpowers 26 24 WOMANPOWER, women av...
womenswears 24 21 WOMENSWEAR, clothes...
wonderfully 32 24 WONDERFUL, causing w...
wonderingly 29 22 WONDERING, having a...
wonderlands 21 19 WONDERLAND, an imagi...
wonderments 21 20 WONDERMENT, a cause...
wonderworks 25 23 WONDERWORK, a prodig...
woodcarvers 26 22 WOODCARVER, a crafts...
woodcarving 27 25 the art of carving i...
woodchopper 30 26 one engaged in chopp...
woodcutters 25 19 WOODCUTTER, one that...
woodcutting 26 22 the action or occupa...
woodenheads 21 19 WOODENHEAD, (colloqu...
woodenwares 22 19 WOODENWARE, ware mad...
woodgrouses 22 18 WOODGROUSE, a kind o...
woodinesses 20 16 WOODINESS, the state...
woodlanders 21 18 WOODLANDER, one who...
woodpeckers 27 25 WOODPECKER, any of a...
woodshedded 23 20 WOODSHED, to practic...
woodshrikes 25 21 WOODSHRIKE, a specie...
woodswallow 29 23 any of the fly-catch...
woodworkers 25 22 WOODWORKER, one who...
woodworking 26 25 the process of worki...
woolgrowers 26 20 WOOLGROWER, a person...
woolgrowing 27 23 keeping sheep for th...
woolinesses 21 16 WOOLINESS, the state...
woollybacks 36 28 WOOLLYBACK, (colloqu...
woollybutts 33 22 WOOLLYBUTT, a kind o...
woollyfoots 31 21 WOOLLYFOOT, as in wo...
woolsorters 22 15 WOOLSORTER, a person...
woozinesses 23 24 WOOZINESS, the state...
wordinesses 21 16 WORDINESS, the state...
wordishness 24 18 verbosity [n -ES]
wordmongers 23 21 WORDMONGER, a writer...
workability 33 24 the quality of being...
workaholics 29 24 WORKAHOLIC, one who...
workaholism 27 24 excessive industry [...
workarounds 22 21 WORKAROUND, a way of...
workbaskets 26 25 WORKBASKET, a basket...
workbenches 29 27 WORKBENCH, a bench,...
workfellows 30 26 WORKFELLOW, a compan...
workmanlike 25 27 characterized by the...
workmanship 28 27 the skill of a workm...
workmasters 24 21 WORKMASTER, the perf...
workshopped 29 27 WORKSHOP, to hold a...
workstation 22 19 an area with equipme...
workstreams 24 21 WORKSTREAM, any one...
workwatcher 31 26 in horse-racing, a t...
worldliness 24 18 the state of being w...
worldscales 27 20 WORLDSCALE, the scal...
worminesses 22 18 WORMINESS, the state...
worrisomely 30 20 WORRISOME, causing w...
worsenesses 20 15 WORSENESS, the state...
worshipable 29 23 capable of being wor...
worshipless 28 20 without worship [adj...
worshippers 29 22 WORSHIPPER, one who...
worshipping 30 25 WORSHIP, to honour a...
worthlessly 33 20 WORTHLESS, without w...
wranglesome 23 21 quarrelsome [adj]
wraparounds 23 20 WRAPAROUND, an artic...
wreckfishes 31 26 WRECKFISH, a stone b...
wreckmaster 27 24 a person taking char...
wrenchingly 35 26 WRENCHING, twisting...
wretchedest 27 20 WRETCHED, miserable...
wrinkleless 25 21 without wrinkles [ad...
writeresses 22 14 WRITERESS, a female...
writerships 28 19 WRITERSHIP, the offi...
wrongdoings 23 21 WRONGDOING, evil or...
wrongheaded 23 21 stubborn in adherenc...
wrongnesses 21 18 WRONGNESS, the state...
wunderkinds 23 23 WUNDERKIND, (German)...