13 letter words that start with T

13 letter words that start with T

13 letter T word


Words With Friends®


tablespoonful 29 26 the contents of a ta...
tacheometries 27 21 TACHEOMETRY, measure...
tachistoscope 32 24 an instrument for ra...
tachometrical 32 25 relating to measurem...
tachygraphers 39 27 TACHYGRAPHER, a shor...
tachygraphies 39 27 TACHYGRAPHY, shortha...
tachygraphist 40 27 a shorthand writer,...
tachymetrical 39 27 relating to measurem...
tachyphrasias 38 25 TACHYPHRASIA, abnorm...
tachyphylaxes 51 35 TACHYPHYLAXIS, very...
tachyphylaxis 52 35 very rapid developme...
taciturnities 26 18 TACITURNITY, the sta...
tactfulnesses 28 22 TACTFULNESS, the sta...
talkabilities 28 22 TALKABILITY, the qua...
talkativeness 25 23 TALKATIVE, given to...
tamablenesses 24 21 TAMABLENESS, the sta...
tambourinists 26 21 TAMBOURINIST, one wh...
tameabilities 26 20 TAMEABILITY, the qua...
tangentiality 29 20 the state of being t...
tangibilities 27 20 TANGIBILITY, the sta...
tantalisation 21 16 the process of tanta...
tantalisingly 31 21 TANTALISING, frustra...
tantalization 24 25 the process of tanta...
tantalizingly 34 30 TANTALIZING, frustra...
taphrogeneses 25 21 TAPHROGENESIS, verti...
taphrogenesis 26 21 vertical movement of...
tapsalteeries 24 17 TAPSALTEERIE, (Scots...
tapsieteeries 23 16 TAPSIETEERIE, (Scots...
taramasalatas 22 17 TARAMASALATA, (Moder...
taratantaraed 19 15 TARATANTARA, to make...
tariffication 29 23 the fixing of a tari...
tartarisation 21 14 the process of tarta...
tartarization 24 23 the process of tarta...
tastelessness 22 15 the state of being t...
tauromorphous 27 23 bull-shaped [adj]
tautochronism 28 23 the state of being a...
tautochronous 26 21 lasting the same amo...
tautologising 25 20 TAUTOLOGISE, to use...
tautologizing 28 29 TAUTOLOGIZE, to use...
tautologously 31 21 TAUTOLOGOUS, involvi...
tautometrical 27 21 exactly correspondin...
tautophonical 29 24 relating to tautopho...
taxablenesses 29 25 TAXABLENESS, the sta...
taxidermising 31 27 TAXIDERMISE, to prac...
taxidermizing 34 36 TAXIDERMIZE, to prac...
taxonomically 39 31 TAXONOMICAL, relatin...
teachableness 28 23 the state of being t...
tearfulnesses 24 19 TEARFULNESS, the sta...
technicalised 31 24 TECHNICALISE, to giv...
technicalises 31 23 TECHNICALISE, to giv...
technicalized 34 33 TECHNICALIZE, to giv...
technicalizes 34 32 TECHNICALIZE, to giv...
technicalness 30 24 the state of being t...
technobabbles 33 29 TECHNOBABBLE, techni...
technocracies 32 25 TECHNOCRACY, governm...
technojunkies 29 34 TECHNOJUNKIE, someon...
technological 32 26 relating to technolo...
technologised 28 23 TECHNOLOGISE, to aff...
technologises 28 22 TECHNOLOGISE, to aff...
technologists 29 22 TECHNOLOGIST, one ve...
technologized 31 32 TECHNOLOGIZE, to aff...
technologizes 31 31 TECHNOLOGIZE, to aff...
technomaniacs 29 26 TECHNOMANIAC, one wi...
technophilias 32 25 TECHNOPHILIA, love o...
technophobias 32 27 TECHNOPHOBIA, fear o...
technophobics 36 30 TECHNOPHOBIC, one su...
technopolises 29 23 TECHNOPOLIS, a socie...
technopolitan 28 24 a member of a techno...
tediousnesses 21 16 TEDIOUSNESS, the sta...
teemingnesses 22 20 TEEMINGNESS, the sta...
telaesthesias 24 16 TELAESTHESIA, the pe...
telautography 34 24 transmission by use...
telecommuters 28 24 TELECOMMUTER, one wh...
telecommuting 29 27 working at home by t...
teleconverter 26 22 a supplementary lens...
telecottaging 27 22 working from a telec...
teledildonics 27 21 sexual activity avai...
telefacsimile 30 24 a facsimile [n -S]
telegenically 34 24 TELEGENIC, well-suit...
telegrammatic 29 25 like a telegram [adj...
telegrapheses 27 21 TELEGRAPHESE, langua...
telegraphists 29 21 TELEGRAPHIST, a pers...
telemarketers 24 21 TELEMARKETER, one in...
telemarketing 25 24 the marketing of goo...
telemedicines 26 22 TELEMEDICINE, medica...
telencephalic 33 27 relating to telencep...
telencephalon 28 25 the anterior subdivi...
teleosaurians 21 16 TELEOSAURIAN, a tele...
telepathising 28 22 TELEPATHISE, to comm...
telepathizing 31 31 TELEPATHIZE, to comm...
telepheriques 35 29 TELEPHERIQUE, (Frenc...
teleportation 23 18 the act of moving an...
telepresences 26 21 TELEPRESENCE, the us...
telerecording 26 21 a recording for broa...
telescopiform 31 26 in the form of a tel...
teleshoppings 30 25 TELESHOPPING, buying...
telesoftwares 27 20 TELESOFTWARE, softwa...
telesurgeries 24 17 TELESURGERY, surgery...
teleutospores 24 18 TELEUTOSPORE, a thic...
teleutosporic 28 21 of or like a teleuto...
televangelism 27 25 evangelism through t...
televangelist 26 22 an evangelist who co...
televisionary 30 21 relating to televisi...
tellurometers 25 19 TELLUROMETER, an ins...
temerariously 30 20 TEMERARIOUS, rashly...
temperability 35 25 the quality of being...
temperalities 26 20 TEMPERALITIE, (Shake...
temperamental 25 24 relating to temperam...
temperateness 23 20 the state of being t...
tempestuously 33 24 TEMPESTUOUS, of or l...
temporalising 27 23 TEMPORALISE, to make...
temporalities 26 20 TEMPORALITY, civil o...
temporalizing 30 32 TEMPORALIZE, to make...
temporariness 24 20 the state of being t...
temporisation 24 20 the act of temporisi...
temporisingly 34 25 TEMPORISING [adv]
temporization 27 29 the act of temporizi...
temporizingly 37 34 TEMPORIZING [adv]
temptableness 27 24 the state of being t...
tenablenesses 22 19 TENABLENESS, the sta...
tenaciousness 23 19 the state of being t...
tendenciously 31 23 TENDENCIOUS, marked...
tendentiously 28 20 TENDENTIOUS, marked...
tenderhearted 22 18 easily moved to love...
tenderisation 20 16 the act of tenderisi...
tenderization 23 25 the act of tenderizi...
tenderometers 21 18 TENDEROMETER, an ins...
tenebrosities 23 17 TENEBROSITY, darknes...
tenebrousness 22 19 the state of being t...
tenorrhaphies 27 21 TENORRHAPHY, the rep...
tenosynovitis 29 21 inflammation of a te...
tenovaginitis 24 21 inflammation or thic...
tensibilities 26 18 TENSIBILITY, the sta...
tensilenesses 21 16 TENSILENESS, the sta...
tensiometries 22 17 TENSIOMETRY, the mea...
tentativeness 22 19 the state of being t...
tenuousnesses 20 17 TENUOUSNESS, the sta...
tephromancies 29 25 TEPHROMANCY, divinat...
teratogeneses 20 16 TERATOGENESIS, the p...
teratogenesis 21 16 the production of de...
teratological 27 20 relating to teratolo...
teratologists 24 16 TERATOLOGIST, a stud...
teratophobias 27 21 TERATOPHOBIA, an irr...
tercentennial 23 20 a three hundred year...
terephthalate 28 21 a salt or ester of t...
tergiversants 25 20 TERGIVERSANT, one wh...
tergiversated 25 20 TERGIVERSATE, to tur...
tergiversates 25 19 TERGIVERSATE, to tur...
tergiversator 25 19 one who tergiversate...
terminability 33 23 the quality of being...
terminational 22 19 relating to terminat...
terminatively 32 24 TERMINATIVE, express...
terminologies 24 20 TERMINOLOGY, the tec...
terminologist 25 20 a specialist in term...
terpsichoreal 30 22 of or relating to da...
terpsichorean 28 22 of or relating to da...
terraformings 26 22 TERRAFORMING, the ac...
terrestrially 31 17 TERRESTRIAL, living...
terribilities 27 17 TERRIBILITY, the sta...
territorially 31 17 TERRITORIAL, relatin...
terrorisation 21 14 the act of terrorisi...
terrorization 24 23 the act of terrorizi...
tessellations 23 16 TESSELLATION, fittin...
testabilities 26 17 TESTABILITY, the abi...
testification 27 20 the act of testifyin...
testificators 28 19 TESTIFICATOR, one wh...
testificatory 34 21 bearing witness [adj...
testosterones 20 14 TESTOSTERONE, the ch...
tetanisations 20 15 TETANISATION, infect...
tetanizations 23 24 TETANIZATION, infect...
tetartohedral 24 17 having one fourth th...
tetrabasicity 34 21 the state of being t...
tetrachloride 28 20 a chloride containin...
tetracyclines 35 23 TETRACYCLINE, a yell...
tetradynamous 28 21 having six stamens,...
tetrafluoride 25 19 a fluoride containin...
tetrahedrally 32 20 TETRAHEDRAL, of a so...
tetrahedrites 24 16 TETRAHEDRITE, native...
tetraploidies 25 18 TETRAPLOIDY, the sta...
tetrapyrroles 31 19 TETRAPYRROLE, a chem...
tetrastichous 28 19 having four rows [ad...
tetrasyllabic 36 23 having four syllable...
tetrasyllable 33 21 a word with four syl...
tetravalences 26 22 TETRAVALENCE, the co...
tetrodotoxins 27 22 TETRODOTOXIN, a dead...
thalamifloral 30 24 having petals free a...
thalassaemias 25 19 THALASSAEMIA, anemia...
thalassocracy 37 24 sovereignty of the s...
thalassocrats 28 19 THALASSOCRAT, one wh...
thalattocracy 37 24 sovereignty of the s...
thanatography 34 25 the narrative of a d...
thanatologies 24 19 THANATOLOGY, the des...
thanatologist 25 19 one who studies than...
thanatophobia 28 24 an abnormal fear of...
thanklessness 25 22 the state of being t...
thanksgivings 30 29 THANKSGIVING, the ac...
thankworthily 38 28 THANKWORTHY, worthy...
thaumatolatry 32 22 the worship of mirac...
thaumaturgics 31 25 the performance of m...
thaumaturgies 27 22 THAUMATURGY, the per...
thaumaturgism 29 25 belief in the perfor...
thaumaturgist 28 22 a performer of mirac...
theanthropies 27 21 THEANTHROPY, a belie...
theanthropism 29 24 the belief in the un...
theanthropist 28 21 one who believes tha...
theatergoings 25 20 THEATERGOING, visiti...
theatregoings 25 20 THEATREGOING, the pr...
theatricalise 28 19 to adapt to the thea...
theatricalism 30 22 the state of being t...
theatricality 35 21 the state of being t...
theatricalize 31 28 to adapt to the thea...
theatricising 29 21 THEATRICISE, to play...
theatricizing 32 30 THEATRICIZE, to play...
theatromanias 23 19 THEATROMANIA, a craz...
theatrophones 26 21 THEATROPHONE, (histo...
thematisation 24 19 the process of makin...
thematization 27 28 the process of makin...
thenceforward 31 26 from that time on, a...
theocentrisms 28 22 THEOCENTRISM, the be...
theologasters 25 18 THEOLOGASTER, a pett...
theologically 37 25 THEOLOGICAL, of or r...
theologoumena 24 23 THEOLOGOUMENON, theo...
theomorphisms 31 26 THEOMORPHISM, the co...
theophyllines 36 25 THEOPHYLLINE, an iso...
theopneusties 25 20 THEOPNEUSTY [n]
theorematical 28 22 relating to theorems...
theorematists 25 18 THEOREMATIST, one wh...
theoretically 35 22 THEORETICAL, relatin...
theoreticians 26 19 THEORETICIAN, a theo...
theorisations 23 16 THEORISATION, the fo...
theorizations 26 25 THEORIZATION, the fo...
theosophising 29 23 THEOSOPHISE, to prac...
theosophizing 32 32 THEOSOPHIZE, to prac...
therapeutical 30 23 related to the heali...
therapeutists 27 19 THERAPEUTIST, a pers...
thereinbefore 26 22 in the preceding par...
theriolatries 25 16 THERIOLATRY, animal-...
theriomorphic 33 26 having the form of a...
thermesthesia 27 20 sensitivity to vario...
thermobalance 29 26 an analytical balanc...
thermochemist 32 26 one who studies ther...
thermochromic 35 29 relating to thermoch...
thermocouples 31 26 THERMOCOUPLE, a pair...
thermodynamic 35 28 of or relating to th...
thermoelement 25 23 a device for measuri...
thermoforming 29 27 THERMOFORM, to give...
thermogeneses 24 21 THERMOGENESIS, the p...
thermogenesis 25 21 the production of he...
thermogenetic 28 24 producing heat, also...
thermographer 30 25 one who uses a therm...
thermographic 34 28 relating to thermogr...
thermometries 26 21 THERMOMETRY, the mea...
thermonasties 24 19 THERMONASTY, nastic...
thermonuclear 28 24 of, relating to, or...
thermophilous 31 25 of plants etc. requi...
thermoplastic 32 25 capable of softening...
thermosetting 26 21 THERMOSET, of resin...
thermosiphons 29 24 THERMOSIPHON, a meth...
thermospheres 29 23 THERMOSPHERE, the ou...
thermospheric 33 26 relating to thermosp...
thermostatics 29 21 the branch of scienc...
thermostating 26 21 THERMOSTAT, to provi...
thermostatted 25 19 THERMOSTAT, to provi...
thermotensile 25 20 of or relating to te...
thermotherapy 35 25 the treatment of a p...
thermotropics 31 24 THERMOTROPIC, a ther...
thermotropism 29 24 the growth of organi...
thiabendazole 28 30 a drug used in the c...
thigmotropism 31 26 the response of an o...
thimblerigged 32 27 THIMBLERIG, to cheat...
thimblerigger 32 26 one who thimblerigs...
thimblewitted 33 26 silly, dimwitted [ad...
thinglinesses 26 20 THINGLINESS, reality...
thingummybobs 39 33 THINGUMMYBOB, a what...
thingummyjigs 39 38 THINGUMMYJIG, a what...
thinkableness 27 25 the state of being t...
thiocarbamide 30 25 another name for thi...
thiodiglycols 38 25 THIODIGLYCOL, a chem...
thioridazines 27 26 THIORIDAZINE, a phen...
thiosinamines 24 20 THIOSINAMINE, a whit...
thiosulphates 30 22 THIOSULPHATE, any sa...
thiosulphuric 35 26 as in thiosulphuric...
thirdboroughs 31 24 THIRDBOROUGH, (histo...
thirstinesses 25 16 THIRSTINESS, the sta...
thoracenteses 25 19 THORACENTESIS, surge...
thoracentesis 26 19 surgery performed to...
thoracoplasty 36 24 surgery to collapse...
thoracoscopes 31 24 THORACOSCOPE, an ins...
thoracotomies 27 21 THORACOTOMY, surgica...
thoroughbrace 32 26 any of several leath...
thoroughbreds 30 24 THOROUGHBRED, a hors...
thoroughfares 29 23 THOROUGHFARE, a thro...
thoroughgoing 29 25 marked by thoroughne...
thoroughpaced 32 27 of a horse, showing...
thoroughwaxes 36 30 THOROUGHWAX, the pla...
thoroughworts 31 23 THOROUGHWORT, a wild...
thoughtlessly 37 24 THOUGHTLESS, insuffi...
thousandfolds 27 23 THOUSANDFOLD, a thou...
thrasonically 35 23 THRASONICAL, given t...
threadinesses 23 17 THREADINESS, the sta...
threateningly 31 22 THREATENING, ominous...
threefoldness 26 21 the state of being t...
thremmatology 34 26 the science of breed...
thriftinesses 27 19 THRIFTINESS, the sta...
thrillingness 28 21 the state of being t...
throatinesses 23 16 THROATINESS, the sta...
throatlatches 30 21 THROATLATCH, a strap...
thrombokinase 27 26 an enzyme active in...
thrombolytics 39 27 THROMBOLYTIC, a thro...
thrombophilia 33 27 combined inflammatio...
throttleholds 29 20 THROTTLEHOLD, a vici...
thunderclouds 29 24 THUNDERCLOUD, a clou...
thundershower 29 23 a shower accompanied...
thunderstones 23 19 THUNDERSTONE, (Shake...
thunderstorms 26 21 THUNDERSTORM, a stor...
thunderstrike 26 22 to strike dumb [v TH...
thunderstroke 25 22 a stroke of or as if...
thunderstruck 30 26 THUNDERSTRIKE, to st...
thurification 30 23 purification by use...
thymectomised 36 27 THYMECTOMISE, to per...
thymectomises 36 26 THYMECTOMISE, to per...
thymectomized 39 36 THYMECTOMIZE, to per...
thymectomizes 39 35 THYMECTOMIZE, to per...
thyroglobulin 36 26 an iodine-containing...
thyroidectomy 41 26 the surgical removal...
thyroiditises 32 18 THYROIDITIS, inflamm...
thyrotrophins 35 23 THYROTROPHIN, a horm...
tiddledywinks 35 27 TIDDLEDYWINK, a game...
tigrishnesses 26 18 TIGRISHNESS, the qua...
timberdoodles 26 22 TIMBERDOODLE, the No...
timbrologists 29 22 TIMBROLOGIST, a coll...
timbromaniacs 29 26 TIMBROMANIAC, an avi...
timbrophilies 32 25 TIMBROPHILY, the lov...
timbrophilist 33 25 a stamp-collector [n...
tintinnabular 24 21 ringing, like a bell...
tintinnabulum 26 25 a usually high-pitch...
titillatingly 34 21 TITILLATING [adv]
toastmistress 24 16 a woman who acts as...
tobaccanalian 28 25 (facetious) a smoker...
toffishnesses 28 22 TOFFISHNESS, the sta...
toilfulnesses 26 20 TOILFULNESS, the sta...
tolerableness 24 19 the state of being t...
tolerationism 23 18 the policy of tolera...
tolerationist 22 15 a believer in tolera...
tomboyishness 33 24 the state of being t...
tonnishnesses 22 18 TONNISHNESS, the sta...
tonsillectomy 34 24 the surgical removal...
tonsillitises 25 16 TONSILLITIS, inflamm...
toothbrushing 30 24 the action of using...
toothsomeness 23 19 the state of being t...
toplessnesses 24 18 TOPLESSNESS, the sta...
topochemistry 37 26 the study of reactio...
topographical 33 27 relating to topograp...
topoisomerase 23 19 any of a class of en...
topologically 37 26 TOPOLOGICAL, relatin...
torrefactions 26 20 TORREFACTION, the ac...
torrentiality 29 17 the state of being t...
torsibilities 27 17 TORSIBILITY, the abi...
torticollises 28 18 TORTICOLLIS, a condi...
tortoiseshell 26 17 the mottled horny su...
totalisations 22 15 TOTALISATION, the ac...
totalitarians 22 15 TOTALITARIAN, an adv...
totalizations 25 24 TOTALIZATION, the ac...
totipalmation 25 21 the state of being t...
totipotencies 26 20 TOTIPOTENCY, the sta...
touchableness 29 24 the state of being t...
touristically 35 21 TOURISTIC, relating...
toxicological 37 30 of or relating to to...
toxicologists 34 26 TOXICOLOGIST, an exp...
toxicophagous 36 31 eating poison, also...
toxicophobias 37 31 TOXICOPHOBIA, the mo...
toxoplasmoses 31 27 TOXOPLASMOSIS, an in...
toxoplasmosis 32 27 an infection of anim...
traceableness 26 21 the state of being t...
tracheophytes 37 25 TRACHEOPHYTE, any me...
tracheotomies 27 21 TRACHEOTOMY, a surgi...
tracklessness 27 22 the state of being t...
tractableness 27 21 the state of being t...
tractorations 24 17 TRACTORATION, (histo...
tradescantias 24 18 TRADESCANTIA, any pl...
tradesmanlike 24 23 like a tradesman [ad...
tradespeoples 26 21 TRADESPEOPLE, people...
traditionally 30 19 TRADITIONAL, relatin...
traditionists 23 15 TRADITIONIST, a pers...
traditionless 23 16 TRADITION [n]
traducianisms 27 22 TRADUCIANISM, the th...
traducianists 26 19 TRADUCIANIST, a beli...
tragicomedies 27 22 TRAGICOMEDY, a drama...
trailblazings 31 30 TRAILBLAZING, making...
trailbreakers 26 21 TRAILBREAKER, a trai...
trainspotters 24 17 TRAINSPOTTER, a trai...
trampolinings 27 24 TRAMPOLINING, the sp...
trampolinists 27 21 TRAMPOLINIST, one wh...
tranquilisers 32 25 TRANQUILISER, a drug...
tranquilising 33 28 TRANQUILISE, to make...
tranquilities 32 25 TRANQUILITY, the sta...
tranquilizers 35 34 TRANQUILIZER, a drug...
tranquilizing 36 37 TRANQUILIZE, to make...
tranquillised 33 27 TRANQUILLISE, to mak...
tranquilliser 33 26 a drug that has a tr...
tranquillises 33 26 TRANQUILLISE, to mak...
tranquillized 36 36 TRANQUILLIZE, to mak...
tranquillizer 36 35 a drug that has a tr...
tranquillizes 36 35 TRANQUILLIZE, to mak...
transactinide 24 19 an element with atom...
transactional 24 19 of the nature of a t...
transaminases 21 18 TRANSAMINASE, an enz...
transatlantic 25 19 crossing or extendin...
transcendence 25 23 the state of being t...
transcendency 32 25 transcendence, also...
transcendents 23 20 TRANSCENDENT, a tran...
transcribable 30 24 that can be transcri...
transcriptase 27 20 the enzyme that brin...
transcription 27 21 the act of transcrib...
transcriptive 30 24 relating to transcri...
transcriptome 28 23 a collection of all...
transcultural 28 21 involving, encompass...
transductants 25 20 TRANSDUCTANT, an age...
transductions 25 20 TRANSDUCTION, the tr...
transexualism 30 26 a strong desire to c...
transexuality 35 25 the state of being t...
transfections 26 21 TRANSFECTION, the in...
transferences 25 21 TRANSFERENCE, an act...
transferrable 26 21 that can be transfer...
transferrible 27 21 that can be transfer...
transfiguring 27 23 TRANSFIGURE, to give...
transformable 27 24 capable of being tra...
transformings 26 23 TRANSFORMING, the ac...
transformisms 27 23 TRANSFORMISM, the th...
transformists 26 20 TRANSFORMIST, a prop...
transfusional 24 20 relating to transfus...
transfusively 34 25 TRANSFUSIVE, tending...
transgendered 21 19 transcending traditi...
transgressing 24 19 TRANSGRESS, to viola...
transgression 22 17 an act of transgress...
transgressive 25 20 of the nature of a t...
transgressors 23 16 TRANSGRESSOR, one wh...
transhipments 27 23 TRANSHIPMENT, the ac...
transhippings 30 25 TRANSHIPPING, transf...
transhumances 27 24 TRANSHUMANCE, the mo...
transientness 20 16 the state of being t...
transiliences 25 19 TRANSILIENCE, the st...
transisthmian 25 20 across an isthmus [a...
transistorise 22 14 to fit with or conve...
transistorize 25 23 to fit with or conve...
transitionals 22 16 TRANSITIONAL, in arc...
transitionary 27 17 in the nature of a t...
transitioning 22 18 TRANSITION, to effec...
translational 22 17 relating to translat...
translatorial 23 16 relating to a transl...
transliterate 22 15 to represent or spel...
translocating 26 21 TRANSLOCATE, to chan...
translocation 24 19 the act, process, or...
translucences 28 23 TRANSLUCENCE, the st...
translucently 33 23 TRANSLUCENT, imperfe...
translucidity 34 22 the quality of being...
transmembrane 24 24 taking place or exis...
transmigrants 24 20 TRANSMIGRANT, a migr...
transmigrated 24 20 TRANSMIGRATE, to pas...
transmigrates 24 19 TRANSMIGRATE, to pas...
transmigrator 24 19 one who transmigrate...
transmissible 27 21 capable of being tra...
transmissions 23 18 TRANSMISSION, an act...
transmittable 26 21 that can be transmit...
transmittance 25 21 the act of transmitt...
transmittancy 32 23 a measure of the ext...
transmittible 27 21 that can be transmit...
transmontanes 20 19 TRANSMONTANE, (Itali...
transmountain 21 20 crossing or extendin...
transmutation 22 19 an act of transmutin...
transmutative 25 22 having power to tran...
transnational 20 17 extending or going b...
transparences 25 21 TRANSPARENCE, the st...
transparently 30 21 TRANSPARENT, able to...
transpersonal 23 19 extending or going b...
transpiercing 28 23 TRANSPIERCE, to pier...
transpiration 23 18 the act of transpiri...
transpiratory 30 19 relating to transpir...
transplanters 24 19 TRANSPLANTER, one wh...
transplanting 25 22 the act of transplan...
transportable 26 21 capable of being tra...
transportance 25 21 (Shakespeare) convey...
transportedly 31 21 TRANSPORTED [adv]
transportings 25 20 TRANSPORTING, the ac...
transposition 23 18 an act, process, or...
transpositive 26 21 relating to transpos...
transshipment 27 23 the act of transship...
transshippers 29 22 TRANSSHIPPER, one wh...
transshipping 30 25 transfer from one sh...
transthoracic 30 22 done or made by way...
transudations 21 17 TRANSUDATION, the ac...
transumptions 25 22 TRANSUMPTION, transc...
transvaluated 24 21 TRANSVALUATE, to ree...
transvaluates 24 20 TRANSVALUATE, to ree...
transversally 32 22 TRANSVERSAL, transve...
transversions 23 19 TRANSVERSION, the ac...
transvestisms 26 21 TRANSVESTISM, dressi...
transvestists 25 18 TRANSVESTIST, one wh...
transvestites 24 18 TRANSVESTITE, one wh...
trapezohedral 29 29 having the shape of...
trapezohedron 27 29 a crystalline form w...
trapshootings 27 21 TRAPSHOOTING, the sp...
traumatically 35 24 TRAUMATIC, relating...
traumatonasty 28 20 a nastic movement af...
treacherously 34 22 TREACHEROUS, charact...
treaclinesses 25 18 TREACLINESS, the sta...
treasurership 27 19 the office of treasu...
tredecillions 27 20 TREDECILLION, ten to...
tremulousness 24 20 the state of being t...
trendsettings 23 18 TRENDSETTING, the se...
trephinations 25 20 TREPHINATION, a surg...
treponematous 23 21 of or like a trepone...
triablenesses 24 18 TRIABLENESS, the sta...
triamcinolone 25 22 a glucocorticoid dru...
triangularity 31 20 the state of being t...
triangulately 31 21 TRIANGULATE, trinagu...
triangulating 25 21 TRIANGULATE, to surv...
triangulation 23 19 in geology, a method...
triatomically 35 23 TRIATOMIC, having th...
triaxialities 30 21 TRIAXIALITY, the sta...
triboelectric 32 23 of electricity gener...
tributariness 25 18 the state of being a...
tricarboxylic 45 32 containing three car...
tricarpellary 36 23 of or with three car...
tricentennial 24 20 a three-hundred year...
triceratopses 27 19 TRICERATOPS, a kind...
trichlorphons 33 25 TRICHLORPHON, a crys...
trichological 34 25 related to tricholog...
trichologists 31 21 TRICHOLOGIST, a pers...
trichomonadal 28 24 of or like a trichom...
trichophytons 38 26 TRICHOPHYTON, any fu...
trichopterans 29 22 TRICHOPTERAN, any me...
trichopterist 31 21 someone who studies...
trichopterous 30 22 relating to the Tric...
trichothecene 31 24 any of several mycot...
trichotomised 29 22 TRICHOTOMISE, to div...
trichotomises 29 21 TRICHOTOMISE, to div...
trichotomized 32 31 TRICHOTOMIZE, to div...
trichotomizes 32 30 TRICHOTOMIZE, to div...
trichromatism 31 24 use of the three pri...
tricksinesses 27 21 TRICKSINESS, the sta...
tricksterings 29 23 TRICKSTERING, playin...
tricorporated 27 20 having three bodies...
triethiodides 25 17 TRIETHIODIDE, as in...
triethylamine 32 22 an oily liquid corre...
trifurcations 28 21 TRIFURCATION, the st...
triggerfishes 30 22 TRIGGERFISH, a kind...
triglycerides 35 22 TRIGLYCERIDE, any of...
trigonometers 23 19 TRIGONOMETER, instru...
trigonometric 27 22 relating to trigonom...
trilateralism 26 18 the state of being t...
trilateralist 25 15 a supporter of trila...
trilateration 22 15 a technique involvin...
trilingualism 28 22 the state of being t...
triliteralism 27 18 the state of being t...
trillionaires 24 16 TRILLIONAIRE, one wh...
trimethadione 24 20 a crystalline compou...
trimethoprims 30 24 TRIMETHOPRIM, a synt...
trimethylenes 32 22 TRIMETHYLENE, anothe...
trinomialisms 26 21 TRINOMIALISM, the sy...
trinomialists 25 18 TRINOMIALIST, a prop...
trinucleotide 26 20 a nucleotide consist...
tripartitions 25 17 TRIPARTITION, divisi...
triphosphates 31 23 TRIPHOSPHATE, a salt...
triplications 29 21 TRIPLICATION, the ac...
triploblastic 33 24 having an ectoderm,...
tripudiations 25 19 TRIPUDIATION, dancin...
triquetrously 39 27 TRIQUETROUS, triangu...
trisaccharide 31 22 a sugar that yields...
trisoctahedra 27 19 TRISOCTAHEDRON, a so...
trisyllabical 38 24 having three syllabl...
tritheistical 30 19 relating to tritheis...
tritubercular 30 22 having three tubercl...
triumphalisms 32 26 TRIUMPHALISM, belief...
triumphalists 31 23 TRIUMPHALIST, one wh...
trivialnesses 25 19 TRIVIALNESS, the sta...
trocheameters 27 21 TROCHEAMETER, a hodo...
trochelminths 32 25 TROCHELMINTH, any in...
trochospheres 31 23 TROCHOSPHERE, a free...
troglodytical 35 23 cave-dwelling, also...
troglodytisms 33 22 TROGLODYTISM, the pr...
trolleybusses 33 21 TROLLEYBUS, a bus ru...
trophallactic 35 26 relating to trophall...
trophoblastic 33 25 of or like a trophob...
trophotropism 30 24 direction of growth...
tropicalising 30 23 TROPICALISE, to make...
tropicalities 29 20 TROPICALITY, the sta...
tropicalizing 33 32 TROPICALIZE, to make...
tropocollagen 28 24 a subunit of collage...
troposcatters 27 19 TROPOSCATTER, the pr...
trothplighted 32 24 TROTHPLIGHT, to betr...
troublemakers 27 25 TROUBLEMAKER, a pers...
troublemaking 28 28 the act of making tr...
troubleshoots 27 20 TROUBLESHOOT, to sol...
troublesomely 33 24 TROUBLESOME, causing...
troublousness 25 20 the state of being t...
trustafarians 24 18 TRUSTAFARIAN, an aff...
trustbustings 28 21 TRUSTBUSTING, the di...
trustlessness 24 16 the state of being t...
trustworthily 37 22 TRUSTWORTHY, worthy...
truthlessness 26 18 the state of being t...
trypaflavines 35 27 TRYPAFLAVINE, anothe...
tryparsamides 32 22 TRYPARSAMIDE, a synt...
tsesareviches 29 22 TSESAREVICH, the eld...
tsesarewiches 30 21 TSESAREWICH, (Russia...
tsutsugamushi 29 23 (Japanese) any of va...
tuberculately 36 25 TUBERCULATE, bearing...
tuberculation 28 23 the formation of tub...
tuberculising 31 25 TUBERCULISE, to infe...
tuberculizing 34 34 TUBERCULIZE, to infe...
tuberculomata 29 25 TUBERCULOMA, a slow-...
tuberculously 37 26 TUBERCULOUS, relatin...
tubocurarines 27 22 TUBOCURARINE, a toxi...
tubuliflorous 30 24 having tubular-shape...
tufftaffeties 31 26 TUFFTAFFETY, (obsole...
tumorgenicity 34 25 the state of being t...
tumorigeneses 23 20 TUMORIGENESIS, the c...
tumorigenesis 24 20 the causing or produ...
tumultuations 25 21 TUMULTUATION, (archa...
tunablenesses 23 20 TUNABLENESS, the qua...
tunefulnesses 24 21 TUNEFULNESS, the sta...
turacoverdins 27 23 TURACOVERDIN, an iro...
turangawaewae 26 23 (Maori) the area tha...
turbellarians 26 20 TURBELLARIAN, a kind...
turbidimeters 27 21 TURBIDIMETER, an ins...
turbidimetric 31 24 relating to measurem...
turbochargers 31 24 TURBOCHARGER, a cent...
turbocharging 32 27 the act of fitting w...
turboelectric 32 24 using or being a tur...
turgescencies 29 23 TURGESCENCY, the act...
tweedledeeing 25 22 TWEEDLEDEE, (Scots)...
twofoldnesses 27 22 TWOFOLDNESS, the sta...
twopenceworth 34 28 goods to the value o...
tyndallimetry 38 24 the determination of...
typefoundings 33 27 TYPEFOUNDING, the ca...
typefoundries 32 24 TYPEFOUNDRY, a place...
typicalnesses 34 23 TYPICALNESS, the sta...
typifications 36 25 TYPIFICATION, the ac...
typographical 40 29 relating to typograp...
typographists 37 25 TYPOGRAPHIST, one wh...
typologically 44 28 TYPOLOGICAL, relatin...
tyrannosaurus 27 19 a large carnivorous...
tyrannousness 26 19 the state of being t...