8 letter words that start with J

8 letter words that start with J

8 letter J word


Words With Friends®


jabbered 19 24 JABBER, to talk rapi...
jabberer 19 23 one who jabbers [n -...
jabbling 22 27 JABBLE, (Scots) to s...
jacamars 19 23 JACAMAR, any of vari...
jacinthe 20 23 an orange colour [n...
jacinths 21 23 JACINTH, a variety o...
jackaroo 18 24 a newcomer gaining e...
jackboot 21 27 a kind of high boot...
jackdaws 23 28 JACKDAW, a bird rese...
jackeens 18 25 JACKEEN, (Irish) a p...
jackeroo 18 24 a newcomer gaining e...
jacketed 19 25 JACKET, to provide w...
jackfish 25 29 a food fish [n -ES]
jackings 21 27 JACKING, in house da...
jacklegs 22 27 JACKLEG, an amateur;...
jackling 22 28 the winning of the b...
jackpots 22 27 JACKPOT, a top prize...
jackroll 22 26 to roll a drunken or...
jacksies 20 24 JACKSIE, the posteri...
jackstay 26 26 an iron or wooden ba...
jacobins 20 24 JACOBIN, a variety o...
jaconets 17 21 JACONET, a kind of t...
jacquard 27 31 an apparatus with pe...
jaculate 19 22 to throw or cast, as...
jacuzzis 26 39 JACUZZI, a kind of l...
jadeites 15 18 JADEITE, a mineral,...
jadelike 17 23 like jade [adj]
jaderies 15 18 JADERY, the tricks o...
jadishly 26 23 JADISH, like a jade,...
jaggeder 17 22 JAGGED, rough-edged...
jaggedly 25 25 JAGGED, rough-edged...
jagghery 26 25 a coarse, dark sugar...
jaggiest 18 21 JAGGY, jagged, rough...
jaghires 19 21 JAGHIRE, (Hindi) the...
jailable 19 22 able to be jailed [a...
jailbait 19 21 a sexual attractive...
jailbird 20 22 an inveterate convic...
jailless 18 19 having no gaol, also...
jakfruit 20 25 an East Indian tree...
jalapeno 16 22 (Spanish) an especia...
jalapins 18 22 JALAPIN, a glucoside...
jalfrezi 22 30 a hot-flavoured Indi...
jallebis 20 22 JALLEBI, (Sanskrit)...
jalopies 18 21 JALOPY, a decrepit c...
jaloused 16 20 JALOUSE, to suspect,...
jalouses 16 19 JALOUSE, to suspect,...
jalousie 16 19 an outside shutter w...
jamadars 16 21 JAMADAR, an Indian p...
jambarts 19 23 JAMBART, a greave, a...
jambeaus 18 24 JAMBEAU, (obsolete)...
jambeaux 24 31 JAMBEAU, (obsolete)...
jambiers 19 23 JAMBIER, (obsolete)...
jambiyah 27 27 a Middle Eastern cur...
jambiyas 25 25 JAMBIYA, a Middle Ea...
jambolan 18 25 (Sanskrit) the rose-...
jambones 17 24 JAMBONE, a lone hand...
jambools 19 24 JAMBOOL, the rose-ap...
jamboree 17 23 a noisy celebration...
jamdanis 16 22 JAMDANI, a kind of D...
jammable 20 27 able to be jammed [a...
jammiest 18 23 JAMMY, very lucky [a...
jammings 19 26 JAMMING, a rock-clim...
jampanee 16 24 a bearer of a jampan...
jampanis 18 24 JAMPANI, a bearer of...
janglers 17 21 JANGLER, a storytell...
janglier 17 21 JANGLY, making a jan...
jangling 18 24 a jangling noise [n...
janiform 18 24 like the Roman god J...
janisary 21 20 (Turkish) a soldier...
janitors 15 18 JANITOR, a doorkeepe...
janitrix 22 25 a female doorkeeper...
janizars 18 27 JANIZAR, (Turkish) a...
janizary 24 29 (Turkish) a soldier...
janneyed 19 22 JANNEY, to act as a...
jannocks 18 26 JANNOCK, oaten bread...
jannying 21 24 JANNY, to act as a d...
jantiest 15 18 JANTY, briskly self-...
japanise 16 21 to make Japanese, al...
japanize 19 30 to make Japanese, al...
japanned 15 23 JAPAN, to coat with...
japanner 15 22 one who varnishes in...
japeries 17 20 JAPERY, jesting, buf...
japingly 26 26 JAPING, joking [adv]
japonica 19 24 any of several plant...
jararaca 17 20 a South American ven...
jararaka 15 21 a South American ven...
jargoned 15 21 JARGON, to use words...
jargonel 16 21 an early variety of...
jargoons 15 20 JARGOON, a brilliant...
jarheads 17 20 JARHEAD, an American...
jarldoms 18 22 JARLDOM, the domain...
jarosite 15 17 a sulphate of potass...
jarovise 17 21 to hasten the flower...
jarovize 20 30 to hasten the flower...
jarrings 17 20 JARRING, the act of...
jasmines 16 21 JASMINE, a genus of...
jaspises 18 20 JASPIS, jasper, also...
jatropha 19 22 any plant of the gen...
jauncing 19 25 JAUNCE, to prance, a...
jaundice 18 23 to prejudice unfavou...
jaunsing 16 22 JAUNSE, to prance, a...
jauntier 15 19 JAUNTY, briskly self...
jaunties 15 19 JAUNTIE, a naval mas...
jauntily 23 22 JAUNTY, briskly self...
jaunting 16 22 JAUNT, to go on a pl...
javelina 17 23 (Spanish) a wild boa...
javelins 18 23 JAVELIN, to pierce w...
jawboned 19 25 JAWBONE, to lecture...
jawboner 19 24 one who engages in j...
jawbones 19 24 JAWBONE, to lecture...
jawboxes 26 30 JAWBOX, (Scots) a si...
jawfalls 23 25 JAWFALL, a falling o...
jawholes 21 23 JAWHOLE, (Scots) a c...
jawlines 19 22 JAWLINE, the outline...
jaybirds 25 23 JAYBIRD, a corvine b...
jaywalks 27 27 JAYWALK, to cross a...
jazerant 17 27 (historical) a coat...
jazziest 22 35 JAZZY, of or like ja...
jazzlike 24 40 resembling a type of...
jealouse 15 19 (Scots) to suspect,...
jealousy 22 21 a jealous feeling, a...
jeanette 13 18 a light or coarse je...
jeelying 23 23 JEELY, to make into...
jeepneys 22 23 JEEPNEY, in the Phil...
jeerings 16 20 JEERING, the act of...
jeggings 19 24 tight-fitting trouse...
jehadeen 15 21 Islamic freedom figh...
jehadism 19 23 promotion of jehad,...
jehadist 18 20 one who takes part i...
jejunely 24 31 JEJUNE, lacking inte...
jejunity 24 30 something that is na...
jejunums 19 32 JEJUNUM, (Latin) the...
jellabah 21 24 an Arab cloak with a...
jellabas 19 22 JELLABA, an Arab clo...
jellying 25 24 JELLY, to make into...
jelutong 17 22 a naturally occurrin...
jemadars 16 21 JEMADAR, (Urdu) in t...
jemidars 17 21 JEMIDAR, (Urdu) in t...
jemmiest 18 23 JEMMY, neat, smart [...
jemmying 25 28 JEMMY, to force open...
jeofails 18 21 JEOFAIL, (obsolete)...
jeopards 17 21 JEOPARD, to put in j...
jeopardy 23 23 a hazard or danger [...
jeremiad 16 21 a literary work or s...
jerepigo 18 22 a sweet fortified wi...
jerkiest 17 21 JERKY, spasmodic [ad...
jerkings 18 24 JERKING, the act of...
jeroboam 17 23 an oversize wine bot...
jerquers 24 27 JERQUER, one who sea...
jerquing 25 30 a search for contrab...
jerreeds 15 18 JERREED, a wooden Or...
jerrican 18 21 a fuel container, al...
jerrycan 24 23 a fuel container, al...
jerseyed 21 20 wearing a jersey [ad...
jestbook 18 24 a collection of funn...
jestings 17 20 JESTING, the act of...
jesuitic 20 21 cunning; quibbling,...
jesuitry 23 20 an unethical practic...
jetbeads 17 21 JETBEAD, an ornament...
jetfoils 19 21 JETFOIL, a hydrofoil...
jetliner 16 19 a plane powered by j...
jetpacks 22 27 JETPACK, a backpack...
jetports 18 20 JETPORT, an airport...
jettiest 16 17 JETTY, jet black in...
jettison 15 18 to throw overboard [...
jettying 23 22 JETTY, to jut out, a...
jewelers 19 21 JEWELER, a trader or...
jeweling 20 24 JEWEL, to adorn with...
jewelled 20 23 JEWEL, to adorn with...
jeweller 20 22 a trader or maker of...
jezebels 21 30 JEZEBEL, a scheming,...
jibbered 20 24 JIBBER, to utter sen...
jibbings 22 26 the last milk drawn...
jibbooms 21 26 JIBBOOM, a ship's sp...
jibingly 27 26 JIBING [adv]
jickajog 23 35 to copulate, also JI...
jigaboos 18 22 JIGABOO, a black per...
jigajigs 21 30 JIGAJIG, to copulate...
jigajogs 20 30 JIGAJOG, to copulate...
jiggered 18 22 JIGGER, to jerk up a...
jiggiest 19 21 JIGGY, with the rhyt...
jiggings 20 24 JIGGING, the act of...
jigglier 20 22 JIGGLY, given to jig...
jiggling 21 25 JIGGLE, to shake fro...
jigsawed 20 23 JIGSAW, to cut with...
jihadeen 16 21 islamic freedom figh...
jihadism 20 23 an Islamic fundament...
jihadist 19 20 one who takes part i...
jillaroo 17 19 a female jackaroo (a...
jillions 18 20 JILLION, an indefini...
jimcrack 25 30 cheap and showy [adj...
jimmying 26 28 JIMMY, to pry open w...
jimpiest 20 23 JIMPY, (Scots) neat...
jimpness 19 24 slenderness [n -ES]
jingalls 19 22 JINGALL, a large Chi...
jingbang 19 26 (colloquial) company...
jingkoes 17 24 JINGKO, (Japanese) a...
jinglers 18 21 JINGLER, one who, or...
jinglets 18 21 JINGLET, a clapper o...
jinglier 18 21 JINGLY, jingling [ad...
jingling 19 24 JINGLE, to make a ti...
jingoish 19 22 chauvinist, sabre-ra...
jingoism 18 23 the policy of jingoe...
jingoist 17 20 a zealous patriot, a...
jinjilis 20 28 JINJILI, (Hindi) the...
jinkered 16 23 JINKER, to transport...
jipijapa 22 32 a palmlike tree of t...
jipyapas 26 25 JIPYAPA, a palmlike...
jirbling 21 24 JIRBLE, to pour unst...
jirkinet 17 22 (Scots) a woman's ja...
jittered 16 18 JITTER, to fidget [v...
jiujitsu 20 28 a Japanese art of se...
jiujutsu 20 29 a Japanese art of se...
jobation 16 21 a long, tedious rebu...
jobbings 21 26 JOBBING, the doing o...
jobnames 17 24 JOBNAME, a computer...
jobshare 19 22 the practice of divi...
jockdoms 21 28 JOCKDOM, the world o...
jockette 19 24 (facetious) a female...
jockeyed 25 27 JOCKEY, to maneuver...
jockiest 20 24 JOCKY, resembling an...
jockneys 25 27 JOCKNEY, the Scots d...
jocosely 25 23 JOCOSE, merry; chara...
jocosity 25 22 cheerfulness [n JOCO...
jocundly 26 26 JOCUND, marked by li...
jodelled 17 21 JODEL, to sing with...
jodhpurs 21 24 JODHPUR, usually in...
joggings 19 24 JOGGING, running at...
jogglers 19 22 JOGGLER, one who jog...
joggling 20 25 JOGGLE, to shake sli...
jogpants 18 23 loose fitting trouse...
jogtrots 17 19 JOGTROT [n]
johannes 15 21 an obsolete Portugue...
johnboat 18 23 a narrow square-ende...
johnnies 16 21 JOHNNY, a condom, al...
johnsons 16 21 JOHNSON, (slang) a p...
joinable 17 22 able to be joined [a...
joinders 15 19 JOINDER, a joining o...
joinings 16 21 JOINING, a juncture...
jointers 15 18 JOINTER, a bricklaye...
jointing 16 21 the act of fitting t...
jointure 15 19 the settlement of a...
joisting 17 20 JOIST, to fit with j...
jokesome 16 24 amusing [adj]
jokester 16 21 a practical joker [n...
jokiness 16 22 the state of being a...
jokingly 25 27 JOKING [adv]
jolleyer 23 21 one who uses a jolle...
jolliers 18 19 JOLLIER, one who put...
jolliest 18 19 JOLLY, mirthful [adj...
jollyers 24 21 JOLLYER, one who use...
jollying 25 24 the act of making pl...
jolthead 18 21 (archaic) a clumsy o...
joltiest 17 18 JOLTY, in a jolting...
joltings 18 21 JOLTING, the act of...
joncanoe 15 22 a boisterous West In...
jonesing 15 21 JONES, to have a str...
jongleur 17 22 (French) a medieval...
jonquils 25 29 JONQUIL, a species o...
jordeloo 15 19 (Scots) a warning cr...
joshings 19 22 JOSHING, the act of...
jostlers 17 18 JOSTLER, one who jos...
jostling 18 21 the act of jostling...
jottiest 16 17 JOTTY, written down...
jottings 17 20 JOTTING, a brief not...
jouncier 18 22 JOUNCY, jolting [adj...
jouncing 19 25 JOUNCE, to jolt, sha...
journals 16 20 JOURNAL, to record i...
journeys 21 21 JOURNEY, to travel [...
jousters 16 18 JOUSTER, one who jou...
jousting 17 21 the act of fighting...
jovially 26 25 JOVIAL, good-humoure...
jovialty 25 24 the state of being j...
jowliest 20 21 JOWLY, having promin...
joyances 23 23 JOYANCE, delight [n]
joyfully 33 27 JOYFUL, full of joy...
joyously 29 23 JOYOUS, joyful [adv]
joyrider 22 20 one who joyrides [n...
joyrides 22 20 JOYRIDE, to take a r...
joystick 27 26 the control stick in...
jubilant 19 23 exultant [adj JUBILA...
jubilate 19 22 to rejoice [v JUBILA...
jubilees 19 22 JUBILEE, a celebrati...
juddered 16 21 JUDDER, to vibrate,...
judgings 19 24 JUDGING, the act of...
judgment 18 25 an opinion formed [n...
judicare 19 22 government-paid lega...
judicial 21 23 pertaining to courts...
judoists 17 19 JUDOIST, one skilled...
juggings 20 25 JUGGING, the act of...
jugglers 20 23 JUGGLER, one who jug...
jugglery 26 25 the art of juggler [...
juggling 21 26 the act of juggling...
jugheads 19 23 JUGHEAD, an idiot, a...
jugulars 19 22 JUGULAR, a vein in t...
jugulate 18 22 to cut the throat of...
juiciest 20 21 JUICY, full of juice...
jujitsus 20 28 JUJITSU, a Japanese...
jujuisms 21 31 JUJUISM, a belief in...
jujuists 20 28 JUJUIST, a follower...
jujutsus 20 29 JUJUTSU, a Japanese...
jukskeis 19 26 JUKSKEI, a South Afr...
julienne 15 21 a kind of soup conta...
jumaring 18 24 JUMAR, to climb usin...
jumarred 17 22 JUMAR, to climb usin...
jumblers 21 25 JUMBLER, one that ju...
jumblier 21 25 JUMBLY, in a jumble...
jumbling 22 28 JUMBLE, to mix in a...
jumboise 19 24 to enlarge a ship us...
jumboize 22 33 to enlarge a ship us...
jumbucks 25 32 JUMBUCK, (Australian...
jumelles 19 23 JUMELLE, (French) a...
jumpable 22 28 able to be jumped [a...
jumpiest 20 24 JUMPY, nervy [adj]
jumpings 21 27 JUMPING, the act of...
jumpoffs 24 30 JUMPOFF, a starting...
jumprope 21 27 a rope used in child...
jumpshot 22 26 a type of shot in ba...
jumpsies 20 24 a game involving jum...
jumpsuit 21 25 a one-piece garment...
juncates 18 22 JUNCATE, (Spenser) a...
junction 18 23 an intersection [n -...
juncture 19 23 the act of joining [...
juncuses 19 23 JUNCUS, any plant of...
junglier 18 22 JUNGLY, of or relati...
junglist 19 22 an adherent of jungl...
juniored 15 20 JUNIOR, (of a lawyer...
junipers 18 22 JUNIPER, an evergree...
junkanoo 14 24 a boisterous West In...
junketed 16 24 JUNKET, to go on suc...
junketer 16 23 one that junkets, al...
junkiest 17 23 JUNKY, rubbishy, wor...
junkyard 23 26 a yard where junk is...
jurassic 20 21 relating to the seco...
juratory 22 20 pertaining to an oat...
juristic 21 21 of or pertaining to...
juryless 24 21 with no jury [adj]
jurymast 24 23 a temporary mast [n...
jussives 19 22 JUSSIVE, a word used...
justicer 20 21 (obsolete) a judge,...
justices 20 21 JUSTICE, a judge [n]
justling 19 22 JUSTLE, to run or st...
justness 16 19 the quality of being...
jutelike 18 23 like jute [adj]
juttiest 17 18 JUTTY, jutting out [...
juttying 24 23 JUTTY, to stick out...
juvenals 18 24 JUVENAL, a young bir...
juvenile 18 24 young, not adult [ad...