8 letter words that start with G

8 letter words that start with G

8 letter G word


Words With Friends®


gabbards 19 17 GABBARD, (Scots) a k...
gabbarts 19 16 GABBART, (Scots) a k...
gabbiest 19 16 GABBY, talkative [ad...
gabblers 20 17 GABBLER, one who gab...
gabbling 21 20 talking inarticulate...
gabbroic 22 19 of or like gabbro, a...
gabbroid 19 17 like gabbro [adj]
gabelled 18 16 subject to gabelle,...
gabeller 18 15 a collector of gabel...
gabelles 18 15 GABELLE, a tax on sa...
gabfests 19 16 GABFEST, (slang) a g...
gabioned 15 15 furnished with gabio...
gadabout 16 15 one that gads about...
gadarene 12 12 headlong; precipitat...
gadflies 18 15 GADFLY, any of vario...
gadgetry 22 15 the devising or cons...
gadlings 17 15 GADLING, (obsolete)...
gadroons 13 12 GADROON, to decorate...
gadwalls 20 16 GADWALL, a large duc...
gadzooks 18 24 (archaic) a mild oat...
gaffings 20 19 GAFFING, the act of...
gaffsail 20 17 a quadrilateral fore...
gageable 17 16 able to be gaged [ad...
gageably 24 18 able to be gaged [ad...
gaggling 19 18 making a cackling so...
gagsters 16 12 GAGSTER, one who wri...
gahnites 16 13 GAHNITE, a mineral,...
gaieties 14 10 GAIETY, festive acti...
gaillard 17 13 (obsolete) brisk, li...
gainable 16 15 able to be gained [a...
gainings 15 14 things which are gai...
gainless 15 12 profitless [adj]
gainlier 15 12 GAINLY, shapely, com...
gainsaid 14 12 GAINSAY, to deny or...
gainsays 20 13 GAINSAY, to deny or...
gairfowl 21 17 the great auk, also...
gaitered 14 11 wearing gaiters [adj...
galabeah 18 16 an Arab cloak with a...
galabeas 16 14 GALABEA, an Arab clo...
galabiah 19 16 an Arab cloak with a...
galabias 17 14 GALABIA, an Arab clo...
galabieh 19 16 an Arab cloak with a...
galabiya 23 16 an Arab cloak with a...
galactic 22 17 relating to or obtai...
galangal 16 15 the aromatic rootsto...
galangas 15 14 GALANGA, the aromati...
galapago 17 16 a kind of tortoise [...
galateas 14 11 GALATEA, a durable c...
galavant 16 16 to roam about for pl...
galaxies 21 18 GALAXY, a large syst...
galbanum 18 19 a gum resin [n -S]
galeated 14 12 helmet-shaped, also...
galenite 14 12 the principal ore of...
galenoid 14 13 of or like galena, a...
galettes 15 11 GALETTE, a round, fl...
galilees 16 12 GALILEE, a small cha...
galipots 18 14 GALIPOT, the turpent...
galivant 17 16 to roam about for pl...
gallabea 17 15 an Arab cloak with a...
gallabia 18 15 an Arab cloak with a...
gallants 16 13 GALLANT, to court a...
gallates 16 12 GALLATE, a salt of g...
galleass 16 12 a large war galley,...
galleins 16 13 GALLEIN, a red cryst...
galleons 15 13 GALLEON, a sailing v...
galleria 16 12 a shopping arcade [n...
galletas 16 12 GALLETA, a perennial...
galleted 16 13 GALLET, to fill in m...
galliard 17 13 a sprightly Renaissa...
galliass 17 12 a large war galley,...
gallican 19 16 pertaining to a Fren...
gallicas 20 15 GALLICA, a variety o...
galliest 17 12 GALLY, gall-like, bi...
galliots 17 12 GALLIOT, a small gal...
gallipot 19 15 a small glazed earth...
gallised 17 13 GALLISE, in wine-mak...
gallises 17 12 GALLISE, in wine-mak...
galliums 19 16 GALLIUM, a rare meta...
gallivat 19 16 (Portuguese) a large...
gallized 20 22 GALLIZE, in wine-mak...
gallizes 20 21 GALLIZE, in wine-mak...
gallnuts 17 14 GALLNUT, a round gal...
galloons 15 13 GALLOON, an ornament...
galloots 16 12 GALLOOT, an awkward...
galloped 18 16 GALLOP, to ride a ho...
galloper 18 15 a rider, esp. a hunt...
galloway 25 17 a breed of hornless...
gallowed 19 16 GALLOW, (Shakespeare...
gallumph 23 21 to move with a clums...
gallused 17 14 suspended by galluse...
galluses 17 13 (dial) braces for tr...
gallying 24 17 GALLY, to scare, daz...
galoched 20 17 GALOCHE, to provide...
galoches 20 16 GALOCHE, to provide...
galopade 16 15 (French) a lively ba...
galoping 18 17 GALOP, to dance a ga...
galopins 17 15 GALOPIN, (obsolete)...
galopped 19 18 GALOP, to dance a ga...
galoshed 17 14 GALOSH, to put a gal...
galoshes 17 13 GALOSH, an overshoe,...
galowses 18 14 (Shakespeare) gallow...
galtonia 14 12 a bulbous plant of t...
galumphs 22 20 GALUMPH, to move wit...
galvanic 20 19 pertaining to direct...
gamashes 17 15 GAMASH, a type of le...
gambades 17 17 GAMBADE, a leap made...
gambados 17 17 GAMBADO, to frolic [...
gambeson 16 17 (historical) a leath...
gambetta 17 16 a red-legged wading...
gambiers 18 16 GAMBIER, the inspiss...
gambists 19 16 GAMBIST, a performer...
gambited 18 17 GAMBIT, to sacrifice...
gamblers 19 17 GAMBLER, one that ga...
gambling 20 20 the act of taking a...
gamboges 18 18 GAMBOGE, a kind of g...
gambogic 22 21 of gamboge [adj]
gamboled 18 18 GAMBOL, to leap abou...
gambrels 19 17 GAMBREL, the joint i...
gambroon 16 17 a twilled cloth of w...
gambusia 18 17 a fish of the genus...
gamebags 18 18 GAMEBAG, a leather o...
gamebook 17 20 a book of strategies...
gamecock 22 23 a rooster trained fo...
gamefish 20 18 a fish caught for sp...
gamefowl 21 20 a gamecock [n -S]
gamelans 15 15 GAMELAN, a Javanese...
gamelike 17 18 similar to a game [a...
gameness 14 14 the quality of being...
gameplay 24 19 the plan of action o...
gamesier 15 13 GAMESY, keen on spor...
gamesman 15 17 one who plays games...
gamesmen 15 17 GAMESMAN, one who pl...
gamesome 15 16 playful, merry, spor...
gamester 15 13 a gambler [n -S]
gamified 18 17 GAMIFY, to adapt (a...
gamifies 18 16 GAMIFY, to adapt (a...
gaminess 15 14 the condition of bei...
gammadia 16 17 GAMMADION, a Greek o...
gammatia 16 16 GAMMATION, a Greek o...
gammiest 17 16 GAMMY, lame, maimed...
gammocks 21 23 GAMMOCK, (dialect) t...
gammoned 15 18 GAMMON, to mislead b...
gammoner 15 17 one who misleads by...
gamodeme 15 17 a somewhat isolated...
gamyness 21 16 the condition of bei...
ganaches 18 16 GANACHE, a sweet cre...
ganching 20 19 GANCH, to impale, al...
gandered 13 13 GANDER, to wander [v...
gangbang 17 19 successive copulatio...
gangings 16 16 GANGING, the act of...
gangland 15 16 the criminal underwo...
ganglial 17 15 pertaining to a gang...
gangliar 16 14 pertaining to a gang...
ganglier 16 14 GANGLY, awkwardly ta...
gangling 17 17 awkwardly tall and l...
ganglion 15 15 a group of nerve cel...
gangplow 21 20 an agricultural impl...
gangrels 16 14 GANGREL, a vagabond...
gangrene 13 14 to suffer loss of ti...
gangshag 18 17 successive copulatio...
gangsman 15 17 a foreman of a gang...
gangsmen 15 17 GANGSMAN, a foreman...
gangstas 15 13 GANGSTA, an aggressi...
gangster 15 13 a member of a crimin...
gangways 24 18 GANGWAY, either of t...
ganister 14 11 a flintlike rock use...
gannetry 19 14 a breeding place for...
ganoines 12 12 GANOINE, the hard sh...
gantlets 15 12 GANTLET, to protect...
gantline 14 13 a rope used in singl...
gantlope 16 15 an armoured glove, a...
gantries 14 11 GANTRY, a structure...
ganymede 20 17 a catamite, a boy ke...
ganzfeld 20 25 a technique of contr...
gaolbird 18 15 an inveterate convic...
gaolless 16 12 having no gaol, also...
gapeseed 15 14 anything that causes...
gapeworm 20 19 a worm that causes a...
gapingly 25 19 GAPING, wide open [a...
gappiest 19 16 GAPPY, full of gaps...
gappings 20 19 GAPPING, as in call...
garaging 16 15 the placing of a veh...
garagist 16 12 a garage proprietor...
garbages 17 15 GARBAGE, food waste...
garbagey 23 17 like garbage, also G...
garbanzo 18 23 a chickpea [n -S]
garblers 18 14 GARBLER, one who gar...
garbless 18 14 without clothing [ad...
garbling 19 17 a distortion of mean...
garboard 16 14 a plank on a ship's...
garboils 18 14 GARBOIL, (obsolete)...
garbures 17 14 GARBURE, a kind of B...
garcinia 17 14 a tropical evergreen...
gardants 14 12 GARDANT, a guardian,...
gardened 13 13 GARDEN, to cultivate...
gardener 13 12 one that gardens [n...
gardenia 13 12 a tropical shrub or...
gardyloo 21 14 a warning cry when s...
garefowl 20 17 the great auk, also...
garganey 20 15 a kind of small duck...
garglers 17 13 GARGLER, one who gar...
gargling 18 16 GARGLE, to rinse the...
gargoyle 22 15 an ornamental figure...
garigues 16 13 GARIGUE, (French) an...
garished 17 13 GARISH, to heal, als...
garishes 17 12 GARISH, to heal, als...
garishly 25 15 GARISH, glaring [adv...
garlands 15 13 GARLAND, to crown wi...
garlicky 27 20 tasting or smelling...
garments 15 14 GARMENT, to dress in...
garnered 13 12 GARNER, to gather an...
garoting 15 13 GAROTE, to execute b...
garotted 14 11 GAROTTE, to execute...
garotter 14 10 one who executes by...
garottes 14 10 GAROTTE, to execute...
garoupas 16 14 GAROUPA, in Chinese...
garpikes 18 17 GARPIKE, any of vari...
garreted 14 11 lodged in a garret [...
garrigue 16 13 (French) an uncultiv...
garrison 14 11 a body of troops sta...
garroted 14 11 GARROTE, to execute...
garroter 14 10 one who executes by...
garrotes 14 10 GARROTE, to execute...
garrotte 14 10 to execute by strang...
gartered 14 11 GARTER, to support w...
garvocks 21 21 GARVOCK, a sprat, al...
gasahols 17 13 GASAHOL, a mixture o...
gasalier 15 11 a gaslight chandelie...
gaselier 15 11 a gaslight chandelie...
gasfield 18 15 an area with natural...
gashlier 18 13 GASHLY, ghastly [adj...
gashouse 16 13 a gasworks [n -S]
gasified 17 14 GASIFY, to convert i...
gasifier 17 13 a device for gasifyi...
gasifies 17 13 GASIFY, to convert i...
gasiform 18 16 having the form of g...
gasketed 15 15 equipped with a gask...
gaskings 17 17 GASKING, a gasket [n...
gaslight 20 15 light made by burnin...
gasogene 13 13 an apparatus for car...
gasohols 17 13 GASOHOL, a mixture o...
gasolene 13 12 a liquid fuel, also...
gasolier 15 11 a gaslight chandelie...
gasoline 14 12 a liquid fuel, also...
gaspiest 17 13 GASPY [adj]
gaspings 18 16 GASPING, the act of...
gassiest 15 10 GASSY, containing ga...
gassings 16 13 GASSING, a poisoning...
gastered 14 11 GASTER, to frighten,...
gastfull 20 16 (Spenser) terrifying...
gasthaus 17 13 (German) a small hot...
gastight 19 14 not allowing gas in...
gastness 14 11 (Shakespeare) dread,...
gastraea 13 10 a hypothetical ances...
gastreas 14 10 GASTREA, a hypotheti...
gastrins 15 11 GASTRIN, a hormone w...
gastrula 16 12 a metazoan embryo [n...
gasworks 19 17 a factory where gas...
gatchers 20 15 GATCHER, one that ga...
gatching 21 18 GATCH, to behave boa...
gatefold 17 15 a folded insert in a...
gatelegs 16 13 GATELEG, a table wit...
gateless 15 11 lacking a gate [adj]
gatelike 16 15 resembling a gate [a...
gatepost 16 13 a post from which a...
gateways 23 15 GATEWAY, a passage t...
gathered 16 13 GATHER, to bring tog...
gatherer 16 12 one that gathers [n...
gauchely 27 19 GAUCHE, (French) awk...
gauchers 20 16 GAUCHER, one that ga...
gauchest 20 16 GAUCHE, (French) awk...
gauching 21 19 GAUCH, to behave boa...
gauciest 18 14 GAUCY, (Scots) portl...
gaudgies 16 14 GAUDGIE, (Romany) a...
gaudiest 15 12 GAUDY, tastelessly s...
gauffers 19 17 GAUFFER, to press ri...
gaugings 17 16 GAUGING, the measuri...
gaulters 16 12 GAULTER, a person wh...
gaumiest 16 14 GAUMY, dauby, smeary...
gaumless 17 15 (Scots) stupid, also...
gaunched 19 18 GAUNCH, to impale, a...
gaunches 19 17 GAUNCH, to impale, a...
gauntest 14 12 GAUNT, emaciated [ad...
gaunting 15 15 GAUNT, to yawn, also...
gauntlet 15 13 an armoured glove, a...
gauntree 13 12 a stand for barrels,...
gaupuses 17 15 GAUPUS, (dialect) a...
gaussian 14 12 due to the mathemati...
gauziest 18 20 GAUZY, resembling ga...
gaveling 18 18 GAVEL, to signal for...
gavelled 18 17 GAVEL, to signal for...
gavelman 17 19 a tenant holding lan...
gavelmen 17 19 GAVELMAN, a tenant h...
gavelock 21 22 (historical) a javel...
gavotted 16 15 GAVOTTE, to dance a...
gavottes 16 14 GAVOTTE, to dance a...
gawciest 21 16 GAWCY, (Scots) portl...
gawkiest 19 17 GAWKY, awkward [adj]
gawmoges 19 18 GAWMOGE, a clownish...
gawpuses 20 17 GAWPUS, (dialect) a...
gawsiest 18 13 GAWSIE, (Scots) port...
gayeties 20 12 GAYETY, festive acti...
gaywings 25 18 a perennial herb [n...
gazaboes 18 22 GAZABO, a fellow [n]
gazanged 17 23 GAZANG, (of the sell...
gazanias 16 20 GAZANIA, any plant o...
gazeboes 18 22 GAZEBO, a roofed str...
gazelles 19 21 GAZELLE, one of seve...
gazement 17 23 (Spenser) a stare, l...
gazetted 17 20 GAZETTE, to announce...
gazettes 17 19 GAZETTE, to announce...
gazogene 16 22 an apparatus for car...
gazookas 17 23 GAZOOKA, a toy music...
gazpacho 24 27 a chilled soup with...
gazumped 21 27 GAZUMP, (colloquial)...
gazumper 21 26 one that gazumps (ch...
gazunder 17 22 to lower the sum off...
gealousy 21 14 (Spenser) jealousy,...
gearcase 16 13 a casing for gears [...
gearhead 15 13 a mechanically incli...
gearings 15 13 GEARING, a system of...
gearless 15 11 being without gears...
gedeckts 19 18 GEDECKT, a flutelike...
geebungs 17 17 GEEBUNG, an Australi...
geechees 18 15 GEECHEE, (US slang)...
geekdoms 16 18 GEEKDOM, the world o...
geekiest 15 14 GEEKY, socially awkw...
geekisms 17 17 GEEKISM, a preoccupa...
geelbeks 18 18 GEELBEK, a yellow-ja...
geepound 15 16 a unit of mass [n -S...
gefuffle 22 21 a commotion, also CA...
gefullte 19 16 as in gefulllte fish...
gelastic 19 14 relating to laughter...
gelatine 14 12 a colourless, odourl...
gelating 16 14 GELATE, to form a ge...
gelatins 15 12 GELATIN, a glutinous...
gelation 14 12 the process of gelli...
gelcoats 18 14 GELCOAT, a surface l...
geldings 17 15 GELDING, a castrated...
gelidest 16 12 GELID, extremely col...
gelidity 23 14 (obsolete) the state...
gellants 16 13 GELLANT, a substance...
gelosies 15 11 GELOSY, being resent...
gelsemia 16 14 GELSEMIUM, a climbin...
gematria 15 13 a numerical method o...
gemclips 23 20 GEMCLIP, (tradename)...
geminate 14 14 twinned [adj GEMINAT...
geminies 15 14 GEMINY, (Shakespeare...
geminous 15 15 double [adj]
gemmated 16 17 GEMMATE, to reproduc...
gemmates 16 16 GEMMATE, to reproduc...
gemmeous 16 17 like a gem [adj]
gemmiest 17 16 GEMMY, resembling a...
gemmules 18 18 GEMMULE, a small ase...
gemology 23 18 the study of gems, a...
gemsboks 19 20 GEMSBOK, a South Afr...
gemsbuck 23 24 a South African ante...
gemshorn 17 16 a chamois horn used...
gemstone 14 14 a precious or semipr...
genappes 17 17 GENAPPE, a smooth wo...
gendarme 14 15 a French policeman [...
gendered 13 13 GENDER, (archaic) to...
generale 13 12 (Latin) a general pr...
generals 14 12 GENERAL, to act as a...
generant 12 12 a line which traces...
generate 12 11 to bring into existe...
generics 17 14 GENERIC, a generic d...
generous 13 12 willing to give [adj...
genetics 17 14 the science of hered...
genetrix 20 18 a mother, also GENIT...
genettes 13 11 GENETTE, one of seve...
genially 22 15 GENIAL, having a ple...
genipapo 17 17 (Tupi) a tropical Am...
genipaps 18 17 GENIPAP, (Tupi) a tr...
genistas 14 11 GENISTA, a genus of...
genitals 15 12 the sexual organs [n...
genitive 16 15 indicating possessio...
genitors 14 11 GENITOR, a male pare...
genitrix 21 18 a mother, also GENET...
geniture 14 12 birth [n -S]
geniuses 14 12 GENIUS, an exception...
genizahs 19 22 GENIZAH, a room in a...
genizoth 19 22 GENIZAH, a room in a...
genlocks 19 19 GENLOCK [n]
gennaker 13 16 a type of sail for b...
genocide 16 15 the deliberate exter...
genogram 15 16 a diagram of the his...
genoises 13 11 GENOISE, a rich spon...
genomics 18 17 the branch of molecu...
genotype 21 16 the genetic constitu...
gensengs 14 14 GENSENG, a plant of...
gentians 13 12 GENTIAN, any plant o...
gentiest 14 11 GENTY, neat, trim [a...
gentiles 15 12 GENTILE, a non-Jewis...
gentilic 19 15 belonging to a tribe...
gentlest 15 12 GENTLE, mild and ref...
gentling 16 15 GENTLE, to tame [v]
gentrice 17 14 (archaic) gentle bir...
gentries 14 11 GENTRY, the class of...
gentrify 23 16 to renew an area to...
geocache 21 18 to search for hidden...
geocarpy 25 18 a ripening of fruit...
geocoded 16 15 GEOCODE, to assign g...
geocodes 16 14 GEOCODE, to assign g...
geodesic 17 14 allowing for the ear...
geodetic 17 14 of or pertaining to...
geoducks 19 19 GEODUCK, a large edi...
geofacts 19 16 GEOFACT, a rock chip...
geognost 14 13 one versed in geogno...
geognosy 20 15 a branch of geology,...
geogonic 17 16 relating to geogony,...
geolatry 21 13 earth-worship [n GEO...
geologer 15 13 a geologist, also GE...
geologic 19 16 relating to geology,...
geomancy 23 19 telling the future f...
geomants 14 14 GEOMANT, one who pra...
geometer 14 13 a specialist in geom...
geometry 21 15 a branch of mathemat...
geomyoid 21 16 pertaining to Americ...
geophagy 25 19 the practice of eati...
geophone 16 16 (trademark) an instr...
geophyte 24 17 a plant that survive...
geoponic 18 17 of or relating to ag...
geoprobe 17 16 a spacecraft which e...
georgics 19 15 GEORGIC, a poem on h...
geotaxes 19 17 GEOTAXIS, the moveme...
geotaxis 20 17 the movement of an o...
geotherm 17 15 a line on a the eart...
geranial 14 12 an alcohol forming a...
geraniol 14 12 an alcohol forming a...
geranium 15 15 a plant of the genus...
gerardia 14 11 any of a genus of of...
gerberas 16 13 GERBERA, a genus of...
gerbille 19 15 a desert rodent, als...
gerenuks 15 16 GERENUK, a long-legg...
germaine 14 14 (Shakespeare) a germ...
germains 15 14 GERMAIN, (Shakespear...
germanic 18 17 containing germanium...
germfree 17 16 free of germs [adj]
germiest 16 13 GERMY, full of germs...
germinal 16 15 being in the highest...
germlike 18 18 like a germ [adj]
geronimo 14 14 a shout given by US...
gerontic 17 14 pertaining to old ag...
geropiga 17 15 a sweet fortified wi...
gesneria 13 11 a plant of a tropica...
gestalts 16 11 GESTALT, (German) a...
gestapos 16 13 GESTAPO, a secret po...
gestated 14 11 GESTATE, to carry in...
gestates 14 10 GESTATE, to carry in...
gestical 19 14 pertaining to bodily...
gestural 16 12 of or relating to ge...
gestured 15 12 GESTURE, to express...
gesturer 15 11 one who gestures [n...
gestures 15 11 GESTURE, to express...
getaways 23 15 GETAWAY, an escape [...
gettable 17 14 able to be got [adj]
gettered 14 11 GETTER, to remove tr...
gettings 16 13 GETTING, begetting,...
gewgawed 21 19 decorated in a showy...
geysered 20 13 GEYSER, to eject jet...
gharials 18 13 GHARIAL, an Indian c...
gharries 17 12 GHARRY, in India, a...
ghastful 21 17 (Spenser) terrifying...
ghasting 18 15 GHAST, (Shakespeare)...
gheraoed 15 13 GHERAO, to carry out...
gheraoes 15 12 GHERAO, to carry out...
gherkins 18 17 GHERKIN, a kind of s...
ghessing 18 15 GHESSE, (Spenser) to...
ghettoed 16 13 GHETTO, to confine t...
ghettoes 16 12 GHETTO, to confine t...
ghilgais 20 15 GHILGAI, (Native Aus...
ghillied 20 15 GHILLIE, to act as a...
ghillies 20 14 GHILLIE, to act as a...
ghostier 17 12 GHOSTY, like a ghost...
ghosting 18 15 a false image on a T...
ghoulies 18 14 GHOULIE, a demon, al...
ghoulish 21 16 like a ghoul [adj GH...
ghrelins 18 14 GHRELIN, a gastroint...
giambeux 24 24 (Spenser) leg-armour...
giantess 14 11 a female giant [n -E...
giantism 16 14 a tendency to abnorm...
giardias 15 11 GIARDIA, a parasitic...
gibbered 19 17 GIBBER, to utter sen...
gibbeted 19 17 GIBBET, to execute b...
gibbsite 20 16 a mineral, a hydrate...
gibingly 26 19 GIBING [adv]
giddiest 16 12 GIDDY, dizzy [adj]
giddying 23 17 GIDDY, to make dizzy...
giftable 20 17 something appropriat...
giftedly 25 17 GIFTED [adv]
giftings 19 16 GIFTING, the act of...
giftless 19 14 being without a gift...
giftshop 22 18 a shop selling prese...
giftware 20 16 wares suitable for g...
giftwrap 23 19 to wrap with decorat...
gigabits 19 15 GIGABIT, a unit of i...
gigabyte 24 17 a unit of informatio...
gigaflop 21 19 a measure of computi...
gigantic 19 16 huge, also GIGANTEAN...
gigatons 15 13 GIGATON, a unit of w...
gigawatt 19 15 a unit of power, a t...
giggited 18 15 GIGGIT, (archaic US)...
gigglers 19 15 GIGGLER, one who gig...
gigglier 19 15 GIGGLY, tending to g...
giggling 20 18 the act of laughing...
gilberts 19 14 GILBERT, an electric...
gildhall 21 16 a town hall, also GU...
gildings 18 15 GILDING, the act of...
gildsman 17 16 a male member of a g...
gildsmen 17 16 GILDSMAN, a male mem...
gillaroo 16 12 (Irish) an Irish tro...
gillions 17 13 GILLION, a thousand...
gillnets 17 13 GILLNET, to catch fi...
gillying 25 17 GILLY, to act as a g...
gillyvor 26 18 (Shakespeare) a gill...
giltcups 23 18 GILTCUP, (dialect) a...
gilthead 18 14 a kind of fish with...
giltwood 19 15 made of wood covered...
gimbaled 19 18 GIMBAL, to support o...
gimcrack 24 23 cheap and showy [adj...
gimleted 17 15 GIMLET, to pierce as...
gimmicks 23 23 GIMMICK, to provide...
gimmicky 29 25 having or being like...
gimpiest 19 16 GIMPY, limping [adj]
gingalls 18 15 GINGALL, a large Chi...
gingeley 22 16 the sesame seed or i...
gingelis 17 14 GINGELI, (Hindi) the...
gingelli 18 15 the sesame seed or i...
gingelly 24 17 the sesame seed or i...
gingered 15 14 GINGER, to spice up,...
gingerly 23 16 in a careful manner...
ginghams 19 18 GINGHAM, a striped c...
gingilis 18 14 GINGILI, the sesame...
gingilli 19 15 the sesame seed or i...
gingivae 17 17 GINGIVA, the fleshy...
gingival 19 18 pertaining to the fl...
gingkoes 16 17 GINGKO, an ornamenta...
ginglymi 25 19 GINGLYMUS, a joint t...
ginhouse 16 14 a place where cotton...
ginkgoes 16 17 GINKGO, an ornamenta...
ginniest 14 12 GINNY, affected with...
ginnings 15 15 GINNING, cotton as i...
ginsengs 15 14 GINSENG, a plant of...
ginshops 19 16 GINSHOP, a shop that...
gipsydom 25 19 the world of gypsies...
gipsying 25 18 GIPSY, to live like...
gipsyish 27 17 like a gypsy, also G...
gipsyism 26 18 the arts and practic...
giraffes 19 16 GIRAFFE, a long-neck...
giraffid 20 17 a member of the gira...
girasole 15 11 a variety of opal, a...
girasols 16 11 GIRASOL, a variety o...
girdings 17 14 GIRDING, that which...
girdlers 17 12 GIRDLER, one who gir...
girdling 18 15 GIRDLE, to encircle...
girlhood 18 14 the state of being a...
girliest 17 11 GIRLY, like a girl [...
girlonds 16 13 GIRLOND, a garland [...
girniest 15 11 GIRNIE, ill-tempered...
girolles 17 12 GIROLLE, an edible m...
girosols 16 11 GIROSOL, a variety o...
girthing 19 15 GIRTH, to put a girt...
girtline 16 12 a gantline, a rope u...
gisarmes 16 13 GISARME, (historical...
gitterns 15 11 GITTERN, to play a m...
giusting 17 14 GIUST, (Spenser) to...
giveable 19 18 able to be given, al...
giveaway 25 19 something given away...
giveback 23 24 a worker's benefit g...
gizzards 22 29 GIZZARD, the second,...
gizzened 20 30 GIZZEN, (Scots) to s...
gjetosts 17 19 GJETOST, a hard brow...
glabella 19 16 the smooth area betw...
glabrate 17 14 smooth, also GLABROU...
glabrous 18 15 smooth, also GLABRAT...
glaceing 19 17 GLACE, (French) to i...
glacials 20 15 GLACIAL, a glacial p...
glaciate 18 14 to cover with glacie...
glaciers 19 14 GLACIER, a huge mass...
glacises 19 14 GLACIS, a slope [n]
gladdens 15 14 GLADDEN, to make gla...
gladdest 16 13 GLAD, feeling pleasu...
gladdies 16 13 GLADDIE, (short for)...
gladding 17 16 GLAD, to make happy...
gladdons 15 14 GLADDON, (dialect) a...
gladiate 15 12 shaped like a sword...
gladiest 16 12 GLADY, full of glade...
gladiola 16 13 a lilylike plant of...
gladiole 16 13 a lilylike plant of...
gladioli 17 13 GLADIOLUS, a lilylik...
gladlier 17 13 GLADLY [adv]
gladness 15 13 the state of being g...
gladsome 16 15 feeling pleasure [ad...
gladwrap 21 18 a thin film to wrap...
glairier 16 11 GLAIRY, resembling e...
glairing 17 14 GLAIRE, to coat with...
glairins 16 12 GLAIRIN, a glairy vi...
glammest 18 17 GLAM, characterised...
glammier 18 17 GLAMMY, glamorous [a...
glamming 19 20 GLAM, to glamourise...
glamored 16 15 GLAMOR, to bewitch,...
glamours 17 15 GLAMOUR, to bewitch,...
glamping 20 20 a form of camping in...
glancers 18 15 GLANCER, one who gla...
glancing 19 18 sliding off [adj GLA...
glanders 15 13 a disease of horses...
glandule 16 15 a small gland or sec...
glareous 15 12 growing on gravel; (...
glariest 16 11 GLARY, glaring [adj]
glasnost 15 12 the policy of openne...
glassful 20 16 as much as a drinkin...
glassier 16 11 GLASSY, resembling g...
glassies 16 11 GLASSIE, a type of p...
glassify 25 16 to become like glass...
glassily 24 14 GLASSY, resembling g...
glassine 15 12 a transparent, glaze...
glassing 17 14 GLASS, to encase in...
glassman 16 15 a maker or seller of...
glassmen 16 15 GLASSMAN, a maker or...
glaucoma 19 18 a disease of the eye...
glaucous 19 16 sea-green; greyish-b...
glauming 18 18 GLAUM, (Scots) to cl...
glaurier 16 12 GLAURY, (Scots) miry...
glaziers 19 20 GLAZIER, one whose b...
glaziery 25 22 the work of a glazie...
glaziest 19 20 GLAZY, covered with...
glazings 20 23 GLAZING, the work of...
gleamers 16 14 GLEAMER, one who gle...
gleamier 16 14 GLEAMY, gleaming [ad...
gleaming 17 17 shining [adj GLEAMIN...
gleaners 14 12 GLEANER, one who gle...
gleaning 15 15 the residue of the h...
glebiest 18 14 GLEBY, (archaic) clo...
gledging 18 17 GLEDGE, to squint th...
gleeking 17 18 GLEEK, to jest, gibe...
gleenies 14 12 GLEENIE, (dialect) a...
gleesome 15 14 merry, also GLEEFUL...
gleetier 15 11 GLEETY, resembling m...
gleeting 16 14 GLEET, to discharge...
gleggest 18 15 GLEG, (Scots) quick,...
glegness 16 14 alertness [n -ES]
glenlike 17 17 like a glen [adj]
glenoids 15 13 GLENOID, a cup-shape...
glenting 16 15 GLENT, to glint [v]
gleyings 23 16 GLEYING, the develop...
gliadine 15 13 one of a group of pr...
gliadins 16 13 GLIADIN, one of a gr...
glibbery 27 19 (obsolete) slippery...
glibbest 21 17 GLIB, fluent and pla...
glibbing 22 20 GLIB, to make plausi...
glibness 18 15 the quality of being...
gliddery 23 15 (Scots) slippery, al...
gliddest 17 13 GLID, (Scots) slippe...
glidings 18 15 GLIDING, the act of...
gliffing 22 20 the time required to...
glimmers 19 17 GLIMMER, to shine fa...
glimmery 25 19 glimmering, faintly...
glimpsed 20 18 GLIMPSE, to see for...
glimpser 20 17 one who glimpses [n...
glimpses 20 17 GLIMPSE, to see for...
glintier 16 12 GLINTY, glittering [...
glinting 17 15 GLINT, to glitter, a...
gliomata 16 14 GLIOMA, a tumour of...
glissade 16 12 to perform a gliding...
glistens 16 12 GLISTEN, to sparkle...
glisters 17 11 GLISTER, (archaic) t...
glitches 22 16 GLITCH, a malfunctio...
glitters 17 11 GLITTER, to sparkle...
glittery 23 13 glittering [adj GLIT...
glitzier 20 20 GLITZY, showy, garis...
glitzily 28 23 GLITZY, showy, garis...
glitzing 21 23 GLITZ, to make somet...
gloaming 17 17 twilight, also GLOAM...
gloaters 15 11 GLOATER, one who glo...
gloating 16 14 the act of exulting...
globally 26 18 GLOBAL, worldwide or...
globated 17 15 spherical, also GLOB...
globbier 20 17 GLOBBY, full of glob...
globiest 18 14 GLOBY, (Milton) roun...
globoids 18 15 GLOBOID, a globelike...
globular 19 16 spherical [adj GLOBU...
globules 19 16 GLOBULE, a small sph...
globulet 19 16 a little globule [n...
globulin 19 17 any of a group of si...
glochids 22 17 GLOCHID, a barbed ha...
glomming 19 20 GLOM, to steal, take...
glonoins 14 13 GLONOIN, a name for...
gloomful 20 19 full of gloom [adj G...
gloomier 16 14 GLOOMY, dismally dar...
gloomily 24 17 GLOOMY, dismally dar...
glooming 17 17 twilight, also GLOAM...
gloopier 17 14 GLOOPY, thickly visc...
glooping 18 17 GLOOP, to plop slowl...
gloppier 20 17 GLOPPY, being or res...
glopping 21 20 GLOP, to cover with...
gloriole 16 12 a halo [n -S]
gloriosa 15 11 a genus of climbing...
glorious 16 12 magnificent [adj GLO...
glorying 23 16 GLORY, to rejoice pr...
glossary 22 13 a list of terms and...
glosseme 16 14 the smallest linguis...
glossers 16 11 GLOSSER, a polisher;...
glossier 16 11 GLOSSY, with a surfa...
glossies 16 11 GLOSSY, a quality ma...
glossily 24 14 GLOSSY, with a surfa...
glossina 15 12 an insect of the tse...
glossing 17 14 GLOSS, to make lustr...
glossist 17 11 a writer of glosses...
glouting 17 15 GLOUT, (archaic) to...
glovebox 25 25 a compartment in a c...
glovings 19 18 GLOVING, the craft o...
glowered 18 15 GLOWER, to look or s...
glowlamp 23 21 an incandescent lamp...
glowworm 23 20 a beetle, the wingle...
gloxinia 21 19 a house plant with b...
glozings 20 23 GLOZING, flattery, d...
glucagon 19 18 a pancreatic hormone...
glucinas 19 16 GLUCINA, an oxide of...
glucinic 23 19 pertaining to, deriv...
glucinum 21 20 a former name for be...
gluconic 22 19 as in gluconic acid,...
glucoses 19 15 GLUCOSE, a hexose su...
glucosic 23 18 relating to glucose...
glueball 20 17 a hypothetical subat...
gluelike 18 17 resembling glue [adj...
gluepots 18 15 GLUEPOT, a pot for m...
glugging 20 19 GLUG, to make a gurg...
gluhwein 21 18 a type of wine [n -S...
gluiness 16 13 the state of being g...
glumella 19 17 the membranous inner...
glummest 19 18 GLUM, low in spirits...
glumness 17 16 the state of being g...
glumpier 20 18 GLUMPY, (dialect) su...
glumpily 28 21 GLUMPY, (dialect) su...
glumpish 23 20 glum [adj]
glunched 21 19 GLUNCH, to frown [v]
glunches 21 18 GLUNCH, to frown [v]
glutaeal 16 13 relating to the glut...
glutaeus 16 13 (Latin) any of the t...
glutamic 21 18 as in glutamic acid,...
glutched 22 18 GLUTCH, to gulp or s...
glutches 22 17 GLUTCH, to gulp or s...
glutelin 17 14 a simple plant prote...
glutenin 15 14 a protein of cereal...
glutting 18 15 GLUT, to feed or fil...
gluttons 16 13 GLUTTON, a person wh...
gluttony 22 15 excessive eating [n...
glycemia 26 19 glucose in the blood...
glycemic 30 22 having glucose in th...
glyceria 25 16 an aquatic grass [n...
glyceric 29 19 pertaining to, or de...
glycerin 25 17 a non-technical name...
glycerol 26 17 a syrupy alcohol [n...
glyceryl 33 19 a radical derived fr...
glycines 25 17 GLYCINE, the simples...
glycogen 25 19 animal starch, as fo...
glycolic 30 20 pertaining to, or de...
glyconic 28 20 a type of verse line...
glycoses 25 16 GLYCOSE, a hexose su...
glycosyl 33 19 a radical derived fr...
glyptals 26 17 GLYPTAL, a kind of a...
glyptics 29 19 GLYPTIC, the art or...
gnarlier 15 12 GNARLY, gnarled [adj...
gnarling 16 15 GNARL, to twist into...
gnarring 15 14 GNAR, to snarl, also...
gnashers 16 13 GNASHER, (colloquial...
gnashing 17 16 grinding [adj GNASHI...
gnathion 15 14 the tip of the chin...
gnathite 16 13 a jawlike appendage...
gnatlike 16 16 like a gnat [adj]
gnatling 16 15 a little gnat [n -S]
gnattier 14 11 GNATTY, infested wit...
gnatwren 16 15 any of various speci...
gnawable 19 18 able to be gnawed [a...
gnawings 18 17 GNAWING, a persisten...
gneisses 14 11 GNEISS, a foliated u...
gneissic 18 14 of or like gneiss, a...
gnomical 19 18 resembling or contai...
gnomists 16 14 GNOMIST, a writer of...
gnomonic 17 18 of or pertaining to...
gnostics 18 14 GNOSTIC, one who kno...
goadlike 16 16 resembling a goad [a...
goadsman 14 15 a man who uses a goa...
goadsmen 14 15 GOADSMAN, a man who...
goadster 14 11 a man who uses a goa...
goalball 19 16 a game for the sight...
goalless 16 12 having no goal [adj]
goalpost 17 14 a post marking a bou...
goalward 18 15 toward or in the dir...
goatfish 19 15 a tropical fish inha...
goatherd 16 13 one who tends goats...
goatiest 14 10 GOATY, like a goat,...
goatlike 16 15 resembling a goat [a...
goatling 16 14 a young goat [n -S]
goatskin 15 15 the hide of a goat [...
goatweed 16 14 an umbelliferous wee...
gobbiest 19 16 GOBBY, (colloquial)...
gobblers 20 17 GOBBLER, (US) a turk...
gobbling 21 20 GOBBLE, to eat hasti...
gobioids 17 14 GOBIOID, a fish of t...
gobshite 19 15 (vulgar) a garrulous...
goburras 17 14 GOBURRA, (Native Aus...
godawful 21 19 extremely unpleasant...
godchild 22 18 one whom a person sp...
goddamns 15 16 GODDAMN, to damn, al...
godetias 14 11 GODETIA, any plant o...
godheads 16 14 GODHEAD, the state o...
godhoods 16 14 GODHOOD, the state o...
godliest 16 12 GODLY, like a god [a...
godlings 17 15 GODLING, a lesser go...
godroons 13 12 GODROON [v]
godsends 14 13 GODSEND, an unexpect...
godships 20 16 GODSHIP, the rank of...
godslots 16 12 GODSLOT, a slot in a...
godspeed 16 15 a wish for good fort...
godsquad 23 22 evangelical Christia...
godwards 18 15 towards God, also GO...
goethite 16 12 a hydrous oxide of i...
goffered 18 17 GOFFER, to press rid...
gogglers 18 15 GOGGLER, a kind of o...
gogglier 18 15 GOGGLY, wide-eyed [a...
goggling 19 18 the act of staring w...
gohonzon 17 23 a Buddhist paper scr...
goitered 14 11 afflicted with a goi...
goitrous 15 11 having a goiter [adj...
golconda 17 16 a source of great we...
goldarns 15 13 GOLDARN [n]
goldbugs 20 18 GOLDBUG, a gold beet...
goldened 14 14 GOLDEN, to become li...
goldener 14 13 GOLDEN, of the colou...
goldenly 22 16 GOLDEN, of the colou...
goldeyes 21 14 GOLDEYE, a freshwate...
goldfish 21 17 a freshwater cyprini...
goldiest 16 12 GOLDY, somewhat like...
goldless 17 13 having no gold [adj]
goldsize 19 21 an adhesive used to...
goldtail 17 13 as in goldtail moth,...
goldtone 14 13 a photographic image...
goldurns 16 14 GOLDURN, an expressi...
goldwork 20 19 gold articles collec...
golfiana 16 15 golfing items [n -S]
golfings 19 17 GOLFING, the game of...
golgotha 18 15 a place of suffering...
goliards 16 12 GOLIARD, (historical...
goliardy 22 14 boisterous, irrevere...
goliased 15 12 GOLIAS, to behave ir...
goliases 15 11 GOLIAS, to behave ir...
goliaths 18 13 GOLIATH, a person co...
gollands 16 14 GOLLAND, (dialect) a...
gollared 16 13 GOLLAR, to make a lo...
gollered 16 13 GOLLER, to make a lo...
golliwog 21 17 a grotesque black ma...
golloped 18 16 GOLLOP, to gulp hast...
golloper 18 15 one who gollops [n -...
gollying 24 17 GOLLY, to spit [v]
gollywog 27 19 a grotesque black do...
goloshed 17 14 GOLOSH, to put an ov...
goloshes 17 13 GOLOSHE, an overshoe...
gombeens 16 17 GOMBEEN, (Irish) usu...
gombroon 16 17 a type of Persian po...
gomerals 16 14 GOMERAL, (Scots) a s...
gomerels 16 14 GOMEREL, (Scots) a s...
gomerils 17 14 GOMERIL, (Scots) a s...
gonadial 14 13 pertaining to the go...
gondelay 20 15 (Spenser) a gondola...
gondolas 14 13 GONDOLA, a long, nar...
goneness 12 12 a state of exhaustio...
gonfalon 15 16 a small flag or penn...
gonfanon 13 16 (historical) a small...
gonglike 17 18 resembling a gong [a...
gongster 15 13 a person who strikes...
gonidial 15 13 pertaining to gonidi...
gonidium 16 16 an algal cell in a l...
gonocyte 22 16 a cell that produces...
gonoduct 17 16 a duct leading from...
gonopods 15 15 GONOPOD, either of a...
gonopore 14 14 a genital pore [n -S...
gonosome 13 14 the group of individ...
goodbyes 22 16 GOODBYE, a remark or...
goodiest 14 11 GOOD, having positiv...
goodlier 15 12 GOODLY, of pleasing...
goodness 13 12 the state of being g...
goodsire 14 11 a grandfather, also...
goodtime 15 14 pleasure seeking [ad...
goodwife 19 17 the mistress of a ho...
goodwill 20 16 an attitude of frien...
goodyear 19 13 (Shakespeare) the de...
goofball 20 18 (US) a barbiturate p...
goofiest 16 13 GOOFY, foolish, stup...
goofuses 16 14 GOOFUS, a foolish or...
googlies 16 13 GOOGLY, a type of bo...
googling 17 16 GOOGLE, to look for...
gooiness 13 11 the state of being g...
gookiest 15 14 GOOKY, sticky, messy...
goombahs 19 18 GOOMBAH, an older ma...
goombays 23 18 GOOMBAY, calypso mus...
gooniest 13 11 GOONY, stupid [adj]
goopiest 16 13 GOOPY, sticky or goo...
goosegob 16 15 gooseberry, also GOO...
goosegog 15 14 gooseberry, also GOO...
goosiest 14 10 GOOSY, resembling a...
gophered 18 16 GOPHER, to burrow, m...
gopurams 18 17 GOPURAM, in South In...
goramies 15 13 GORAMY, a large fres...
gorbelly 25 17 (obsolete) a big bel...
gorblimy 26 19 a kind of flat army...
gorcocks 22 20 GORCOCK, the male re...
gorcrows 21 16 GORCROW, (dialect) t...
gorditas 15 11 GORDITA, (Spanish) a...
gorefest 16 13 a movie featuring mu...
gorgedly 23 16 GORGED [adv]
gorgeous 15 13 beautiful [adj GORGE...
gorgerin 15 13 a part of a column [...
gorgeted 15 13 wearing a gorget, a...
gorillas 17 12 GORILLA, a large ape...
goriness 14 11 the state of being g...
gormands 15 15 GORMAND, one who lov...
gormiest 16 13 GORMY, dauby, smeary...
gormless 17 14 stupid, witless, vac...
gorsedds 15 12 GORSEDD, (Welsh) an...
gorsiest 15 10 GORSY, covered with...
gorsoons 13 11 GORSOON, a boy or bo...
goshawks 21 19 GOSHAWK, a large haw...
goslings 17 14 GOSLING, a young goo...
gospeler 17 14 one that teaches the...
gospelly 25 17 like gospel music [a...
gospodar 16 14 a Russian address, e...
gospodin 16 15 (Russian) a Russian...
gosports 17 13 GOSPORT, a communica...
gossamer 15 13 a fine film of cobwe...
gossiped 17 14 GOSSIP, to talk idly...
gossiper 17 13 one that gossips, al...
gossipry 24 15 the practice of goss...
gossoons 13 11 GOSSOON, a boy or bo...
gossypol 24 16 a toxic pigment [n -...
gostered 14 11 GOSTER, (dialect) to...
gotchies 20 15 underpants [n]
gothiest 17 12 GOTHY, (colloquial)...
gothites 17 12 GOTHITE, an ore of i...
gouaches 19 16 GOUACHE, a method of...
gouching 21 19 GOUCH, (slang) to en...
gougeres 15 13 GOUGERE, a kind of c...
goujeers 16 20 an editor's spurious...
gouramis 16 14 GOURAMI, a large Eas...
gourdful 19 17 the contents of a go...
gourdier 15 12 GOURDY, of a horse,...
gourmand 15 16 one who loves to eat...
gourmets 16 14 GOURMET, a connoisse...
goustier 15 11 GOUSTY, (Scots) deso...
goutiest 15 11 GOUTY, affected with...
goutweed 17 15 a weed, also GOATWEE...
goutwort 18 14 an umbelliferous wee...
governed 15 16 GOVERN, to rule or d...
governor 15 15 one that governs [n...
gowlands 18 16 GOWLAND, (dialect) a...
gownboys 25 19 GOWNBOY, a school fo...
gownsman 17 18 one whose profession...
gownsmen 17 18 GOWNSMAN, one whose...
grabbers 19 16 GRABBER, one who sei...
grabbier 19 16 GRABBY, tending to g...
grabbing 20 19 GRAB, to grab sudden...
grabbled 20 18 GRABBLE, to grope, a...
grabbler 20 17 one who grabbles, gr...
grabbles 20 17 GRABBLE, to grope, a...
graceful 21 18 having beauty of for...
graciles 19 14 GRACILIS, a thigh mu...
gracilis 20 14 a thigh muscle [n GR...
gracioso 17 13 a clown in Spanish c...
gracious 18 14 marked by kindness a...
grackles 20 18 GRACKLE, a kind of A...
gradable 17 15 things that are grad...
gradated 14 12 GRADATE, to change b...
gradates 14 11 GRADATE, to change b...
gradatim 16 14 step-by-step [adv]
graddans 14 13 GRADDAN, to parch in...
gradient 14 12 a rate of inclinatio...
gradines 14 12 GRADINE, one of a se...
gradings 16 14 GRADING, the act of...
graduals 16 13 GRADUAL, the part of...
graduand 14 14 one who is about to...
graduate 14 12 to receive an academ...
graduses 15 12 GRADUS, (Latin) a di...
graecise 17 13 to provide with a Gr...
graecize 20 22 to provide with a Gr...
graffing 20 19 GRAFF, to unite with...
graffiti 20 16 a piece of scribblin...
graffito 19 16 a scribble on a wall...
graftage 17 15 the process of graft...
grafters 17 13 GRAFTER, one who gra...
grafting 18 16 the act of making a...
grainage 14 13 duties on grain [n -...
grainers 14 11 GRAINER, a person wh...
grainier 14 11 GRAINY, having a gra...
graining 15 14 a process in tanning...
graithed 17 13 GRAITH, (Scots) to d...
graithly 25 15 (dialect) decent, or...
gralloch 22 17 (Gaelic) to gut, esp...
gramarye 21 15 occult learning or m...
gramercy 25 18 an expression of gra...
grammage 17 18 a weight of paper ex...
grammars 17 16 GRAMMAR, the study o...
gramoche 20 18 a type of legging, a...
grampies 18 16 GRAMPY, a grandfathe...
grandads 14 13 GRANDAD, a grandfath...
grandame 14 15 dam's or sires dam,...
grandams 15 15 GRANDAM, (archaic) a...
granddad 14 14 a grandfather, also...
granddam 15 16 dam's or sires dam,...
grandees 13 12 GRANDEE, a man of hi...
grandest 14 12 GRAND, large and imp...
grandeur 14 13 (French) impressive...
grandkid 16 17 grandchild [n -S]
grandmas 15 15 GRANDMA, a grandmoth...
grandpas 16 15 GRANDPA, a grandfath...
grandsir 15 12 a grandfather [n -S]
grandson 13 13 the son of one's son...
granfers 16 14 GRANFER, (dialect) a...
grangers 15 13 GRANGER, a farm stew...
granitas 14 11 GRANITA, an ice conf...
granites 14 11 GRANITE, a highly fe...
granitic 18 14 containing granite [...
grannams 14 15 GRANNAM, (archaic) a...
grannied 13 13 GRANNIE, to defeat t...
grannies 13 12 GRANNIE, to defeat t...
grannoms 14 15 GRANNOM, a type of c...
granolas 14 12 GRANOLA, (tradename)...
grantees 13 11 GRANTEE, one to whom...
granters 14 11 GRANTER, the person...
granting 15 14 GRANT, to bestow upo...
grantors 14 11 GRANTOR, the person...
granular 15 13 consisting of or lik...
granules 15 13 GRANULE, a little gr...
grapheme 19 18 a unit of a writing...
graphene 17 16 a film of graphite w...
graphics 23 18 GRAPHIC, a painting...
graphing 20 18 GRAPH, to represent...
graphite 19 15 a soft variety of ca...
graphium 21 19 a stylus [n -S]
grapiest 17 13 GRAPY, resembling gr...
grapline 17 15 a type of anchor, al...
graplins 18 15 GRAPLIN, a type of a...
grapnels 17 15 GRAPNEL, a small anc...
grappled 20 18 GRAPPLE, to struggle...
grappler 20 17 one who grapples [n...
grapples 20 17 GRAPPLE, to struggle...
graspers 17 13 GRASPER, one who gra...
grasping 18 16 GRASP, to seize firm...
grassers 15 10 GRASSER, (slang) a g...
grassier 15 10 GRASSY, resembling o...
grassily 23 13 GRASSY, resembling o...
grassing 16 13 placing on grass to...
grassums 17 14 GRASSUM, in Scots la...
grateful 18 15 deeply thankful [adj...
gratinee 13 11 (French) to cook or...
gratings 16 13 GRATING, a network o...
grattoir 15 10 (French) a scraper m...
gratuity 22 13 a gift of money [n G...
graupels 18 15 GRAUPEL, (German) pr...
gravamen 16 18 the most serious par...
graveled 17 16 GRAVEL, to pave with...
gravelly 25 18 resembling or contai...
gravidae 16 15 GRAVIDA, a pregnant...
gravidas 17 15 GRAVIDA, a pregnant...
gravidly 25 18 GRAVID, pregnant [ad...
gravings 18 17 GRAVING, an engravin...
gravitas 17 14 reserved, dignified...
graviton 16 15 a hypothetical parti...
gravlaks 19 19 (Swedish) a Scandina...
gravures 17 15 GRAVURE, any process...
grayback 27 22 any of various anima...
grayfish 26 17 a dogfish [n -ES]
grayhead 22 15 one with grey hair,...
grayhens 22 15 GRAYHEN, the female...
graylags 23 15 GRAYLAG, a species o...
grayling 23 16 a European fish, all...
graylist 23 13 to hold (someone) in...
graymail 23 16 pressure on an offic...
grayness 20 13 the state of being g...
grayouts 21 13 GRAYOUT, temporary b...
grazable 20 23 able to be grazed, a...
graziers 18 19 GRAZIER, one who pas...
grazings 19 22 GRAZING, land used f...
grazioso 17 19 (Italian) gracefully...
greasers 14 10 GREASER, one who, or...
greasier 14 10 GREASY, containing o...
greasies 14 10 GREASY, (Australian...
greasily 22 13 GREASY, containing o...
greasing 15 13 GREASE, to smear wit...
greatens 13 11 GREATEN, to make gre...
greatest 14 10 the greatest person...
greaving 17 17 GREAVE, to feel grie...
grecians 17 14 GRECIAN, a step, als...
grecised 18 14 GRECISE, to provide...
grecises 18 13 GRECISE, to provide...
grecized 21 23 GRECIZE, to provide...
grecizes 21 22 GRECIZE, to provide...
grecques 26 23 GRECQUE, (French) a...
greeboes 15 13 GREEBO, an unkempt y...
greedier 14 11 GREEDY, marked by gr...
greedily 22 14 GREEDY, marked by gr...
greegree 14 12 an African talisman...
greeking 16 17 showing low resoluti...
greenbug 17 17 a green aphid [n -S]
greeners 13 11 GREENER, a newly-arr...
greenery 19 13 green vegetation [n...
greenest 13 11 GREEN, of the colour...
greeneye 18 13 a small West Atlanti...
greenfly 23 17 a green aphid [n GRE...
greenier 13 11 GREENY, somewhat gre...
greenies 13 11 GREENIE, (colloquial...
greening 14 14 a variety of apple [...
greenish 16 13 somewhat green [adj]
greenlet 14 12 any of various small...
greenlit 15 12 GREENLIGHT, to give...
greenths 16 13 GREENTH, the state o...
greenway 22 16 a corridor of undeve...
greesing 15 13 a flight of steps, a...
greeters 14 10 GREETER, one who gre...
greeting 15 13 a salutation [n -S]
greffier 19 16 (French) in the Chan...
gregales 16 13 GREGALE, (Italian) a...
gregatim 17 15 in flocks [adv]
greining 15 14 GREIN, (Scots) to lo...
greisens 14 11 GREISEN, (German) a...
gremials 17 14 GREMIAL, a cloth lai...
gremlins 17 15 GREMLIN, a goblin ac...
gremmies 17 16 GREMMIE, an inexperi...
grenache 18 16 a kind of black grap...
grenades 13 12 GRENADE, a small exp...
grenning 14 15 GREN, (Spenser) to g...
gressing 16 13 a flight of steps, a...
grewsome 18 16 repugnant, also GRUE...
greyback 27 22 any of various anima...
greyhead 22 15 one having grey hair...
greyhens 22 15 GREYHEN, the female...
greyings 22 15 GREYING, the process...
greylags 23 15 GREYLAG, a species o...
greylist 23 13 a form of blacklist...
greyness 20 13 the state of being g...
gribbles 21 17 GRIBBLE, a small cru...
gricings 20 16 GRICING, train-spott...
gridders 16 12 GRIDDER, (US) an Ame...
gridding 17 15 GRID, to set out in...
griddled 17 14 GRIDDLE, to cook on...
griddles 17 13 GRIDDLE, to cook on...
gridelin 16 13 (French) a colour, p...
gridiron 15 12 a frame of iron bars...
gridlock 21 19 to cause a severe tr...
griefers 17 13 GRIEFER, an onliner...
griefful 21 18 full of grief [adj]
grievant 16 15 one that submits a c...
grievers 17 14 GRIEVER, one who gri...
grieving 18 17 in a state of grief...
grievous 17 15 causing grief [adj G...
griffins 20 17 GRIFFIN, an imaginar...
griffons 19 17 GRIFFON, a dog like...
grifters 18 13 GRIFTER, (US) a swin...
grifting 19 16 GRIFT, (US) to swind...
grigging 19 17 GRIG, to fish for gr...
grillade 17 13 a dish of grilled me...
grillage 18 14 a framework of timbe...
grillers 18 12 GRILLER, a person wh...
grillery 24 14 a place where grille...
grilling 19 15 an interrogation [n...
grillion 17 13 an indefinitely larg...
grimaced 19 17 GRIMACE, to contort...
grimacer 19 16 one who grimaces [n...
grimaces 19 16 GRIMACE, to contort...
grimiest 17 13 GRIMY, dirty, covere...
grimmest 18 16 GRIM, stern and unre...
grimness 16 14 the quality of being...
grimoire 16 13 a book of magical lo...
grinches 20 16 GRINCH, someone who...
grinders 15 12 GRINDER, one who, or...
grindery 21 14 places where tools a...
grinding 16 15 of poverty, very sev...
grinners 14 12 GRINNER, one who gri...
grinning 15 15 showing a grin [adj...
gripiest 18 13 GRIPEY, causing shar...
gripings 19 16 GRIPING, the act of...
grippers 20 16 GRIPPER, one who, or...
grippier 20 16 GRIPPY, affected wit...
gripping 21 19 GRIP, to take hold o...
gripples 21 17 GRIPPLE, (obsolete)...
gripsack 22 20 a traveller's handba...
griptape 19 16 a rough adhesive tap...
griseous 15 11 pearl-grey or blue-g...
grisette 15 10 a young French worki...
grisgris 18 12 an African charm or...
griskins 17 15 GRISKIN, the lean pa...
grislier 17 11 GRISLY, horrifying,...
grislies 17 11 GRISLY, a grizzly be...
grissini 16 11 GRISSINO, a long, cy...
grissino 15 11 a long, cylindrical...
gristers 16 10 GRISTER, a device fo...
gristles 17 11 GRISTLE, the tough p...
gritless 17 11 without grit [adj]
gritters 16 10 GRITTER, a vehicle f...
grittest 16 10 GRIT, (Scots) great...
grittier 16 10 GRITTY, plucky [adj]
grittily 24 13 GRITTY, plucky [adv]
gritting 17 13 the act of pressing...
grizzled 23 30 GRIZZLE, to become g...
grizzler 23 29 a grumbler [n -S]
grizzles 23 29 GRIZZLE, to become g...
groaners 13 11 GROANER, one who gro...
groanful 17 16 (archaic) full of gr...
groaning 14 14 with a groan [adj GR...
grocking 20 20 GROK, (colloquial) t...
grockles 20 18 GROCKLE, a tourist o...
grodiest 15 11 GRODY, (US slang) sl...
groggery 23 16 a low public-house [...
groggier 17 14 GROGGY, dazed [adj]
groggily 25 17 GROGGY, dazed [adv]
grogging 18 17 GROG, to extract the...
grograms 17 15 GROGRAM, a coarse lo...
grogshop 20 17 a place where grog i...
groining 15 14 a ribbed effect on a...
grokking 18 21 GROK, (colloquial) t...
grommets 17 16 GROMMET, to fit with...
gromwell 21 18 a wild flower of the...
groolier 15 11 GROOLY, (slang) grue...
groomers 15 13 GROOMER, one that gr...
grooming 16 16 the act of grooming...
groovers 16 14 GROOVER, one who or...
groovier 16 14 GROOVY, trendy [adj]
groovily 24 17 GROOVY, trendy [adv]
grooving 17 17 GROOVE, to form a gr...
grosbeak 17 17 any of various finch...
groschen 19 16 a small German monet...
groserts 15 10 GROSERT, (Scots) a g...
grossart 15 10 (Scots) a gooseberry...
grossers 15 10 GROSSER, a product t...
grossest 15 10 GROSS, flagrant [adj...
grossing 16 13 GROSS, to earn exclu...
grottier 15 10 GROTTY, wretchedly s...
grottoed 14 11 having a grotto [adj...
grottoes 14 10 GROTTO, a cave [n]
grouched 20 17 GROUCH, to grumble [...
grouches 20 16 GROUCH, to grumble [...
grounded 14 14 GROUND, to place on...
grounden 13 14 GRIND, to wear, smoo...
grounder 14 13 in baseball, a ball...
groupage 17 16 collection of object...
groupers 17 14 GROUPER, one of seve...
groupies 17 14 GROUPY, a follower o...
grouping 18 17 a set of objects [n...
groupist 18 14 someone who belongs...
grouplet 18 15 a small group, a cli...
groupoid 17 15 a type of mathematic...
grousers 15 11 GROUSER, one who gro...
grousest 15 11 GROUSE, very good [a...
grousing 16 14 GROUSE, to complain...
grouters 15 11 GROUTER, an instrume...
groutier 15 11 GROUTY, sulky [adj]
grouting 16 14 thin mortar used to...
groveled 17 16 GROVEL, to crawl in...
groveler 17 15 (US) one who grovels...
groviest 17 14 GROVY, like a grove...
growable 20 17 able to be grown [ad...
growings 19 16 GROWING, the act of...
growlers 19 14 GROWLER, one who gro...
growlery 25 16 a retreat for times...
growlier 19 14 GROWLY, deep and har...
growling 20 17 with a growl [adj GR...
grownups 20 18 GROWNUP, a mature pe...
grubbers 20 17 GRUBBER, an implemen...
grubbier 20 17 GRUBBY, dirty [adj]
grubbily 28 20 GRUBBY, dirty [adv]
grubbing 21 20 GRUB, to dig around...
grubbled 21 19 GRUBBLE, to grope, a...
grubbles 21 18 GRUBBLE, to grope, a...
grubworm 22 20 the larva of some in...
grudgers 17 14 GRUDGER, one who gru...
grudging 18 17 reluctant [adj GRUDG...
gruelers 16 12 GRUELER, one that gr...
grueling 17 15 exhausting [adj GRUE...
gruelled 17 14 GRUEL, to disable by...
grueller 17 13 one that gruels, als...
gruesome 15 14 repugnant, also GREW...
gruffest 20 17 GRUFF, low and harsh...
gruffier 20 17 GRUFFY, low and hars...
gruffily 28 20 GRUFFY, low and hars...
gruffing 21 20 GRUFF, to utter in a...
gruffish 23 19 somewhat gruff [adj]
gruiform 19 17 designating an order...
grumbled 20 19 GRUMBLE, to mutter i...
grumbler 20 18 one that grumbles [n...
grumbles 20 18 GRUMBLE, to mutter i...
grummest 18 17 GRUM, glum, morose [...
grummets 18 17 GRUMMET, to fit with...
grumness 16 15 the quality of being...
grumphed 21 20 GRUMPH, to grunt [v]
grumphie 21 19 (Scots) a pig, also...
grumpier 19 17 GRUMPY, bad-tempered...
grumpies 19 17 GRUMPY, a bad-temper...
grumpily 27 20 GRUMPY, bad-tempered...
grumping 20 20 GRUMP, to grumble [v...
grumpish 22 19 grumpy [adj GRUMPISH...
grundies 15 13 (colloquial) men's u...
grundles 16 14 GRUNDLE, (US slang)...
grungers 16 14 GRUNGER, a fan of a...
grungier 16 14 GRUNGEY, dirty, mess...
grunions 14 13 GRUNION, a small Cal...
grunters 15 12 GRUNTER, one who, or...
grunting 16 15 making a grunt [adj...
gruntled 16 14 GRUNTLE, to put in g...
gruntles 16 13 GRUNTLE, to put in g...
grutched 21 17 GRUTCH, (Spenser) to...
grutches 21 16 GRUTCH, (Spenser) to...
gruyeres 21 13 GRUYERE, (French) a...
gryphons 25 18 GRYPHON, a fabled an...
grysboks 25 19 GRYSBOK, a small Sou...
guacharo 19 16 a nocturnal bird of...
guaiacol 18 15 an expectorant and l...
guaiacum 19 18 a medicinal resin, a...
guaiocum 19 18 a medicinal resin, a...
guanacos 16 15 GUANACO, a South Ame...
guanases 13 12 GUANASE, an enzyme [...
guanidin 14 14 a strongly basic com...
guanines 13 13 GUANINE, a yellowish...
guanylic 25 18 as in guanylic acid...
guaracha 19 16 (Spanish) a flat-hee...
guarache 19 16 (Spanish) a flat-hee...
guarachi 20 16 (Spanish) a flat-hee...
guaranas 13 12 GUARANA, a caffeine-...
guaranis 14 12 GUARANI, a monetary...
guaranty 20 14 to assume responsibi...
guardage 15 14 the state of being u...
guardant 14 13 a guardian, also GAR...
guarddog 16 15 a dog trained to gua...
guardees 14 12 GUARDEE, a guardsman...
guarders 15 12 GUARDER, one who gua...
guardian 14 13 one that guards [n -...
guarding 16 15 GUARD, to protect [v...
guayules 22 15 GUAYULE, a silver-le...
guckiest 20 18 GUCKY, slimy, mucky...
guddling 18 17 GUDDLE, to catch fis...
gudesire 15 12 a grandfather, also...
gudewife 20 18 the mistress of a ho...
gudgeons 15 15 GUDGEON, to defraud,...
guerdons 14 13 GUERDON, to reward [...
guerezas 17 20 GUEREZA, a large, lo...
gueridon 14 13 a small ornate stand...
guerilla 17 13 a member of an irreg...
guerites 15 11 GUERITE, (French) a...
guernsey 20 14 a close-fitting knit...
guessers 15 11 GUESSER, one who gue...
guessing 16 14 the process of makin...
guestens 14 12 GUESTEN, (obsolete)...
guesting 16 14 GUEST, to appear as...
guffawed 22 21 GUFFAW, to laugh lou...
guggling 20 19 GUGGLE, to gurgle [v...
guichets 21 16 GUICHET, (French) a...
guidable 18 16 able to be guided [a...
guidages 16 14 GUIDAGE, (obsolete)...
guidance 17 16 advice [n -S]
guideway 24 17 a track for controll...
guidings 17 15 GUIDING, the act of...
guilders 17 13 GUILDER, a monetary...
guileful 20 17 deceitful [adj GUILE...
guiltier 17 12 GUILTY, worthy of bl...
guiltily 25 15 GUILTY, worthy of bl...
guilting 18 15 GUILT, to cause some...
guimbard 19 18 a Jew's-harp [n -S]
guimping 20 20 GUIMP, to trim with...
guipures 18 15 GUIPURE, a kind of l...
guisards 16 12 GUISARD, a person in...
guisings 17 14 GUISING, (Scots) a s...
guitguit 18 14 one of several speci...
gulching 23 20 GULCH, to swallow gr...
gulfiest 19 15 GULFY, full of whirl...
gulflike 21 20 resembling a deep ch...
gulfweed 21 19 a brownish seaweed [...
gullable 20 17 easily deceived, als...
gullably 27 19 GULLABLE, easily dec...
gulleyed 23 16 GULLEY, to wear a ch...
gullible 21 17 easily deceived, als...
gullibly 28 19 in a way so as to be...
gullwing 22 19 of a vehicle door, o...
gullying 25 18 GULLY, to form ravin...
gulosity 23 14 (archaic) enormous a...
gulpiest 19 15 GULPY, marked by gul...
gumballs 21 19 GUMBALL, a small bal...
gumboils 20 18 GUMBOIL, an abscess...
gumboots 18 17 GUMBOOT, a rubber bo...
gumbotil 20 18 a dark sticky clay,...
gumdrops 19 18 GUMDROP, a type of c...
gumlands 17 17 in Australia, infert...
gumlines 17 16 GUMLINE, the edge of...
gummiest 18 17 GUMMY, resembling gu...
gummings 19 20 GUMMING, the use of...
gummites 18 17 GUMMITE, a hydrated...
gummoses 17 17 GUMMOSIS, patches of...
gummosis 18 17 patches of gum on fr...
gumphion 20 20 (Scots) a kind of ba...
gumption 18 18 shrewdness [n -S]
gumshoed 18 17 GUMSHOE, to investig...
gumshoes 18 16 GUMSHOE, to investig...
gumtrees 16 14 GUMTREE, a tree that...
gumweeds 19 18 GUMWEED, a plant cov...
gumwoods 19 18 GUMWOOD, the wood of...
gunboats 16 15 GUNBOAT, an armed ve...
gunfight 21 19 to fight with guns [...
gunfires 17 15 GUNFIRE, the firing...
gunflint 18 17 the flint in a flint...
gungiest 16 14 GUNGY, sticky and me...
gunhouse 16 15 a shelter for a gun...
gunkhole 18 19 a slimy bay or ancho...
gunkiest 16 16 GUNKY, covered in gu...
gunlayer 21 15 one who sights a gun...
gunlocks 20 20 GUNLOCK, the mechani...
gunmaker 16 19 a maker of guns [n -...
gunmetal 16 16 an alloy of copper a...
gunnages 14 15 GUNNAGE, a total of...
gunneras 13 13 GUNNERA, a large-lea...
gunnings 15 16 GUNNING, the sport o...
gunnybag 23 20 a bag made of gunny,...
gunpaper 18 18 a type of explosive...
gunplays 24 18 GUNPLAY, the shootin...
gunpoint 16 16 the point or aim of...
gunports 17 15 GUNPORT, a porthole...
gunrooms 15 15 GUNROOM, a room on a...
gunships 20 17 GUNSHIP, an armed he...
gunshots 17 14 GUNSHOT, a projectil...
gunsight 19 16 a device helping the...
gunsmith 19 17 one who makes or rep...
gunstick 20 19 a stick to ram down...
gunstock 19 19 the stock or wood to...
gunstone 13 13 (Shakespeare) a ston...
gunwales 18 16 GUNWALE, the upper e...
gurdwara 18 15 a Sikh place of wors...
gurglets 18 14 GURGLET, a porous ea...
gurglier 18 14 GURGLY, making bubbl...
gurgling 19 17 GURGLE, to flow unev...
gurgoyle 23 16 an ornamental figure...
gurliest 17 12 GURLY, grim [adj]
gurnards 15 13 GURNARD, a marine fi...
gurriers 16 11 GURRIER, in Dublin,...
gurudoms 17 16 GURUDOM, the state o...
guruisms 18 15 GURUISM, the state o...
guruship 21 17 the office of a guru...
gushiest 18 13 GUSHY, overly sentim...
gusseted 15 12 GUSSET, to furnish w...
gussying 23 16 GUSSY, to dress up i...
gustable 18 15 something capable of...
gustiest 16 11 GUSTY, blowing in gu...
gustless 17 12 having no gusts [adj...
gutchers 21 16 GUTCHER, a grandfath...
gutsfuls 20 16 GUTSFUL, one's fill,...
gutsiest 16 11 GUTSY, (colloquial)...
guttated 15 12 GUTTATE, to exude li...
guttates 15 11 GUTTATE, to exude li...
guttered 15 12 GUTTER, to form chan...
guttiest 16 11 GUTTY, marked by cou...
guttlers 17 12 GUTTLER, a greedy ea...
guttling 18 15 GUTTLE, to eat rapid...
guttural 17 13 relating to the thro...
guyliner 22 15 eyeliner when worn b...
guylines 22 15 GUYLINE, a wire used...
guzzlers 23 30 GUZZLER, an immodera...
guzzling 24 33 GUZZLE, to drink rap...
gweducks 23 22 GWEDUCK, a large edi...
gwiniads 18 15 GWINIAD, a fish of N...
gwyniads 24 17 GWYNIAD, a fish of N...
gymkhana 24 22 a sporting contest,...
gymnasia 21 16 GYMNASIUM, a room fo...
gymnasic 25 19 relating to a gymnas...
gymnasts 22 16 GYMNAST, one who is...
gymslips 27 19 GYMSLIP, a schoolgir...
gymsuits 24 16 GYMSUIT, a costume w...
gynaecea 21 16 GYNAECEUM, the pisti...
gynaecia 22 16 GYNAECIUM, the pisti...
gynandry 26 17 the condition of hav...
gynarchy 32 20 government by women...
gynecium 25 20 the pistil of a flow...
gynecoid 23 17 of or like a woman,...
gyniatry 27 15 the treatrment of wo...
gynoecia 22 16 GYNOECIUM, the pisti...
gyplures 25 17 GYPLURE, a synthetic...
gypseian 22 16 of or pertaining to...
gypseous 23 16 containing gypsum [a...
gypsters 24 15 GYPSTER, one that gy...
gypsydom 31 21 the world of the gyp...
gypsying 31 20 GYPSY, to live like...
gypsyish 33 19 resembling a gypsy,...
gypsyism 32 20 the arts and practic...
gyrating 22 15 GYRATE, to revolve o...
gyration 20 13 the act of gyrating...
gyrators 21 12 GYRATOR, one who gyr...
gyratory 27 14 moving in a circle o...
gyrocars 24 15 GYROCAR, a monorail...
gyrodyne 26 16 a craft which uses r...
gyroidal 22 14 spiral in arrangemen...
gyrolite 22 13 a mineral, hydrated...
gyrostat 21 12 a type of stabilisin...