8 letter words that end with K

8 letter words that end with K

8 letter K word


Words With Friends®


aardvark 16 17 (Afrikaans) a noctur...
abelmosk 18 19 an evergreen shrub o...
abricock 23 21 (obsolete) an aprico...
airbrick 21 18 a brick with holes i...
aircheck 23 20 a recording made fro...
alcolock 22 20 a breath-alcohol saf...
almanack 18 20 a register of the da...
angekkok 16 23 (Inuit) an Inuit sor...
antileak 14 14 preventing leaks [ad...
antilock 18 17 designed to stop whe...
antimask 15 16 a secondary mask, or...
antirock 17 16 opposed to rock musi...
antitank 13 14 designed to combat t...
apricock 23 21 (obsolete) an aprico...
asterisk 15 12 a star-shaped mark [...
autobank 15 17 a machine offering c...
backpack 26 28 to hike with a pack...
backtalk 22 23 an impudent reply [n...
backwork 24 25 work done undergroun...
baldrick 22 20 a warrior's sword be...
ballcock 25 23 the stopcock in a ci...
ballhawk 24 22 to act as a good def...
ballpark 21 20 a baseball park [n -...
bankbook 18 23 a depositor's book [...
bareback 21 21 without a saddle [ad...
baresark 16 15 a Norse warrior who...
basilisk 19 16 a harmless crested l...
baudrick 21 20 a warrior's sword be...
beadwork 19 19 decorative work done...
benedick 19 20 a newly married husb...
bestreak 16 15 to overspread with s...
bethwack 25 23 to thrash soundly [v...
bigstick 23 20 of or relating to ir...
billbook 21 20 a book used in comme...
billhook 21 19 a tool for cutting b...
bismarck 22 21 (Canadian) a type of...
bitstock 21 18 a brace on a drill [...
blesbuck 24 23 (Afrikaans) a South...
blowback 26 25 an escape of gases [...
blueback 23 23 a kind of trout inha...
bluebook 19 20 a parliamentary repo...
bluebuck 24 24 an extinct antelope,...
bluejack 23 29 a kind of oak tree [...
bluetick 22 20 a hunting dog [n -S]
boathook 17 17 a pole with a hook f...
boatneck 18 19 a wide open neck on...
bobolink 19 20 a North American son...
bodywork 26 21 the metal outer shel...
bontebok 17 19 (Afrikaans) the pied...
bookmark 18 22 a marker for indicat...
bookrack 20 22 a support for an ope...
bookwork 20 22 work done upon a boo...
boondock 18 20 a remote and wild pl...
bootjack 21 27 a device for pulling...
bootlick 21 19 to toady [v -ED, -IN...
boschbok 24 23 (Afrikaans) a kind o...
boshvark 21 21 (Afrikaans) the bush...
boychick 32 25 (Yiddish) boy, a ter...
bratpack 22 21 a clique of rowdy fi...
buhlwork 24 22 (French) a form of m...
bullcook 22 21 a worker in a loggin...
bullneck 22 22 a thick short neck [...
bushbuck 26 25 a small South Africa...
bushwalk 24 22 to walk or hike thro...
busywork 27 21 active but valueless...
cagework 21 20 open work like the b...
cakewalk 22 23 to step stylishly [v...
calflick 26 23 a cowlick (a lock of...
callback 25 23 a recall of a defect...
canstick 21 19 (Shakespeare) a cand...
canthook 18 18 a metal hook on a lo...
capework 22 21 a matador's performa...
caretook 16 15 CARETAKE, to take ca...
casebook 18 18 a law textbook [n -S...
casework 20 18 a form of social wor...
cashback 25 23 getting cash back on...
cashbook 21 20 a book of monetary r...
chapbook 23 23 a small book or pamp...
charlock 24 21 a weedy plant with y...
cheewink 22 21 an American bird of...
chipmuck 28 27 a small rodent, also...
chipmunk 24 25 a small rodent, also...
clawback 27 25 taking by taxation w...
claybank 26 22 a horse of a yellow-...
coalsack 21 19 a sack for carrying...
coatrack 20 18 a rack for coats [n...
codebook 18 19 a book containing co...
coldcock 25 23 to knock unconscious...
comeback 23 24 a return to former g...
cookbook 19 22 a book of recipes [n...
copybook 27 23 a book used in teach...
copydesk 26 21 an editor's desk in...
cornhusk 20 19 the husk covering an...
cornsilk 19 17 silky threads on an...
crewneck 23 22 a sweater with a rou...
cribwork 24 21 a timber framework f...
cropsick 24 21 sick from overeating...
crummack 24 25 (Gaelic) a crook, a...
crummock 24 25 (Gaelic) a crook, a...
cryobank 25 21 a place for storing...
cufflink 24 24 a small chain used t...
cutblock 25 23 a limited area autho...
dabchick 26 24 the little grebe, al...
databank 15 17 a collection of data...
datebook 15 16 a notebook for listi...
daybreak 22 18 the first appearance...
deadlock 18 18 to come to a standst...
diestock 18 16 a stock to hold the...
digipack 22 21 a storage case for a...
dipchick 27 24 the little grebe, al...
dipstick 22 19 a measuring rod [n -...
disfrock 21 19 to deprive of cleric...
dobchick 26 24 the little grebe, al...
dominick 19 20 one of an American b...
downlink 18 19 a communication chan...
downtick 21 20 a stock market trans...
drammock 20 22 a mixture of raw mea...
drawback 23 22 a hinderance [n -S]
dropkick 22 23 a kick made by both...
droplock 21 20 a bank loan for whic...
drummock 21 23 a mixture of raw mea...
duckwalk 24 25 to do a comic walk,...
ductwork 22 20 a system of ducts [n...
ecofreak 18 18 a zealous environmen...
eelwrack 21 19 a grasslike flowerin...
eggwhisk 23 21 a whisk for beating...
eyeblack 26 21 a dark pigment appli...
eyeblink 23 19 a very small amount...
eyestalk 21 15 a stalklike structur...
facebook 20 21 to look for someone'...
facemask 20 21 a device to shield t...
fallback 24 23 a retreat, a conting...
farmwork 21 21 the labor done on a...
fastback 22 21 a type of automobile...
fatstock 20 18 livestock that is fa...
feedback 21 22 a return of ideas fo...
finnmark 17 20 the monetary unit of...
fireback 22 21 a cast-iron plate at...
firelock 21 19 an old form of gunlo...
firemark 18 18 a metal plate former...
firepink 19 19 a flowering plant of...
firework 20 18 a device which explo...
fishhook 21 19 a barbed hook for ca...
flapjack 25 31 a kind of biscuit, a...
flatback 23 22 a pottery figure wit...
flatpack 23 22 an item of furniture...
flatpick 24 22 to play (a guitar, b...
flatwork 21 19 laundry that can be...
fleishik 21 18 made of meat or meat...
flipbook 22 22 a book of a series o...
fluework 21 20 flue pipes [n -S]
flyspeck 30 24 to mark with minute...
foldback 23 23 in multitrack record...
foodbank 17 20 a charitable organiz...
footmark 17 18 a mark left by the f...
footwork 19 18 the management of th...
foredeck 19 19 the forward part of...
forehock 21 20 a foreleg cut of bac...
forelock 20 19 to fasten with a cot...
foremilk 19 19 the milk secreted im...
forepeak 17 18 the forward part of...
forerank 15 16 the first rank [n -S...
formwork 21 21 boxes for holding se...
forslack 21 19 to be slack, also FO...
forspeak 18 18 to speak against, al...
forswink 20 19 (obsolete) to exhaus...
forswunk 20 20 (Spenser) overworked...
forthink 19 18 to repent; to regret...
foxshark 25 24 a large long-tailed...
fretwork 20 18 perforated ornamenta...
fullback 25 24 an offensive back in...
gamebook 17 20 a book of strategies...
gamecock 22 23 a rooster trained fo...
gavelock 21 22 (historical) a javel...
gemsbuck 23 24 a South African ante...
gimcrack 24 23 cheap and showy [adj...
giveback 23 24 a worker's benefit g...
goldwork 20 19 gold articles collec...
grayback 27 22 any of various anima...
greyback 27 22 any of various anima...
gridlock 21 19 to cause a severe tr...
gripsack 22 20 a traveller's handba...
grosbeak 17 17 any of various finch...
gunstick 20 19 a stick to ram down...
gunstock 19 19 the stock or wood to...
hackwork 24 24 artistic work done a...
hairlock 21 18 a lock of hair [n -S...
hairwork 20 17 the making of articl...
halfback 25 24 a position in footba...
halfbeak 21 21 a fish with a spearl...
hallmark 20 19 to mark with a offic...
handbook 17 19 a manual [n -S]
handpick 22 22 to choose carefully...
handwork 19 19 work done by the han...
hardback 22 21 a book with a hard c...
hardhack 22 20 a very astringent sh...
hardpack 22 21 a rigid backpack [n...
hardrock 20 18 (colloquial) a tough...
hardtack 20 18 a hard biscuit [n -S...
hashmark 20 19 a proofreading symbo...
hatcheck 25 22 the receiving of hat...
haulback 23 22 a line for drawing a...
havelock 22 22 a cloth hanging from...
haystack 26 19 a pile of hay [n -S]
headfuck 22 22 a wildly exciting ex...
headlock 20 19 a wrestling hold [n...
headmark 17 18 a peculiar character...
headwork 19 18 mental work [n -S]
helideck 21 19 a landing deck for h...
helitack 21 18 the use of helicopte...
helpdesk 20 19 a service which prov...
herdwick 24 21 a breed of sheep [n...
highjack 26 30 to steal in transit,...
hillfolk 23 20 people living among...
hindmilk 20 20 breast milk exuded a...
holdback 23 22 a restraining device...
homesick 21 20 longing for home [ad...
homework 20 20 work done at home [n...
hoodwink 19 19 to deceive [v -ED, -...
hornbeak 17 18 a dialect name for t...
hornbook 17 18 an ancient child's s...
hornwork 19 18 work in horn [n -S]
howlback 26 24 a condition resultin...
humoresk 18 18 a musical caprice, a...
humpback 26 27 a kind of whale [n -...
hymnbook 25 23 a hymn book, also HY...
iceblink 21 20 a glare in the sky c...
inukshuk 19 21 (Inuit) a stone used...
ironbark 16 16 a species of Austral...
ironwork 17 16 objects made of iron...
jestbook 18 24 a collection of funn...
jimcrack 25 30 cheap and showy [adj...
joystick 27 26 the control stick in...
kazachok 23 30 (Russian) a Russian...
kenspeck 20 23 (Scots) obvious, con...
kerplunk 19 22 to drop with a heavy...
kickback 26 29 a payment (usually i...
kinsfolk 19 21 people related to on...
knapsack 20 23 a bag of canvas or o...
kneejerk 16 26 responding in a pred...
kneesock 17 20 a knee-high sock [n...
knotwork 18 20 ornamental work done...
koftwork 21 22 steel inlaid with go...
kuvaszok 21 30 KUVASZ, (Hungarian)...
lacebark 20 19 a West Indian tree [...
lacework 21 19 a delicate openwork...
landmark 16 18 a conspicuous object...
lathwork 21 18 work made by using l...
laverock 20 20 a songbird, the lark...
leadwork 18 17 something made of le...
lifehack 23 21 to live one's life i...
lifework 21 19 the major work of on...
liftback 24 22 a motorcar with a sl...
likewalk 21 21 a watch over a corps...
limerick 21 19 a form of humorous v...
linkwork 20 21 a fabric consisting...
linstock 19 17 (historical) a point...
liposuck 22 20 to subject to liposu...
lipstick 23 19 a short stick of col...
loanback 19 20 a system operated by...
lobstick 22 19 a tree with its lowe...
lockpick 26 26 an instrument for pi...
longneck 18 20 a beer bottle with a...
lopstick 22 19 a tree with its lowe...
lovelock 21 21 a long lock of hair...
lovesick 21 20 languishing with lov...
luderick 20 18 (Native Australian)...
lutefisk 19 17 dried codfish, also...
lykewalk 27 23 a watch over a corps...
mailsack 20 19 a sack in which mail...
malstick 21 19 a stick used by pain...
mamateek 15 18 (American Indian) a...
mapstick 22 21 the long handle of a...
maverick 21 22 an unbranded animal;...
meathook 16 17 a hook on which to h...
megabuck 22 24 one million dollars...
meshwork 21 20 a network [n -S]
millwork 22 20 the shafting, gearin...
mindfuck 22 24 an exhilarating expe...
minidisk 17 17 a miniature compact...
minipark 18 19 a small city park [n...
misspeak 18 18 to speak incorrectly...
misthink 19 18 to think wrongly [v...
monomark 15 19 a particular combina...
monotask 14 16 to perform one task...
moonrock 17 19 rock from the moon's...
moonwalk 18 20 an astronaut's walk...
moorcock 21 21 the male moorfowl [n...
mopehawk 22 23 an owl of Australia...
mopstick 22 21 the long handle of a...
morepork 17 18 an owl of Australia...
mossback 21 21 a person of antiquat...
muckluck 26 28 (Inuit) a type of se...
nainsook 12 14 (Hindi) a fine cotto...
nastalik 15 14 (Arabic) a Persian c...
netspeak 15 16 the jargon of intern...
newsdesk 17 17 the department that...
newshawk 22 21 a newspaper reporter...
newspeak 18 19 deliberately ambiguo...
nicknack 21 24 a small ornament, a...
ninebark 15 17 a flowering shrub [n...
noisenik 13 14 a rock musician who...
nonblack 19 21 one that is not blac...
nonstick 17 17 designed to prevent...
notebook 14 16 a book in which to w...
numchuck 25 26 (Japanese) a martial...
offtrack 22 21 away from a racetrac...
openwork 18 19 ornamental work with...
outbreak 16 16 to burst forth [v OU...
outdrank 14 15 OUTDRINK, to surpass...
outdrink 15 15 to surpass in drinki...
outdrunk 15 16 OUTDRINK, to surpass...
outflank 17 18 to circumvent [v -ED...
outslick 20 17 to get the better of...
outspeak 16 16 to outdo in speaking...
outthank 16 16 to surpass in thanki...
outthink 17 16 to get the better of...
outtrick 19 16 to get the better of...
overbank 17 20 a stage of a river w...
overbook 17 19 to book in excess of...
overbulk 20 21 to oppress by bulk [...
overcook 18 19 to cook too long [v...
overdeck 19 20 to adorn extravagant...
overlock 20 20 to oversew to preven...
overlook 16 17 to fail to notice [v...
overmeek 16 19 excessively meek [ad...
overmilk 19 20 to milk to excess [v...
overpack 21 22 to pack to excess [v...
overrack 19 19 to overstrain [v -ED...
overrank 15 17 to assign an unneces...
oversick 20 19 too sick [adj]
oversoak 15 16 to soak too much [v...
overtalk 17 17 to talk to excess [v...
overtask 16 16 to impose too many t...
overtook 15 16 OVERTAKE, to catch u...
overweak 18 19 too weak [adj]
overwork 19 19 to cause to work too...
packsack 24 25 a carrying bag worn...
paitrick 21 18 (Scots) a partridge...
palebuck 23 23 a kind of antelope,...
panstick 20 19 foundation make-up l...
parbreak 18 18 (archaic) to vomit [...
partwork 20 18 one of a magazine se...
pashalik 20 18 the territory of a p...
passbook 18 18 a bankbook [n -S]
paycheck 31 25 a check in payment o...
peacenik 18 19 one who demonstrates...
peachick 25 23 a young peafowl [n -...
penneeck 17 20 an old card game, al...
penstock 19 19 a valve-controlled w...
phinnock 21 22 (Gaelic) a young sea...
pickback 27 28 a carry on one's bac...
picklock 26 26 an instrument for pi...
pickwick 29 28 a device for raising...
pigstick 23 20 to hunt for wild boa...
pigstuck 23 21 PIGSTICK, to hunt fo...
pilework 21 19 foundations made of...
pincheck 25 24 a fabric design [n -...
pinprick 23 22 to puncture with a p...
pipework 22 21 piping or pipes coll...
pirozhok 22 26 a small, Russian pas...
playback 29 24 the act of replaying...
playbook 25 21 a printed book of pl...
plowback 26 25 a reinvestment of pr...
pockmark 22 25 to mark with scars c...
politick 22 19 to engage in politic...
popinack 21 22 a thorny shrub or sm...
portapak 18 18 a small portable com...
postmark 18 18 to stamp mail with a...
postpunk 19 20 a follower or musici...
practick 24 21 (archaic) practice,...
precheck 25 23 to check beforehand...
prefrank 18 19 to frank beforehand...
princock 23 22 (Shakespeare) an arr...
puffback 27 28 a small African bird...
pullback 25 24 a restraint or drawb...
pumpjack 26 34 a pumping apparatus...
pushback 25 24 a negative or unfavo...
putchock 26 24 an aromatic root res...
racewalk 21 19 to walk for speed wh...
rackwork 22 22 any mechanism having...
reaphook 17 17 an implement used in...
reattack 17 15 to attack again [v -...
redbrick 21 19 a British university...
redshank 16 16 a kind of wading bir...
reedbuck 20 20 a kind of African an...
reembark 17 18 to embark again [v -...
refusnik 17 17 (Russian) a Soviet J...
restruck 19 16 RESTRIKE, to strike...
returnik 15 14 someone going home a...
reuptook 16 16 REUPTAKE, to take up...
rickrack 23 22 a braid used in trim...
rillmark 19 17 a marking produced b...
ringbark 18 18 to strip a ring of b...
ringneck 18 19 a bird having a ring...
ringwork 19 18 work executed in rin...
roadwork 17 16 outdoor running as a...
rockwork 22 22 stonework in which t...
rollback 22 20 a return to lower pr...
rollneck 19 18 of a garment, having...
roorback 19 18 a false story used f...
ropewalk 20 19 a long narrow shed o...
ropework 19 18 a place where ropes...
rucksack 23 23 a knapsack [n -S]
saltwork 19 16 a place where salt i...
sandbank 15 18 a mound of sand in a...
satyrisk 22 14 a little satyr [n -S...
sawshark 20 17 a kind of shark with...
scatback 23 21 a type of player in...
scutwork 22 19 tedious or menial wo...
seaspeak 15 15 a restricted variety...
seatback 19 18 the back of a seat [...
seatwork 17 15 work done at one's s...
selamlik 18 17 (Turkish) the portio...
shabrack 22 20 (historical) a troop...
shaddock 20 19 a grapefruit-like tr...
shagbark 20 19 a rough-barked speci...
shamrock 21 20 a trifoliate leaf or...
shashlik 21 17 (Russian) a type of...
shelduck 22 20 a large duck of genu...
shellack 22 19 to cover with a thin...
sherlock 21 18 to investigate (some...
shitwork 21 17 work considered to b...
shoepack 21 20 a waterproof boot, a...
shoptalk 20 18 conversation concern...
sidekick 20 20 a partner [n -S]
sidelock 19 17 a lock of hair at th...
sidewalk 19 17 the pavement [n -S]
sitzmark 20 24 (German) a mark in t...
skerrick 20 19 (Australian slang) a...
skewback 24 25 a sloping surface ag...
skidmark 18 20 the mark left by a s...
skipjack 24 31 a fish that swims ne...
slapjack 23 28 a flat batter cake c...
slommock 21 22 (dialect) to walk wi...
slopwork 21 19 the manufacture of c...
slotback 21 19 a type of football p...
slowback 24 22 (obsolete) a lazy pe...
slummock 22 23 to move slowly and a...
snapback 21 22 a sudden rebound or...
snaplink 17 18 a metal link used in...
snowbank 18 20 a mound of snow [n -...
snowpack 22 22 an accumulation of p...
soapbark 18 18 a South American tre...
softback 22 21 a book bound in a fl...
songbook 16 18 a book of songs [n -...
spanspek 18 19 (Afrikaans) a sweet...
steenbok 15 16 (Afrikaans) a small...
steinbok 16 16 (Afrikaans) a small...
stembuck 22 22 (Afrikaans) a small...
stenlock 18 17 (Scots) a coalfish [...
stopbank 18 19 an embankment along...
stopcock 23 21 a short pipe opened...
studbook 17 17 a record of the pedi...
studwork 19 17 brickwork walls betw...
subblock 24 23 a subdivision of a b...
subclerk 22 20 a subordinate clerk...
sunblock 21 21 a lotion to protect...
swayback 29 23 an abnormal sagging...
tailback 21 19 a member of a footba...
tailhook 17 15 a hook lowered from...
talkback 22 23 a phone-in [n -S]
tamarack 18 18 (Native American) th...
tamarisk 16 15 a heathlike shrub or...
taskwork 19 19 hard work [n -S]
teamwork 18 18 a pulling together o...
telemark 16 16 a type of turn in sk...
telework 18 16 to work at home comm...
textbook 22 22 a book used in the s...
ticktack 23 22 to use arm signals f...
ticktock 23 22 to make the sound of...
tidemark 16 16 a mark showing the h...
tiebreak 16 15 a contest to select...
timework 19 18 work paid for by the...
tipstock 21 18 a part of a gun [n -...
tomahawk 20 20 to strike with a sho...
townfolk 20 20 the people of a town...
traprock 20 18 any fine-grained col...
trochisk 21 17 a medicinal lozenge,...
tubework 20 19 tubing [n -S]
turnback 20 20 a part of a garment...
turncock 21 20 a valve for regulati...
unshrunk 17 18 not shrunk [adj]
unstruck 19 18 not struck [adj]
viewbook 21 22 a promotional bookle...
voertsak 16 16 (South Africa) offen...
voertsek 16 16 (South Africa) offen...
whipjack 28 32 a whining beggar pos...
whitrack 24 20 (Scots) a weasel, al...
whitrick 25 20 a weasel, also WHITR...
windpack 23 23 snow that has been c...
windsock 21 20 a device on an aerod...
wingback 24 24 a backfield position...
wirework 21 18 an article made from...
woodcock 23 22 a genus of birds rel...
woodlark 18 17 a kind of lark, smal...
woodwork 20 19 work made of wood [n...
woolpack 23 22 a bag for packing a...
woolsack 21 19 the seat of the Lord...
woolwork 21 19 needlework [n -S]
wordbook 19 19 a dictionary [n -S]
workbook 20 22 a student's exercise...
workfolk 22 23 working people [n -S...
workweek 21 22 the number of hours...
yardwork 24 18 the work of caring f...
yearbook 21 17 a book published ann...
yeldrock 25 19 the yellowhammer, al...
zomboruk 21 28 (Urdu) a small swive...
zwieback 26 30 (German) a usually s...