11 letter words that end with I

11 letter words that end with I

11 letter I word


Words With Friends®


antibacchii 29 23 ANTIBACCHIUS, (Latin...
arrivederci 24 19 (Italian) goodbye [i...
belligerati 24 18 members of the intel...
bersaglieri 23 17 BERSAGLIERE, (Italia...
cappelletti 28 22 (Italian) small hat-...
carabinieri 23 18 CARABINIERE, (Italia...
cirrocumuli 29 23 CIRROCUMULUS, (Latin...
cirrostrati 23 14 CIRROSTRATUS, (Latin...
cognoscenti 24 21 COGNOSCENTE, a perso...
concertanti 23 19 CONCERTANTE, a compo...
condottieri 21 16 CONDOTTIERE, (Italia...
consiglieri 24 18 CONSIGLIERE, in Ital...
contrabassi 23 18 CONTRABASSO, (Italia...
cryptococci 40 28 CRYPTOCOCCUS, any of...
cumulocirri 29 23 CUMULOCIRRUS, a type...
cumulonimbi 28 27 CUMULONIMBUS, a type...
douroucouli 23 19 a small, nocturnal,...
echinococci 32 26 ECHINOCOCCUS, a para...
enterococci 26 21 ENTEROCOCCUS, any of...
fandabidozi 25 29 an expression of adm...
frangipanni 22 22 a showy, fragrant sh...
hectocotyli 34 22 HECTOCOTYLUS, a tent...
hippopotami 28 25 HIPPOPOTAMUS, a larg...
hypothalami 33 24 HYPOTHALAMUS, a part...
kolkhozniki 28 36 KOLKHOZNIK, one who...
macronuclei 26 23 MACRONUCLEUS, a rela...
megalosauri 21 18 MEGALOSAURUS, a larg...
melanochroi 24 21 people, like Caucasi...
mesonephroi 22 20 MESONEPHROS, the sec...
metanephroi 22 20 METANEPHROS, the thi...
micronuclei 27 23 MICRONUCLEUS, a minu...
nimbostrati 22 18 NIMBOSTRATUS, a type...
orecchietti 27 19 ORECCHIETTE, pasta i...
pneumococci 30 28 PNEUMOCOCCUS, a bact...
rallentandi 19 16 RALLENTANDO, a music...
rifacimenti 25 21 RIFACIMENTO, a recas...
schwarmerei 28 22 (German) excessive o...
spaghettini 24 19 (Italian) pasta in t...
svarabhakti 26 24 (Sanskrit) the devel...
thiobacilli 29 21 THIOBACILLUS, any of...
violoncelli 26 22 VIOLONCELLO, (Italia...