9 letter words that end with A

9 letter words that end with A

9 letter A word


Words With Friends®


acalculia 23 18 an inability to do s...
acathisia 20 14 a psychological cond...
acetabula 20 17 ACETABULUM, (Latin)...
achalasia 20 15 (Greek) failure of t...
acroteria 17 12 ACROTERIUM, a pedest...
adenomata 13 14 ADENOMA, a tumor of...
adiaphora 18 15 ADIAPHORON, a tenet...
aesthesia 16 11 the ability to recei...
affluenza 22 27 a malaise said to af...
agalactia 19 15 the failure or inabi...
akathisia 18 15 a psychological cond...
alcarraza 21 22 (Arabic) a vessel of...
alfilaria 19 14 (Spanish) a Californ...
alfileria 19 14 (Spanish) a Californ...
algarroba 18 15 (Arabic) the carob,...
alligarta 18 13 (obsolete) an alliga...
allodynia 22 15 the experience of se...
alpargata 18 15 (Spanish) a light sa...
amblyopia 27 21 impaired sight witho...
ambulacra 22 20 AMBULACRUM, a radial...
ametropia 17 15 abnormal optical ref...
amsinckia 20 20 a Californian herb,...
amyotonia 20 15 deficiency of muscle...
anaerobia 14 13 ANAEROBIUM, an organ...
analgesia 15 13 the inability to fee...
anaplasia 16 14 reversion of plant o...
anarthria 16 12 loss of the ability...
anchoveta 20 19 (Spanish) a small fi...
androecia 16 14 ANDROECIUM, the male...
andromeda 14 15 a plant of the genus...
angiomata 15 15 ANGIOMA, a benign tu...
angophora 18 17 an East Australian t...
angostura 15 13 a bitter aromatic ba...
anhedonia 14 14 an unresponsiveness...
anodontia 12 12 congenital absence o...
anoxaemia 19 20 a disorder of the bl...
apocrypha 30 22 APOCRYPHON, a hidden...
apothecia 21 17 APOTHECIUM, the spor...
appaloosa 18 16 a North American bre...
aquatinta 22 20 a print made by a me...
aquilegia 25 22 a genus of plants in...
araucaria 17 13 a tree of the monkey...
argumenta 16 16 ARGUMENTUM, logical...
arhythmia 27 18 absence or irregular...
arpillera 19 14 (Spanish) a pictoria...
arracacha 22 17 (Quechua) an umbelli...
artemisia 16 12 (Greek) any plant of...
arthrodia 17 12 in zoology, a joint...
asafetida 16 13 an acrid gum resin w...
ascogonia 17 15 ASCOGONIUM, the fema...
astrantia 14 10 a plant of the Astra...
asynergia 21 14 lack of coordination...
aubrietia 17 13 any of several dwarf...
audiencia 17 15 (Spanish) a court of...
auditoria 15 11 AUDITORIUM, (Latin)...
autopista 17 13 (Spanish) a motorway...
ayahuasca 25 17 (Quechua) a South Am...
azotaemia 17 21 a less common name f...
babirussa 20 16 (Malay) a large hogl...
balaclava 23 21 a knitted hat which...
balalaika 19 18 (Russian) a Russian...
ballerina 18 15 (Italian) a female b...
barasinga 17 15 (Hindi) the Indian s...
barracuda 20 17 (Spanish) a voraciou...
batrachia 22 17 the order of tailles...
beccaccia 29 24 (Italian) a woodcock...
bilharzia 24 24 a disease caused by...
biophilia 23 18 innate love for the...
boobialla 20 17 (Native Australian)...
bousoukia 18 18 BOUSOUKI, a stringed...
bouvardia 19 18 a genus of flowering...
bouzoukia 21 27 BOUZOUKI, a Greek st...
britannia 16 14 an alloy of tin and...
britschka 25 21 (Polish) an open fou...
brittania 17 13 an alloy of tin and...
browallia 22 17 a flowering plant [n...
cabaletta 20 16 (Italian) a simple o...
cachaemia 23 20 (archaic) a degenera...
cacotopia 22 18 a state in which eve...
cafeteria 19 15 a restaurant where c...
cafetoria 19 15 CAFETORIUM, a large...
calandria 18 15 (Spanish) a sealed v...
calendula 19 17 (Latin) a marigold [...
calyptera 27 18 a hood or hoodlike s...
camarilla 21 17 (Spanish) a group of...
campanula 21 21 (Latin) a member of...
canephora 20 18 (Greek) a sculpted f...
cantilena 17 15 (Italian) a smooth,...
capitella 22 17 CAPITULUM, a flower...
capocchia 28 23 (Shakespeare) a simp...
carambola 21 19 (Portuguese) a small...
carbonara 18 16 (Italian) a pasta sa...
carcinoma 21 19 (Greek) a cancer [n...
carnahuba 21 19 (Tupi) a Brazilian p...
carnivora 19 17 an order of flesh-ea...
cascadura 21 17 a type of catfish ha...
casuarina 17 14 a tree of the genus...
catamenia 17 16 the menstrual discha...
cataphora 21 17 (Greek) the use of a...
catatonia 16 13 a trancelike state,...
causalgia 20 16 a constant burning p...
cebadilla 22 18 (Spanish) a liliaceo...
centaurea 16 14 a large genus of com...
cerebella 21 17 CEREBELLUM, (Latin)...
cesarevna 18 17 (Russian) the wife o...
cevadilla 22 19 (Spanish) a liliaceo...
chakalaka 22 23 (South African) a re...
charmonia 20 18 CHARMONIUM, any of v...
charreada 19 15 (Spanish) a Mexican...
chelicera 24 18 the first pair of ap...
cherimoya 27 19 (Quechua) a Peruvian...
chermoula 22 19 (Arabic) a marinade...
chiarezza 26 32 (Italian) purity, cl...
chiasmata 21 17 CHIASMA, a connectio...
chihuahua 25 20 a breed of small dog...
chipochia 28 22 (Shakespeare) a simp...
chipolata 23 18 a small, often spicy...
chirimoya 28 19 (Quechua) a Peruvian...
chlamydia 29 21 any microorganisms o...
chlorella 23 17 a member of the genu...
cholaemia 21 18 an accumulation of b...
chondroma 20 19 a benign cartilagino...
chromidia 22 18 CHROMIDIUM, an algal...
ciguatera 19 15 (Spanish) poisoning...
cineraria 17 13 any of various garde...
clavicula 26 22 (Latin) the collarbo...
claytonia 24 16 an American genus of...
cleopatra 20 16 a yellow European bu...
clepsydra 28 19 (Latin) an instrumen...
cleruchia 25 19 an allotment of land...
clintonia 18 15 any temperate liliac...
coelomata 18 16 COELOM, a body cavit...
cognomina 18 19 COGNOMEN, a family n...
collinsia 20 15 a North American pla...
colloquia 28 24 COLLOQUIUM, (Latin)...
columella 22 19 the uvula [n COLUMEL...
compendia 20 20 COMPENDIUM, (Latin)...
compluvia 25 24 COMPLUVIUM, (Latin)...
condyloma 25 20 a wartlike growth in...
consortia 17 13 CONSORTIUM, (Latin)...
contadina 16 15 (Italian) a (female)...
copraemia 20 18 blood poisoning resu...
corbicula 25 20 (Latin) the pollen b...
cornicula 22 18 CORNICULUM, (Latin)...
cosmorama 19 18 a view of different...
costalgia 20 15 pain around the ches...
crocosmia 22 18 any plant of the gen...
crustacea 21 16 a large class of art...
cryptadia 27 18 (Greek) things to be...
cuadrilla 21 16 (Spanish) the attend...
curandera 17 15 a female faith heale...
curricula 24 18 CURRICULUM, (Latin)...
cyclorama 29 21 a circular panorama...
cytopenia 25 18 a deficiency of one...
danthonia 15 14 a tufted grass nativ...
decahedra 19 16 DECAHEDRON, a solid...
delphinia 20 17 DELPHINIUM, a genus...
dharmsala 19 16 (Hindi) a building h...
diarrhoea 16 12 a persistent purging...
dichondra 20 17 a genus of tropical...
didrachma 22 19 (Greek) a two-drachm...
diglossia 18 13 the coexistence of a...
dinomania 14 15 public interest in d...
diplomata 19 17 DIPLOMA, a document...
diplonema 18 18 a less common name f...
dishdasha 20 15 (Arabic) a long-slee...
docudrama 19 18 a play or film repre...
dogaressa 15 12 (Italian) a doge's w...
dulcamara 20 18 (Latin) a flower of...
dyschroia 27 17 discoloration of the...
dyscrasia 25 15 (obsolete) a disorde...
dyspepsia 26 18 severe indigestion,...
dysphagia 27 19 pathological difficu...
dysphasia 26 17 impairment of speech...
dysphonia 25 18 physical abnormality...
dysphoria 26 17 depression, patholog...
dysplasia 25 16 abnormal tissue deve...
dyspraxia 30 22 an impaired ability...
dysthesia 24 14 a morbid habit of bo...
dysthymia 32 19 a mild depression, d...
echeveria 21 18 a kind of succulent...
echinacea 21 18 a plant of the genus...
echolalia 21 16 the often pathologic...
eclampsia 22 19 a fancied perception...
ecophobia 23 20 fear of one's home s...
ecthymata 27 19 ECTHYMA, a skin dise...
emblemata 19 19 EMBLEMA, a carved or...
emboscata 20 18 (Italian) an ambusca...
emphysema 27 22 a swelling produced...
empyemata 24 20 EMPYEMA, a collectio...
empyreuma 25 21 the peculiar smell a...
enanthema 15 16 an ulcer on a mucous...
encephala 21 19 ENCEPHALON, the cont...
enchilada 20 17 (Spanish) a Mexican...
endamoeba 15 17 (Latin) a parasitic...
entamoeba 15 16 (Latin) an amoeba th...
epicardia 20 16 EPICARDIUM, that par...
epicentra 19 16 EPICENTRUM, the poin...
epicrania 19 16 EPICRANIUM, the medi...
epilimnia 19 17 EPILIMNION, the uppe...
epineuria 16 14 EPINEURIUM, the conn...
epirrhema 20 17 (Greek) in Greek com...
episterna 16 13 EPISTERNUM, a median...
epithelia 20 15 EPITHELIUM, the oute...
ergomania 15 15 excessive desire to...
ervalenta 16 15 lentil-meal, also RE...
erythrina 23 14 a plant of the kaffi...
esoterica 17 12 esoteric things [n]
esotropia 16 12 a condition in which...
eucryphia 29 20 a tree or shrub of t...
eudemonia 14 15 happiness esp. that...
euphorbia 21 18 any herb or shrub of...
euphrasia 19 15 eyebright, a plant o...
exanthema 22 22 a skin eruption, esp...
exodontia 19 18 the branch of dentis...
exosporia 22 19 EXOSPORIUM, the oute...
exotropia 22 19 a condition in which...
fanfarona 16 17 (Scott) a gold chain...
febricula 24 20 a slight short fever...
feiseanna 14 14 FEIS, (Irish) an anc...
fibromata 20 18 FIBROMA, a benign tu...
fidelista 19 14 a believer in the pr...
filopodia 20 17 FILOPODIUM, a thread...
fioratura 17 13 (Italian) a florid e...
fioritura 18 13 (Italian) a florid e...
forsythia 26 16 any shrub of the gen...
frambesia 20 18 a tropical skin dise...
franseria 16 13 any of a genus of We...
fumatoria 18 16 FUMATORIUM, (Latin)...
gallabiya 26 18 (Arabic) a cloak wit...
gargantua 16 15 a monster in a Japan...
generalia 15 13 GENERALE, (Latin) a...
genitalia 16 13 the reproductive par...
geocorona 16 15 an outer layer of th...
geophagia 20 18 the practice of feed...
girandola 16 14 (Italian) a branched...
glochidia 23 18 GLOCHIDIUM, (Latin)...
glycaemia 27 20 excessive sugar in t...
golomynka 24 22 (Russian) a very oil...
gonorrhea 16 14 a sexually transmitt...
goodfella 19 17 a gangster, esp. a m...
gorgoneia 15 14 GORGONEION, a mask c...
grandmama 17 19 a grandmother [n -S]
grandpapa 19 19 a grandfather [n -S]
granuloma 17 17 a localized collecti...
gravamina 18 19 GRAVAMEN, the most s...
gremolata 17 15 (Italian) a colourfu...
grevillea 20 17 any of various Austr...
grindelia 17 14 any coarse plant of...
guanabana 15 17 a tropical tree or i...
guayabera 23 17 a short-sleeved, lig...
guberniya 24 18 (Russian) a territor...
guerrilla 19 14 a member of an irreg...
haematoma 17 17 a swelling composed...
haramzada 20 24 (Hinglish) an illegi...
harmonica 20 18 a mouth-organ; also,...
haustella 19 14 HAUSTELLUM, the suck...
haustoria 17 12 HAUSTORIUM, (Latin)...
heliconia 20 16 a tropical flowering...
hematozoa 19 23 HEMATOZOON, a protoz...
hematuria 18 15 the presence of bloo...
hemelytra 25 17 HEMELYTRON, an insec...
hemialgia 20 17 pain in one side of...
hemihedra 20 17 HEMIHEDRON, a solid...
hemiopsia 20 17 a defect of vision i...
hemoconia 19 18 the small particles...
herbivora 21 18 an extensive divisio...
hexahedra 24 21 HEXAHEDRON, a solid...
hibakusha 23 21 (Japanese) a survivo...
hieratica 20 14 (Latin) the finest p...
holohedra 19 15 HOLOHEDRON, a geomet...
honoraria 15 12 HONORARIUM, a volunt...
horologia 18 14 HOROLOGIUM, (obsolet...
houstonia 16 13 a small North Americ...
hyalonema 23 18 a genus of sponges,...
hybridoma 27 20 a hybrid cell produc...
hydraemia 24 17 an abnormally watery...
hydrangea 23 17 a plant of the Hydra...
hydromata 24 17 HYDROMA, a watery sw...
hydrosoma 24 17 all the zooids of a...
hygromata 25 18 HYGROMA, a watery sw...
hypanthia 27 19 HYPANTHIUM, a fruit...
hyperbola 28 20 a type of mathematic...
hyperemia 26 19 an excess or congest...
hypernova 26 21 an exploding star th...
hyperopia 27 19 longsightedness, aka...
hyperpnea 26 20 abnormally fast brea...
hypoderma 26 20 a layer of tissue be...
hypomania 25 20 slightly abnormal ov...
hypopnoea 25 20 abnormally shallow b...
hypotheca 30 21 the inner and younge...
hypotonia 24 17 a hypnotic condition...
hypoxemia 32 26 deficiency of oxygen...
illawarra 20 14 a breed of shorthorn...
iminourea 15 14 a strongly basic com...
inamorata 14 13 (Italian) a (female)...
incognita 18 16 (Italian) a woman wh...
individua 18 17 INDIVIDUUM, (Latin)...
indumenta 15 16 INDUMENTUM, (Latin)...
influenza 20 25 a highly contagious...
infomania 16 17 an excessive desire...
infusoria 17 14 a class of protozoa...
involucra 21 19 INVOLUCRUM, (Latin)...
irredenta 14 11 (Italian) a region c...
irridenta 15 11 (Italian) a region c...
ischaemia 21 17 an inadequate flow o...
iseikonia 15 14 the seeing of the sa...
islomania 16 14 an obsessional enthu...
ispaghula 22 18 a dietary fibre deri...
izvestiya 27 24 (Russian) news, info...
jacaranda 18 23 (Tupi) a tropical Am...
jambalaya 26 27 (Provencal) a Creole...
jambolana 19 26 (Sanskrit) the rose-...
jettatura 17 19 (Italian) the evil e...
jinriksha 21 25 (Japanese) a small,...
juvenilia 20 25 (Latin) works of one...
kadaitcha 21 19 (Native Australian)...
kahikatea 18 19 (Maori) a tall New Z...
kahikatoa 18 19 (Maori) a tall New Z...
kaikawaka 20 24 (Maori) a small pyra...
kerygmata 24 20 KERYGMA, (Greek) the...
ketonemia 15 17 an excess of ketone...
ketonuria 15 15 an excess of ketones...
kniphofia 22 22 any plant of the Kni...
lacunaria 18 15 LACUNAR, a sunken pa...
laminaria 16 14 a genus of large sea...
laquearia 23 20 (Latin) a ceiling co...
latimeria 17 13 any fish of the coel...
leiomyoma 23 18 a fibrous tumour, a...
lespedeza 20 23 bush clover [n -S]
leucaemia 19 17 a type of cancer, al...
leukaemia 17 18 a type of cancer, al...
lincrusta 20 15 thick embossed wallp...
logorrhea 18 14 excessive and often...
luminaria 17 15 a traditional Mexica...
macadamia 19 19 a kind of nut grown...
machinima 22 21 the use of real-time...
macroglia 21 18 one of the two types...
macropsia 21 18 a condition of the e...
maiasaura 15 13 a species of dinosau...
malaguena 16 17 (Spanish) a Spanish...
malpighia 23 20 the Barbados cherry...
mandiocca 21 20 (Tupi) a plant of th...
manticora 18 16 a mythical monster w...
manzanita 17 23 (Spanish) a Californ...
marabunta 17 17 in the Caribbean, a...
maranatha 16 15 a curse or excommuni...
margarita 17 14 (Spanish) a cocktail...
marihuana 17 16 (Spanish) Indian hem...
marijuana 17 23 (Spanish) Indian hem...
matachina 20 18 a female matachin, s...
matambala 19 19 TAMBALA, (Nyanja) a...
matricula 21 17 (Latin) a register o...
maxillula 26 23 in crustaceans, a ma...
megafauna 17 19 the large or macrosc...
megaflora 19 18 large plants [n MEGA...
meiofauna 16 17 animals less than 1...
melaleuca 20 18 an Australian tree w...
melanuria 16 15 the presence of a da...
melismata 18 16 MELISMA, melodic emb...
melodrama 17 17 a kind of romantic a...
melomania 16 17 a mania for music [n...
memoranda 15 17 MEMORANDUM, (Latin)...
menorrhea 16 15 normal menstrual ble...
mesentera 14 13 MESENTERON, the midg...
mesogloea 16 15 a gelatinous layer b...
metralgia 18 15 pain in the uterus [...
mezzaluna 22 33 a half-moon shaped k...
microglia 22 18 a type of non-nervou...
micropsia 22 18 a condition of the e...
militaria 18 13 weapons, uniforms an...
millennia 17 16 MILLENNIUM, (Latin)...
mirabilia 20 16 (Latin) wonders [n]
miracidia 20 16 MIRACIDIUM, the cili...
monodrama 15 17 a one-man show; a pl...
monomania 14 17 an abnormal obsessio...
monopodia 16 17 a physical deformity...
monoptera 16 16 MONOPTERON, a circul...
moratoria 15 12 MORATORIUM, a legal...
multipara 20 17 a mother of two or m...
mycoflora 28 21 the fungi characteri...
mycorhiza 31 28 a fungus associated...
myelomata 23 18 MYELOMA, a tumour of...
myocardia 25 18 MYOCARDIUM, the main...
myriorama 23 17 a picture consisting...
myxamoeba 30 27 a cell produced by a...
myxoedema 28 25 a skin disease, mark...
nanotesla 13 12 a billionth of a tes...
narcomata 17 16 NARCOMA, a coma caus...
natatoria 13 10 NATATORIUM, (Latin)...
naumachia 20 19 (Latin) a mock sea b...
nemophila 20 19 a plant of a North A...
neophilia 19 16 an obsessive love of...
neophobia 19 18 fear of novelty [n -...
neopilina 16 15 a mollusc of the gen...
neoplasia 16 14 the formation or pre...
neoteinia 12 11 prolonged retention...
nephridia 19 16 NEPHRIDIUM, in inver...
neuralgia 16 14 intense burning or s...
neuroglia 16 14 the supporting tissu...
neuromata 14 14 NEUROMA, a tumor dev...
nicotiana 16 14 any plant of the tob...
nidamenta 14 15 NIDAMENTUM, an egg-c...
noctiluca 22 18 (Latin) a roughly sp...
nostalgia 16 13 homesickness; the de...
notabilia 17 14 (Latin) notable sayi...
nullipara 19 16 (Latin) a woman with...
oceanaria 15 13 OCEANARIUM, an enclo...
octahedra 19 15 OCTAHEDRON, (Greek)...
octohedra 19 15 OCTOHEDRON, (Greek)...
oenomania 12 14 an obsession or craz...
oenothera 14 12 a type of South Amer...
oligaemia 17 15 abnormal deficiency...
ommatidia 17 16 OMMATIDIUM, a simple...
omophagia 20 19 the eating of raw fl...
omophoria 19 17 OMOPHORION, an Easte...
opsomania 16 16 an abnormal love for...
orchestra 20 14 a large company of m...
osmeteria 15 12 OSMETERIUM, a forked...
ossifraga 18 14 (Latin) the giant fu...
osteomata 14 12 OSTEOMA, a tumor com...
otorrhoea 15 11 a discharge from the...
palaestra 17 13 (historical) a wrest...
palilalia 20 15 a speech disorder ch...
palinopia 19 17 a visual disorder in...
panachaea 19 18 (Spenser) a remedy f...
panatella 17 15 (Spanish) a long thi...
pancratia 19 16 PANCRATIUM, an athle...
panetella 17 15 (Spanish) a long thi...
panjandra 17 24 PANJANDRUM, a powerf...
papilloma 22 20 a tumour formed by h...
parakelia 18 17 (Native Australian)...
paralalia 18 14 abnormality of speec...
paralexia 23 20 transposition of wor...
paralogia 18 15 the impairment of re...
paramatta 17 15 (Malay) a cotton or...
paramecia 20 18 PARAMECIUM, a genus...
paramenta 16 16 PARAMENT, (obsolete)...
parapodia 18 16 PARAPODIUM, a jointl...
parrhesia 19 14 freedom or boldness...
partitura 18 13 (Italian) a score in...
paulownia 20 18 any tree of the Chin...
peninsula 17 16 a strip of land jutt...
pennatula 16 16 a sea-pen [n PENNATU...
pentalpha 21 19 a five-pointed star,...
pentathla 19 16 PENTATHLUM, a pentat...
penultima 19 18 (Latin) the last but...
peperomia 19 18 a genus of subtropic...
peridinia 17 14 PERIDINIUM, a dinofl...
perigonia 17 15 PERIGONIUM, any orga...
perihelia 20 15 PERIHELION, the poin...
perikarya 24 18 PERIKARYON, the cell...
perimysia 25 17 PERIMYSIUM, the conn...
periostea 16 12 PERIOSTEUM, a tough...
peripetia 19 15 (Greek) a sudden and...
peritonea 15 13 PERITONEUM, the smoo...
perovskia 20 20 a genus of hardy dec...
phagedena 18 18 hospital gangrene, a...
phantasma 19 18 a phantasm [n PHANTA...
phenomena 17 19 PHENOMENON, anything...
philistia 22 15 the class or world o...
philomela 22 19 a songbird, also PHI...
philopena 21 19 a present or gift wh...
phlyctena 29 21 (Greek) a small blis...
photopsia 21 17 the appearance of li...
phyllodia 28 19 PHYLLODIUM, a petiol...
pintadera 16 14 (Spanish) a decorati...
pizzaiola 24 31 (Italian) having a r...
plasmodia 19 17 PLASMODIUM, a naked...
pleonexia 22 21 excessive or insatia...
pleuronia 17 15 the combined disorde...
pluripara 21 17 (Latin) a mother of...
pneumonia 16 18 a disease of the lun...
poinciana 18 17 a tree of the tropic...
pollyanna 23 18 one who is naively o...
polyantha 25 18 any of large number...
polyhedra 26 18 POLYHEDRON, a body o...
polylemma 27 22 an argument forcing...
polyparia 26 18 POLYPARIUM, the fram...
ponderosa 15 14 (Spanish) a kind of...
porchetta 22 17 seasoned boneless ro...
porphyria 28 19 any of various disor...
portulaca 21 17 any plant of the pur...
postulata 18 14 POSTULATUM, (Latin)...
pozzolana 22 32 (Italian) volcanic a...
praeludia 18 15 PRAELUDIUM, (Latin)...
praesidia 17 13 PRAESIDIUM, (Latin)...
pranayama 22 18 (Sanskrit) the disci...
prenomina 16 17 PRENOMEN, the first...
presterna 16 13 PRESTERNUM, the ante...
primavera 20 19 (Italian) a kind of...
primipara 21 18 (Latin) a woman who...
primordia 19 16 PRIMORDIUM, (Latin)...
principia 23 19 PRINCIPIUM, (Latin)...
procambia 23 21 PROCAMBIUM, the youn...
proctodea 19 16 PROCTODEUM, the post...
pronephra 20 18 PRONEPHROS, a primit...
propagula 21 19 PROPAGULUM, a body w...
proposita 19 15 a woman from whom a...
propylaea 25 18 PROPYLAEUM, any cour...
proscenia 19 16 PROSCENIUM, the part...
proseucha 22 18 (Latin) a place of p...
prosomata 17 15 PROSOMA, the front r...
prosterna 16 13 PROSTERNUM, the ster...
prostomia 18 15 PROSTOMIUM, that por...
protonema 16 16 a branched filament...
psalteria 18 13 PSALTERIUM, (Latin)...
puerperia 19 16 PUERPERIUM, (Latin)...
putonghua 20 19 the official spoken...
puzzolana 23 33 (Italian) volcanic a...
pyorrhoea 24 16 suppuration in the s...
pyramidia 25 18 PYRAMIDION, the smal...
pyromania 23 18 an obsessive urge to...
quadrella 25 22 (Australian) a group...
quadrivia 26 24 QUADRIVIUM, (Latin)...
quinquina 31 31 (Quechua) a tree yie...
rafflesia 20 16 any of various steml...
rancheria 19 15 (Spanish) in Spanish...
rangatira 15 12 (Maori) a leader or...
rauwolfia 21 17 a tropical tree or s...
referenda 15 14 REFERENDUM, (Latin)...
reticella 20 14 an early form of nee...
revalenta 16 15 lentil-meal, also ER...
rhachilla 25 18 the axis of a grass...
rhizomata 21 23 RHIZOMA, a rootlike,...
ribattuta 18 13 (Italian) the slow b...
ricercata 21 15 any of various contr...
rodgersia 16 12 a flowering perennia...
rudbeckia 22 21 (Swedish) a composit...
rusticana 18 14 objects such as agri...
sabadilla 19 15 (Spanish) a liliaceo...
sacralgia 20 15 inflammation of the...
sanatoria 13 10 SANATORIUM, a hospit...
sanitaria 14 10 SANITARIUM, (Latin)...
sanitoria 14 10 SANITORIUM, a hospit...
santolina 14 12 a genus of fragrant...
santonica 16 14 the dried unexpanded...
sapodilla 19 15 (Spanish) the edible...
saponaria 15 13 a genus of flowers,...
sapraemia 17 15 a kind of blood-pois...
sarcomata 18 15 SARCOMA, (Greek) a t...
sassarara 14 9 a scolding; a blow,...
satinetta 14 10 a thin satin, also S...
scagliola 21 16 (Italian) a polished...
schechita 26 19 (Hebrew) the slaught...
scintilla 21 15 (Latin) a spark; an...
sclerotia 19 13 SCLEROTIUM, a harden...
scotomata 18 15 SCOTOMA, dizziness w...
seaquaria 22 19 SEAQUARIUM, an ocean...
seborrhea 18 14 a morbidly increased...
senhorita 16 12 (Spanish) a mode of...
sententia 13 11 (Latin) an aphorism;...
septennia 15 14 SEPTENNIUM, a period...
sequestra 23 19 SEQUESTRUM, (Latin)...
sestertia 15 9 SESTERTIUM, (Latin)...
siciliana 19 14 (Italian) a Sicilian...
sicklemia 22 20 a severe hereditary...
signorina 15 13 (Italian) miss; a ti...
simarouba 18 16 a tropical American...
simplicia 24 19 SIMPLEX, (Latin) a g...
simulacra 21 17 SIMULACRUM, (Latin)...
sincipita 21 16 SINCIPUT, (Latin) th...
sinningia 15 14 one of a family of B...
sitatunga 16 13 (Swahili) a species...
situtunga 17 14 (Swahili) a species...
slivovica 24 21 (Serbo-Croat) a dry...
solfatara 17 13 (Italian) a volcanic...
sopapilla 21 17 a square of deep-fri...
souvlakia 19 19 a Greek dish of lamb...
spanaemia 16 16 a deficiency of red...
spermaria 18 15 SPERMARIUM, the male...
spermatia 18 15 SPERMATIUM, one of t...
spiracula 22 17 SPIRACULUM, a breath...
spirogyra 25 16 any of various minut...
spirulina 19 15 any filamentous cyan...
sponsalia 17 14 nuptials, marriage [...
sporangia 17 15 SPORANGIUM, a chambe...
sprekelia 19 17 a bulbous plant grow...
squamella 26 24 a little scale, also...
stegomyia 23 16 a genus of mosquito,...
sterculia 20 14 any tree or shrub of...
sternebra 16 13 one of the segments...
sticharia 21 14 STICHARION, a vestme...
stichidia 22 15 STICHIDIUM, a branch...
stomodaea 14 13 STOMODAEUM, in embry...
strychnia 27 17 (obsolete) strychnin...
subgenera 17 16 SUBGENUS, a subdivis...
submucosa 22 20 the connective tissu...
subschema 24 21 part of a schema [n...
subsellia 20 15 SUBSELLIUM, one of t...
substrata 18 13 SUBSTRATUM, that whi...
sudatoria 15 11 SUDATORIUM, (Latin)...
supernova 18 18 (Latin) a very brill...
synalepha 25 18 the melting of a fin...
synandria 20 14 SYNANDRIUM, a mass o...
synapheia 24 17 metrical continuity...
synaxaria 26 19 SYNAXARION, a lectio...
syphiloma 28 20 a syphilitic tumour...
tachypnea 27 20 abnormally rapid bre...
talegalla 18 14 (Malagasy) a genus o...
tantarara 13 10 a trumpet fanfare; a...
tarantara 13 10 to make the sound of...
tarantula 15 12 any one of several s...
tarsalgia 17 12 pain in the instep [...
tentacula 18 15 TENTACULUM, a tentac...
tepidaria 17 13 TEPIDARIUM, (Latin)...
terramara 15 12 (Italian) a dark ear...
tessitura 16 10 (Italian) the ordina...
theomania 16 15 the belief that one...
thymomata 25 19 THYMOMA, a tumour ar...
toccatina 20 16 a short toccata, a q...
trabecula 21 17 (Latin) a rodlike st...
transenna 12 12 (Latin) a screen enc...
trattoria 15 9 (Italian) an Italian...
treponema 16 16 a kind of bacterium,...
triclinia 20 14 TRICLINIUM, (Latin)...
tripitaka 19 16 (Pali) the whole bod...
triquetra 24 19 a symmetrical triang...
triskelia 18 14 TRISKELION, a figure...
tropaeola 16 13 TROPAEOLUM, a genus...
tubercula 22 18 TUBERCULUM, a tuberc...
tularemia 17 14 a disease of rodents...
typomania 23 18 the overwhelming urg...
tyropitta 24 14 (Modern Greek) a Gre...
umbracula 23 21 UMBRACULUM, (Latin)...
uncinaria 17 15 hookworm [n -S]
urolagnia 16 14 sexual arousal cause...
urticaria 19 13 nettle rash, hives [...
vagotonia 16 16 pathological overact...
vallecula 23 20 (Latin) a groove or...
varicella 22 18 (Latin) chickenpox [...
vedutista 18 15 (Italian) a painter...
vestibula 21 18 VESTIBULUM, (Latin)...
vibracula 24 21 VIBRACULUM, (Latin)...
vomitoria 18 16 VOMITORIUM, (Latin)...
whakapapa 24 24 (Maori) a family tre...
whillywha 35 23 (Scots) to coax, whe...
xenomania 19 21 an inordinate attach...
xenomenia 19 21 menstruation from ab...
xeroderma 21 20 morbid dryness of sk...
xerostoma 21 19 excessive dryness of...
xylorimba 32 25 a combination of xyl...
zapotilla 22 23 (Spanish) the edible...
zelotypia 27 24 (obsolete) jealousy;...
zoolatria 18 19 worship of animals,...
zoophilia 23 24 the love of animals;...
zoophobia 23 26 fear of animals [n -...
zoothecia 22 23 ZOOTHECIUM, the tubu...