8 letter words that starts with w

8 letter words that start with W

8 letter W word


Word With Friends


wabblers 22 18 WABBLER, (obsolete)...
wabblier 22 18 WABBLY, wobbly [adj]
wabbling 23 21 WABBLE, to wobble [v...
wabsters 19 14 WABSTER, (Scots) a w...
wackiest 21 18 WACKY, eccentric, al...
wacondas 18 16 WACONDA, (Native Ame...
waddings 18 16 WADDING, a mass of s...
waddlers 18 14 WADDLER, one who wad...
waddlier 18 14 WADDLY, having a wad...
waddling 19 17 WADDLE, to walk with...
waddying 24 18 WADDY, to strike wit...
wadeable 18 16 capable of being pas...
wadmaals 18 16 WADMAAL, a thick, co...
wadmolls 20 17 WADMOLL, a thick, co...
wadsetts 17 12 WADSETT, (Scots) to...
waesucks 21 19 (Scots) interjection...
wafering 19 17 WAFER, to fasten wit...
wafflers 22 18 WAFFLER, one who waf...
wafflier 22 18 WAFFLY, given to waf...
waffling 23 21 talking at length to...
waftages 19 16 WAFTAGE, the act of...
waftings 20 17 WAFTING, the act of...
waftures 19 15 WAFTURE, (Shakespear...
wageless 18 14 unpaid [adj]
wagerers 17 13 WAGERER, one who mak...
wagering 18 16 the act of making a...
wagglers 20 16 WAGGLER, a fishing f...
wagglier 20 16 WAGGLY, waggling [ad...
waggling 21 19 WAGGLE, to wag, move...
waggoned 17 17 WAGGON, to transport...
waggoner 17 16 one who drives a wag...
wagmoire 18 16 (Spenser) a quagmire...
wagonage 16 16 money paid for carri...
wagoners 16 14 WAGONER, one who dri...
wagonful 20 19 as much as a wagon c...
wagoning 17 17 WAGON, to transport...
wagtails 19 14 WAGTAIL, a bird note...
wahconda 20 18 (Native American) a...
waiflike 21 19 resembling a homeles...
wailings 19 15 WAILING, the act of...
wailsome 18 15 wailful [adj]
wainages 16 14 WAINAGE, land under...
wainscot 19 15 to cover with wooden...
wairsher 19 13 WAIRSH, tasteless, i...
waisters 17 11 WAISTER, a seaman st...
waisting 18 14 dressmaking material...
waitered 16 12 WAITER, to serve at...
waitings 18 14 WAITING, attendance,...
waitlist 19 12 to put on a list of...
waitress 17 11 to serve as a female...
waitrons 16 12 WAITRON, a server in...
waivodes 18 16 WAIVODE, (Russian) o...
waiwodes 19 15 WAIWODE, (Russian) o...
wakandas 16 17 WAKANDA, (Native Ame...
wakeless 18 16 unbroken sleep [adj]
wakeners 16 16 WAKENER, one that wa...
wakening 17 19 the act of wakening...
wakerife 19 18 (Scots) wakeful, vig...
waldhorn 19 16 (German) a French va...
waldrapp 22 19 (German) the hermit...
walkable 21 20 able to be walked [a...
walkaway 27 21 an easy victory [n -...
walkings 20 19 WALKING, the act of...
walkmill 23 21 a fulling-mill, also...
walkouts 19 17 WALKOUT, a strike by...
walkover 20 20 a race involving onl...
walkways 28 21 WALKWAY, a pedestria...
walkyrie 25 18 in Norse mythology,...
wallabas 20 16 WALLABA, a leguminou...
wallaroo 17 13 (Native Australian)...
walleyed 24 16 having a walleye [ad...
walleyes 24 15 WALLEYE, an eye in w...
wallfish 24 18 a snail [n -ES]
walliest 19 13 WALLY, (Scots) fine,...
wallings 20 16 WALLING, walls colle...
walloped 20 17 WALLOP, to beat soun...
walloper 20 16 (colloquial) anythin...
wallowed 21 17 WALLOW, to roll abou...
wallower 21 16 one that rolls about...
wallsend 18 15 coal of a certain qu...
wallwort 22 16 a dwarf elder [n -S]
walruses 18 13 WALRUS, a large aqua...
waltiest 18 12 WALTY, inclined to t...
waltzers 21 21 WALTZER, one who wal...
waltzing 22 24 the act of waltzing...
wamblier 21 18 WAMBLY, affected wit...
wambling 22 21 moving unsteadily [a...
wamefous 19 18 WAMEFOU, a bellyful,...
wamefuls 21 19 WAMEFUL, a bellyful,...
wammuses 19 18 WAMMUS, a kind of ca...
wampuses 20 18 WAMPUS, a kind of ca...
wandered 15 14 WANDER, to move abou...
wanderer 15 13 one who wanders [n -...
wanderoo 14 13 (Sinhalese) a long-t...
wandlike 18 18 like a wand [adj]
wandling 18 17 WANDLE, to walk halt...
wanglers 18 15 WANGLER, one who wan...
wangling 19 18 the act of wangling...
wanhopes 19 17 WANHOPE, (obsolete)...
wanigans 16 15 WANIGAN, (Native Ame...
wankiest 17 16 WANKY, contemptible...
wankstas 17 16 WANKSTA, (colloquial...
wannabee 15 16 someone who tries to...
wannabes 16 16 WANNABE, someone who...
wannigan 15 16 (Native American) in...
wannions 14 14 WANNION, (Shakespear...
wantages 16 14 WANTAGE, a deficienc...
wantaway 24 17 a footballer who wan...
wanthill 21 16 (dialect) a mole [n...
wantoned 14 14 WANTON, to behave in...
wantoner 14 13 one who wantons [n -...
wantonly 22 16 WANTON, thoughtlessl...
wanwordy 25 18 (Scots) worthless, u...
wanworth 21 17 (Scots) a very low p...
wappered 20 18 WAPPER, to cause to...
waratahs 18 13 WARATAH, (Native Aus...
warbiest 19 14 WARBY, (Australian s...
warbirds 20 15 WARBIRD, a vintage m...
warblers 20 15 WARBLER, someone who...
warblier 20 15 WARBLY, voiced in a...
warbling 21 18 making a warbling so...
warcraft 22 17 the art of war [n -S...
wardcorn 19 16 a payment in corn [n...
wardened 15 14 WARDEN, to guard as...
wardenry 22 15 the office of a ward...
wardered 16 13 WARDER, to guard as...
wardings 18 15 WARDING, the act of...
wardless 18 13 without a ward [adj]
wardmote 17 15 a meeting of a ward...
wardress 17 12 a female warden [n -...
wardrobe 18 15 a large cupboard for...
wardroom 17 15 an officer's mess-ro...
wardrops 19 15 WARDROP, (Milton) a...
wardship 22 17 the office of a guar...
warehous 18 14 WAREHOU, (Maori) any...
wareless 17 12 (archaic) unwary; in...
wareroom 16 14 a room for the displ...
warfared 18 15 WARFARE, to wage war...
warfarer 18 14 one engaged in warfa...
warfares 18 14 WARFARE, to wage war...
warfarin 18 15 a rat poison [n -S]
wargamed 18 17 WARGAME, to engage i...
wargamer 18 16 one who practises wa...
wargames 18 16 WARGAME, to engage i...
warhable 21 17 (Spenser) fit for wa...
warheads 18 14 WARHEAD, the explosi...
warhorse 18 13 a horse used in batt...
wariment 17 15 (Spenser) wariness [...
wariness 16 12 the state of being w...
warisons 16 12 WARISON, (obsolete)...
warlings 19 15 WARLING, (obsolete)...
warlocks 22 19 WARLOCK, a sorcerer...
warlords 18 13 WARLORD, a military...
warmaker 18 18 one who makes war [n...
warmings 19 17 WARMING, the action...
warmists 19 14 WARMIST, a person, e...
warmness 17 15 the state of being w...
warmouth 20 17 an American freshwat...
warnings 17 15 WARNING, the act of...
warpages 19 16 WARPAGE, the act of...
warpaint 18 15 paint used to decora...
warpaths 21 16 WARPATH, the path fo...
warpings 20 17 WARPING, the act of...
warplane 18 16 an aeroplane armed f...
warpower 21 17 the power to make wa...
warpwise 22 17 in a vertical direct...
warragal 18 14 (Native Australian)...
warragle 18 14 (Native Australian)...
warragul 19 15 (Native Australian)...
warrands 16 13 WARRAND, (obsolete)...
warraned 15 13 WARRAN, (obsolete) t...
warrants 16 12 WARRANT, to give aut...
warranty 22 14 the act of warrantin...
warrayed 22 14 WARRAY, (obsolete) t...
warrener 15 12 the keeper of a warr...
warreyed 22 14 WARREY, (obsolete) t...
warrigal 19 14 (Native Australian)...
warriors 17 11 WARRIOR, a soldier e...
warrison 16 12 (obsolete) reward, p...
warships 22 16 WARSHIP, a ship arme...
warslers 18 12 WARSLER, one who tak...
warsling 19 15 WARSLE, to wrestle,...
warstled 18 13 WARSTLE, to wrestle,...
warstler 18 12 one who takes part i...
warstles 18 12 WARSTLE, to wrestle,...
warthogs 20 15 WARTHOG, an African...
wartiest 17 11 WARTY, covered with...
wartimes 18 14 WARTIME, a time of w...
wartless 18 12 without warts [adj]
wartlike 19 16 like a wart [adj]
wartweed 19 15 any of a family of l...
wartwort 20 14 a kind of spurge, th...
warworks 21 18 WARWORK, work done d...
warzones 18 21 WARZONE, a region of...
washable 21 17 able to be washed [a...
washaway 27 18 an erosion of the ea...
washbags 22 18 WASHBAG, a small bag...
washball 23 18 a ball of toilet-soa...
washbowl 25 20 a bowl used for wash...
washdays 25 16 WASHDAY, a day on wh...
washdown 21 18 the act of washing (...
washered 18 14 WASHER, to fit with...
washhand 20 17 as in washhand basin...
washiest 19 13 WASHY, watery, damp...
washings 20 16 WASHING, articles wa...
washland 19 16 an area of land floo...
washouts 19 14 WASHOUT, an erosion...
washpots 21 16 WASHPOT, a vessel fo...
washrags 20 15 WASHRAG, a face-clot...
washroom 19 16 a room, esp. in a fa...
washtubs 22 17 WASHTUB, a tub used...
washwipe 24 19 a mechanism for wash...
waspiest 19 14 WASPY, like a wasp,...
wasplike 21 19 like a wasp [adj]
waspnest 18 15 the nest of a wasp [...
wassails 18 12 WASSAIL, to go carol...
wastable 19 15 capable of being was...
wastages 17 13 WASTAGE, something t...
wastebin 18 15 a rubbish bin [n -S]
wasteful 20 16 tending to waste, al...
wastelot 17 12 an unused lot of lan...
wastered 16 12 WASTER, (Scots) to s...
wasterie 16 11 reckless extravaganc...
wasteway 25 16 a channel for excess...
wastfull 22 17 (obsolete) wasteful...
wastings 18 14 WASTING, the act of...
wastness 16 12 (obsolete) the state...
wastrels 18 12 WASTREL, a wasteful...
wastries 17 11 WASTRY, reckless ext...
wastrife 19 14 (Scots) wastefulness...
watchbox 30 26 a sentry box [n -ES]
watchcry 32 21 a password [n WATCHC...
watchdog 23 19 one who keeps a look...
watchers 22 16 WATCHER, one who wat...
watchets 22 16 WATCHET, (archaic) a...
watcheye 27 18 an eye in which the...
watchful 26 21 closely observant or...
watching 23 19 WATCH, to keep in vi...
watchman 22 20 a man employed to st...
watchmen 22 20 WATCHMAN, a man empl...
watchout 22 17 the act of keeping a...
waterage 16 13 conveyance of goods...
waterbed 18 15 a bed filled with wa...
waterbus 19 15 a large motorboat fo...
waterdog 17 14 a large salamander [...
waterers 16 11 WATERER, a device fo...
waterhen 17 14 the gallinule or moo...
waterier 16 11 WATERY, like water [...
waterily 24 14 WATERY, like water [...
watering 17 14 the act of watering...
waterish 19 13 somewhat watery [adj...
waterjet 18 20 a stream of water fo...
waterlog 18 14 to soak with water [...
waterloo 16 12 a decisive defeat [n...
waterman 16 15 a boatman or ferryma...
watermen 16 15 WATERMAN, a boatman...
waterpox 24 21 chickenpox [n -ES]
waterski 18 15 a ski for skiing on...
waterway 25 16 a navigable body of...
wattages 17 13 WATTAGE, an amount o...
wattapes 18 14 WATTAPE, (Native Ame...
watthour 19 14 a unit of energy [n...
wattless 18 12 denoting a type of e...
wattling 19 15 the act of making wa...
wauchted 22 18 WAUCHT, (Scots) to d...
wauffing 22 21 WAUFF, (Scots) to wa...
waughing 21 19 WAUGH, to bark, also...
waughted 20 17 WAUGHT, (Scots) to d...
waukmill 22 21 a fulling-mill, also...
waukrife 20 19 (Scots) wakeful, vig...
waulings 19 16 WAULING, the act of...
waulkers 19 17 WAULKER, a fuller of...
waulking 20 20 WAULK, to full (clot...
waveband 19 20 a range of radio fre...
waveform 21 21 a type of mathematic...
waveless 19 16 having no waves [adj...
wavelets 19 16 WAVELET, a small wav...
wavelike 20 20 resembling a wave [a...
waveoffs 22 21 WAVEOFF, the act of...
waverers 18 15 WAVERER, one who wav...
waverier 18 15 WAVERY, unsteady [ad...
wavering 19 18 vacillating [adj WAV...
waverous 18 16 unsteady [adj]
wavesons 17 16 WAVESON, goods float...
wavicles 23 19 WAVICLE, a subatomic...
waviness 18 16 the state of being w...
wawlings 22 18 WAWLING, the act of...
waxberry 31 23 a berry [n WAXBERRIE...
waxbills 28 23 WAXBILL, any of nume...
waxcloth 29 24 oilcloth, linoleum [...
waxiness 22 19 the quality of being...
waxplant 25 23 any of several plant...
waxweeds 25 22 WAXWEED, an annual h...
waxwings 27 24 WAXWING, a member of...
waxworks 27 25 WAXWORK, an effigy i...
waxworms 27 24 WAXWORM, a moth that...
waybills 28 18 WAYBILL, a list of g...
wayboard 24 17 a thin geological se...
waybread 24 17 the common dooryard...
wayfared 24 17 WAYFARE, (archaic) t...
wayfarer 24 16 a traveller [n -S]
wayfares 24 16 WAYFARE, (archaic) t...
waygoing 24 18 (Scots) a departing...
waygoose 22 15 an annual employees'...
waylayer 29 16 one who waylays [n -...
wayleave 24 18 permission to pass o...
wayleggo 25 18 (NZ) a shepherd's ca...
waymarks 25 20 WAYMARK, to mark wit...
wayments 23 17 WAYMENT, (Spenser) t...
waypoint 24 17 a point between majo...
wayposts 25 16 WAYPOST, a guidepost...
waysides 23 14 WAYSIDE, the side of...
waywiser 26 16 an instrument for me...
waywodes 25 17 WAYWODE, (Russian) o...
wazzocks 27 36 WAZZOCK, (dialect) a...
weakened 15 17 WEAKEN, to make weak...
weakener 15 16 something or someone...
weakfish 22 20 a kind of fish caugh...
weaklier 18 16 WEAKLY, weak and sic...
weakling 19 19 a weak person [n -S]
weakness 16 16 the state of being w...
weakside 17 16 someone's weak point...
wealsman 17 16 (Shakespeare) a stat...
wealsmen 17 16 WEALSMAN, (Shakespea...
weanings 16 15 WEANING, an act of w...
weanling 17 16 an animal that is un...
weaponed 16 16 WEAPON, to supply wi...
weaponry 23 17 weapons collectively...
wearable 18 15 a garment [n -S]
weariest 16 11 WEARY, tired [adj]
weariful 20 16 wearisome [adj WEARI...
wearings 17 14 WEARING, the act of...
wearying 23 16 WEARY, to make tired...
weasands 15 13 WEASAND, the windpip...
weaseled 16 13 WEASEL, to act evasi...
weaseler 16 12 one who acts evasive...
weaselly 24 15 like a weasel (an an...
weathers 18 13 WEATHER, to expose t...
weavings 19 18 WEAVING, the act of...
weazands 18 22 WEAZAND, the windpip...
weazened 17 22 WEAZEN, to become dr...
webbiest 21 17 WEBBY, resembling a...
webbings 22 20 WEBBING, woven strip...
webcasts 22 17 WEBCAST, to transmit...
webchats 24 19 WEBCHAT, communicati...
webheads 20 17 WEBHEAD, a devoted u...
webified 21 18 WEBIFY, to put a pie...
webifies 21 17 WEBIFY, to put a pie...
webinars 18 15 WEBINAR, a seminar v...
webisode 18 15 a short episode whic...
webmails 21 18 WEBMAIL, a way of ac...
webpages 21 19 WEBPAGE, a single do...
webrings 20 17 WEBRING, a collectio...
websites 19 14 WEBSITE, a location...
webspace 23 20 storage space on a w...
websters 19 14 WEBSTER, (obsolete)...
webwheel 24 20 a wheel formed from...
webworks 23 21 WEBWORK, a weblike p...
webworms 23 20 WEBWORM, a web-spinn...
webzines 21 24 WEBZINE, a magazine...
wechting 23 19 WECHT, (Scots) to wi...
weddered 16 14 WEDDER, (dialect) to...
weddings 18 16 WEDDING, a marriage...
wedeling 18 16 WEDEL, (German) to s...
wedelned 16 15 WEDELN, (German) to...
wedgiest 18 14 WEDGY, resembling a...
wedgings 19 17 WEDGING, a method of...
wedlocks 22 20 WEDLOCK, the married...
weedbeds 18 16 WEEDBED, an area of...
weedhead 17 15 a person who uses a...
weediest 16 12 WEEDY, resembling we...
weedings 17 15 WEEDING, the task of...
weedless 17 13 having no weeds [adj...
weedlike 18 17 resembling a weed [a...
weedline 16 14 the edge of a weedbe...
weekdays 23 18 WEEKDAY, usually any...
weekends 16 17 WEEKEND, to take a h...
weeklies 18 16 WEEKLY, a publicatio...
weeklong 18 19 continuing for a wee...
weeniest 15 12 WEENY, very small [a...
weensier 15 12 WEENSY, tiny [adj]
weephole 20 17 a hole in a wall thr...
weepiest 18 14 WEEPY, tending to we...
weepings 19 17 WEEPING, the act of...
weetless 17 12 (obsolete) unknowing...
weeviled 19 17 infested by weevils,...
weevilly 27 19 full of weevils, als...
weftages 19 16 WEFTAGE, texture [n]
weftwise 22 17 in a horizontal dire...
weigelas 18 14 WEIGELA, a hardy gar...
weigelia 18 14 a hardy garden shrub...
weighage 20 17 the rate paid for we...
weighers 20 15 WEIGHER, one who wei...
weighing 21 18 a weighing allowance...
weighman 20 19 one who weighs goods...
weighmen 20 19 WEIGHMAN, one who we...
weighted 20 16 WEIGHT, to add heavi...
weighter 20 15 one that weights [n...
weirdest 17 12 WEIRD, eeerily stran...
weirdies 17 12 WEIRDY, a very stran...
weirding 18 15 WEIRD, (Scots) to de...
weirdoes 16 12 WEIRDO, a very stran...
welchers 23 17 WELCHER, one who wel...
welching 24 20 WELCH, to fail to pa...
welcomed 21 19 WELCOME, to greet co...
welcomer 21 18 one who welcomes [n...
welcomes 21 18 WELCOME, to greet co...
weldable 20 17 able to be welded [a...
weldings 19 16 WELDING, the act of...
weldless 19 14 having no welded joi...
weldment 18 17 a unit composed of w...
weldmesh 21 18 a type of metal fenc...
welfares 19 15 WELFARE, general wel...
welladay 24 16 (archaic) alas, also...
wellaway 27 18 (archaic) alas, also...
wellborn 20 17 of good birth or anc...
wellcurb 25 20 the stone ring aroun...
welldoer 18 14 a doer of good deeds...
wellhead 20 16 the source of a spri...
wellhole 21 16 the shaft of a well...
wellings 20 16 WELLING, an outpouri...
wellness 18 14 the state of being w...
wellsite 19 13 the site of a well [...
welshers 20 14 WELSHER, one who wel...
welshing 21 17 WELSH, to fail to pa...
weltered 17 13 WELTER, to roll abou...
weltings 19 15 WELTING, a beating [...
wenchers 21 17 WENCHER, one who wen...
wenching 22 20 WENCH, to consort wi...
wendigos 17 15 WENDIGO, (Native Ame...
wenniest 15 13 WENNY, resembling a...
weregild 19 15 a price paid for tak...
werewolf 22 18 a person who suppose...
wergelds 19 15 WERGELD, a price pai...
wergelts 19 14 WERGELT, a price pai...
wergilds 20 15 WERGILD, a price pai...
werrises 17 11 WERRIS, (Australian...
wershest 19 13 WERSH, (Scots) taste...
wessands 16 13 WESSAND, the windpip...
westered 16 12 WESTER, to move towa...
westerly 24 14 a wind from the west...
westerns 16 12 WESTERN, a film, boo...
westings 18 14 WESTING, a motion to...
westlins 18 13 (Scots) to or in the...
westmost 18 14 farthest west [adj]
westward 20 15 in a westerly direct...
wetbacks 23 21 WETBACK, someone ill...
wetlands 17 14 WETLAND, marshy land...
wetproof 20 17 waterproof [adj]
wetsuits 18 12 WETSUIT, a close-fit...
wettable 19 15 capable of being wet...
wettings 18 14 WETTING, a liquid us...
wetwares 19 14 WETWARE, the living...
whackers 23 20 WHACKER, (Australian...
whackier 23 20 WHACKY, eccentric, a...
whacking 24 23 a beating [n -S]
whackoes 22 20 WHACKO, an eccentric...
whaisled 20 15 WHAISLE, to wheeze,...
whaisles 20 14 WHAISLE, to wheeze,...
whaizled 23 24 WHAIZLE, to wheeze,...
whaizles 23 23 WHAIZLE, to wheeze,...
whakairo 19 17 (Maori) the art of c...
whaleman 19 18 a whaler [n WHALEMEN...
whalemen 19 18 WHALEMAN, a whaler [...
whalings 21 17 WHALING, the busines...
whammies 21 19 WHAMMY, (colloquial)...
whamming 22 22 WHAM, to hit with a...
whamples 23 20 WHAMPLE, (Scots) a b...
whangams 20 19 WHANGAM, (Goldsmith)...
whangees 18 16 WHANGEE, (Chinese) a...
whanging 20 19 WHANG, to beat with...
whappers 23 19 WHAPPER, something u...
whapping 24 22 WHAP, to strike forc...
wharenui 18 15 (Maori) a tall carve...
wharfage 21 18 the fee or duty paid...
wharfies 21 16 WHARFIE, (Australian...
wharfing 22 19 material used for ma...
whatever 20 17 being what [adj]
whatness 18 14 the true nature of s...
whatnots 18 14 WHATNOT, a type of d...
whatsits 20 13 WHATSIT, something w...
wheatear 17 13 any of several birds...
wheatens 17 14 WHEATEN, the golden...
wheatier 18 13 WHEATY, tasting of w...
wheeched 23 19 WHEECH, (Scots) to m...
wheedled 19 16 WHEEDLE, to entice b...
wheedler 19 15 one who wheedles [n...
wheedles 19 15 WHEEDLE, to entice b...
wheelers 19 14 WHEELER, one who whe...
wheelier 19 14 WHEELY, like a wheel...
wheelies 19 14 WHEELIE, a manoeuvre...
wheeling 20 17 the condition of a r...
wheelman 19 18 a steersman, also WH...
wheelmen 19 18 WHEELMAN, a steersma...
wheenged 18 17 WHEENGE, (Scots) to...
wheenges 18 16 WHEENGE, (Scots) to...
wheeping 21 19 WHEEP, (Scots) to gi...
wheepled 21 18 WHEEPLE, (Scots) to...
wheeples 21 17 WHEEPLE, (Scots) to...
wheeshed 20 16 WHEESH, (Scots) to c...
wheeshes 20 15 WHEESH, (Scots) to c...
wheeshts 21 15 WHEESHT, (Scots) to...
wheezers 21 22 WHEEZER, one who whe...
wheezier 21 22 WHEEZY, given to whe...
wheezily 29 25 WHEEZY, given to whe...
wheezing 22 25 breathing with a his...
wheezled 22 24 WHEEZLE, (Scots) to...
wheezles 22 23 WHEEZLE, (Scots) to...
whelkier 21 18 WHELKY, marked with...
whelming 22 20 WHELM, (archaic) to...
whelping 23 20 WHELP, to give birth...
whemmled 22 21 WHEMMLE, to overturn...
whemmles 22 20 WHEMMLE, to overturn...
whenever 19 18 at whatever time [ad...
wherefor 20 16 a reason why, also W...
whereout 18 14 out of which [adv]
wherever 20 17 in or to whatever pl...
wherrets 19 13 WHERRET, (obsolete)...
wherried 19 14 WHERRY, to transport...
wherries 19 13 WHERRY, to transport...
wherrits 20 13 WHERRIT, to worry, a...
whetters 19 13 WHETTER, one who, or...
whetting 20 16 WHET, to sharpen by...
wheughed 22 19 WHEUGH, to utter a s...
wheyface 29 21 a pale white face, a...
wheyiest 25 15 WHEYEY, like whey al...
wheylike 27 20 resembling whey [adj...
whickers 24 20 WHICKER, to neigh; t...
whidders 20 15 WHIDDER, (Scots) to...
whidding 21 18 WHID, to move quickl...
whiffers 24 19 WHIFFER, one that wh...
whiffets 24 19 WHIFFET, a paltry pe...
whiffier 24 19 WHIFFY, smelly [adj]
whiffing 25 22 the action of fishin...
whiffled 25 21 WHIFFLE, to blow in...
whiffler 25 20 an official who clea...
whiffles 25 20 WHIFFLE, to blow in...
whigging 23 20 WHIG, to jog along [...
whilever 22 18 for as long as [adv]...
whillied 22 16 WHILLY, to entice by...
whillies 22 15 WHILLY, to entice by...
whimbrel 24 20 a bird like a curlew...
whimmier 22 19 WHIMMY, full of whim...
whimming 23 22 WHIM, to turn aside...
whimpers 23 19 WHIMPER, to cry plai...
whimpled 24 21 WHIMPLE, to wear a v...
whimples 24 20 WHIMPLE, to wear a v...
whimseys 27 18 WHIMSEY, delicately...
whimsied 21 17 WHIMSY, full of whim...
whimsier 21 16 WHIMSY, full of whim...
whimsies 21 16 WHIMSY, gentle fanta...
whimsily 29 19 WHIMSY, full of whim...
whinchat 24 19 a small brown and bu...
whingers 20 16 WHINGER, (historical...
whingier 20 16 WHINGY, complaining...
whinging 21 19 WHINGE, to complain...
whiniard 19 15 (historical) a short...
whiniest 19 14 WHINY, given to whin...
whinings 20 17 WHINING, the act or...
whinnied 18 16 WHINNY, to make a hi...
whinnier 18 15 WHINNY, abounding in...
whinnies 18 15 WHINNY, to make a hi...
whinyard 25 17 (historical) a short...
whipbird 25 20 the coach-whip bird...
whipcats 25 19 WHIPCAT, a tailor [n...
whipcord 25 20 a fabric with bold t...
whipjack 28 32 a whining beggar pos...
whiplash 25 19 to move like a whip...
whipless 23 17 without a whip [adj]
whiplike 24 21 resembling a whip [a...
whippers 24 19 WHIPPER, one who whi...
whippets 24 19 WHIPPET, a small swi...
whippier 24 19 WHIPPY, pliant, supp...
whipping 25 22 material used to whi...
whippits 25 19 WHIPPIT, a small can...
whiprays 28 18 WHIPRAY, a stingray...
whipsawn 24 20 WHIPSAW, to cut with...
whipsaws 25 19 WHIPSAW, to cut with...
whipster 22 16 (obsolete) a nimble...
whiptail 23 17 a lizard with a long...
whipworm 26 22 a parasitic worm [n...
whirlbat 23 17 an ancient boxing gl...
whirlers 21 14 WHIRLER, one who whi...
whirlier 21 14 WHIRLY, given to whi...
whirlies 21 14 WHIRLY, a small torn...
whirling 22 17 turning rapidly [adj...
whirrets 20 13 WHIRRET, to give a s...
whirried 20 14 WHIRRY, to move rapi...
whirrier 20 13 WHIRRY, characterist...
whirries 20 13 WHIRRY, to move rapi...
whirring 21 16 the act of turning w...
whirtles 21 14 WHIRTLE, a perforate...
whishing 23 18 WHISH, to move with...
whishted 22 16 WHISHT, (Scots) to k...
whiskers 21 17 WHISKER, coarse hair...
whiskery 27 19 having whiskers [adj...
whiskets 21 17 WHISKET, a basket; e...
whiskeys 27 19 WHISKEY, an alcoholi...
whiskies 21 17 WHISKY, an alcoholic...
whisking 22 20 WHISK, to move quick...
whispers 22 16 WHISPER, to speak so...
whispery 28 18 resembling a whisper...
whissing 21 16 WHISS, to hiss or wh...
whisting 21 16 WHIST, to become sil...
whistled 21 15 WHISTLE, to make a s...
whistler 21 14 someone or something...
whistles 21 14 WHISTLE, to make a s...
whitecap 24 19 a wave with a crest...
whitefly 29 19 a small, whitish ins...
whitened 18 15 WHITEN, to make whit...
whitener 18 14 something that white...
whiteout 19 14 a condition of zero...
whitepot 21 16 a Devonshire pudding...
whithers 22 15 WHITHER, to blow str...
whitiest 20 13 WHITY, whiteish, als...
whitings 21 16 WHITING, a gadid foo...
whitling 22 17 a young bull trout [...
whitlows 24 17 WHITLOW, an inflamma...
whitrack 24 20 (Scots) a weasel, al...
whitrets 20 13 WHITRET, (Scots) a w...
whitrick 25 20 a weasel, also WHITR...
whitster 20 13 (archaic) a bleacher...
whittaws 23 16 WHITTAW, (dialect) a...
whitters 20 13 WHITTER, to talk or...
whittled 21 15 WHITTLE, to shave or...
whittler 21 14 one who whittles [n...
whittles 21 14 WHITTLE, to shave or...
whittret 20 13 (Scots) a weasel, al...
whizbang 25 28 a light shell of hig...
whizzers 26 31 WHIZZER, (slang) a p...
whizzier 26 31 WHIZZY, using sophis...
whizzing 27 34 the act of whizzing...
whodunit 19 16 a mystery novel, als...
wholisms 22 17 WHOLISM, the philoso...
wholists 21 14 WHOLIST, a believer...
wholphin 24 20 a hybrid of a whale...
whombled 23 21 WHOMBLE, to overturn...
whombles 23 20 WHOMBLE, to overturn...
whomever 21 20 the objective case o...
whommled 22 21 WHOMMLE, to overturn...
whommles 22 20 WHOMMLE, to overturn...
whomping 23 22 WHOMP, to defeat dec...
whoobubs 23 20 WHOOBUB, (obsolete)...
whoofing 21 19 WHOOF, to make a dee...
whoomphs 24 21 WHOOMPH, a sudden lo...
whoongas 18 16 WHOONGA, a narcotic...
whoopees 19 16 WHOOPEE, boisterous...
whoopers 20 16 WHOOPER, a kind of s...
whoopies 20 16 WHOOPIE, boisterous...
whooping 21 19 the act of whooping...
whooplas 21 17 WHOOPLA, a noisy com...
whoopsie 20 16 a mess or a turd [n...
whooshed 20 16 WHOOSH, to move with...
whooshes 20 15 WHOOSH, to move with...
whooting 19 16 WHOOT, (obsolete) to...
whoppers 23 19 WHOPPER, something u...
whopping 24 22 a thrashing [n -S]
whoredom 19 17 prostitution [n -S]
whoreson 17 14 (archaic) bastard; w...
whorings 20 16 WHORING, the profess...
whorlbat 22 17 an ancient boxing gl...
whorling 21 17 WHORL, to move in a...
whortles 20 14 WHORTLE, a whortlebe...
whosever 20 17 the possessive case...
whosises 19 13 WHOSIS, an object or...
whummled 23 22 WHUMMLE, to overturn...
whummles 23 21 WHUMMLE, to overturn...
whumping 24 23 WHUMP, to strike hea...
whupping 25 23 a whipping, a total...
whydunit 26 18 a novel or film conc...
wibbling 24 21 WIBBLE, to wobble, a...
wickapes 23 21 WICKAPE, (Native Ame...
wickeder 21 19 WICKED, bad, evil [a...
wickedly 29 22 WICKED, bad, evil [a...
wickered 21 19 made of wicker [adj]
wickings 23 21 WICKING, material fo...
wickiups 25 22 WICKIUP, (Native Ame...
wickless 23 19 without a wick [adj]
wickyups 31 24 WICKYUP, (Native Ame...
wicopies 22 17 WICOPY, (Native Amer...
widdling 20 17 WIDDLE, a child's wo...
wideband 18 17 a wide bandwidth tra...
widebody 25 18 an aircraft with a w...
wideners 16 13 WIDENER, a kind of t...
wideness 16 13 the state of being w...
widening 17 16 the act of making wi...
wideouts 17 13 WIDEOUT, a football...
widgeons 17 15 WIDGEON, a kind of f...
widowers 20 15 WIDOWER, a man whose...
widowing 21 18 WIDOW, to deprive of...
widowman 20 19 a man whose wife is...
widowmen 20 19 WIDOWMAN, a man whos...
widthway 29 19 across the width, as...
wielders 18 13 WIELDER, one that wi...
wieldier 18 13 WIELDY, easily wield...
wielding 19 16 WIELD, to handle or...
wifedoms 20 18 WIFEDOM, the status...
wifehood 20 17 the status of a wife...
wifeless 20 15 without a wife [adj]
wifelier 20 15 WIFELY, befitting a...
wifelike 21 19 of, pertaining to, o...
wiftiest 20 14 WIFTY, ditsy, amiabl...
wiggiest 20 15 WIGGY, crazy [adj]
wiggings 21 18 WIGGING, a scolding...
wigglers 21 16 WIGGLER, one who wig...
wigglier 21 16 WIGGLY, tending to w...
wiggling 22 19 WIGGLE, to move with...
wighting 22 18 WIGHT, (Scots) to bl...
wigmaker 20 20 one who makes wigs [...
wildcard 22 17 a symbol used in a d...
wildcats 22 16 WILDCAT, to drill an...
wildered 18 14 WILDER, to cause to...
wildfire 21 16 raging destructive f...
wildfowl 25 20 a game bird, esp. a...
wildings 20 16 WILDING, that which...
wildland 19 16 uncultivated land [n...
wildlife 22 17 wild animals, birds...
wildling 21 17 a wild plant or anim...
wildness 18 14 the state of being w...
wildwood 21 17 natural forest land...
wilfully 30 20 WILFUL, bent on havi...
wiliness 18 13 the quality of being...
willable 22 17 able to will [adj]
willeyed 25 16 WILLEY, to clean in...
williams 21 16 WILLIAM, as in sweet...
williwau 23 17 a violent gust of co...
williwaw 26 19 a violent gust of co...
willowed 22 17 WILLOW, to clean tex...
willower 22 16 one who willows [n -...
willyard 26 16 bent on having one's...
willyart 26 15 bent on having one's...
willying 27 18 WILLY, to clean in a...
willywaw 32 21 a violent gust of co...
wimbling 23 21 WIMBLE, to bore thro...
wimbrels 22 18 WIMBREL, a bird like...
wimpiest 21 17 WIMPY, ineffectual,...
wimpling 23 21 WIMPLE, to wrap in a...
winchers 22 17 WINCHER, one who win...
winching 23 20 WINCH, to raise with...
winchman 22 21 one who operates a w...
winchmen 22 21 WINCHMAN, one who op...
wincings 21 18 WINCING, the act of...
windable 19 17 able to be wound [ad...
windages 17 15 WINDAGE, the influen...
windases 16 13 WINDAS, a windlass,...
windbags 20 18 WINDBAG, a talkative...
windbell 21 18 a light bell that ca...
windbill 22 18 a bill of exchange g...
windblow 23 20 the blowing down of...
windburn 19 18 to cause irritation...
windfall 21 18 unexpected good fort...
windflaw 23 20 a gust of wind [n -S...
windgall 20 17 a swelling around th...
windguns 18 17 WINDGUN, an air gun...
windiest 17 13 WINDY, related to wi...
windigos 18 15 WINDIGO, (Native Ame...
windings 18 16 WINDING, the act of...
windlass 18 14 to raise with a hois...
windless 18 14 without wind [adj WI...
windling 19 17 the act of winding y...
windload 17 15 the force on a struc...
windmill 21 18 to rotate from the f...
windocks 21 20 WINDOCK, (Scots) a w...
windores 16 13 WINDORE, (obsolete)...
windowed 19 17 WINDOW, to provide a...
windpack 23 23 snow that has been c...
windpipe 21 19 the trachea [n -S]
windring 18 16 (Shakespeare) windin...
windrows 20 16 WINDROW, to arrange...
windsail 18 14 a wide funnel of can...
windship 22 18 a sailing ship [n -S...
windslab 20 17 a crust formed on so...
windsock 21 20 a device on an aerod...
windsurf 20 17 to sail on a sailboa...
windward 20 17 in the direction of...
windways 26 18 WINDWAY, a passage f...
wineless 17 13 without wine [adj]
wineries 16 12 WINERY, a place wher...
winesaps 18 15 WINESAP, a red apple...
wineshop 20 17 a shop where wine is...
wineskin 17 17 a goatskin bag for h...
winesops 18 15 WINESOP, a food sopp...
wingback 24 24 a backfield position...
wingbeat 19 17 the motion of a bird...
wingbows 23 20 WINGBOW, a mark on t...
wingding 19 18 a lively party, also...
wingedly 25 18 SWIFT, rapid [adv]
wingeing 18 17 WINGE, to complain f...
wingiest 18 14 WINGY, having or res...
wingless 19 15 without wings [adj]
winglets 19 15 WINGLET, a small win...
winglike 20 19 like a wing [adj]
wingnuts 18 16 WINGNUT, a nut with...
wingover 19 18 a flight manoeuver [...
wingspan 19 18 the distance from th...
wingsuit 19 15 a skydiving suit wit...
wingtips 21 17 WINGTIP, the end of...
winkings 19 19 WINKING, the act of...
winklers 19 17 WINKLER, a person wh...
winkling 20 20 WINKLE, to extract o...
winnable 18 17 able to be won [adj]
winnards 16 14 WINNARD, (dialect) a...
winnings 17 16 WINNING, something w...
winnocks 20 20 WINNOCK, (Scots) a w...
winnowed 18 17 WINNOW, to separate...
winnower 18 16 one who winnows [n -...
winsomer 17 15 WINSOME, charming, c...
wintered 16 13 WINTER, to pass the...
winterer 16 12 one who spends the w...
winterly 24 15 having the character...
wintling 19 16 WINTLE, (Scots) to s...
wintrier 17 12 WINTRY, having the c...
wintrily 25 15 WINTRY, having the c...
wipeable 21 18 capable of being wip...
wipeouts 19 15 WIPEOUT, a fall from...
wiredraw 20 15 to draw into wire [v...
wiredrew 20 15 WIREDRAW, to draw in...
wirehair 19 13 a breed of terrier [...
wireless 18 12 signalling through s...
wirelike 19 16 like wire [adj]
wireline 17 13 a telegraph or telep...
wiretaps 19 14 WIRETAP, to intercep...
wireways 26 16 WIREWAY, a tube for...
wirework 21 18 an article made from...
wireworm 21 17 a hard-bodied wormli...
wirewove 21 18 designating a very f...
wirildas 19 13 WIRILDA, (Native Aus...
wiriness 17 12 the quality of being...
wirricow 24 17 (Scots) the devil, a...
wiseacre 19 14 a pretentiously wise...
wiseguys 25 16 WISEGUY, a person wh...
wiselier 18 12 WISELY, in a wise ma...
wiseling 19 15 someone who pretends...
wiseness 16 12 wisdom [n -ES]
wishbone 20 17 the V-shaped bone fo...
wishings 21 16 WISHING, the act of...
wishless 21 14 not wishful [adj]
wispiest 20 14 WISPY, like a wisp,...
wisplike 22 19 resembling a small b...
wistaria 17 11 an ornamental climbi...
wisteria 17 11 an ornamental climbi...
wistitis 19 11 WISTITI, (French) a...
witblits 22 15 (Afrikaans) a strong...
witchens 22 17 WITCHEN, the mountai...
witchery 29 18 enchantment; witchcr...
witchier 23 16 WITCHY, malicious [a...
witching 24 19 suited to witchcraft...
witeless 18 12 without fault; blame...
withdraw 23 17 to move away [v WITH...
withdrew 23 17 WITHDRAW, to move aw...
withered 19 14 WITHER, to dry up an...
witherer 19 13 one that withers [n...
witherod 19 14 a North American shr...
withheld 23 17 WITHHOLD, to hold ba...
withhold 23 17 to hold back [v WITH...
withiest 20 13 WITHY, flexible and...
withouts 20 14 WITHOUT, an exterior...
withwind 23 18 (dialect) bindweed o...
witlings 20 15 WITLING, one who con...
witloofs 20 15 WITLOOF, (Dutch) a k...
wittered 17 12 WITTER, to mutter pe...
wittiest 18 11 WITTY, possessed of...
wittings 19 14 WITTING, knowledge,...
wittolly 26 15 (Shakespeare) like a...
witwalls 23 16 WITWALL, the green w...
wivehood 20 18 (Spenser) wifehood,...
wizardly 28 24 like a wizard [adv]
wizardry 27 23 sorcery, magic [n WI...
wizening 20 24 WIZEN, to shrivel, a...
wobblers 22 18 WOBBLER, one who wob...
wobblier 22 18 WOBBLY, unsteady, al...
wobblies 22 18 WOBBLY, a fit of ner...
wobbling 23 21 the act of wobbling...
wobegone 17 17 sad, dejected, also...
woefully 27 19 WOEFUL, full of woe,...
wofuller 21 17 WOFUL, full of grief...
woiwodes 19 15 WOIWODE, (Russian) o...
wolffish 25 20 a marine fish [n -ES...
wolfings 21 18 WOLFING, the hunting...
wolfkins 21 20 WOLFKIN, a young wol...
wolflike 22 20 like a wolf [adj]
wolfling 22 19 a young wolf [n -S]
wolframs 21 18 WOLFRAM, (German) an...
wolfskin 21 20 the pelt of a wolf [...
wolvings 21 19 WOLVING, the hunting...
womaning 17 18 WOMAN, to play the p...
womanise 16 15 to pursue women amor...
womanish 19 17 feminine [adj WOMANI...
womanism 18 18 a belief in or respe...
womanist 17 15 a supporter of woman...
womanize 19 24 to pursue women amor...
womanned 15 17 WOMAN, to play the p...
wombiest 20 17 WOMBY, (Shakespeare)...
womblike 22 22 like a womb [adj]
wommeras 18 17 WOMMERA, a stick use...
wondered 15 14 WONDER, to speculate...
wonderer 15 13 one who wonders [n -...
wondrous 16 14 strange, wonderful,...
wongiing 18 17 WONGI, (Native Austr...
wonkiest 17 16 WONKY, not working p...
wonnings 16 16 WONNING, a dwelling...
wontedly 23 16 WONTED [adv]
wontless 17 13 (archaic) unaccustom...
woodbind 18 17 the honeysuckle, als...
woodbine 17 16 the honeysuckle, als...
woodbins 18 16 WOODBIN, a container...
woodchat 21 17 a species of shrike,...
woodchip 24 20 chipped wood, used e...
woodchop 23 20 an exhibition of woo...
woodcock 23 22 a genus of birds rel...
woodcuts 20 16 WOODCUT, a design cu...
woodened 14 14 WOODEN, (Australian...
woodener 14 13 WOODEN, stiff as in...
woodenly 22 16 WOODEN, stiff as in...
woodfern 17 16 an evergreen fern [n...
woodfree 17 15 of high-quality pape...
woodhens 17 15 WOODHEN, the flightl...
woodhole 18 15 a place where wood i...
woodiest 16 12 WOODY, like wood [ad...
woodland 16 15 land covered with tr...
woodlark 18 17 a kind of lark, smal...
woodless 17 13 having no wood [adj]
woodlice 20 16 WOODLOUSE, any small...
woodlore 16 13 knowledge of the for...
woodlots 17 13 WOODLOT, an area res...
woodmeal 17 16 sawdust and other wo...
woodmice 20 18 WOODMOUSE, a field m...
woodness 15 13 the act of being fie...
woodnote 14 13 (Milton) a wild musi...
woodpile 19 16 a pile of wood [n -S...
woodrats 16 12 WOODRAT, another nam...
woodroof 17 15 a plant with small w...
woodruff 21 19 a plant with small w...
woodrush 19 15 a plant that grows i...
woodshed 18 15 to practice on a mus...
woodsias 16 12 WOODSIA, a genus of...
woodsier 16 12 WOODSY, relating to...
woodskin 17 17 an American Indian c...
woodsman 16 16 one who works or liv...
woodsmen 16 16 WOODSMAN, one who wo...
woodtone 14 13 a finish that imitat...
woodwale 19 16 the woodpecker [n -S...
woodward 19 16 an officer of the fo...
woodwasp 21 18 a large wasplike ins...
woodwind 19 17 any orchestral wind...
woodwork 20 19 work made of wood [n...
woodworm 20 18 any of various insec...
woodwose 18 15 a wild man of the wo...
woodyard 22 15 a yard in which wood...
woofiest 18 14 WOOFY, dense in text...
wooftahs 20 16 WOOFTAH, (slang) a m...
woofters 18 14 WOOFTER, (slang) a h...
wooingly 24 17 attractively [adv]
woolders 17 13 WOOLDER, a stick use...
woolding 18 16 the act of winding a...
woolfats 19 15 WOOLFAT, lanolin [n]
woolfell 21 17 (archaic) a sheep's...
woolhats 19 14 WOOLHAT, one who wor...
wooliest 17 12 WOOLY, having the te...
woollens 17 14 WOOLLEN, a garment m...
woollier 18 13 WOOLLY, like wool [a...
woollies 18 13 WOOLLY, a woolly ite...
woollike 19 17 like wool [adj]
woollily 26 16 WOOLLY, like wool [a...
woolpack 23 22 a bag for packing a...
woolsack 21 19 the seat of the Lord...
woolseys 23 14 WOOLSEY, (obsolete)...
woolshed 19 15 a large shed for she...
woolskin 18 17 a sheepskin with the...
woolward 20 16 (obsolete) wearing w...
woolwork 21 19 needlework [n -S]
woomeras 16 14 WOOMERA, (Native Aus...
woonerfs 17 15 WOONERF, (Dutch) a r...
woopsing 19 17 WOOPS, to vomit [v]
wooralis 17 12 WOORALI, the plant y...
wooraras 15 11 WOORARA, the plant y...
wooraris 16 11 WOORARI, the plant y...
woosells 18 13 WOOSELL, (Shakespear...
wooshing 19 16 WOOSH, to move with...
wooziest 19 20 WOOZY, slightly drun...
wordages 17 14 WORDAGE, the number...
wordbook 19 19 a dictionary [n -S]
wordgame 18 17 a game in which word...
wordiest 17 12 WORDY, verbose [adj]
wordings 18 15 WORDING, the style o...
wordless 18 13 without words [adj W...
wordlore 17 13 information about th...
wordplay 26 18 a witty exchange of...
wordwrap 22 18 in computing, a func...
workable 20 19 capable of being don...
workably 27 21 WORKABLE, capable of...
workaday 23 18 a working day [n -S]
workbags 21 20 WORKBAG, a bag for h...
workboat 19 18 a commercial boat [n...
workbook 20 22 a student's exercise...
workboot 19 18 a sturdy leather boo...
workdays 24 18 WORKDAY, a day on wh...
workfare 19 18 a welfare programme...
workflow 24 22 the amount of work t...
workfolk 22 23 working people [n -S...
workgirl 21 18 a young woman employ...
workhour 20 18 any of the hours of...
workings 19 18 WORKING, a mining ex...
workless 19 16 unemployed [adj]
workload 18 17 the amount of work a...
workmate 18 18 a fellow worker [n -...
workouts 18 16 WORKOUT, a period of...
workroom 18 18 a room in which work...
worksafe 19 18 (of an internet link...
workshop 22 20 a room or building w...
worksite 18 15 an area where work t...
worksome 18 18 industrious [adj]
worksong 18 18 a song sung while do...
worktops 20 18 WORKTOP, a surface d...
workwear 20 18 clothing for work [n...
workweek 21 22 the number of hours...
worlders 18 13 WORLDER, one who bel...
worldies 18 13 WORLDIE, something o...
wormcast 21 17 a spiral heap of ear...
wormgear 18 16 a gear wheel driven...
wormhole 20 17 a hole dug by a worm...
wormiest 18 14 WORMY, infested with...
wormlike 20 19 resembling a worm [a...
wormroot 17 14 a medicinal plant ro...
wormseed 17 15 any one of several p...
wormwood 20 18 the bitter plant Art...
wornness 15 13 the state of being w...
worricow 23 17 (Scots) the devil, a...
worriers 17 11 WORRIER, one who wor...
worrited 17 12 WORRIT, to worry, al...
worrycow 29 19 (Scots) the devil, a...
worrying 24 16 the act of worrying...
worsened 15 13 WORSEN, to become wo...
worships 22 16 WORSHIP, to honour a...
worsteds 17 12 WORSTED, a woollen y...
worsting 18 14 WORST, to defeat, al...
worthful 23 18 (archaic) full of wo...
worthied 19 14 WORTHY, (obsolete) t...
worthier 19 13 WORTHY, full of wort...
worthies 19 13 WORTHY, (obsolete) t...
worthily 27 16 WORTHY, full of wort...
worthing 20 16 WORTH, to happen, be...
wosbirds 20 15 WOSBIRD, whore's bir...
wouldest 18 14 (archaic) 2nd person...
wounders 16 14 WOUNDER, one who wou...
woundier 16 14 WOUNDY, (archaic) ex...
woundily 24 17 WOUNDY, (archaic) ex...
wounding 17 17 nflicting hurt [adj...
wouralis 18 13 WOURALI, (Carib) the...
wrackful 25 23 destructive, also WR...
wracking 22 21 WRACK, to wreck [v]
wranging 18 17 WRANG, to wrong [v]
wrangled 18 16 WRANGLE, to argue no...
wrangler 18 15 a cattle-herder, a c...
wrangles 18 15 WRANGLE, to argue no...
wrapover 20 18 a skirt that wraps a...
wrappage 21 19 the act of covering...
wrappers 21 17 WRAPPER, to put a co...
wrapping 22 20 a type of cover [n -...
wrassled 18 13 WRASSLE, to wrestle,...
wrassles 18 12 WRASSLE, to wrestle,...
wrasting 18 14 WRAST, (obsolete) to...
wrastled 18 13 WRASTLE, to wrestle,...
wrastles 18 12 WRASTLE, to wrestle,...
wrathful 23 18 extremely angry, als...
wrathier 19 13 WRATHY, inclined to...
wrathily 27 16 WRATHY, inclined to...
wrathing 20 16 WRATH, (obsolete) to...
wrawling 22 18 WRAWL, (Spenser) of...
wraxling 25 22 the act of wrestling...
wreakers 17 15 WREAKER, (archaic) o...
wreakful 21 20 revengeful [adj]
wreaking 18 18 WREAK, to effect, br...
wreathed 18 14 WREATHE, to shape in...
wreathen 17 14 wreathed [adj]
wreather 18 13 one who wreathes [n...
wreathes 18 13 WREATHE, to shape in...
wreckage 21 20 the act of wrecking...
wreckers 21 18 WRECKER, one that wr...
wreckful 25 23 destructive, also WR...
wrecking 22 21 the occupation of sa...
wrenched 21 18 WRENCH, to wrest vio...
wrencher 21 17 one who wrenches [n...
wrenches 21 17 WRENCH, to wrest vio...
wrentits 17 12 WRENTIT, a long-tail...
wresters 17 11 WRESTER, one who wre...
wresting 18 14 WREST, to take away...
wrestled 18 13 WRESTLE, to engage i...
wrestler 18 12 one who takes part i...
wrestles 18 12 WRESTLE, to engage i...
wretched 22 17 miserable [adj WRETC...
wretches 22 16 WRETCH, a pitiable p...
wrething 20 16 WRETHE, (Spenser) to...
wricking 23 21 WRICK, to twist or s...
wriggled 21 17 WRIGGLE, to twist an...
wriggler 21 16 one who wriggles [n...
wriggles 21 16 WRIGGLE, to twist an...
wringers 18 14 WRINGER, a machine f...
wringing 19 17 WRING, to twist so a...
wrinkled 19 18 WRINKLE, to crease [...
wrinkles 19 17 WRINKLE, to crease [...
wrinklie 19 17 (colloquial) an old...
wristers 18 11 WRISTER, a type of s...
wristier 18 11 WRISTY, making exten...
wristing 19 14 WRIST, in ice-hockey...
wristlet 19 12 a wrist band [n -S]
writable 20 15 capable of being exp...
writeoff 21 17 an uncollectible deb...
writerly 25 14 having an accomplish...
writhers 20 13 WRITHER, one that wr...
writhing 21 16 twisting, squirming...
writhled 21 15 (archaic) shrivelled...
writings 19 14 WRITING, a written c...
wrongers 17 14 WRONGER, a person wh...
wrongest 17 14 WRONG, not according...
wrongful 21 19 wrong [adj WRONGFULL...
wronging 18 17 WRONG, to treat inju...
wrongous 17 15 unjust; wrongful [ad...
wrooting 17 14 WROOT, (obsolete) to...
wrothful 23 18 wrathful, also WROTH...
wrybills 29 18 WRYBILL, a New Zeala...
wrynecks 27 21 WRYNECK, either of t...
wudjulas 21 24 WUDJULA, (Native Aus...
wurtzite 21 21 sulphide of zinc [n...
wussiest 18 12 WUSSY, wimpish [adj]
wuthered 19 15 WUTHER, to move swif...
wuzzling 26 34 WUZZLE, (US) to jumb...