3 letter words that starts with n

3 letter words that start with N

3 letter N word


Word With Friends


nab 6 7 to seize [v NABBED,...
nae 3 4 (Scots) no [n NAES]
nag 5 6 to find fault incess...
nah 6 6 (colloquial) no [int...
nam 5 7 the action of taking...
nan 3 5 (Hindi) a kind of sl...
nap 6 7 to sleep briefly [v...
nas 4 4 (obsolete) contracti...
nat 4 4 (colloquial) a natio...
nav 6 8 (short for) navigati...
naw 7 7 (colloquial) no [int...
nay 10 6 a negative vote [n -...
neb 6 7 of birds, to touch b...
ned 4 5 a young hooligan [n...
nee 3 4 of a woman, born wit...
nef 6 7 an elaborate table d...
neg 5 6 a photographic negat...
nek 5 8 (South African) a co...
nep 6 7 (dialect) catmint, a...
net 4 4 to catch in an openw...
new 7 7 of recent origin [ad...
nib 7 7 to provide with a pe...
nid 5 5 a pheasant's nest or...
nie 4 4 (obsolete) to nigh,...
nil 6 5 nothing [n -S]
nim 6 7 to take or steal [v...
nip 7 7 to pinch lightly [v...
nis 5 4 in Scandinavian folk...
nit 5 4 the egg of a parasit...
nix 11 11 to veto [v -ED, -ING...
nob 6 7 a wealthy person [n...
nod 4 5 to give a quick forw...
nog 5 6 to fill a space in a...
noh 6 6 the classical drama...
nom 5 7 (French) a name [n -...
non 3 5 (Latin) not [adj]
noo 3 4 now [adv]
nor 4 4 and not [conj]
nos 4 4 NO, a negative reply...
not 4 4 in no way [adv]
now 7 7 the present time [n...
nox 10 11 (short for) nitrogen...
noy 10 6 (Spenser) to annoy [...
nth 7 6 pertaining to an ind...
nub 7 8 (obsolete) to hang [...
nug 6 7 a chunk of wood sawn...
nun 4 6 a woman belonging to...
nur 5 5 a knot in wood, also...
nus 5 5 NU, a Greek letter [...
nut 5 5 to gather hard-shell...
nye 10 6 to draw near, approa...
nym 12 9 as in nym war, a dis...
nys 11 6 (Spenser) is not [v]